3 NEW ENCHANTMENTS added to Minecraft 1.21 Can 1 Shot Netherite!

Minecraft have just introduced three brand new enchantments to the game first enchantment is density this can be enchanted from Level 1 to five maces enchanted with density do more damage per Fallen block per density level damage dealt per Fallen block is increased by one level of each density

Which means you now only need to fall 44 blocks in order to one-hot a warden the next enchantment is breach can be enchanted from level one all the way to four Maes enchanted with the breach reduces the effectiveness of the armor on the target the effectiveness of the

Armor is reduced by 15% per breach level which means that you can one hit kill a player with full netherite armor from only three blocks the wind burst enchantment is exclusive to the trial Chambers if you hit a mob directly this will give you the ability to boost in

The air just like a wind charge

Mojang added 3 new enchantment for the Mace weapon to Minecraft, Density, Breach & Wind Burst!


In this video, we are diving into the latest Minecraft 1.21 update to showcase 3 brand new enchantments that are game-changing! These enchantments have the power to one-shot Netherite armor, making them a must-have for any player looking to dominate in the game. Join us as we unveil these powerful new additions and learn how to obtain and use them in your own Minecraft world. Don’t miss out on this exciting update – watch now to stay ahead of the game!


  1. I’m so glad we have a weapon now that destroys Minecraft pvp, wow it’s like my maxed netherite armour I spent hours to get means nothing now, when you can just go to one of these chambers and grab this insanely overpowered weapon

  2. Ok so not only was it already OP, now it’s getting upgraded??? I know the gaming community is always saying that we need more weapons and that stuff is too weak, but we didn’t mean a one-shot weapon that can kill gods. If you make it easy to kill stuff then there’s no fun in doing it, and therefore the game. I really really hope this gets nerfed soon.

  3. While the mace is op, it is also a pain to obtain, for a test i went in a trial chamber with a diamond armor a netherite sword 3 golden apples and some food, to the end of it the armor was DESTROID and i almost died a bonch of times

  4. Mojang adding gimmicky, impractical weapons instead of fixing the terrible combat system is really annoying.

    Literally every single melee weapon functions the same. Every single ranged weapon functions the same. Niche mechanics that don't change how the weapon is used are not a substitute to a good combat system

  5. The wind burst enchantment basically makes the mace do the same thing as modded maces

    You know.. the wind burst is the earthquake from modded maces
    Especially in our imagination

  6. it will make it more balanced if those enchantments can only be get by a specific type of viligaer lectern guy or chance to get in the trial chamber to make it more harder to get and needed more grind

  7. The density enchantment for netherrite armour is op

    For the warden though not so much, you aint gonna be able to reasonably do that in survival mode while its aggro

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