Смогу ли я пройти Террарию в мастер моде, если весь мир будет испорчен ? [Terraria – Террария]

Will I be able to complete Terraria in master mode if the whole world is ruined? Hello ladies and gentlemen, I’m a KULYO and I created a map, the right side of which is completely infected with crimson! And the left one is distorted!

For this walkthrough, I chose the war class, but not quite an ordinary one! After all, I will focus on movement speed and experiment with weapons and armor. Namely, to use something that you have almost never used! I remind you that you can download the map in my telegram channel!

And your subscription, like and comment give me even more motivation to create content! So don’t forget about these little things! And write to me what is your favorite subclass in terraria and explain why! Have fun and enjoy your viewing!

At the very beginning, I managed to cut down a tree and, thanks to the guide’s arrow, was able to hide underground, and begin to expand the space for my living. I cut down another tree and leveled the area for a more aesthetic appearance.

I crafted a workbench and immediately installed it in order to make my first, less adequate weapon. And a hammer for working with walls and platforms. I looked at my fencing skills, after which I continued my excavations and began creating a farming house for monsters.

Layer by layer I carefully lifted the walls and roof. After which I made the right and left compartments for farming. I installed the platforms and tried to lean out, but the creamers were categorically against it. Having taken revenge on the first, second

And third creamers, I managed to jump out, but I didn’t live long. it’s a bit heavy though On the third attempt, I erected a pillar on the left and right, and generally managed to complete the construction of the dome. Thanks to which I easily erected a triangular roof.

Thus, the construction of the frame was completed! All that remained was to install the platforms along the contour. and click on each one once with the hammer. But then it suddenly dawned on me that I had built the roof incorrectly and quickly redid everything.

I also made a canopy over the pharmacy and installed doors. Now you can look at the almost finished version, the only thing missing is lava in the compartments where the monsters end up. A farmhouse is a farmhouse, but I also need to make my own personal room with a warehouse,

I thought, and dug out a space like this. Using a hammer, he removed the earthen walls and covered the room with walls of dark wood. And to prevent mobs from spawning in my corridors, I also covered them with walls.

He dug a passage to the mine, closed himself off from prying eyes and walked blindly into the cave. I twisted my sword and came across a jar, from which torches fell and illuminated the chest for me. Which contained as many as 60 glow sticks.

I took the chest and went deeper and came across two slugs, but 1 of them sent me home. At home, I set up a torch, returned back to the cave and saw that same slug. Which, together with the trap, took me out again (of course I understand everything,

But this slug completely confused the shores) I decided not to leave it so easily, and went to hunt the slug. He tried to get away from me, I hit him and was distracted by an iron deposit. Jumped on the slug and finally took revenge on him.

Plus, at the place of his death, he discovered another iron deposit. I returned home, crafted torches and wanted to explore the area, cut down several trees, I reached the main lair of the Crimson, but the monsters didn’t like it at all.

And in order to move without dying, I decided to build a tunnel to this place. And also make an exit from above. And when daylight comes, go further to explore the area. In an attempt to jump over a puddle, I fell into it, the monsters took advantage of the

Moment and sent me home. Yes, moving around the world at this stage is quite problematic. But I didn’t give up and moved on! In order not to die, he protected himself from the monsters, fought back the creamer, and overcame the interfering mountain.

And when I came down from it, I discovered the desert biome I needed! After all, this is where I want to find new weapons and boots! So I dig as deep as possible, I end up in the mine and find nothing but a jar,

And this means that you need to go even lower. And it was not in vain, because I found a fairly large gold deposit. But the giant worm didn’t let me get it completely. as you know, giving up is not my thing So I went back and took my gold.

Under which, by the way, there was an underground house, and in the chest were the boots I needed! Of course, I took the sunda, but the worm attacked me again. Let’s add this worm to the blacklist of our walkthrough!

