Why This Command was REMOVED from Minecraft

Splitting the world can be done in multiple ways you could build a huge sand trap in the desert you could place thousands of TNT blocks and create a massive explosion or you could do what I did and abuse the power of an item that shouldn’t exist let me show you why I

Did this legie it’s happening again oh no what is it this time uh fif what if they built outside our base man this thing does not look Pleasant that’s a cute base you got there legi how funny would it be if I were to do this this is

Not good boys stand back brace yourself boys oh no no the farm is completely destroyed there’s more coming as well we have to get out of this place quickly head to the safety bunker quick guys follow me we have no time to waste stand on the choker open it perfect and shift

Quickly boys quickly we can’t keep letting this happen I have no choice boys I’m going to split the world legie don’t you think that’s a little too dangerous we have no choice I’m typing the command in and go what staff’s not found come on failed but the staff’s in

My in oh no boys the staff’s not on me looking for this legie you better tell me the password to access his staff right now you got to be kidding me right eat this well do it yourself what what is that why is there TNT on each side oh

No V I’m so scared bro what what is this oh no no the boys are falling no no no I need to do this yes I have nothing to clut with good save legie and it’s a good thing I’d fever fooling on my boots to survive this is some weird place

We’re in boys we need to get out this fast I can’t believe they got the star but they don’t have the password so they can’t use it but we got to get it back off them so let’s start thinking this even Striders boys what is this place

Wait I got it we can launch out of this place with this TNT oh wait never mind I don’t have anything Dr ignited with no that probably would have worked as well does anyone have a button or a lever or anything no man wait boys hold up I

Think I just got an idea check it out there’s redstone blocks on the walls all we need to do is get over there I have this boat you have a boat that’s perfect cuz I have a boat too fantastic boys then I have this raft wait that’s

Amazing drop me all of them regie there’s no way you’re going to be able to make that with only three boats maybe not but I reckon this mine cart will do the trick 1 2 please yes reie that was ridiculous how did you do that I can’t

Believe it worked and now I can get what I came for good stuff boys redstone block acquired however how am I going to get back you really didn’t think this through did you I have this fishing rod but if I pull you from here you’re just

Going to burn we need to pull you from higher up I you bone me this good thinking Emerald okay let’s see if you can pull me from there come on please please please it’s so close okay I’ll jump you have to time it right fif don’t

Mess this up I don’t want to burn bro okay three 2 1 go yes good pull bro that was insane we got the Redstone Block good stuff everyone get on the TNT we are pretty far down let’s hope it launches us high enough all right boys

Hold on to you hats let’s hope this works come on please please please please please what no it’s not high enough okay at least we all landed on the vines I just BW up half plant for this is horrendous that plant kind of backfired on us we’re going to need a

New one and I think I’ve got something I have 27 bamboo 27 bamboo you can probably go up there and pull us with this fishing rod you’re virus fifth put the Moss block right there and now we start towering up come on I really hope

It’s enough man five more oh no this is not looking good no I ran out and it’s not enough I’m going to need at least another 10 blocks this won’t do it I’m coming back down boys what is that Destroyer doing which one oh it’s running in circles what’s going on what

What is that what it’s hitting me boys stand away from it oh my gosh it’s going to punch me in the lava what are we going to do boys this thing is terrifying Emerald wait let me fishing on you oh my goodness and it just went

Off I can’t believe this thing we need to get off this island now look at this one this one’s freaking out those things look cute but they’re terrifying think CL you think hold up boys check it out the most block I have I can turn this

Bone block into bone meal and maybe we can get an A Alia tree yes and I have six remaining bone meal so it should grow instantly yes check it out boys that’s perfect let’s collect the wood okay we got them and I got six now let’s get to mining the leaves there’s a

Chance that it drops us in a xia tree again and we can get more planks and if we just keep doing that then it’ll be enough to build out at this place come on come on last two surely it works please come on no did anyone get one no

I didn’t get a single one that’s frustrating but six logs will still do I have 24 okay with these blocks I think we’ll have enough to build out now okay now we start going up I think we finally might have an escape here boys come on

Come on come on what what just happened are you kidding me did my bamboo just set on fire how does that even happen and I got bad news I only have one bamboo now which means we won’t be able to build out hold up boys what about

