Minecraft NOOB vs PRO vs GOD: ROULETTE OF CARS Challenge

This epic roulette wheel is attached to these six car garages inside are some of the most insane op cars in Minecraft can I get lucky enough to unlock the best or will my luck run out champ it’s time to spin the wheel and find out who’s the

Noob and who’s the pro I can’t wait to see this I bet I’m going to be the pro I’m going to hit this wheel right now and wo Milo look it gave me the pro what that’s totally not B that means I’m the ner yeah it totally does and I really

Can’t wait to race against you in this racetrack we’re about to make fine well I’m going to go get started building before you can okay good luck Milo I’m going to be such a pro first we need to place down some black concrete this is

What the road is going to be made out of and it’s what we’re going to be racing on it is very important that we use this block and not some other yucky block because only noobs would use something other than this it needs to be off the

Ground that way we can build it way quicker and we’ll have a much bigger racetrack by the time we’re done here we also need to place down some white concrete just like this as well as some more black concrete here this will be the Finish Line This finish sign will be

Black and white just like the finish line here we’ll need to make sure we add some slabs on top of it just like this oh yeah this is already looking so awesome above the slabs let’s add even more andesite walls right over here now on the very front we just need to add

The banners this is what the race cars will go underneath to actually win this thing let’s add some more white banners on the sides here this is already looking so good I can’t wait to race Milo through this thing but in order to do that this entire racetrack has to be

Fully built and the best thing we can do right now is to build the starting and finishing line but also to build the stands there is no way to have a racetrack that nobody can actually watch there would be no point that’s why we need to make sure these stands are

Perfect I think we can build the stands right over here we’ll have a big one on this side this is the main stretch of the race it’s the most interesting part so everybody’s going to want to watch it that is why the main stand will go right

Up here we’ll also make sure to build it backwards in this direction this is already looking exactly like a stand this is pretty cool now we have to make sure we place these slabs going all the way along we can’t miss any spots otherwise we would have less than the

Massive amount of seats that we want there have to be so many seats that anybody can watch this people are going to pay pretty big money for a ticket to this race because me and Milo are such good races well at least I am I don’t

Know about Milo Milo is a new Builder so maybe he’s a new bracer as well I guess there’s only one way to find out and that is by properly racing him I can’t wait to see his reaction to the track I’m planning on building I wonder what

Cars we’re going to use it is very important to pick the right car when you want to win the race if you want to win you need a car that is way quicker and much better at turning if you have a car that’s really slow and can only go in a

Straight line you are not going to win the race or I guess you kind of could but you’d have a very hard time trying to win it would be way too difficult there is a much better chance of winning if you just have a really good car but

There is also a very high chance of winning if you know the track really well by building this track super cool with lots of twists and turns I make sure that I know this track Like The back of my hand that will really make it easy to beat Milo on it especially since

He will actually be seeing the entire track for the very first time it is going to give us such a big leg up I can’t wait to put into action speaking of action we need to add some parts of this track that actually curve around it’s going to be pretty boring if the

Entire race is just in One Direction that is why we need to make sure this entire track is full of loops and twists and turns we can even add giant Bridges and great zigzags that will make this into a huge but very fun challenge I love a good challenge but I know Milo

Definitely struggles with them that’s going to be so funny to see but it’ll also make sure we totally win I know I can win the pro race and I’m pretty sure I’ll be able to win against the noob one but I do not know if we can win in the

God race that place looks crazy it is really wellb built so I’ll need to make sure I have the best car Possible only really really good cars can make it through that one he by have a question what is it Milo who is your favorite F1 driver I would probably say Daniel

Ricardo he actually knows my dad what yeah it’s pretty cool I once got an autographed T-shirt from him and it was the best day of my life that’s why I know I can totally win this thing I’m so jealous I really want to meet Lon nois or even Louis Hamilton one day who’s

Your favorite race in Milo well pretty much Lind norrris because he’s just a little guy like me hey he’s not a little guy I think the only little guy here is you Milo well if I could drive my car I would drive it really fast well I have

Good news for you you’re going to be able to put that to the test because this race will have some really fast sections at least I know my Pro Race will will your Noob race have really fast bits too well first of all my race isn’t really a ner race it’s actually

Really amazing and it’s going to have the really frast pots you’re prob going to crash no way I’m not going to crash I’m an expert I’ve never crashed a car in my life oh like an expert Eggert hey the only birdie with an egg around here

