Cheesing Terraria’s Eternity Mode (Full Movie)

Hello there I’m querty and today I’m going to be your guide through the terrible world of terraria’s Eternity mode the hardest mod I’ve ever played much like The Inferno mod eternity main draws the sadistic revamping of every boss in the game to make them stupidly difficult in addition there are some

Brand new bosses that are who would have guessed also something out of a saw movie it also changes a bunch of vanilla enemies to make sure you can’t have a good time even when you’re not fighting bosses as a small Saving Grace there are new accessories called enchantments that

Give you special powers they’re all themed around some particular element or material and most require a full set of armor to craft along with some random tidbits although these enchantments are pretty nifty they’re not enough to carry you through this mod on their own the

Only way to survive is to get good more than any mod I’ve ever played eternally made me prepare both body and mind equipment and strategy and genuinely gave a soulslike experience to grinding bosses although we were miserable at times this is one of the best mods I’ve

Ever played and I’d recommend it if you don’t mind a little pain but without further Ado let’s take a dive into this miserable Adventure filled with hours of grinding countless death and crying so much Crying man this [ __ ] ain’t fun terrari is essentially made up of two phases prepping and doing now later on in the game there’s not that much prepping that you have to do sure you get some items here and there and you got to go grind for Stuff occasionally

But really most of the time you’re fighting bosses but early on in the game it’s a completely different story have you ever played one of those mobile games where you build a town and they want you to speed up all your buildings with gems yeah well terrari it’s not actually

Anything like that but there is a lot of you have to do you got to build houses explore the map get some Life Crystals get some weapons so you don’t get your ears chopped off by cave bats you get the idea and eternally doesn’t make it

Any easier like what the [ __ ] is this do you see this this is [ __ ] up this is what a normal one looks like this is the eternity version It’s Me Jesus white jesus is here this is too dangerous for me to have how would the floor here made out of storage

Units zip it Buster listen I really tried my best to make the house look good and proper this time but but found my first heart Crystal baby good for you why do I always pick the hard caves to explore first maybe they’re the easy caves and you just have

A skill issue why is there a shark down here why can’t I see oh probably cuz it’s dark wow jellyfish cast spells on you they what they cast spells on you which set you on fire oh of course they do Angry dandelion that’s a vanilla enemy what oh

My God the p selling the pretty pink princess outfit the traveling Merchant but it costs 20 gold a piece I need 60 Gold right now Jacob I need it fast Boulder Boulder squirrel got to get them ores Boulder why are the salamanders invisible that invisible salamander I found an

Undead Miner but he throws bombs in this version there’s two Undead miners oh two Undead Fighters after a couple of hours of gathering materials one of two things will happen either you’ll actually get all the materials you’ll need and you’ll feel prepared to take on a boss or you’ll just get tired

Of getting murdered by C bats and you want to move on anyways either way you do the same thing so you’re looking to spice up your relationship huh try something new for once instead of exploring caves and getting killed by bats 100 times well you’ve come to the right spot fighting

Bosses is the bread and butter of any Terraria playthrough fighting bosses is actually sort of a loose term for what happens maybe a better one is the boss experience cuz you can’t just go into a fight willy-nilly you got to build an arena get potions and place down

Stationary Buffs unless you feel like getting stomped what’s that you mean this footage is after we did all that we still got creamed on like I was saying getting the [ __ ] beaten out he was part of the boss experience you simply got to make some adjustments and

Try it again in this case we started working towards the first of those enchantments I told you about earlier just got to make every enchantment ever there’s only 67 enchantments Jacob so it shouldn’t be that hard to make all of them yeah for each of us I found a hole

Not a good hole either like there’s good holes and bad holes in this world and I found a bad hole bad hole does it smell like fish it smells like Eater of souls they probably smell like fish they probably smell like fish this grape has a vagina the grossy I’m not eating that

Grape that’s a gross grape this proves your gay you told me you were eating a grape with a vagina on it hell yeah I love [ __ ] juicy and yep I love eating [ __ ] you think about how fruits are like ovaries plant ovaries and then eating a grape grapes

Look like ovaries they’re like ovary ovaries how the did we get here I thought we were crafting accessories no I reach all the way in there I reach all the way all the way I reached through it and I squeeze my fingers through the fallopian tube

I I spread them open and then I reach a little further and I grab the ovaries mhm and I pull them out mm and then I swing them around like a yo-yo and then I eat them that swinging around step is very important for developing flavor mhm

It erates them like wine and again we’re back to grapes think about it it all comes back to grapes no we’re we’re we’re done we’re done with this [ __ ] let’s get back to fighting bosses Trojan squs like Trojan Trojan condoms I wear this guy H lasers lightning lightning

Chain lasers what the are those squirrels they sure are bad bad oh [ __ ] they move you broke a part okay I broke two parts actually like at the same time I should have gone down instead of up I don’t know why I went up your fire is oh he come okay so going

Down is not the play he comes down with you oh he’s scarier now he’s so low oh what damn hey we can totally kill this guy I got some gestur arrows this time holy [ __ ] the piercing’s crazy oh my God it really is another essential aspect of the boss experience is getting overconfident

After beating one boss and immediately attempting a harder one with no additional prep this usually turns out exactly as you’d expect and smacks you down from the doing phase right back into the prepping one ah of culu well he diced me up I think I need about more defense much like the

Previous prepping phase this one was filled with a lot of uh prepping and some standard dude conversation to pass the time would you believe me if I said we don’t have an underground desert how does that work oh corruption the corruption might have aten the desert I don’t know how to get

Fossil armor I found the underground desert you found it mhm wow I’m really going to go get those fossils I can do this Mission Impossible ah slime is falling fromy golden slime perish golden slime I just got 80 gold what um you should help with all right I got my big ball ready

Go get him [ __ ] get him get him wow hey but I got a slimy Crown because of that so now we can s him whenever we want we don’t have to make one too good at this game for you suck my nuts [ __ ] [ __ ] sucking mudslinging something yeah you tell them

I’m changing my answer from mosquitoes to ant lions for the bug that should get eradicated but like only in Terraria yeah nor real ant lions are cool they eat wasps and [ __ ] which is cool I think unless they don’t let me look it up oh ant lies eat ants that’s crazy that

Makes so much sense he’s going to be hit with the burn and a frost burn he’s going down to pound town we’re going to clap the ass cheeks of Victory I don’t like his slime Ram that you just have to not get hit by like that I also don’t like SP where he

Teleport teleports like he has 6,000 ping I’m really bad at dodging the sky slime I was doing good until he said that and then I immediately got hit by it I’m a believer I’m a believer I’m on team believer he was rocking up to the Christmas

Tree what Why didn’t it it just didn’t work it didn’t work I clicked the button the game knows there we go I’m a gamer let me pick up the heart she pieces of [ __ ] for some reason every time I build this platform up at a diagonal I feel like

I’m which is maybe a weird thing to feel from a platform personally I think of Martin Luther King Jr when you think of railroads yeah ma’am and why is that he built the underground railroad he what he built the underground railroad no he didn’t uhhuh him in Rosa Park they built It okay time for some more boss fighting you’d think this fight was off to a bad start since Jacob died but that actually didn’t make a difference in the slightest sorry Jacob you’ll have your Redemption Arc later all right got speed up hit that bumper all right let’s go I’m out of Here only that if that falling star would hit him it would have done a th damage which would have helped me out so much here oh my God oh my goodness man oh my goodness come on I just need like two stray arrows to hit

Them oh my God that got stressful at the end after beating him up it was back to more prep Goblin Army are youing kidding me ball is rolling let’s get him oh okay doesn’t work fantastically all right time to use their own weapons against them spiky ball time they deliver their

Own greatest weakness right into your hands after that Invasion we went back to try the next boss what we didn’t realize that we had yet again committed the sin of overconfidence passing on the opportunities presented to us by defeating the goblin Invasion and in this world sins do not go unpunished do

We even have an arena to fight it on hey you’re sitting on it right now Buster I actually don’t see another orb down here I think we have another corruption somewhere yeah we have a way bigger corruption all the way on the left let’s go there hey I found a goblin Tinker

He’s about to burn to death and cursed fire I cannot get to him yeah he just died we need him he just despawned okay my body is going to get its tight hole demolished I will not be able to get out of this tight hole cuz he will be

Touching my tight hole oh it’s already happening it’s happening so bad Jacob you wouldn’t it’s fine I solo I solo yeah he only has four times as much health as I can he not leave the underground in this version I think we might need to build the arena down there Let’s Farm King

Slime for what purpose money I got a better idea how cute our first money Farm me and Jacob don’t really like working hard but we like money so we’re constantly on the lookout for get-rich quick schemes and although this one didn’t end up working out there was one

Later down the road that was very nice haha I bought that for 76 gold and it dropped 83 I see I was I’m going to give you half of it afterwards you don’t have to come and try to steal it now yeah now I don’t have enough to buy it again I didn’t

Steal any you didn’t no well then something doesn’t work with that farming method cuz I have less gold than I started with I feel like it doesn’t work here we go again with more farming let’s just skip through the [ __ ] and wait what the what what the fck was

That he’s weird and fleshy looking in this I don’t know how to feel about that kind of makes me uncomfortable oh wow rapid fire cursed Fireballs wow homing cursed Fireballs that’s messed up I don’t like either of those ow wow homing and Rapid Fire cursed Fireballs that’s

Super messed up you should drink a health potion man I already did are you sure doesn’t look like it look you see what’s happening to me just got to stay out of his balls better I say as I’m in his balls if he wraps around you like that and spawns the balls there’s

Nothing you can do you’re dead avoiding Fireballs is goal number one actually goal number one is staying out of his crotch goal number two is avoiding his Fireballs ow ow you got this okay remember uh this whole thing yeah I’m going to build it up to Max and

Then you summon him once it’s already at Max I’m just going to walk it through him snowball oh I ran out of Mana that’s I’m his [ __ ] I’m sorry for your loss I’m out of Mana I don’t have any accessories to deal with that particular issue yet

Okay I got my Mana back time for a new snowball snowball that worked well oh dog [ __ ] I just bought myself 638 spiky balls and now I’m also going to buy some potions those will change the tide of battle I’m stuck I’m stuck on the wall I’m stuck on

A wall I’m stuck on a wall I’m stuck on a wall I’m stuck in every oh my hey the Arena’s a little bit small having a small arena is kind of like having a shitty bowl of spaghetti the solution put more cheese on top and in the case of Terraria making your Arena

Bigger but we managed to convince ourselves that it wasn’t really the problem and that we should try literally everything else before doing the most obvious fix I’m going to give you half my spiky balls and you’re going to stay away from the top platform more potions that one that one that one that

One that one that one that should be good he really likes getting you inside of him real fast I died oh now he’s doing it to me oh get me out of here oh get me out of here oh get me out of here after a couple more attempts with

Futile improvements we finally expanded the arena and who would have guessed we beat him first try in the new and improved Arena wow it is so much easier to dodge now that’s incredible that makes a world of difference I’m apparently trapped inside of him that’s

All right now it’s not it was all right before you die but now it’s no longer all right now I start attacking with my real weapons now that your health is basically gone for my balls I forgot to put my Tulu Shield back on this whole fight I was using my

Mining accessory I forgot I had one I respawned again oh well that’s useful nice are you what own have you found any beehives I think so we’re probably going to need to make it bigger don’t worry I have just a thing for that can we get a monolith and

