Explaining The New Price Changes For Stardew Valley 1.6!

The 1.6 update for stardew Valley has brought us many amazing positive things but with that comes a cost we do actually have some negative impacts for the 1.6 update that have personally affected me and I’m sure many of you as well and that is the price changes

There’s been a number of price changes in stard D Valley 1.6 some good some bad some really bad certain things that used to sell for quite a lot of money that could be overpowered especially early on in the game have now been nerfed a little bit which means it’s harder to

Make money by doing these certain things that used to be once amazing so we’re going to go through the entire list of all price changes starting off with the ones that are quite good and beneficial and maybe a little bit handy and then we’ll go down the list to the worst ones

That can be actually quite harsh and some of them are a little bit touchy for me and when I say price changes most of these are money gold but there’s also a few on the list that are resource price change as well for example the first one

Here is the worm bin now in order to craft the worm bin you used to be able to use 25 pieces of hardwood but now this has been reduced to 15 so 10 hardwood has been removed from the worm bin which is a good thing it means crafting worm bins in abundance quite

Early on is much more convenient and less resource heavy you know hardwood is not an easy thing to get hold of especially early on in the game and WM bins aren’t the best thing in stard Valley so using 25 hardwood for these was a little bit like ouch so 15

Hardwood now for the worm bins which I think is really good now another thing is building cabins for your friends for multiplayer these no longer need materials before when you used to build a cabin you had to pay 100 gold and a few resources as well depending on what

Type of cabin you built so if you built the stone cabin you’d use a bit of stone the wood you’d use wood and then there was the other one which was fiber but now you no longer need any resources it is just 100 gold and you can select what

Variant of cabin you want just for 100 gold that is another good change in my eyes quite positive not too bad and whil we’re talking about like buildings and Robbin shop the carpenter let’s actually go on to the second house upgrade so they have now raised the price of the

Second house upgrade this is the one which adds the two bedrooms which allows you to have children so when you upgrade your house now instead of it costing 50,000 gold like it used to it’s actually increased to 65,000 gold so a 15K increase which is a little bit harsh

But they come as a positive with this as well because they have now reduced the number of hardwood needed for this as well it used to be 150 but now you only need 100 we’ll also move on to some home renovations most home renovations now

Cost money before a lot of them used to be free so if you wanted an extension you could just go to Robin and she’ll do it but now they all cost money so you can still remove cribs from your house for free but if you want the open bed

Bedroom which removes the wall separating the bedroom and the entrance room this will now cost 10,000 gold to add the southern room which is a room to the south of your bedroom this will now cost 30,000 gold to add The Corner Room in the top right the northeast corner of

The house this will be 20,000 gold so they are the old classic Renovations but now we have three brand new ones as well which is the dining room which came with 1.6 this is going to cost a whopping 150,000 gold we now have the new Kuby as

Well this is a little cubby next to the front door this is only 10,000 gold and then the last is the brand new attic which is another staircase and a room at the top of the house this is going to cost 60,000 gold so yeah all house

Renovations bar the crib is going to cost money now we’re going to go on to some price increases of things in shops the first one is the farm warp totem the one that sends you back to your farm which you could purchase from the casino

This used to cost 500 Qi coins but now this is increased to a thousand so to purchase warp totems to the farm they are now going to cost you double I’m guessing this was maybe due to being a little bit overpowered easily getting 500 getting a warp totem you know it

Kind of made the return sepor a little bit pointless so I understand why they’ve done this I personally never actually purchased these so this doesn’t really affect me too much but yeah that is an increase in the casino now we’ll move on to the dwarf shop this is bombs

The price of bombs have now been increased now you left to let me know what these actually originally were cuz I have no idea I forgot and it doesn’t say on here but cherry bombs are now 450 gold to buy like I said I don’t know what these were before please let me

Know normal bombs are now 1,000 gold for one very very pricey but the mega bomb comes in at a whopping 1,600 gold for one so all bombs have now been increased if you want bombs in year one it is cheaper to go to the blacksmith purchase

Four iron or and one coal which will only come to a total of 750 gold whereas if you buy the bomb upright from the dwarf shop it’s 1,000 so you’re saving 250 by crafting it yourself obviously you need to get to level six in mining

To get the recipe for the bomb and even buying wood from the carpenter shop and burning it into charcoal Kiln will save you an extra 50 gold it’s also 50 gold cheaper to buy the materials for cherry bombs so yeah year one maybe craft them yourself but when you get to year two

Clints and Robbins prices do rise a little bit so you know buying iron or and coal is going to be more pricey than getting them from the dwarf so that is a little tip there now we’re going to move on to another price that is being raised