There is no point in being sad, because if I found boots, then I will definitely find a new weapon. But instead of a gun, I found a golfer. Well, that’s not a bad option either (a picture of a golfer instead of a shoe in his

Hands) Wandering around the mine, I came across some rails, and along the way I saw two gold deposits. Having driven further, I saw a heart, immediately took it and used it. And so as not to forget about the gold, he returned and mined it.

Then my golden ass led me to the house, and when I opened the chest I was quite surprised! because now I don’t have to use the golfer instead of a weapon (the golfer changes to a spear) No, it looks like this worm will be on the lifelong blacklist. (picture, worm behind bars)

The trek through the deserted mine is over, and this is what my new weapon looks like. And on top of everything, it fucking hits the walls! Having enjoyed the weapon, I began to dig a tunnel to hell!

After all, for now this is the only way to smelt ore, since there are free stoves in hell. But digging is quite difficult, because I can’t break godrock with my copper pick. Still she’s too weak I beat the spider’s heart, pick it up and replenish my health.

And then it dawned on me! After all, I have scarab bombs! Thanks to these bombs, digging a tunnel is much easier. You just need to be a little careful. And by the way, I knocked out the necklace of panic from yet another godly heart! It will be very useful for my speed assembly.

I climbed onto the rails and realized that with their help you can protect yourself. So then I just installed the rail, sat on it and blew it up. But it didn’t last long, because I came across a spider’s lair. In the golden chest I found a summoner for the eyes of Cthulhu.

But having walked further, I discovered a heart and a spider chest in which lay a spider weaver. Thanks to which excavating the tunnel has become even easier. I came across a mushroom biome, and the thought came to me that there are a lot of hearts here anyway.

And it turned out to be true! In general, I found as many as four hearts in the mushroom biome. In the next spider’s lair there was a chest with spiked boots. And I finally got to hell, but the first tower didn’t have a stove, so I had to start building

A path out of the ground. But I quickly came to my senses and took sand blocks home. So to speak, I decided to take care of the arena against the wall of flesh in advance. If you still haven’t figured it out, my sand boots give me super fast speed in the sand.

Still, I found a stove, melted gold and iron and made a little stele. As a result, in order to get to the stove I had to walk this way. At home I crafted an iron chain, a sawmill, which I immediately installed and made a loom

On it. But I made it in order to craft silk and to craft a bed from silk. And all this for the sake of a spawn point in the middle of the house. Now, thanks to the ingots, I crafted buckets, a golden pickaxe and a golden axe.

I filled buckets with lava and finally brought my farm into action. Now mobs not only get stuck, they also get burned. Again, I build up my tunnel with walls and see another new weapon in the inverter. It’s practically useless, but everything is absolutely pleasant.

But what’s more pleasant is that I discovered an ancient shadow helmet in my farm. And I came up with the idea to completely assemble this armor set. I improved the conditions for the spawning of monsters, waited for the eaters and carefully farmed them.

True, some of the worms got in my way, but that didn’t stop me from knocking out the banner of the soul eater. Thanks to which the farming accelerated and I knocked out another helmet. that was really insulting Having defeated 150 soul eaters, I still knocked

Out my boots, and immediately after them my breastplate. I need this set for speed assembly After all, it increases the speed of movement and acceleration. I remembered that I had a teleportation potion, drank it and ended up in some ass.

So I had to go on my own two feet to the right side where I found a chest with a boomireng. And then three more chests full of rubbish. In principle, it’s okay, because I made it to the jungle.

Gradually I explored them and found a crystal of life, and nearby a vault with a wind bracelet! ***This is also a necessary accessory for my zipper maquin assembly After jumping around a little more, I found a golden chest with Hermes boots, two life crystals and the queen bee hive.

