A Terraria Retrospective

There are multiple ways to interpret Freedom that has been implemented in many ways throughout a number of games a game can allow you to build your world to your liking you can dig into a game’s mechanics or story to develop a higher level of skill and knowledge it can

Allow you to express your style of fighting to overcome challenges in your own way or maybe it’s a game crafted with your character’s chains broken allowing you to explore without being stuck to a strict formula there are costs and benefits to a game allowing you to truly be free it’s nice to give

Players the benefit of choosing their own path and not be offered guidance of any kind but without a set structure it can be hard to craft a meaningful sense of progression in a way that makes you feel accomplished a lot of games that market a sense of open-endedness tend to

Fall into design mind traps that harm the experience rather than benefit it experiencing events in an inconsistent or unsatisfying order finding a way to become overpowered far before the developers ever intended you to enemy scaling or a quantity of glitches that are minimized in a game with a structured layout open-ended games are

Still a beloved type for a reason I’ve no doubt sunk several hours into a handful of them it’s just incredibly difficult for games that emphasize freedom to allow it while giving a clear feeling of progression without necessarily telling you where you need to go however there is one game that I

Know fires on all cylinders when it comes to freedom and progression a game that I consider to be a master class at what it does and one of the best games in this medium that game is Rel logic’s Terraria Despite axing the third dimension Terraria Finds Its Own Way to express freedom in numerous varieties B logic has evolved the game far beyond what it initially started as the road from versions 1.0 to 1.4.4 has been a constant ride in experiencing how Terraria has been developed into a game unlike any other

Title out there though I won’t be documenting the game’s progress from the first release all the way to what it is today that’s an entirely different Beast it isn’t a secret that Terraria often gets compared to Minecraft from a far distance both are sandbox games about exploring new worlds and transforming it

Into your own what I aim to cover in this piece is how Terraria showcases freedom in multiple angles and how it still finds a weight to be one of one of the most compellingly structured games in the industry perhaps we don’t need a third dimension to have that realization

Come to be I’m ryer and you’re listening to a Terraria [Applause] Retrospective Terraria first asks you to create your own character while it isn’t the most in-depth character creation tool out there it’s stylistic enough with a vast array of options for you to create an identity of your own once you create a world and spawn in there isn’t much to

See at first glance though the game presents you with a few options if you’re clueless the game immediately makes it known that you aren’t alone in this world the first NPC serves as the game’s guide that advises you on what you should do if you want to survive and

Get a head start it’s only natural that you’d start chopping trees with the tools you start out with and build a house for you and the guide to stay safe for when the monsters inevitably emerge at night slimes will slowly spawn in from each direction to ease you into the

Combat mechanics but this also shows that NPCs are somewhat capable of Defending themselves as they have their own weapons to defeat lesser enemies with houses do need to be built in a specific way in order for NPCs to properly live in them like requiring

Light a table a chair a way in and out and a background wall to emphasize a sense of security if the moon hasn’t fully risen and zombies aren’t coming out to endanger you it may be a good idea to investigate the world you’re in after you build a house and check what’s

Available to you you might stumble upon the entrance to a cave perhaps a new B with new materials and enemies are likely a chest containing some helpful items to start with if you haven’t wandered into a cave the first night will likely be you sitting in your shelter with the guide either seeing

What you can craft with what you’ve gathered so far or discussing what to do next with him as monsters swarm your house making it incredibly difficult to go outside and explore so the next day you may decide to make a house of your own as to not live with just the guide

Or perhaps it’s advised to make multiple houses and if you’ve collected 50 silver coins from either finding them in chests or slang a healthy dose of enemies your second NPC the merchant will eventually arrive at your world this not only gives you a shop to spend your hard-earned

Currency on some useful items like a piggy bank that stores coins that you would normally drop from dying but it also serves as a step in forming a community in your world so naturally you make more houses explore your world more and soon you’ll have the nurse come by

Who fully restores your health for a price the demolitionist who sells explosive items the die Trader who sells D for your armor and accessories and trades you special kinds of die for giving him these strange plants the Arms Dealer who sells guns and ammunition after you likely have picked up a gun

From curiously smashing a shadow orb or a crimson heart and so many more NPCs that live and up your world on your first few playthroughs at least in my case you’ll likely build some kind of crazy hotel that all the NPCs live in this does give you easy access to all of

The shops and benefits of each NPC however NPCs do have their own feelings they each have a level of happiness and cramming all of them into one house is one of the things they hate the most some NPCs actually hate each other and some don’t even like where they live so

