I Mined for 12 hours in Minecraft

Welcome back to hcraft season 10 this is episode 10 we’re on double double digits now today I’m going to start things off by getting good you see I’ve I’ve kind of been slacking on the good stuff Department I mean all of this stuff is good right but I I didn’t actually

Gather it I don’t have many tools I don’t have many resources I’ve only got 13 diamonds to my name my neigh is absolutely making me look bad I’m going to go mining for 12 hours let the first session begin and the first session is getting geared up for the first session

I am sold out of items frames which is good that is good but also bad I will restock soon okay let’s get ourselves some mending books a fortune book and one efficiency 5 maybe two so that’s 15 diamonds spent first end jump scare of the season so I now have a nice

Mending fortune 3 pickaxe this one will come in handy down the line got my second mending and Unbreaking through elra that is actually good and now I’m fully geared up and ready for my mining Marathon let me just put my timer up on to the top corner of the screen that is

Now there it looks rather lovely doesn’t it and that will kick into action as soon as I find a good cave to go into let the process begin and let me tell you I think I’ve accidentally stumbled across a really genius strategy here this was not planned uh I was planning

On just doing a completely regular caving session I was going to fly into a really big Cave System try and get as many resources as possible leave that cave system rinse and repeat but accidentally I I came across a cave with a a gigantic water body attached to it

Now this is something I actually ignored for the first s 45 minutes of the session I was just Gathering all the resources dealing with the mobs didn’t really want to touch the watery side because I was worried that I would drown but then I started thinking about it and

I was like you know I’ve got a really well- Enchanted helmet it takes me a very long time to drown I would have to do something pretty special to drown and actually in the water there aren’t really that many mobs like the drowned mobs don’t spawn in case is literally

Just glow squid and the best thing about being underwater is that you’re essentially playing in creative mode I can fly around freeling you know I can I can zoom about so if there’s hard to access ores that are up in the ceiling well because the whole thing’s flooded

With water I can just fly up to the ceiling and get them without having to pillar up and worry about skeletons and things so I went into this body of water and it turns out it was huge it’s it’s like the biggest underwater Cavern I’ve ever seen and I was just zooming around

Collecting resources and just never having to worry like there was nothing to worry about there was no chance that a creeper was going to come in and blow me up there was nothing I just had to kind of keep an eye on some bubbles down at the bottom of my screen but other

Than that it was free resources and I I continued like this for the best part of 2 hours and I I don’t think I’ve ever got so many resources in such a short space of time I got Stacks upon stacks of diamonds I got tons upon tons of

Other bits of pieces then once I was finished with the Deep stuff I went higher up and started Gathering all the coal and all of the copper I was flooded with resources the only issue is I then thought I could recreate this so I was flying around trying to find caves that

Fit the same description as that one I’d just been in I couldn’t find any I wasted an hour just going in and out of caves so I don’t know if I’m ever going to be able to recreate that again I I really was not expecting to be looking

At this one quarter of the way in to our 12-hour sesh that is pretty nuts right you can almost you it was chuffle I forgot to restart my timer I found one I think I think I found one the big question is is this this can’t be the

One this can’t be the one that I was in there’s no way I wouldn’t have spotted those diamonds I have found a new massive underwater Cavern yes this is so cool look at this place there are just diamonds everywhere oh my goodness it never ends I’m

Literally just going one from one set of diamonds to the other a this is good I will say I don’t think this one feels quite as big as the other one but it’s still a decently big cavern Okay I lied this is actually a pretty big cavern I think we may have

Peaked extremely early though as far as I can tell those are the only diamonds that are in here oh spoke too soon it has an extra little extension that goes deeper Into the Depths yes that is what I’m talking about this is good I keep finding little extra areas that have

Diamonds stored in them so now I guess I can move on to the regular dry Caverns that’s a good start H I feel like this would be difficult to find resources in I have a plan for an experiment having spent almost exactly 3 hours to gather

Up all of these resources I think now I’m going to change technique and see what happens I’m going to need a few more furnaces for this one so I’m hoping I should have gathered up just enough iron to create the base of a beacon and I’m also hoping I gathered up just

Enough coal to smelt up all of the iron required to make the base of a beacon and now we’re going to try and mine the way that I used to mine before the caves and cliffs update you place down a beacon and then you basically clear out

The entire area I want to see if the volume of blocks that are cleared outweighs the exposure to air of diamonds this is going to be very very interesting for all of about 15 minutes you see I spent probably about a stack of diamonds getting prepped for this I