Already at this point I realized that my speed is not very bad. And on motivation I found a chest in a tree with flower shoes, a golem dungeon and another tree, but without interesting items. In principle, there was nothing more interesting in the jungle, I was just looking for chests,

Looted animal claws, I also summoned the Eye of Cthulhu, found potions from little things, a lot of repeating objects, a magic mirror I need, Yes, even the goblins managed to attack me, so I increased my HP, endlessly looted chests, and finally found a cloud in a bottle, now

I have a double shot and a regeneration bracelet. that’s all with the jungle But upon returning home I had to fight off an army of goblins, While repelling the invasion, a blood moon occurred. But she didn’t give me any problem defeating the goblins.

And after drinking the gravity potion, I flew to the floating islands and found a balloon in the first house. And island number two gave me a horseshoe. in fact I found all the necessary items But in the next (for some reason not infected

Island, on which I will never set foot) I found a star sword that I didn’t really like. I wonder how you feel about this sword, write about it in the comments. I returned to one of the previous islands and realized that a golfer had moved into it.

And I thought that this walkthrough would be without NPSI at all. I divided the house into three rooms, and they all turned out to be suitable for living. At this stage, I am completely ready to fight the eye of Cthulhu.

All that remains is to build an arena from sand blocks, get a summoner and a speed potion. just imagine how fast I will be Armor gives me speed, boots also give me speed, but on the sand they give it even more, wind bracelet increases speed by 10%

And the necklace of panic also increases speed when taking damage. and if all this is polished with zealous speed, which by the way increases the speed by 25 percent, just imagine what I am like I drink the potion and call upon the eyes of Cthulhu.

And just look at the speed I’m developing, it seems to me that even the moon lord won’t catch me. With this assembly, the eye of Cthulhu seemed like a snail to me and I defeated him without any problems, opened the pouch and received a Cthulhu shield,

Which he equipped instead of a regeneration bracelet. And now it will be even easier for me to survive in this world, because I have a breakthrough. I installed the relic and went to the East, where I smelted dimonite ore. I found an extreme heart in the jungle and now I have 400 HP.

I looked at how things were going in my shabby hotel and built more rooms. Now it’s time to upgrade my weapons, for this I went down to the crimson, dropped a bomb and broke my heart from which a rotten fork fell out to me, along

With a Cthulhu brain, which quickly carried me out. The rotten fork is a spear and replaces my past. And now I headed into the distortion, from the first sphere the shadow sphere fell to me, from the second there is a musket and from the third there is also a couch.

The worm woke up and made me understand that it was better not to walk on its territory. I came back and still got a new weapon. It is called an ardent ball of pain and will be useful in the battle with the devourer of worlds.

For which I immediately started building an arena, got sand blocks, made them a platform for fast movement, drank a gravity potion and bought spoiled powder from a dryad, I took out the rot from the chest and made a summoner for the devourer of worlds on the altar.

***but before the battle starts I need to find a goblin, But how can this be done if the whole world is infected? I bought cleansing powder from the dryad, took all the coins at home and bought dynamite from the demolition man. I need it to clear the area in the mine.

I also bought seeds from the dryad and used cleansing powder along the contour of my mini mine biome, built an earthen platform and sowed it with grass. In the end, we got this farming game, and if you climb onto the rails, then at one point I achieved the result of an ordinary mine.

And after some time, a goblin spawned and had to be protected from a giant slug. I freed the goblin and realized that I had no coins at all. And I had to sell all my weapons. buy jet boots, then get unnecessary accessories and sell them too.

And as soon as I had enough money, I bought the inventor’s workshop. She crafted an oblok in a ball, a blue forged ball and spectral boots. Now I’m ready to fight the devourer of worlds I got all the potions I needed, buffed myself in the arena, and called the boss.

Initially, everything didn’t go according to plan, but then the worm calmed down and stopped crawling into my arena. I tore him into pieces and easily jumped over his sharp outbursts. He tried to spin me, but his speed was not enough.

Later, he stopped jumping into the arena altogether and was only at the bottom. Because of this, I decided to use a mace. And when he became very small, I simply attacked him with a spear. And I dealt with it quite quickly; the roller turned out to be very easy.