Maybe they should live elsewhere the NPC happiness system encourages you to not just build one Central Hub in your world but multiple there are eight unique biomes that NPCs can live in they can be satisfied with most places but they do have a favorite and undesired location

The Arms Dealer and nurse not only both take a liking to the desert but they also Vibe with one another so maybe you could build a nice nice Oasis home for them in this peaceful variation of the desert biome the angler can be found washed up at the ocean so you could

Build a nice Hut there and maybe bring another NPC so he isn’t lonely bringing the NPCs into a comfortable living space in different biomes not only satisfies them but they also reward you by giving you the option to purchase a bioms pylon if you’re standing near a pylon they

Allow you to warp to other pylons placed throughout the world as long as there are happy villagers near them and this is the biggest reward and greatest incentive for building your world in Terraria as you progress through the game NPCs like the mechanic and the steampunker sell items that assist in

Fleshing out your world even more by selling electronic devices and wiring systems but the pylon singlehandedly encourage building as a major aspect of the game and entices you to build from the start as the updates have gone on Terraria has fine-tuned the building to become such a seamless process you can

Make buildings more appealing structurally by using a crafting table to make a hammer allowing you to turn blocks into half steps or slopes originally you needed an axe to destroy wooden blocks like in other survival games like Minecraft but now the pickaxe is the One-Stop shop to break any kind

Of block if placing and breaking blocks is too timec consuming the smart cursor function rapidly places and destroys things quickly like filling in walls in a house mining in a specific direction or even building stairs and even if you need to quickly Place items away in a

Chest you’ve placed there’s a button in the inventory menu that quickly stashes items in chests they’re already sorted in such a nice quality of life feature Terraria not only gives you the tools to create your 2D landscape but has also continued to build on its self even as your own playthrough progresses you

Build with Terraria once you set foot into a cave in Terraria it can be challenging to climb out at first in the literal sense but eventually it’ll be hard to bring yourself to workp back home using that that magic mirror you may have found in a chest despite how two-dimensional the

World may look at a first glance in actuality you’ll be diving into a kind of world almost akin to a Metroid Vania generated caves are common in Terraria and being able to catch glimpses of them most of the time while you’re mining makes your Expedition constantly keep

Things motivating most of the time while you’re digging there’s a load of mineral ore waiting to be mined in chunks to be smelted at at a furnace to craft useful tools to aid for your adventure if there were just ores and enemies waiting for you in the caves things would get

Tedious rather quickly and they knew this so sprinkled throughout the underground are constant sources of eye candy one of mining’s biggest Pleasures are Life Crystals shimmering waiting to be picked up consuming one allows you to permanently increase your health by 20 points and with one use the search

Immediately begin for 14 more to increase your health to the maximum of 400 HP seeing items and other discoveries like these by just the corner of your vision is what makes exploring the underground constantly engaging coming across an abandoned house gives you the adrenaline needed to keep going as you wonder what goodies

Lie in the chest to Aid in your progress and it makes you want to find more and so you find a Minecart Track a ginormous new section of possibilities waiting to have its Secrets unveiled finding a large cave like this can guarantee several minutes of engaging exploration

It all adds up if the game has something it just desperately wants you to see sometimes a small fairy will come and fly around you for a while if there’s an item of Interest nearby it will make an effort to guide you to its Fascination often lighting up other areas of

Interest along the way that catch your attention and the fair’s end destination is usually something pretty good so it’s a good idea to follow it if it catches eye on something then your eye may be caught by mysterious blue glow as just a few feet away you might uncover an

Underground mushroom biome a well-lit area that is sure to contain helpful materials with its blue glowing grass highlighting ores and Life Crystals surrounding it it also offers distinct visual variety another key feature that makes each section you explore feel unique you can stumble across a cave of marble blocks being guarded by skeletons

Throwing Spears a cave full of spiderwebs hosted by giant wall creepers that make your skin crawl there are sometimes areas full of sparkling gems no doubt useful for magic weapons and other useful tools even areas that change the Moss and grass color help flesh out the darkest corner of your

World to feel realized if you’re tired of mining in the same types of caves C biomes have their own unique cave systems the underground desert has a lot of cacti ant lions and crushing sand and it’s host to some of its own unique goodies the underground snow is filled

With ice filled with its own unique ice chests to help combat the detriments of the Frozen areas and houses enemies that drop unique materials for some crafting items not to mention crashing through a giant chunk of weak ice is loads of fun perhaps the most significant underground area is the underground jungle the

