Ranking Every Terraria Boss EASIEST to HARDEST

Terraria is one of my favorite games of all time and recently I’ve decided to come back to the game but after doing the ranking of the cuphead bosses it got me thinking why not do in for Terraria so let’s rank them before we start this video I just want to get some ground

Rose out of the way this will be done in single player the Empress of light will be done during the night time no bugs or glitches or any ways to get items before he’s supposed to invincibility exploits or cheesing bosses of course is not allowed and this will be done in extra

Mode and again this is all my opinion so feel free to disagree but without further Ado let’s get into it number 17 King Slime now I think it should come as no surprise that the literal first boss is at the lowest spot regardless of the class you’re playing

All you have to do is really build a simple platform and any ranged weapon can make short work of this overweight ninja eating slime there really isn’t too much to say with this guy he’s a simple concept with a simple way to beat him number 16. Golem is there really

Anything that needs to be said bro it’s Golem anyways Golem is one of the end game bosses in quotation marks and it’s just laughably easy I mean there’s a reason the whole freaking Terraria Community clowns in this boss even with the supposed Buffs to Golem in 1.4 which I

Don’t even notice he’s still a joke just build a platform above him and you’ll be good as he is one of the Final Bosses in the game every class has plenty of weapons to take this guy out and it’s just sad to see a boss that had a whole ass

Temple made for him he’s just so damn weak number 15. the lunatic cultist ironically and required progression this comes right after Gollum and like Gollum it has a similar problem where at the stage of the game where this boss is fought there’s just so many amazing options for every class that the

Cultures just really don’t stand a chance it can be somewhat threatening with some of its lasers that do do really high damage but overall I mean if you have wings and solid armor this boss is a cakewalk just make sure you hit the right cultist when it does its summoning

Circle attack because five of those [ __ ] is a completely different story number 14. the Eater of Worlds one of the most satisfying bosses to kill but not always to fight the eater can be somewhat tough if you’re not prepared and there are also tricks you can use

Like stun locking it on platforms with a slimy saddle which are great options for this boss but for the most part this boss comes down to dodging the projectiles that are shot from the eyes and making sure you’re able to maneuver around the head and overall this boss

Can be pretty easily beat just make sure you take your time and keep your distance number 13 the Eye of Cthulhu for the most part this is probably the first ever boss you fought in Terraria in its first phase it will shoot out little mini eyes that drop hearts and then dash

At you these stashes are really slow so no need to worry about them after getting it down though it will shift into its second phase where it looks like it pulls a Joker from Persona and loses this pupil it proceeds to rapidly Dash you and these dashes yield much much higher

Damage than in its first phase and then finally it will go nuts to butts by taking no breaks and dashing at you like a YouTuber trying to delete comments talking about their hairline it’s a wild fight and it will definitely require at least a platform to run on and Hermes

Boots which can be pretty easily found by just exploring otherwise though any weapon with a decent range can take this guy out just run attack get the hearts and you’re good number 12 the brain of Cthulhu that personally I’ve always geared a little bit more towards the corruption so my experience with this

Boss isn’t exactly up to par with the rest of the boss is on this list however for me I found the brain not so much of a challenge as long as you have a decent Arena and maybe a weapon like the boomstick isn’t too bad in its first

Phase it pretty much just teleports around while these little eyeball things called creepers attack you you can’t damage the brain in this phase until you kill ever creeper but once you do we move to its second phase where the brain opens up and four transparent brains

Will spawn you have to shoot the real brain which is the one that is the least transparent for the most part it’s really easy to tell which one is which however as the fight goes on the brain will start to rapidly shift and you’ll just have to DPS him down before he does

The same to you the brain is an interesting boss for sure and can be a challenge if you aren’t prepared for its second phase but overall as long as you have a decent Splash weapon the this boss isn’t too bad number 11 the queen slime now to be honest this might be a

Hot take but I think the queen sign just really isn’t that hard in her first phase she jumps up and down in similar fashion to the king’s slime and she also spawns Crystal Heavenly and bouncy slimes all of which shooting out several High DPS crystals that in her second

Face she somehow grows [ __ ] wings and begins to Fly Above you as well as dropping down super fast and shooting Regal gel all over the screen now you might be thinking bam bruh this boss sounds mad hard and for that I would disagree now going into this boss up