That lava I have this fire resistance potion you said you have blocks right oh my gosh I think I get your plan we can build over to that lava and then swim up it using the fire resistance potion and hopefully that leads to an exit I love the plan Emerald okay let’s start

Bridging like this come on come on come on let’s hope this works please please please almost there okay that’s it boys I don’t have any more blocks all right here we go come on perfect we have fire resistance for a minute and 15 let’s get get up this lava boys and hopefully

Leads to an exit come on I don’t see anything inside it currently how about you Emerald anything up there no I don’t see anything come on let’s hope this works there’s some crying obsidian here come on my rers at the top it’s just obsidian wait guys check this out what

Did you find fif what did you find there’s a hole right here wait for Real where does it lead what is this guys we found some room but it’s completely empty that’s not very useful is it wait boys are you seeing what I’m seeing what are you seeing we can make a nether

Portal here wait I can see it there’s obsidian everywhere except right here there’s crying obsidian what are we going to do about that well if you might know what you pickaxe I have two obsidian it’s perfect I’m liking the sounds of that Fifth and it’s good because I have efficiency so this won’t

Take long at all come on come on come on almost there okay that one’s done fill that in fifth we’re almost there we’re almost there what what was that lever run boys it’s sters I can’t believe it there’s more of them go go go go go run

We were so close to Breaking that final obsidian but wait hold up boys I have 20 seconds of fire resistance and I have no blocks how are we going to get up here oh no I can craft ladders but I don’t have a crafting table wait I have one oh

My goodness my fire resist is going to run out quick fif speed craft it bro oh that’s perfect BR ah no quick quick quick wait here we go go go go oh I can’t believe it I’m starting to burn that was perfect timing fif let’s go see

If those sters killed those boys what oh no they’re coming hold up I think we can use this to our advantage everyone right now take off all your armor get close guys get close if we do this follow me over here we break this glass just like

This and we hide underneath they won’t see our particles and they won’t know we’re here good thinking Reggie wait here they are I bet they’re dead who else agrees with me that wouldn’t be good we still need that password see I think I’m right girls this doesn’t feel

Right wait guys look around for particles they might be iners this is not good they’re looking for particles they know what we’re up to but I think because we’ve H down here we might be safe she’s right there I don’t think they’re here girls let’s get out of here

Wait up girls I don’t have an under Pearl wait this is perfect I have three Ender PS in my Ender Chest all right I’m ready my goodness wait a minute did I just see never mind oh my goodness boys that was so close but we survived and I

Even got three ender pearls out the Ender Chest I can’t believe the plan worked so well and the best part is there’s one for each of us Emerald take one and fifth you take one as well okay let’s go boys we can DP out of this

Place now that’s all the blocks I’ve got though that’s right it should be fine we’re going to have to jump and throw for this boys aim it right about there come on come on come on come on come on come on yes it landed boys yes I’m out

Good job we actually escaped wait why do I see a bunch of name tags leave me alone the staff is mine wait check it out he’s got the staff we still have 30 seconds of invis let’s follow them good idea FY good idea they went right here

We don’t have much inis left though so everyone be careful you guys better get back someone flick the lever wait what what is this where am I nice we got him I can’t believe it boys they just trapped the guy with the staff and we don’t have iners anymore this is really

Bad hold up let’s get a closer look of what’s going on here we should try to get that star from that guy we definitely should but there seems to be a lot of people with him now let’s run over here boys you guys are never getting the staff all right you two you

Stay here if he doesn’t drop the stuff in 2 minutes you kill him well you might as well kill me now I’m not dropping it anytime soon Check It Out Boys it seems like one of them is leaving but there’s still two up there with him wait I got

An idea where you try to get the staff Emerald come with me where you going what’s going on hey girls you thought we’re dead that prison was pathetic catch us if you can nice nice nice okay they distracted the girls and now I can go up these Vines and talk to this

Prisoner let’s see if I can get this St off him hey goon what’s up bro are you here to kill me kill you no bro not whatsoever listen I can get you out this place but I need something that belongs to me I can drop you the staff but

There’s one problem the staff’s in my enter chest and when I broke it it only gave me Obsidian wait that’s perfect because I have an Eye of Ender I’m pretty sure you can picked this up through the iron bars yes perfect let’s go and now wait let me mine this tree

