The Bizarre Minecraft Bug Mojang Won’t Fix…

Did you know that you can get Minecraft items with zero durability in normal survival Minecraft did you know that you can also get Negative durability items that break the game did you also know that for many years you were able to use strange and bizarre techniques to get

Underst stacked items that cause weird behavior and did you know that you can actually get Negative XP that damages items you didn’t well better watch this video then if you click F3 and then h on Minecraft Java Edition you enable something known as advanced tool tips

This allows you to see an item’s ID name and also its durability as I’m sure you know when an item’s durability reaches zero it breaks so how do we get an item with zero durability then well what most of you probably didn’t know and may have actually even encountered without

Realizing before is that you can actually obtain an item with zero durability in normal Minecraft in specific but rare scenarios mobs can drop items they are holding or wearing such as weapons tools and armor and often that item which is dropped has a random damage value applied to it in

General weapons tools and armor dropped by mobs always have at least 26 points of damage taken except for gold tools and armor which can drop undamaged and normally at the very least have 25 durability remaining it’s rare to see mobs spawn with items below 25 durability but it is possible so in very

Rare cases mobs can drop items which have a durability of zero and that’s the only way to obtain them in Modern Survival this is reported and actually acknowledged as a bug but has been marked as won’t fix so Mojang will not fix this issue oh and if you use an item

With zero durability this is what happens pretty self-explanatory but why is it that mobs can drop items of zero durability anyways well it’s actually because of an old bug from Minecraft 1.12.2 and earlier here in 1.12.2 I have a one durability diamond shovel if I destroy a block the shovel won’t break

And instead will go to zero durability doing this in 1.13 or newer versions will lead to the item breaking and not going down to zero durability this was actually reported as a bug and was fixed in a Minecraft 1.13 snapshot way back in 2018 so in 1.12.2 in earlier versions

You can obtain zero durability items in Minecraft survival mode normally due to the items not breaking when they have zero durability only less than zero durability but the code for the durability might mcraft mobs items can drop must have not been changed to reflect that which is why they can still

Drop zero durability items because at one stage it was valid notably Trident with zero durability cannot be thrown but beyond that everything with zero durability has one final use before breaking interestingly you can combine two zero durability items together and it will give them durability again and

Mending can fix them but what happens when an item’s durability goes below zero well to do that you can use commands like so and you will in fact be able to use an item with negative durability just like one with zero durability but then something strange happens if we keep increasing or rather

Decreasing the durability of the item further and further into the negatives you notice that the red part of the durability bar extends out of the other direction gradually and if you set the item’s durability to a really negative value the bar will extend out of the inventory and virtually off the screen

I’m sure you are wondering how far we can go with this and of of course the cut off is the integer limit anything above that will just end up giving you a normal non-damaged item if you give yourself an item with the exact integer limit damage value using it once will

Cause it to roll over and become an item with full durability again which is quite interesting combining them in an anvil or crafting bench will lead you to getting a brand new item as well if the negative durability is low enough all right so I mentioned that while zero

Durability items are still obtainable in Survival Minecraft negative durability items are not well that’s not entirely true though as throughout Minecraft’s history there have been a selection of strangely specific Minecraft bugs allowing you to obtain items of negative durability these bugs and exploits are really obscure and not well reported

Anywhere so shout out to the Minecraft discontinued features Wiki for documenting the stuff first of all you can obtain negative durability boots in Minecraft snapshot 20 w1a a 1.16 snapshot in this snapshot when you put Soul speed on your boots and run on Soul Sand it would decrease the boots

Durability below one without breaking them allowing you to get any pair of boots in a negative durability that being said obtaining Soul speed in this version is actually quite tough as there was a bug preventing players from getting them from pigin bartering so players have to find them in structures

Instead way back in Minecraft indev 201 o 206 through to Minecraft Alpha 1.0.16 version 2 golden hose used to have the same durability as Diamond hose at 513 in my Minecraft Alpha 1.0.17 this was changed to 65 to match stone tools so if you had a golden hoe

