One Hitting Every Boss in Survival Minecraft

This is me killing every boss in Minecraft in one hit a feat that was previously impossible before the latest snapshot which if you didn’t know they added a new mace weapon that not only deals more damage the further you’re falling before hitting something but also negates your fall damage so the

Point of this video is to see how hard it is for an average guy like me to kill the Ender Dragon the Wither and the warden in one hit oh and I’m doing it in survival so I should probably get some stuff oh there’s there’s two two of them

In here hang on and I’m almost dead how fun speaking of not dying I’m really going to try and not do that in this video so to help with that I’ll make a shield and some armor now it’s not much but it’s something that’s what’s important oh there’s a Pillager Outpost

I I don’t know how I didn’t see it it’s literally right in front of me bro no no dude I wasn’t thinking I’m so sorry the worst part is I’m just going to leave them too now the first goal before I can just start karate chopping wardens is to

Get my hands on the mace itself now I know to craft it I definitely need to do something with the new trial Chambers only problem is I have no idea where to find one or at all how they work so I sailed into a cave and began searching I

Had no luck finding a trial chamber but I did find a bunch of diamonds y we got an eight vein let’s go dude and kill some Endermen who both dropped pearls so that’s pretty cool and it would appear there is nothing more in this cave which

Is honestly sad bro oh well on to the next one okay uh cave 2 is completely flooded with water so that’s not going to be helpful I was getting the sense that these structures are deep underground because while I don’t know much about them I do know that they’re

Large so I dug my way into this Lush cave and continued my search for anything that looked out of the ordinary and after nearly 20 minutes of running around I found just that wait a second wait a second oh my God I I didn’t think there would be anything down here oh my

God we’re here first thing I’ll do is set my spawn because I do not feel safe right now now somewhere somehow we got to find what we need to craft this mace oh there’s slimes here that’s actually perfect I need these come on break can

You break these I don’t know if you can Dude these things are crazy there’s so much stuff all right well let’s go up here let’s just leave that behind maybe you’re not meant to destroy those uh what’s in here hang on what what are these huh hello bro what’s going on talk

To me game there’s so many spotters what the heck is this bro oh my God they’re actually everywhere can you break these or not just tell me I feel like I’m not attacking this in the correct order that is because what is that okay that is that’s something

That’s a new boss that’s the new boss how do I kill him how much health do you have oh not much at all wait a second I got a key and I got Breeze rods yo yo yo yo we’re actually doing the thing so it turns out that Breeze rods are half of

What you need for crafting the mace the other thing you need is a heavy core which you randomly get by using a key on one of these vaults ooh another key yes two keys perfect dude I’m just getting a bunch of random loot like thank you but

No thank you I need need good stuff I don’t know what good stuff is give me something else all right this is a new room this is good got him got him ooh is there a spawner for him right here in the middle ooh a chest iron blocks or diamonds

Question is can I craft the mace yet that’s all I’m really here for no no I cannot eventually I found my way back to the starting room and devis to plan there are distinct Pathways leading out of here so I’ll start by clearing one of them at a time immediately I’ll get to

The top of the structure head through any door I see and either loot the chest or disable all of the mob spawners oh my god oh yeah I’m also learning at this point that you can’t actually break these spawners however if you manage to kill all of the mobs near them they’ll

Eventually drop be something useful like a key I just got a god Apple what the heck slowly but surely I worked my way through the structure and it was way more unique than I was expecting for instance this room just had a random Tree in it meanwhile this one was full

Of cave spider spawners and this one had the entire floor covered in powdered snow and Strays shooting at me another God Apple okay for context there’s a 6% chance of getting a god Apple from these vaults but only a 2% chance of getting the heavy core so it’s like three times

As rare in practice this means you need to open nearly 48 vaults just to get it but the craziest part of all this is that in the nearly 2 hours that took me to loot this first trial chamber I opened less than 15 of them so yeah my

