Minecraft Snapshot 24W14potato | The Poisonous Potato Update!

What what is that is that that’s that’s a poisonous oh no it’s just a regular no wait this poisonous potato has a face uh what just happened whoa steady on your feet there assuma you’re probably thinking what’s the deal with this guy I invite you to take a moment to consider

My situation we’ve been planning on infiltrating Minecraft for weeks but all we could manage is sneaking in to the April fools snapshot and now that I have finally infil Tred Minecraft you pranced over pick me up and plop me on your head I must say you have an incredible

Balance keeping up with me here especially considering you’re jumping so much I am jumping a lot aren’t I check your calendar my friends for it is that time of year when Minecraft drops their most legendary of updates and this year looks to be no different we have a whole

New dimension here in the poisonous potato update so this definitely not a snapshot appears to be only available for Minecraft Java Edition and if you’re on the Bedrock edition of the game there is a poisonous potato add-on however it looks very light in content which is different from that that appears on the

Java snapshot so welcome to this overview of 24 w14 potato as I jump here you’ll see that the dialogue continues on in fact I’ve been going through this dialogue for a while there’s even a point where you need to pick up a bed after doing that it’ll give you a piece

Of paper and an anvil and ask you to write your thoughts on this snapshot eventually though after many lines of dialogue it starts proding you in the right direction so we have to craft potato eyes from a poisonous potato and these potato eyes work like ender eyes

So they will lead us to a structure that can help us get to the potato Dimension and this structure just seemed to be very conveniently right next to the village that I was at just behind those trees so look at this lots of fancy new blocks expired baked potato we got poone Tata

Stone and look there’s a chest with a poisonous potato inside it the poisonous potato is used to activate this pedestal right here let’s go and right click on it and what on Earth is this ah it’s a portal well we’ll have to wait and see

We got to go through find a dragon and Destroy some potato themed crystals it’s dripping with creativity you’re about to find out what awaits Us in this Dimension but there was something I forgot to do the subscription plug if you would be so kind as to subscribe to

My channel not only will you be brought up to speed with the regular Minecraft updates I of course cover with the April fools ones too uh Happy April fools is that the expression yeah just in case you didn’t know today is that day okay

So we just go on into it is what it said oh yeah aha the potato Dimension we’ve made it this is awesome this place is just superb looking there’s actually multiple biomes in this Dimension and let’s take a moment to appreciate the view oh some amazing terrain here and

Potato bees a they’re so cool I mean I could call them peas right and that’s a peeh hiive this feels a little immature oh hi buddy hey uh pink potato I am trying to figure out what the puns are on the Fly here please forgive me it wants me to find a

Potato Village I’m going to roam around and fly and have a little look and see what we come across so I found the potato Village it’s described as our base of operations from here on out steal their loot I mean that that kind of is what

You do in Minecraft do do any wait you have a job this guy clearly has a job no you look different from the others though this is this is one janky looking building I’m just taking a moment to appreciate how awesome awful everything looks you know it’s it’s so bad it’s

Good yeah I don’t think the villagers actually have trades so it wanted me to throw another potato I I also noticed there was a pedestal in the village is it going to go like to where the pedestal is can’t even see this thing when I throw it sometimes Pro tip press F5 so

You can see around you and then you can see what direction the potato eye goes in the Sun is is a poisonous potato too well you know it’s got like the poisonous particles on it oh that’s so good I have found what we have been looking for for here is Mega Spud potato

Lord of the fried Legion there is uh an epic structure just underground around here oh oh I think we’re finding it yeah this has got to be the roof oh there you go okay okay look at this reminds me a little bit of a Bastion remnant of course it’s Underground here in the

Potato Dimension and what on Earth is that down there this just wouldn’t feel right unless I were in survival right so I’ve given myself some netherite armor a shield which is very important cuz this guy shoot a giant explosive at me so that’s a good thing I’ve got that I

Wonder how much health you’ve got I can actually shoot you from up here can’t I oh dang it what okay let’s try that again I think it had like a shield around it after I shot the first time I’m guessing don’t shoot again while The Shield is up go then let’s shoot it

