Mikey Poor vs JJ Rich HOUSE INSIDE CHEST Survival Battle in Minecraft (Maizen)

Let’s get started Mikey are you ready for this battle Diamond chest versus dirt chest you know I’m always ready only I can’t hold the lid of the chest because your chest is not diamond and I will win this battle okay here comes the coolest battle a rich chest that is mine

Against a poor chest just look at how many cool items I have here I have everything you can only dream of JJ you have some nonsense there look at what’s in my chest you’ve never even dreamed of this m my it seems that you and I have different

Ideas about cool things but the main thing is that you like it so I think I’d better not linger here you just don’t understand anything let’s see what you have well of course these are not wooden tools but they are also not bad but in

Any case I am sure that I have a better chest but I repeat my chest is much better than yours so goodbye you can do whatever you want hey don’t fight here do you understand me how cocky is he after all when he became like this but

The main thing is that he left here wait what are those sounds what’s going on here I don’t know I didn’t do anything but I don’t like it it’s something scary JJ please tell me that you know what’s going on Mikey do you think if I knew I

Would ask you but let’s just stand and see what happens next you’re pretty sure it’s safe because I don’t like it oh JJ look there’s something here but what is it I have not seen this before it says accidental disaster here but what could

That mean but it seems to me that it can diversify our day let’s try to press the button and see what happens it sounds dangerous but I think it will be fun so let’s check out what kind of disaster we’re going to have okay let’s see I

Think it will be interesting wow look there’s something going on it’s cool so what kind of disaster are we going to get and what is it is it a tornado and what does this mean what can we expect um I don’t even know what to say I don’t

Have any ideas but so far nothing is happening maybe it’s a prank JJ it looks like it’s not a prank oh my God it’s a tornado how scary it looks so let’s hide in our chests wow what a huge tornado but now something bad is going to happen

So I’m going to do the same thing Mikey did hide in my trunk I hope that everything will be fine and I will be able to survive it seems that Mikey and I shouldn’t have started this because anything can happen and I do not know

What will happen to me but I hope that I am safe and nothing will will happen to me why did we even start this it was still good for us but what’s going on I don’t understand what I’ve already done wrong is this some kind of horror I

Don’t like it a tornado destroys my chest I have to build up these holes in the walls so that my chest doesn’t fall apart how scary I didn’t expect this I didn’t do anything wrong but I can survive nothing will stop me I’m sure of it oh my God this is happening from

Different angles I’m going to get tired now please let this tornado end as soon soon as possible I don’t want to be a part of this anymore or at least that this doesn’t happen but it seems that everything is fine with me I was able to

Withstand the tornado it was hard but I got over it and I hope it doesn’t happen again well so we were able to survive this tornado but not everyone survived Mikey I think your chest was a little damaged after the tornado but I didn’t have that I was fine I didn’t even

Notice that there was a tornado so let’s activate the next disaster now well well I don’t even know there’s a lava tsunami and a storm left okay I agree it’s scary but interesting so let’s keep going let’s see what’s cool here and I hope I don’t get hurt Mikey I would advise you

To go to your trunk because the storm is about to start oh no not that I wish there was a lava tsunami and I don’t like it and I hope that everything will be fine with me well come on get out of here because now it’s going to be scary

And I warned you now it’s not going to be as much fun as with a tornado and so now the jokes are over and I hope that everything will be fine with me wow it’s both beautiful and terrible and I don’t like it so I’d better leave here already because I’m already scared

Myself so I already hope that this will all end as soon as possible well as long as I’m in my trunk I’ll be safe and no one will bother me I’m going to be fine what terrible sounds I’ve never heard anything scarier and again something is happening to my chest why should I

Suffer from it I didn’t do anything to anyone and now I can no longer be here I’m going to go crazy with these sounds soon it’s too loud great that’s all I needed now I don’t have a roof and the storm will beat me right in my chest

What a horror it is I don’t deserve this I just wanted to have fun but I’m not having fun anymore and I hope it’s all a joke I hope it’s over by now because I’m tired of it all I can’t believe what’s going on anymore I don’t deserve this

And it’s been going on too long I just want to go home but it seems the storm will end and this is good news I was able to survive how glad I am I just don’t have the words you survived but you can’t say that about your chest but

Most importantly don’t worry you’ll be able to build a new chest later but two of the three trials are over so let’s get to the third one come on push it already I hope that the disaster will not happen again because I want something interesting to happen already