Bought the beacon that was 20 diamonds then I crafted up a bunch of diamond pickaxes bought all of the enchanted books to enchant them because I knew this was going to be quite a pickaxe intense activity and then I started Mining and very quickly noticed just how painfully

Slow it was even with haste 2 and efficiency 5 deep slate is just Savage one full hour gave me next to nothing so I cut the experiment off and went back to the oldfashioned way I guess you could say it was the new fashioned way

This is what I managed to get I mean it’s not terrible I will say about half of these diamonds came in the last couple of minutes more importantly it was just incredibly boring like it’s so dull so I’ll be very happy to head back to the mines for the next couple of

Hours and also despite it not being particularly useful for the time being I’m also pretty happy that I bought a beacon and got all of the iron blocks required to make it that is something that I probably would have put off for a considerable amount of time so I’m glad

I’ve spent the diamonds now it’s done it’s in my possession this is looking pretty good let’s dive in it didn’t go down as far as I thought and I still need a better sword and better skills to be honest with you okay now that is what I’m talking about goodness gracious me

Yes it is always crazy finding these places oh my goodness this place is huge wow I am already having much more fun than I had for the past hour even though I’m potentially in extreme danger at all times I’ve spotted diamonds multiple diamonds multiple diamonds see this this

Just frankly did not happen to me while I was doing the other mining bits okay I’ll be honest they were all single diamonds that’s not really that exciting but finding an iron vein is always pretty exciting must Adit I’m not sure I’m getting that lucky I this zombie

Stolen my diamond I feel like I’m getting ridiculously unlucky with the size of these Diamond veins I’m not sure I’ve ever found so many Diamond veins whilst getting so few diamonds okay this is looking like a good one yeah kind of not I think it’s time we went back to

Time lapsing and I’ll be honest I think this time I hit a bit of a fatal floor you see I was so committed to my original idea the original plan the one of finding the underwater cave and floating around as if I’m playing in creative mode Gathering up all the resources

That I just I kind of ignored regular cave systems I was flying over oceans I was looking for deep crevasses in the oceans that I could just dive into go straight down into the deep slate gather a ton of resources and then fly out of them that just did not happen I honestly

Think that cave that I found at the start was an incredibly rare anomaly that I just assumed was a normal thing in cave generation but I think I got ridiculously lucky because every single time I found a deep ocean cave it only went a little ways down it didn’t quite

Go far enough it was never quite big enough I would only get a couple of diamonds and then I’d have to leave so I think it’s time to change strategies once again now don’t get me wrong despite my complaining we are still doing incredibly well for diamonds and

That technique did give me over four Stacks in 3 hours and this whole mining session so far has given me over nine stacks of diamonds remember I spent 64 to do my stupid Beacon experiment but for my next mining strategy I I honestly I don’t know why I

Didn’t think of this before look at this crazy Natural generation of resources here I’m just going to spend the next few hours mining this before you will collectively punch me in the face that was a joke I am however going to change strategy though I want to get tons upon

Tons of copper there’s loads of it lying around at the top areas of caves it’s not really that difficult to get large amounts of but equally is a pain in the backside to get when you need it and to be honest with you the sun’s just come

Out it’s glaring through my window and hitting my screen I literally can’t see any of the resources in the dark caves and once again I found myself underwater and then almost underground goodness me things are going very well for me here yeah I’m going to spend the next few

Hours doing this I’m finding this way too much fun and so Begins the great copper marathon and at the risk of sounding like a broken record I’m going underwater again you’re going to have to check my neck after this episode for gills because I swear I might be turning

Into a fish uh let me explain my reasoning here okay it does kind of make logical sense I think there’s a few ways in which you can get copper one of of the most efficient ways is you locate a Stony biome which has lots of exposed

Stone and then it has that means it has lots of exposed ores copper being one of those ores and you can absolutely strip it out it’s a way to get absolutely tons of the stuff but the issue is those biomes are slightly tricky to find and

Also I imagine most of them in the nearby vicinity have been absolutely stripped out by Hermits so I thought I wouldn’t do that and then traditionally mining going into the deep slant things didn’t seem like it was a good idea going into cave systems seemed a little

Bit I thought I’d just go underwater there’s loads of these massive underwater cabins they’re no longer uncommon cuz I don’t need them to be really deep they can be above y z and they are absolutely covered in Copper so I just floated about gathered up tons of

