NOOB vs PRO: FANTA SODA HOUSE Build Challenge in Minecraft

Our friends Mikey and JJ are under attack me and my brother Milo must build Fanta soda houses to keep them safe but what happens when this huge wither storm attacks our village y we got to get building fast before this wither storm here I know Milo we really do this

Wither storm is coming in 20 minutes so we only have that much time to build our Fanta houses to protect JJ and Mikey yeah that’s really not a lot of time and this Fanta house is going to need should be really secure exactly Milo if these Fanta houses are not secure the Wither

Storm will destroy them and totally take our friends away I do not want that nasty weather to take our friends away because they’re amazing they totally are amazing Milo and that is why they deserve their very own Fanta houses I’m making sure that my Fanta house for JJ

Is so goodlooking I’m even going to make sure that the foundation is perfectly done look that is a perfect circle shape just like a real bottle of V we need to make sure that this bottle goes very very tall it cannot be super short otherwise the Wither storm will have a

Really big advantage and could just stomp on it yeah well I decided that this time my build’s actually going to be better than yours what no way Milo I don’t think you can just decide that you got to make sure you put in the work so your build really is better than mine

Yeah well I am putting in the work and I’m making a Fanta can a Fanta can well I’m making a gloss bottle because gloss bottles are way cool than cans no they’re not glass bottles are dumb and I want to kick them no you can’t kick this glass bottle besides Milo everybody

Kicks cans instead if you kick glass you’ll hurt your feet and it could even shatter well I guess that’s pretty bad but I still like cans better because I think it makes the Fanta taste more scrumptious no way Milo the only thing that makes this Fanta taste more

Scrumptious is victory over the evil wither storm nothing tastes sweeter than that well pretty much a candy does I guess a candy might but this Victory is going to feel so good especially because it means we protected our friends this wither storm is pretty crazy I’ve been

Seeing it on the news and it’s coming right for our village it will be here in 20 minutes and that’s really not a lot of time this wither storm is famous for being one of the most destructive ever oh I’m really angry at this witherstorm

And I’m going to shout at his face no don’t shout at it Milo that is not going to help the only thing that will help us against this wither storm is building a really secure house that’s why I’m working so hard on this one wait a minute Milo why is your house sideways

Hey it’s not sideways I’m going to build the can line down of course Milo that’s sideways would the can just roll down the hill if the Wither storm pushes it the Wither storm can make really strong winds nah-uh I’ve been crunching some numbers and this is the most secure

Position for a can Milo the only thing that’s going to to be crunching soon is the sound of your house down that Hill if you’re not careful chff don’t be so negative I’m a pro Builder now don’t you know uh when did that happen Milo ever since I graduated University what you

Graduated University I didn’t even know you graduated kindergarten yeah you need to catch up buddy I’ve been doing real good learning stuff what stuff have you been learning Milo I didn’t know you could learn like that yeah I want to read and write and to backflip

Backflips Milo I do not think they teach you that in University they just teach you books and things what that’s not the university I want to I guess I just went to the University of Epic guys that is not true Milo I think you’re totally lying to me right now well maybe I’m

Lying but I am really smart yeah I guess you could be smart the only way we’ll know is if your house is good enough to pass the Wither storm test only really smartly built houses can survive that wow that’s pretty much me oh yeah the Wither storm is actually made when you

Include a command block in the crafting of the Wither it totally glitches and hacks the entire world that is how the Wither storm is so powerful it is actually a glitch a glitch oh no why did this have to happen to us I don’t know Milo but it definitely did happen and we

Have to be prepared we need to help Mikey and JJ because they did not prepare on their own they’ve totally left this all up to us us and now we have to fix everything this glass is looking really good and wo Milo you’re actually building it so quickly yeah I

Am building it really good and I’m just writing the name on the can now Milo is that going to have enough space and doesn’t that say F yeah and it says fet fet Milo that is not how you spell Fanta it’s a t before the N did you learn

Anything in school at all yeah I learned how to spell and I spelled it good okay one thing’s for sure you did not learn how to spell the word Phantom Milo well I think this says Phantom and you can’t tell me otherwise oh goodness this is

Really bad Milo if you build a noob Fanta can by the time the Wither storm gets here you could be in a lot of trouble because you’re writing the word off the side of the can that means the paint is literally peeling off the metal

Can it might be a really old Fanta can Milo oh gosh that is a bit worrying I guess I got to do some other stuff to my can to make it more secure yeah you totally do I’m really worried about you Milo I hope you manage to fix this in

The meantime though I need to build the Fanta logo on my can this is important otherwise the Wither storm would not know that we’re even building Fanta it would look ridiculous like some other orange drink like orange juice yeah I hate orange juice I actually really like

Orange juice but we are not building orange juice right now we’re building Fanta so I need to make sure we build it right that’s why we can’t just build Orange juice besides orange juice comes from oranges and Fanta comes from inside really hot objects like glass bottles

And metal cans that will really help against the Wither storm if we just built a squishy fruity orange then we wouldn’t stand a chance the Wither storm would try to Smosh it with all of its powerful might and I think if the Wither storm tried to smoosh this glass it