Which had been used more than 65 times and updated your world with it the hoe would have a negative durability from Minecraft 1.4 snapshot 12w 36a released back in 2012 all the way up to Minecraft 1.16.2 Mobs with helmets wouldn’t burn in the Sun but their helmets would take

Damage and lose durability if they were exposed to the sun if the helmet had low enough durability it could decrease into the negative and then drop if the mob was killed at precisely the time the helmet durability decreases into the negatives it requires some serious luck but according to one bug report has

Happened at least once before from the 30th of March 2024 until now many of you watching this video will have a negative durability subscribe button and subscription status if you didn’t know you can actually press the Subscribe button to fix that no pressure also make sure to press the link in my video’s

Description to check out my patreon for neverbe released content anyways for a brief period of time from Minecraft 1.14 snapshot 18w 43a to 18 w43 c when shears were used in a dispenser on sheep their durability could decrease into the negatives allowing players to get Negative durability shears very easily

In Minecraft Java Edition 1.0.0 release candidate 1 first released way back in November 2011 for some reason all swords were given only five durability if you therefore had a prior world with a sword damaged more than six times and updated it to release candidate 1 it would have

A negative durability if you then combined multiple swords with negative durability together to make them have an even greater negative durability you could update your world and the items would keep their negative durability if you downgraded your Minecraft world from any version beginning at 1.6 snapshot 20

W14a and up to 20 W13 a or 20 w13b you were able to obtain a negative durability warped fungus on a stick in Minecraft snapshot 20 w14a the durability of warped fungus on a stick was changed from 25 to 100 when you downgrade 75 durability thus gets

Subtracted from the item allowing you to make it negative you can then combine multiple negative durability warped fungus on a stick to make it more negative and re-update your world again keeping the negative durability item what’s cool about all these negative durability item exploits was that if you

Had a super old world you gradually updated and decided to use them to obtain a negative durability item you would still have these items today as a cool remnant of the past okay so that’s negative durability and zero durability items pretty random but interesting stuff but what about negative stacked

Items otherwise known as underst stacked items well they are a bug dating back almost as early as Minecraft itself let me show you in Minecraft 1.8.3 and ranging all the way down to Minecraft indev 20111 125-1 if you put an item in a chest and ignite TNT next to it then

Move it in and out of the chest really quickly times you will get a zero item count item in your inventory putting this item into a dispenser will allow you to not only have an infinite item duplicator but will lead to the item stack amount going into the negatives

You can then take it out of the dispenser and now you have an infinite item as a stack count is negative and only continues to increase into the negatives as you place the block now this is technically an infinite item but if its count increases to- 128 or lower

When you relog the item stack will become positive and finite again now negative stack item glitches have existed for a very long time for example back in Minecraft Alpha 1.0.17 version 2 if you held a stack of items in your inventory then closed your inventory and picked up the items reopening your

Inventory would leave you with a negative stacked item that is now infinite as you can see you can relog and this one will remain as well some of these older methods even worked on serves at the time for example the drop method where you could look down and

Spam the drop button until you would pick up the item at the the same time you dropped it creating a negatively stacked item and as you can tell these methods are all possible in normal vanilla survival Minecraft without commands such as this one here using the zero durability mechanic we talked about

Earlier in Minecraft 1.9 snapshot 15w 331a if you shoot a bow with zero durability which back then was normally obtainable remember it would become a zero stack item this was patched in a snapshot not long after but if you did the same but with the off hand it still

Worked for some time up until Minecraft 1.11 snapshot 16 w32a in Minecraft Beta 1.6 if you dropped a tool with a damage durability it would create a zero item count item up to Minecraft 1.10 if you had thorns on Armor it causes the durability of the armor to decrease and

It can become a zero stack item in Minecraft snapshot 15w 31a if you fed an animal food in the offhand slot it could become a Zer stack item in snapshot 15w 49a placing a single item into an item frame leads to a zero stack item as well