Teleporters yet a monolith and teleporters uh monoliths as far as I’m aware just change the background I know but like but like there’s something funny you can do with them in a teleporter monoliths themselves are end game game can we get Crystal Shards yet no are you looking at like funny goofy

Things you can do no definitely definitely didn’t get a short in my YouTube feed yesterday titled infinite Terraria money wait teleporters are sold by the mechanic so if we kill Skeletron we can get yeah but we still can’t get monel still after we beat Moon Lord wrong you

Can drop an angel statue into Shimmer this must be what Jeff Bezos did yep time to get us an arena yeah the lag’s so bad the lag is really bad it’s fine that means queen bee won’t be able to hit you oh now I’m lagging how does

That work I’m hosting we’re going to first try Queen be oh yeah for sure mimic mimic mimic yes oh a cross necklace a hard moded and a stark loak would you rather have a cross necklace or a stark loak uh neither really oh Okay hold on I’m going spy baller she runs through all these spiky balls she’s done for oh she summoned a little guy wao wao wao W I [ __ ] up I [ __ ] up I [ __ ] up oh I’m getting real low yeah you jumps ah I don’t know how to do that’s

Hard to dodge which one her big the the billion bees if you stand directly below they don’t hit you potion up see right below her it’s safe there we go yeah it did so much damage did you get the sting no I got The Beekeeper I got the bee’s

Knees well that sucks for me that means we need to kill her ass again you may think that everything was well and good since we beat the queen first try but it was not it was the seed that would Sprout into the third cardinal sin of boss fights laziness when you beat a

Boss too easily it leads you to the logical next thought that you could put less effort in and still beat them but this is exactly what they want you to think it is an intentional tactic to lure you into a false sense of security and farm you for your organs over and

Over and over again the only cure for this disease is to get serious she has less Health than eer she has half as much health as eer why do he have so much health once I get the be gun I can finally have a less annoying weapon than this I hate that move

She’s doing it right she is it’ll go better next time I um I didn’t drink any of my buff potions that time cuz I was curious it’s cuz I didn’t throw the spiky the spiky balls are really what turned the tide last time no how much health did she have 160

Damn how do we beat her first try now we can’t beat her second and third try there we go just think of all the possibilities want to kill Skeletron all we have to do is find a pool of Shimmer Jesse Jesse we got to find the Shimmer pool wait I didn’t get

My gun from her we have to fight her again no we don’t what the is that guns I think we can take him actually he doesn’t seem that bad well we don’t know what happens once we break his hands things might get way worse I wonder if I could stuck what

Did I hit what I fall damage what the damn yeah I think we we definitely need need more verticality in the platforms we need like a really high platform level we can hook up to to get away from him this mode seems so far exactly like vanilla we definitely could have taken

Him if I hadn’t died he only seems to have the one extra move and it’s not really that good it’s really easy to dodge Dam that now he’s doding Guardian all right I went imagine how much faster this boss fight would go if she couldn’t

Hide in the walls it’d be so easy maybe we should do that just destroy everything around so that she can’t she’s spamming she is cuz we’ve gotten her so low she’s just using I bet she has Health triggers to use her abilities because we’re killing her so fast she’s

Just spamming them all at once oh [ __ ] I didn’t realize she was doing it Jesus did the trigger off screen hold on this [ __ ] ain’t going to be hiding in the walls anymore come over here y yeah look at that you like hiding in walls I don’t think

So no walls for you I’m get I’m getting instantly this is actually the worst attempt yet probably just cuz you can’t see cuz I forgot to put torches quick intermission with the queen here and now I fill this place up with bees [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] ow that was an unlucky streak this

Is an unlucky streak guys she found me when I was down on my luck it’s not my fault why can’t we kill her anymore I don’t know I don’t know what happened is he back is he back is he back is he back he’s back we have the summon in this

Storage I have the summon right here and this guy’s body the Frozen I’m frozen I’m frozen why why why why moving to me you see me moving yeah you see me nice I was literally dodging everything that’s so annoying he regrew his hands why can he do that just go one has

Like four phases he has as many phases as it takes you to kill his damn head huh sorry I was just looking at enchantments would you mind looking at the fossil enchantment she kind of have a massive cool down yeah but it still seems crazy so are we going to make the

Soul of Eternity that’s the that’s the goal I think we actually need to make two of them so it’ll be even more fun sorry I’m just looking at the crafting recipe don’t don’t look at the crafting tree don’t do that to yourself holy I’ve done it before just don’t think about it

Just do it one step at a time the first 50 hours you’ll feel it but after that it’ll you it’ll just fly by let’s go fight him come on let’s go come on come on come on come on time time is of the essence time is of the essence chop chop

You could have been going so I could Wormhole you but you weren’t which means you don’t care I am going I am going slow ass the hell why is your so much faster you’re not putting in enough effort kind of mine card you have the effortful kind the hard worker here we

Stumble upon the signature move of every eternity mode boss debuffs so many debuffs debuffs for your damage defense movement mental health hairline relationship status I could go on and on but there is a counter to these effects special immunity items Dro by most bosses that can be equipped and combined to protect

You from the terrible curses inflicted by these demons but we are only we babes at this point in the mod we won’t learn the true power of these items for quite some time I love his move that slows my shooting down to a snails pace that one’s really awesome I love his move

That slows me down to a snails pace so we can catch up to me I like the one that does both at the same time oh wow I actually got hit by that I did too cuz I couldn’t Move [ __ ] what do you want for me what do you want you want me

To [ __ ] and come and die yes I think that’s exactly what he wants I accidentally have the creative tools mod on cuz I was using it to take thumbnails I just won’t click that button cheating arms are back but he’s also doing all his other moves which is

Ow O wow wow wow wow that skull was flying at Mach 25 oh my God yeah he just they home in hey I just respawned he despawned guess he only wanted me he’s spawning skeletons ow oh he is yeah I just got hit by one he uses

His hands like whips and just slaps you with him that’s the that keeps getting me no matter where he is his hands can always reach me yeah he really does just [ __ ] slap he is like an abusive ex he just is domestically violenc me every

Day oh I know why he keeps doing so much damage to me whenever he hits you he gives you the defenseless debu buff which makes it where you have zero defense uh-oh what okay so he just despawns if even one of us dies he just leaves do we

Have any uh other plans for getting stronger this might be a skill check this might be a skill issue at this point we had to admit to ourselves that we had a skill issue there wasn’t a silver bullet waiting to save the day so we decided to move on and try other

Bosses alongside Skeletron so that we’d have more chances to take one of them down something tells me now is not the best time to fight deer clops 2 seconds later oh look it stopped raining I’m there I will be there momentarily you rid of Wormhole potions listen no reason to waste them I’m

Enjoying the ride the scenic Journey Through the corruption he has 20,000 Health oh my god he has a thing that we can’t stand on platforms or use hooks you’re kidding me you’re [ __ ] me you’re [ __ ] my balls sh my hey keep distracting for a little bit what the huh butt Mash bro

Made it night time and did that okay all is considered skon he’s easier than skon def yeah he said it to 12:30 p.m. a.m. which means it’s we only have 4 minutes to fight Skeletron now if we want to I got seven spiky balls put them on the ground just for some extra

Damage whenever you get low just run away from him and I’ll trade off take his aggro so one stays near him I think he’s on me now most certainly okay he’s smacking me while I’m in the cage he doesn’t normally do that he not a you have to

Stay so close to him it’s crazy think it’s even I’m going to die what the I’m getting comboed he just comboed me he’s comboing me laser yeah can’t forget the laser beam well I guess we can go try to fight Skeletron we try speedrun that [ __ ] cuz he sets hey that’s our life

Hack he sets it a night for us so we can try to fight Skeletron no slapping me your pimp pants fill with rings I like keeping my teeth in my mouth I just saw two skeletons pop out of him just jumped out like Mario and Luigi his hands are both half but we

Also only have 30 seconds before he goes dungeon guardian mode damn it this this could have been the one hold on it still can be don’t give up hope just got to do a lot of damage in uh 30 seconds okay one hand down one more to go we can beat

Oh this is so sad this is so sad you know how much stronger be come once we kill Skeletron your clops wouldn’t even stand a chance he gives like 100 different debuffs all the boss dudes quite irritating really okay he’s in bad mode oh okay it spawned him in

Me okay of course okay of course but I’m revived I’m resurrected I’m born again okay oh oh of course he put it up there I mean I guess we could try to do the Old One’s Army and try to get some some stuff from that of course why not add

Another thing to the list maybe we should try Wall of Flesh too just for fun I might have this by putting it here cuz the arena I think it might be able to be bigger but it’s not here we go we get dark magician from Yu-Gi-Oh oh here

He is yo you ain’t getting stopping the dive bombers bro F Thorn V Thorn pierces Pierce Pierce you ain’t Defending Your Side very well homeboy ah I’m dead I almost ran out of arrows so you sto shooting uh you know you can make more arrows right I’m going to die yeah I am

Too these guys are are pretty strong this is actually fine you have any Defender medals I have two hand them over take that we can place some centuries during our Skeletron fight now [ __ ] dick Tickler Di miss you missed you Miss I’m sorry I’m not sorry idiot I’m sorry just kidding

One hand down other hand is not [ __ ] [ __ ] I got this I solo him I know we normally say this as a joke but this time the Stars aligned and it was my time to shine I’ll take your ass down any day of the week take you down to

Supper take you out for a nice dinner and wine and then I’ll leave you okay it’s fine I’m back use that accessory switch to worm scar for extra defense two seconds get my potion back got my potion okay now I finish this bozo oh my

God that seems like so much so many more skulls than there were before am I crazy holy [ __ ] he’s just continuously spraying me what what he’s entered dungeon guardian form why does he just have this and I do only do one damage and I just have to survive 20 more

Hits [ __ ] die oh you idiot I solo that [ __ ] after finally making a morsal of progress we could once again upgrade our Gear with stuff from the dungeon and hell but that wasn’t the only opportunity that beating Skeletron opened up for Us Let’s take a quick break from Terraria to thank today’s sponsor flexispot here I have the flexispot C7 the least gamer phobic chair out there obviously it’s super adjustable in all the ways you’d expect but it also has a dynamic Lumber support that adjusts to your back for a

Perfect fit another cool feature not present on most other chairs is the built-in adjustable foot rest that lets you relax and work at the same time it’s basically cheating and to complete your relaxation there’s a nice soft headrest to lay your sleepy head on after solo queuing ranked for 6 hours straight and

Losing every single game the chair arrived super well packaged and took me less than 30 minutes to put together by myself I’d recommend having a friend to help if you have any I’d also recommend waiting to put the armrests on until the very end instead of at the beginning like the

Instructions say not only is the chair comfortable adjustable and easy to set up but it also supports a huge range of sitting positions here are some of my favorites the working adult for boring functional adults contributing to society the vacation for when you haven’t had a break in exactly 7 minutes

And you just can’t wait the gamer for when you feel like unleashing your inner cave Goblin the impossible for when you feel like testing the impossible claim that an office chair can actually be comfortable while sitting cross-legged this one is the sleeper for when you

Need a gamer nap after a long day of doing Nothing as you can see this chair can suit anybody if you’d like to get one for yourself you can go to flexis and use code c730 at checkout for $30 off again flexispot oncom code c730 at checkout for $30 off the C7 thanks again to flexispot for sponsoring this Video back to the show yeah wait and now we can get the mechanic too there she is convenient okay we need to find Shimmer that’s our objective that’s our objective right now Shimmer spawns in the underground Cavern layer on the same side of the world as