Might get a little bit sore from all the shards everywhere CH can I say something real quick yeah what is it Milo well I’m really scared because the weaer storm is pretty much my biggest fear yeah I totally get that Milo for centuries the Wither storm has been one of the most

Dangerous weather events it is so rare this is the first time it’s happened in a 100 years I can’t believe it’s happening today of all days when we’re seeing our friends Mikey and JJ yeah and it’s also just really creepy I’ve been having lots of nightmares about it oh no

Milo nightmares are not good the Wither storm causes nightmares because of how scary it is that just means it’s getting really close to us we’re going to have to make sure we build these Fanta can really quick before the Wither storm arrives yeah cuz that guy is a freak

Yeah he totally is a freak Milo the Wither storm will also cause some crazy things to happen the closer it gets it will cause the skies to go dark and it will also cause everybody to feel really really scared and gloomy inside that’s a part of what it does it also can give

Everyone the Wither effect which is really really dangerous and can be deadly I don’t want that to happen to me a you just need to make sure you focus on building this really really well and we’ll be totally fine I just need to build the Fanta logo on the side of this

Bottle okay I think this is looking pretty good we’ll make sure we put the riding just like this fanta’s riding has a big boxy text it’s really really silly it actually hangs off the side and let’s just put the N right over here we can even use stairs to make it even better

Okay this is going pretty well but I definitely need to build one final a here all right this is looking pretty awesome we’ll just make it go down a couple blocks and add an exclamation mark at the end it looks like the bottle is yelling out the word Fanta that is

Pretty cool and now I can start building the second part of this build which is this awesome glass upper area this will be the massive Zone where we can observe the Wither Storm from it’ll give us a great view Milo at least it’ll give me

And JJ a great view I don’t even think you have any windows inside your Fanta house yeah and I probably don’t really want to come out of a teal bottle because it’s ugly what hey my botle is not ugly it’s really really cool why would you even say that well because

I’ve been looking at it for a long time hey then you’d know it looks absolutely awesome and not ugly at all it’s so beautiful and really really orange orange is my favorite color and that’s why Fant is my favorite soda I don’t want to drink anything else that’s not

The color orange ew that would be gross imagine drinking a blue soda well there blueberry Fanta don’t you know yeah I guess you’re right my but the orange Fanta is the most famous and the best flavor by far everybody loves it and that’s why I know JJ will really like

This house he’s going to have to spend some time in it to survive the Wither storm so he better like it yeah I’m really sad that I have to build out of Orange right now A don’t be sad Milo orange is such a treat to build out of I

Always jump when I get the chance to build something out of the color orange jump that’s weird no Milo I don’t actually jump I mean jump with excitement like jumping for joy that’s just something that people say I can’t believe you’ve never heard that before well I’m really good at trampoline yeah

I know you are you always use your little birdie Wings to give yourself an extra leg up it’s pretty cool and you can jump so high not as high as this Fanta house though no one could jump higher than that because this Fanta house is so tall it’s definitely the

Tallest Fanta house I’ve ever seen and it’s even taller than every building in the village how cool is that I’m so proud and I think we can make it even to yeah I guess so it will be a pretty big challenge to do that though I need to

Make sure I keep my wits about me otherwise I could be caught off guard the Wither storm is still making its way towards us Milo it does not give up the Wither storm has never strayed from a Target before so it definitely will not do that today it will head right for us

And there’s nothing we can do to stop it other than trying to survive well I’m trying my hotest right now you should see the cool things that I have really what cool things do you have in ew oh Milo it looks like your Fant is spilled what it did spill that’s my secret

Entrance nobody’s going to suspect that there’s a door right here Milo that’s crazy spilled Fanta is not going to save you and is this Fanta spikes yeah and I putting them everywhere uh okay that’s going to look like a really crazy Fanta can nobody would want to hold that

Although I guess that might actually help you against the Wither storm Maybe by adding spikes and other defensive weapons you really make sure you hurt the Wither storm if it ever comes close that’s a plan it’s a really good plan Milo hey maybe you did Lear something

After all you’re getting a lot better at building secure houses although I still definitely am the pro my Fant is not as complete as yours because I’m building it so big but when it is complete it will be the best looking Fanta that ever has been well I’ll be the judge of that

I don’t think so Milo the real judge of that will be the Wither storm if this wither storm destroys my Fanta house then it will not be the best Fanta house ever but if it manages to survive the Wither storm attack it will be really really amazing and will be remembered

Throughout history as the best Fanta house ever made and JJ will be really proud of it and love to live there I think JJ will totally agree that this is the best Fanta house ever does Mikey like your Fanta house Milo yeah he does me and Mikey are loving this house so

Much I don’t know about that Milo the spilled Fanta will totally be a really weird addition and Mikey might step in it and get his feet all sticky and gross nah-uh Mikey understands my genius brain that’s good Milo at least one of us understands I really don’t get it you’re