Work was definitely cut out for me so I returned to the surface and continued the search oh hang on I almost died that was so stupid dude 30 minutes of searching later yeah that was lava I found a second trial chamber as suspected we’re not at the starting room

Which is okay we have keys I quickly realized that this one was different though as it was full of zombies Strays and silverfish ew dude no I don’t want to deal with you guys I was also completely out of food minus a few glowberries and even though I was going

Through them like candy I wanted to see if I could get enough food to sustain myself while looting this thing speaking of loot I got a new armor trim another God apple and a sharpness 5 book but no heavy core there’s more there’s there’s got to be more there was not more so

Once again I emerged and set off in search of more trial Chambers number three was pretty forgettable except for the part where I found a different starting room variation yo underwater how do I how do I get to it though oh there’s a ladder interesting number four

Had a bunch of husks which nearly killed me yo hang on hang on hang on hang on hang on hang on hang on and I also learned something all right dude I don’t know I’m just going to follow this like great pattern thing cuz it looks like this might lead somewhere it actually

Does is that a strat or did I just get extremely lucky and number five was the most unsuccessful ful success of the video yet as I found three God apples and two mending books I also found this random bed inside of the tree room what what is this as well as these vaults

Emerging directly out of Bedrock bro like what is this it’s so cool looking but once again no heavy core all right number six here goes nothing you can pretty much hear the despair in my voice I have no faith anymore think you’re being sneaky over here do you

Oh my God oh my God I got it let’s go oh man what is even the point of this video what am I doing now there it is oh my God I like it with the mace finally in my hands it was time for the real fun to

Begin but before I start killing bosses I need to first get my hands on some totems because I’m pretty sure this challenge is actually impossible without them and I should have a raid still going on here at spawn hopefully at least one of these poor guys is still

Alive okay thank goodness just going to lock you in buddy that’s not good and there we go the raid is complete I got one totem that’s it from there I got myself a Fletcher villager for easy emeralds via stick traes and a mending librarian to help repair my armor after doing another

Raid and almost dying oh I might die I might die hang on hey I did it it was time to head to the nether who said I wasn’t a speedrunner oh the support is right here that’s actually perfect dude let’s go from there it was just a matter

Of getting enough blaze rods for ender eyes and making my way to the stronghold this way okay cool and it broke we’re 0 for one that’s not good ooh okay it’s over here aha there we go okay we’re in oh right here is the thing too nice all right guys we’re

Doing it we’re going to the end here goes nothing but I’m not going to kill the dragon yet you see I have a better idea and it involves getting our elytra wings which if you didn’t know you can actually get these before you kill the

Dragon you just got to be smart about it and it should be as simple as building a flying machine now I just break this hop in the boat and we are actually off oh I hope this works I really hope this works we are actually doing it however I

Don’t think we’re heading for any land which is not very ideal I don’t want to risk crashing into anything we’re going to Pearl up now hopefully this goes Smoothly that is so satisfying and after nearly an hour of searching I found what I was looking for okay thank God there is a ship we can actually do this oh well at least we’re going to get what we came here for and take our elytra oh that feels so good

Dude with our wings finally secured it was time to start killing bosses so I found an end Gateway and set off to do just that all right ladies and gentlemen here we go it’s perching so we’re going to wait for it to get pretty low and then

We’re going to fly up and we’re going to attack this thing from above I’m actually nervous okay here we go here we go here we go now where’s it head it head’s right here oh I didn’t do it I didn’t do it we can still try again though second try is the

Charm I got it let’s go why did I die yo that was awesome I killed the dragon you guys I’m counting it dude that was sick please tell me I actually killed the dragon yo I did I did I did look at all of this you guys now that the dragon is

Killed I have two more bosses to take care of but before I do any of that I need to get some enchanting going so I need looting three and it would actually be super clutch if I could get that before this night ends yes looting three

