Is it Possible to Beat Terraria MASTER MODE as SUMMONER?

So I think we should do something here I don’t know what it is but do something we’re fighting the brain I accidentally spawned him I didn’t know that uh breaking the orbs carried over to the brain cuz I broke two eater orbs and it carried over straight to the brain

That’s kind of crazy lowkey took a lot of damage because of it kind of not fair I ain’t going to lie to you he lowkey cheated off like 50 Health right there but it’s all good it’s the brain I should be able to beat him no problem this is honestly would be more

Embarrassing losing to the brain then it would be losing to anything else cuz the brain I still consider one of the worst ter bosses ever he’s next to the Golem but the Golem has gotten a little bit better so you know the Golem’s got that on his side it’s really easy to tell

Which one’s which because the one that has my summon Target on it is the one that’s real so he’s kind of selling himself a little bit maybe they should fix that in the future I don’t know but for me perfect there we go br insanely easy we

Have made it to the be area look at this this is sick it’s like a whole like B Kingdom be hiive I guess what kind of goodies do they got here though what y’all got for me oh okay so they got a mination straight up meaning that we

Don’t exactly have to even find the queen bee we could just spawn in our own honestly it might come to that I don’t know we’ll see like what the rest of this area is looking like but until then we’re chilling we don’t have to worry about spawning her in I wonder if

There’s any special loot or not let’s get a little bit deeper see what’s popping with the rest of this area it seems like we have a big room right here oh there’s the larvae this is not a good area to fight the queen bee if I’m being

Honest with you look at this area there’s not a lot of area to move around so I really don’t know we might have to clear this out a little bit I mean worse kindes of worse if she does beat us we have Abominations to respawn and use

Somewhere else but let me clear this area out a bit and let’s see if we can take her on I really don’t know if I could beat the queen be but we’re going to try our best here cuz I feel like our defense is a little weak but at the same

Time I actually I don’t even have anything else to say I don’t know what I was going to say at the same time what I don’t know I can do this I can throw iore at things so that’s what I’m going to try and do okay we’re going to try

And get these icore pops boom and just like that summons should go crazy go ahead summons D I’m already almost dead I got to pay attention a little bit here got to pay attention to what we’re doing we honestly not doing too bad we just got to make sure we maintain our health

Bar getting a little scary here as we get her a little bit lower she’s starting to spam way more I’m going need her to spawn in the bees yes sir and we’re going to need to get some heart drops at least one at least a single

Heart drop there we go perfect hit her with the iore which the iore is from our Squire if you’re wondering where I’m getting it from oh yeah oh yeah oh she’s feeding us with the hearts we got to be ready though she’s about to go into Dash

Mode I feel it oh she didn’t go on the dashboard she just went straight back to the bees oh and there there it goes she tried to catch my ass off off guard we’re good we’re chilling we’re chilling Dodge it out Dodge it out finish strong

Now finish strong now we got a potion coming Dodge it out oh my God we got our potion popped and now just finish her off finish her off finish her off bro finish her off Jesus that got a little scary I ain’t going to lie to you she

Was moving way faster than I was able to cooperate with but there you go she’s dead I’m going to dip out of this area cuz if I do fight her again just in case I need more stuff from her which I probably do uh we’re going to fight her

Above ground or just in a big way bigger area but there you go Queen be dead all right with the queen be dead we can go ahead and craft our next armor set now you may be like Gamers what about the obsidian set we will probably rock that

Later maybe for the wall of flesh but for now let’s make this we have exactly enough so shout out the queen bee RNG blessed us we can’t make a hornet staff though but I don’t really care it’s fine for now we got some uh Replacements as

You can see we got we got a lot of Replacements but Queen be staff let’s get her or Queen B armor boom increase summon damage we get more minions more damage is beautiful how many more minions though let’s see we got one we got two and I three maybe maybe four

Let’s see no okay just three I think this is what we’re going to rock we’re going to rock uh no flinks sorry flinks we’re going to rock this Trio and let’s see how that Trio Works uh there’s there’s also some other stuff the queen bee did drop not its accessories I don’t

Really care about these accessories but it dropped bee Queen’s Crown equipable summons a bat assistant to fight for you let’s let’s put it on and just like that we got another little thing helping us out now this does take up a summon slot cuz our thing is gone uh do I have like

A spawner test this out on something any like I culu spawners absolutely not okay I I just want to test her out on something I want to see if she actually fights like does she fight for real oh here we go go is she fighting I don’t

Know what she does oh she throws a little bucket and a little honey slime pops out multiple so she’s like something that I summon that summons things that’s kind of crazy okay I’m messing with it yeah in terms of progress I don’t even know where the