The stuff and again I am ABS rolling in resources having a fairly stressfree experience honestly if Speedo want to reach out and sponsor a future homic Craft episode I’m all is let’s take a look at what we’ve got here so we’ve got all three of these Shuler boxes yeah

Heaps of stuff absolutely heaps of stuff and even over a stack of diamonds which was a pleasant surprise but now I think I I’m done faing around okay I need to be brave and I need to head into the mines properly no more of this flowing

About okay I refuse to go underwater for the next mining session I’m going to do some proper caving and for that I need a better sword than this I I hadn’t quite realize how bad it was so I definitely need mending mending is one uh definitely need sharpness that will come

In handy and oh what else I mean I was kind of considering adding fire aspect but is that actually a good enchantment like is that something worth getting I mean I might as well get knockback that would be good and I also might as well get flame from my bow

Because with Dynamic lights I might be able to see easily into a cave now if I have a massive Cave System I can shoot an arrow through that cave system and that should highlight any ores potentially for me that seems like a pretty good strategy oh no the knockback

Book that I’ve bought has has looting three on it which is bumped the price up in the Anvil so now I have to go get some levels but I am now fully geared up I have got the kit got everything that I need apart from food I I really didn’t

Have enough food or firework Rockets to be honest with you okay I really don’t have everything I need but now I do a told of undying would have been nice but I don’t think anyone’s selling them yet so let’s kick this pain train into gear does this work does this work does this

Work yes it does oh my goodness I found danger in the water I flew straight into puffer fish I guess that’s what I get for attempting to break my own rule okay I have genuinely accidentally found an underwater cabin I wasn’t trying to do this I was in a regular cave and then

Started swimming into a pond all right when will this ocean end it is tempting me with its deep safe Waters seriously though I’ve flown 7,000 blocks west and it’s been nothing but water so far yes yes this is what I’m talking about this is what I am looking for excellent news

First cave diamonds I generally think the strategy is just to keep moving really fast yeah this is definitely the way to go definitely the way to go ignore the spider ignore the spider and start running my only goal is diamonds so that is all I’m getting I’m

Not sure this is the fastest way to get all resources but getting over half a stack of diamonds in just under 15 minutes is not bad I am stressed though I must admit it’s taking years off my life I think it to be honest it also only really works in the massive Caverns

As soon as the caves start getting noodly that’s when you start running into issues so I think I’m done with that one let’s move on I have no idea if this is the same cabern it doesn’t feel like the same Cavern it doesn’t look like the same Cavern I don’t think it is

Yes this is working I kind of expected more from this one onward oh my goodness this one’s absolutely huge and oh that was actually a precise Landing I saw lava as I was coming in but honestly this one was a little bit pants as well oh no extra pants oh

No that was bad I I got oh that’s really bad I don’t know where I am I’ve just flown like 7,000 blocks west what am I going to do oh gosh and I had a stack of diamonds on me a oh I don’t even have my

Ender Chest I now need to go in search of an Ender Chest so I can get my stuff I’m just going to quickly lie to corales I don’t want to embarrass myself I think I was starting to get a little bit arrogant and I got into I got into

The caves oh no I’ve got barely any armor so I got into the caves and I was trying to do the elyra technique and then a creeper blew up just as I took off and I hit a wall and I died now thankfully that place is so

Far outside of the loaded chunks that I think we should be okay in terms of things despawning I don’t think anything should despawn nobody should be out there I only have a bane of arthropod sword which isn’t exactly excellent but to be fair it’s it’s no better than the

Sword that I was using the entire time it’s only when I got the good sword that I died oh my goodness am I about to die again am I about to die again is that actually was about to happen oh my gosh okay let’s wait for

Some beef to smelt up I’m trying my best to stay calm here I really don’t want to lose all that stuff this is absolutely not the time mate this is not the time at all 15 steak should be enough let’s fly West okay I remember this thing so

We are on the correct course oh this is newly generated terrain okay we’ve gone too far no maybe is it this is it this oh I don’t know I honestly have no idea how am I meant to know what’s painful is I feel like I’m nearby but that’s arguably worse because that means

I’m in the wrong place but my items gradually despawning this place has so many massive holes why why are they all here I’ve got absolutely no chance on this one none whatsoever even if I found the right cave I don’t know if I’d recognize it like have I ever been in here