Jungle is already filled with enemies that keep you on your toes in the early game but below that is a murky world of wild plant life and more bees than you’ll ever want to see in your life yet here you can find some of the most useful materials and upgrades early on

Inside of giant Rich mahogany trees and mysterious glowing Huts I do especially like how in this area a useful material called a jungle Spore helps traversal of this area become more enjoyable as it is not only a useful material for crafting certain weapons and especially magic

Armor but it provides light so you know where to dig next and often times it’ll lead you straight to a giant beehive where the queen bee awaits for battle or the giant jungle temple containing secrets that can’t be discovered at the moment du to a locked door and is surrounded by impenetrable blocks

Terraria uses the lack of a third dimension to its absolute most beneficial use and creates a type of progression in a game you can’t get in a 3D title this piece of candy method of exploration is what makes Terraria one of the finest examples of progression

I’ve seen in a game and it’s why it’s so addicting going back down the rabbit hole for more eventually you’ll mine down far enough to hit layers of lava with more heated dangers making exploration difficult and if you dare mine low enough you’ll notice that the

Background wall is cut off by a bright fiery shine as hitting this level only means one thing you’ve reached the Underworld the underworld is a fiery hellscape containing the toughest enemies you faced so far the central ore of this area hellstone can only be mined with a pickaxe of a tier of the level of a nightmare deathbringer pickaxe or the reaper shark if you went fishing a bunch

And not only that mining it produces lava meaning you can’t barge into an orb vein and go at it you have to take a different approach to mining it the underworld is by far one of the most dangerous places to explore which only means it’s even more rewarding to loot

All of its goodies because breaking pots here will give you high tier potions and a lot of ammo and money sometimes you can even obtain an Obsidian Skin Potion so you can swim through Lava to go on a hellstone mining spree for 5 minutes despite it being incredibly challenging you always want

To come back to the Underworld for extra resources it’s definitely the place I went to get a bunch of healing potions and hellfire arrows and if you veered far enough on either the left or right side of your world there’s a chance you can see a strange glow in a cave housing

Multiple different types of gem trees well surely this must be important you think to yourself should you choose to follow that route you’ll be met with one of terraria’s greatest wonders the ather with a lake called the Shimmer this beautiful Prismatic Lake isn’t just for show jumping into the

Water makes you descend through blocks until you are below the Shimmer but it doesn’t just affect you enemies will go through the water too and either transform or remain unaffected or even deceased arrows will bounce right out of the surface of the water most importantly certain items can be tossed

Into the lake and be transformed into something else entirely as an example A Life Crystal will become a vital Crystal an item that once consumed permanently increases your health regeneration experimenting with different items can lead to Alternative results or enhance results and it’s worth trying for yourself when I discovered the Shimmer I

Immediately made an underground jungle Village right next to it so I could get a pylon that allows me to frequently visit it I didn’t even mention everything that could be found while mining there’s so many secrets to uncover on your own and without a doubt with areas and rewards like these ter

Area is not only worthy but is absolutely excitedly ready to be dug right Into as harsh as it sounds to say right out the gate I would go as far as to say that Terraria makes you feel weak when you first start you’re only barely capable of fighting enemies outside at nighttime and there’s a chance you’ll die multiple times trying to get far in

A cave or even across the surface as you dig through the caves and fight through enemies you’ll start adapting to the nature around you you’ll find a variety of weapons that do damage higher than your copper shortsword and you’ll obtain enough ore to deck yourself in armor increasing your defense especially

Important are the many many accessories that you can equip so enhance your stats in a meaningful way yet others can affect your Mobility entirely hermes’s boots are no doubt a necessity a pair of shoes that allow you to run far faster than you initially would then there are

Also rocket boots sold by the goblin tinkerer that allow brief flight and with the tinker’s workshop you can combine them with the Hermes boots to create Spectre boots combining both items together to allow fast running and slightly more vertical exploration there’s a clown a bottle that allows a

Double jump to help break a fall climbing Claws and Spike shoes that allow you to wall jump flippers that allow you to swim there are a lot of accessories to help Mobility yet the grappling hook a tool unassociated with accessory slots is by far the most useful one allowing you to Grapple the

Blocks that would normally be out of range another necessary tool in any playthrough in my eyes gaining tools and accessories like these make you feel better about yourself in the world of Terraria but as another night comes a daring message appears on screen you feel an evil presence watching you

