NOOB vs PRO: SAFEST SECURITY PRISON Build Challenge in Minecraft!

There’s mutant mobs on the loose and we have to arrest them we need to build secure prisons to stop them my PR is going to be way better than yours Maro no way wudo I just need to come over here and type in SL SL paste and

Boom an empty prison just spawned in no way this prison looks awesome it’ll look even better when we’re done with it let’s start off by changing the colors from Gray to Red just like this ew a red prison this looks so ugly my prison is going to look 10 times more secure

what are you talking about woodo nothing can look better than this prison it looks awesome and we’re going to work on the inside in just one second we need to make sure we build the most secure rooms for those mutant mobs but before

We do that what I’m going to do is grab some Barbed wires and some cobwebs do you really think that’ll stop the mutant zombies and creepers well it’s going to make it so they can’t break into the prison or out of it actually these Barbed wires are super duper secure and

I bet voodo isn’t going to have anything like this in his prison oh yes I will no you won’t wudo your prison is going to look super newbie look we’re even placing down cobwebs at the top to make it extra super duper secure okay

I’m doing the B wire on the other side all right axi that sounds good but now that we have those defenses up we need to make the entrance of the prison and what I’m going to do is use a door called a keypad door a keypad door

What’s a keypad well for this door you need to put in a password in order to enter it and look I just put a password in so no one else except the police officers can get in but what if the person trying to break in is super

Duper smart and they guess our password well that won’t be possible a cuz I put the hardest password of all time it’s 1 2 3 4 I bet wudo wouldn’t even be able to guess that hey manga I can guess your password no you can’t voodo what is it 1

2 3 4 wait what how are you a able to guess that because that’s always your password you Noob okay well it doesn’t matter wudo because I’m already working on my first jail cell what in the world are you doing you Noob well I’m almost done with the outside of mine and I

Think it looks 10 times better than yours there’s no way your prison looks better wudo look at it it’s made out of wood what are you talking about mango this is like the most secure thing ever ever I know for a fact that your prison probably has like 20 holes in it

What my prison is built with really good blocks and I just put up the Jael cells for our first prison cell over here axi we should make this prison cell for the creeper for the creeper what do we need to put in here to make sure that they

Can’t explode their way out well actually that mutant creeper can create the biggest explosions and in order to stop it we need to make the walls into obsidian that makes sense let’s turn everything to obsidian voodo are you sure your prison can hold the mutant creeper in there you do know he’s going

To attack soon right of course you can how about you worry about yourself and not me okay if you say so wudo check it out axi now that we have the obsidian walls I’m going to give the Mutant Creeper four toilets over here because the mutant creeper ER probably takes the

Biggest poops of all time okay and I’m going to spawn in a cat police officer to watch over that mutant creeper oh that’s such a smart idea creepers are scared of cats so that mutant creeper won’t be leaving this jow but now what I’m going to do is make the

Mutant Creeper a bed and the bed is going to be made out of TNT axie TNT but what if the creeper sets it off well it won’t matter because we have the OB cityian walls come on what I’m going to do is have some iron doors over here

That we’re going to be able to open using a lever using a lever wo that’s super high tech exactly axie our prison is way higher Tech than wudo mine is super high tech I have everything I need to stop any prisoners from escaping unlike you that’s not happening

Woodo my prison has all sorts to defenses already and we’re going to add more later I just need to finish off this mutant creeper room by getting a sink over here just like this and there you go axi with these things placed down I think the mutant creepers room is done

What do you think I think so too but the mutant Zombie is still going to be on the loose so we have to build a cell for him too oh you’re right axie come on let’s build this cell right next to it for the mutant zombie this cell is

Going to make sure that mutant zombie isn’t going anywhere what are we going to make this out of to make sure it’s secure well we’re going to have to make sure that mutant zombie doesn’t escape so what we’re going to do is use even stronger gel cells even stronger than obsidian

Yeah we’re going to use these electrified fences so whenever that mutant zombie wants to try and get out he’s going to get electrified M God that thing probably doesn’t even work what do you mean wo it definitely does work do you want to come

Over here and test it um no I thought so keep your mouth shut if you’re going to keep talking about random stuff come on axi what we’re going to do over here is build the mutant zombie a zombie themed room and to do that what I need to do is

Get a lot of gravel because gravel is the block used inside of gravestones that’s really creepy Mugo I don’t know if I want this to look like a graveyard well this room is going to be pretty scary axie we’re building it for a mutant zombie remember that’s why it

