How I Beat Terraria MASTER MODE “Not The Bees” with Only Bees

My left I find a life Crystal and instantly die Master mode not the bees with no weapons to start is going to be insane I’m literally just constantly dying to everything and by the time it’s night time I’ve gotten a little bit of bamboo some wood and that’s about it but

I make a platform up and start making some houses that are elevated and then I try to make it to the cave but the enemies prove that to be very difficult so I start getting to work on a tunnel system which will hopefully allow me to

Get to where I want to without having to bump into any enemies including those incredibly pesky jungle bats one big problem I had was I had no way of seeing anything I didn’t have any torches I also couldn’t get money so that I could buy torches unless the merchant killed

An enemy near me I used the Fallen stard toy for a second but it didn’t really help and I died by a giant Shelly now I can’t just start a elevator at least not easily because Stone has been replaced with Hive which spawns bees whenever you

Break it and also spawns honey but I got my first kill I blocked myself off broke a hive block and led the bees to a slime which killed it and I got some gel which allowed me to make torches that’s right that is one of the only ways I will be

Able to kill enemies for a while not the bees is an environmental hellscape it’s maybe the worst environment I’ve ever seen in a video game it is Dreadful and I can’t do anything about it now I was stuck the cave I was in Led to nowhere

And I saw a cave on the left so I decided I’m going to start digging through the hive which proved to be incredibly difficult I had to mine it with a wall between us and then block off the bees by Leading them up it was an incredibly ridiculous game but it

Ended up working out and I finally found a cave with a mine cart and we’re 50 minutes into the playthrough at this point now not the bees there are little La that spawn which spawns the queen bee if you even breathe on it I found a

Pinky and I used the same strategy of breaking Hive blocks to spawn bees and the bees killed the pinky because if you didn’t know bees the break from hive blocks actually Target enemies as well as you back at home it has become a graveyard biome just because I’m dying

So freaking much but that’s just what I needed because I can use the graveyard biome to make beehives with five Hive blocks at a heavy workbench now this is the only weapon if you can call it that that I can use for long time all it is

Is a placeable bee trap that you can use to spawn bees but the bees will be aggressive to anything they see including you and I got some fantastic new armor including a lead helmet and some mahogany pieces we’re dripping I continue to Traverse my way through the world very carefully blocking myself off

From enemies that is my best friend is just not letting any enemies touch me and killing them with the environmental bees I still have yet to kill any enemies by my own hand and I finally find my first chest with a cloud in a

Bottle in it that took me an hour and 25 minutes I then accidentally spawned the queen bee I then decided to do some testing on another character to see if this was even possible because I realized that bees don’t attack bees so how am I going to kill the queen bee

Later on if I can’t use the bee trap with the bees to kill the queen bee but I actually noticed a cool little mechanic that being that the queen bee actually takes damage from other enemies so I will have a strategy for the queen bee and it will possibly be possible but

It will require us to beat Skeletron first and we’ll get into that later now I was pretty dang stuck on what to do I didn’t know where to go or what to do I decided to explore on the right and I found the desert biome with an

Underground desert but I kind of got slaughtered very quickly I found another chest with the flare gun which is absolutely useless and after dying I got enough jungle loot to make some jungle leggings we’re moving up in the world now unlike in the Zenith seed the crispy

Honey blocks don’t actually drop lava I was fully expecting them to but they don’t found another chest with an extractinator and I made a golden helmet I then started tunneling to the right side of my world the high blocks in the way prove to be quite the challenge

Because I can’t kill the bees that come out of it so I have to find my way around them or die brutally eventually a Manita got in the way so I had to find a way to get some bees to kill it for me I then accidentally spawned the queen bee

And I made it just far enough so that I could make a run for it to the underground desert the underground desert is nice because there’s no high blocks here to spawn bees I actually feel like I can dig around and do what I need to do that is until I died brutally