Enlisting fear in the player it’s time to go the surface to investigate and after a while the first major boss of the game appears the eye of cthulu this no doubt may come as a shock to firsttime players the first few nights have been rather tame but now a giant

Eye is intimidating the player charging at them and shooting smaller eyes at them if you have a decent amount of weapons armor and accessories the fight isn’t too difficult as it mainly serves as the game testing you to see if you’re ready for what’s to come you might

Defeat the boss in a very close fashion as it charges at you relentlessly in its last phase especially on Expert difficulty or higher but once you do and you reap in the reward rewards the same feeling is felt every time I think I’m good I think I have a shot at this I

Think I’m ready to face whatever Terraria throws at me next if I can be caught off guard in the middle of an expedition and successfully face off against the boss I wasn’t prepared for I think I might just understand the game now after fighting the eye of cthulu or

Perhaps even a little beforehand different types of battle will open up to you in the form of four major classes while you don’t need to stick to a specific class and can use any weapon however you’d like sticking to a particular class’s armor lineup and accessory benefits can help aid your

Preferred style of combat the melee class keeps defense high and focuses on close-range weapons like swords and Spears to close in on the enemy melee used to be a strange pick since terraria’s combat doesn’t exactly thrive in close range strategies but the addition of mid-range yo-yos and major

Buffs in recent updates have elevated it to a preferred class of mine magic goes all in on DPS with Wicked sorcery using staffs spells freaking space guns whatever Twisted idea for a weapon the devs might have had likely got thrown into the magic class and is all the

Better for it each weapon only being limited by the Mana meter which can be increased via different Buffs and using Fallen stars to craft Mana crystals to get pernament increases the range class is great for those who don’t want to focus on the magic meter yet still want

To use attacks with well range to take out enemies and bosses from a distance using bows cannons harpoons and obviously guns so many guns your only limitation is that most range weapons require ammo yet most of the time ammo is stupidly easy to obtain unless if you want ammo with different functions like

Piercing arrows exploding arrows homing bullets The Works Summoner is the last major class that unfortunately gets the least attention there aren’t many Summoner weapons and armor sets in the game the Summoners use minions to help defeat enemies for you though you yourself can still use whips to not only

Attack enemies but increase the efficiency and damage of your summons Summoner is is my personal least favorite but it is helpful when it comes to building so your minions can fend off enemies each class has their own strengths and weaknesses yet each one plays differently enough to vastly

Affect your playthrough of the game it makes trying a new file with a new class all the more fun and thus after deciding what direction you’re going to go in your battles begin or perhaps they’ve already begun the I kadulu isn’t always your first encounter with the boss or an

Event sometimes you’ll be minding your own business and a goblin army will start invading your village so you’ll have to frantically return back and fend off all of them before they kill all your NPCs and they won’t leave until the meter here is at 100% randomly during

The day it may start raining slime and defeating enough slimes will cause King’s slime to summon bouncing quickly towards you and summoning an army of slimes to defend him the next major boss is most likely to happen however but to get to that we need to talk about the

Types of evil biomes in Terraria biomes that are unaccepted to be lived in by all NPCs in the game the corruption and the Crimson the corruption is an ill- witted World represented by the sins of all terrarians with soul in creatures waiting to Maul you to death upon entry the Crimson Is A Wasteland of body parts in blood with face monsters creeping around and blood sucklers climbing on the walls the Crimson biome itself is

Also a living breathing entity yikes an average non-seed world can have one of the two evil types and they affect what enemies in the biome you face what items you get from their materials and bosses and yeah the bosses are completely different yet are summoned in the same

Way you might go around throwing bombs to destroy the durable Stone in the area and you’ll find a glowing orb or heart that will most likely entice you to go near it to see what the fuss is about and upon destroying it you’re given a cool new item but also a creepy message

In the corner of the screen so you destroy another one giving you yet another good item the game’s warning me but surely one more wouldn’t hurt right destroy one more and the Eater of Worlds or the brain of cthulu will spawn to try to take your life the Eater of Worlds is

A giant worm that needs to be carved up bit by bit and the brain of cthulu is a hive mine that requires destruction of its cell minions to open up the heart to deal damage to the brain I mean the heart guess this boss plays into the

Fact that the Crimson is an entity after this it’s likely you’ll be ready to face off against the only thing keeping you from exploring the dungeon that can be spotted early in your playthrough Skeletron he’s fairly easy on the normal difficulty but he’s a real challenge in

Expert and master suggesting you to take out his hands before dealing damage to the head which starts shooting homing skulls at you defeating him pretty much opens the rest of the game to to you you can now freely explore the Dungeon and fight the tough skeletons inside and steal goodies inside like Shields

