Terraria: Undeluxe Edition – Back to 1.0

Oh here we go hello everyone my name is Chris and today we are going to be playing Terraria UND deluxe edition now uh this is a brand new update for the game where they supposedly removed a lot of mobs and biomes and everything they’ve been working on over the years

And this is like as far as I’m aware it’s 1.0 Terraria uh so yeah I guess uh let’s begin looks like I have to create a new character okay let’s set his hair to uh all right so there’s a bunch of hair options let’s see if we can make my

Snowman that looks like a snowman right looks good enough I would say so uh we’re going to keep ourselves male set our difficulty of a character to softcore and we’re going to call him snowman yeah snowman okay let’s create a world we’re going to set the world size to uh small

And we’re going to call it uh UND Deluxe world no UND Deluxe Adventure now I’ve played a lot of Terraria but I’ve never uploaded any of it and I wanted to jump on the chance of there being you know an UND Deluxe update to the game I thought I would

Make a video on it and yeah it looks like it’s literally just 1.0 Terraria so let’s get some wood there we go can I kill the bunny with my axe nope that wasn’t a thing so we’re going to have to use our sword can I not kill

Bunnies is it impossible to or maybe I need a different sword I probably need a better sword so let’s just chop down this tree all right you know what I should do I should really resize my game so let me get to doing that real

Quick and there we go that is a much more preferred screen size okay we got plenty of wood so let’s start mining some of this Stone and we’ll build ourselves a nice little house okay that’s the last of the stone so let’s go over this way chop down a

Few more these trees so we have some space to build our house and then you know we’ll just get building my character looks so cursed right now I hope I can uh get a top hat for him and maybe some cool looking armor cuz man I don’t want to stay like

This but something’s telling me in this version there isn’t going to be many accessories oh no matter okay let’s make a workbench oh why did it fall oh do I have to be out of my inventory to place it oh wow there has to be no no plants there that way I can

Actually place it that’s very annoying in the newest versions of Terraria you can just uh wait can I break it how do I break it do I have to break the block underneath it man this is okay everything about this version is really confusing me right now where’s my stone here’s my stone

Okay let’s put that up here okay place a dirt block there there’s a slime all right our first Real Enemy there’s no health bar when you hit it so we’re going to have to hover our Mouse over that’s oh jeez I’m not going to get used to this all right make some

Torches that way we can make ourselves a furnace there we go all right cool now with the furnace we can take the remainder of our Stone and turn them into gray bricks I like to use gray bricks when I build my houses was almost enough it’s okay we’ll make our house that big

Then jeez I why do I keep dropping everything okay I hope I can make a stair case how do I get rid of these there’s no way I need a hammer I need a hammer to get rid of platforms this is crazy can hammers even change the way things look

No okay so that’s uh a lot of decorating gone I’m guessing this is also how get rid of these yep okay well I’m glad I made that now cuz I’m going to need it it’s going to be very vital so let’s Place one more wood here and one more up here

Okay oh where am I I need some of my torches whoa there a lot of sand down here okay let’s place a torch right there mine some of this sand could be good for Windows assuming glass is even in this version but you know I assume it isn’t knowing this my

Goodness this is like if Minecraft released a beta version on April 1st and said here you go here’s what you wanted I just find it so funny all right let let’s make a bunch more gray bricks that’s 39 perfect okay make a few walls out of that we’ll

Make a lot of wooden walls cuz I want those for the house okay now we’re going to place the gray brick walls like this and then the regular wooden walls above it if I can I can there we go weing walls not connect what how do I check if the housing is

Suitable is there even housing and now it is officially nighttime I can’t I place down any wooden walls is there seriously that big of a Gap the heck okay well looks good enough to me so yeah I mean I’m fine oh good glass is in this version nice all

Right keep forgetting what tools you need right the guy better get his bum in this house oh my God why do you have to do that I was working on my house and this idiot decides to bring in a zombie okay let’s kill it look at that okay just nailing this

Zombie with a sword we are good to go perfect and we got 50 copper coins it is my lucky day all right all right let’s make some regular gray bricks out of those walls we made cuz we can revert them can’t we can’t we revert walls back into

Blocks oh whatever we can make a mug it’s fine just place that on the oh I have to get it out of my inventory here we go yeah we’re fighting that guy how much 43 out of 60 oh we’ll be fine just keep hitting him with our sword

Ow okay that’s halfway down all right come on just die already he’s at 15 okay 7 out of 60 that means one more hit and we got him that’s a lot of copper coins all right awesome let’s see uh let’s make a bottle sure so it looks like we’re stuck with these gray

Brick walls because cuz we can’t turn them back into the blocks that they were which is very annoying but it’s not a big issue another shooting star just hit our roof did you see that all right let’s go get it there we go killed that guy let’s

Make a few more wooden platforms all right there we go grab that cuz I want to get rid of my last platform and there we go okay grab that Fallen star cuz it’s just been sitting there and fight this zombie with our awesome and by awesome I mean garbage

Sword well that was very uh not interesting actually we can hit the zombie with an axe it only does one damage wow all right let’s head back to our sword and hit it for two that’s that’s okay it could be better can we make a uh Whata call it you know

Chimney or where chimney is not a thing yet we can make a wooden sword done snowman’s Whats no snow snowman’s little home almost said little house little home snowman’s little home cool all right that’s awesome we finished our little Home and these eyeballs won in get lost stupid

Eyeballs look at how much damage we do seven is pretty good for wiping out these eyes how many more hits is that all right that’s three more hits oh he’s leaving shoot an arrow and completely Miss wow that was embarrassing I’m cool with using the

Rest of our stone bricks to make the top of our roof like that uh actually wait where are all the slimes at oh did I just drop my pickaxe whoops where are the slimes at I want to find a slime come on where are the slimes

At oh there’s a slime all right you’re going to die buddy and as you can see here’s a comparison of the copper shortsword which can only be attacked in One Direction like that straight forward versus the wooden sword which swings like a regular good sword should now can we hit the

Bunny no we still can’t hit the bunny okay maybe it’s not a bad thing why would you want to hurt a bunny little baby bunny wouldn’t do anything to you all right let’s make a few torches cool let place to there okay wait can we make any fences or are there no fences

Nope hey I have a pretty good idea Oh wrong luck there we go it kind of looks like a chimney right enough it looks like a chimney enough yeah I think it looks pretty good and I think for our first night in Terraria UND deluxe edition it

Was pretty good and I think that’s where we’re going to end the episode thank you all so much for watching and me and this guide here will see you all next time bye-bye I would say that was a pretty good episode uh what do you think it was

Good right I don’t need to add anything else you think it’s too old hey what

Terraria: Undeluxe Edition is OUT! Let’s see how many features have been REMOVED from the game!

Learn more about Terraria: Undeluxe Edition here: https://forums.terraria.org/index.php?threads/terraria-undeluxe-edition-out-now.134454/
Purchase Terraria here: https://store.steampowered.com/app/105600/Terraria/

Public Discord server: https://discord.gg/xDhnsGKvNv
Twitter: https://twitter.com/SnowmanSixFour
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/snowmansixtyfour

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