i secretly traded with BLOCKS in Minecraft…

This is me trading with a diamond block yep you heard me right because in this video I can trade with every single block in Minecraft from meas dirt to even bedrock and my aim is to use the custom items I get from those blocks to beat my friends in the final battle so

Let’s go for 10,000 likes and enjoy the video all right boys we’ve got 45 minutes and then we fight to the death just got to collect everything we can yay yeah you don’t have to be here if you don’t want to let’s go oh yes Henry

Please come back I kind of miss him already but I think we’re out of a shot hello guys can you hear me okay no we’re good now that they can’t hear me I can actually talk about what all this is so you can trade with blocks but right now

If I right click this block or I try and trade with this block there’s nothing I can do it’s just a block because what I need to do is craft a Trader which involves two sticks and an emerald there’s a village right there but does it have an emerald is the question

Because even if it doesn’t I can probably just collect stuff and trade it with the Villagers yeah I’ll be able to trade with a farmer but we will check all the chests first no chest okay but there’s a book that’ll be good for later but we will collect this smelting

Furnace get out of my way ooh actually if I break you and place it down a couple of times can you give me an emerald what come back come on give me a better trade yes and 22 carrots that’s too much man you need to be cheaper

Cheaper let’s break all this right now what do I get there’s no way I get 22 carots or anything near that all right okay got one more chest to check oh okay Emerald nice okay that’s good now we make sticks boom boom boom emeralds there we are Trader wand now look

Literally any block I want right click it and then I can trade with it one Emerald for raw iron there we are what are you giving me gray concrete powder golden nuggets Al is just random items on random blocks silverfish spawn egg okay that sucks what about wood ooh okay

That’s huge we can trade wood for emeralds so we’re just going to get a load of wood right here yes now turn all of that into planks and I can just get six emeralds just like that and we’ll see what we can get from this bad boy a

Load Stone okay that’s just terrible I want to check hay bales come here buddy boom boom one Emerald for bread hey wait that sucks you can get three it makes it so everything’s insta break are you kidding me oh that’s cool wait this is all insta break now wait

Does it work with everything so if I want to oh my goodness oh my goodness I can then break everything with my fist that’s really cool I just don’t want to do it with blocks that might not let me do it I don’t want to do it with

Diamonds or iron and stuff cuz it might just not give it to me there we are that’s good I’ll take it oh wait I can do this though we’ll do it on all this wood if it works come on please let this work and then we’ll leave one to trade

With oh my goodness that’s so much quicker boom I made nine crafting tables so you guys get annoyed with me because that’s just quite funny and just like that we’ve got plenty of food Bingo and the super slow stone tools right so we’ve checked Cobblestone Cobblestone is

Once again just ran netherite hoe okay that’s pretty funny but I’m not going to do it instead we’re just going to get a load of emeralds there we are this piece of wood how many does that give us that gives us 13 emeralds okay that’ll be

Enough for now that’ll be plenty now I just need to find a cave oh wait no check water ice Arrow like seven of them and then what was this water boots okay plus three AR that’s these are diamond boots okay we’re actually going to take

Them off for now cuz if they see me with them they’re going to know something’s up oh my God I can get so many more emeralds right that should be good for now 17 emeralds and a dream oh do you know what we should do we should bring

Extra wood with us just in case hang on a minute Henry’s fishing what a weirdo okay well it’s turning to night I’ve spent enough time faffing about I need to find a cave Stone piglin spawn we can do some trading with that is that that was just a lucky trade and now copper

Dragon’s breath okay copper as per usual is completely useless Cole gives a pink Shuler box a boat just random stuff again it’s all rubbish I need to think of ores that are actually good like diamonds gold lapis goat spawn egg yikes yeah we just need to go caving now we

Need to find oh iron yes is that like a pet Golem oh my goodness it is isn’t it oh my I’ll take two of them oh my goodness that is huge and what do water boots do does that me walk on water lava oh there we are lava block and I trade