Again anyway it’s been a minute uh it just bounced the projectile off huh yeah and then it just insta kills me let’s cut a long story short shall we this structure is known as the Coliseum and mega Spud after being attacked will spawn a creature this creature was the

Chicken and when we kill the chicken The Shield is then removed from Mega Spud you then have to do enough damage to reach the second level where it Shield comes back up now that I’ve done that two armadillos have been spawned into this area again we have to take those

Out at level three we get free of these poisonous potato zombies and if you haven’t noticed it the name changes at each level on the fourth day of potatoes there were four poisonous spiders on the fifth day we met the Stray which have amazing cool textures day six I can’t

Think of a rhyme it’s creepers day seven piglin brutes Mega Spud has been getting progressively smaller and is now caught up in this part of the structure ah for day eight yes eight ghs that seems entirely appropriate ah day nine the plague whale we’ll talk about

This more later on Mega Spud is now ridiculously small and bouncy able to jump around like crazy here for wave 10 we get the giant which exists in the game it’s a scaled up zombie this one however has been given a robotic purplish looking texture and now we can

Deliver the death blow on this guy which is getting really really tricky and this is what it drops potato is green staff of the peasant and if I put my potato face back on we will be encouraged to put this inside of a composter which you

Don’t want to do because then you’d lose it obviously I’m in Creative but then you’ll complete the April full snapshot and you’ll get this completion time on your screen while we’re here I also just want to mention how awesome this toxfin slab creature is that spawns down the

Bottom here you’ll see that they’re like a squash Guardian with the colors changed they seem to just spawn randomly on these blocks around here but they can like double up and then even triple up so there’s a double and over here is a triple I don’t know if it goes any

Further than that three is the most that I’ve seen I think this also doubles or triples up their attacks you can see there’s a lot of beams coming my way they don’t do a lot of damage they do give you the poison effect though and apparently I’m also getting the Wyer

Effect as well I didn’t see one of these spawn down here but there’s also this plague whale slab is I guess maybe a little bit like the Elder Guardian except it’s absolutely massive and apparently those can double up and I’m guessing triple up as well that is just Bonkers while we’re

On the topic of mobs there is the poisonous potato zombie potato potato so good and then there’s the Bato which I mean that is just hysterical a poisonous potato with wings oh yeah and there’s the mega Spud spawn egg too so we brought this guy back into

The world those were the ones that had their own custom spawn eggs added as for other mobs I’ve seen in this Dimension they’re just a reskin of the existing mob this didn’t appear to apply to Phantoms though which has got me curious what about the panda you’re normal the

Ravager okay Iron Golem I know the Creeper’s been retextured oh that’s ridiculous hey look a sheep has changed oh gosh you look unwell my friend I feel like he’s about a puke in my direction oh a cow what what a face that guy’s got now uh the Enderman has been changed

Yeah not looking too good the skeleton oh poisoned my friend poison so for the rest of this video I’m going to try and give you an overview of more of the content that is inside this snapshop but it is pretty obvious that it is a challenge to bring you to the potato

Dimension and take on Mega Spud that seems to be the most of it so there is an advancement tab which is really cool cuz it points you in the direction a very different things you can do we have of course put the poisonous potato plant on our head and followed the

Instructions all the way to the end where we got our staff reward there’s one for entering the potato Dimension and then finding all five potato biomes a lot of the other ones here though relate to food as there are lots of different types of potatoes that have

Been added into this update this one you get for typing potato in chat over and over again and yes you can also make a poisonous potato chest plate as well as having a poisonous potra a pair of poisonous wings and potatoes for your feet of course and there’s a few more

That I’ll mention as we cover all of this new content and in creative mode there is also this tab conveniently over here to the side and inside of it we can find all of the new content added let’s start with some of the new additional paintings of which a couple of them are

Massive let’s start with the new paintings that have been added these ones are way bigger than default Minecraft and it makes me wonder why can’t we get some new paintings every update I think that would be a really cool idea this one is obviously a nod to

One of the original paintings an Andy warhole art piece it would seem another really interesting looking one here don’t know who that is poisonous Potato Man and last of all lores poisonous potato they’ve really leaned into the theme on this one haven’t they next let’s talk about a little Redstone