Preventing knockback a large amount of magic weapons a super fast sword called the mamasa a handgun and especially the shadow key a key allowing you to unlock every chest that was previously locked in the Underworld so you can obtain the best items in the game thus far by this

Point Terraria has formed you into a fine Warrior using the tools from the underworld you feel like you can take on anything there’s even some optional bosses like the queen be and deerclops from Don’t Starve that have their own rewards worth achieving every enemy in the game feels

Like it can be combed with relative ease you may even feel like you don’t need a guide oh there is one last literal wall keeping you from being granted the grone the Wall of Flesh this hellish Abomination can only be spawned by throwing a guide Voodoo doll in a large

Pit of lava sacrificing the guide in the process this serves as terraria’s largest test yet the wall is constantly closing in on whatever Direction it’s going firing lasers worms and flesh eating fiends to try to obliterate you as you decrease its Health it starts closing in faster and faster

Firing more lasers at you getting more and more desperate even outrunning you on Expert and as you panic and Whittle down its last inch of Health it’s over as you bask in your Victory and reap the rewards in the chamber that spawns you probably won’t even think about the

Message that appears below You’ve Won defeating the Wall of Flesh guarantees the pone Hammer allowing you to destroy demon altars which were stations that were previously only used for crafting though as you go to do this simple task a realization slowly starts to seep in

As things are not the way they used to be there’s a new biome that shows up out of nowhere called the hollow the complete opposite of the corruption and Crimson featuring wondrous fairy tale creatures and a bright optimistic aesthetic this is nothing like anything you’ve encountered before and after destroying some Demon all

Your world will be blessed with new types of ore this is probably the best ore in the game right it’s time to go down and mine it all what in the name of and just like that without any kind of narrative cutscene shoving in your

Face it hits you like a truck you are now once again at the bottom of terraria’s massive food chain everything you knew about Terraria flips on its head new and harder enemies spawn in every area new biomes appear in unexpected locations the corruption and Crimson spread across your world far

Faster than they ever did before and you are once again weak and have to climb all the way back up the ranks this portion of the game is commonly referred to as hard mode and for good reason the difficulty spike is is immense after you

Beat the Wall of Flesh and there is now so much more to explore that terraria’s God status progression shines once again having the rug pulled out from under you and at the top of your game is the perfect motivation to get the players to continue playing after conquering their

Biggest threat yet to go back to that sense of power they had before facing the Wall of Flesh so now it’s time to go back under and mine all the new hard mode ore you can in order to craft the only armors and weapons you can get that

Stand a chance against the new opposition while there is an optional boss in the hollow you can face to ease you into hard mode bosses in the form of Queen slime the trio of mechanical bosses are your first set of villains to take out these are souped up harder

Versions of the eye of cthulu the Eater of Worlds and Skeletron forged by the mechanic by forced to challenge you in ways where you’ll feel like it’s the first time fighting those original bosses all over over again the twins are two mechanized eyes that shoot projectiles at you at lightning speed

The Destroyer is a giant Inseparable worm that fires a barrage of lasers at you and Skeletron Prime is a robotic Skeletron with two additional hands each with their own weapon used to incinerate you once defeating the mechanical bosses the game continues to ramp up in not only difficulty but crazy variety pirate

Invasions can occur after entering hard mode the jungle grows restless the second all the mechanical bosses are beaten and you can Farm a new or called chlorophyl fruits will start growing From The Underground jungle grass and can even be consumed allowing you to up your max HP to 500 these pink pulsing

Bulbs spawn throughout the jungle and destroying it causes you to engage with a boss called planta a giant crawling mutant plant that shoots seeds and eventually mutates to try to devour you defeating her grants you a temple key so you can finally raid the impenetrable jungle temple filled with mysterious

Creatures guarded by the Golem that is admittingly one of the easiest bosses in the game catching this rare truffle worm in the underground mushroom biome and using it as bait in the ocean summons Duke fishron a bizarre demon fish that summons freaking shark Nat and spit Bubbles at you going into the Hollow

Post planta at night and killing this tiny creature here angers the Empress of Light which engages you in a flashy bullet hell boss fight with her it’s absurd and it’s one of my personal favorite bosses in the game there are also seasonal Moon events in the form of

The Pumpkin Moon where you fight waves of scarecrows hellhounds ghosts giant spooky trees and a giant sentient pumpkin and the frost moon has you fighting waves of Santa elves and then ever screams and then the queen of ice herself and then sand tank a Santa tank wow you could be exploring the ocean

