JJ and Mikey Found The SMALLEST VILLAGE inside END PORTAL in Minecraft Maizen!

Hey JJ JJ you’ll never guess what I found here follow me huh hurry what is it come on okay yeah that’s it see what is that this is the village in the end portal we will need to activate the portal now we will go to this Village wow I wonder

What’s inside there’s definitely treasure somewhere inside want to check it out yeah okay I’m really curious let’s go in you first JJ 3 2 1 wow we were able to get into this small village I wonder what’s here what is it I guess is it uh there’s definitely

Something there but huh it looks pretty sus let’s move in slowly carefully hello you’re going closer yeah it’s not a attacking us maybe it’s safe it’s fine JJ it hasn’t noticed us who knows what’ll happen when it sees us it’s kind of freaky get closer whoa hold on what it’s attacking

JJ miky no what is it it’s going after me ouch attack Punch Yeah yeah ouch yeah a little more we can beat it stop two versus one oops sorry oh no I only have two hearts left uh-oh no stop take it down we won that was a close one

That was scary and dangerous it was strong what a fight Mikey see that chest treasure let’s see what’s inside I’m opening it right now 3 2 1 wa what a find wo enemies it’s full of gross tentacle things get creepy all done this pulse rifle is super effective there’s nothing

For me to be afraid of yeah what a lucky find here you go ahead this way huh hold on this is the way we came from I just noticed something even though we have water breathing yeah the oxygen bar is almost running out up here there’s a spot here to get a

Refill oh there’s oxygen in this corner we can use oh lucky I guess water breathing doesn’t make us immune let’s hurry this stage is practically an underwater Labyrinth oh we’re finally out yay wait this is the end we shouldn’t leave any tentacles behind right yes yes nice work we made

It through wait what no way what is it huh wao that’s a long way to the bottom of the hole it looks like there are slime blocks down there for us to jump on Wow me first sure yum wo what is It be careful I guess it’s my turn what is it okay hurry hurry JJ come on wo let’s go yeah so far so good hey where’d you go H did you hear something just now go behind you run JJ run away don’t look back it’s following oh no

What is it it’s some hideous monster JJ over here there’s a trap jump it good idea we jumped it will it fall I think so right into the lava I hope you’re right yes it fell in woohoo we did it let’s keep moving I wasn’t expecting that we let our guards

Down you’re right spider webs we have to be more careful from here on out Z we must be getting close but where is it what now oh there’s a chest up there we have to parkour our way up or treasure all right I found us some new

Pickaxes here’s one for you hey what’s this pickaxe made of I’ll break these iron bars wo with our new pickaxe keep moving let’s go where a chest wow it has potions of Leaping inside really they make us jump higher I’ll try one me too oh look at me now

That we can jump higher we can you okay I’m fine okay huh what’s that what I just found something you did a secret chest let’s look wow good eye open a golden apple you can have it Mikey just one it’s all yours okay while the potions of Leaping

Are still active let’s get to the top Ouch okay yes I made it I cleared the Area Sweet let’s keep going we’re close let’s go oh swords woohoo oh no the enemies have spawned we need to defeat them help attack JJ help me please use your charge attack how do I do that watch I can’t figure it out bam huh wow wao that rocked come on hey

Check out this door I bet there’s another enemy waiting on the other side we can handle it no problem let’s go 3 2 1 open Huh H where where am I hold on oh wait we were attacked by a very strong boss oh my God it looks like he kidnapped Mikey hey Mikey where are you you need to find him and defeat the boss here we go moving on now I have to make it to the

Top that’s where I’ll find the ghost the cursed Mikey I have to defeat it to break the curse but first I need to parkour my way up to the next floor here we go so far so good I’ll be honest I was expecting this Tower to be a lot more

Dangerous it’s been pretty easy so far I hope it stays that way waa what’s that hey stop it get away from me pH that was a close one I guess this Tower is dangerous after all getting to the top won’t be easy as I Thought I wonder if they belong to people who tried climbing the tower before me H but failed that’s not a good sign there are two ladders here which one should I pick I’ll go with the left one yes here goes nothing is it safe up

Here wa look at all the zombies if I had chosen the ladder on the right I would have ended up in there I’m glad I stuck to the left I better deal with him all right take that honestly I’m starting to get nervous about all this wa hold up another monster it didn’t

Stand a chance I think I’ve cleared all the zombies but I still don’t feel safe let’s see what’s inside this chest oh an iron pickaxe maybe I can use it to break down this wall okay that works moving on there’s a staircase with a ladder at

The top but what really stands out to me is the hidden chest Under the Stairs wo I came across some iron armor and a few golden apples that’s a pretty good haul all right let’s keep moving towards the ladder up we go I want wonder what’s on the next

Floor if I’m remembering correctly this Tower is way taller than this open now I’ll poke my head Out wait hang on a minute gooh these demon things are attacking me yikes okay I can do this there that was freaky what were those things it looked like they were up to no good this Tower is getting super dangerous I better watch my