Needs to be themed after him or else he’s going to be super duper mad look I’m going to place down all the skeletons that the mutant zombie ate that’s so scary what if he eats me too don’t worry axie he won’t be able to eat you I’ll make sure you’re protected

I’m like wudo he doesn’t have anything in his prison to make sure you’re safe of course I do don’t worry about me I would worry about yourself if I were you what are you talking about wudo I’m building this mutant zombie a perfect little prison cell so he can

Never go anywhere else look over here axi this is going to be the mutant zombie toilet he’s going to have to poop down here ew that’s disgusting yeah it is pretty disgusting axi but we can make this room look even better with some scary paintings just like this

That’s so creepy mle what is that big tentacle squid thing don’t even ask what that is I see okay oh your prison looks like it can’t hold up against my amazing one oh my gosh is woodo still talking trash we literally only Built two rooms so so far we’re nowhere near done you

Know what axi I’ve had enough we need to go prank that guy I’m going to splash us with some invisibility and now we can go there like detectives I wonder what wo’s build looks like ew look at it it’s all made out of wood my prison looks so

Amazing I know that nobody will be able to escape this place did he seriously build with wood and then surround it with lava w oh this prison actually doesn’t look that bad he has these lasers over here I think I’m going to take these and use it in our

Prison too oh my gosh I can’t wait to trap the Mutant Creeper the mutant zombie and manga inside these cells wait what he wants to trap us inside of the jail cell too okay you know what what I’m going to do instead is spawn in some chicken cows those are

The only things he’s going to be having inside of his prison hey what what is that noise why are there farm animals inside my prison look they just walking out of the cells clearly it’s not that secure I know his prison sucks but now he’s going to have to deal with this

Come on axie let’s go back to our prison and make it even better than it already is who in the world did this woodo are you okay it doesn’t sound like you’re doing too good m go I’m very angry somehow a bunch of animals came into my high security prison how is that

Possible I have no clue wudo but you better get it figured out soon cuz I’m going super duper fast with my prison build look I even have a laser hallway that any prisoner is going to have to go into if they want to try and Escape that

Is wait a second lasers that was my idea I have lasers inside of my build which me makes me think are you cheating no woodo why in the world would I be looking at your build you do realize great mindes think alike right plus everyone uses lasers wudo you’re not special interesting

Interesting yeah it is really interesting wudo but come on axi we need to make the center of the prison the office for all the officers to watch all of the prisoners to make make sure they don’t escape what do you say I say that’s a great idea but is this a Five

Nights at Freddy’s desk yeah it’s the office share from Five Nights at Freddy’s but it works perfectly cuz they have computer screen fans and a bunch of research stuff on the tables which is exactly what we want inside of our prison check it out axi now that we have

This what we can do is add a bunch of cameras all over the prison to make sure no one can break out and so woodo doesn’t break in wao can I add an area over here for the police doggies wait police doggies that’s a great idea

We can have trained Kines to make sure those prisoners definitely don’t escape uh-huh and they’re going to be so cute and fluffy come on axie I’m going to spawn in a bunch of them we just need to make sure we tamed them correctly okay let’s start taming

Them wait a second axie look there’s a baby one too he looks so cute oh my gosh if you guys think this baby wolf looks cute hit that subscribe button right now but if you think I’m cuter then comment ax cute ax cuter wait what are you serious everyone should comment Mongo’s

Cute instead hey yo what what you’re not cute you’re a big human thingy I’m an axel wait what okay I do have to admit I’m a human but I think I look pretty good for you’re a human come on axi we need to have some police officer armor

Over here to make it so just in case we need to fight those mutant zombies if they try to break out we can oh yeah that’s a great idea what should we do to get started well actually all the police officers inside of our prison are

Going to have Samurai armor W this is a samurai prison something like that actually Samurai armor is actually some of the best armor that’s why I added them here and for the main weapons of our prison we’re going to use katanas and also Bazookas Bazookas that sounds really

Dangerous though yeah it is really dangerous but actually let’s say the fight against those mutant zombies and creepers get a little too extreme we’re going to have to use our ultimate armors over here we’re going to have armor that’s even strong longer than Samurai armor yep take a look at this armor it

Can go super fast and it can jump all over the place that armor is crazy exactly it is super duper cool and it’s going to make sure the mutant zombies don’t escape but now that we have that actually I’m getting really really hungry you are I’m actually getting

Pretty hungry too my stomach is rumbling yeah and those mutant mobs are going to need some food so what I’m going to do is build him a little kitchen yay and I can add this delicious bug meat wait what in the world is that ew it’s delicious and super healthy

well it doesn’t look too good but I bet the mutant mobs definitely eat things like that axie uhhuh just leave the food to me okay you can handle the food but check it out we have the little kitchen area and I’m going to place down a little counter table over here where