So crazy all the time I’m sure there might be some genius idea you’re thinking of though yeah I’m L of them actually okay I really hope you’re telling the truth right now if it turns out you are not a genius and you’re actually just crazy you would put Mikey

In a lot of danger and if the Wither storm realizes can attack Fanta houses because yours is so weak he might try to move on to mine putting me and JJ in danger as well we’re really counting on you Milo we’re counting on you to defend

Us well if the weather comes over here first I’ll give him a run for his money oh yeah he’ll totally be running away but Milo I don’t think the Wither storm runs away from many things he’s never run away from a fight before do you

Really think you can be the first one in history to scare him away well the Wither storms never met I Hy and I can get really scary when I’m angry yeah you can get pretty scary all the time and pretty funny too we just have to hope

The Wither storm finds you more scary than he finds you funny well I’m not funny I’m not a comedian I don’t know Milo you can be very funny and silly sometimes you make for a real good laugh but that is not what we need instead we

Need to survive and I just really hope we can I’m already building the lid on my Fanta bottle once I am done with this we can actually build the inside the outside is the most important bit though it is the first layer of protection against the Wither storm without it we

Would be at the Wither Storm’s Mercy which would not be good at all now I can really start working on the inside of my Fanta bottle we’ve got to go fast though the Wither storm is getting closer and closer H I need to think about exactly

What I’m going to build here hey JJ how do you like the Fanta house so far I am really proud of it but you’re about to be a lot more proud of it we just need to put down orange wool all over this place look at that JJ it is looking so

Much more complete and now we officially have a floor that looks like real Fanta hey thanks for helping as well this is going really really smoothly I really hope nothing bad happens before the Wither storm we can only take so many hits in a day if really bad things

Happen before the Wither storm even arrives imagine how terrible it will be once the Wither storm eventually reaches us how’s the inside of your fantic can going Milo pretty awesome actually oh that’s awesome mine’s also going pretty awesome my entire floor is a really nice Soft Orange carpet and JJ totally loves

It yeah if you say so hey I do say so and only cuz it’s awesome this is the coolest Fanta house ever made and I’m just going to prove to you why that is up here I’m going to break this concrete block and these ones too we need to

Clear out the inside and get it ready for all the awesome things I plan on doing the first step is to have a big elevator right in the middle here or at least up the back I think could be the best all right here seems like the

Perfect spot right in the middle we can have two different streams of water we will need to make sure to place orange stained glass going all the way up otherwise the water would spill everywhere inside our Fanta bottle and that would be a disaster nobody wants

Water in their Fanta bottle no way one thing we will have in this Fanta bottle though is we will have fizzy water shooting you up and taking you down this is the elevator system in here we don’t have ladders or stairs no way we only have high-tech elevators and the highest

Tech around here is some awesome fizzy water I think that’s going to be so cool and JJ will really really like it besides the water will also help protect us against the Wither storm wither storms use explosions to damage blocks and explosions are actually blocked by

Water by making sure we put water all around our Fanta house we help make sure the explosions do barely any damage it’s a really good idea and it will definitely help us survive this thing do you have water in your Fanta house Milo you know it oh that is awesome I’m so

Happy to hear that I was really worried for a second that you didn’t well I just have a little bit of water only a little bit Milo you’re going to need a lot of water if you want to survive the Wither storm attack that’s why my water

Elevator goes all the way up to the top floor it delivers helpful water throughout the entire bottle well I just have two water bottles actually in my house only two water bottles wait a minute if your house is a can and you have two water bottles does that mean

You’re keeping bottles inside of a can yeah but that’s water water bottles not fantas silly oh okay that actually makes total sense sorry Milo I got really confused for a second one really cool thing about my house is that the floor in some parts will be made out of glass

This is to make sure that the entire house is pretty see-through by making it see-through we make it look really really cool and we can also look in any direction to spot any signs of the Wither storm approaching now that I’ve built these awesome elevators I’m going

To wait a minute what is that Milo there’s a water bottle on my floor do you know what could have put this here probably someone crazy H Milo does that mean it was you that put the water bottle here nah-uh I don’t know nothing about it I don’t know you can be pretty

Crazy you’re even spying on me right now how do you know that because I Can See You Through the hot-shaped Windows Oh I thought there were One Way Glass no Milo you are so silly JJ we can’t let him spy on us like this we need to get building

The bottom area of our Fanta house I think I need to build walls right around here this can be the entrance into one of the back rooms yeah I think this is pretty cool we’ll need to leave the back area sectioned off though there is something very special I want to put

In the back of here but we can’t tell Milo what it is that is why I have to keep it a secret for now I’ll just put a little X marking the spot of where we’ll build it later it’ll very much come in handy when keeping us safe I’ll also

Place more glass blocks right over here these Glass Walls will be the best walls ever inside a Fanta house let’s also make sure we add doors on either side to access either of these rooms this room can leave two gaps on either side it needs to be pretty difficult to reach

Though we do not want the Wither storm being able to get in let’s build the glass walls around about this High I think this is perfect now we really need to make sure we do this properly we can’t mess this up JJ if we do the house