Step if I fall in the lava then it’s the end of the road for me I don’t want to die from curses or lava I need to get to the top to break the curse on Mikey but first I need to defeat that evil ghost oh a door let’s open it

Up wow I made it outside I can’t believe how far up I am that said I’m still quite a ways away from the top I wonder how much further do I need to go all right let’s keep going where was I right there’s a chest over there nice a potion of water

Breathing what do I need that for I better drink it to be safe now what oh there’s a ladder there’s no way to go but up what’s up here wo no way it’s full of water is it some kind of aquarium I guess that’s why I needed the

Potion of water breathing take a look look at those things uhoh they’re attacking Me wo that was a close one they really took me off my guard I’m glad I have my laser pistol to protect me okay time to move on let’s take a look through here let’s see wait are those enemies I think I’m in serious trouble once again my trusty laser

Pistol comes in handy I’m saved wo what’s all this stuff oh this must be the way outside wow I feel like I’ve come a long way already it looks like I’m getting closer just a little further I need to hurry up and break the curse so I can bring Mikey back to life

All right let’s open this chest wao check it out I found a new weapon it’s a gus rifle that’s epic this is one of the most powerful guns ever this scope is something else this cursed tower has some pretty good stuff stowed away I can’t waste any

More time I have to climb to the top I wonder what’s up here huh I can climb from there yes what’s behind this trap door I’m almost there Wa hey what’s this hey wait it’s just a villager maybe he was being experimented on I’ll use this dynamite I found downstairs to blow his cell open stand Back Okay yes you’re free now villager I’m going higher up the tower you have to escape on your own yes I’m getting closer I can feel it yikes no thank you whoa here they Come whoa they didn’t stand a chance against me okay all clear H this must be the way I better eat a golden apple 3 2 1 open yes I made it wait that’s weird this looks like an ordinary house to me H I wonder where the ghost is hiding

Look this room is super high wo hi I saw the ghost it’s grown since the last time I bumped into it I think it’s Wasing me I’ll eat a golden apple and run in guns blazing I’m going to blast it to bits 3 2 1 open go go this thing is

Powerful but not powerful enough I beat it I think I can move on I need to hurry and find Mikey this is where the monster came out earlier oh what’s this a button maybe it’ll open the door there’s only one way to find out Mikey’s probably behind here I hope he’s not hurt

Yes wo villagers I don’t see Mikey anywhere oh there he is Mikey huh what are you doing here JJ you have to get me out I’m trapped and I need your help set me free Mikey do you know what this place is a research facility I don’t care anymore just hurry

Up and let me out before the monster comes back okay 3 2 1 open I’m setting you free I’m glad you’re all right I was worried thanks I was about to get eaten let’s get out of here I don’t want to see this place or the monsters ever

Again oh don’t worry I took care of the monster already there’s nothing to worry about I’m so happy to have you back awesome thanks JJ let’s go h Huh where’s this H it looks like a nice normal house H cozy huh so there’s a painting a

Bed is that diamond armor for me if you want it what’s mine is yours you can use anything in the house well thanks I’ll take it what am I waiting for I might as well equip it right now wo it really suits you JJ now what’s inside this

Chest why don’t you take a look don’t mind if I do oh apples that’s nice yeah I’ll say there’s more stuff in here so keep looking oh really like behind this painting good guess but nope how about in the furnace an iron no a diamond sword amazing nice find you’re great at

This hang on you are supposed to build an underground hideout not just an ordinary house there should be a secret entrance somewhere around here but where I don’t know hey what are you looking at H there’s something off about that corner and Mikey what you’re acting Shifty I’m

Not acting Shifty yes you are and that corner you’re standing on is a trap door huh what trap door I didn’t notice it at first because it Blends in with the rest of the floor but it’s a trapo you think let’s find out I knew it o looks like it

Goes really deep underground which means it’s got to be the entrance to your secret hideout yep are you okay yep I’m fine oh there’s water for us to land in so we don’t take any fall damage H so what do we have here huh it’s a

Maze I want to get out uhoh monsters oh let’s get through this okay Maze time and this is how you handle it nice yep another one nice let’s go sounds good watch watch out Mikey it’s a new enemy it’s tough got it sick onward what’s at the end of this

Maze is this it not sure the endit I’ll try this side enemies ignore them and run okay oh it’s the exit really I’m coming you okay it hurts I’ll help you please I can’t take it There think you can get out wait how do I get out it’s too high to jump back up that’s for sure H what are you waiting around for get back up here I don’t see how though there’s no ladder stairs or anything are you stuck oh there’s a gap in the wall oo

It’s like a hallway where does it lead mhm oh there’s a tunnel in the wall great find JJ what’s in it a ladder climb it could this be the way out let’s see I hope we find treasure huh what no treasure just enemies why are there so many take them