With lava helmet oh sweet we just got two pieces of armor out of nowhere fire resistance oh that’s huge wait so far I’ve literally got three armor bars from doing nothing and this is an actual block now so I can’t take damage from it that’s oh no that was a light okay buddy

We can get a bow from you let’s do do that thank you and then we can use our ice arrows I have no idea what they do at least this cave is leading so oh wait full damage I don’t take full damage nice okay ooh wait oh it just works with

Regular ores oh that’s actually quite bad that’s really bad actually okay that means I don’t think it’s going to work with deep slate diamonds yeah I don’t think it is oh man so if I oh I need to find rarer diamonds simply because of that yeah we found diamonds and it’s not

Even going to work oh that’s annoying that big means I’m going to be a bit less stacked than I wanted to that’s fine though ooh creepers yeah I want to get these creepers if I get enough creepers no no don’t explode nice there’s one that’s two gunpowder oh wow

That hurts I should have made a shield before I did this right we’re going to kill this creeper okay there we are another gunpowder that’s huge if we get TNT we can get something insane oh my goodness I’m getting low oh and gold or yes and Lapis or these are good I need

To trade with these blocks okay gold door boom you you’re kidding me just bought four golden apples I don’t even care is that it oh you can retrade Golden Apple golden carrot okay so it’s just golden stuff so is kind of useless other than the golden apple I

Got bread I don’t need golden carrots and is this just hostile Golem spawn eggs okay yeah so it’s just our little pet Golems that’s huge though we have four golden apples right off the bat there we are how many is that one more gunpowder and we can make a TNT if we

Get the sand oh and a bow oh you know what I’m going to quickly test this ice bow I don’t know what this does boom Oh that’s sick oh my goodness that’ll work on the other players okay it does melt though there’s an Enderman here as well this is

Good and we are heading up and please what do you give me lapis ooh get some XP bottles is that all you get me not to sound ungrateful or anything but is that it just making sure okay 32 XP bottles that’ll be enough okay yeah we’re going

To smelt up iron and just make some more armor because I don’t know this is this might be the only armor we get oh we can go to the nether as well okay this is huge and come on creeper give me a gunpowder oh my goodness that’s it

That’s it we’re making a TNT we’re going to be able to trade with the TNT block and there we are let’s make a let’s make leggings and boom boom yes a shield okay perfect all right now we’re going to be safer okay okay okay buddy I understand that you’re angry but it’s

Okay nice ender pearl oh that is huge that is huge oh those diamonds back there I should definitely go back for them cuz at least with that I can make an enchantment table oh my goodness oh my goodness that was so close I was Lally just trying to

Trade with a lava block can I figure out if there’s I knew it lava shield and lava Helm are you kidding me that’s sick go on and you’re on fire go on set yourself on fire I dare you go on idiot oh my goodness it works even with projectiles that’s so

Sick oh shoot okay at least it’s something we’re just making a iron pickaxe give me a diamond boom I didn’t even try to trade with it oh my goodness wait wait okay yeah yeah that makes me feel better okay cool cool cool I think I think I’ve just been an idiot there but

That’s fine oh I know I’m just slowly thinking of more and more blocks let’s do a water bucket and we can make some obsidian surely there’s something good from obsidian finding a lava pool just for some reason in these newer versions is just getting harder and harder unless

I don’t take any fall damage I can just run and jump as much as I like okay this is taking me way down oh no it’s just regular lava are you kidding me I can just run straight through this as well doesn’t even hurt me nice oh wow even if

They get fire aspect there’s just nothing okay Henry only just got armor that is H ooh Diamond wait let’s check it okay yeah that’s what I thought so does absolutely nothing deep slate diamond is useless but you can’t trade with it and I’m guessing it’s the same

For y same for deep slate okay right we just need to go further up and it’ll be harder to find those diamonds but it’ll be so much more rewarding there’s a chance we could get full diamond or something ridiculous from that and here we are obsidian okay yeah now we’re