Is you Milo you have a nest yeah whatever but I’m pretty confident that I’m going to win all the races even the good race no way Milo I think I am definitely going to win that one I’m even going to win my own race I’m building this Pro track really really

Well and if I can beat the god race and the Pro Race race I’m totally going to win the new race well all the dart in my race is going to make me win wait a minute Milo did you just say dirt yeah that’s really my favorite block of

Course I’m building my waist out of dirt Milo what is this you can’t build a racetrack out of dirt none of the cars are going to be able to go on it hey get out of here buddy you’re not allowed to spy on my race oh Milo that is bad you

Can’t be building a race out of dirt it’s going to totally ruin the wheel and the engines everybody’s going to get stuck in the mud well I’m probably going to be driving a Ferrari or something so it’s not going to matter because that’s a really awesome car uh Milo even a

Ferrari shouldn’t be driven in mud aren you going to get the Ferrari all dirty that would be so sad well maybe I do a MCL or something that’s a really fancy car as well Milo I don’t think you’ve thought this through hey I think everything flew everything flew Milo are

You sick right now no I’m feeling awesome like always Milo do you have a fever yeah a fever for winning Milo that’s bad you shouldn’t have a fever for winning what I thought that was a really good thing now I’m very confused oh Milo you should be having some

Chicken noodle soup and a bit of a rest not trying to win this race against me he you’re just trying to distract me so I don’t build an amazing race course yeah right buddy maybe I am just trying to distract you I guess we’ll never know

The only only way to tell is by trying to win the race but I think I have the best chance of winning out of both of us yeah well I’m going to judge your race course really hard because I know everything about the F1 really Milo okay

I guess I’ll be able to put that to the test my race Co is going to be the coolest one in race driving history it’s going to be the track to end all tracks it’ll be so awesome people will be talking about it for years yeah well my

Main dream is to become an F1 driver and if I can’t do that then I’ll be part of a pit crew or something oh no that would totally suck well I guess you could be part of the roadworks team my road is going to be pretty complicated with lots

Of different ups and downs it’s going to mean that these cars go everywhere and I’m even adding ramps we can have a huge bumpy bit here that will be very difficult to drive on I’m sure some certain noobs may even crash on this bit of the race maybe you could be in charge

Of helping them and picking up all the rubble I’m not going to do that I’m going to be the guy who replaces the wheels with the cool stuff and stuff and things Milo that does not make sense at all are you sure you’re fit to be working around a race let alone driving

One yeah I’ve been watching a lot of F1 lately and I think I’m prepared pretty much they just go zoom zoom oh Milo there’s a lot more to it than that you can’t just zoom zoom and start driving you have to be an expert or a pro like I

Am that’s why I’m even making my race for pros you can’t see it now Milo because it is not time for you to look but there is a crazy double bump in my race that’s going to be very difficult double bump no worries even though I got

The noob status I’m really going to be very good at all the tricks that’s pretty cool Milo because there are going to be a lot of tricks you will have to do perfectly on my racetrack most of the racetrack will even be up in the air

That is going to make it a lot more dangerous in case you fall off you better make sure you’re very careful Milo otherwise you could be in a bit of danger here changer is my middle name I’m built for that kind of stuff Milo your middle name is Maloy and you

Definitely aren’t built for something as crazy as this I’m even going to add a section of the track right over here where it weren’t just curve up in the air there will also be holes in the middle of the track if you’re not careful you may just fall through the

Milo and lose the race okay not going to lie that sounds pretty freaky maybe I should be a little bit nervous about your track yeah I’d be pretty nervous too my it’s not an easy track no way this is one of the hottest tracks of all

Time that’s why it’s so cool that we get to race on it can you imagine being the first people to race on this super awesome track I’m making yeah that would be really intense I bet I’m going to be the first person other than you well

We’ll both be racing on this track at the same time although I think I’ll definitely be ahead of you so I think I’ll be the first person yeah right you keep telling yourself that buddy not going to happen I guess there’s only one way to find out Milo we’ll have to wait

Until it is time to actually race on this thing and I have a very good feeling right now I’m building the final curve at the top section here after this it will actually start going back down down to ground level at least because we’re getting so close to the end of

This track it’s got to be really really intense and it’s got to take up a bunch of space I think it will even look really really cool if we make it go down just like this the ramps can basically take over from each other this way you

Go down in the exact same spot that you came up in it is a very awesome little mini loop here although skipping by jumping across will be absolutely banned if you try and do something cheeky like that Milo you will be disqualified from the race disqualified that sounds like something