As they say, the main thing is to prepare, and the boss is not a hindrance. I took out the worm scarf from the bag, equipped it instead of the necklace of panic and installed the relic. Since I got the stone, I hope you remember how

I crafted a stove for myself and installed it immediately. He smelted demonite ore on it and created a terrible pickaxe. True, the reforging was unsuccessful and I had to craft another, more or less adequate one. A traveling merchant decided to visit me, and he was selling a stopwatch,

And I wondered what speed I was developing. I put on all my accessories, drank a speed potion, took damage from the slug, and ran. To my surprise, the speed was 72 mph. And after taking measurements, I started building the arena in the crimzone, the monsters were

A big hindrance, so we had to close all the passages and complete the construction safely. Then break the sphere and awaken the brain of Cthulhu. The battle with which was quite difficult and long, since I had to fight with him using a spear.

With grief and halves I still managed to win, I took the drop, opened the pouch and received the treasured brain of confusion. Installed the relic and crafted a new mace called the meatball. In fact, I could lighten the skating rink with the brain; before it, I had to go down

To hell and mine hellish ore. But then I didn’t think of it and had to start mining immediately after the battle. After mining the ore, I poured water onto the lava and mined obsidian, took the hellish forge, I broke the old stove and installed a new one.

On which I crafted hellish ingots and an obsidian skull. I used the remaining obsidian, mined some more and crafted the ingots again. From them he made a helmet, a breastplate, boots, a pickaxe and a sword. I also made an enchanted boomerang and firerang.

I put the set on myself and felt a strong surge of strength. Using diamonds and gold, I crafted a crown and made a summoner for the king of slugs on the altar. I called him and decided to see what my new equipment was capable of.

Rather than being equal, I chose my opponent, After all, I didn’t feel its resistance at all and quickly dismantled it. And from the bag I took out a mount that will be useful to me in the battle with the queen bee. Having installed the relic, without hesitation I headed towards it.

I leveled the area and broke the cocoon, which the bee did not like and she went berserk. The fight turned out to be quick, but the sword didn’t fall out of the bag, so I found another hive and just as quickly took out the second bee.

The beekeeper took it out of the bag This is a sword that releases bees when attacking. I installed the bee relic and headed to the skeletontron dungeon. I added some light, and set about building a long platform, illuminated it and summoned Skeletron.

The bone head is cracked and I don’t need anything from the bag. Immediately after the victory, I went to the dungeon and came across a closed chest, walked around a little I found a slug from a key, opened that same chest and took out from it the shadow key I needed.

Further exploring the dungeon, I saved the mechanic, knocked out another key, got to the chest, and realized that I was very lucky, I found the shield. ***In the end, having opened two chests, I found everything I needed. At home I crafted an obsidian shield and wore it instead of a worm scarf.

He installed the relic and was on his way to hell. I got to the first shadow chest and took out the solar fury from it. Quite a homemade weapon. I took out my sand boots, got some sand blocks and started building a long track, and during construction he killed three voodoo demons.

Threw the guide’s voodoo doll into the lava and began the battle. But fighting with my weapon was very uncomfortable and painful, the arena ended and I was defeated. But of course I didn’t give up and enlarged the arena.

I started my second attempt, but was defeated, because I repeat, I have a very inconvenient weapon. I decided to solve this issue with the help of potions from shadow chests. After all, they contain some pretty good potions. Plus, I didn’t buy a shadow spear, which, in my opinion, would be much more convenient

Than what I have. Before the third attempt, I buffed myself, threw the doll into the lava and began skating with renewed vigor. The spear turned out to be quite a worthy weapon, the wall of flesh was defeated and its bag was given to me by the crusher sword.

Having installed the relic, I tested it and realized that at the beginning of hardmode it was pretty good. For a good start, all that remained was to find the shimmer, approach it, and on the third attempt get the emblem for war and for safety reasons, jump into the shimmer to avoid death.

Now I can say one thing, hello hardmode The first thing I did was go to the crimson and saturate the world with cobalt ore. He recaptured the altar from the slug, broke it, thereby adding orichalcum to the world.