When this drone spots you and suddenly a freaking invasion of martians coats your world dropping the most Hightech weapons thus far this game is off the charts then there’s the final boss which I’ll get to in just a second so I to say Terraria didn’t limit itself to one

Central theme and fleshed it out each type of cliche fiction Trope is mentioned here in some form or fashion whether it be the insane boss events or the vast array of Weaponry no matter what road you choose to go down Terraria fights all expectations and is ready for you to fight as Well Terraria is a game that doesn’t particularly try to stretch by any restrictive limitations it Embraces its own freedom and asks you to explore within its pallet while there is a general beginning and end to Terraria via the progression in your character growth in the various bosses Terraria

Never rushes you to go in those Direction unlike most Survival Games death does not result in you losing all your acquired items by default softcore only makes you drop your money encouraging you to go back and collect your earnings while medium core does make you drop your items and hardcore will take your

Entire character’s life causing you to delete your save file in stark contrast to this journey mode takes a different take on the standard creative or debug mode allowing you to change weather conditions enemy spawn rates difficulty and much more on a dime but by researching discovered items a certain

Number of times you can then duplicate as many of said item as you want giving creative players the vast amount of Freedom while still making them engage in terraria’s overall progression on the topic of difficulty you can set your world to be one of four major difficulty types there’s the aformentioned journey

Mode allowing the most creative freedom normal mode is the average Terraria difficulty that is typically recommended for your first time playing expert is my preferred difficulty granting bosses and enemies new properties and attack patterns alongside having bosses drop treasure bags for each individual player containing everyone’s Own Boss Loot

Including an expert exclusive item and master mode increases the health damage and Rewards of enemies and bosses but to balance it out it grants you an extra accessory slot alongside having bosses drop a gold Relic to display in your world I haven’t really touched on the multiplayer a whole lot and while

Multiplayer does enhance the experience by having several people going to do different things together in your world it isn’t as vital to the core enjoyment of Terraria as other games are though there is a potion that does allow you to teleport to other players on the same

Team as you which is a nice way to handle teleportation speaking of potions they’re very important to craft on higher difficulties to help give you an advantage in battles and general exploration and on the topic of crafting whenever you pick up an item I highly recommend checking to see if it’s

Considered to be a material or not why is this the case well that’s where the guide becomes more than a helpful tutorial giving the guide material will tell you everything that you can craft in the game using that item so to check for an item’s usefulness it’s easy to

Find yourself Consulting to the guide on items as much as you can it’s more fun than using the wiki anyways which is still extremely helpful don’t get me wrong items that seem meaningless on paper could be your biggest Lifesavers I made a whole Alchemy Station in my

Latest playthrough so I had easy access to all the plants necessary for crafting essential potions to fight bosses with and even fishing might come into a large playing element if you want the best of the best potions outside of helpful consumable items major weapons and accessories could also be considered

Materials and the guide might just tell you about an incredibly good weapon or perhaps the best shield in the game requiring a boatload of other accessories needed to craft a thing at a tinkerer’s workshop I went on a farming spre for multiple accessories to form the ank Shield a shield that essentially makes

You immune to most of the game status inflictions like confusion bleeding weakness Etc when I say Terraria has a boatload to explore I don’t mean the general size of the world itself although you can set your world to be massive or small in size Terraria wants you to explore its mechanics its items

Its events and its variet rety and when you’ve slain enough hard mode bosses and fleshed out your world once more to conquer the massive twist that hits you after defeating the Wall of Flesh well I think it’s time to rise back to the top or the moon if you will and enter the

End game once you defeat the Golem in the jungle temple a group of cultists will start chanting around the tablet back of the dungeon and slaying them will get the lunatic cultist to engage in combat the boss isn’t majorly difficult but he does use a variety of flashy spells unlike anything else seen

In the game at this point to try to stop you the lunatic cultist is your last barrier keeping you from endgame in Terraria and once you defeat him otherworldly beings immediately invade your world guarding four Celestial pillars scattered across the land this sequence is commonly referred to as the

Lunar event serving as your last training exercise containing the toughest enemies in the game each pillar represents a different class in the form of solar nebula Vortex and stardust solar representing melee has a bunch of close-ranged enemies that mostly fight on the ground one of which summoning a