Before see I don’t think I have yeah I think this is the cave system I think this is the cave I was in where was I though okay well I don’t think I can find my stuff it’s unfortunate it is the truth I think I’m going to have to come

To terms with that this cave is pretty good so I’m going to steal the diamonds and then get regeared up that cave was really good I got 17 diamond ore just sprinting through with the bare bones resources and what’s worse is I’m 90% certain that was actually the cave I

Flew out and then flew in through a cavern that I absolutely remembered sometimes that’s just the way Minecraft goes I guess but what have I learned from it okay every single time I enter some form of big cavern I’m going to take a screenshot of my F3 screen that

Seems smart and as soon as I’m in the noodly bits of the caves elyra are off bounds I’m now going to fight with my sword and with my bow not going to try and fly away and escape this has been a very expensive shopping trip goodness me

And that was just on the books I’ve also bought ender chests I’m having to buy string I honestly think the sound of many Enderman dying is one of the worst sounds in the world things are gradually getting back on track the final thing that I have to do now is reenchant my

Bow and we will be back in business and the Diamonds that I got in that cave have actually just paid for my regear up so I kind of didn’t lose anything and in fact I’ve actually come back stronger so with 1 and 1 half hours to go let’s get

To work and I want to be fully focused so I’m going back to time lapsing now I think during this final time lapse it would be good for me to talk about my mental state at this point because obviously I’ve been playing a lot of Minecraft and I’ve been doing a lot of

What would be considered to be fairly uninteresting tasks you know I’m just I’m just Gathering blocks essentially I’m not being creative at all this is purely a grind um I would say I was in a good space but putting the most mentally intense segment at the end aka the one

Where I’m having to be in the mines actually fighting things probably a bad idea I was really struggling to keep it together and I was really struggling to stay focused on what I had to do and that made things dangerous but thankfully I managed to survive and that

My friends is that 12 hours of mining is over you you can see the little timer in the top left hand corner that last hour and a half was ridiculous that was so good I found my flow I was just caving I was doing it the old fashioned way there was a little

Bit of underwater stuff but it was incredible I’m now going to tot up all my resources well first I have to fly 15,000 blocks home but then I’ll tot up my resources and I mean I guess you could say this is a bit of a flex but

It’s taking me quite some time to do this but the totals are now totalled and they and chuffle so let’s start from the bad end we’ve got gold didn’t really care about Gathering up too much gold I plan on making a gold Farm next up we

Have got coal that is a decent quantity of coal that should keep me good for the foreseeable future then next up we’ve got the lapis I will never need this much lapis I don’t know why I kept Gathering it so much I hadn’t kind of realized that I was gathering it so much

Look at this okay now we’re getting into the good bits red stone that’s a decent quantity but honestly I I kind of stopped prioritizing at half way through and that is much less than I would have expected if if there was any resource that I wanted to get more of is probably

This but moving on from there we have got copper that is amazing that is so so good I so happy with how much we got here and that really is from just those couple of hours of dedicated copper mining underwater then of course we’ have got the iron which we did

Fantastically well on mainly thanks to iron veins in the caves I know why plan on making an iron farm but it feels really good to know that I mind all of this stuff manually but then here comes the big one the diamonds I managed to get in total this many diamonds which is

Pretty good especially considering 4 hours of our 12-hour mining session wasn’t actually dedicated to getting diamonds and importantly I spent a good number of stacks of diamonds probably three stacks of diamonds actually rearing up and gearing up and buying things to do failed experiments so my 12-hour mining session was a massive

Success I hope that you enjoyed this video and I will catch you in the next one see you

In this Mumbo Jumbo Hermitcraft episode, I mine for 12 hours in Minecraft. Welcome to Episode 10 of Hermitcraft season 10, and today I discovered I’m super poor, so I am working to change that. I go caving, mine with a beacon, and even make use of underwater caves to essentially play in creative mode in survival!

Filming channel: https://www.youtube.com/user/ThatMumboJumbo2
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/officialmumbo/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/ThatMumboJumbo


  1. MumboMereJumbo. If he keeps going for those underwater cafes. I would be surprized if he doesnt get any gills. Or turns into a Drowned himself. Btw. love the contend.

  2. @Mumbo Jumbo I recently "discovered" this, as well. The one thing I did differently though… Silk Touch. Massive inventory space saver. Get back to the base, stack it all up, and Fortune III away.

    Edit: Also ocean ravines show exposed access to deep slate caves under water.

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