And I mined a juicy deposit of cobalt, which deliciously decided to spawn next to me. After mining, the outlined altar brought titanium ore to my world. And without hesitation, I ran into the distortion because there were a lot of atari there. Thanks to which even more ore appeared in the world.

Crafted cobalt ingots and a cobalt pickaxe. And with her he went to mine orichalcum, which he came across very often. Made Orichalcum Ingots, Orichalcum Anvil, Orichalcum Pickaxe and Orichalcum Boots, since they increase the speed by 11 cents, and I want to make myself a cool hodgepodge of armor from different ores.

And now there are boots In new sneaks, I went for titanium, but the truth was that flying masses were very disturbing to me, but in the end, I got the thetan. And at home he made a titanium stove from the infernal forge, thanks to which he easily smelted titanium ore.

I crafted a titanium mask, as it boosts attack speed, crit chance and damage well. And now the second item from the assembly is already on me For this I decided to make a titanium trident, at the start it is quite good and plus I needed

It in the winter biome, after all, there was a storm, and during this event you can farm an ice golem. It was quite effective to extinguish it with a spear and I managed to knock out the frosty core. To which I added titanium ingots and crafted a frosty breastplate.

It has good defense and an 11 percent increase in critical strike. Here is my hodgepodge set and assembled Now I’m starting to farm bananaranang, it falls out of these clowns on the blood moon. But the blood moon ended and I decided not to waste time and build an arena for further battles.

I crafted a lot of platforms and started doing this business. I installed torches on each row and ended up with this spacious arena. I improved the farming system, crafted fires and placed them in the arena. I remembered that I had a bloody tear and continued farming clowns.

This was very easy, and as a result I got a new, top weapon called a bananarang. Which releases bananas very quickly and does very good damage. This weapon will be useful to me in many fights You just need to go up to the floating island and have the goblin reforge it.

To make it easier to farm mimics in hell, which is what I immediately did. And already from the first god-like mimic a brass knuckles made of flesh fell out to me. But there was a problem with the little mimics.

At the same time I was farming essences of darkness, I got a cross and a cloak, but the titan glove did not want to get into my inventory. It took a long time, yes, it fell out, but just look at the attempt.

I craft a star veil, a titan glove and a berserker glove, and already have some pretty good equipment. But it lacks wings, I built a small farm in the air, took a water candle in the Skeletron dungeon and installed it in order to increase the spawn of monsters.

But instead of monsters, the innkeeper spawned, which I really need. Since I’m going to farm an army of ancients. But for now I’m farming harpies and wyverns, which took a very long time to spawn. Damn, even Skeletron Prime noticed this and decided to keep me company so that I wouldn’t get bored.

But the evening didn’t last long; he quickly killed me. Having picked up another pack of essences, I had enough ingredients for wings and I discovered the possibility of flight. I crafted keys of the night along with chests and began farming distorted mimics.

I received a weapon for the shooter, some kind of accessory, another weapon for the shooter, to my surprise again a weapon for the shooter, and finally chain guillotines, for which I conceived this farm. Now I’m completely ready for the first hardmode boss.

In the holy biome, I found two gelatin crystals, and built an arena in which it would be convenient to fight the queen of slugs. He buffed himself with the remaining potions and began the battle.

To be honest, it was a bit difficult, and at the end of the rink I had 24 health left. Of course, I managed to win and took the hook out of the bag. And he went to sea in order to farm himself a pirate map and call for this invasion.

The pirates will be saved next to the NPC, I climbed onto my own island, waited for the flying Dutchman, it got stuck and I easily broke it, but nothing fell out of it, I had to break another one, and get a black mark.

This mark comes with a mount that allows me to fly. Having fought off the invasion, he installed the relic and went to hell to farm holy essences. He crafted a mechanical eye and immediately began a battle with the twins.

