Can I Beat Terraria Master Mode Only Using the Zapinator?

It’s definitely been a while snaper only but it’s only if I get it because the criteria for the G zaper is just killing one boss and then if the TR Merchants caring enough they’ll spawn in what what happen here which causes 17 gold at they grind for this and that I’m basically

Playing the game normally it’s like it’s happen here I am running a couple mods just because number one for the sake of convenience and number two just because I want the game to look a little better I’m not exactly sick of no area I just

Thought I’m on a PC I actually use mods I’ll kill you in a second but for a second convenience I’m just R to kill mods because I don’t want to be here for like hours on end like faros for instant elevators instant houses Etc cuz I’ve

Done this time and time again to the point where it’ll just get boring for everyone and myself but for the most part I’m just have to play the game normally and do my typical thing which is first kill a damn slime secondly make housing I mean IMM mediate housing as such

This is not cheating I’ll be stuck here doing this every single time so be better if it’ll just completely pull out of my ass as a typical start in Terraria what would I do is immediately head Direction and then hope to gu I find a

Cave and not um crimson and that I do not know how to explain myself and why I’ve been gone for a long time like I was alive I was here at my home I just did not feel like streaming or making any videos like if I wasn’t streaming

I’d definitely be like editing videos and just posting on YouTube but but I guess I just did not have a lot more passion to do it until I realized I don’t have anything else to do may as well just stream [ __ ] in the background and just see how it goes maybe I’ll make

It to a full video maybe not I don’t know it depends I’m going do this for fun but considering I actually enjoy Terraria and I don’t enjoy getting hornswaggled by two different people but is what is my bad also I am [ __ ] what do I do here hope are they like close

Okay they’re close thank you but yeah I guess now I have the courage wait is that kson yeah it is uh what’s the first thing I should really just do um they they foiled my plans oh no the issue is how do I Le uhoh they’re they’re finding their

Way in um listen first objective grab everything sell as much as they possibly can defeat a boss as quick as I can probably King Slime I don’t know it feels more proper killing him than any other boss cuz by the time I get to aulu it’ll actually be like the first boss I

Could take down while I was saying like oh W actually what the [ __ ] no ooh Life Crystal immediate boost now it’s such an awkward situation cuz I have no idea what to commentate it’s just early game Terraria where I’m just going to constantly die a lot to get what the

Hell I need what is even what hey hey well this awkward oh no why did I do this well at least I know how [ __ ] I am I’m going to hope this area actually has something for me there’s a black slim here too I didn’t even see him yeah

They’re so hard to see and I’m going to die to everything else cu the planets are run away and not die to a [ __ ] Dart trap what a fairy thank God at least it’s something like at least I know that I’m not hopeless that it’s only a matter

Of getting to it which is somehow really [ __ ] hard to get to it and ban regeneration honestly be happy to have something but like what the hell oo at least there’s something but I’m going to die getting to something I can’t even see dude there’s another section here too

Finally there’s something worthwhile I need a to pass I need a to pass immediately I need immedately immedately immed immed immed grab everything damn it we are coming out with a decent Hall I can actually make a grapping hook too if I’m being honest I should probably do

That right godamn now nothing’s going to stop me besides of [ __ ] word okay you know what no finally something was some progress was made it’s not worthless I have have Banner generation it’s definitely useful I swear well I mean it is useful but that’s all I got I need way more than

That I didn’t see this this is actually not bad at all anymore we’re actually finding things we’re actually finding big things finally we have actual progression we go all right to find another [ __ ] chest what’s in here something that I can sell cuz why am I

Using a play gun like w we actually have boots in a b generation like we’re actually getting somewhere I just murdered the mouse a skeleton wait what we’re actually fighting a lot now this is weird like this is definitely not plan okay o what what is going

On we’re going to ignore this it’s a great risking there’s two of them normally I find one but why is there two and a camp with the mace and a Bart yo and some Life Crystals there’s one on the right side too wait what why am I finding so many things this is

Unbelievable but I have to kill her first I she get something El this which is not hard to do at all well it wasn’t hard to do until everything and everyone came by wait no where is she going I can be told again this is going

Way too well now like this went from [ __ ] to actually really good I already have like basically enough to buy what I need to buy but I mean I can’t buy it yet until I actually progress so doesn’t really matter I should go back actually yeah you know what just for my safety

But yeah I actually have like a decent haul now like what the hell and I don’t Godly and it’s why is this going so well I actually don’t get it it should not be going that well but it really is there is one thing I can do that definitely

Feels like cheating but I don’t want to spend like [ __ ] 10 minutes or even 30 just going down one hole there you go yeah this definitely does feel like cheating but at the same time I really don’t want to be here for now hour so that froze the [ __ ] out the

Game oh well that’s very convenient well now I need to go back up all right so in theory if I do Beat King Slime which I definitely should if I don’t I might be killing myself self in game if I kill King slam then I’m probably have to make

A bed sleep throughout all multiple [ __ ] nights and wait for TR Merchant to spawn in and the see if pce happened here then the play through actually begins no BL fly no get out of there he’s dodging oh my God now you’re just cheating one few things I actually fight

At night time or at least close to it which means I won’t be able to see [ __ ] which reminds me I didn’t Place campfires or torches so I won’t be able to actually see anything unless I place him down mid fight which I may as well