Will be really weak on the inside and the Wither storm might be able to sense that and attack us this will be really really bad and it’ll also mean we won’t survive the Wither storm attack by making sure the inside of our house is really really strong we give ourselves

The best possible chance that is how we’re going to survive this thing JJ by building really strong together once we finish these walls we need to think about what kind of decorations we want to put inside of here they need to be very orange obviously and they also need

To be bottle related H let’s have a think about it oh I know we can add cauldrons with cherry leaves on top wo these are the exact same color as Strawberry Fanta that’s pretty cool but we’ll need to fill these cauldrons with some water the water is actually put

Inside of a Fanta bottle that is so cool we will need to replace these glass blocks with some glass panes just like this we can also then finally add glass panes on the edge right here this will stop any of the water from leaking out trust me JJ this will totally work now

We need to start placing our Fanta bottles inside of this cool tube we’ve got to make sure it goes right up to the top otherwise if we miss a spot the Fanta bubbles won’t go all the way up let’s make sure we we put the fanter on

This side too before it starts spilling okay this looks pretty good but now we need to place down some soul sand on this side to get those awesome fizzy Bubbles and on the other side we will definitely need to place down our magma blocks let’s make sure we go all the way

To the bottom before we place it okay hopefully this fizzy tube goes all the way to the top end wo I think it does this is awesome you can even see the bubbles this is really looking like a Fanta house so far let’s place even more orange stained glass on top of these

Sections this way we already start building the floor for the next level and the roof for this one it’s a really helpful way to build two things at once and JJ’s totally loving it I think this will be your favorite room JJ I’m going to build something in there that I know

You will definitely love you might even love it more than the thing I’m planning on building on that X it’s still a huge secret so I can’t tell you JJ but it will be very important for our safety the reason I think this room might be

One of your favorites is because I am putting down some tables in here this room will be where we can can hang out and the table will even be decorated with some nice red white and orange tulips just like this the colors are the same as orange for me and Fanta white

For the other parts of the Fanta bottle and red for you and I guess white a little bit for you as well because you do have a white T-shirt it is really really cool I think we also definitely need some sofas in here we can have some

Group sofas on the sides just so everybody can sit down and relax together let’s add paintings to this wall we need to grab the right ones to make sure they are the perfect color for our orange Fanta house H I think this one’s pretty cool next to it we’ll need

To place a different orange painting I think this one’s awesome it’s a little yellow but that’s kind of close to Orange right on this one I think this is the perfect color it looks exactly like the two colors on the side of a Fanta bottle all right this room is already

Looking so nice I just need to add in some lanterns to the ceiling like this by adding in the lanterns we really make this whole room have a really lovely glow over in this room though we are going to need to build a kitchen the first thing we will need in our kitchen

Is a nice big fridge this is where we will keep all of our really ice cold Fanta bottles we’ll also need a table next to it where we can even put in two ovens this way we can cook some really good meals with our Fanta we’ll also

Need a forcet over here so we can wash our dishes I think we’ll definitely need a cauldron underneath it though otherwise the foret will spill onto the table and drip everywhere even the carpets and the oven which would be very very bad look the inside of the oven is

Really really neat as well let’s let also make sure we put down some tables on this side let’s add some orange chairs just like this oh it looks so nice already we also should probably add in a toaster let’s put it on another table over here wo this already looks

Like such a good kitchen but it definitely could use a little more for some added privacy we can even add in some curtains here and by using some trap doors we can hold them up to the ceiling just like this this already looks so cool but I think we can still

Do more above the stove we need to add in a painting this painting is going to be pretty difficult to look at it reminds us of what we could have fought instead of the Wither storm this is the Wither storm JJ it’s what the Wither used to be before he was corrupted by

The glitching powers of the evil command block I’m really scared we won’t be strong enough to fight this new wither I can only hope he’s at least a little bit weak otherwise we won’t stand a chance what what is it Milo there’s a dirt in

My house a dirt or a dude what did you say it’s a dude it’s a guy he’s running around and causing a rockers Milo that’s just a villager villagers go inside houses all the time he’s probably seen on the news that there’s a Wither storm

Coming and that he needs to hide well at least he thinks my house is really secure but stay out you bers this is not your home this is for me and Mikey Milo you scared the Villager away what if he gets attacked by the Wither storm now

Why really don’t care because he was trespassing on my property that is pretty weird actually he must have seen something really scary I need to quickly build a TV room and see if there’s any information about this yeah quickly check CH because something’s definitely wrong okay Milo I definitely will check

I’ll put the TV above this table and I’ll even add some chairs on this side this TV is actually not very big let me add a nice one like that oh yeah that’s way bigger all right Mr villager let’s turn on this TV wo look at the news Milo

The Wither storm is heading our way it is already attacking a nearby Village it is just now Milo otherwise we could be in a lot of trouble please be quick chip I’m really freaking out a lot yeah how are you going with your fendy house Milo yeah it’s pretty good I’m just putting