Because I don’t have a weapon I finally made a safe way to the underground desert and continued my Ventures there desert fossil is helping a lot I found a desert chest and got a magic conch I then went over to the crimson and smashed a couple Crimson HS I then used

The magic conch went to the ocean if you can call it that it’s just a big puddle of honey and honey blocks I died so many times in this playthrough it was inan say I’d spend so long traversing down into the caves safely and then just

Dying in a stupid way and 4 hours and 20 minutes into the playthrough a goblin army spawns but I’m not even remotely ready for it I went deep underground and got a lava bucket because there’s no way I could ever kill this Goblin Army without some lava and I’m not going to

Reduce myself to that torture so I made a small little area of lava with one issue the goblin Sorcerers they kept shooting at me and they wouldn’t stop I also let free my lava fre so I have to go all the way back to the covin and

Find some lava while I was down there I found a chest with a magic mirror in it and some more Life Crystals and some good loot and now we are Max Health finally after 4 hours and 53 minutes and now I just wait out the Goblin Army

Swinging my pickaxe to break the purple Fireballs dying constantly and finally the Goblin Army has been defeated I then head back to the underground and I find some Hermes boots and now I have a full set of of jungle armor purely for defense because Mana will do nothing for

Me and then use some gravity potions and explore the sky islands I get a shiny Red Balloon and a lucky horseshoe I then found the bound Goblin underground just for him to be murdered so inconsiderate but I soon found another one I made a tinker bench but I did not have enough

Money to buy some rocket boots that is probably because I’ve been murdered so many times in this playthrough it’s ridiculous I then feel an evil presence watching me but I just ignore it and stay underground because I will 100% not be able to the I cthulu right now and

Then went over to the actual Jungle which isn’t covered in Hive Block it’s actually a miracle sorry I got some jungle loot I buy some rocker boots from the Goblin tinkerer and make some Spectre boots now I feel like I have some footing on this playthrough I’m

Able to Traverse better I finally feel like I can survive at least a little bit although I can’t do a whole lot about the enemies I then once again feel an evil presence watching over me but I decided to ignore it because I had other plans I went down to the underground

Desert and continued to loot there but I died by a tomb crawler which means the I cthulu spawned I’m kind of almost dead but I decided to fight this boss anyway I used the nurse heel to stay alive which I don’t do lightly I don’t usually

Do that and then I guess the gods wanted me to win this fight because a fallen star hits the eye of cthulu twice doing near 2,000 damage so that made this fight considerably easier and then one comes so freaking close to hitting him again but I’m just not strong enough to

Beat this I ran out of hive traps and I have no way to kill it and I end up dying with it almost being dead with it completely turned in my favor I still lost I then kept throwing myself at the underground desert trying to find a b

Statue to give me that extra defense and I actually found a hornet statue while in the underground desert this was an incredible find and will be vital for our success later on but let’s put a pin in that for now I search far and wide in the underground desert still not able to

Find a B statue but after a lot of exploration I finally found it and then in the chest right next to it there was a second one that that’s just typical isn’t it I then started farming Hive blocks just so that I could make some

Hive trap it took me forever just to get like 12 of them it takes a really long time to farm I decided to start bombing Hive blocks which seemed to work a little bit but the nice thing about the not the be seed that makes this somewhat

Possible is that there’s lots of Hive blocks like an infinite amount of them basically so that means I can make an almost infinite amount of be traps I then decided to try and find the Shimmer so I bummed down with Scarab bombs nearest to the beach and wouldn’t you

Know it I found it surrounded in Hive little predicament though there was about 100,000 bees after me but like the gamer I am I trapped them all in a little box I then got the permanent upgrades I needed and now I’m going to fight the brain of cthulu considering

This boss will allow me to progress quite a bit further my preparation was pretty bad because I dropped the hive traps and they went straight into some honey which I didn’t know this but that means that no Bees spawn and then an evil presence watches over me this time

I’m going to be as ready as I can be I make a little box to put my bees in and lead the eye into it this would have been a much better Strat before they nerfed bees the bees take quite a while they do barely any damage but at least