The jungle so it’s somewhere on the left side of the world that’s really your you’re your only objective right now huh yeah man well I guess if we’re going for that we might as well go all in on that the question is how the fu how the how

How how I’ll show you how Jacob I just spent 60 Gold on Boom shens so now I have 5,000 let’s [Applause] Go to be completely honest with you my plan here was to start at the end of the world and just keep going right until I found it but I ended up getting so incredibly lucky that it wasn’t necessary in the slightest found it you really yep for real

Yep Wow first hole I went straight down to it you it literally looks like I cheated to find this [ __ ] all right let me just remember to do it let me just find it real quick how many of these do you think I should get before I stop

Okay two platinum made thank you for getting me uh five Platinum appreciate you whoo whoa whoo whoa whoa whoa Give me the give me the teleporter and the monolith give me that give me that [ __ ] uh you have an extra monolith right no I just sold all of

Them even when we cheese the game we manag to [ __ ] it up we have another angel statue though now that money Oh there we go I died but I got him deerclops went down pretty easily and up next was our first real test the Deviant but we didn’t have the items we needed to summon her we don’t have Chum buckets it’s dropped from blood moon fishing enemies we it’s not the right time no

It’s 5:00 a.m. it’s actually the exact opposite time that we need I know what to do hop in is it working yeah no I think we need to be in a enclosed room this is sub house I’m making it look good you want you don’t want to

Sleep in a place that looks bad I’m getting assaulted do you have a fishing pole no I thought you went back to get one I went back to make a better mine cart well make a fishing pole while you’re there I can’t access the storage cuz I’m getting assaulted Jacob you

Haven’t seen assaulted until you seen how many eater souls are on my screen I’ll tell you what I got I brought two fishing poles hell we need two for so we can both fish okay so you want to stay and get assaulted while you fish well

I’m The Bodyguard I can all the guyses that are here okay I need to kill this mermaid Merman whatever the hell you are I got Chum buckets I know my beades oh did you get frenzied yeah how do you just have your beades on you always have my beades on me all right

Time to fight probably the most bullet hell boss we’ll ever see in our entire lives all right you ready you need anything chlorop bullets would be nice okay buddy what the oh she’s huge I can’t hit her I cannot hit her she’s e what what she’s an eag girl man homing

Would be so nice for small of her hit boxes yeah that’s I I’m using only the flame lash cuz that thing has this thing has like the craziest homie you can get in preh hard mode I’m just shooting in a direction or hoping I’m hitting we’ll find out from the damage breakdown if

You are succeeding in that endeavor Bas two okay something wa oh she traps Us in here we’re stuck we stuck that sucks well that blows that blows that blows dick and balls mode mimic she dropping hard mimics on us man she also drops a lot of healing those hearts no those hearts do

Damage those are damage those damage I thought I was I was chilling you got pranked by her you fell for her her prank here we go Dodge the oh Medusa heads I’m stunned I’m call H holy [ __ ] so there was nothing I could do to avoid that it’s probably something we

Just aren’t aware of it I was stoned not in the good way either the devs of this mob were like what if we put every projectile in the game in one boss fight oh what the she just beat my ass with that axe oh she’s axing me she’s axing

Me what that move does so much damage that’s fing crazy she’s already doing it she’s already what the so she opened with it this time hey but look now you’re alive this is actually better this is so much better I really think her AI is just randomized attacks

Doesn’t seem like they save [ __ ] for Phase 2 only they’re like no no just whatever B like that was a new one the teleportation I’m a fan of those old screening oh she stuns you way before she decides which direction to put the laser in you

Just have to surv you just have to have enough Health to tank it that’s literally it I’d like to make it to the nurse if possible [ __ ] oh she’s cornering me where the nurse why are you over here [ __ ] there we go ow wow wow wow wow K the nurse again

Uhhm it doesn’t let me it just didn’t let me it decided I couldn’t you may have noticed quite a few failed attempts to heal with the nurse during boss fights that’s actually no coincidence but it takes us a little longer to pick up on that when is she going to do the

[ __ ] one she hasn’t done it yet and it’s making me nervous that she hasn’t oh here it is okay she got me she’s getting you but not me okay she didn’t hit me with it I’ll finish the job stop chasing me with your axom okay well it was good knowing you

Rip I might have enough Heth to tank it yeah okay don’t do Medusa again okay good this I don’t think I can dodge all these oh maybe I can maybe I’m goated hell yeah just a one Health there we go the clutch King strikes once again I am such a fing

Legend if only I stayed that way with the item from the Deviant we can now make the Supreme deathbringer fairy one of those boss immunity items I mentioned earlier all right let’s go to hell build some platforms why don’t we just make an instant obsidian Bridge yeah we could do that

Let’s do that I I don’t know why I don’t know why can you go buy me 20 Dynamite yeah who sells Dynamite the demolitionist that would be he’s the is that he the the black guy no the armer you somehow always get him mixed up and

The demolitionist is dead he’s dead U he is hold on let me see if I can make the Squidward statue the Squidward statue is our special name for this beautiful specimen that makes NPC’s respawn really fast that name comes from one of my other videos but I honestly don’t remember

Which one so maybe someone in the comments can let me know next up is Wall of Flesh this Beefcake has a pretty stacked move set obviously he’s got some amped up ey lasers but he also has a cursed flame Inferno that forces you right up close to him immediately

Followed by a golden shower that you have to run away from they perfectly complement each other are you dead what are you dead oh yeah I died ages ago what the Y peon what I was doing so good and he just that’s that’s stupid Nathan’s not there Jacob can’t do [ __ ] peed on

Peed on peed on I was popping off and he just pulled me in did he pull you into him no he just killed me I didn’t even leave a circle and he just pulled me into him I’d love to feain ignorance and say that Jacob’s crazy but he was

Actually so right looks like there’s always one eye available to shoot and the other one is you see that [ __ ] no I didn’t see [ __ ] ow PE that golden shower hurts man oh he’s wowe he grabbed me yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah yeah the Pew always kills

Me I just need to just run away as soon as I see him started keep your piss away from me I’m so glad we have this double layer platform cuz we would be royally without it oh sand top platform bad place right now no that’s such [ __ ] he suck you yes

I’ve noticed if you hook to the ceiling he sucks you I was doing so good did you hear that noise [ __ ] was terrifying oh he’s in Uber mode he’s in Uber Hypersonic mode okay just need to do a little bit more damage oh my god oh I can’t get

Away from that one that one’s so fast okay just th more damage B Dash B Dash B Dash I have a res I still have my res I think so I can’t get away from that I got revived why let this away no no no no please please

Please please please no no no no no no no no no yes yes yes oh my God that was stressful as I’m the clutch King hey hey shill time this right here is my website quties I’m very proud of it so don’t say anything bad about it if you enjoy my

Videos and want to help me become a YouTube quadrillionaire you can join my membership program which gives you access to a Discord that I’m actually active in a merch discount for whenever merch happens early releases of videos and the F the director’s Cuts these videos are entirely uncensored and many times have

Jokes in segments that are uh too Advertiser friendly for YouTube so if you’re interested in that head over to Cordy and become a member you don’t like my website what the you just say you don’t like my website hard mode always starts basically the same you guys know the

Drill smash some Alters mine some ores fight some ice Golems go through the perfectly normal underground Hollow like I was saying the perfectly normal underground Hollow with no changes whatsoever oh don’t tell me what oh my God Jacob they gave the hollow an effect the Hol reverses your gra you’re just upside down the entire time you’re here this placeing blows despite that miserable Louisiana es hellscape I

Managed to get my armor made in record time okay I got my full armor you got your full armor yeah what armor Adam typ is that the red one uhhuh how uh mining ah oh na don’t me turn your damn battlecry off it is never turn it on oh wow just so much

Better and fighting 1 million enemies at once I think I got enough adamant type for your armor I literally forged my own Cave System since I’m such an epic minor I got enough Adamantite not only for both of our armor sets but also for the Adamantite enchantment this thing splits

All your projectiles into two Each of which does 70% of the original damage that adds up to a delicious 40% boost in overall damage for the small price of having to be point blank to actually get your shots to hit did it just instantly

Kill me I can’t tell I don’t think oh my God lightning from the sky oh my God that lightning does 350 damage that’s probably what kill it did instantly kill me okay that makes sense WS are a little bit strong I should go fishing in the hollow oh fishing in the hollow means

You can get that one weapon how long you think it’ll take me to get this uh Crystal serpent well I never got it after fishing for like so many hours so it’ll probably take me like 1 second yeah I got it really yep wow the DAT stormbow no the crystal serpent oh wow

Well this is awkward our underground jungle’s corrupted jungle can’t get corrupted what that’s the nice thing about jungle mud literally cannot get corrupted it’s like corrupted over here this is just up maybe I should just fish you know I got a magic quiver you you got a magic quiver mhm I’ve killed

Like 15 skeleton archers and I haven’t gotten one this I’m going to attempt to box myself in and let it get crazy oh wow going surprisingly well why don’t you make like a little hole to shoot out of um I didn’t think about that part

There we go get it Crystal up in there hollow get out of the ground get out of the ground he’s out of the ground get back in the ground get back in the pee on him let’s defense there we go he’s dead p a drop a hook nice that’s exactly it that’s what

I needed well you can buy a summon for him now from the Deviant so it’s not all bad right I turned all of our wood into wooden arrows my bad all of it yeah you bought 99,999 how many arrows did you make a couple arrows how could they make Queen

Slime more bullet Hill you know what I’m saying surely it would be so hard where I haven’t even seen her yet where oh she looks exactly the same okay but she does a little bit more uh bouncing they’re very rainbow those those slimes and they also take no

Damage she makes fart noises noises yeah women don’t fart they only queef cuz women don’t have butth holes either cuz they don’t need to poop oh oh they moved I didn’t realize they moved I was just standing I wasn’t even paying attention I didn’t even know that was happening

Completely honest I hope my guys are finding her what hit me it’s all right she only has 13,000 Health left it’s only a little bit more than I have oh that house I think we can beat her we just have to get hit slightly less I think it’ll be hard to fight her

During the night time well but I have a plan for that oh I was going to do something similar jelatin subjects have awoken what is it with queens and spawning subjects in this game am I right oh she’s like Queen if you stand under her it doesn’t hit you her move

Set seems exactly taken from Queen Bee they’re trying to stereotype all queens which is sexist first of all and second it’s bad there we go next we fought another modded boss the banished Baron he’s an ocean boss so I set up this very nice Arena that’s definitely going to help a

Lot Ru it oh he’s here oh he’s the why am I taking so much damage I can’t fly I’m taking damage oh we’re supposed to be in water oh we have to fight him in the ocean oh so I did all that prep for nothing cool okay well we know how that works

Now okay that doesn’t really work anym he teleports anime eye yeah oh um oh we’re in the air now it’s fine f him in the air laser beam oh yeah trying to figure out what weapons are actually fast enough to hit this guy p p is always fast enough get him boys There we go she does not sell treasure bags for bosses in this mod which means if we want a bag we got to kill him again this guy had some pretty cool looking weapon drops so we fought him again it’s a good thing we did cuz godamn my weapon from him is overpowered

Moving right along to the Destroyer we got a firsthand taste of what my new weapon could do and I liked it very much do you see how much damage the lasers do look at his health bar you just see a chunk of it get taken out