Some last touches on it wo you’re already so far along I am very impressed I’m only building my second story now we’ll need to make these rooms into me and JJ’s custom bedrooms JJ can get that side as long as I get to sleep over here okay this is looking pretty cool now

Next to JJ’s bed we need to place some beds side cabinets just like that we’ll also give JJ a chest and a crafting table we’ll need to do the same for me I don’t want to be left up at night with nothing to craft and no way to craft it

Okay this is actually looking really cool now we will put down some bedside lamps I think we can each have one hey Milo what are you doing over here just thinking about stuff H you’re not doing anything cheeky are you no of course not hey what is that ew it’s a dirty welcome

Mat that says chips stink what a one of the villagers must have put that down Milo that was no villager this is spelled wrong it’s meant to say stinky and I’m not even stinky you are so cheeky Milo oh whatever because I’m not being cheeky and I’m actually taking

This really seriously I’m putting bookshelves now on each of our sides of this house we’ll put them just like this that looks pretty good I’ll need to do the same for me over here I don’t want to be left out like that okay this is really nice and I’ll even make sure to

Add a nice little Ino balcony here I think this way we can even add more books just like this this is perfect me and JJ now each have really really good reading areas we also definitely need to place Carpets on the inside of our bedrooms just like this I’ll give JJ

Orange carpets as well I do not want the colors to look weird there’s no red inside a Fanta bottle if I saw red inside a Fanta bottle I would be very worried we can just have JJ’s red bed I’m sure that’ll be totally enough we’ll just need to place some lanterns above

These bookshelves so it’s nice and bright in here and we can also Place some Acacia chairs we’ll put them right over here next to our beds I think this is a lovely spot for them this way me and JJ can sit and have a chat we’ll

Also put some chairs over here but we’ll put them in a slightly different way let’s also make sure we add orange sofas right over here oh that is so nice and wait a minute did I just hear somebody fall off this balcony that is not good

I’m going to place down these sofas and then once I do we are going to fix this balcony and make it way safer let’s add another orange stained gloss pane right above it just like this this way we help make sure nobody will ever accidentally fall off the balcony again this next

Section is very important that I do not mess up this is going to be the critical security room that is why instead of having an open balcony we are actually going to have a closed window here it needs to be very very secure I’ll even make sure to Place Glass up here around

The Fanta Banner logo this way we nicely separate the rooms and it gives us a lot of space to focus on the Opie weapons we could put in here we’ll also need some pretty awesome armor so we can’t just take this lightly only the most insane

And awesome stuff gets to go in here we can even extend this balcony area out a little bit and break these two panes on either side this way we can now place this a lot further out which gives us so much more room and a lot more space to

Make this room absolutely massive let’s place the glass panes all around this area it does look like we’re leaving a big gap inside our orange Fanta bottle but in reality it actually just gives us even more space when not just making the inside look nice by having an indoor

Balcony we are also making sure that there is a secure way to jump off the edge in case the weather storm cracks this bottle open from the top if that did happen we could just jump right on down through this glass onto the bottom floor really really quickly we’ll need

To go there fast if we want to access what’s inside that little X I built down there all right now inside of this weapons and armor room we will need to display these command block diamond swords on this wall they are so overpowered because they harness the

Energy of the command block the same thing that the Wither storm uses on the other side we will have some golden command block swords they are less powerful but they are very quick to hit with that is why it’s important that we have both over on this side we will need

To keep some special tools called the phas ometer it allows us to see when the best moments to attack it are that gives us a huge Advantage when fighting back let’s add a military armor set right over there this is important in case we need to camouflage We’ll add one over

Here as well finally here we will add the withered netherite armor wo that looks so cool it is actually much stronger against the Wither than regular armor is this is why we will also add some on either side of this wall this way there is enough for both JJ me Mikey

And Milo in case they need extra defenses I don’t want to ever be unprepared for this wither fight finally over here we are going to fill the inside of this chest with arrows as well as some bows in this one it is very important that we do not run out of

Ammunition for fighting the wither storm we also need a bunch of staks in here this way we’ll never go hungry finally in this last chest we need a bunch of golden apples this is very very useful for fighting a Wither storm okay this weapons in armor room is looking very

Very good it will totally help us fight the Wither storm hey Milo how’s your fany going and wait a second Milo the sky is getting darker a chip I’m not liking this at all the clouds getting darker is one of the signs that the Wither storm is getting closer Milo this

Is bad what are we going to do chip we need to keep building and fast before the Wither Storm shows up all right I’m going to build some L things me too Milo I have a really good idea of what I’m going to build I didn’t want to have to

Do this so soon but I have been left with no choice we need to delete this X and start building my intended plan underneath that X we are going to build a very secure bunker this will help make sure we have somewhere to hide in case the Wither storm destroys is our main

House I really hope it doesn’t but if it comes to it we’ll need a place to run and this bunker will be exactly where we go I’ll need to dig it about this many blocks into the ground on the news the Wither storm was ripping chunks out of