The eye doesn’t do that much damage to me eventually I just realized I could grapple to the roof constantly take damage to the Servants of the eye which meant I usually wouldn’t get hit by the eye of cthulu and just take constantly one damage and I just let the IV culu

Dash into the bees and take constant damage while basically taking no damage at all and it worked like a charm eventually the eye of cthulu Was Defeated and that’s our first boss down now am I going to use the shield of cthulu in this play through no I won’t

And then started fishing for armored Cave Fish I made it actually possible to defeat the brainer cthulu with some more setup and this time around it’s actually going decently the creepers are dying very quickly to the bees and very quickly it’s just the brain left now a

Strategy I had to use was the bees would go after me so I’d have to lead them into the right brain if the bees are closer to an enemy than me they’ll switch onto that enemy over me so that was the strategy just lead the bees into

The brain and while I was pretty dang low I did defeat the brain and that’s our second boss defe de feated with only bees pre queen bee and now the dryad moves in so I’m finally able to plant some grass seeds to hopefully get some day Bloom to spawn because I haven’t

Been able to get any of it I finally made it all the way down to Hell I get a hell Forge and spawn the queen bee at the same time and then I jump into the lava and start digging some hellstone once I have enough I make some molten

Armor I start buming a bunch of Hive to get as much Hive traps as I can get and then I start making an arena for Skeletron now this boss will prove to be pretty freaking difficult I have to destroy his hands first and that’s kind of hard because the bees will Target the

Closest thing to them and sometimes that’s his big fat skull so I have to make sure I’m leading the bees into the hands not the skull the good news is the damage isn’t bad it’s okay it’s enough the bad news is I have to defeat this boss before daytime and that’s going to

Be the biggest challenge now I was actually able to use the radar to my advantage which I mean I’ve never used the radar are to my advantage Trever needs to know how many enemies are near you but this was really helpful because it showed me how many bees I had on the

Screen allowed me to know when I was running low on bees and when I had to place more and eventually I destroyed one of the hands which means his homing skulls are coming and I still have to destroy one of the hands but now both have been destroyed and it’s just his

Skull this is pretty simple I just have to circle around him but the hardest part is leading the bees into the skull I have to position my myself so that the bees can attack Skeletron which is hard because Skeletron outspeeds the bees the skull is actually quite quick in this

Phase which makes it really hard to hit him and the Damage sucks the only real time I can hit him is if I’m circling around him and they get a couple hits in and I got Skeletron down to 1,400 Health before he killed me instantly because it became daytime very unfortunate and then

Bombed a bunch of Hive blocks to make more be traps and then challenge skel on again and it’s more of the same stuff very monotonous leading the bees into the hands this time I have a watch on so I can know how late in the night it is

Both the hands are destroyed it’s just his skull which is the hardest part and this time around I get him down to 12200 health and then it turns the daytime and I die instantly and then challenge him again and I do even worse this time I

Only got him down to 2200 Health these fights are long they’re minutes long and I just keep losing but I’m determined to beat Skeletron we have to do this to progress so I spawn him again destroy his hands and now it’s just the skull I continue to lead him into the bees being

More methodical with my movements this time making sure I’m moving in the right directions so that Skeletron goes into the bees I’m willing to take a few hits just to make sure that the bees are hitting him more because it’s more important that he’s taking damage than I

Am and just like that I actually defeated Skeletron pre queen bee with only bees with about half a minute to spare as well I then headed down into the dungeon and talked to the only reason I came down here and fought Skeletron in the first place the mechanic with the mechanic secured I’m

Able to get wiring with that I make a quarter second timer and I set up my ingenious plan to kill the queen bee The Hornet statue The Hornet statue being wired up to a quarter second timer means that it’s going to spawn hornets and as I said before the queen bee takes damage

Colliding with other enemies it doesn’t take damage to other bees but it does take damage to hornets and hornets we are counting as bees so this is the only way I found myself killing the queen bee with bees technically a hornet statue to kill the queen bee I didn’t even touch