In a shop and that is Hat prices now I don’t have an exact figure on this all we know is some Hat prices from the Hat Mouse have now been raised so once you get an achievement you unlock a new different type of hat from the Hat Mouse

And then you’d buy them some of these have been increased nothing has been reduced and not all of them have been increased it just says some so I think previously before 1.6 if I’m right all of the hats used to cost 1,000 gold the same right I think the price was all the

Same 1,000 I could be wrong I could be wrong but now that I’ve noticed that there’s a few of the hats some of them are still 1,000 gold but some of them are boosted up like lucky Bow’s 2000 the cool cat the blue one I’m pretty sure

That used to be a th000 that’s now 5K the bowler hat is 10K the sombero is 25 the cowboy hat is 10 so the prices seem a lot more expensive than used to be I’m pretty sure they they all used to be th000 but now it seems like they’ve

Individually got their own prices so that is the price increases from shops just the three of them Casino the dwarf and the hats and now we’re going to move on to the most harshest in my opinion and these are the sell prices of certain items that you could craft and produce

And sell to make some good money there is three of them we’ll go for the least harsh and work our way down so the first one is fairy dust Now fairy dust is a craftable item that will allow you to make a machine immediately finish the process of whatever it’s carrying out so

For example if you put an ancient fruit into the keg to make wine rather than waiting whatever what 6 days you could use a fairy dust and it will instantly make this wine in order to craft this you just needed one diamond and one fairy Rose which a diamond is 750 gold

Base price and a fairy Rose base quality is 290 so you’re looking at over 1,000 gold in order to make fairy dust right and I’m confused because they’ve now reduced the price of Fair dust to 300 gold instead of 500 so you actually make 200 less this is confusing to me because

You could never make money on fairy dust anyway because like I said it’s it’s more profitable just to sell the diamonds and the fairy rows so this is one that’s confused me the most I don’t understand why we’ve had a a reduction of 200 gold on the sell price because

Let’s be honest if I made a ton of fairy dust from loads of diamonds and fos and sold the fairy dust I’d be losing money it just wouldn’t make sense because they only sell for 500 gold and that alone is just the diamond so please let me know

What is what why does this change why is this being reduced am I missing something was this more overpowered than I thought now move on to another price change and this is the life Elixir now this was an edible crafting item and you unlock this at combat level two and in

Order to craft this you just needed one of every mushroom which was a red a purple a Mel and a Chantell and eating this would give you 200 energy 90 Health very very good to have um if especially if you had the mushroom cave making a

Lot of these was a great food source now these used to sell for 500 gold but now they’ve been halfed guys you can only sell life Elixir for 250 gold now I never actually sold these for profit so I’m going to work this out a standard

Red mushroom is 75 gold cuz that’s what you need to craft it I’m trying to use the base quality a purple mushroom base is 250 a base morel mushroom was 150 and then the standard chanta was 160 each of these mushrooms came to a total of 635 that’s the price of the standard

Quality mushrooms then you’d make the life Elixir which would used to sell for 500 so before the 1.6 update you’d lose 135 gold and now they’ve reduced this even more to only 250 gold per again this is confusing to me because you’d never make profit anyway uh using the

Mushrooms to craft the life Elixir you’d never make money on them either even when they used to sell for 500 gold so why is this being reduced to 250 this is so strange and I’m not sure why these have being reduced these two that we spoke about because they wasn’t

Profitable anyway so yeah let me know guys what is all that about but the next one and this is the uh the most harsh in my opinion the one that actually affects me because I used to use this technique to make a lot of money and that is tea

Saplings now if you don’t know I’m pretty sure you do the tea sapling method a great way to make money so the tea sapling is basically a tea bush which produces tea leaves each day of the final week uh spring summer and fall and winter if it’s indoors so you gather

Tea leaves from them you get the recipe from Caroline after her two art event she’d send you the recipe and in order to craft a tea sapling you just needed any wild seed I think you needed two of them five fiber and five wood this was pretty crazy because wild seeds only

Sold for 35 gold so that was two of them you needed which was 70 gold and then you needed five fiber like I said and they only sold for a gold each so that’s five gold and then five pieces of wood which are two gold each so that’s 10 so

Guys in order to craft a tea sapling it was only going to cost you 85 gold and then you could sell these for 500 gold a whopping 500 gold that is like what over a 400 gold profit which was absolutely insane and and you could literally make

A ton of these tea saplings and make massive amounts of money especially early on in the game but sadly they have reduced the price of what T saplings sell for it’s no longer 500 gold guys it is 250 so yes you still make profit you know wild seeds fiber and wood is still