The earth and I don’t want that to happen to this bunker wao there’s even a cave down here that’s pretty cool luckily it means we won’t have to dig out as many blocks we’ll get this bunker done way quicker than I thought now the bunker is one of our very important

Survival strategies in this Fanta house without it we would be totally unprotected and in a lot of danger from the Wither storm I think this is a pretty good depth for it I think now we just need to place orange wool as the floor this will give us a nice soft

Landing we can even dig in this direction to make the bunker a little bit bigger this way because of what we’re doing now we have a lot of space underground to add some very important survival features we will not be defenseless now we can even add Farms

Down here so that we can live here for a really long time even if the Wither storm manages to destroy the entire Overworld will be able to survive down here for at least a couple months hopefully these Farms just work well enough if these Farms don’t work we’re

Toast we also need to fill the walls in with these smooth quartz blocks it’s not a bunker unless it’s really surrounded by super cool blocks and smooth quartz is definitely one of them it’s very important that we add this and we don’t just have something else silly the

Bottom of this bunker is going to be mostly concrete we added a little bit of wool there but the concrete is very important to make sure it is really strong wrong concrete is one of the most solid blocks so by having it we really up our chances of survival that’s one of

The very important parts of building a bunker we don’t want to give ourselves zero chance that would be silly only a noob would do that and we are definitely Pros in this Fanta house and in this Phantom bunker too the bunker is going to be very cool and Milo even gave me a

Great idea earlier out the front of Milo’s newbie Fanta can we actually saw some Fanta spikes we can add those around the entrance of this bunker to make sure that if the Wither storm reaches one of its evil withy tentacles down here it’ll get totally stopped oh

Yeah that’s such a good plan we’ll put them on this side of the wall wo this makes the bunker look so tough these also have a very specific shape that means sound can’t go through them this is good especially if we’re trying to hide from the Wither storm inside this

Bunker we are going to need to dig out just a little section over here it will only be around this big and it’ll only be three blocks tall instead of the four blocks that the rest of the bunker is let’s use some orange wool around here

This needs to be a nice and soft section we can’t have hard concrete here when this section is going to be a farm we are going to use this command block hoe to spawn in some amazing farmable blocks we’ll also place down our Fanta to grow our carrots I’ve never seen carrots

Grown by Fanta before we also need to put in some lanterns so that the carrots actually have enough light to grow with okay this is pretty cool even still we are going to add in some orange Shula boxes to this back wall we can fill fill

Them with bone meal like this this way we’ll have a bunch of food to grow these awesome carrots for when the Wither storm arrives and we really need a lot to eat down here we will also need a bed area this is important because if me and

JJ have to come down here then Milo and Mikey probably will as well that is why we’ll have a bunch of beds on this wall there are also a lot of villagers taking shelter inside our Fanta house they’re even cooking in the kitchen and enjoying

The TV this is why we need to add in some beds for The Villages too we don’t want to leave them out there with the Wither storm that would be terrible they would meet a horrible horrible fate I think six beds for these villagers is perfect we will need to add in some

Orange trap doors just like this we’ll put them around the beds here to give each of the villages some privacy it also means that those staying on the top bunks will not accidentally roll off to the side and hurt themselves that would be really really funny but also very sad

So I can’t let that happen let’s also add these trap doors to the side where me Milo Mikey and JJ will be by adding the over here we really give ourselves some extra protection instead of having ladders on both sides on this side we can add more trap doors this means we

Won’t accidentally fall off in any direction not even the direction that our heads will be resting on over here we will need some emergency chests this way we can add in some carrots pumpkin pie as well as some Fanta for each of us to enjoy this will be our emergency food

Rations inside the Fanta bunker only one can of fanta per square is all you can store so it is very important we don’t run out of space we also need to add in some lanterns to the ceiling here the Wither storm loves Darkness so we can’t

Let this bunker be dark at all we will need to add in some trap doors over here next to the chests this looks a little bit weird but there is actually a very good reason we need to build them if you go down under here using the trapo we

Are going to build a little tunnel here we need to use orange concrete blocks for the sides of this tunnel we also need to make sure the tunnel is only one block high this is so that the Wither storm and its evil minions can’t follow

Us down here if we need to use this tunnel only crawling humans will be able to come down here well as well as crawling birds and crawling turtles because Mikey and JJ may need to come down here too the tunnel will lead out into an area over here that will

Actually be two blocks tall we can’t have the whole tunnel be one block tall that would be way too slow to crawl through instead of being slow crawling through the tunnel we need to be a lot quicker and that’s why inside this part of the tunnel there is going to be a

Special way that we can TR travel extra fast and it’s pretty awesome let’s continue the orange concrete design before we make it that way the things that we need to build here will not be startled these things can run away and they also need lots of food and love and

Energy to take care of you can’t just put these things in a room and expect them to make you go fast no way these things are horses so we need to give them lots of protection okay this is pretty good we just need to make sure we

Add orange concrete to the roof and the floor this is going to be a solid orange room we we will need to make four different living areas one for each of these horses we can push this block back one I think oh yeah this is looking really good these fences will make sure