All the mutant mobs can actually grab their food from they can go down in an isled Manner and get all their food to go over here to the little cafeteria area to sit down oh that’s pretty fancy I’m going to add some plates and some napkins and some utensils over here wo

That’s a really really good idea axi I’m adding in some chairs over here for the table areas that way they have a place to eat hey woodo does your prison have a eating area of course it does and as a matter of fact there is so much good food to eat in my

Prison wait what wudo you’re going to feed your prisoners good food I thought prisons were supposed to have bad food well just you wait and see what it’s like to be in my prison okay well I’m going to feed my prisoner steak not just normal steak

Though wo golden steak steak what in the world is that a hotel or is it a prison what do you mean mdo it’s an actual prison but actually now that we have all this food I don’t think I’m hungry anymore yay me neither but I think that means we need to work on

Something even more important wait what could that be well sometimes you get one prisoner who’s really really really scary and you can’t just put them in normal security prison oh gosh you’re right where in the world would you put a crazy crazy prisoner in well you would put them in high security solitary

Confinements oh my gosh that’s exactly where woodo belongs come on axi let’s go over here and make this prison cell exactly that okay it has to be super hard to get in and out of exactly and the inside of it should be super duper secure and really really

Empty so the prisoner can’t use any of the stuff inside to break out with they should only get a toilet yeah and like a toothpick yeah and wo’s going to be the one inside of this J oh obviously hey what do you mean you’re not putting me in your

Stinky prison woodo I’m not just putting you in a regular prison so I’m putting you in solitary confinement solitary confinement no you’re not oh yes I am wudo this is going to be the most heavily guarded prison cell in the whole prison and once we imprison you inside of it along with

Your little mutant zombie and Creeper friends you won’t ever be able to escape how dare you that’s exactly what you deserve rudo come on axi what I’m I’m going to do is add the first layer of Defense on the solitary confinement and it’s going to

Be a huge laser wall just like this wa no one’s getting in and out of that exactly then we’re going to have iron bars but these won’t be regular iron bars they’re going to be reinforced iron bars just like this axie so even if woodo does a really explosive fart he

Still won’t be able to break out exactly that Noob won’t even be able to see the sunlight are you kidding me guys I wouldn’t underestimate my fight wait what that sounds disgusting it’s not disgusting it’s just the truth so it better be secure ew that’s super disgusting woodo

Everyone comment ew right now if you think woodo farts stin no everyone comments poop right now if smells like poop poop wait what no I don’t wo you’re the one that stinks really bad no I don’t oh my gosh whatever look over here axi we have metal windows and I

Also added these metal beds over here metal beds that’s not very comfortable I know that’s the point though it’s not supposed to be comfortable what I’m also going to do is go over here in bed and I’m going to add this bed over here this

Is going to be the only thing they can sleep on and I think for a toilet he should just get a hole in the corner of the room exactly what we can do is add some paintings to this room but the paintings are going to be super duper dark and

Mysterious but look at this this is what wood will have to poop in ew that looks disgusting is that poop water it is and even worse it’s monster poop water oh gosh that’s really bad axi but we’re going to have to add some cameras in here to make sure wudo isn’t doing

Anything suspicious let’s just add these over here and boom I think the solitary confinement room is done now axi what we can do is add some villagers outside to make sure they watch and see what’s going on that’s right those villagers Will Never Let You Escape Woodle exactly

Yeah they will I just have to give them emeralds where are you going to get emeralds we’re going to take all your belongings before you go into prison exactly woodo the only job these villagers have is to watch you all day that’s kind of creepy but my prison is better

Anyways oh my gosh axi this guy is still talking trash even after we built a whole jail cell for him what should we do now I think we have to go and prank him even better than last time wait a second should we bring him in inside of

Our solitary confinement room we could do that but we have to be really sneaky okay come on well we should do is put on ghost outfits that way he doesn’t suspect that it’s us let me just get these real quick just like this and boom I’m a ghost now

Woo come on let’s go get woodo oh woodo where are you m this PR food taste actually pretty good come over here wudo what’s happening to me you’re coming with us oh my gosh oh you’re going to be locked in prison forever oh no stop no we’re not stopping this is your

New prison cell no I didn’t know ghost for real yes we are o and you know it’s also real your new poop corner you have to poop in this corner over here oh gosh I’m going to poop here e that smells so bad aboard Mission I can’t believe he actually pooped in