Oh he trapped me in a thing like deviant oh we playing here I see how it is Mister all his other guy his goons his goons got me his goons are getting me they shoot lightning that’s a lot of lasers that’s a lot of lasers what why did I get Frozen in

Place he traps you when he does that Circle move you’re trapped inside his his his Circle Jacob I’ve discovered The armor set the full armor set yeah holy [ __ ] a lot of arrows wow we got interrupted by the Pirate Invasion which isn’t interesting in the slightest but I just wanted to show you this cool clip of me using my laser beams against the Flying Dutch holy [ __ ] oh D dorbo

Is sucking on his oysters ow I’m getting my ass eaten I am bad way bad way it’s a very nothing hit me I genuinely nothing hit me there I’m dying to nothing hello salute hello friend annoying that wasn’t the you know there was that just wasn’t the run I’m trapped

In the bit of his pit wa big circle big circle big circle both of us this time hey I don’t like that I’m a big fan of when it pulls you and or not me oh he got me but he’s so low I got this you didn’t got it every single

Projectile I feel like we’re doing a lot of damage oh we’re doing a stupid disgusting amount of damage but he just doesn’t die fight’s not all that long just that we can’t survive for that long because he has so many projectiles I’m taking a trip downtown to the nurse I’m

Out of here he on you on you yep I got seven Health oh I got revived but oh well I want wor than me what maybe worm worm holding me question mark worm [ __ ] that might get him despawn okay he’s off my ass slightly so I’m coming back I’m

Getting on the mine cart oh mine cart’s not fast enough I shouldn’t have done that I was too floaty I should have summoned my slime Mount and then I would have dodged that and my potion qu would have over and I would have healed and everyone would have clapped all right

This is the one this is the one I’m in no what the every time I say this is the one it’s followed by a what the [ __ ] okay just like two more blasts with this thing should kill him need to recharge Mana oh he sucked me into the circle cuz

You died he had to have someone in the circle just die die die die [ __ ] die I got him the Twins were the next boss on our agenda normally I find them the easiest of all the mech bosses but eternity had a different idea a much more painful

One things started out innocent enough we tried the fight out just to get a feel for it and they’re Extra metal they are very metal tally likes metal I got my guy in second phase he has a laser beam oh does he just okay I thought he

Was just going to keep doing that holy [ __ ] I got to get out of here man I’m dead how did you get your guy in a second phase so fast uh I blast him with my visor I had been lasering my guy with the Mega Shark the entire time soon as

My guy goes into second phase only shoot him if you can okay he’s in second phase whenever you your guy in a second phase and I’m not the the circle it kills me oh I see that’s why I I was wondering where I my health was going because I

Wasn’t getting hit and then I and I figured it out if you’re outside of the circle it it puts you on fire which does a lot of damage okay oh so he just doesn’t die in this he just stays of course my favorite okay so it’s not even worth trying to like

Kill one cuz since he endured the Fatal blow to fight alongside its twin so it just stays there even after you kill it kind of defeating the whole strategy aspect the fight and we should probably fight him right next to the house so we can get to the nurse easier that’ll

Probably make our lives a lot easier I got my guy into face too okay I’m coming just in case he does a big thing he’s so hard oh my SP to get in here get in here oh my God that goes so fast [ __ ] oh

My God that does so much I’ve never been outside the circle before until now yeah yeah it hurts it hurts a lot spazmatism is about half he’s second phas I’m actually way better at dodging R ner than I am spas yeah me too but I’m doing okay with

Spazmatism he’s about to die I am too but he’s almost down I use my res I’m going to die from fire no I’m going to the nurse you handle him for 2 seconds I healed okay we can finish spazmatism now I I can’t get away from him dead oh he

Just okay he endured that’s fine now we’re at ner oh my God it’s not fine you guys do 6,000 damage man what is this what is going on dude but as time went on we realized this fight was different from the others I can’t get away from spazmatism me

Neither his second phase is so fast okay let’s try killing rer first this time cuz even though we’ll have to deal with the the laser that might be easier as long as we make sure to stay near enough to get in the zone remember don’t shoot spazmatism too much we’re trying to keep

Him out of second phase for as long as humanly possible r n is about to go second phase so get your ass over here he’s in second phase okay we’re in the circle he’s real low about to hit half okay R lasering again did you have eye frames when the

Laser went over you no okay it hit me but you survived it so it’s fine okay re is about to be down laser but smaller okay spazmatism is low and when they both stand still when you do that move so time they do it we can I just noticed how low I was

Spasm like he’s low I am too I hold at the nurse okay right’s lasering hit spazmatism he’s super low he’s super low he’s super low 1,000 health no 1,000 Health if only we had finished the job then and there it would have saved us so much pain is that spasm going second

Phase laser okay oh no I fell out of the Zone oh my God I just fell out I’m healing the nurse you do what I healed I misclicked like three times before I got the heal stop it spasma ISM you’re a harasser you’re a harasser after quite a number of

Attempts we started trying new things hoping it would give us the edge that we needed have you tried using the dayless stormbow on these guys no I feel like it would work better I can’t get away from him falling seems to be the best way to stay away

From him to be honest just Free Falling I’m going to put some bubbles with honey in them on the uh platforms cuz since I’m It’ll like a that increases life regen but also since I’ve got the deathbringer fairy it increases my armor penetration a bunch bottles of honey

Have the 30 stack effect uh I think you use them like healing potions yeah it gives you the buff what I mean is it gives you the buff limited a 30 stack and you’re leaving honey buff yeah wow I didn’t know give you that I should help immediately at zero health because of

Our dear friend Spastische dashes that’s the only way to avoid him he’s down I was outside when he went half when he did the laser going down [ __ ] you and your little dog too [ __ ] holy [ __ ] you can’t get away from him he’s so fast I’m completely fine dodging basmatis until

He starts shooting fire at me and then you have to be on the left side of the arena and if you’re not on the left side of the Arena where you can gravity him you’re we need to get rtin to second spazmatism getting him to second phase

First is not the play it is not the play he’s too strong okay spazmatism time leftside the arena let’s go gravity woo I figured out a plan I figured out a plan I I I’m a dumbass I’m a dumbass I’m a dumbass simply I’m simply a dumbass

Okay what’s the plan um I should have just Wormhole back to you oh that’s a good point wait that’s a great point we can just Wormhole as soon as he use the thing if we’re not uh there yeah I just completely forgot that also I thought of another plan I’m going

To build channels real quick like this so we have them at multiple points so we can just go like Swan Dive straight down spasms after Us oh my God I think we’ve got it we just got it got it you know eventually we narrowed down on a specific plan that went something like this we start out and both focus on our respective eyes as soon as Reaser gets into second phase Jacob ditches spasma we both kill reer

After he’s dead we switch our Focus to the fire breather of death and hope we can kill him before he kills us with this plan in mind we slowly started to optimize it and fill in the cracks okay I got to get over here and heal at the

Nurse before I perish never mind I’ll just perish anyways okay I got the nurse but I almost perished Laser oh F [ __ ] [ __ ] [ __ ] I’m getting glazed I’m getting glazed I’m getting glazed don’t get glazed run to the nurse I got full health come on come on to me you big [ __ ] they are not leaving you okay they’re on me now go to nurse laser ring get back

Fast that was such unfortunate timing why did she she walked away from me the broad the nerve of this broad please please please please please please please please just die I’m out of Mana no no 14 14 dude 14 14 no no no no so when we’re going to do

A play through that’s actually us but instead of instead of being weaker we’re really strong like a when we were really overpowered yeah we one of those bro that’s just us playing vanilla t you now oh there’s a sandstorm Doo left okay he’s second pH too we got two second

Phase Boys on our hands bro off with your [ __ ] this might be the hardest boss I’ve ever fought in Terraria I don’t think I’ve ever it’s ever taken me this many times to kill a boss blast the [ __ ] out of a man run sh God God damn it when you fail

Something this many times in a row it’s inevitable that self-doubt starts to creep in instead of accepting the fact that we just needed to get better I started suggesting some unorthodox strategies wait Jacob what if we put back on the gravitation potions and go upside down to fall and reverse away from

Spasma that’s stupid I was also thinking we can make entirely new loadouts focused only on defense so we can use the the load out Swap hotkey and switch to a defense that’s just we just need to Beat It we literally just need to beat him spazmatism how about you Spaz on

These nuts you fing idiot oh I’m Jacob he did it in the middle of the sky where there was no platform to land on watch this watch this clutch nice clutch oh we’re run it back we run it back we just keep going we just keep going this

Is an elen ring where I can pull out some random weapon that secretly one shots the boss 4:30 a.m. that was the Run night time this is the Run okay next sh it’s going to going to put him in half a Spazzy boy spazmatism me boy he’s second phase

Laser they’re both on me so heal if you need to I’m going toing die he’s doing laser come up come up come up he’s got 3,000 Health come up Jacob he’s got 1,000 Health yes Oh Praise Jesus Christ we were relieved to finally be fighting a different boss and thankfully it seemed like this one was way easier waade Beyblade Let It Rip that’s cool oh he he just grew more arms hey he’s a Hydra he’s a Hydra but his head’s at half so maybe we just focus on his head

He totally is a second life maybe we just we win this first track aren’t you dead yeah I jumped into it is it really just focusing his head is that it that might be it we’ll see no way there or maybe he just takes extra damage from

Maybe he takes damage every time he lose an arm or something in a chunk and that’s why we did there’s no way it’s no way man that the twins were that [ __ ] and he’s this I knew it Mega shark’s perfect weapon for this form

No 10 but what we didn’t know is that a tragedy had occurred right behind our backs and we would be none the wiser for another 2 and 1/2 weeks January 23rd 2024 that’s the day that disaster struck but it wasn’t the in-your-face Panic inducing collapse you

May think of it was the sneaky kind the kind that happens behind your back the kind that kills you slowly like a disease on that day my OBS settings reset which means that all the footage that we recorded for the next 2 and 1/2 Weeks had nothing but my microphone

Audio no game audio no Jacob I was devastated when I found out all that worked down the drain I thought but then I realized it may be a blessing in disguise without Jacob’s audio most of mine didn’t really make any sense which meant that I could cut down this whole

Section into something very bite-sized and very uh digestible for you Zoomers out there so get ready for Terraria eternally late hard mode ADHD Tik Tok brand Edition here’s your Subway Surfers gameplay here’s your satisfying compilation now let’s get into it skeleton Prime took a couple of attempts

But compared to the twins he was a total chump after we beat him Jacob finally got the chloride bullets he’d been wanting this whole playthrough and then we went straight into the next boss this pixie pyramid thing she had some real fun attacks like this one where she

Shoots a bunch of projectiles and this one where she shoots a bunch of projectiles and this one where she shoots a bunch of projectiles you get get the idea we decided to take a shot at planta before dedicating ourselves to that nightmare didn’t go so well then we

Decided to craft the force of Earth a combination of all the hard mode ore enchantments but for some reason I didn’t check the crafting requirements before going out and grinding for each and every item needed Jacob I [ __ ] up you have to have The Crucible the cosmos

To craft it so we just went right back to the pixie chick we discovered a new fun attack of hers tried moving the nurse to the arena in the hope that she would somehow save us and Jacob discovered another new attack exclusive to him holy F back to planta never mind

Let’s try crafting a new item never mind let’s try a different weapon never fcking mind although I did have some pretty sick Matrix Dodges here let’s try honey wait wait you already have that you know what let’s try the pyramid again maybe Discord potions will help oh those actually do they’re super useful