I do not want to be yeah it definitely is not something you want to be at all being disqualified is really really bad it means you’re not allowed to play in the race anymore at least if you do get to qualified that is as long as you make

Sure you play fair and you do not break the rules or cheat you’ll be totally fine well I’m really going to play that because this is my biggest dream and I really want to win oh yeah Milo it’s my biggest dream too I really hope we both become racing Superstars but first I

Probably am going to have to beat you in this race no I’m going to beat you actually I’ve been thinking about it what hey you can’t just think about it and win no way you’ve actually got to be the better racer yeah I am the better

Racer I do it in my dreams oh well I guess if you do it in your dreams then you’re pretty good at racing already it takes a lot of skill to be able to RAC in your sleep yeah and I’m a really awesome sleeper I know you are Milo

You’re always snoring all the time it’s kind of crazy I always have to put marshmallows in your beak just so I don’t have to hear it all night marshmallows is that why my breath is always stinking uh no I think that’s because of something else but the marshmallows actually might be helping

So I’ll totally keep doing it no I don’t want marshmallows in my P okay maybe I’ll stop but I could even hide the marshmallow somewhere else instead it’s like a treasure hunt but in your bedroom nuh not okay okay sorry Milo I’ll stop doing the marshmallow thing but one

Thing I will not stop doing is trying to win this race this is the final curve before the track links up to the beginning I’m so excited to build this this is what it has all been coming down to I Really hope this final bit of track

Looks awesome maybe I can even start by bending this section oh yeah this is going to look absolutely amazing all right this has to be absolutely perfect and okay now we just need to curve it on the other side if we do this right this will end up looking perfect and will be

Able to officially start doing the traps and the rest of the decorations to this race this can’t be just a boring old RAC trck no way and it would not be very Pro of me to do luckily this totally fits perfectly and I can start making this racetrack the best racetrack there ever

Was around the entire ring of this track we need to place down the barricades I’ll need to make sure we use these awesome blocks just like this it has to go around the entire track otherwise there’ll be no sign to the road and it will look really really silly and messy

This track will have a mixture of different walls some of them will look exactly like this with zero protection from the race cars falling off the side some of them can have some safety Road cones and some of them will have special things it’ll all be different throughout

This track that’s part of what makes it so difficult the track will always be changing so you can never get too comfortable by making sure we place these blocks all the way around the edge of this racetrack first before adding any of the special ones we make sure we

Don’t miss a single spot wait a minute this wall is pretty tricky this is the part where jumping over to the other side is definitely considered cheating that is why I’m going to add a big andesite wall here this way it’s not even possible to cheat of course you

Could jump over on this side but who would want to do that that is a terrible idea that would just set you all the way back to square one if you want to cheat in that way Milo you can totally do it because it would just cost you the

Competition that is if you’re not already behind already I have a pretty strong feeling that I’m going to be in the lead in this race hey I’m not cheating I’m actually doing really good right now really Milo what stuff are you building just like a little river oh wow

A little river is it going to be an obstacle inside the racetrack no it’s just for decoration maybe it’ll distract you while you’re driving well now that you’ve told me about it Milo it’s not going to distract me at all I’ll just be ready for it God dang it I shouldn’t

Have told you you definitely shouldn’t have but thanks for warning me Milo now I know to be really really careful when I see any rivers going through your racetrack rat we’ve almost built this side up to the Finish Line once we do we can actually start decorating the

Outside wo this track already looks really really cool but it’s still not very Pro yet that’s why we need to add some amazing decorations just to make sure this thing looks really really Pro the first decoration we are going to build will be this part of the race it

Needs to look very very cool and pretty scary too it’s got to be super duper Pro and I think there’s something super scary and super pro at the same time that’s why this part of the race is going to look like it goes through a GI giant rib cage it’s like a skeleton

Fossil in the desert it looks really really creepy already and I just know Milo is going to freak out about it wo it already looks pretty good but I think we need to totally make it perfect by swapping out some of these blocks with stairs instead of just the regular

Blocks and by adding in some slabs we make sure these bones look really really pointy that way it’ll really look like a giant skeleton wo this is already looking so awesome Milo has a massive Fe of skeletons so this will really rattle him to the Bone by placing in these

Final stair blocks on the back of these quartz bone structures wo we really make this skeleton look almost fully complete let’s just add the final few blocks here wo this already looks so cool but there is still more we need to add now in this section here because it is so high off