Easter egg inside of here well not inside of this Cloud this is a flot block okay and you can find them generating around like little clouds so if you mix a potato with a lava bucket you’ll get yourself a hot potato and that can be used to make the floater

Block this block can be placed along any axis on one side we’ve got an exhaust on the other we have something rather sticky because these can stick blocks together and when you power it oh look at that that it’s like a flying machine except these blocks they just smoothly

Drift across oh oh I think something totally just bugged out went to power the other one and uh it’s moving the redstone block and me and wait no no that’s not what happened that totally messed with my head it moved everything below it as well for some reason in my

Head what I saw was me and the Redstone Block moving way but watching the video back I realized that that is of course not what happened at all and it did make me realize that the block limit for pushing things here is not like 12 it must be quite

High so we can just send these things on there way that is magical and look there’s room for me to hang out on the inside you can actually just kind of like walk around on these blocks while they move through the air which is just magic I think every redstone is going to

Be asking for this in for another Minecraft from here on out oh my God no way it’s moving all of that that is redonkulous while these things are moving it can be tricky to like place other blocks on them as you can see or break them as well the flot

Block can also be placed midair it just places it about one or two blocks away from you when you right click which is seriously cool next up the potato peeler a stick and some shears can make this by the way it also does five attack damage

But an extra 10 to potato mobs and then if you use it to kill an entity it will drop ahuh what’s this potato peels and I think they’re a different color based on what entity you get so the Sheep dropped regular potato peels whereas the creeper dropped green ones and these peels can

Be used to craft these building blocks there are a whole bunch of different ones here there’s also corrupted potato pills these actually dropped from our encounter with mega Spud earlier so that’s how you get your hands on them there’s also an advancement for crafting the peeler then peeling a block a potato

Sheep and a poisonous potato and if you get peeled by another player whilst wearing your potato chest plate you’ll get this oh these ones make really creepy sounds oh and there’s particle effects too oh these spawn mobs I just had an end spawn here but then a zombie appeared right behind me

Aha look at this I’ve created a massive platform and as I suspected mobs are spawning all over it let’s take a quick look at the blocks that generate in this world we got pot one and T Stone these are ones that generate but can be crafted into slabs stairs and walls

These ones can be crafted with items funny enough four baked potatoes and if you mix in two poisonous potatoes you get these expired baked potato bricks here are a whole bunch of other naturally generating blocks that appear in the world all sort of similar to their Overworld equivalents gravitator

Here is indeed a gravity block and this is vicious potato this is a block that supposedly shoots at other entities and can be Redstone powered well there you go we just saw it in action so it’ll pick a Target and shoot it eventually but it seems like it takes

Its time let’s go ahead and power this with redstone oh oh did that cause it to actually shoot on command right we got a bunch here I’m going to yes look at that it’s definitely on command right so power it and it’ll shoot at things interesting block there are a whole

Bunch of ores to be found as well poisonous potato ores even for the Deep slate level a resin ore but then the rest of these are just copper iron gold and so on now I’m pretty sure that this resin ore drops the toxic resin but I couldn’t figure out what tool you need

To mine this probably something special to do a potatoes we also got a full set of wood blocks right the stem block here is actually animated if you play close attention to it the other blocks not so much some funky high contrast textures right here this is the potato fruit next

To it potato leaves we got the potato flour and this is kind of like dripstone I originally placed them like so they’re called potato buds but they actually just continuously grow last of all we’ve got these potato pedicul these are found in Min shafts which seem to generate quite frequently underneath the floating

Terrain so instead of change they got the potato pedicul to hang up all of these platforms the other place you can find it is hanging off of a potato fruit tree which leaves me to suspect that maybe the potato fruit when bone M could grow into a tree you can’t actually bone

Mill it what about this no okay I’ve summoned in a bunch of leaf blocks ah and this is what potato Sprouts are they’re the saplings so potato Sprout plus bone meal aha potato tree this mess over here is thanks to the powerful potato I don’t know how it’s obtained or

What its crafting recipe is but you place it down and it starts to grow these roots underneath and obviously it breaks off a lot of blocks in the process over here we have the poisonous Potato Head block and then the head piece which has got a little face on it