I want a lava tsunami and I hope everything will be fine Mikey you can make me happy a lava tsunami is about to start but it seems to me that you won’t be happy for long because now something terrible is going to happen yes you’re

Right just look at this how cool it is I’ve never seen such a huge tsunami before well I haven’t seen a tsunami at all and I don’t like it Mikey to be honest I don’t really like it either because I don’t want a lava tsunami here

Anymore and I hope that my chest will still be able to protect me from this disaster but I’ll find out soon enough I’ll stay in my shelter and I will wait until it’s all over how’s Mikey it seems that now I’m going to have problems because I have half of the

Chest missing and I don’t like it anymore the lava is already flowing here and now I do not know what to do I have to do everything to escape from this because I’m scared I don’t want there to be Lava here because it’s not a joke

Anymore and I hope that it will all be over soon I’m already tired of all this and I want to be safe but it seems that there will be no problems with me anymore oh my God this is not what I expected at all and it’s terrible I

Didn’t know that this would happen to me and I don’t want to stay here I don’t like it anymore I just want it to be over this is no joke anymore and I just can’t stand it it’s too hot in here it seems that I’m trapped now and I don’t

Like it at all I want to get out of here or I’ll just wait for this lava tsunami to end because I’m not joking anymore and I hope it’s all over soon so great now I’m going to get out of here and everything will be fine with me but

There’s lava everywhere I can’t stand it anymore I’m tired of it all Mikey there doesn’t seem to be anything left of your trunk but most importantly don’t get upset because this is no joke anymore and now we’ve survived all these disasters and stayed alive and this is exactly what we wanted so everything

Will be fine with us JJ you see this there are some spiders here but what is it called is this the latest disaster but I think we should end this after all because we’ve already been through too much and now everything’s going to be fine with me what are these chests what

Kind of garbage do you have there um well you have some garbage in your trunk but I’m fine so I think I can prepare for the attack of these spiders and now I won’t have any problems with it I’ll be able to survive and I’ll do it as

Soon as possible I don’t really like it and what should I do I have no tools nothing interesting I only have dirt and how am I supposed to survive with this it’s not funny at all and I don’t like it JJ can you share the tools or blocks

With me because I don’t want to dig it all up with my hands Mikey it’s every man for himself so don’t bother me I’m already tired of you and I don’t have time to help you I’m worried myself because it’s going to end soon and it

Won’t be fun anymore this is the last test and now it seems to me that something terrible is going to happen so I really hope that I can still survive and I thought that you and I were friends but as I understand it no you chose your safety and not to help a

Friend but I’ll remember it for you and when you have problems I won’t help you with it anymore so let’s not do any more nonsense and I hope that it will all end sooner or later because I’m already tired of doing this nonsense not knowing what will happen next and these spiders

I do not know what to expect from this but I know that it will be very scary Mikey calm down don’t make me do something bad to you because I can’t listen to you anymore I’m tired of you I’m not asking you for help so let’s get

Busy or do you think that I can immediately protect the castle for myself and also help you no this is not so and you should understand this so let’s stop doing nonsense okay otherwise I’ll do what I wanted to do but you obviously won’t like this I wouldn’t say

That but it seems like I did something wrong so if it doesn’t work then I just forgot how to do it and don’t blame me for that and how will your armor help you do do you really think I’m going to be scared of that but no you didn’t

Guess it at all so just do what you want but don’t mess with me because you can’t get closer to me than a shot don’t even try to do it I won’t let you do it I hope you understand that okay um what

Did you do at all and how did you do it so quickly are you even in your right mind or how or do you have any abilities okay I’ll pretend I didn’t see it so just let me keep doing what I’ve already planned and no one will stop me not even

Your walls I’ll get all the resources in this cave and even these zombies who are constantly trying to attack us will not be able to stop me from winning this challenge so Mikey just wait your time I’ve been waiting for a very long time but so far nothing is happening at all

And it seems that nothing will happen anymore you’re just trying to scare me I don’t even know what to tell you about this so just give up because you won’t get over my wall no matter how you try to do it I hope that you understand this

Perfectly well and we make the right decision and we not waste our time who are you talking to there anyway do you think that someone is listening to you but I have to disappoint you no one here takes you seriously at all so it’s better to just shut up and not draw