And get you a crafting table come on come on come on finally going to get that staff back put it right there there you go brosi let’s go I can’t wait to get this staff back as we agreed here you go yes let’s go I finally got the

Staff legie bro quick what what’s going on boys I got the staff that’s great news wedgie but we don’t have time to mess around the girls are chasing us wait I’m a man of my word I need to really quickly get CED in out this

Prison he’s a great guy he gave me the staff and we can now kill the girls with it quick though we got to go now boys we can try and kill the girls with the staff is it left or is it right it’s definitely right because they’re all

There quick quick quick quick quick wait it’s kind of perfect though they will G in one spot we can use the staff please tell me to remember the password legi I do indeed remember the password but we need to get to the platform quick let’s get to that button it’s right behind

This Banner just like this yep did you hear that it worked hold on to your hats boys we’re going to explode pretty high up yes land on the platform on the scaffolding come on yes good job fifth yes and Em’s in as well good job and now

Get FR boys we’re going to use the staff if I do this okay there we go now I need to enter the password just like this there we go I entered in the password salty pepper 43 let’s hope this St unlocks fake staff detected what what

Does it mean thanks give me the password legie what you’re kidding me oh my gosh it’s a fake staff I hope you’re not afraid of heights legie what we’re being sent so high up what is this what are these platforms boys we need to land in the cobwebs or

Else we’re going to die yes yes we made it come on come on please nice we made it rocks no this is all your fault B how is this my fault what did I do that’s it you’re dead wait Tate this is not worth it we have a Brer problem to solve don’t

Care exxi they have to die boys she’s building over here I think she’s going to come and kill us wait someone p a block right here quickly let’s get the Redstone out like this if I put two TNT here one right here and I put a redstone

Here and a block like there come on let’s hope this works stand back boys come on yes we got her does she die let’s go we actually killed her well she kind of deserve that listen we can’t be fighting right now he’s got the stuff and he knows the password what wait what’s

Going on need go away from there man why what’s going on is there snow moving I think it’s melting this is not good boys there’s more BL over here you should try and bu over okay that’s a good idea but I only have full gravel and four dirt

Does anyone have any solid blocks if I place gravel here it’s just going to fall straight down I used my only plank that’s not good we have no blocks wait a second I can craft Co dirt using the gravel and the dirt combined we can get eight solid blocks and hopefully that’s

Enough to get over okay boys quickly let’s go we’re going to need to break some and replace some we need to make sure none of them fall in the void and we jump over here like this and this okay boys I don’t think I can go over

There to get an extra block so we’re going to have to make this four block jump right here be careful no one pushes me off I’m going to go for it here we go go like this yes I made it I don’t think I can make this jump Emerald can you

Punch me over yeah I got you bro let’s go nice good job now Emerald I’ll hook you over since I have a fishing rod go for Emerald jump nice good job all right boys we need that staff let’s get out of here sounds good to me but how the hell

Are we going to do that I barely have anything in my inventory that’s useful wait there’s a pile of items right here wait for real that’s from the person that died of full damage hold up maybe this person has some useful stuff that we can use to escape this place dexi by

Any chance do you have a dirt I think I have an idea of how we can get out this place well no but I have mud wait that works as well put it down okay check this out guys if we B me this bamboo like this we give it everything

We got okay that should be enough now we Break It come on come on please I need six here take them please tell me it’s four please no five bamboo are you kidding me I was going to break these cobwebs right here and then craft scaffolding and then we could have

Scaffold clutched out with this place check your inventory legie maybe she had something else let me have a look she had an elytra no way that’s perfect but it has zero durability please tell me someone has an anvil n but I got three iron blocks and I have three iron that

Should be enough wait you’re right we can probably craft an anvil right now I also have membrane so we can repair the elytra like this and this no I’m missing one iron ingot we literally need one but wait a second I think I have an idea of

How we can get this one iron check it out I have a furnace bkey take off your leggings and emerald take off your chest plate if we put these in the furnace we can smelt them and they will drop iron nuggets and if we get nine then we can

Make one iron ingot and escape this place using the elytra but these bamboos are burning really quick I’m going to need to burn everything I have I have another fishing rod just in case uh guys this isn’t good I’ve already run out of things to burn and we can’t burn this