The horses don’t get too close to each other they might try to fight each other if that happened which we do not want instead we are going to make sure these horses are nice and happy wow just look at them now at the front of every single

Stable we need to add a saddle just like this let’s rotate them so they are facing properly towards the opening door this is so nice but the horse is definitely need hay let’s add some hay blocks in this corner for them they’re going to love this room so much we’ll

Also add some nice hay blocks in the floor and even some in the walls this is so awesome the horses will definitely appreciate this the most important part of this room though is the escape tunnel which we’ll need to go over here I think this direction is a great way to go for

It it nicely runs off into the mountains which might be far away enough that the Wither storm can’t reach us let’s dig our way down to make sure there is a very even staircase leading to it we don’t want to make anything really crazy otherwise the horses might not be able

To run up it properly let’s also replace every single one of these dirt and stone blocks with some orange concrete it has to be done otherwise this tunnel could collapse in on itself which would be a massive disaster it would hurt us and the horses and it would mean we have no

Way of Escaping The Bunker if the Wither storm gets to us that would be a real disaster imagine if we were stuck down there forever I can’t even imagine that it would be horrible we’d never be able to stop the Wither storm and the the horses will be stuck down there with us

Too we should probably add in some slabs just like this we’ll add orange concrete slabs all the way up to the top section here wo this already looks really awesome wo Milo what have you built up here well it’s just a little picnic area but it’s getting really wet wo it

Totally is and the grills are getting wet too Milo the cake even is getting soggy this is bad it means the Wither storm is coming if the air is damp and foggy yeah it’s not a very good day for a picnic is it no way and is this a

Trampoline yeah but chip what’s going on over there oh no the villages are running away wait a second they’re running away from their homes and into the mountains this is Bad Milo why are they doing this I don’t know but I think it means that the Wither storm might be

Here you’re right Milo this is bad we have to get building quick before the Wither storm actually reaches us you’re prob don’t know what we’re going to do this means that the Wither storm is really close to us Milo we have less than 5 minutes until it reaches us chip

I think we need to ask for help guys we need your help like this video to distract the Wither storm and buy us five more minutes until it gets here in 3 2 one yes it worked thank you that was a close call Milo now we have five more

Minutes to make our places more secure and let Fanta win the day yeah it totally will all right I’ve got some pretty eal plans come on Milo we got this my house is very weak right now it is not strong enough to survive a Wither storm attack that is why we need to

Reinforce the outside with some super strong obsidian we’ll also add some other crazy defenses but the obsidian needs to be first this is so the Wither Storm’s crazy anti-gravity can’t just yank my entire Fanta house out of the ground by attaching it down with these strong obsidian blocks we really help

Keep it safe wo that also looks really really cool as well next to the obsidian we also need to place down a bunch of lava this will be like its very own lava mode wo this is already looking so cool but I think it’ll look even cooler once

We finish placing it down Milo are you adding any extra defenses to your Fanta house yeah I’m putting down Iron Golems cuz they’re going to fight the weaer storm for me that’s a great idea Milo Iron Golems can be very helpful when fighting evil mobs although there is

Just one thing what’s the problem Iron Golems can only attack things on the ground and the Wither storm is a massive flying monstrosity what the I wish you told me that before I put them down Milo it said it on the news yeah but I totally forgot about the NS oh no this

Is bad don’t worry Milo I might be able to give you some ideas of how to protect your base I am now adding Fanta Spikes all the way around the edge I know you’ve got some but they’re just on your spill it is not very safe Milo Mikey

Could slip and fall onto the fantas spikes Yeah but I I have some under my house as well what so he could fall under the house wait a minute Milo underneath the house is the safest area to possibly be okay well maybe I’m not thinking very well but I’m really

Freaked out that’s why that’s understandable Milo I’m pretty freaked out too I’m going to add a little section at the front of my house this can be a nice orange walkway so we don’t have to walk over the obsidian to get there I think it’ll still be very good

To have the obsidian we might even need to add an extra bucket of lava on the other side of these spots this way there is double layers which equals double protection from the evil wither storm oh no the lava almost spilled down that Hill luckily I was

Able to place an obsidian block to stop it otherwise we could have had a real spill on our hands by making sure the lava goes all the way around even under the other side of the Fanta spikes I can really keep JJ safe from the Wither storm besides every other villager in

The village is now either hiding in those Hills or hiding inside my Fanta house nowhere else is safe Milo are they hiding inside your Fanta house as well well Mikey’s still standing outside but I’m going to try and get him in here now what Mikey’s standing outside even in

This Gloomy weather with the Wither storm approaching yeah Mike’s just standing outside he’s keeping watch for me that’s a great idea Milo I’m glad Mikey’s really helping JJ’s totally helping by keeping the inside really nice and neat he’s watching over the op weapons room so it can’t be hijacked

Before the Wither storm gets here I also think we need to add some extra supplies in this big Fantom ring room I’m going to need to place down some fences here this way we can actually break our way through this level okay this has got to be done very very quickly the Wither