Bananarang turned out to be very, very effective and I did it with ease. defeated them. I picked up the drop from the bag and received holy ingots and essences. I installed the relic and realized that I needed a fishing rod, found it and began to implement a new plan.

He built a house in the mushroom biome, but due to infection he could not inhabit it with a dryad. So I had to farm mushroom grass seeds in the mine. At sea, turn the earth into mud to create space for the future jungle biome.

All that remained was to throw the mushroom seeds into the shimmer and get jungle seeds. Sow them in the arena and just wait for them to spread, for this I just went to bed. But my sleep was interrupted by a solar eclipse, in which I knocked out a mechanical skull.

Enough time passed and I bought a net from a merchant, which I immediately improved and went into the jungle, In order to farm bait, I killed a turtle that was getting in the way and ate its shell. I finished collecting bait and was attacked by an army of goblins.

In which I just needed to knock the weapon out of the warlock. I got a lot of bows and magic weapons, in short, I didn’t get exactly what I needed, and I again went to collect bait and even managed to knock out my yo-yo. And since I defeated one mechanical boss.

A steampunker came to me and I bought a cleaner and solution. But I won’t use it to cleanse the whole world, since that wouldn’t be interesting. So I just get the sand, install it and clean it. All this in order to get water leaf, for which I get corals, make jars,

I place one on the workbench and fill the other with water. And thanks to this I make the Sonora potion. I call upon the blood moon and start roaring. In it I need to farm bloody eels, which are pretty damn nimble and quite difficult to dodge.

I did all this for the sake of a new weapon that will help me in the battle with the Destroyer. This is a mace with very good damage and the ability to fire projectiles, which is what I need.

Returning home, I crafted a holy mask and decided to try my luck with the goblins again. And finally knocked out the knife of the shadow flame. It’s also a pretty good and necessary weapon for the mechanical worm, whose summoner I crafted.

And he began to prepare a special arena for the battle in the form of a box, with a place where the shells would fall. I rarely used knives, and fired mace projectiles along a trajectory like this. When ready, he buffed himself and summoned a worm.

It took a very long time, but before the day came I managed to defeat him. I took the drop, installed the relic and took out holy ingots and another type of essence from the bag. And the very next night I decided to extinguish the skeletontron.

As always, he turned out to be lighter and brought me holy ingots with essences. The third mechanic’s relic is at the base, and the pickaxe is in his pocket. Now I need to get chlorophyte, but in my world it simply did not spawn. After all, the entire jungle is infected.

And to solve this issue, I started digging an arena for the plantera, initially I marked the boundaries, and then he dug out all the insides and immediately built a vegetable garden in the arena, but in my jungle by the sea I was unable to get seeds.

I had to cover the floating island with mud, get seeds from the mushroom biome and plant them on this island. In order for them to grow. And to speed up this process, I went to bed, and was woken up by a message about the arrival of a truffle.

And this meant that the mushroom biome was ready and I could easily populate a dryad in it, buy mushroom seeds from her, throw them into the shimmer and get jungle seeds. With which I immediately went to cover my arena,

Went to bed and after a long time came back and saw an excellent result. After all, the fruit of life and a plantera bud grew in my garden. And to give the arena a proper look, I decided to completely clear the walls of contamination.

And along the edge of the arena too, just in case, clean everything. Now I enjoyed the result and farmed the fruits of life for a very long time, I made myself full HP and got the spawned chlorophyte.

I made 17 ingots, mined some more, and in the end I had enough for a turtle breastplate. And with this equipment I bought an etarian crystal and a stand for this crystal. I need to farm Defender Medals and buy boots that will increase my speed by 15%.

Having summoned an army of ancients, at first everything seemed simple, I dealt with the monsters quite easily. But already on the third wave I was outplayed, and for 10 defender medals I could not buy anything. I started the next attempt and also lost on the third wave.

Then he reached the fourth and also lost. There were no more medals and on the Internet I found a rather interesting tactic. He poked the block with a hammer and exchanged it for the platform. Which made it possible for this block to push me away.