Only going to cost 85 gold and you are obviously going to sell this for 250 so that’s a 165 gold profit but it’s nowhere near as good as what it could have been the previous 415 profit so it’s harsh you can still make money on them but not as much nowhere near as

Enough in my opinion it’s probably maybe even better now just to plant the tea saplings and actually sell the tea leaves or make green tea I have no idea um the tea sapling effort for me now is probably something I’m not going to ever do again the effort that you’ve got to

Go to to get all of the fiber all of the wild seeds even just getting the recipe alone from Caroline it just doesn’t seem worth it for me anymore and that’s a big negative impact on early game profits it’s going to be tough but that is all

Of the price changes guys um yeah a lot of things have been reduced a lot of things have been nerfed a little bit you could say um yeah let me know down below are any of these quite impactful on your playthrough like did you use the ta-

Sapping method also let me know about the fairy dust in the Life CU that is so confusing to me I I have no idea why they’ve been reduced um maybe there’s a reason that I’m just not aware of but you know they kind of trying to balance

Out the game a little bit more to make it fair for everybody I’m guessing coner n didn’t want people to make hundreds of thousands in the first year just from tea saplings CU it’s kind of like I’ve made so much money I’ve advanced in Year

One you know you kind of want to drag the game playay out get into year two to start making money you know in masses amount so yeah it makes sense I’m sad though I am sad but it is what it is that is the price changes for stardy

Valy 1.6 let me know your thoughts on all this down below guys if you did enjoy and you found this video useful please smash that like button and subscribe to see more 1.6 videos but until then guys I’ll see you on the next one stay safe stay cozy

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  1. Now with the bomb nerfs, for players who use bombs it would be interesting to see if there is a shift in farming for radioactive bars rather than iridium bars from skull cavern runs.

    If you can get high amounts like 800+ iridium I'd imagine it'd still be worth it. Explosive ammo w the master slingshot is going to be significantly better now too.

  2. I'm a little sad about the tea sapling nerf, but it's understandable. It IS a farming sim. It won't change how I play much, it'll still be a little help in the early days. The decorator in me is crying though over the prices of the extra rooms!! Makes me hesitant to start a new playthrough even though I want to try it all fresh!

  3. I have over 300 farm warp totems because I got bored and left my casino slots afk on a max luck day, and came back to over 700k qi coins 😂😂😂

  4. You can dig up a tea sampling again though, I swear I saw that on the patch notes. So plant the tea sapling, sell the tea leaves, dig up the plant and then sell the sapling.

  5. It's weird to see them cut the tea leave profit in half but I'm banking right now on turning my farm into just a fishing farm. All smoked fish are doubled in profit. I've already made 83,589g and I'm only on Day 19 of Spring, Year 1. 😂

  6. I wouldn't be surprised if the Fairy Dust and Life Elixir nerfs were there to encourage players to actually use them.

    If the profit is large enough, it's almost a shame to use them as intended, haha. Especially in year 1 when you're short on money.

  7. The cost to recover lost items when you die is based on the price it would be if you were to sell an item, so now, if you lose a stack of Life Elixirs, it's half the cost to recover them it used to be.

  8. So, GamerGar just put out a video that covered the new mushroom logs. Turns out, you can control what mushrooms they produce by which trees are around them. This makes the Life Elixir significantly easier to produce in mass quantities. Yes, you technically were always selling them at a loss, but with the changes and the right build, you can make a ton of money from them. This nerf, and the similar ones, are a preemptive strike on certain things being far more profitable on the scale than they should be.

  9. How do you get an auto petter? Also, I could have sworn that somewhere in the 1.6 discovery videors you've made that you said you could buy a book that gives you all the food recipes. I can't find it ing the game or your videos. Did I hear that right?

  10. I only ever used cheat mods for a kind of "creative mode" playthrough before, but I feel the price increases will negatively impact my experience so maybe I'll play with cheat mods on just to counteract the price increases. Thanks for letting us know, as I would have hated finding out the hard way!

  11. 7:50 It may be because there are other ways to get fairy dust now. I believe the raccoon shop will trade it for mystic sap, but I don't know what mystic sap is worth to say whether or not that's a viable reason.

  12. Lets be real here. The tea saplings were way overpowered to begin with. I didn't use them for that reason, they just felt too easy to me. Personal opinion I know, but this won't make any difference in how I play the game.
    The bomb kinda hurt though. I didn't purchase them too often because they were expensive then and I wanted my money elsewhere, but oh well. After year one money is pretty easy to come by anyhow so not too much of a problem.

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