15 Secret Features You Missed in Minecraft

Here are 15 secret features you didn’t know in Minecraft the end pillars that are found within the end are the foundation for the end crystals on top now these crystals must be destroyed to defeat the dragon but did you also know these end pillars Also Serve another

Purpose that’s right if you break the obsidian at the bottom of the end pillar you will find a chest that contains multiple stacks of arrows these arrows will be very helpful when defeating the dragon since you know it’s flying 90% of the time the Woodland Mansion is a rare

Structure that often generates far away from the spawn point the Mansion is home to some of the most dangerous mobs in Minecraft and is one of the only places to get a totem of undying now the Mansion itself contains a variety of rooms ranging from an obsidian room with

A diamond block inside to a room containing a chicken that’s made of wool however I bet 90% of you have never looked behind the dark area of the staircase that’s found at the entrance of the mansion if you do check this spot there is a 10% chance for another

Staircase to generate here if you walk down these stairs and open the door you’ll find a weird Cobblestone room that has an X that’s marked with Mossy Cobble break the stone that’s marked with an X and you will find a chest that contains a single block of netherite

Which if you ask me is a crazy reward for just checking beneath the stairs the Cherry Grove biome is home to the cherry blossom trees but did you also know that this biome has a unique feature with sheep so usually the pink sheep has a very rare spawn rate only having a

0.64% chance to spawn however 25% of the sheep that spawn in a Cherry Grove biome are actually pink so if you want to find a pink sheep this is the biome to find I guess Mojang really wanted to maintain the Pink theme in this biome the Jungle

Pyramid is a structure that of course generates in Jungle biomes so many of us know the jungle temple contains two chests one chest is on the bottom floor while avoiding the arrows while the other chest is found on the top floor when you reveal it with the lever

Combination but did you guys also know there is another secret chest found within the temple that’s right if you break the two bottom stairs within the temple it reveals a hole for you to drop into once you fall into the room you’ll be greeted by a small parkour section

That leads you to the third secret chest and there you go enjoy the extra diamonds villagers are struck that generate in many different biomes but the main village we’re going to focus on is the village that can be found in the plains biome this is because there is a

Chance for this building to generate which as you know is the blacksmith now the blacksmith will always spawn with a chest containing some decent loot but as you also know there’s a second secret chest found within it so if you destroy the ceiling you’ll notice there’s a secret room above the blacksmith

Containing another chest so as you can see the loot is pretty good so if you happen to find a blacksmith just know there’ll be two chests instead of one the igloo we all know it it’s a small snowy structure that believe it or not generates in snowy biomes so the igloo

Doesn’t look like much when you first go inside but if you take the ladder down to the bottom you’ll find a zombie villager a chest containing a golden apple and a brewing stand with a splash potion of weakness but what if I told you guys there’s something else to be

Found within this room so if you destroy with a chiseled stone brick by the ladder you’ll find a secret chest containing an enchanted golden apple that’s right you can use the normal Golden Apple to cure that poor zombie villager and keep an enchanted golden apple for yourself which is awesome

Everybody wins the desert temple is a beautiful Sandstone structure that generates in desert biomes now as you know the bottom of the temple contains a TNT trap but more importantly four chests with loot that can range from pretty terrible to amazing I mean look at these diamonds anyways before exiting

The temple be sure to break the left pillar as there is a 10% chance for a chest to generate under it now if this chest happens to spawn the loot is almost always very good so you’ll definitely be one very lucky player if it spawns strongholds are structures that generate underground in the

Overworld now as you know strongholds are primarily used to find an End Portal and go to the end but they also have a few useful rooms containing chests first up we of course have the library that has a lot of books and a few chests then we have the corridor or alter which

Contains a single chest that can spawn with all sorts of loot ranging from diamonds to Ender Pearls but what if I told you guys the stronghold also has a secret room with a chest that’s right if you remove the lava on the left side of the end portal room you’ll notice

There’s a trap door leading down to a room in said room there’s a single chest that contains a bunch of Ender Pearls which will be very useful for getting around the end the next secret feature that can be found in Minecraft is another secret that’s found within villagers now the secret feature I’m

Talking about can only be found in desert Villages and the village must contain this specific castle building right here so when you walk into the tower you’ll be greeted by a bed that’s followed by a long staircase leading you all the way to the top however in

Instead of going up the staircase you should instead break the bed and Sandstone below it as it will reveal an underground staircase leading to somewhere a bit weird so if you follow the staircase down you’ll be greeted by a small room containing a chest and an iron golem that’s trapped by iron bars

You’ll also notice that the Iron Golem is badly injured and is on the verge of dying so I don’t know what these villagers have been doing to this poor guy but I hate it anyways if you open the chest you’ll see it contains a lot

Of iron ingots for you to take now if you have a heart you’ll use those iron ingots to heal the Iron Golem and set him free here you go mate another secret feature that can be found within Minecraft is another secret room that exists within strongholds that’s right the stronghold actually contains two

Secret rooms so when you find the end portal room instead of activating the portal itself pay close attention to the lava below it this is because because if you remove the lava below the end portal it will again reveal a trap door now going in this trap door will lead the

Player to a free Ender Chest for you to collect now this ender chest is the only Ender Chest that can naturally generate in the Overworld Ocean Monuments are underwater structures that are found in Minecraft now as you know they are home to Guardians and Elder guardians but are

Also the only place you can find sponges however another thing about Ocean Monuments is that there is a really rare occurring event that can occur when they generate so each ocean monument that generates in a Minecraft world has a 1% chance to spawn containing a single diamond block that replaces one of the

Prismarine bricks so yeah if you happen to find these super rare diamond blocks in an ocean Monument then let me know in the comments below the last secret feature is all to do with when you create a Minecraft world so when you to create a world there is a 1 in 2,000

Chance for a sign to be placed right in front of you when you spawn in the world that says April fools so yeah if you happen to see the April fools sign when you create a world then let me know in the comments below anyways Byy

In this video I show you 15 secret features you missed in Minecraft!

#minecraft #secret #features


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