Attention to yourself until I want to deal with you myself don’t bother me the main thing is that you should understand that I’m busy here working out a plan to defeat you and destroy you and I know perfectly well that you’re thinking about it too but I can warn you that you

Won’t succeed so don’t don’t waste your time on this nonsense and anyway don’t even think about it so that everything would be okay with me hm you’re so funny I’m listening to you and I can’t believe my ears you’re seriously thinking that you can beat me but you won’t succeed

You’re just wasting my time and your time on all sorts of nonsense and I don’t understand why you’re doing this and what you’re trying to do to achieve this everyone already understands that I have much more opportunities to win and I am much smarter and stronger than you

And I also have something that you do not have okay I’m tired of all this I’m tired of playing these games with you now it’s time to talk to you seriously because you don’t understand ordinary words so come on come here or not let’s better I’ll come to you to destroy you I

Think this is the best option of all those that can be possible and you don’t bother me otherwise you’ll die I warned you and you didn’t listen to me so you get what you deserve and don’t you dare dare blame me for this because everyone

Knows that I’m the best of us not you so you lost the first battle but this is just the beginning so accept it you will lose more than once oh no I don’t like it anymore something terrible is happening here so let’s get this over

With as soon as possible and why did you press that button are you crazy or something these spiders have appeared here and now this is no joke and I do not know what to do I don’t even have anything left of the trunk I’m not afraid of anyone now I’m going to

Destroy them all here no one will get into my territory because I am the boss here I decide who gets here and when and now the jokes are already over serious things are about to begin and I’ll do whatever I want so everything will be

Fine with me I already know what to do and how to do it so let’s not end this already JJ please do something with them because I’m already getting scared I don’t want it to happen anymore I didn’t survive all these disasters for nothing

And I hope that it’s all over as soon as possible if I had known this was going to happen I would never have agreed to this in my life and I hope that this is not a joke and that it will all end sooner or later you said the same thing

Before and how did it all end you just flew off into the abyss and this will happen every time until you finally realize that you have no chance of defeating me and anyway why do you still think you can beat me have you seen how much I’ve already done and what do I

Have no you haven’t seen it and you won’t see it because I’ll leave it for later so just wait for your fate and when the time comes you’ll understand that I was right and you only hindered me to win you didn’t even fight me wait

Where have you gone why can’t I see you what are you already doing there what are you up to to be honest I’m already starting to worry and I don’t like it where are you JJ I know you’re up to something but I still can’t figure out

What exactly and it’s starting to bother me and I hope you’re not on my chunk anymore that’s not true right okay you’re not answering me so I’d better take a look myself and it seems like you’re not here but where are you are you crawling around your cave somewhere

Right how did you guess did you come to this by yourself or did someone suggest it to you because as it seemed to me you still don’t understand what you agreed to I’ll do something to you that no one else in your life has ever done and

Don’t even try because while you were doing nonsense I was mining resources in the mine and and train it on monsters so I would not advise you to accompany me because it will not end well I hope that you yourself understand this perfectly well and your hour of judgment is

Approaching so get ready this time I will not Retreat from your Island JJ calm down everything will be fine just fight them I see that they are not endless yes there are a lot of them there is nothing you can do about it but you are stronger than them I am 100%

Sure of that the main thing is not to let them go into your back so that they unexpectedly do not they attack you and then you will succeed do you hear me something seems to me that I have lost sight of you what is going on there can

You answer this question for me or are you no longer alive at all I’m alive but I’m a little busy here as you might have noticed so I don’t have time to chat with you much right now but you can read me a verse and I’ll listen to it so

Let’s do something help me you have this device can’t you disable them I think you can do it you just try and I think I understand that this is already your handiwork so you really do it right guys I have great news I defeated him so now

We can live in peace as before and no one can stop us now to be honest I thought it would be more difficult but as it turned out he’s not as scary as you told me so guys now I’m the most dangerous person in this city and

Everyone will know about it am I right JJ you’re doing great I always knew you could do it I believed in you and now you didn’t let me down so come back to us let’s celebrate the victory before it’s too late do you think it’s cool I can answer

Mikey Poor vs JJ Rich HOUSE INSIDE CHEST Survival Battle in Minecraft (Maizen)

This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters.

Maizen – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJHBJ7F-nAIlMGolm0Hu4vg

ESCAPE FROM HEAVEN : The Movie – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=touwGQtyovE


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