Close is a [ __ ] death sentence but as this is a hard mode boss you have access to movement accessories like wings which really help during this fight and to be honest as long as you’re able to keep your cool and react to your attack patterns the queen slime just really

Isn’t as bad as I’ve seen other people say she is even though yes I will agree she is very tanky number 10 the Destroyer now in the past the Destroyer has been an absolute joke as you were easily able to cheese it and while yes you still can

Notably in 1.4 the Daedalus storm bow received a Nerf though to be fair it’s still a good option the Destroyer like the Eater of Worlds charges at the player however it shoots out hundreds of lasers which actually do pretty heavy damage then once taking out a segment a

Probe comes out which will fire even more lasers now this boss is pretty difficult to rank as well they did Nerf strategies about the boss in 1.4 the Ranger and Mage classes still have the stormboat and meteor staff which can make short work of this Worm but with

Summoner and melee this can be a pretty challenging fight as any decent Splash weapon can take this guy out which are both things these two classes lack but overall while my opinions of this boss have changed a lot over the years I would still put the Destroyer as by far

The easiest mechanical boss in Terraria number nine the queen Jesus Christ dude I’m getting rumor flashbacks the queen bee is a boss that requires a lot of preparation a good Arena a good range and melee weapon for the bees it shits out and good regeneration as this boss poisons you a lot

Getting An ancestry like the Beezer will make this fight much better with the invulnerability to poison but even with all of that can this can still be a tough fight in her first phase she will dash at you a couple of times dealing massive damage she will then pivot to

Either shooting out Stingers which cause the poison debuff which will not 100 stop your health regen but may as well for how laughably slow your regen will become she will also fire up bees which inflict poison and an expert in master mode can actually do a decent amount of

Damage which is why I’d recommend some kind of melee weapon to deal with them now the tough part about this fight is that as it goes on everything slowly gets faster and faster and she also gets more tanky for some players this can be an incredibly challenging fight as the

Patterns are something you really have to have down but personally for me once you learn the attacks and how to deal with them it’s truly not that bad of a fight with correct preparation even without beezor number eight Skeletron one of the most iconic bosses in Terraria and chances are if you’ve ever

Seen anything Terraria related it’s either been the Eye of Cthulhu or Skeletron Skeletron is a decently powerful boss let’s go into the dungeon tonight and talking to the old man yes dead ass that is his name the big Skelly boy will spawn in this first phase he will throw

His hands at you which are actually pretty tough to dodge make sure you bring as many movement accessories as you can because you’re going to need them for this fight after that he will begin spinning his head and start chasing you you cannot get hit by this I

Repeat you cannot get hit by this because if you do he will keep you trapped in there and the only way to escape is death after taking out one of his hands he will begin rapidly firing scalzi which actually have this weird curve to them for some reason

This is another thing you don’t want to get hit by because getting hit by them could send you back into Skeletron dealing even more damage and causing the bleeding debuff see the tough part about Skeletron is that getting hit once is massive the pattern isn’t too tough to

Get down but messing up just once can be the end of your life and not to mention the bleeding debuff this easily puts him at eighth number seven Skeletron Prime okay so I think Skeletron but with four arms bombs lasers a [ __ ] chainsaw and a stupid amount of HP I think it’s very

Telling how most bots in Terraria that I spawned at night will despawn in the morning or kill you instantly but that’s usually not a problem for most bosses but not this Optimus Prime wannabe [ __ ] Prime has a similar attack pattern as Skeletron with him shooting bombs and

Lasers and then charging at the player every 10 seconds now you might be thinking Mercy as this is hard mode surely the better Mobility will help you dodge his attacks while yes Wings do make prime more bearable and in my opinion they are almost required for him unless using special mounts Prime

Actually gets faster and faster the further away you get from him so no matter what you aren’t going to be able to just run away from Prime Prime has always been a tough boss for me because not only is he one of the tankiest boss in torreira he also has

Rage and can’t Simply Be cheese by just running away the whole time overall for me this puts him easily at seven number six the twins okay now we’re getting into the truly difficult bosses the twins are in my opinion by far the hardest mechanical boss and really around a tear of their

Own like the Eye of Cthulhu the twins will dash at you but this time they’ll be firing projectiles at you retinizer who fires red lasers at you which aren’t too hard to dodge and spasmatism who fires green Fireballs of you which will burn you for the most part the first