And sharpness perfect now we just got to find some creepers and we don’t have knockback so we can just like yo hang on that was scary the next boss on my Hit List is the Wither but I can’t just summon it on command because I need wither skulls hopefully our looting

Three comes in handy here bro there’s actually just nothing here not even a single one dude okay right here so I lowered my render distance and started hunting aha there’s one skull there’s two skulls and three there we go after a terrifying flight home on low render distance it

Was time to take on the Wither all right here goes nothing I got one attempt I have one totem let’s do this boom boom and God the grass oh the grass ruined it oh it’s cursed okay and boom all right here we go here we go I’m flying up Here we go here we go oh my God that was that was awesome yo I just did that I definitely needed the totem it looks like we destroyed that weather finally there is just one more boss left for us to kill and I was going to say that for this part I need

Name tags but it looks like our villager over here is experiencing some troubles so I grabbed some brown mushrooms spider eyes and sugar made a weakness potion and cured that bad boy now I’m sure you also noticed that I used both of my totems on the first two bosses but

Considering the warden is by far the hardest to kill I’m going to need more a lot more that is so cool oh my God okay okay right there’s four totem no five totems okay we can get more though guys guys what are we doing in a cave what

Are y’all doing you’re so lost all right there’s seven totems nine totems that hopefully should be enough for what I need and after buying a bunch of name tags thanks to my discounts I was ready to set off in search of the deep dark along the way I collected some sugar

Cane for extra Rockets as well as some kelp which I’ll need for making water elevators I’m also going to grab some wool while I’m out here because I’m going to need that for executing my grand plan and from there it was just a matter of finding a mountain because if

You didn’t know that’s the best place to find deep dark maybe down here yes oh we’re here okay now as long as we find a shrier we are we are game on baby oh okay yep we found a shrier all right well there’s face two ah here it

Is okay believe it or not I am not ready to just start summoning this warden so let me introduce you to the game plan as you know one-shotting these bosses requires a ton of space but I’m in a cave luckily using some clever engineering with trap doors a big

Elevator and a water slide we can get the wardens to the surface I think at least that’s the plan I really have not tested This and here goes nothing I just have to break this stand on this and we wait okay well there’s at least two strikes there’s at least three yep yep here he comes here he comes my brother where are you Spawning not good he’s above me wa waa where’s he at I’m going up is he going to follow me dude well this is just it’s a nightmare isn’t it just like that I missed my opportunity without getting the warden into the water stream this challenge was basically impossible

So I waited for it to despawn and try it again oh he’s name tagged he’s name tagged and thanks to a few snowballs and some bravery I got the warden into the Trap what if I go up here will he come all right he’s right here let’s try and

Kill just one to start [Applause] with oh that was so sick but you know what’s cooler than killing a warden killing multiple Warden besides I have all these totems to use up still get in the water there we Go that was okay I think we got him that was awesome okay there we go I only have four totems left no Dude no totem or anything all righty get over here this is the end of the video oh my god oh wardens are so stupid I killed three of them though that’s pretty cool

yeah. what the title says. this one was so much fun 😀


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  1. (mojang) "due to high demand we have decided to add a new weapon" (the weapon) "ah yes warden you know how you have like 500 health… NOT ANYMORE"

  2. I’m glad you tried this in a new world, should definitely be done in the hardcore world at some point. (Understandable if you don’t want to risk it tho)

  3. Hey Brock, idk how u gonna take this but you just got awarded to my daily “video that rolls in the background while i wipe myself” you gained yourself 4 views from me! Cya next time!

  4. Fun Fact: To kill any mobs without taking damege u need to hit them before touching the ground. In the vid u hit them after touching the ground!

  5. Not trying to be mean but you didnt actually show yourself getting the heavy core, it just appeared in your inventory. staged? Again, still very entertaining

  6. Funny how he goes into an outpost and gets bad omen- and the new snapshot adds features relating to that lol
    edit: and he goes to a village where he could have got a Trial Explorer map

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