I made such things from two things and decided to test them. To my surprise, the monsters also couldn’t get through and this made farming the invasion much easier. But the throwers and dragons managed to break the crystal. And I only got one melal.

I increased the distance from the crystal and decided to make a tower like this. It seems like she even worked on both sides. But when the invasion began, the monsters frozely jumped over all my long work. So I removed some of the platforms, in the hope that flying monsters would also freeze.

But alas, it didn’t work against flying mobs; I lost on the sixth wave. And in my hands I had the 15 necessary medals to buy boots. As a result, I was completely ready for the battle with the plantera, I completed the arena, approached the bud and began the battle.

Bananorang did its job and from the raised bag I received the sower sword. Which I really really liked. I took out the warrior emblem, crafted the avenger emblem and then a mechanical glove. In hell, I farmed bats and knocked out a magma stone, thanks to which I crafted a fire gauntlet.

And he headed to the golem dungeon where he dealt with the monsters quite easily and from the chests he took out fragments of the solar prite, made the solar cooker itself and called for a solar eclipse. In which I farmed a necklace, but the matron did not let me pick it up,

And the next one generally spawned its small versions. And from the ghost I knocked out the death scythe, which, in principle, will be useful to me. I took the moonstone and headed to the Skeletron dungeon. And at the start of farming, I knocked the spirit out of the bank.

But I was unlucky with the paladin and didn’t get anything. BUT this was compensated for by my sock falling out. And from the next paladin his shield and hammer fell out at the same time. After testing, I discovered a black belt, and in the end I farmed all the necessary items.

I made a tiger set and ninja master gear, which I used instead of a Cthulhu shield. All that remained was to knock the frosty shell out of the turtle. I was looking forward to a long period of farming and building the arena, but it happened to me right away, it was unexpected.

I crafted a frost shield, and this is what my equipment looked like, which means I’m ready to buy seeds from the dryad, collect the pumpkin harvest, make a pumpkin moon summoner and start this event. And I knock a broom out of the first tree and immediately sit down on it.

I take out the pumpkin king once, the second time and the third time I get a pumpkin sword. Next, I will need his ability to release a pumpkin to cause damage. The time has come for the golem, I take out the batteries from the chests, reach the main

Room, And I start the battle. I’ve never defeated a golem aided by a Crimzone Mimic before. This is something new. I take the drop and take the pickaxe out of the bag, take the golem altar, install the accumulated relics, and start farming golem bags.

From the first one I immediately take out the golem’s eye. The second golem disappointed me, just as the third and fourth golem did. But respect to the fifth one, thanks for the sun stone. I take out the enchanted moon, craft a sky stone, and also take out a shell,

I craft a moon shell and a sky shell. I defeat the wall of flesh, craft the Avenger emblem and the Destroyer emblem. After which I decide to farm the army of the ancients for a new breastplate with boots and weapons.

I defeat the sixth wave and on the seventh wave Betsy simply takes and breaks the crystal. The question arises, how then to get through this? Having installed the relics, I went online and found another very attractive way to farm the invasion of the ancients. I buy dynamite, drives, levers, keys and wires.

I install the drive floor stand, lay the wires to the lever, and exactly under the stand I blow up a tunnel to the end of the world, The main thing is not to forget to break the lowest layer of blocks. Now everything seems to be ready.

I call for an invasion, pull the lever and the crystal just falls. And he will fall endlessly, as you see, he is no longer even in the world. But the monsters fell through the blocks. I decided to make the arena lower, dropped the crystal again, but the mobs still fell smoothly.

But I realized that I need to inflict constant damage on them and then I will have time to take them out before they fall. The suddenly darkened screen surprised me, the invasion was over and I lost my mind a little, but it turned out that an extra block prevented

The crystal from falling, which I dealt with and finally began an adequate attempt to complete this event. I knocked a weapon out of the Cyclops, but I didn’t like it. And at the end of all the waves the beast came. It was difficult because I had never fought her before.