Storm is almost here these Fanta blocks will be emergency food storage just in case the Wither storm totally destroys everything else okay this is looking pretty good but we will need to add in some orange candles these look exactly like Fanta cans wo this is a pretty cool

Area I really really like it I wish we didn’t have to worry about the Wither storm it’s really scary having to fight for our lives like this but we have no choice Milo now that I have added all the Fanta to this room I need to make

Sure JJ is safely inside the bunker I think it’s time the Wither storm is almost here come on JJ we got to go now Mikey why don’t you come inside all right JJ now we have to go out the side and we also really need to make our way

Into the bunker come on we don’t have a lot of time we have to go this way and oh no don’t get hurt by the magma blocks this is bad oh JJ I almost had to save you quick we have to run now the Wither storm is approaching and quick we won’t

Have much time left JJ what are you doing okay JJ come on we have to go this way this is one of the entrances down into the bunker I think you’ll be safe although I’ll need to add in some fantic can at the very bottom just to break the

Fall otherwise you could take some serious fall damage down here okay this looks pretty good I think all right JJ you can come down it’s totally safe come on you totally got this woo yes JJ made his way down down now I’m going to lock up the entrance to the tunnel area JJ

You need to stay safe inside here I’m actually going to add some trap doors in front of the spikes just so you don’t accidentally hurt yourself this should hopefully very much help make this bunker a lot safer I’m going to go check if the Wither storm is attacking let me

Place down some ladders here to make sure we can actually get back up and down in case we need to all right I’ll add one more trap door right up here that way JJ can’t leave early all villagers stay inside this is an emergency a ship the weaer storm is here

Oh no look it’s huge it is summoned right above my house this is terrible Milo it’s taking blocks from my secure Fanta house we need to stop it as quick as we can champ what are we going to do oh my gosh I’m going to grab some of my

Op weapons and Arma I need to equip this netherite Arma quickly as well as grabbing the fomas and the command block swords we need to grab arrows as well Milo we don’t have a lot of time Champ’s ruining my pnic oh no oh no Milo don’t

Worry I’m going to come down and save you wo that is one bad wither storm all right Milo we’re going to need to go close to it and attack it he’s barely a fake I don’t like his Vibe at all no he’s evil wao shooting arrows at it

Doesn’t do any damage this is bad how are we going to fight it I don’t know what are we going to do H we need to get up but look Milo it’s using its beam to totally destroy our Fanta houses not my Fant to hat I spent so long working on

That me too oh no it’s ripping apart the bottle we need to get up there I think we can use these beams to find our way close to the Wither storm wao Milo it’s totally working it’s pulling me in closer now I can use my bow to totally

Get a good shot at this thing oh no I really hope this works it’s cling St my distruction oh no this head has got me this is Bad Milo J’s ping me in as well oh no wait a minute Milo it’s paused this is crazy look I’m just floating

Down hang on a second what’s it doing we’ve broken all of its eyes did we get it yet no it just summoned another one this is Bad Milo we need to fight back W no this is horrible I didn’t know it was going to be this bad neither did I but

Look shooting arrows at it does a lot of damage to the evil wither storm eyes wao look Milo it’s really well working hey these heads keep coming back oh no oh no we really need to use our Command Block swords to fight this thing now yeah

Let’s get him wao Milo you a pitch black you were infected with withering sickness oh chip that’s really bad I didn’t know that was going to happen wao Milo this is bad it knocked me down again and all three of its eyes are back this is terrible it’s totally destroying

Our village and our world what are we ever going to do wait a minute Milo look there is a command block this is where the Wither storm summoned in our village we just need to destroy that command block and the Wither Stone will die

Champ I have an idea what is it Milo why don’t you use Phantom on the command block oh that’s a great idea okay Milo I have my Fanta block ready let’s cover the command block in Fanta to totally destroy the wiring W chip walk the Wither storm it’s dying wait this is

Amazing Milo we totally did it we saved the Village from the Wither storms using Fanta now Fanta really saved the day off the wall wow although wait a minute that is a lot of Destruction and look at the Fanta houses oh no they are destroyed I really hope Mikey and JJ are okay

Quickly we need to find them my house it’s totally wrecked this is so sad and so is mine my Fanta bottle has been absolutely destroyed but Milo we need to check my bunker it is just in the back over here we’ve got to go through the

Sides of the house I really hope they survived I don’t know where Mikey is but I hope JJ’s here and look Milo JJ and Mikey are alive in the bunker wow they really survived chip not only did the Fanta kill the Wither storm but it saved

Mikey and JJ yeah this is awesome Fanta for everybody Yeah

Milo and Chip are going Head to Head in a Noob vs Pro Fanta House Build Challenge! But what happens when the weather takes a DEADLY turn??

#minecraft #minecraftmod #miloandchip


  1. Uh chip next time use reimforst glass because normal
    Glass is weekend than grass I don't now how you survival with a not
    Reimforst glass and only normal glass

  2. OK bye 😢I hope you have a good 10000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000009000⁰000007465436785128484 calinges😢😢😢😢😢😢😢❤

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