The bee I didn’t even have to click my mouse once to beat this thing it was really fun to utilize this really strange mechanic and using it to my advantage now if I’m able to pull this off I will get B weapons from the queen

Bee and actually be able to use a weapon for the first time in this run and sure enough enough the queen bee has been defeated and I draw the bee gun from the queen bee I’m able to use the bee gun it shoots bees so there we have it we have

A be weapon I didn’t have to start with a be weapon I actually got one by only using bees I then fought it again and got The Beekeeper but I decided I wasn’t going to use the beekeeper cuz it’s technically not bees it’s a sword it

Does spawn bees but I didn’t want to coun it but I also made the Hornet stuff which spawns a little Hornet that shoots Stingers which I’m allowing as as a Bee weapon and then my little Hornet decided to shoot at a windy slime and spawn two

Queen bees on the surface they were both enraged but I decided to take them on I’ll take on the challenge I’ll fight two enraged queen bees at once and it took a long time lots of nurse visits I started regretting it quite a bit but eventually I did defeat both the queen

Bees in Rage and I got the bees knees which will be my main weapon I also got the honeycomb accessory which spawns bees when I get hit which is very helpful now with the bee’s knees I’m able to do proper damage I went into the dungeon and collected some bone and went

Down into a spider biome and collected some cobwebs to make some necro armor and then fought the queen bee a bunch more times and got a bunch of beades and now it’s time to make a hell bridge for the Wall of Flesh I kept accidentally breaking the L and spawning the queen

Bee it’s a very easy mistake to make now I just want to clarify that I had to use the bee’s knees with wooden arrows now it’s time to fight the Wall of Flesh so I throw the guy vo doll into the lava this should be easy bees are known to be

Very strong against the wall of flesh beades bees KN it’s all very good I Chu all the beades I can and shoot some bees KN at it throw some more beads and I mean the wall of flesh is just melting at this point I mean it’s easy it’s

Almost too easy not much else to say I’m just shooting the bees knees throwing the beades and finally the Wall of Flesh has been defeated oh my gosh we have beaten half the game with only bees on Master mode not the bees but honestly now is the hard part I have to Traverse

Through hard mode with these crappy weapons and beat all the mechanical bosses with them I smash some Demon altars I mine some Cobalt make a Cobalt Pickaxe mine some mithil make a mithil pickaxe and Anvil and then mine some titanium what’s great about the whole world being a jungle is that derpling

Spawn everywhere it’s just fantastic I love it and giant tortoises but I do make some titanium armor I head to the skies and fight a Wy or two I then headed to the underground hallow to get blocks to make an artificial surface hallow which ended up working and I was

Able to get pixie dust I got three blessed apples dude what and eventually got enough pixie dust to make pixie wings I mean what man can resist those pixie wings it oozes pure masculinity I then decided to challenge the twins it can’t be that hard right well with the be KN

It proved to be a little difficult the damage was very low and it was taking forever to kill these guys and my main issue was that I did not have a dash so once Spastische biome so so that I could get some eban Koy and after that kafuffle I decided to fight the twins again hopefully this time we can actually defeat it I start laying into it with my bees knees doing what I do best until spazmatism is down to its second phase

Now I just have to keep my distance and obviously the lack of a dash is making this quite difficult and eventually Red’s lasers knock me into spazmatism flames and that kills me I then collected a bunch of rotten chunks so that I can fight the eater worlds and

Get a worm Scar and then I once again spawn the Twins and I die Brut but this time not by the twins I actually died to the hand of a tortoise or leg I guess shell I actually decided to make a proper Arena cuz I was fighting in a

Really stupid spot and then I fight the twins again and die by an eye laser once again I fight the Twins and die to spazzes Flames this is not going well turns out that the bees knees isn’t the best weapon against the twins who would have thought I fight it again and died