Worm called a crawltipede that only targets you if you’re in the air at all and Deals massive damage encouraging heavily to battle on their Turf nebula representing magic has loads of enemies with accurate magic attacks and has brain sucklers roaming around that when attached to your head will completely

Obscure your vision and deal large amounts of damage to you until they’re taken out Vortex representing ranged has large amounts of flying aliens the majority of which wielding range weapons to gun you down finally Stardust representing summon houses enemy that tend to summon other enemies to try to

Stop you like these worms and these star cells that split off into multiple pieces as you try to destroy each of them the objective is to destroy each pillar by killing 100 enemies by each respective Pillar To Break its barrier to destroy it entirely each pillar will

Drop its own fragment which using the new crafting station that drops from The Lunatic cultist will allow you to craft some of the weapons capable of stopping all of the forces that come your way in the lunar event and meaningly this does kind of make whatever weapon you worked

Hard on getting before the lunar event a tad meaningless since the lunar event weapons tend to be some of the best weapons in the game by default only it had worse than weapons dropped by the final boss speaking of after destroying all four pillars an intimidating text

Appears at the bottom of the the screen saying that impending doom approaches in these brief moments of anticipation you’re given a few seconds to prepare for terraria’s final challenge the peaceful music slowly drowns out as anxiety levels rise drastically the screen getting darker and darker the music eventually disappears alt together

As your hands tense ready for the final boss to appear out of Da a the Moon Lord in a shocking surprise the largest character sprite in the game dominates the entire background as the embodiment of cthulu himself descends down from the Moon to endanger the world of Terraria

The battle is no slouch his three weak points fire a barrage of attacks from his hand shooting giant eyes and homing projectiles to his head charging up a massive laser that will obliterate your HP if you so much as graze it for each weak point you destroy an invincible eye

Of cthulu will pop out to deal the same attacks unattached from the Moon Lord’s body once all three weak points have been dealt with the final phase of the boss ensues as his chest opens up to reveal his heart as the fight becomes a Ras to whittle down the the rest of his

Health while all three eyes bombard you in desperation to try to destroy you this Final Phase is insanely nerve-wracking but focus enough on dealing as much damage as possible and use your character’s Mobility to the fullest to defeat the king and show who’s the real boss around here Oh Congratulations you’re once again at the top of the world and Terraria comes to a triumphant conclusion defeating the moonlord grants many goodies such as the portal gun the possibility of one of several weapon drops and a number of luminite bars s used to craft the best

Toolss and armor in the game the lunar events enemy requirement is decreased by half for each pillar for easy Gathering typically games of this sandbox nature don’t have notable endings so I applaud Terraria for branching out and exploring a sense of finality in its Adventure once you’ve obtained the best items in

The game there isn’t much else to really do in your playthrough aside from building your world to its fullest potential with relative ease but luckily Terraria allows its formula to be explored to even greater Heights by allowing the creators to have a hand in their own content official mod support

In the form of t-mod loader comes with Terraria for absolutely free for all purchases of the game t-mod loader is a separate application that houses a massive library of mods that you can install that range from quality of life change es to complete Game Changers the most notable mod that is associated with

Terraria in common discussion is the Calamity mod a mod that not only has new difficulty options and mechanics but adds an entire gamees worth of new content that even extends past the moon Lord while I won’t go into it in length here I can say that it gets a mighty

Recommendation from me and is generally one of the most beloved mods in video games as a whole with terraria’s massive World insane variety and extensive experimentation in the form of mods there’s a hefty amount for both you and Terraria to Explore it’s difficult not to see why Terraria is one of the most beloved and highest selling games of all time time I barely even gone to some of the minor issues I have with the game which mainly consists of small nitpicks like how overpowered lunar event items are

Compared to the rest of the game’s offerings that took much more effort to obtain how controller plays generally difficult to play with as opposed to keyboard and mouse controls and a mechanic I’m personally not a fan of in the form of graveyard biomes appearing when dying in a certain spot too many

Times and spawning ghosts upon destru ction of gravestones which serve generally as difficult enemies when you first start playing the game yet trying to find flaws with Terraria is like trying to find one very specific Block in a world that generates in a sea of other blocks so its downsides are hardly

Even worth discussing more importantly Terraria embodies freedom in ways that rival the largest games in the industry and for something that is only $10 on Steam it’s admirable on a level I can hardly form into words I wouldn’t mind paying $60 for this game though the price is actually increased on consoles

So it’s only really a steal on Steam and mobile as cliche as it may sound Terraria is more than a video game it’s its own world a character one that you thrive in with a progression system partnering you with Glee the whole way through from its weapons to its bosses

To its world and its freedom you are the Creator you are the one who digs you are the warrior you are the Explorer you are the world you are Terraria Wow

Terraria is a game that I care very deeply about. I’ve been playing it for years and I have always vibed with the aesthetic, sound design, atmosphere, and incredible sandbox progression. I figured now is finally the time to dig into why it resonates with me and so many people.

