Terraria but Enemies Drops Random Items

What’s going on boys and girls welcome back to another video on the cogi channel today I have for you Terraria but every enemy drops a random item you could kill a slime and it drops the zeni anyway if you like this kind of content make sure to like And subscribe and

Leave comments down below for what I should do next okay guys welcome to my Terraria let’s play uh today we’re going to be um killing the Wall of Flesh right now wow subscribe to Beth oh get this guy out of here I just got a grenade launcher from a

Worm oh oh 170 from there no don’t worry I’ll protect you beffy Chan ah ah got him there’s no way there’s no way what I got solo eruption oh where are the enemies bro all I’m here appar oh yeah let me kill the what’s the stale going to give

Me oh my God I will never [ __ ] talk this game ever again I I will real I’ll be a good boy from now on we we a I’m going to spunk on a salamander okay this is my turn oh sh glass bathtub I’m dead ain’t no way bro kills him as

Well oh my God you’re actually such a loser you’re actually so you’re so weird how do I deal with this uh Grenade Give me some good please Platinum short sword it’s quite average oh yeah have this yeah get shanked bled chicken nugget come on boys ah where are

The enemies at ah there’s an enemy the mace is not Working oh wait that’s a that’s a thing that’s a thing in a video game and I want it topaz mine cart let’s I’ve wanted that for so long finally do you want me to kill the uh wall flesh no I want to come um he just died anyways no I died

Die jobi infil tra as torso wait that’s like a good yeah 26 defense let’s go now we’re getting somewhere toilet ski toilet L hello [ __ ] let’s go Skiby toilet oh my God Double use I want that let’s go boys bye I’ve all your [ __ ] and I’m leaving y cool ass exit why am I so slow look at me ah he’s coming again oh Shield of culu huge oh no he’s back oh no I’m kind of nervous I’m a beginner I’m a

Beginner world record new world record let’s go you want jellyfish diving gear yes thank you there it is extend oh what I have the Morning Star suon um sleep in my bed what oh my favorite song music box title what a banger are you ready yeah I got a face blade wait I’m

Coming let’s go easy hi do you want to leave there you go ah the hell what my money ah ah who’s not very good at this that hey come here don’t tell me what to do hi never mind do tell me what to do got it star cloak get in my belly Hi

Friend do me a favor no stop it there we go wait I have a gimpy truffle I didn’t realize uh I’m in my skibby toilet mine cart don’t even at me Burger King with my burger Queen can I get a large fry she’s vegan please stop tanning me

With some honey mustard on the side can I can I have your Instagram say why did you lose yours and then just don’t give it up be like I’m telling you uh W RZ every like this video gets I will shave a single pube off my

Testicle wow stinky poot D yeah get in the lava in the lava I’m in the lava why why is there a goblin army as well all right chat time for another Goblin Army Montage oh hello that’ be the h yink I got mechanical Worm that was the freest Goblin Army of my life we need to go to hell and kill War yeah go to H Okay we can’t aim shut [ __ ] yeah we can do I’m going to kill the Destroyer yep easy yep he’s gone byebye what’s this thing what the [ __ ] I got to listen to this gu ASMR what eat his sausages you going to spawn the boss no yo CH good play fire let’s go easy game easy game Easy easy game all right to the Jungle where we have to find plantables yay want to see something yeah oh oh oh oh my favorite item config sl/ recipe filter all you ready I’m Ready oh no okay beffy we got this that Terra smells like [ __ ] anyway yeah where the [ __ ] is my summons oh she’s getting mged I’m not dying dying is for smelly I don’t smell hooray we did it I have another key Yep this works oh c if he dies like the next five

Seconds like And subscribe at one two oh my God like And subscribe oh cheekies we’ve got him this time ow you know what the secret technique running away he’s over half oh you’re going to spawn another Dragon oh crap Hi Dragon no Spirit Bomb [ __ ] oh

[ __ ] he dies hooray we did it guys hoor dies to nothing again oh there we go it it gone it it do be gone as as clap oh he just come on me okay wow the music’s gone I wonder what’s going to happen oh my God it’s the moon Lord oh

Crap wow hope you’re ready so long [ __ ] oh you’re [ __ ] hi I’m back oh wow can you not die what do you mean [ __ ] oh I’m dead Royal BL oh Oh yeah there’s a thing there oh yeah time to Die how am I how is how is that missing I didn’t die by anything God mo more cheese yay wow so easy where did the [ __ ] eyes go I think I think the eyes despawn delete my whole inventory out of Rage hey Heyit

Every enemy drop is randomised.

Next video will definitely be calamity mod I promise as its more fun and you guys seem to enjoy it.

Kudos to Mars for the inspiration for the video, they don’t upload anymore so I’m trying to provide content to fill in whilst they’re away.
Mars’ Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@marsamelic

Thanks to Beffy for being in this video 🙂
Beffy’s Channel: https://www.youtube.com/@UCtLhzj8hnAauRs6CVoXlhTQ

Mods used:
Randomised Enemy Drops
Magic storage
Alchemist NPCs lite
Shop expander
Boss cursor
HP awareness
Shoe Slot
Multiplayer Boss-Fight Stats


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