To spazmatism I fight it again and died to spazmatism then a goblin army spawned so I have to deal with these suckers before I can spawn Skeletron Prime that’s right I switched over to Skeletron Prime why did I decide to fight Skeletron Prime over the twins I’m

Not quite sure but it was actually going pretty well I know how to fight Skeletron Prime is’s actually pretty easy to me and I should probably fight him first more often but I just keep shooting my bee’s knees at him keeping my distance doing damage to the hands

And there’s not much else to say but I defeated skeleton Prime with a bit of time to spare but that was much easier than the twins the problem is the mech bosses don’t really really drop anything I can use except for Hall bars and I simply just don’t have enough to do

Anything with them I then fought the destroyer and died brutally and I fought him again and died brittly again but having defeated skeleton Prime I went over to the Jungle the actual jungle not the jungle that plagues my life and I found a life fruit that I could go to

The Shimmer and turn into an agis fruit for a little bit of extra defense now hopefully with this defense we can actually defeat The Twins I was wrong I still am getting ruined by the twins although I did get spazmatism very low I fought the twins again and died to

Spazmatism once again I mean I’m a broken record at this point it just keeps happening but this time around I actually defeated spazmatism and now all that’s left is R ner and I’ve gotten R ner down pretty low but then he combos me so hard with his lasers I don’t know

Why exactly and I died with him with 6,000 Health left that was a dagger that hurt a lot I then took a slight detour and decided to fight the queen slime now this fight is not too easy I got her a second phase but she ended up killing me

I fought her again and this time it was going pretty well I was keeping my distance making sure the bees were killing the queen slime servant until Queen slime got to second phase and now I’m just keeping my distance making sure I’m ducking and weaving between the

Projectiles and she’s super low but I’m not looking too healthy and the queen slam has been defeated and I died right as she did and so that gave me two armor pieces that I wanted but the unfortunate thing about the queen slam is you have to defeat her multiple times to get the

Full set so that’s exactly what I did I beat her a second time and got the pieces that I needed and also got a new Mount now we have a new set of armor and I’m going to use this against the twins because this set of armor actually gives

You a dash and since I’m not letting myself use the shield of cthulu it is the only way I can dash at least for now and the mobility is so much better I’m able to stay away from the twins so much easier it’s insane how much one dash can

Change a fight so drastically so I just keep with Ling them down doing as much damage with the bees knees as possible and I’m able to actually keep my distance from spazmatism Flames much much easier it feels fantastic I can also just dodge right out of the way of

His dashes and spazmatism has been defeated and now all that’s left is R ner and I mean r ner is just textbook at this point I’m just dashing between his lasers making light work of this boss and the twins have finally been defeated after so many attempts finally all I

Needed was a freaking Dash and now only one mechanical boss remains and I’m not entirely sure how I’m going to defeat it with attempts like this where I’m getting destroyed instantly I have no idea but I did make halard with the H bars that I did get I then did some

Mimic farming and got a bee cloak now I decided that I could just cheese this Boss by using the star cloak method where I’m a bit above the destroyer and just let the Stars rain down with a slime statue and just kill him with the star cloak and it worked like a charm

The Destroyer have been defeated with the star cloak and the jungle grows restless but to be honest with you I was not satisfied with that I don’t like cheesing when I don’t have to so instead of using a star cloak I decided to go down and mine some chlorified while I

Was there and I mined some titanium which I then shimmered into oricalcum and made a full oricalcum set now oricalcum helps a ton with the Destroyer because the pedals Pierce infinitely I’m able to use them to do much damage to the Destroyer now the problem with this

Is that probes spawn very quickly and they quickly overwhelmed me but this time around I’m using a lot more defense and making sure that I can tank hits and it’s going a lot smoother I’m taking out the probes without taking too much damage I’m staying away from the destroyer’s head making sure the

Oricalcum pedals are piercing straight through the Destroyer all I have to do is connect my bees into the destroyer and the pedals will do the work and it was working like a charm I mean I was destroying him after a bit the probes really Whittle down and they’re really