Along the way, I noticed how Terraria, despite being a structured title, expresses freedom in fascinating ways that I don’t see done very often. In this video I aim to explore in what ways Terraria allows your freedom while expressing its own freedom. Perhaps this is why it stands out as a gem in the industry today.

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00:00 Intro
03:25 Build
09:39 Dig
18:10 Fight
34:28 Explore
46:49 Terraria


  1. Some corrections:

    • The Nurse’s favorite biome is the Hallow. She’s okay in the desert, but I grouped her with the Arms Dealer because she does like him.

    • The Reaver Shark USED to be able to mine Hellstone, but as of 1.4, the Reaver Shark can only mine Demonite, Crimtane, or weaker ores. I think I got the idea of the Reaver Shark mining Hellstone because I did a playthrough a long time ago where I only used fishing to get materials.

    • Crawltipedes spawn naturally, not from enemies.

    • Permanent, not “pernament”

  2. Loved the video, and I’d love to see more content like this in the future!

    Also, seeing you place regular torches in special biomes causes me physical pain, please do the torch god your torch luck is lower than employment rates during the Great Depression

  3. I don’t understand where the review was in this video. It felt like a summary, which is helpful for those who haven’t heard of the game for sure. I guess I’m confused as to the objective of this content

  4. "The arms dealer, who sells guns and ammunition after you likely have picked up a gun from curiously smashing a shadow orb or a crimson heart"
    As someone who rushes Boomstick in the early game, I'm pretty sure the last time I got the Arms dealer from breaking a shorb/creart was over a year ago at this point.

  5. "The central ore of this area, hellstone, can only be mined with a pickaxe of a tier of the level of a nightmare or deathbringer pickaxe. Or the reaver shark if you went fishing enough."
    Oh, honey, no.

  6. Terraria is a timeless game and the community has only added to it. Since i watched yrmir's boss tutorials (cos i didnt have the game yet) to when i beat the wall of flesh for the first time on my 3DS while on holiday in egypt, to getting it on my switch and finally beating the moonlord, to playing modded now – this game has been fun for me for about 7 years of my life.

  7. I'm glad you touched on the world being its own character, that's how I view the whole game. The main character isn't the moon lord, or cthulhu, or even you, it's the world. Enemies only really spawn and swarm around players because the world is recognizing you as a threat, knowing your eventual goal. You have to fight against it in order to save it, eventually combating even the moon and its forces. A lot of the conflicts center around the world or change it in some way, which I think is a really unique and fun concept for a sandbox game and makes maintaining and taking care of it that much more rewarding

  8. Really cool video !!!
    I would just want to add something : being able to build your own arena is something that i really liked and that is greatly encouraged by the game itself its easy to figure out yourself that its a good idea to build one ( wall of flesh is basically impossible without the famous hell bridge)

  9. I often hear that Terraria is basically 2D Minecraft… but it seems more accurate to say that Minecraft is like someone made a 3D clone of Terraria but removed virtually everything except mining and crafting. The rest of the game is missing.

  10. I think summoner has risen to be my favoriite class since 1.4.1. The obsidian armor and the flinx stuff for early aummoner gear makes the class REALLY fun now and its really really strong. I commonly get like 150-200 dps single target with pre-boss gear

  11. hey my man, this was a great video! your love for the game comes through in a genuine way that doesn't get in the way of the slick presentation with really no filler. this video is like a loveletter to the game. i didn't grow up with it as i was in my late 20s when it came out, but it is in my top 5 games in terms of hours played on steam. a pure masterpiece and growing

  12. I have over 3600 hours in terraria by now. I started playing in march 2016 and since then, much time has passed. Nowdays i am used to play Terraria Calamity on Infernum Mode almost the entire time, i tried many other mods, i made mods myself, ive played with friend AND most importantly, i forgot how playing Terraria for the first time felt. That video kinda made me nostalgic. Killing the EoC was not just a "task i do because its fun". It was a goal to beat that eye and figure out what it drops. Terraria lost its magic for me and even Calamity lnfernum already loses that a bit. But still, this game is still fun to play 2-3 times a year. I really like your video 🙂

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