Phase of these bosses isn’t too hard but the second phase is where things get crazy spazmatism space gets ripped off and it proceeds to dash you much much faster and then turns into a literal of green rubbed Flames which will wipe your HP faster than your father left you and

Then retinizer who loses his face and his Persona must just literally be a laser machine gun because this [ __ ] just fires and fires and fires the true difficulty in the twins is having to fight them both at once while you can kill one individually you’re generally going to find yourself running

Away from spasmatism well retinizer is firing his lasers at you all this while they are both rapidly chasing you it’s a nightmare of a fight and easily makes them objectively the hardest boss no questions asked number five the Wall of Flesh now I’ve been playing Terraria for

Almost six years at this point and I don’t think my opinion on any boss has changed anywhere close to as much as this one has I went from saying damn bro this boss is mad hard too ah it’s not that bad to holy [ __ ] this boss is

Literally impossible two well is it to now where I’m saying it’s a pretty hard fight the wall of flesh is interesting because you know exactly what’s going to happen you know it’s going to charge at you shooting lasers the hungrys are just gonna simply jump at you and all you

Have to do is just jump over it and then once you get into the fight you realize that the fight is much harder than you think now the wildflush is another boss where class really can determine your experience like for example the range and Mage it’s not that difficult of a

Fight and even melee has got options but Summoner man Loki this is one of the hardest fights for them the crazy thing about the wall is how much its speed and damage increase as its Health depletes even when you think you’re about to win you get caught by like 50 different

Lasers to choose which all do mad damage and like Skeletron if you get hit by the wallet you’re pretty much dead it’s a nuts to buds fight and overall this pushes them easily to fifth number four Plantera Jesus Christ do I hate plants and poltero’s first phase it’s really

Easy just circle the boss over and over again it does shoot spike balls which can be a nuisance but as long as you have a decently High Arena you should be fine and then in the second phase everything goes to [ __ ] Plantera will rip off its face yes they did a lot in

This game for some reason and begin to charge you incredibly fast it will have tentacles that are flying all over the arena and the spike balls from the first phase are still there for some reason if you make one mistake in this phase it will easily corner you and kill you even

Just one hit from Plantera is half your health already the sheer damage it does plus the fact that it still has half its Health left it’s just insane it’s really tough and I think a lot of people sleep on Plantera for some reason but this boss is just held a fight especially if

You don’t know what you’re doing even though it’s simple it’s still a pain in the ass or should I say pain in the grass okay number three Duke fishron now fish run Falls in an interesting time and progression between Plantera and Gollum however this boss is incredibly hard I think it’s telling

That this is really the only boss in Terraria that has three proper phases in quotation marks in its first phase he will pretty typically Dash you three times and then pivot to either summoning two Cyclones that shoot out several sharknados doing Mad damage or bubbles which if you don’t have a splash weapon

Will eat through your HP after getting him down to half though he will shift into his second phase where his eyes will turn yellow and he’ll begin dashing at you as quick as Poseidon himself instead of spitting bubble bars though he will spin them which will home on to

You if you don’t destroy them but overall it’s really similar to the first phase and then there’s the third phase Duke will go invisible and the screen will begin to turn black Duke will begin dashing towards you and then disappearing dodging Duke just requires doing the pattern however if you don’t

He is so fast you really can’t react to him not to mention you can’t DPS it down either because he will do that to you first overall Duke really just is a menace and I think I’m starting to grow a dislike for green bosses in video

Games and while yes he is very hard and has a pretty steep learning curve once you learn Duke and the patterns especially in his third phase it just becomes so much easier leaving him at third number two the moon Lord the final boss of Terraria the big man himself and the dude that

Caused well all of this now I think for most people I don’t have to explain why the moonlord is at this spot I mean for most people he is their hardest boss which I would have agreed with until 1.4 when an accessory dropped by the Emperors of light called the

Soying Insignia was added which gave the player the ability to infinitely fly this is massive in this fight as previously the Giant Eye laser fired from the middle eye was a massive pain however with this it’s now incredibly easy to dodge this laser don’t get me wrong this boss is incredibly difficult

And I mean it’s the [ __ ] Moon Lord bro like no one has to say anything to fear his name it for sure lives up to the final boss name it has and if we were playing on normal mode this would definitely be number one however number one

The Empress of life now this might be a shock to a lot of people but let me explain the Empress of light has crazy stats clocking in at 10 000 HP in extra mode this boss is just insane and there was so much in this fight that I can’t