Talking boom what what obsidian’s not overpowered knowledge book what is a knowledge book where did my knowledge go knowledge work what it just eats my Emerald did I gain any knowledge that’s pretty useless I have got an idea never dig straight down but it doesn’t matter I’ve got fire resistance and no fall

Damage come here come here Bedrock okay nice okay okay I can only trade with one oh if this does what I think it does I think this does something insane I don’t think it just works as a totem oh my goodness I could bait one of the other

Two to use it oh if this works how I think it does where it encases you then we can actually bait them to use it if not we just give them a tot and we take a massive L but who cares look at me they’re going to get absolutely

Destroyed anyway ooh spawner hello there get out of here buddy boy you give me anything good no you’re terrible but just a casual spawner is it going to be a pig spawner Now isn’t it yep there we are and free Iron okay and cuz we want

To get out of here quicker we can just swim out baby oh sweet okay right that’s good now I need to start looking for proper diamonds ooh oh please please tell me I’m not being stupid wait first no nothing just random stuff random crap more random crap okay that’s fine okay

Amethyst amethyst please amethyst Shard no but amethyst itself oh my God that’s as good as a diamond sword you’re joking okay that was our last Emerald what sharpness eight that’s ridiculous I was fully not expecting it to be that insane so this should one hit kill this

Skeleton boom oh wow okay it’s not even that op Jesus well we’re here we should probably collect a load of emeralds come on how many can we get boom 16 24 and you can get out of here bye-bye buddy so this does more Dam what it just gains

Sharpness wait wait wait wait does it gain sharpness with every kill I get oh my wait come here sharpness n sharpness 10 oh my God there’s a load of zombies here oh I shouldn’t have broken that spawner sharpness 10 right this is going to be my hidden sword I’m

Not going to use it I’m going to yeah I tell you I’m going to throw them off I’m going to make a diamond sword so they’re going to think oh he’s got a diamond sword and weird helmet and stuff and they’re oh yeah whatever I’ll put the

Lava shield on oh yeah that’ll be good that’ll be really good uh I’m going to go to the nether but I’m going to do that up on Surface actually I want to find at least one Diamond Billy just found diamonds okay regular lapis there that’s something okay come here let’s

Upgrade my sword oh it’s done upgrading I’ve killed like eight Mobs with that now and it’s stayed on sharpness 11 okay well sharpness 11 is insane here we are be bottles ooh enchantment table that is what I was looking for you know what I don’t even

Need those piglin eggs they can go the only thing I would potentially need them for is ender pearls and I really don’t need that right now oh this is big wait can I can I trade with an enchantment table no oh that would be too good to be

True okay fair but we got an enchantment table sharpness one we are going to make a couple of bows and maybe sharpness yep sharpness two we’re getting oh my goodness okay power power power and power we’re going to be able to make Power Three that’ll shred especially

With with the ice arrows that’s so funny also enchant the water boots feather falling one well that’s just rendered useless protection aqua affinity all right whatever protection and aqua affinity all right that’s good that’s good if I’m not finding any regular diamonds come on this is so annoying at

Least you just need a regular or Diamond but if I’m not finding them I might as well go to the nether oh okay easy lava pool okay oh actually I’ve got an idea let’s do this there we are and we just go here turn all of these obsidian

Blocks yes into instant break blocks oh I love the way this works six obsidian oh yeah okay now we just need to stay in this kind of area I just need to find diamonds but you know what if that’s not going to happen yeah screw it

We’re just going to do this here two three boom boom and there we are there’s our nether portal I need to set this bad boy on fire and a Booyaka here we are come on okay Soul Sand you give me nothing nope nothing okay Netherrack you also give me nothing cave

Spider spawn egg could be quite funny let’s get a couple of them bones Nothing Gold what this is trash quartz husk spawn egg okay fine whatever uh where was that do you know what buddy go away actually just go away you’re going to die you’re going to regret this told you