Kind of cool so with nine poisonous potatoes you can make a poisonous potato block but nine of those will make a compressed and nine of those will make a double compressed and so on and so on and in the crafting bench you can also uncraft these into their lower form as

Well so here’s a mass challenge for you how many poisonous potatoes do you need to make a stack of krupal compressed poisonous potato blocks next up the lashing potato we need a poisonous potato block and a toxic beam to create this problem is I don’t know where the

Toxic beam comes from either way this is one of the coolest things things added in this snapshot and I really hope it’s like a framework for something they might actually add to the game obviously it’s a grappling hook it seems really powerful and unbalanced though and that’s just playing around with it in

Creative mode its casting range is pretty strong and you can use this to whiz around from place to place kind of fun obviously though I am in creative mode and that means I’m not taking any fall damage when I use this so there’s probably a lot of risk and reward

Involved there’s also a lot of momentum when you’re first pulled over to the spot it attaches to which it does with a poisonous potato if I just let myself fall down here you see it’s got like this springy effect and with time it starts to lose a little bit of that

Springiness we are now getting to the point where I’m not entirely sure what everything left to show you does and there’s definitely things I’m going to miss along the way but here is the frying table and inside of it you can put potato peels four being the maximum

By the way after that you’ll have to just wait the frying table is crafted like so and after about 30 seconds these things will pop off they are hash browns now we also have the potato battery the poisonous potato cutter and the potato Refinery when you turn this block on it

Will damage whatever mob is on top of it you get these little particle effects down the bottom here a crackling sound and I reckon this thing is literally just taking half a heart each time what about when I step on this thing hey oh it’s really taking its time to cook me

Up almost there almost done killed by a bad tempered potato okay the poisonous potato cutter is used to create these and that leads us to the potato refinery in the advancement tab there is a clear line of things to do here making potato oil then lubricating an item with oil

Throwing it to a wall and watching it slide down and then I think the idea is to maybe lubricate ice and throw that again nice the issue for me is I can’t get past this step right here okay we put in the poisonous potatoes we powered

It with some fuel and then it creates a potion of potato oil but then it says we need to lubricate an item with potato oil inside of the refinery and I just couldn’t figure out this step you know I tried putting these in all sorts of different places chucking in other items

As well and nothing just seemed to work anyway I think the idea is that you make the individual item the elves more slippery and then when you throw them they move around the world a little quicker an interesting idea and another block I couldn’t sus out was the

Fletching table which has this very cool animation right here I think the text also changed from what it was last wait a minute does it change every time yeah it’s changing slightly isn’t it huh with so many of these crazy new items added it’s really difficult through trial and

Era to figure out exactly what’s going on here we put in the poisonous potato on this side and although this toxic resin looks like the item to be dropped in there you can’t actually place it so that one’s a mystery to me too there was also a new enchantment known as potatoo

Fication there are five levels of it but I couldn’t quite figure out what this does and when it rains in the game it also rains green so one last thing from me I have the Hot Potato which you can make by putting a baked potato into lava

Or doing those two together in a crafting bench the thing is though you have to be in surv to see what this does okay I’ve got the Hot Potato if it’s in my inventory it’s damaging me so I’ve had an absolute blast exploring this snapshot but I’ve been at it all day and

I need a break from the computer so I’m going to wrap this one up here if you enjoyed it leave a like if you know some things that I miss please comment down below and let me know I’d love to find out anyway thanks for watching this

April full Snapshot video and I’ll see you next year hopefully with another one because these are a lot of fun

Minecraft The Poisonous Potato Update Playlist ► https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL7VmhWGNRxKixIX8tWEQn-BnYKE9AaAXk
Snapshot 24W14potato for Minecraft 1.20.5 adds a new dimension, the potato dimension! Full of potato related fun and a boss fighr against mega spud!