Even list them all I mean dashes turns into a massive [ __ ] sun with a huge hitbox homing crystals and so much more and that’s all just in her first phase in her second phase she begins firing bullet hell even to the likes of Dr Kell and Wally warbles it’s super tight and

With her insane damage output one hit from her could literally be the end of your life I mean I think it’s very telling that they made a special version of her when fought in the daytime where all her attacks kill you instantly she’s just crazy and especially for the point

In progression where she is bought and while it’s super super super close and honestly this could easily be changed I’m going to put the Empress of light at the number one spot making her by far the hardest boss in my opinion which of course is right in Terraria and that’s it

Thank you all for watching of course here’s the final list I realized that in my time away they added a boss called deer clops which I didn’t bother ranking as even if he kills you who won’t despawn so you can literally just go back and fight him but for what it’s

Worth I would put him behind the brand of Cthulhu anyways I would like to thank boss Fighter for the background footage because uh without that the boss fights would look a lot like this And also Drex hope I’m saying that right for well the song you’re listening to right now of course their links will be in the description but anyways thank you all for watching um subscribe I guess if you at least kind of liked it and uh let me know how

[ __ ] wrong I was because uh something’s telling me I’m gonna get a lot of those but uh yeah bye-bye okay so editors know at the time I’ve been recording this 1.4.4 had not come out which has brought a ton of new changes to weapons and such I don’t believe my list would have

Changed too much based on the changes but I just thought I’d put that out there also yes I did replay this game for this video and I know that boss fighter uses post cultist stuff on Duke and the empress but don’t worry I did make sure to stick to normal progression

Oh and yeah I did learn the whole Empress of light daytime fight just for this outro part which kind of gets diminished because of the new changes but uh whatever whatever it’s still it still took me like an hour uh because I’m I’m pretty [ __ ] but uh anyways though thank you for watching

Again and yeah bye-bye

Thank you so much for watching I put a lot of time into this video so I hope you guys liked it I also wanted to say thank you so much for the support on the last boss ranking obviously that motivated me to make this one but if you watched both I’m sure you can see the similarities lmao and I’m sorry if the editing was a bit choppy I was messing around a lot with this one but it was also some what rushed

Discord: https://discord.gg/repBQBH

Boss Fighter: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCdss2sXAPkn8Yb5BePLXQow
Drayx: https://www.youtube.com/c/Drayx
Empress of Light song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Rnxej4XAa6g

#terraria #ranking

If your readin this please tell what color should be added to the rainbow surely it needs more than 7 right?

Intro: (0:00)
King Slime: (0:37)
Golem: (1:00)
Cultists: (1:43)
Eater of Worlds: (2:21)
Eye of Cthulhu: (2:52)
Brain of Cthulhu: (3:46)
Queen Slime: (4:48)
Destroyer: (5:46)
Queen Bee: (6:47)
Skeletron: (8:06)
Skeletron Prime: (9:26)
Twins: (10:36)
Wall of Flesh: (11:57)
Plantera: (13:19)
Duke Fishron: (14:30)
Moon Lord: (16:08)
Knee Before Her: (17:07)
Dramatic effect: (18:17)
Final Tier list: (18:20)
Editors Note: (19:22)
Outro: (20:12)


  1. dude i have defeated duke fishron in one try but i was so close to dying
    basically i was at like 2 hearts and it was dashing at me but couldnt hit me cuz i was just a few pixels
    and just after a few seconds there were like a lot sharks that were thrown at me but with luck i managed to dodge them
    then i drank the greater healing potion and healed myself
    so duke is now the hardest boss for me

  2. I saw a short where one guy put eye of cthulhu as 6th hardest boss, king slime as a 8th hardest boss, and golem as a 10th hardest boss…

  3. I don’t think planters is that difficult but I don’t think I have a right to talk since I haven’t finished my summoner and ranger playthroughs

  4. The destroyer is actually the easiest for summoners, because whips can hit through walls so just a line of solid blocks makes it a cake walk.

  5. In my opinion twins are the easiest mechanical boss and destroyer is hardest, also empress (at night) is way easier than moo lord (pls dont kill me, I want to live)

  6. The only one I have beaten is Skeletron. I fought the Eye of Cthulu before I was ready for it and the two times King Slime has spawned, were at the worst possible moments.

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