The ground we need some pretty good support beams but these won’t just be for support they will also be really really cool decorations we’ve going to make sure each of them are the same distance apart otherwise they won’t do a very good job making sure this is really

Well supported if we don’t build these right they’ll just totally ruin the [Applause] track uh Milo what are you doing I’m just testing out my tracks testing out your tracks but why are you making a NE sound effect because that’s what car sound like and I just wanted to be

Really realistic Milo you’re not a car well I could be if I wanted to be that would be a really bad decision for this race Milo if you choose to be your own car you would definitely not win this thing yeah well I’m going to try still

You’re going to have to try pretty hard Milo this section of the road is even going to have fire pits I thought before that adding a fall would be good enough but no way it needs to be even more intense and there’s almost nothing more intense than pure fire well you should

Get worried because I already have lava pits in my thing Lava Pits oh that’s a great idea Milo I can’t believe I haven’t even added that yet what you’re copying my ideas H maybe I am or maybe I plan to do that all along you’ll never

Know Milo it’s a total mystery oh now I’m real Angry you should save all your anger for when I totally beat you Milo I’m really going to be so excited and I think you might be even more angry at me then well I might be angry but I also

Might be really happy cuz then I won the race and stuff hey that’ll only if you won the race I think if I win the race I’m definitely going to be the happy one keep dreaming I don’t know Milo I think my dream to win this race may just come

True especially since I am the pro and all that gives me a really good chance and I totally plan on taking that chance I’m even going to add in a little lava section here this is going to be a pretty dangerous section of this race Milo so you’ll have to be very careful

Around it I also need to make sure I block off the lava from spreading everywhere I don’t want it to fall down and totally ruined the track lava is pretty dangerous to work with so I have to do this properly okay now I need to make sure we place smooth quarts all

Along the bottom here just like that okay that’s pretty good we also have to do the same for this lava too wo we totally did that so well now the lava definitely won’t spread and it already looks so awesome okay this looks pretty good I think I’m happy to call this

Racetrack totally finished what you’re finished yeah I totally am finished Milo what about you well yeah I’m pretty much done as well actually now we get to spin this wheel to find out what op cars we have oh my gosh let’s see I think I should definitely spin this thing first

I can’t wait to see what it lands on come on CH I want to see what you get me too wo look Milo it’s really spinning oh what’s it going to choose wo it landed on white that’s awesome I get to choose what’s inside the White garage all right

You better of open it up okay I can’t wait to see what’s inside of here I think it’s going to be an epic car well I think it’s going to be a flop no way there’s no such thing as a flop all right we’re about to find out and wo

That’s an awesome car this looks really coold chip you’re so lucky I can’t believe I get to drive this thing I’m totally going to win with this it’s even got a spoiler on the back wo that makes it way quicker and it’s really good on turns because that thing oh yeah this is

Awesome I bet your cars are not going to be anywhere near as good as that yeah I’m feeling a bit nervous but it’s really time to see well what is it going to do I have no idea Milo it could land on anything and wait a minute is that

Yellow or purple it was yellow let’s see what’s inside okay you get to open the yellow garage what’s going to be in here I think it’ll be something really silly I go up at the Lamborghini and what Milo that’s not a Lamborghini this is a tricycle what the there’s no way I have

To waste this oh my gosh this is awesome if you have to race a tricycle I really am going to win this thing well whatever I still have an advantage cuz we’re racing on my check I’ll meet you there all right Milo I totally will yeah bye B

Wo this car is awesome look it can even turn Corners really well yeah now whatever I don’t want to hear it I’m still really annoyed about this situation wo this car is insane I’m also a pretty good driver I only almost crashed on the way here yeah well I

Didn’t crash at all so I’m a pro wo and Milo is this your Noob racetrack yeah it’s actually a really good one okay I tried my hardest uh yeah it looks uh awesome Milo okay well enough of the attitude let’s just wa guys I’m ready to

Win you look so silly on your bike Milo I can’t believe you’re angry in riding a tricycle yeah well I’m going to win in 3 2 1 wo the race is officially started and wo I’m already off the track hey this car is pretty hot to drive oh no I

Hope I don’t land in the lava pit you’re Bing me this isn’t fair wo I don’t know if I can still keep going Milo wow I’m almost crashing into everything W CH I’m finding this really golden hey you just destroyed my Milo slime wo Milo I’m