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00:00 Potato Head
01:13 Potato Dialog
02:39 Potato Dimension
04:36 Mega Spud, Potato Lord
05:44 10 Levels Of Boss Fight
07:37 Toxafin & Plaguewhale
08:43 More Potato Mobs
09:39 Advancements
10:40 Potato Paintings
11:25 Floater Block
12:26 Potato Peels
14:40 New Blocks
15:12 Vicious Potato Turret
16:00 Potato Tree Blocks
17:05 Powerful Potato Roots
17:47 Grappling Hook
18:42 Frying Table
19:12 Potato Battery
19:40 Potato Refinery & Oil
20:34 Fletching Table
21:18 Hot Potato

Featured In This Video

#minecraft #minecraftnews #snapshot


  1. To everyone saying “oh this is more content than the real updates” For one, it’s only on Java they don’t need to consider bedrock let alone controllers or mobile phones, for two it ignores all of the established design principles and doesn’t “fit” into normal minecraft, doesn’t need to be balanced against it and doesn’t need extensive debugging. Finally, most of the content is recycled and builds off other major updates. It takes a lot less time to change out the blocks in a bastion structure and add a few blocks when the ground work is laid out for you

  2. Kinda makes me wonder….are there nether and end realms what do they look like? This was such a cool prank and shows mojang are still creating wonders. WoW!

  3. Mojang was testing the custom worlds thing on previous april fools (god its like 3-4 years by now isnt it),
    then we got a portal looking ring in ancient city,
    now they make straight up new dimension on april fools.

    There is definetly some hinting of future big update.

  4. They can call this content a "joke" as much as they want, but its fun, and a lot of content, and it should be how main patches are done imo.

    Potatiesh is a reference to the hardest ever legendary weapon to get in World of Warcraft. Atiesh.

  5. They have time to code all this for april fools, but still have not bothered to give me Terracotta Stairs and slabs for a build I started YEARS AGO!!!!

  6. Not to be that guy but has the mic audio gone down in quality? It’s really messed with the viewing experience for me. All the best.

  7. For mobs that are just guardians cut in half, I quite like the designs of the "new" mobs. I wonder if there's potential for some new variant there.

  8. the powerful potato isn't crafted, it's actually found generating in the world! by default they generate with weak roots hanging off of them and won't grow, but once placed by a player they will begin to grow strong roots, which send any block they replace back to the powerful potato. in essence, it's basically a quarry that turns the ground below it into swiss cheese! it seems to be able to mine any block that isn't bedrock, so it's pretty powerful, especially when used in the potato wastes where there's just piles of ancient debris

  9. Sorry, they made actual redstone flying machines? Like, just kinda there? "Oh lets add some other stuff like idunno an insane mechanic redstoners will want but we wont give them"

  10. Remember, April fools snapshots use code from stuff mojang is already working on, which means there’s a good chance some of this stuff like the grappling hook or the moving block is coming to vanilla

  11. It feels like every april fool's snapshot has one or two features that, if implemented properly, could be really cool in the vanilla game. Last year it was the cheese blocks and /transform. This year, it's the Floatater and the grappling hook.

  12. the floatater – if it goes up to the build limit and you activate it again, it breaks any block, including bedrock, it wont be stopped by obsidian and bedrock (probably for now), blocks placed on the sticky spot will drag other blocks with them, but the floatater does not stick itself (accept the sticky spot), … the potato battery – if you turn it on it produces an redstone output of 15 and you cant turn it on with redstone itself

    you forgot that – if you fall from a big height onto the potato grass block (forgot the name) it will turn into mashed potato

    your video is to this current point the most correct, and almost everything you showed is what i have discovered and that is crazy to me …. fun fact, a few days ago i made an potato farm on a smp, and found a few poisoned potatos in the chests and said "oh right these exist" and today (01.04.2024.) minecraft anounced this update, i was flabergasted when i saw it and basicly i kinda predicted the poisoned potato update (that poisend potato on the smp was a sign)

  13. This definitely seems like a blueprint for a new dimension, they're probably tinkering with some features in this April Fools update so they can later add it on in some way or another.

  14. They can make all this for a joke single day update… but they make us vote which of 3 mobs that add nothing to the game gets added… thanks mojang very cool.

  15. i want the shape of those potato trees to be large acacias, when you use 4 saplings, and i want those potato flowers, and i want that door texture. god damn i hope this april fools isn't just one big tease, some legit interesting stuff here.

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