We actually did beat her after getting those and I also figured out during the fight that the nurse only lets you heal once per boss fight which is why she kept declining our cards all those other times she didn’t drop either of our weapons so we had to fight her again and

Even then she only dropped Jacob’s weapons so we tried fighting her again but she just decided to [ __ ] off so we decided to go fight planta instead are you starting to get the pattern here try boss fail get new item rinse and repeat until we find the right item for the job

The chlorop FY enchantment clearly was not it so I finally checked the wiki to read up on how her abilities worked and find out what would counter her her crystals that orbit her destroy any non- minion projectiles she’s built for Summoner and melee that’s probably why

We’re having such an ass time with her yeah the notes in the wiki literally says chloride ammo and other homing is ineffective against planta due to the leaf crystals being NPCs for the next attempt we went back to the basics bigger Arena and put the nurse in it and

What do you know those helped way more than the 50 trillion items we crafted if seeing this doesn’t cure your materialism I don’t know what will next we farmed dungeon items set up for the Truffle to move in and watched him repeatedly die as he tried to move in

Due to his house being outside the atmosphere he instantly died sky dangerous places in this uh world then we went to the temple to try Golem cuz why the hell not bad idea does he instantly give you armor broken cuz I have like I literally have six debuffs

On right now maybe we need to get that thing that makes us immune to a bunch of debuffs that thing the bionomic cluster this thing is another one of those boss immunity items but it’s way crazier than the last one to get it we had to kill basically every rare enemy in existence

Which was fine because the Deviant sell Summits for all of them as long as you’ve killed them once before boom from the bionomic cluster is a thing that increases your damage by 60% but it decreases your Movement by 85% when you’re attacking it does do a lot of

Damage after getting those I figured out that you can individually disable any effect from the crazy stacked Fargo accessories which is great because some of these things do some dummy [ __ ] as you’ll see later then we went back to Golem which was so much better with this

Item but it still wasn’t quite enough so after a couple attempts with some slightly tweaked strategies we made yet another amalgamation item and this time we absolutely melted him he literally stood no chance without that debuff with Golem down now it was time for the Epic event extravaganza the part of the game

Where we do every event ever because they’re all grouped up at the exact same stage of the game and normally you get some bombass weapons from these events but unfortunately eternity mode decided to take the fun out of some of the favorites the Martian Invasion had a couple of Hiccup bats Cosmic Cary

Infinite Flight that’s for neither of us that’s another summon that’s a summon again that’s another Cosmic Cary that’s another summon that’s another summon that’s another C car key that’s another Cosmic car key that’s another Cosmic car key but we eventually got what we were looking for Duke was an interesting case

We did an astronomical amount of damage at him but he could also kill us in about 35 milliseconds once he got to second phase we eventually devised a strategy where Jacob would take his aggro and focus entirely on dodging while I sat at the bottom of the arena

With my bat scepter and Shadow flame buff and absolutely nuked his health bar after a couple iterations and tweaks we got it working pretty well we were expecting to go through the same struggle with Empress but although flashy she actually turned out to be really easy Betsy was also pretty easy

When we summoned her on her own but after beating her once we didn’t have the summon anymore and since it’s not a craftable item we assumed we had to do Old One’s Army again never mind the fact that Fargos is literally known for its NPCs that sell boss summons with Betsy

Checked off our Hit List it was on to the big boys lunatic cus was an absolute Cakewalk per usual after beating him we made some new armor and got an extra food stamp accessory slot which L us have an extra accessory but only certain types because the government didn’t

Think we could be trusted to make our own decisions at the grocery store through a combination of me reading a cryptic rdit comment and Jacob previously watching a playthrough of this mod we had a bit of an idea of what we were getting into with the pillars

And moonl Lord essentially you can only fight each element with its respective damage type so we had to gear ourselves up with a solid weapon from each class all right Moon Lord time now we just stand here like jackasses until he uh shows up oh I’m dead that went

Surprisingly well for a first attempt but to make it go even better we made sure to have the best weapon we could for each class holy [ __ ] the melees melts his hand if you get right up close to it and do the actual swing damage go

On dragons okay they got him just just heart now just full DPS holy [ __ ] the Moon the Moon I’m just going to save the top ey for ranged cuz we can if we both Focus this top high and range we can get it done I can’t

Reach the Nerf she’s she ran to the other side you dumb broad she ran to the other side of her house and I can’t reach her okay double lasers now he’s ranged again I can’t get to the nurse which is [ __ ] ah okay now we’re in everything mode Vortex oh you’re dead I see I never stop shooting I sto shooting for no one I sto shooting for No One not even you not even you Moon Lord oh my God I’m doing no damage I’m doing no damage

A I didn’t stop shooting we’ve already broken both his hands we’re doing so much damage right now okay Moon anything they call me the clutch King baby squeaky duck that squeaky toy that one hit me for sure for sure for sure for sure for sure for

Sure okay he’s what mode is he in magic magic boom boom [ __ ] I once again reclaimed my title as clutch King from Jacob who if you hadn’t noticed had been finishing out most of our boss fights for quite a while now at a long last we could finally make The Crucible of the

Cosmos opening the door to all those enchantment combos that we couldn’t make earlier but before I got two into the sauce I made my armor wait that’s solar that’s not my armor I made my armor and then fought some huge boss SWS to get items called energizers that let you

Craft super crazy endgame weapons some crazier than others after weapons the next thing I wanted was the soul of the arch wizard the amalgamation of basically every Mage accessory in the game and most of the iconic weapons too we already had most of said weapons and

The others were pretty easy to get all but one that is the Stellar tune Empress of light’s rarest item with only a 2% drop chance I had already bought a bunch of treasure bags earlier trying to get it but based on the fact that I did not

Get it I concluded that it didn’t drop from them and only came from Empress herself that was an incorrect assumption holy [ __ ] man are we dumb am I dumb is my brain a tiny little fragment says it’s dropped by Empress of goddamn light hey maybe we’ll get a banner once we

Kill 50 of her and then we can craft something with that I’m going to look up on the wiki and make sure you can’t get it from a bag it’s not just like stupidly rare this is just rare I just got it you got it from one

Of your bags I just walked by you and accidentally picked it up um [ __ ] wrong button I got another one from that pack of course iing did the next soul I wanted was the supersonic Soul also know as the too fast please upop oh God I can’t control

Myself soul but before I did that Jacob needed some assistance for my boom shurikens which I was more than happy to provide your wish is my command we already had basically all the items we needed to craft the supersonic soul and the rest were acquired very quickly but despite having everything we needed

I still couldn’t craft it it won’t let me craft the supic soul even though we have all the stuff for it I just can’t craft it why can’t I craft it I might need to Res like close the world and open it up again we thought it was a

Simple bug that all we needed to do was restart the world and although that did fix the problem temporarily this conspiracy ran much deeper than we Thought before we moving on with any more crafting we fought the first of a number of champion mini bosses these guys all drop the enchantments you need to make the soul of Terraria one of the main components for the soul of Eternity to make my life easier for the rest of the

Champions I wanted to get the Colossus Soul which makes you an absolute Beefcake tank of a man but my crafting woes hadn’t budged even after a world restart I could only craft some of the items that weren’t working ah it’s not letting me craft stuff again you know

What I bet it’s an issue with the storage components cuz some of them are maxed out on storage and other ones are like completely empty and it’s not putting stuff in the empty ones it’s trying to put stuff in the ones that are maxed out we’re doing this the

Oldfashioned way oh now it won’t let me take things out of the storage system either maybe if I take everything out I don’t know I how to fix it this fing mad man okay Shields yay I crafted it I still can’t craft this one Jacob was experiencing

The other half of our issue where it would let him craft something but then wouldn’t show up in the storage system it’s not there there’s just a raincoat thankfully for him his rain enchantment randomly reappeared but my issue was steadfast I still can’t craft the hero Shield though oh I can’t even take

Things out of the storage anymore I’ve lost those kind of privileges maybe I accidentally maybe I Unbound my my left Mouse button or something you know maybe that’s it I’m going to restart my game this time now all I’m saying is if it doesn’t let me craft the hero shield now

I’m going to shoot myself can you guess what it didn’t let me craft maybe I need to craft something else here let me craft some wooden platforms first and then I’ll those craft very nice very Nice maybe that item secretly fake maybe maybe I need to buy a new one maybe that’s why it’s not crafting that was it it worked for some reason the Paladin Shield I bought before didn’t work it was fake so all you have to do to figure out which item

Is fake is see which items it won’t let you take out of the storage system and those ones are fake and you have to get a new one after sherlocking my way out of that one I got my Colossus soul and we continued on our path of conquest and

It was like stealing candy from a baby man with our new combined accessories and weapons we were pretty [ __ ] strong we didn’t have a single issue until the shadow Champion he’s literally bugged in multiplayer where you can’t get past one of his phases so I had to

Take him down in single player although the Champions after her were a little bit more difficult than the first ones they still went down in three Tri Max even the champion of the cosmos who was a full boss instead of a mini boss with shiny new armor in hand we jumped right

Into Abomination the second to last boss in this entire mod at this point in the game you pretty much have two options you can keep grinding bosses over and over and over again hoping to make a tiny little bit of progress or you can work on crafting things with recipes longer than the

Queen’s entire family tree just a make sure we didn’t overload on excitement we switched back and forth between these thrilling options fight boss die make a new accessory rinse and repeat much like we did for every other boss in this mod that we got stuck on we

Really have done this a lot haven’t we but eventually we got pretty close to beating him I just kept forgetting I had my time stop ability as soon as I remembered and we both used it at decent times we beat him pretty handily and right after we did I finally realized

What had happened with my audio meaning we finally get to hear the sweet delicious sound of Terraria weapon noises oh and Jacob talking I guess after Abomination Was Defeated we could craft a whole plethora of new items including a couple new weapons but mainly the soul of Terraria Dimensions

The universe and the master these are the penultimate accessories in this mod the ingredients with which we will eventually craft the soul of Eternity and like you probably expect their crafting trees are ridiculous we started with the heart of the master which was actually a terrible idea

Because it needed an item from dungeon guardian but we went ahead and got the Other M materials ready and in the process discovered that the squirrel shopped was bugged this whole time because of another mod we had Jacob that fixed it he sells it now really yeah and

Now for soul of the master all we need is is to kill dungeon and more deviating energy we might have to kill dungeon guardian twice maybe he’s easier than the Abomination take [ __ ] we could make the other Souls first and then come back to it a great suggestion dungeon guardian

Was too hard for pany little asses so we moved on to the soul of Terraria the culmination of all the enchantments was actually pretty easy to get all we had to do was kill each Champion until we could craft their force and then move on to the next one after the solo Terraria

We started on the soul of the universe the combination of all class accessories into one it’s not all that interesting really we basically just killed a bunch of stuff and crafted a bunch more stuff but while we were doing it we kept getting hit by a mysterious foe which

Seemed to have no material form what’s hurting me I don’t know man I can’t tell what’s going on anymore it’s one of our effect do damage to us we’ll come back to that later right now it’s time for Empress of light in the daytime kind of like dungeon guardian light but unlike

Dungeon guardian she was an easy man now all we needed was to kill the Abomination for some more of his energy and we could have ourselves the soul of the universe but before we did we took a shot at 100 Duke fishron so Jacob could