I took the drop, installed the relic, but the drop upset me, the weapon fell on the magician. I also had to farm and get the rage of the heavenly dragon from the bag. I didn’t even know such a weapon existed!

Mz of the chest took out medals, in the end I had enough for boots and a breastplate for a knight of Valhalla. They were exactly what I needed. He defeated one Betsy and finally received the flying dragon sword. Quite an awesome weapon that I have never used before.

I caught a truffle worm in the mushroom biome and went fishing for it. It turned out to be a pretty easy fight, so I went to mine a stone in the holy biome. In order to make your own holy biome at sea and catch the prismatic lacewing

And for fun kill the Empress of Light during the day! Still, in my stream marathon I learned how to do this!!! I managed to defeat her on the first try and was motivated to go resolve the issue with the cultist.

I resolved the issue with the cultist, installed all the relics and a crafting station. I started working on the solar tower, because it is by far the easiest. Then he went to the stardust tower, broke it, flew to the nebula tower, and also broke it, and finally dismantled the whirlwind tower.

I crafted a dawn and a summoner for the moon lord, which I failed due to re-entering the world. It’s time to start the final fight! Well guys, that’s the end of the passage of terraria in a completely corrupted world.

It was quite interesting to test yourself in such a challenge, I hope you liked it. Thank you very much for watching the video, I’m so fucking grateful for that! Well bro, see you in the next top video.

❗Играй в AMAZING ONLINE: https://amazing.gg/a/kulyok
Мой личный промокод: KULYOK

📢Здравия желаю Ребьзя! КУЛЁК на связи !
Как думаете, Смогу ли я пройти Террарию в матер моде, если весь мир будет испорчен ?
Ответ на этот вопрос узнаете посмотрев ролик !
Приятного просмотра, ведь это одна из любимых вами рубрик – полное прохождение террарии в странных мирах ! Террария – Terraria

• Мой ТЕЛЕГРАМ КАНАЛ – https://t.me/kulyoktube
• Мой ДС СЕРВЕР – https://discord.gg/d6ZFXyhVGb
• Моя Группа ВКонтакте – https://vk.com/kulyoktube
• Мой ВК – https://vk.com/kulkozavr (СОТРУДНИЧЕСТВО РЕКЛАМА)


💚Почта для сотрудничества – xxx.roman.kulyasov.xxx@mail.ru

прохождение terraria
террария прохождение
terraria прохождение
террария 1.4
terraria 1.4
террария в испорченном мире
террария весь мир испорчен
весь мир кримзон
весь мир искажение
весь мир испорчен
террария за
террария но
террария мир кримзона
террария мир искажения
террария гайд
карта террария


  1. Супер видео получилось!👍
    Мой любимый класс: Стрелок – почему? Просто он отключил "Выжигатель мозгов"😎

  2. Уж какое то странное прохождение, почему не сделал фулл адамантитовой брони? (Титан в шиммер > адамантит), ну или хотя бы фулл сет титановой

  3. Мне кажется крутая идея будет для нового ролика пройти инфернум мод.Там куча классного контента и вообще крутой мод.

  4. Ник: Я НЕ ИСПОРЧЕН++
    Заражение мира: и то и то
    Ютубер: КУЛЁК
    Видео: Смогу ли я пройти террарию в мастер моде если у меня будет заражен весь мир(название не точное)

    Видео имба мне интересно это мод или ты сам все заражал

  5. Мой любимый класс призыватель потому что ты можешь ничего не делать а прислужники будут все делать за тебя а ты нечего не будешь делать а императрицу света очень легко убить берешь сигнальную пистолет стреляешь сигнальными ракетами а когда перестает срелять убиваешь призывалку светки (извините Светы:)) и дальше стреляешь

  6. Кулек я верю в тебя ты сможешь ты наберёшь 100к подписчиков помнишь твои ролики набирали 1,2 млн прсм делай челенджи все получится❤

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