Idiot oh my yep thank you ender pearls May spider spawn eggs let’s get a couple more of them that’s really funny and now oh do I just give it up in the nether oh check a magma block okay it’s just stuff that you use in the nether like oh yeah

I think carrot on a stick used for those guys nice that’s a funger on a stick it’s just useless and ne’s crap okay cool at least that’s something and we’re back we’ve got 5 minutes left and I still haven’t found a diamond so that’s not fun this Bedrock totem I really hope

This does what I think it does come on boys show me the diamonds there’s got to be I’m literally just looking everywhere on the ceiling for a regular diamond keep finding the wrong diamonds another Diamond though okay we might be able to make a chest plate if worse comes to

Worse Bedrock nice using Bedrock to get out of things now apparently that’s the world I’ve come to I hate how complicated caves are getting oh diamonds regular oh yes regular okay we’ll bridge over with some Bedrock no we won’t I’m just not going to waste it

I want to freak them out with that later the moment of truth how many is this oh oh okay okay we don’t need this one that is useless to us we have got seven diamonds so we can make diamond leggings if worse comes to worse but diamond leggings

Oh my goodness you’re joking and Diamond Helmet what does a super pickaxe do okay we break them oh it just destroys everything oh that’s so much better I have building blocks sweet okay out of here chest plate boom Diamond chest plate oh yes and there we go you know

What we’re actually going to we’re going to throw them off I was going to get leggings as well and just be ridiculously overpowered I prefer the idea of them thinking that I’m less of a threat time’s up okay we head up to surface and then we will get teleported

Oh my oh my okay okay okay okay hello boys how are we I don’t like this what is that hry Enchanted what the hell Billy you’re you’re trash bro luk why what is that what that was so easy how is Billy dead I killed him with my power

Three bow come here now wa here I’ll make the fight even I’ll make the fight even I’m not even joking oh my God the fight’s already even I fished this bow I was fishing come here stay away from me come on yeah that’s right that’s right oh yeah you don’t like water

Huh later what dude wait here you are I’ll give you this I’ll give you this cuz this will make it more fair this this it make it more fair it make it more fair have it Bedrock totem ow Y no oh my God so much Dam

Yes what the oh my God hey hey hey hey come here come here leave me oh there’s a creeper oh man shut up up okay I’m not going to use that sword anymore it’s too op Billy was so free what was he yeah I know he’s an idiot

No oh ice Arrow baby let me helping come on big boy you want to do this wait oh my god oh it’s you yes Henry do you like my sword you like my sword oh come on oh no come here buddy yes yes destroyed where’d you get all those items I traded with

Blocks I realized there was one thing I didn’t check in the video and that was TNT so I went and collected sand and this is what you can get from Trading TNT boom what does it give me a nuke okay is that all I can get from it no

You can also get mining TNT okay um so a nuke if you place it down and then is this is this a bad idea I feel like this is a bad idea oh what about mining TNT this is definitely a bad idea didn’t even make a noise well I just felt like

Showing you this so please subscribe oh we are stuck in a bed Rock’s Bo

Minecraft, But You Can Trade With BLOCKS! (Challenge)

Instagram – @wispexe
Photo Instagram – @wisp.photos

Friends: @ShadowApples @Henwy

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  1. Now you should do a second video where you have a group of people maxing out as much as possible, utilize this data pack again!


  3. fun fact: the mod he used in this video was actually from jago's mod vid

    Edit: bro forgot that amethyst sword will only gain sharpness from xp cuz he didnt get xp bottles from lapis ore, cuz more xp = more sharpness

  4. You should release a troll modpack on Minecraft for April fools or Easter, when they find that specific block and mine it, “in hardcore mode” no editing settings, when they find the specific block, it says “congrats “specific message that says there username” then you will post it in a discord channel with private chats and tickets, then there you can verify it and give the winner 500$ for either Easter or April fools!!”or a chance to double it or nothing!”

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