Get a new weapon but it was then that things started to go Arai modded Terraria isn’t exactly the most stable game especially in multiplayer it tends to break a lot every playthrough I’ve ever done has at some point required us to use cheat sheet for something or another and as you’ll see this one was no exception you

Know this guy was a problem like a one accessory ago oh he’s stting to be a problem I spoke to her I focus soon we only killed 39 of him I spoke way too soon where did why are there no more of him did they stop spawning for you I

Died oh my game is completely Frozen I think it’s about to crash yeah I think you need to restart the world I don’t know if we have a problem but the first time I tried to host the world it’s an invalid operation okay it’s fine I have

I have the 40 Duke fish FR treasure bags everything’s everything is not diobu uh three of our storage units are missing what um I don’t think they had anything in them hopefully but they are gone how at the time we thought that was our only issue so after confirming we had our important

Things we continued on to the Abomination but there was in fact something else missing you may spot it if you’re the observant type yeah [ __ ] him up 1 million effects we doing less damage I’m double tapping down or nothing happened my slow ferraria got deleted my did too you’re so right I was

So confused I was like something feels wrong something feels really wrong why aren all of my effects activating I don’t know how I didn’t notice that’s so weird cuz the rest of my inventory I still have to modified world warper and everything the rest of my inventory is

Exactly as I left it I even had those treasure bags yeah what the Sol Terraria has done that’s the only thing got rid of maybe they just they did not stick them in hold on maybe they have the ingredients we can just okay okay this happens once aing

Playr man and magically from the sky Two Souls of Terraria fell whoa I don’t know which of my accessories cuz all I had all accessories equipped I had every accessory equipped except with the to of trar just wasn’t there I don’t know which accessory replaced it wait a

Minute I know what fuing happened we lost an accessory slot that’s where it fing went you’re so right we both had it in our extra mutant accessory slot and then it just decided to dip try another mutant packed and it’s not working are we I guess we just don’t get that

Accessory slot anymore well here’s your soul of Terraria maybe keep it in a different accessory slot why can I not equip it anymore can it only go in that slot I don’t know I just know that I can’t equip it I bet it can only go in

That slot Jacob if I right click it it put it brings back my other one it’s cuz it’s cuz the game game thinks we already have it equipped but I’m not getting the effects from it I know but the game right click on your thing and you’ll see

It I know I see it’s swap it’s swapping between my V that one my normal one we need to make new characters and just put all of our stuff in a chest Jacob would you mind opening a boss checklist and looking at which bosses we’ve done the Champions are unkilled as well as

Aidonis and the Abomination and the Trojan squirrel all of the modded oh my God you’re right did the mod did I did the mod get disabled somehow no I have this in my inventory the mod’s not fing disabled but it didn’t just reset cuz we can’t just use a mutant packs again if

It reset this would be simple I think we might have to make new characters I think that’s the that’s the only thing I can think of okay I’ll grab some chests should only need one uh well I need to empty out everything for my piggy bank

In my safe as well oh you’re so right don’t forget all your uh your pets and Equipment all of my ammo now my potions okay now my money new character I guess make runel’s [ __ ] daughter I’m going to make Jesus too the game when we’re finally making progress what if uh [ __ ]

You you suck my NS we’re going to have to get all of our health too there we go we got 38 Life Crystals let me just munch on these real quick there we go put the soul of Eternity on at least that worked okay I used the mutants packed

And it did not do [ __ ] it didn’t do [ __ ] maybe they updated the mod and got rid of the mutants packed but they did it shittily not at all what happened but I guess not a terrible Theory considering the information we were working with but in the meantime there was another

Mystery that grabbed our attention the continuation of one from earlier why are the NPCs dying it’s us we’re killing them why are we killing them you know why wouldn’t we be killing them all right you ready yep wait no no no I haven’t used any hard crystals yet yeah this seems

More like the right amount of damage we should have been doing I was I yeah I was like I feel like something’s wrong I knew it I knew something was wrong for some reason he hasn’t gone into second phase yet he hasn’t made the sky all

Dark and weird what is the effect that makes us take damage I think it’s hitting this dummy I’m going to break this dummy cuz I think that’s what causes it I don’t know which one it is I’m still taking damage I bet it’s obsidian and explosions I don’t know

What it does though cuz it doesn’t tell you when you hover over it in the screen I’m going to work on the world shaper Soul guess I’ll work on the tler soul I swear to God if I need to get fish for this thing hey hold on this is [ __ ] up

I need to finish 20 angler quests well I guess you better get started no no no no no fck the squirrel’s Dead everything every the fing God damn it man God damn it my accessory just killed the mechanic oh she’s back it’s fine what the is the thing I I it it killed

Her she’s back it’s fine oh man oh she’s [ __ ] oh it’s jumping whenever we jump we plant a bomb I dis that’s the ancient Cobalt one I disabled that I still kill NPCs though if I double tap down I can execute whoever’s standing on me it’s

Like standing on the ground or I’m just taking damage like look I’m just walking and taking damage do we have a thing that get walking gives us a trail of fire bombs uh actually yes I think uh maybe the obsidian enchantment [ __ ] dude I do more damage to myself than anything

Else when I’m fishing and I click to reel on my line it does like 200 damage to me I damaged myself so much I died is it left clicking what a f is it it’s got to be obsidian explosions I’m turning it off I think I got it I think it was

Obsidian explosions no it’s still happening Cobalt hit explosion maybe nope what is it what if I turn all of them off wait I have an idea actually I have a better idea I’m going to turn off each Force individually and then I’m going to isolate it to a specific force

It sure seems like turning off all the force September things Sure Fit fixed it it really does seem like it’s not happening anymore with all those off it’s the palmwood Sentry I think no it’s the pearlwood star yes the prood star it says your your attacks have an extra

Chance to crit but a damaging star follows your every move turn that [ __ ] off with a methodical and measured testing approach Jacob figured it out and saved us from an eternity of suffering see what I did there now living in peace without the threat of a terrorist Mario star looming over our

Heads I finished out the fishing quests granting us the soul of Dimensions now all that was left was to kill dungeon guardian and get the soul of the master are we winning I have no idea where he is so I don’t know if we’re winning or

Not I don’t even know if he’s still here I think he despawned let’s spawn him in and then instantly freeze time he doesn’t get stopped in stop time he’s so low he’s dead is he I heard a death noise did you get the skull thing I got

A bone key okay you do get that from killing him that’s just that’s the vanilla item you get from killing him did you get the Sinister icon I don’t think so it says on the wiki it’s always dropped by dungeon guardian I guess we can find again I think the secret of

This mod is that when you have all these late accessories you reach the projectile limit so the enemies just can’t spawn any projectiles of their own it’s kind of adorable that I thought this was the projectile limit I don’t see him on the map anymore I got a bone key as

Well but not the thing is he bugged we are on a turn I wonder if when the when the [ __ ] got bugged if something [ __ ] with eternity mode and now the bosses aren’t dropping their eternity mode items what’s another eternity mode drop I got the leash of cthulu which is an

Eternity it’s a Fargos weapon so is it eternity mode though oh you’re so right I wonder if eternity Mode’s not on holy [ __ ] you’re probably so right we need we have to toggle that on specifically hold on what’s the item called it’s like a star I think mutants gift we might have

One in stor yeah we have it in storage turn mode activated yeah uhhuh oops that’s not our fault man no wonder he wasn’t firing projectiles now we can probably use the mutants packed and get an extra accessory slot yeah we have our accessory slot back I wonder if that’s

What happened on our other characters if somehow eternity got toggled off that’s an interesting Theory I know it took us quite a while to solve this but I’m honestly proud of us for figuring it out we acted like both detectives and scientists Gathering Clues testing theories and ultimately coming to the

Truth and now we were in the home Stretch you know how it goes with boss fights like this try the boss I he spawned on me oh tweak your strategy okay I’m going to try Turtle reflection strategy now try him again it’s off time I my next thought was that we weren’t fast enough to keep away from

Him so I built something that may have been a bit Overkill a lot Overkill but we quickly discovered that it literally didn’t make a difference here we go turn around big Switcheroo I he makes you slow what he’s the one that makes you slow my strategy was to

Utilize an ability from the soul of Terraria that temporarily makes you invincible and this one had some promise okay so as soon as the gold runs out you’re [ __ ] but until then it’s pretty good what if we time our Golds I’m Gold oh okay I we can beat him if I hit my if I would have hit my gold we would have beat him there whoever he targets first once that person dies pop gold as long as he’s targeting the gold person and like sitting on them and the other

Person can DPS as soon as you die I’m gold that’s the plan here I’m gold okay my gold ran out okay okay okay okay okay we almost got him I just need to do better DPS while you’re in Gold form I I’m going to

See if I can improve my DPS by a little bit what’s the best summon weapon for this stage of the game I think staff of the Unleashed ocean is probably the best one is dropped by Abomination and it it’s summons Duke fishron he ignores up to 400 enemy enemy defense we should try

And get that yeah let’s fight Abomination a couple times time stop you your turn time stop you where is he time he’s frames oh that’s fed up but he’s dead what I get not that again I did not get it I didn’t get it I didn’t get it what is this

Thing’s drop rate man apparently has a uh 5% drop rate5 oh no it starts with a it starts with a 3% sorry but it it chance raises 5% for each Champion that’s been defeated and since our mod reset we haven’t we’ve defeated like no Champions so we should go kill

Them holy [ __ ] are we overpowering it we did it we broke them we simply just did too much damage okay now we got to fight uh erectile dysfunction or whatever his name is oh aidonis yeah that’s what I Said nope nope nope how much do you want to bet mutant’s going to have like 10 million Health um you know it’s probably likely nope nope man we don’t even have to do anything but it’s a little bit faster if we do nope we probably could have killed a dungeon guardian at this

Point true but this weapon sounds really cool I got a baby Scythe I’ve gotten like five of those they have a 25% chance I’m about to put on a Mr Beast video keep myself entertaining my retention is pretty low right now look I got a sun hat damn man I’m out of

Summons maybe we should just find dungeon guardian you know I completely forgot that we had a strategy go golden I’m gold nope I not never mind I pressed the rck button we’ll TR that one more time where I actually remember our strategy I didn’t summon any summons

It’s all right we’ll see how it goes I’m fighting him like a mad man I’m insane I’m literally Bonker I’m golden I respawned he despawned when you died what what why I don’t know he just I think he were slightly too far away from me oh I should have golden the moment

You take damage you want to go them he’s not taking any damage what the hell can I kite until Gold’s off the cool down again no oh of course it would my golden would leave right as all those hit me I no he spawned on me I’ll spiced It Up

By making my mic quality much worse I’ll I set up by only speaking in espanol y Tango mucho do I’m going to wait until we kill him I kill all of the summons to open my bags I’ll accumulate luck I got really excited cuz I got a trophy and a baby

Scyth and I was like holy [ __ ] I got more items the trophy is almost as rare as the item we’re trying to get so maybe that’s a good sign or maybe it’s a bad sign I don’t know I got it from the bag no just just

Dropped it so there’s no point to the bags look at my duke fish Rons okay I’m out of gold I’m out of gold I’m out of gold dead go I’m out of gold dead no I know how much health was he at like barely below half damn are we

Sure time stop doesn’t work on him yeah okay I just want to test but yeah there’s also a chance that mutant is easier than this guy and we could beat mutant with our current setup and then we could kill dungeon guardian after mutant that is