There were quite a lot of the zero stack and negative stack bugs in older versions of the game check out the wiki if you’re curious for more that being said in Minecraft 1.11 snapshot 16 w32a all negative stacked items vanish and no longer function meaning it is now

Impossible to get Negative stacked items in modern Minecraft versions all right so if there’s one more thing I want to show you guys it’s negative XP you can use the XP add command to add negative levels to to yourself and take XP away but you can’t actually set your XP level

To a negative amount it will not enter the negatives here that being said you can actually summon XP orbs with a negative level or value these also won’t change your XP amount but if you happen to have an item with The Mending enchant on it summoning and picking up negative

XP orbs will actually reduce the durability of that tool and guess what if you do it enough it will continue to reduce the durability of that tool well into the negatives pretty interesting that about wraps it up though check out my patreon if you want to support me to

Continue making videos and get some exclusive content while you’re at it be sure to subscribe thank you all so much for watching

Since minecrafts earliest days there have been a variety of interesting bugs allowing players to get items with negative durability and stack counts, that can lead to some interesting behaviour.

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Music Used:
1. Scott Buckley – Horizons
2. C418 – Taswell
3. Resolution – Wayne Jones
4. C418 – Moog City

If there is any content in this video which you own and would like removed, than please contact me and I will be happy to oblige.

#minecraft #minecraftbugs #minecraftserver


  1. Seeing the reddit posts about zero durability with zero score makes me so annoyed. Reddit sucks because people share cool things all the time, but all it takes is one looser to downvote it, and it will be lost forever until someone googles the exact phrase they need to bring up that one buried Reddit post.

  2. I remember using an duplication exploit in 1.5.4. To do it, you should explode de item you would like to duplicate in a very specific way, than you would see too diferent itens in the ground. One of them is the real item and the second would be the false one, which you could use to duplicate the item when you hold the right button inside your inventory

  3. It's not a game breaking glitch or it doesn't even harm anyone playing. Why would they fix it? Also you can only get -durability with glitches and with commands, so it's kinda a feature.

  4. Hi so i actually have a hardcore world in 1.20.1 and i made gold boots so piglins wont attack me but once when i logged on i found they said "Durability: -127" i dont know what happened.

  5. Hi MisterEpic, I wanted to add one thing and that is that you can get items with negative durability in survival in the recent April fools of 2023. If you enable Midas touch voting then all of your items are converted to gold. Armor pieces to gold armor pieces and weapons to gold weapons. That means that if you have a chestplate with a lot of uses, it will glitch and turn into a gold chestplate with negative durability. I discovered by myself so if you want more info comment. Anyways great video! 😀

  6. lol i converted one of my bedrock worlds to java and all my fishing rods had -256 durability and now i found someone that explains why durability can get this low

  7. I remember once playing bedrock edition a long time ago, either bedrock or PlayStation edition, and I recall seeing an item with a negative durability which was noticeable due to the bar going to the left. Don’t remember what I did with it, probably threw it away

  8. I make items with command blocks like for example a working Hyperion in single player and i made thos sword that has -5734728473938 durability and it goes of the screen

  9. I was playing on a server and I found a 0 durability gold he met with curse of vanishing in a ruind portal and I sold it on the auction for like 400k ( that's a lot on the server)

  10. A recent snapshot introduced items with uncapped durability (sort of the opposite of the negative durability bug). If the durability was set to the max durability minus Integer.MAX_VALUE(which is 2³¹ – 1), and the item in question was damaged, the damage would overflow such that the durability is above the intended maximum, which would eventually result in a crash.

  11. This is pretty interesting. I recently got a 0 durability trident on a server. I figured it was a big but did my research to make sure I wouldn't break it by enchanting/anvilling it etc

  12. Other 'forbidden-state' items I know of and/or remember:
    • Over-stacked (>64) items.
    • Stacked tools.
    • Things like water, lava, and fire as items (the ones obtained from '/give [block ID]'); there were versions of the water and lava items that would place a non-flowing source block.
    • Spawn eggs and potions in irregular states, such as the unusable ones.
    • Level-32767 enchantments, which are now limited to level 255.

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