Trying to start it up again but I think there’s some glow stone stuck in the wheel yeah that’s F I’m going to get ahead no this is terrible come on car go go go oh no I need to Pop the trunk and check if something’s wrong H the engine

Looks fine but let me clear up all this glowstone dust oh this is terrible I’m actually going to put it right over here that way it’s not in the way of the track and hopefully I can get this thing working again wait I need to totally put

Down the hood otherwise if I try and drive with this thing on I won’t be able to see ah Milo I’m trying to drive right now and there are just cobwebs here you’re cling and I’m doing really good not for long Milo I’m about to totally come back this will be an awesome

Victory wait a minute oh my goodness this water is terrible I hope I don’t get stuck in it yeah I hope you do get stuck in it yea I’m about to finish my second lap on you budy wao Milo my car is shaking I think it’s about to explode

Yeah well I hope it does cuz I’m on my last lap oh no I have to get this car working somehow come on car come on please work oh goodness the front just opened up this is not good how do I fix this hey chip I’m laughing you for the

Third time hey stop it Milo that’s not fair I’m going to win I’m going to win oh goodness maybe I can punch my car over to where it needs to be no this is bad this is just not working in wait a minute Milo you just won yeah Milo just

Totally beat you with the face I’m amazing oh I can’t believe you won this I had the better car and I still lost well time for the next round H before we do the next round I just have one little thing I need to do first Milo had some

Pretty awesome traps on his race course so I should definitely have some too these will really help me win I’m going to add in some cobwebs all around here especially on the corner turn burning bits these will really slow Milo down I’m sure I’ll be able to just Breeze

Right through them they totally won’t affect me okay this is awesome now I just need to add one more set of cobwebs here and boom the cobwebs are now done there are some other traps I definitely want to add though like bear traps we can add a bunch over here they are

Almost the same color as the sides of the track hopefully that’ll make them pretty difficult to spot but if they’re too easy to spot then that’s okay because there are going to be some crazy spike traps up here wo that already looks so crazy I can even add some more

Around this corner wo after the fire this is really not what you want to be seeing that’s so funny I think we can even add some more spike traps around Parts like this wo this already looks so terrifying finally we can add some giant stacks of TNT like this we can add them

All the way over here in this section this just makes this part of the race look even more terrifying over here we can even add a magma block super cool zebra stripe section this is going to be so crazy look at that imagine having to drive through this stuff that would be

Absolutely terrifying luckily I’m totally a driving Pro so I could probably drive through it fine the one person who will definitely struggle is Milo that’s perfect though because it means we have a huge Advantage this is already looking way cooler than it was before I think I’m totally ready to do

The next round of the race with Milo all right all right Milo now we actually get to respin this for our vehicles on round two I can’t wait to see what epic car I get this time me too I bet it’ll be totally awesome wo look it’s really

Going I wonder what color I’m going to get hey look that’s totally pointing to purple wow I wonder what in the purple box yeah me too this is going to be crazy oh I bet it’s something awesome Milo something really really good well I bet it’s something really bad no way I’m

Totally going to be right and wait a minute something inside The Orange Box just made a crazy rumbling noise maybe it’s a really amazing car like a Lamborghini wo you can hear the engine through the concrete whatever a car that is whoever lands on it will have a very

Very crazy time driving it but for now I get to see what’s in the purple garage hey this is just a little go-kart what that’s actually pretty cool if you ask me no way it’s so so small and so low to the ground this is going to be pretty

Difficult to use ha let’s see what my look gets oh I hope it’s something even worse like a little skateboard no way it’s going to be a really awesome vehicle time to find out what’s it going to be oh I can’t wait and look Milo it’s going hey wait a minute it totally

Landed on the color red Yeah Boy let’s go to the red garage oh I hope it’s nothing awesome inside of this one wait a minute what is that wow champ this is awesome it’s a really fancy vehicle wo it’s a super fancy car this is insane

There’s no way I can beat this in just a go-kart well you’re going to have to try how do I look wo you look so cool you look exactly like a real professional driver yeah that’s cuz I am a professional driver come on chip let’s get this race going okay I guess we

Better actually start I just hope I can totally win with such a tiny car at least I have the advantage of knowing exactly what this race course looks like that’ll really help me win yeah but I have the advantage of having an epic car and being a really good driver well Milo

It’s going to take a lot more than being a good driver you’re going to have to be the best if you want to beat me in this race are you ready I’m ready we’ll start the race in three 2 1 hey wao you’re way quicker than than me yeah that’s F my