True I think you just sucked him up hold on let’s try that again there we go he’s here and he’s queer where is he uh on me I think I don’t know if that [ __ ] works on him it doesn’t he has 10 million health I was so on the money he

A our enchantments oh [ __ ] you’re right I was wondering why my health was I had such little health Health as in Max Health was very small being outside the circle instantly kills you good to know we’ve entered a new phase of this ow oh come on what did did his health bar get

Filled up again no I guess uh try it again oh he he did he just healed up to Max you’re so right and then he summons devour of gods even though it’s not from this mod hey he almost went to half and you died right at the beginning that’s good fam

Shazam he spawned in me yeah he kind of spawned in me too I immediately got hit once okay let’s not have him spawn in you this time I’m gold I’m golden I think he’s on me he’s on me I wasted my gold he’s so low wait he’s still alive

Oh I respawned what the [ __ ] is he still here I don’t see him I don’t think he’s here he was so low when he left me after a ton of attempts with not too many changes I decided to add a new piece to the puzzle boom here you go Jacob you’ll

Have that you can place down some sentries I’ll have this I’ll place down a couple of these guys stack them all up in one spot I just want to get so it it hits him if he’s like anywhere on the side of the Arena he’ll get hit by him

These uh these flame burst staffs don’t really attack that fast they don’t they’re just they’re the fastest attacking of the normal Sentry guys doesn’t Moon Lord have a Sentry summon that attacks fast well is rainbow crystal staff but that doesn’t holy [ __ ] I didn’t know that

Counted as a Sentry I can place multiple of that yeah look at that look at those sentries I’m gold right up here oh he’s right in the middle of this [ __ ] he’s on me he left you in me what the hell that doesn’t normally happen we

Were so close to beating this guy and all we needed was the final sugar and spice and everything nice on top so I made the Big Brain Buster at Jacob’s suggestion and we gave it another shot 3 2 1 bang damn you got low instantly cuz he

Instantly spawned on me I’m trying to stand as close as I can without taking aggro he’s so he’s low it’s like halfish no you’re not near the prisms the prisms aren’t shooting uh a little a couple of them are he’s so low damn what are we get him

To I wish he had a health bar man I want to just I want to see how how we’re doing okay I’ll try to go gold near the right in the middle of the prisms this time I’m going to actually set them up all concentrated at like exactly I think

Getting them all in one spots to play just all right here look at that look at that damage look at that damage instantly killed me I was holding movement I had to go I had to Gold immediately but he’s still right next to a whole bunch of them damn no he’s

Not okay I’m this is this is a dud this is a dud run just just get me he really does just spawn right inside your ass every time look at that look at that look at his health I’m hitting him with a different weapon cuz I can actually

See him on my screen right Now okay I’m right in the middle of all of them perfectly positioned we got him yes yeah did they drop it yeah I got it I got it with the soul of the master made it was time for the final challenge this guy was [ __ ]

Hard and I mean hard harder than a brick wall with a hard on since we basically had every accessory in the game already equipped the only thing we could do was keep trying oh my God my game is in slow motion this is going to be great for

Dodging I don’t even know where he is uh me neither I’m I’m just looking at the map we just have to stay inside the circle that’s the only objective for this fight what ow how oh you have to get in the bubble there’s a bubble tiny little

Bubble you’re supposed to stand in oh this one’s a pain in the [ __ ] nut sack going golden great idea I should have done that I’ll do it right now actually hey how’s it going this is the time we can say 10 million health and it’s not an exaggeration he actually has

10 million health and I have one I have one fun fact God we did to million damage no actually we did like 10 million damage but then he healed up to Max oh I for I hate this attack there’s one there’s there’s one break in it somewhere in the

Bubble what are you doing with that [ __ ] man what the [ __ ] is that God what the [ __ ] is that I’m gold man I’m out of this [ __ ] mm no sir we can beat his ass during his first H only we could here we do like no damage maybe this ends maybe this ends

And he goes back to normal maybe we just have to survive us and it really is we’re in a really bad spot for him as we fought him we slowly got better at avoiding certain attacks and in turn survived a bit longer to do a bit more

Damage this was the same routine as all the other bosses just amped up to the max but progress was slower than we wanted so we thought perhaps it was a weapon issue since our armor and accessories gave us Buffs no matter what class our weapons were we finally

Swallowed our pride and made some Summoner and melee weapons these weapons should have been super easy to get considering where we were in the game and most of them were but one weapon the Slime slinging slasher decided to be an absolute nightmare it started off as a simple

Item drop issue you’re telling me I just summoned 20 of that [ __ ] and I didn’t get one sword but then things got worse those ones didn’t even drop anything oh the servers lagged out last time this happened our souls of Terraria got deleted all very quickly take take

Take stuff out of your uh extra accessory slot just in case all right I’m in still have my extra accessory slot for eternity so that’s good I got the sword yeah where did the slimy Energizer go is it in your inventory no one step forward two steps

Back not the sword the sword’s not bug that’s not B is it the luminite is our luminite bugged is our luminite bugged no what maybe if I take out no I can’t take out the bugged sword take out the materials and come craft them at The Crucible of the cosmo over here the

Oldfashioned way there it is wa holy [ __ ] our issu started with that weapon but they unfortunately did not end with it let’s see let’s do a couple of twins um my game might have just yeah what I’m it’s a lie lost connection what I’m still going um I I don’t know if you

Are did you get the Energizer what the Energizer it’s not done yet oh now it’s done no I did not get the Energizer what the okay guess we’re doing it again I got the Energizer let’s go baby boom Gemini caves come test it on these

Clas oh where did did you oh in the jungle I see okay I’ll be there in a second actually I don’t have super sonic speed on so I’ll be there longer than a second let me tell you about wormholes that doesn’t work cuz I can’t see you underneath all the plantas are they

Still there for you the server’s fing God says they’re done says they’re done for me for me I’ve killed 15 oh my God man maybe I should just open it in single player and craft all these items and then open it up again and that is

Exactly what I did with our new weapons in hand it was time to finish the Job here we are so close to the Finish Line we were but one fight away from Victory from being done with this whole playthrough but it was not a fight that could be won by accident oh yeah these weapons are going to change everything oh yeah I’m getting a nice crispy 30,000

Damage per second I’m getting a nice 60k it’s all right the nice thing about it is that I think it is homing no don’t worry I got it’s only 9 million Health man I got this easy I actually did pretty damn well but you need a

Little better than that to deal with 9 million Health this phase is no problem oh wow what what what’s what’s happening what you know I’m okay with this it means we didn’t have to waste our time doing damage to him when he’s just going to heal up how do you get out

Of this how do you get out of that uh don’t why I my gold doesn’t work my goal doesn’t work I think they they might have patched it where the gold doesn’t work now he’s he disables it like he’s supposed to we’re still dropping bones though give me these give me these bones

I need these fing bones man what is that what we thought was him skipping to second phase was actually him skipping to third phase but skipping the second phase wasn’t out of the realm of possibility okay you did it again so I get I guess sometimes it just happens I

Was not ready for this I was not prepared I was not prepared us I hit by every projectile nope no I didn’t time stop baby you can’t see it but that him going to second phase early is actually so good cuz it means that we can just

Jump right into it guess they have pity on us and they’re like yeah let’s just put them straight into second phase so they don’t have to deal with first phase cuz it’s too easy for them anyways that was actually spot on oh pillars I hate these pillars man I tell you what these

Pillars blowing fing baloney meatballs everywhere all over the damn place maybe we should try taking off all of our overpowered accessories and fighting him with nothing but normal accessories are you dumb look at this look at how good I’m surviving what if this isn’t second what if this is first

Phase now and he he regains all his health again well then we kill ourselves oh you summoned him I was reading the wiki man apparently that’s a thing after you die to the mutant 10 times in second stage it starts skipping it can I add another

One where if you die in second stage 50 times it skips that one too he’s a lot easier to dodge when the other person’s dead maybe maybe he’s not made for multiplayer you know maybe we need to go into single player worlds and uh fight them that way you have the Gemini glaves

Right uh I’m not using them but I crafted them I’ll try Gemini glaves on him and see what happens this mov you this I one no the other one oh that’s the Gemini glaves I’m already out about to die I’ve been trying to dodge your projectiles those gem GL seem kind of

Crazy though this is the this is like the most damage we’ve done no it’s not we had him at 7.9 mil in the last fight finally after so many attempts we started to learn his move set and how to dodge it I like that move that one you

Know that one’s okay this one’s I don’t know how the this one’s oh actually this one okay you just have to get in the pocket and then go with I don’t know how this one confuses me I just try to run away as far as I can

Go okay we got him almost to half you ever wonder how he made it this far have you seen anyone else fighting him in multiplayer though yes that’s what I was just doing I was watching videos people fighting in multiplayer are they just better I don’t know but it looks like it

I it looks like they’re doing his health bar looks like it’s going down faster holy [ __ ] these people are melting in this seems like this is 3 years ago so this is probably a way older patch even though we were starting to get it we took a break from practicing to try to

Get a new weapon we should make the Nano core can we yes it takes 99 Mar saucer trophy 6.99 marshan saucer trophy let me just just run some numbers real quick I guess I’ll start fighting while you run the numbers I bought 600 summons so

We’ll see how far that gets us you’ll be happy to know I haven’t yet gotten a trophy right okay 50 down 550 to go oh I see a trophy let’s see let me pick it up so I can at least have one in my inventory I have an idea I have an idea

I’m a little bit of a genius I have an idea by 99 of them fight all of them at the same time how is this a genius idea why can’t you fight all them at the same time cuz it’s not a full boss it’s a

Mini boss from an event you can’t I just said that you can’t use an overloader with it but you can’t fight you can’t sum multiple no I’m spam clicking on my stack and this is this is as fast as it goes oh I mean we’ve

Done 30 out of 500 so that’s pretty good I’ve gotten six trophies at this rate it only take us I don’t know 1,500 more summons you know here Jacob take half my stack and start spam clicking so how’s your day great man great really great yeah what you been up

To uh left clicking there is something called the overloaded Martian Invasion so we could try that I have 12 okay so we got like 20 so if we do that a couple more times we will have enough I think overloaded Martian Invasion try that cuz

That might be it might be the better way to go about it o this is some good frame rate yeah this is definitely not faster this is just dumb we should fight the mutant one of the videos I saw they just dug out their entire world and put one

Platform across the whole thing which we don’t need to go quite that extreme but maybe it’d be good to build a huge ass giant Arena that we could dip into the ground as well maybe I could just finish my jungle excavation it might be time to

Get good it might be time to get good should I try fighting mutant in single player I’m going to try him once in single player so I did even worse what do we do if we just can’t beat him ever cry about it we took yet another break so Jacob

Could get some Gemini glaves and I could expand our Arena all right let’s run the ship okay I’ve cleared out a much bigger arena for us over here I’m sure that’ll I’m sure that’ll make all the difference hey it has in the past let’s go or not must be used on the surface

Okay so I cannot focus when using those Gemini glaves after the Gemini glaves fell through we tried a couple other weapon combinations but to no avail we literally just had to get good after even more failed attempts we started watching more recent videos of how other

People did it I’m watching a video about all of his moves man sending over that Video with a newly minted degree from YouTube Academy we started again on our slow grind Victory what’s hitting me man nothing’s kidding me Holy Moly Moly Moly Moly don’t think just do see the problem with the spear move is he bounces back and forth between us so I can’t tell