Crafting table cuz we need it to make the Anvil later please tell me someone has has something have this campfire wait how’s that going to help us if you breing the campfire you get charcoal wait for real I can’t believe it I forgot about that no way it even gave us

Two that’s perfect that’ll be enough for ages good thinking msky that is not good I think we’ve run out of things to smell guys I can’t believe it we have an elytra but we can’t use it that’s terrible wait am I the only one seeing this Island’s melting pretty fast I’m

Not going to lie I don’t know how long we have left on this thing judging by the other Island it’s not very long that thing is literally almost completely gone wait guys check it out what’s up Emerald what do you see wait that’s an Enderman and he’s angry but wait hold up

This is good I have a sword if he drops the Ender pear we can teleport out but where did he go what ah he’s behind me he just disappeared again this guy’s good at dodging my shots here it is come on come on yes I killed him but what

They didn’t want get an ender pearl cuz I definitely didn’t pick one up I don’t think you dropped one you got to be kidding me the most unlucky people ever and it’s even raining hold up guys it’s raining and I have a cauldron and a brewing stand wait didn’t you say they

Have Phantom membranes as well exact Ono F we can make slow Bing potions we just need to fill up this cauldron right here wait guys stand back what’s up wait it’s a creeper oh my goodness he almost exploded but this is kind of perfect because we need it gunpowder there we go

Check it out guys we can now make a splash potion as well and the C is even filled up one level which is perfect with the Brewing Stand Down blaze powder Nether wart this is going to be great guys and there’s no way it doesn’t work

Brewing potions is about as safe as it gets what did I just get hit by lightning the timing on that was insane perfect there we go everyone get in a group get ready and okay down we go there we go I can finally see the ground again wait guys are you seeing that

Check it out it’s Compton’s name tag he’s in this house right here he’s literally right there and he’s holding the stuff we need to find a way to get it off him as soon as possible wait guys he’s coming back did I just hear something hold up I swear I just saw

Some particles over here oh never mind I can’t believe it thank goodness you had lad’s Faith he would have 100% caught us otherwise all right guys follow me down here everyone has to make sure they stay shifted I have a bad feeling that this

Guy is not going to be nice to us if he sees us yeah this guy’s got angry issues I also have no idea where he’s gone do you guys see him wait what’s this uhoh legie wait a second someone’s definitely in here guys he’s coming I

Really hope he doesn’t see us right here okay let’s head down I can’t believe he still hasn’t spotted us we’ve had some really close calls wait guys I think I know where the staff is wait really where right here in this room but be careful he’s above us he literally is

Right here guys what there’s nothing here no we got to do this hold up good job deck I really hope it’s in here though no it’s not it must be still on him wait is someone downstairs I heard a chest guys he’s coming right now wait

Guys in here good thinking fifth we can hide in the chest room this is weird I’m sure I’m not hearing things there is definitely someone in here I’m going to check outside okay guys we’re in the clear this is insane though we’ve had some close moments why is this guy so

Mean all he wants to do is kill us uh guys I have something to tell you me and Cobden used to date and after I left him he completely changed and that’s why he wants to kill me and everyone else wait that’s perfect what why he’s going to

Kill us all because of me but if you bait him and tell him that you want him back I know it sounds crazy Dex but you have to listen to me he might still be obsessed with you and if you can trick him into dropping you back that stuffff

Just this will be served and we’ll finally have a proper chance of killing him you know what that’s crazy as the sounds I’m all in all right guys follow me we’re going to have to execute this perfectly go Dex you got this kabby you here I have something important to tell

You wait is that who I think it is hey dexi oh my God hi I missed you so much can I come inside sure I just finished changing place what do you think of it guys it’s working she’s doing a great job he’s getting completely Bamboozled

Wow this is so cool I don’t even know why I left you here come to the back I have something to show you boys they’re going around the back back quickly follow me here check this out oh my God that’s so cute hey can I do it too

Pretty please yeah sure but be careful this thing’s important to me a thank you loser here legi I got it nice good job quickly guys go off these Vines I can’t believe I got the real stuff yes let’s go staff is unlocked I’m sorry CT but

This is the end for you brosi sl/ spit world like this come on please yes would you look at that dexi I can’t believe you did that to me we did it guys we cracked up their entire world

Why This Command was REMOVED from Minecraft

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