Car is up wo Milo your car’s falling off the side hey you managed to get back on wo your wa your car just exploded Milo that’s crazy but this is awesome because it gives me a huge advantage that was really St away well now Milo I have a

Way better chance of winning this race thank you for doing that well now I just have to run and pretend I’m a car I’m glad I go practice earlier wo Milo I also need to totally get a little more practice I almost ran into those spikes

That could have been really bad and wo I barely missed that TNT this go-kart is so quick it’s actually quite difficult to drive champ these spider on are busing me off oh wow it’s good to know that they’re totally working uh-oh this bear trap section is going to be pretty

Crazy I better drive so carefully to make sure I don’t accidentally step on them I’m the Milo mobile wao Milo I might be the in trouble automobile my vehicle is cracking if I don’t make it to the end in time I won’t have a vehicle left y these bad traps are

Really hurting me well Milo I have great news they’re not going to hurt me anymore because I won what no way chck that’s really unfair I officially just won the race and wait a minute Milo are you holding your wheels yeah I told you I was the my mobile but forget about it

Wait a minute you became your own car that’s crazy Milo do you know what this means it means we have one last race to figure out who’s the ultimate winner oh yeah one lost tie breaker Winner Takes all after my car burst into flame last round I really have to win this I’m

Determined not as determined as I am Milo I’m going to flick this lever and I really hope we find out what’s inside that crazy orange garage it’s time wo Milo look it’s spinning this is insane I really hope it lands on Orange and look it totally did now we actually get to

See what’s inside W chip I bet you’re going to get the best car in the world I’m so jealous I think I’m going to get the best car in the world too wo this is so intense wait a minute Milo the noise coming from the orange garage sounds

Different all of a sudden oh yeah I guess there’s noral rumbling in here yeah instead it sounds like some weird clanking as well as a pig I don’t see a pig anywhere that’s sounding pretty weird I guess you better open it still yeah and wait a minute hey this can’t be

What was doing the rumbling this is just a pig chip what the this pig is crazy how can I even steer this oh I used the carrot on a stick to make this pig go where I want this is really funny I hope I get a really good carard to beat you

Oh no way you’re not going to get anything good maybe you’ll even land on the tricycle or another one of these empty spots nuh-uh mine’s going to be really good let’s see what I got wo look it’s going Milo where’s it going to land though I hope it’s something good end

Wow that’s blue it totally did land on Blue ah dang it you didn’t get one of the empty garages like I wanted and especially this is my favorite color wait a minute Milo I heard something coming from inside this blue garage it’s the same rumbling from before Oh that’s

Very interesting let’s check what’s in here hey it’s a tank doing the rumbling wait a minute if the rumbling was coming from the orange garage and it is not coming from there anymore and suddenly is here something weird is going on Milo I don’t know what you’re talking about

Hey did you peek inside the orange garage and swap it with your favorite color the blue one no definitely not oh Milo I know when you’re lying I can’t believe you’ve done this well I guess we better race now yeah a pig versus a tank

This is crazy except wao this is a very fast Pig what that pig is very fast but nothing compared to a tank really this is the god race the most difficult race we’ve done so far are you ready to start Milo yeah I’m totally going to win in my

Tank I’m going to get really close all right now it is time to go in three 3 2 1 Zoom what chip how are you going so fast wo this pig is really really quick look you’re so slow with your tank I thought this tank was going to be epic

But it’s a total FL wait you can’t even get around those Road cones this is crazy crazy awesome that is I’m really annoyed get back here no way Milo I’m not going to get back anywhere hey you’re totally crushing the cones W what’s this launcher here wow wo it’s

Launching you up into the air that’s a crazy cool trap wow I’m about to beat the race Milo I could let you come close but boom I have won the final stretch oh that’s really unfair no way Milo I want fair and square I guess that just means

I am the official Pro racer you’re the worst I wanted to be the best racer in the world maybe you can be the second best racer in Milo yeah whatever buddy

Milo and Chip are Playing with A ROULETTE of Cars Today, in a Noob vs Pro vs GOD Challenge! Who will win? And what is behind the Golden Door??

#minecraft #minecraftmod #miloandchip


  1. I came to know Christ in jail in 2013 by reading a book, "Overcoming spiritual blindness" by James P. Gills MD. The veil was taken off my eyes. Heaven came through for me in my finances too, getting $25,000 monthly. I can support God's work and give back to my community. God is absolutely more than enough!

  2. 🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🧡🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰🥰

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