There you can get out of our prison woodo we don’t care oh gosh help me get out of here and don’t come back that was so close oh my gosh axi that was really really bad I didn’t expect his poops to smell that bad I think we did underestimate him

Yeah that was really bad I don’t know if I can recover from that you have to we still have stuff left to build the prisoners may be criminals but they still deserve to have fun we need to build somewhere they can entertain themselves wait a second you’re right

Axi let me just take off this Ghost Armor and I think I know the perfect location follow me over here and wait what is there a sewage system inside of this prison is this only for the prisoners to escape wait a second wudo or the mutant zombies must have built

This out before we started building the prison axi they must be plotting against us come on we need to block this up before we can build our entertainment let me just take some stone blocks just like this and what we can also do is take some Bedrock Bedrock is actually

Unbreakable in Minecraft now they won’t be able to go down inside of the tunnel that’s genius instead they’re going to have to open the door over here to go outside do you know what I’m going to make this entire area axie are you going to make it a bakery wait what how

Is a bakery entertainment I’m going to make it a giant in basketball court that’s pretty fun too but not as fun as eating cake all day wait actually is the only thing you like to do eat cake no not the only thing I like to do I also

Like to take big poops and dis steal woodo stuff you what axie nothing woodo I definitely didn’t eat all of your cookies yesterday and then poop in your toilet that doesn’t sound too good axie look over here I just made the first area for the food and I’m going to make

The half court section right over here and we can do a simple command to duplicate this part to the other side axie who really hurry up so I can score more than you all I need to do is just do this command to rotate it and then

Boom I just spawned it into the other side come on you should one V one me well actually we can’t even battle right now because the actual basketball hoop isn’t there there yeah so come on let’s take some fences just like this and let’s build up and then what we can

Do is have a basket for us to hoop on just like this I’m going to fly and then I’m going to dunk the basketball in wo wo wo axi I didn’t know you were that good at basketball I’m the best at basketball wait a second you’re

Not better than me hi yeah I just made the basketball go in the basket yeah well I’m in the basket so i s infinite points wait no you don’t actually what are you talking about but actually guess what what this basketball court is a little bit open to my liking so what

I’m going to do is this Command right here and boom now we have a little area around the basketball courts woohoo this is going to be so fun for the prisoners but what if they climb through the walls and Escape wait that is a really good point axi this prison just isn’t

Secure yet what we need to do is build a little helipad at the top what are we going to use the helicopter for well let’s just say they break out axi the helicopter is going to be used to locate them back down oh so we can airlift them

Back into their cells exactly and we can use the helicopter to get a nice little view of wo’s little poopy prison what my prison is not poopy yes it is woodo it’s super small and it’s made out of wood what do you mean no it’s not yes it is

Woodo do you even have helicopters in your build uh no but I will now oh gosh did we just give voodo an idea yeah why would you do that sorry ax I didn’t think he was going to be coping our build but come on look what I’m

Adding over here I’m going to add our first helicopter right there and I’m also going to add a plane let me just take this plane over here and wo ax should I try flying it okay but don’t crash it okay I’m flying it and oh my gosh this plane is actually super duper

Hard to fly axi what’s going on it was nice knowing you oh no axie what do you mean by that what’s happening to this plane I’m crashing right now oh no I don’t think made it no I’m crashing into wo’s prison oh gosh what what did you just do right now

I heard a massive explosion wodo don’t worry about the side of your prison it’s completely exploded now moo what did you do I’m going to arrest you for that no you’re not wodo because I’m not done with my prison yet I do have a helicopter and the plane but axi do you

See what wo’s build has uh oh a lot of wood and a lot of lava exactly he has a lot of lava and right now the outer ring of our prison is completely empty so we need to add some lava as well wo that’s a really good idea I love copying from

Woodo exactly he may be a bad Builder but sometimes he has some really good ideas let me just go over here and just set all this area to Lava just like this and look now we have one side of the lava m already made oh are you going to

Use your magic axe to make the rest lava too that’s exactly what I’m doing ax how did you know I’m just super smart like that yeah you are pretty smart but your IQ is only two and Wood’s IQ is only three the closer to zero you are the smarter you are right

Exactly no actually that’s not how it works and wudo is so dumb that he’s probably going to fall for these traps that I’m putting in front of our prison axi wo I have to come see that what traps are you putting at the front these are called mines whatever you do do not

Step over them whenever you step on top of the mine it explodes like that this way we know the prisoners won’t be able to leave without getting exploded W but what if woodo steps on the mines because he’s super dumb well then he’s going to have to deal with it