Where he’s going to fire them I was doing so good dodging for the first couple of things and now I’m doing terribly man this [ __ ] ain’t fun I think he always does everything in the same order which means once we memorize all his attacks and become goated should be

Fine just this the spear attack I think is the main one that gets us to be honest you are turned into lawn long Pig you know what long pig is this one’s not okay I’m so bad at dodging that one I can’t yet again we thought getting a different weapon would

Help but the game was so glitchy at this point that even getting the weapon was a struggle all they glitched multiplayer work very good well it glitched out after only 16 this time I’m starting in single player and I’m going to get this thing and then I’m going to open up

Again cuz God damn we’re playing a game that works after this there we go new fish run the ending to The Eternity playthrough so actually guys we can’t beat the boss we literally can’t beat the boss and so we’re just going to and cry about it it has never seemed better

This is fine I di I win this easy this is chump change for me this is easiest thing I’ve ever I’m trying to figure out any cheese but I don’t know I don’t know any way to cheese this guy that’s not just actual cheating cheating let’s

Cheat you’re so right let’s cheat oh my God you’re so right oh my God God mode cheating’s never sounded so good holy [ __ ] I want to be done with this so bad pun more into the free as said by John linen John linen the 47th president of

The United States of America we no accidentally UNG golded it’s all over projectile time stop oh boy I’m about to get majorly okay actually wasn’t too terrible pillers worn down by countless attempts I decided to try a new cheese strategy sh stop shooting stop shooting I’m learning okay okay okay okay okay Jacob

Okay Jacob are you making a hoake I might be making a hoake we can we can probably fly faster than the hke moves us it’s not about the speed Jacob it’s about the ey frames there we go with just the armor and no accessories on my regen slightly outdoes the damage okay

Do you have the summon stay on top of me cuz if he goes if he drags me out of this it’s all over he has to stay directly on top of me oh he got me watching the footage back now I’m realizing that the only reason I

Died is because he moved and it put me outside his bubble had we known that at the time we probably would have continued down this path and attempted to optimize it but since we didn’t we went back to fighting him the oldfashioned way I forgot to start recording oh well not like anything

Happened the only thing we did was make a giant box to hopefully keep the mutant confined so we’d stopped dragging us all over the place with the walls of his eyeball Circle but Jacob wasn’t a big believer in the Box we’re going back to

The box the box is good box is so bad the box is atrocious the box is really good we’re doing better we’ve done better on this fight than we did the last one we didn’t have the box but my death was due to the Box my survival was

Due to the Box give me a second I’ll get us an arena I don’t think we need an arena we have infite flight yeah But A lot of times we bring them all the way up to the top of the world and we have nowhere to go from there uh this might

Lag the game slightly okay uh um yeah that’s pretty big to there supposed to be no blocks here what do you see blocks the entire underground okay maybe maybe I need to restart the world to get it to properly uh do its thing oh it’s back I’m going to launch

It in single player and do the boom boom and then uh open it up again cuz it seems like I did not like it is properly cleared this time with a couple days of practice in a new huge arena with no distraction I was actually kind of killing it I memorized basically

All of his moves and was now just getting the muscle memory to dodge him successfully okay he’s going to sword after this and the other thing for this one you go sword go under there we go Dodge that laser beams okay Dodge those okay this one’s hard to dodge cuz he

Just goes in random ass spots I don’t know how you avoid that you have to be on the um either like off center so you don’t get hit by the little ones or on the outside and then go inside after the yellow ones get shot damn okay got him pretty low he

Wasn’t even at half man he was at he was at 5.8 mil which is essentially half Al I think I realized my issue also why we do don’t do any damage my main weapon the landslide it only shoots out normal heads once you get the full ring of

Heads around you but for some reason during that fight I never get the full ring of head so this weapon just doesn’t shoot so I’m going to use the defract Blaster Instead 5.8 mil again yeah we got this guy we just got to do him a couple more times yet again I got him to the same amount of Health this was the beginning of our winter era and even though my OBS audio got broken again for a little bit I was still feeling

Good hey we got him yeah we got him to 4 and2 mil and that was our first one we weren’t warmed up at all I love when I met actually doing good at dodging his moves and then his Circle goes it Ys you you can tell the boss isn’t designed for

Multi player you can tell there’s literally a move that doesn’t work is a Duke fishron move Jacob game I have a game theory leave the server I’m going to summon him in and then you’re going to join after I summon him we’re going to see what happens all right join I’m

In you’re in are you alive you only have 7 million Health wait a minute my soul is active he does he’s not even recognizing you you’re probably not even trapped by the circle I got this let me solo so on my screen I don’t know what you’re seeing but his projectiles aren’t even

Working on my screen so I’m not getting hit by anything really really I think if you die though it’ll heal despawn I think okay so I better not die I just have to dodge like a the goat I got to be I better fight he’s attack he’s

Targeting you on my screen oh I’m normal now oh I’m I’m I’m broken again every time I get hit I get I get not a problem no problems here officer I’m going to go gold in a second so I don’t die save your gold okay as

Long as for for his thing his third phase okay he’s got 500,000 Health he’s he’s going down very quickly I’m not even doing anything man okay here we go he’s in third phase no attacking just dodging you can’t gold you can’t gold you can’t gold

Okay no no ah it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine it’s fine it’s literally fine it’s literally fine we’re just going to we’re just we’re just going to run it back we’re just going to run it back this cheese combined with our actually pretty decent dodging

Abilities was a great combo and we could tell we had this in the bag just a few tweaks here and there and we would have a winning formula holy [ __ ] how do we already get him this low um I figured something else I wonder if I leave him

Rejoin during his Final Phase if I can bug that one too I will be dead before you get back my brother in Christ how do you dodge this one you have to go like in between the lasers just like the other one there’s just way more that’s

These are all the same as the other moves they’re just or most of them are you just have to dodge better cuz it’s way more projectiles this one you have to dodge it’s uh the big laser like the the pixie boss lady oh sh I should just teleported to the other side I’m

Stupid oh no you can’t you can’t teleport you can but it it it it he it it moves it move it move it moved he only had like 50,000 health so we just have to survive like 1 second longer I’m going to die I’m going to die I’m going

To die I’m actually going to die I’m actually you’re the not the one that’s supposed to die I don’t know how it’s happening I don’t know what’s happening I you see I don’t know what’s happening either I just know that I’m what happing but I I know what’s happening even less

Dude I think we might have broken the SpaceTime Continuum by trying to cheese him okay okay well you dying didn’t despawn him do you still have your solo Terraria yep here we go this jacob the clutch King this is the question be assphalt be assphalt be assphalt

I [ __ ] you not I’m dead because of the fing asphalt what what is he in third phase he’s in third phase why is he in third phase and why does he why did he start with less Health don’t question it oh the edge of the arena is brutally ending my

Life I have two it’s fine we literally after SL for like 5 more seconds we what what Jacob you got to survive the laser we won no you have to survive the laser I think I didn’t even get hit by anything on my screen cuz I can’t see

The projectiles because I’m not supposed to be alive what if I fight him right I I I join you I fight him you go back to the base I tell you when second phase is starting and then you come back when third phase yeah the third phase I don’t

Know if I can teleport to the base I guess we could try it all right try it did he leave no oh all right I be with have fun all right he’s on third phase how do you dodge how do you dodge how do you Dodge this one’s the hardest one you just got to Bob and weave in between all his eye lasers but he just keeps shooting out more of Them I think I got it is he shooting a big laser into the sky yes that’s it we won it only took so muching cheese there it is we won we could finally craft the soul of Eternity and put this entire playr to rest but

That would be kind of a lame way to end this video don’t you think I thought so too so I put myself through one final challenge most of the endgame weapons aren’t too difficult to craft maybe you got to fight 100 Moon Lords or 100 dungeon guardians but we’ve got the soul

Of Eternity we’re Unstoppable there’s no item outside our reach except for one the penetrator the final weapon in the whole mod the very weapon the mutant uses when you fight him in order to craft that weapon you have to get fantasmal essence and the only way to

Get fantasmal essence no hit the muttin fight you heard me right no hit this fight Jacob wasn’t interested we had beaten the mod and that was good enough for him I’m content but not for me being the content brand YouTube man that I am I knew that having a cheesed victory for

The finale of a video this length would be super underwhelming so I took up the challenge no hit the mutant it’s actually not quite as bad as you think having endgame weapons in armor meant that I could instantly beat his first two phases which meant the only thing I

Had to do was perfect his third phase still no easy task mind you but I was plenty lubricated from all the training we did before and so I jumped right into it I actually did surprisingly well I got hit a few times but not so many that it seemed impossible my problem was

Consistency I knew how to dodge each attack theoretically but I had no routine no pattern that I followed to ensure I did it right I continued to get burned by my sloppy positioning and poor timing but with enough tries that began to change I began to solve the attacks

Like a puzzle methodically one at a time for the lasers I would keep them in the middle start then run to the side so that there was the most space between them for the eyes I would go to the edge and find a section that moved up instead

Of down for the blast I would go to either side so I could Dodge by going up and down instead of left and right giving me more granular control but the final attack was stumping me if I was too cautious in avoiding the eyes the

Laser would catch up to me but if I recklessly ran away from the laser the eyes would clip me I got lucky a couple of times and almost made it through but in the end it was always that phase that stopped me until an epiphany struck throughout this playthrough we’ve always

Had debuffs associated with teleportation using the Discord potions we would be subject to the normal chaos state debuff that dissolves your body if you try to teleport again too soon and the rod of Discord proper along with its upgraded form the rod of Harmony or nerfed by eternity to do damage to you

Every time you used them during a boss fight but for some reason be it the soul of Eternity the mutant armor of the grace of God himself the Discord potion stopped giving the debuff meaning infinite teleportation this ability trivialized the final phase of the fight

Making it the easiest of them all all I needed to do was find the right run and after a couple more tries I Did did I do it I think I did it please please please please please please tell me I did it yes let’s [ __ ] go I know heit theing Mutant baby third phase I instantly kill them in first and second but still here we go okay so I can

Stab I can throw it out oh that’s so cool up do a spin move down does it ground oh that’s so badass that throws it out like a glaive oh my God I like that one you know there’s only one proper test to do with a weapon like this I don’t have enough

Money there we go that’ll do it all bosses modded included let’s get this uh going oh my God I don’t know what just happened I think Empress I think oh dungeon guardian in Empress daytime that makes sense maybe I should try summoning it at night let’s go

Again okay I don’t know how you I don’t think you could you know what we’re going to call that a day now that is how you end a video thank you so much for watching this video as you can hopefully tell I put a ton of time and effort and

Planning into making it and I hope you all enjoy it if you want to see a super long video video of all of our raw attempts of fighting these bosses you can watch that right here and if you want to see some behind the-scenes stuff you can join my membership program on my

Website Cordy I have two different blooper videos one from filming in person and one from recording the Terraria footage so hopefully you enjoy both of those thank you again for watching now I’m going to finish my [Applause] spaghetti

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FlexiSpot C7 Premium Ergonomic Chair
In this video, me and my friend Jacob cheese our way through Eternity mode from Fargo’s souls mod. It’s one of the hardest Terraria mods out there, as you’ll clearly be able to see from our suffering.

This video took WAY too long to make (3+ months) but I hope you guys appreciate the style of it. I plan to make a lot more videos like this (although hopefully much faster.)


  1. Qwerty i just wanna say that your videos have permanently changed my vocabulary. i unironically say "im on that me grussle" very often

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