Not that much of an issue anymore I did decide to fight this on a full moon so they are werewolves which is quite annoying it didn’t really affect anything too much and I defeated the Destroyer a second time but this time actually legitimately without cheesing it and then went around looking for my

Final life fruits and then the Pirates spawn these guys are kind of annoying but at least I have a weapon that I can do some damage to them I guess a little bit I’m still using a pretty hard mode weapon keep in mind eventually a Flying Dutchman comes out and I’m just doing

Like no damage to it and eventually I die but after a long and painful fight the Pirates have finally been defeated and after finishing up my life Fruit hunt I cleared out an arena for plant teror which I actually used the same place where I beat the queen bee a big

Open beehive and now it’s time to spawn plant teror is this Arena big enough I’m not entirely convinced but you know what why the hell not let’s try now I fought this boss with weaker weapons honestly the damage here isn’t terrible now I decided to try and use the B traps a

Little bit to maybe do some extra damage it really didn’t do that much was not worth it at all but yeah I’ve done worse against PL Tera this damage isn’t awful um it’s something but yeah it’s not great this this fight’s taking forever the bees are doing like 1 to two damage

The contact is like 20 to 70 damage but yeah the bees aren’t doing anything and after a long winded first phase I finally Whitted her down to second phase now this is where it gets tricked because this is going to take a long time and second phase is much harder

Than first but I have just enough space to kite her and make sure that I don’t take too much damage I am wearing Turtle armor which obviously means I’m doing much less damage but it means I take much less damage and finally plant Tera has been defeated that was a very

Long-winded fight and planta actually drops the one other weapon I can use in this play through the WASP gun this is the only other B weapon technically they wasp but we’ll count it they look like bees now it’s a magic weapon so I’m going to have to switch my whole class

To Mage all of a sudden and it’s not known as the best weapon in the game honestly it’s good at crowd control and it’s good at killing a bunch of enemies but it’s kind of weak for single targets but it was really nice that planta dropped it first try and I didn’t have

To beat it again I then made a Celestial emblem and I went over to the post planta dungeon with no Mana boosts no Mana armor in an attempt to get some ectoplasma I kill a few paladins and Bone Lees a blue armored bones dropped a jungle key which I guess I’m kind of

Surprised it took this long to get one but it’s useless I got a few tabies but no black belt another Tabby dude that’s four tabbies I end up getting a Paladin’s Shield before I even get a black belt and eventually I finally got the black belt and made some master

Ninja gear now the was gum with the Spectre Armor is actually doing some decent damage got a sorcerer emblem a Celestial emblem and then the Pirates decided to spawn again which is really annoying but this time I have a weapon that can actually destroy them so they’re going to regret their life

Choices they are not going to steal my booty now it’s time to find the lizard temple to fight the Golem now traversing my way around the temple around all these Hive blocks is kind of cringe but eventually I make my way into it the lizard Temple’s actually like kind of

Green it’s weird looking and one of the bees from my wasp gun decide to spawn the queen bee on its own Val fantastic and a spiky ball trap is killing me while I’m fighting her and I end up dying so let’s try that again and there’s more Beast spawns and more and

More Queen Beast spawns and after destroying the queen bee population it’s now time to fight that’s right the torch God yeah I decided to fight the torch God I wanted the right biome torches for this fight and now it’s time to fight the Golem now the WASP gun was kind of

Shredding him the Wasps were hitting all his Parts destroying his face although they didn’t really give me a whole lot of space to work with in this Arena they gave me not much at all there’s no vertical space here but that’s fine Golem is easy I just had to keep dashing

Back and forth continuing to shoot my wasps and eventually his head detaches from his body and then very soon after the Golem Falls to me that pathetic little slime ball he is nothing even with the odds turned against me with a smaller Arena now it’s time to fight the

Lunatic cultist this boss should be no problem although once he spawns his clones my wasp gun decided to go into the wrong one and and spawn a dragon big mistake but when the next one came around I made sure to quickly use my bees knees because I could actually