Out they’re tough take this careful of the lava thanks for the heads up down nice sweet they’re done we did it not bad all right now what’s this it looks like a parkour course I think we need to hop on the platforms who wants to go first I will good

Luck good job huh there are two choices we need to decide which way looks easiest to clear left looks too hard soda’s right oh well now what I think you need to ride the wind Generator oh wow cool come on up wo I’m BL this is wild don’t let your guard down sweet yes I get it now wo that went really well yay Beat It in one try I have a feeling something dangerous is waiting for us on the other side of these doors let’s go go

Open you’re right there were two things waiting watch out D what are these weird ghost things they’re attacking can we beat them take that one down one left back off go go got him yeah wao they look scary but they weren’t that hard this diamond that

Is sweet all diamond oh a chest let’s see what’s inside oh a mining charge nice where should it go maybe on this wall sure let’s go yes wo it worked how’s it look it looks like what’s this H it looks like a parkour course to reach the other side just like

That looking good yes awesome careful that went well I made it cool there all done now we can Finly open this door and move on to the next part H oh W we’ve been sent somewhere again wow incredible this room is made of diamonds yeah that’s true but I’m

Still a little scared of what the book said huh look there’s a sign that says do not push oh H Mikey that’s awfully suspicious I’m definitely getting scared there’s a portal here so I think I’ll use that to go back home oh trust me JJ if we keep going together we’ll become

Billionaires oh yeah yep I want to go home though but I guess it’ll be okay hm here goes nothing 3 2 1 Super Rich huh what ouch ouch Mikey run it’s behind you what was that oh man sheesh we made it now we can take it easy that was a close call

Seriously but at least it’s trapped now mhm what it’s behind me watch out oh no no just keep running F you okay it’s fast it’s coming wait that’s poison watch out careful the ghost it’s coming around no JJ miky no what is it it’s going after me ouch attack punch yeah yeah

Ouch yeah a little more we can beat it stop two versus one oops sorry oh no I only have two hearts left uh-oh no stop take it down oh we won that was a close one that was scary and dangerous it was strong where are we is this the

Same place we’re still in the world of snow but apparent this place has lava too Let’s cross it we can parkour can we escape this it burns are you okay Mikey Golden Apple please be careful all right okay we made it the Apple helps but houch here’s another Golden Apple thank

You that was close you saved me whoa I’m glad you’re okay Mikey thanks to you JJ let’s go hi I’m in okay the fire’s out let’s make our way through this just be mindful of the lasers all right they aren’t too huh run JJ what hurry I lost Mikey

Oh no I’ll catch up soon this is bad the explosions are Intense JJ I barely made it good you okay I died a Mikey try to make it back to me I’ll be right there I’m glad to have you back buddy let’s keep going yeah let’s slay the boss in the Next Room take it down without getting hit take that oops sorry nice

Ow take that and that die already it’s tough we must be near the exit yes wo loot sick we got diamond swords nice we’re really making some progress we have a key too let’s go all right hey it’s another big fall looks like we’re jumping into hay bales what’s down there

H Huh oh I feel like we’re near the end yeah look another vent let’s go watch How I parkour then I climb me too higher I’m curious about the outside me too wo look boat parkour cool wow like so wo how was that close one

Then you’re good I made it oops I moved the last boat let me readjust it for you thanks just a little okay good luck all right it looks like you’re teleporting yeah last one Yay good job let’s go yeah okay nice now okay we made it safely to the

Vent are we out wow I think we’re close almost the door is locked again though I guess we’re stuck huh oh a chest oh hold up huh I found lockpicks again oh I’ll use them to pick this lock just like this is it here like this okay nice I successfully

Picked the lock so now let’s move open what’s this H what’s all this huh is this what oh it’s a maze but Mikey there are enemies in here this wait it attacked me let’s do this get the enemies use your weapon time to fight get him we got

This go they’re strong we should be able to win with these weapons careful go they’re kind of tough there we go good there must be something once we get out of this maze so creepy take this W yes nice ouch all right yes come on I’m low on help we’ll make it we

Can ouchies I’ll handle this sh sh sho all right we beat them all nice job yep let’s finish the let’s finish this off Mikey let’s go Nice oh huh what could be past this door I don’t feel like there’ll be something good waiting for us a open up H wa what is it anything huh it’s amazing H wow what huh look wo expensive cars and treasure that’s awesome but how are we

Supposed to get down there oh we might be able to jump down let’s go get a good running start uh-huh and go all right come on yes will I make it I made it come on down wait for me wow I actually made it look yeah these are awesome luxury cars wow expensive

Fantastic oh there’s chests too wow wo this chest is full full of diamonds what about this one wo gold if you enjoyed today’s adventure don’t forget to like And subscribe bye-bye thanks bye

in Minecraft Video compilation you will see: JJ and Mikey Found The SMALLEST VILLAGE inside END PORTAL in Minecraft Maizen!

👉Maizen Original Channel – @maizenofficial

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