And we can watch him do that because I’m going to add some C cameras at the outside too there you go now we can see everything that goes on inside and outside of our prison exactly axi but come on we need to have one last thing to use against those prisoners if they

Escape and what is that these are turrets over here axi they’re automatically going to shoot at any suspicious movement so if they see a mutant zombie trying to crawl out of the prison or woo farting a little bit too loud they’re going to shoot him oh that’s super scary exactly this might be

The most secure prison there is don’t you think I think so there you go let me just add these and axie do you think we’re missing inside of our prison right now I don’t think so I think this is the best prison ever made yeah you’re

Right but I thought you were going to say cake so I was going to add a table of cake and donuts because that’s what police officers eat all day I completely forgot about cake what’s wrong with me I don’t know ax maybe today is just your

Off day but check it out I’m going to place down all of these donuts and cake and now we can become fat police officers yay but I think with this being built axie we are officially done with our prison come on let’s go check out wo’s little poopy prison before we have to

Arrest those mutant mobs let’s do it you guys are coming over to my prison huh well I’m not going to let you whoo what’s going on over here wudo well this is my prison let me just land my helicopter real quick and I’ll give

You a little go around as you can see I have these super tall fences to make sure no one can come in and no one can come out without asking for permission so do you guys want to come inside I’m just just going to build up over goodbye

No you’re not allowed we have guards for that purpose guards shoot them um M the guards aren’t doing anything we’re still building up I got over let’s go all right fine well listen you guys won’t be able to get past our surveillance cameras come on inside this is the

Inside of the prison this is a pretty small prison but why is there a poster of me and J because do you see these pictures of your guys’s heads over here these are your guys’ prison cells which means it’s time to get locked up there goes and then here goes axie

You guys have a tiny little window to talk to each other but if you touch these lasers you’re going to die wo why would you put us inside of a prison so like this you’re so messed up sorry that’s what you get okay but woodo I’m really hungry can you

Please feed your prisoner okay fine come on through I disabled The Killing laser effect okay what in the world kind of food do you have and ew what’s that eat it it’s just slub that’s what I call it it looks delicious oh gosh that’s disgusting exactly but now you have lots

Of energy so get to punching these boxing bags because I’m going to make you do hard labor afterwards I really like punching this green punching bag hiya hiya hey I’m not a punching bag do you want to go back into prison axie no axi no save me mongle don’t worry I’ll

Save you what but you can’t escape my prison look at these bars they’re unescapable I literally just escaped woodo yeah we just flew out okay fine well your guys’s prison won’t be any better than mine yes it is wo all you need to do is go through all these

Defenses over here and you have the front door oh that was so easy M out taada woodo you flew over you’re cheating come on try to guess the password 1 2 3 4 always works wait what how did you guess the password well it doesn’t matter get past the lasers oh

Yeah oh yeah I’m getting P the lasers and boom I’m a parkour Pro and now I just broke into your prison oh gosh that’s not good come over here woodo let me show you the gel cell of the Mutant Creeper ooh explosive yeah he has the biggest toilet

And a TNT bed but the mutant zombie over here has a graveyard this looks scary Mong go go inside that weird mystery liquid ew stop voo that immune zombie probably takes mutant poops ew oh yeah wood I bet they still smell better than your poops that’s facts oh yeah well tell me where

Can I eat some of this food and hey you guys have the same prison food as me no we don’t woodo we also have golden steaks and spoons oh yeah well what if I get really angry at the prison guards and I smacked them with this spoon smack then you go into solitary

Confinement what and that’s if you can get past our guard dogs over here a your guard doggies are so cute hey they may be cute but they’re super dangerous but do you know what’s even more dangerous our Samurai armor so quickly put it on wao are you kidding me

I love Samurai armor I am now a samurai oh yeah hold on wo don’t get too comfortable we need to go arrest those mutant mobs right now so quickly get on the ultimate armor and let’s go get those mutant mobs let’s go guys and wait

A second look I think I see the mutant creeper and the mutant zombie right there quickly let’s grab them and throw them inside of the Jael Sal arrest them go arrest them go inside right there you mutant zombie and now he’s a prisoner let’s go open the door oh gosh the

Mutant Creeper too hey let me out of the prison Sal no you’re going in there no thank you guys so much for watching the video If you enjoyed then watch another video on the screen and don’t forget to subscribe bye

Mongo and Wudo have to build secure security prisons! Who builds the safest prison? Mongo or Wudo? Watch to find out!

This video was inspired by Maizen, Mikey and JJ, Milo and Chip!

#Mongo #Minecraft #MinecraftMod


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