Control where those go and crisis averted I just have to keep doing that I continue to do damage and making sure that I’m hitting the right lunatic cultist when he clones himself but once he does it again my bees quickly hit the wrong one and there’s a dragon once

Again but the Dragon Gets absolutely shredded by my wasp gun it’s really no problem I then shot the wrong one again and there are now three clones of him and then I hit the wrong one again this situation is where this boss fight gets quickly quickly out of hand and so I

Actually died to lunatic cultist which doesn’t happen much but these Wass were sabotaging me you don’t understand they were sabotaging me I kind of forgot about some other bosses so I decided to fight the Empress of Light how could I forget about her now the damage isn’t

Too bad I’ve seen worse Mage is obviously annoying in the fact that I have to be conscious about my Mana usage but you know I just press one button when I’m out of Mana it’s pretty simple I don’t use the maniflow because what you can’t press one button Mage uses

When they have to press a button am I right Gamers why just contined using my wasp gun it’s homing so I don’t really even have to aim too much although aiming ahead of her is preferred I just keep doing damage we pumping her with my

Bees as The Beekeeper it’s what I do the bees don’t command me I command them they don’t attack me anymore the bees are one with me eventually the empress light gets the second phase and I mean this boss is no problem for me me I’ve got a second phase before halfway

Through the night so time should be of no issue also I have the Spectre Hood which allows me to life steal in a pinch so I can just switch over to the hood if I need a bunch of Health this obviously means I have less Mana which is quite

Annoying and I do much less damage but the life steal is very epic and I just keep pumping her and dodging where I can slipping through her attacks and the Empress of light has been defeated with only a wasp gun and the reason I fought her was purely for the SW ining Insignia

I mean the wings would have been nice but I didn’t get them and now I decided to fight Duke fishron now apparently you can spawn him in the ocean even though it’s honey now Duke should be fine with Master ninja gear and a homing weapon the damage isn’t phenomenal but it’s not

Bad I continue keeping my distance dashing when he dashes I get him down to second phase a shark NATO spawns on me and does quite a lot of damage the one problem with being a mage is that you take a lot of damage you take a lot of

Damage and you just don’t do as much damage as Summoners do I don’t really know why you’d be a mage besides for fun or out of no other option like me Duke fish run gets to its Final Phase it keeps disappearing and dashing into me

And when I say dashing into me I mean dashing into me because he dashed into me multiple times and I got ruined we challenge him again get him down to the Final Phase once again and I die again okay this fight might be harder than I

Thought well maybe I’m just bad I get him down to the Final Phase once again these dashes are doing Mad damage to me I don’t know why I’m struggling so hard right now at Duke fishron us usually his no problem and I’ll do this without even getting hit sometimes but here it was

Actually causing me issues and I died again with him down to 2,000 health I challenge him again and I get him down to as little as 350 Health this is getting insane now I don’t know why I’m struggling so hard at Duke fish run this doesn’t usually happen I swear I’m just

Having an off day I died to Duke again mind you these fights are kind of long these fights are taking minutes and me dying at the end is just it’s heartbreaking it hurts I died again I get him down the Final Phase again I’m doing damage I get him down to as little

As 74 Health before I die freaking 70 Health this is insane he was on 74 Health he was one shot and finally I get him down to Final Phase I’m dodging where I need to I’m learning from my mistakes and finally Duke fishron has been defeated I don’t know why it was

That hard it’s not usually that hard but there we have it and now it’s time to fight the lunatic cultist and as soon as I spawn him a solar eclipse spawns just typical that that’s just typical so while I’m fighting him there solar eclipse enemies on the floor it’s just

It’s just so great I just love it and there’s vampires flying at me it’s so epic I learned from my past mistakes and I shot the right lunatic cultist every time I made sure to use the bee’s knees to single out the correct lunatic cultist hoping that a random Rogue bee