Do okay now what’s a threshold oh I was about to say like what is a threshold so in D it shouldn’t be really that hard it’s hard now it’s it’s it’s a very hard boss fight now this wasn’t the exact play so I have one shot at this okay got

It I’m being juggled this is a very unforeseen circumstance WAOW I should probably use a [ __ ] umbrella if I’m going to do that like it’s not exactly a bad tactic to get them off me uh so if I’m being honest I don’t want to be down here not one [ __ ]

Bit I’m going to [ __ ] die like unironically I might actually die I don’t know where he is is is a cursor point on him too so I don’t know how I don’t know where he is here okay I shouldn’t die in theory he’s at 200 he should be dead anytime soon right right

Right maybe please die faster I’m a little worried I’m a little worried I’m a little worried I’m a little worried he died thank God why was I actually worried every a second I even have melt actually should probably like look this up was I even the [ __ ] criteria I have to break

Once after I culu is defeated that’s very interesting so I’m really playing the game normally until I God damn It all right this time the hype is now more worth it I need to actually kill you King slam was just a [ __ ] Jester this time for sure he’s angry now oh no what do I do about this scenario all right next time it’s going to go even crazier these under

Thresold what the hell I’m being juggled now I ran out oh what huh oh uh uh make more I guess how did I run out mid fight that’s actually crazy he’s going even more crazier we have to stop this man immediately I can’t but I cannot hit him anymore

Like he just keeps going crazy this time we actually have a shot I getting this Happ in there you know what I feel like boasting a little Bit wait a minute he’s here but does he oh whoops does he have it whoops again does he have it let’s go so it begins I got this Z inat here I didn’t expect to get first try all right well that’s great all right now it’s literally nothing more but zapping just zapping

From now on now I have a mage I actually like certain Mage [ __ ] unfortunately I I get that until I be a brain so you know what that means we got to go kill a brain it might be broken great [ __ ] factor or alternatively I can actually

Win and not cry about it have nothing to worry about this is getting really fast why why is it in here what what oh this this is definitely broken or right like where is it going half the time this is not my first time using it

But this is one of the few times I’m actually like genuinely using it and looking at its features what is it doing it has a [ __ ] mind of its own I like it like yeah like yeah it makes no sense but that’s the joy of it like what where

Did it go that time and S H like a [ __ ] truck also this cave is weird I’m just not realizing it yeah yeah this game is kind of weird this one of the few times where it’s actually like widening out and there’s also random blocks in the middle which normally it

Never has blocks in the middle at all this is really interesting did just hit pots what the [ __ ] is this [ __ ] doing half time I why is the cave different cuz why is it so wide I never seen a crimson cave this wide before like sure they’re usually a little wide but that’s

There it’s just never this wide I swear this would be really good if I’m playing legendary cuz the creepers are just a lot more spread out call me crazy but I feel I can take it on right now actually know what I really need is [ __ ]

Manaow which I think I can get in Pre hard mode which I definitely need if I’m going to do anything with a mage weapon until I get meteor armor so cuz meteor armor works with the Zer so I need the Nature’s gift and I need a [ __ ] tinker’s workshop how crazy is that

Teleport ah uh again I guess okay I a dou jump now oh I guess we’re done here and now I need the workshop which I have to [ __ ] wait for so wait that’s enough to trigger it yep okay I it can poison me it can give me Darkness it can give

Me a lot of things actually ow I’m just taking a lot more of this every I got slowness like it matters yep that definitely wasn’t need this definitely isn’t needed dude oh no well that’s great [ __ ] SL this that’s great everything like it gave me that damage on the blood crawler but

Not okay why I don’t remember being that hard I was like you give me that much you gave me 99 damage on the blood car well granted there was a banner but like still that was actually really difficult like he really did number on me that time all right well we don’t

Need the armor we definitely just need the meteor set which we’ll have to wait but there is one thing stand oh what the [ __ ] bye I guess deathbringer pickaxe and the last thing not a meatball wait what okay I’m happy need what the hell is the meat it’s a

Flail brains down which means we just have to wait for goblins and the meteor because I have nothing else to do besides [ __ ] sit here wait oh that was fast the [ __ ] all already beat three bosses dos a really rough start but it was anything but

Rough it was actually pretty good we had [ __ ] little progress zapper is golded I’m going to end it here I’ll definitely continue this probably tomorrow I don’t know I have a random schedule maybe tomorrow cuz I’m actually fun with this like what the [ __ ] this thing is

Actually unly fun to shoot it’s just random M of damage just being given to you but I’m going to end it here and we can just continue this somay tomorrow or probably day after I don’t know depends how feeling but that that will be it for

Today and the end of my return because after three or two [ __ ] months it’s still two months on YouTube about to be three actually nothing but actually it could be three let me check up not three months okay I might make a video about this as well but at least I got the

Stream out the way at least I have the clarifications that I’m still alive just that I don’t know what to do video games nowadays are you know in the grayest state but enough R bling I’ll end it here and whoever the hell is watching or anyone’s watching that’s my [ __ ] go I’ll see

You when I see You

Can I Beat Terraria Master Mode Only Using the Zapinator?
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