Won’t hit the wrong one he then spawned the Clones earlier than I anticipated and the Wyn spawned at the same time he just wanted to jump in on the fun and you know along with solar eclipse and lunatic cultist just add on to it but I

Hit the right one on the next one and on the next one and just like that the lunatic ctist has been defeated and now it’s just the celestial pillars now the was gun makes this not too hard as I said it’s pretty good at crowd control so it doesn’t have too much trouble

Killing them and with my Spectre Hood I can just leech life if I need to I get the pillar shield down I died once but finally killed the Stardust pillar I then headed over to the solar pillar I’m going to cheese it but I decided to

Cheese it near a sky island which meant that enemies were just spawning up there and they killed me multiple times but eventually I got it right and I cheesed the pillar to completion and the solar pillar has been defeated now I go over to the vortex pillar this one I just

Brute Force I go in Kill the enemies die kill a bunch more destroy the pillar and that’s that and now it’s the final pillar the nebula pillar probably the hardest one but I ended up actually doing it without dying once the enemies were fine the WASP gun dealt with them

Perfectly and I destroy the pillar and now the moon Lord approaches will the was gun be able to defeat the moon Lord with no issues or will this take multiple attempts now this is a pre Golem weapon against the moon Lord which means it’s not going to be great but honestly I’ve

Done worse I’m chipping away at his hands and shooting at the eye whenever it’s open textbook Moon Lord stuff now a big problem with the moon Lord fight is that he disables you from doing any leeching so my strategy of using the hood is completely complet negated

Because of the leech debuff and I’ve Whitted him down quite a bit but I end up hitting the top of a sky island right at the worst point when the death ray comes out and that ends up killing me so super angry at that stupid Sky Island I

Decided to clear it out with a bunch of dynamite and I spawned the moon Lord once again same strategy here I’m just shooting the eyes shooting his attempt to leech my life and shooting the top highe when it’s open I don’t want him get heals off and my Hing weapon does a

Good job at destroying those most the time some sometimes the bees decide not to attack it now this is taking a long time I’m just shooting this wasp gun regening my Mana or using a Mana potion and then just repeating I’ve got both the hand eyes very low at this point and

I don’t want to destroy them because the top eye is not quite there yet and I don’t want the true I C through those out yet so I keep going but eventually my bees actually destroy both the hand eyes without my permission they went against me I may be The Beekeeper but

Sometimes they just don’t listen to me they have minds of Their Own they have free will it’s the way I like it but eventually the top eye has been carved out and now it’s just the core I then get hit by some eyeballs and it freaking

Ruins me I get down to as little as 30 Health but I realize that I don’t have the leech debuff so I switch to the hood and get as much health as I can until that debuff shows up and now I’m in a much healthier range I keep my distance

With the master ninja gear and my soaring Insignia dodging where I can using the whole world as my platform I destroy the leeches whenever I can if the bees decideed to listen to me and actually go where I want them to and after a long 6-minute fight with the

Moon Lord he has been defeated and we are the victors of Terraria Master mode not the bees but with only bees very stupid idea I don’t know why I did it but yeah that’s it I hope you guys enjoyed I hope you guys had fun watching

Because I sure didn’t have fun with this playthrough it was Dreadful I hate not the bees this sucked especially in the beginning it took so long to get anywhere because I had to do not the bees without a weapon up until queen beat I hope you guys enjoyed my

Suffering if you did hit that subscribe button we’re trying to hit 100,000 subscribers don’t forget appreciate you all see you in the next Video

I decided to do Master Mode Not the Bees secret seed with only Bees. This means I had to use the bee enemies to do all my damage until queen bee, and then I was finally able to get some bee weapons. This was done without any mods, completely vanilla, and with no starting weapons. Can I beat the Moon Lord and triumph this absolutely absurd challenge and awful terrain with such insane self limiting challenges? Happy Easter!

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#terraria #bees #mastermode


  1. Try the no traps seed starting with no tools, 100 hp only, master mode, zero defense and you will definitely enjoy amd not want to poke your eyes out your eye sockets

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