Hell we’re at oh we got a boss checklist okay we still haven’t fought the blood moon which I do want to get the frog from uh but who knows if I’ll use the Frog we’ll see and then uh there’s Old One’s Army I do want to do that Goblin

Army I do want to do of course I want to do all that we are just kind of waiting for all that stuff to happen though so there’s not much I can uh control there and waiting those well I guess we could if I went out of my way we could start

Them but honestly we might just try and do deerclops it’s either old ones Army next if I find the tavern keep or deerclops cuz I want to get my hands on a Sentry I need all the extra DPS I can get my hands on and I also never use the

Houndy Shia so it would be nice to get it early the only thing is the dick clops lowy might be a hard fight in master mode cuz like I don’t know bro I I never like deer cla’s boss fight cuz he’s so weird you have to be like very

Close to him cuz if you get far away he legit just doesn’t take damage but at the same time you can also like cheese them some way I think if you stand like underneath them in a certain way I don’t remember we’re going to figure something

Out here though we are going to fight the deerclops hopefully I can do this I lowkey tried practicing against it in a custom World another world cuz I was trying to figure out like what’s a good strategy for the deerclops and I never knew you can walk underneath his legs

The thing is you can’t Dash underneath his legs cuz for some reason with the The Shield of cthulu since it’s a weapon and you can Dash into things you bump into him even though his legs don’t have a hitbox so we’ll see how this goes here

I don’t have a lot of faith in beating it but you know you never know you never know maybe he just miraculously dies also he is one of the bosses that uh what’s it called despawns or doesn’t despawn is what I should say this is what we’re going to do we’re going to

Slide under his legs any chance I get except for when he hits me like that then that [ __ ] hurts hold up okay oh you see what I mean though with him being kind of kind of tough like this dude going to hurt you got to actually like

Figure out all his abilities and read them and also he freezes you I forgot that he freezes you oh God I set my spawn over here so if I die I can come back no problem oh [ __ ] it’s not looking good it’s not looking good it’s not

Looking good no we’re good we’re good calm down calm down now let’s get through the house keep it going we’re just going to have to take the hits is what it looks like take the hits we got 20 seconds 20 seconds we can do it oh

That [ __ ] hurt I ain’t going to lie to you we can do it hold up slide past him do a little jump okay it’s looking good it’s looking good I think this is doable let’s get in between his legs again pause I don’t know I’m just going to

Create some distance but psych I’m sliding underneath his legs do it one more time but this time let’s go far cuz yeah I had a feeling he was going to do the big one okay we can heal we’re good we’re still chilling now thing is is my

Boy here going to hook me up with the houndy shius which is the whole reason I’m fighting him I know I could get my hands on a probably even better weapon if I just go for the old ones Army but for the sake of me never using the

Houndy you shus I want to use it so cough it up my boy wait hold up is there a way that I could just just make it no okay fine that’s fine that’s fine hold up tiny deerclops we got my boy the little tiny deerclops with us but that

Gets rid of our Queen come on come on how you shooties please of course not why would it give me that okay you know what we can do though we can run it back after my potions were off and I’m going to hope and pray that he drops it this

Time cuz I only have two spawners well I guess I could buy infinite now actually do I even have a mod where people sell spawners I don’t know okay we beat him again boom please please drop what I’m looking for oh my God it’s like he dropped every single thing that I don’t

Want but this is where we’ll end this episode off I don’t how many bosses did we do we did the brain we did the Bee we did the deer cops it’s a very odd Trio but next video I think will be the video where we enter into hard mode I’m pretty

Sure cuz who do we have left we have the dungeon guardian we actually have a lot of or not dungeon guardian hell no I’m not find no dungeon guardian we actually have a lot to do uh in terms of equipment be at Skeletron and then Wall of Flesh and then there’s I still

Haven’t done the Goblins or old ones Army I probably going to show the goblin Invasion or the blood moon but maybe the Old One’s Army I’ll show off I don’t know we’ll see but if y’all want to see more make sure to leave a like comment subscribe turn on the notification Bell

To make sure you don’t miss more in the series there might be like a big gap in between each episode because like I got a lot of T Series I’m working on some that are either like big videos like this or longer videos like this where it’s like a whole playthroughs some

Playthroughs where it’s literally me streaming the playthrough some playthroughs where it’s just me comply literally doing a whole playthrough by myself but just recording little Clips stuff like that like there’s a lot of stuff going on so make sure to leave a comment tell me you want to see this

Series continued yeah I hope youall enjoyed I will see y’all in the next video

Can I BEAT Terraria Summoner Only in Master Mode? Let’s find out together!

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  1. playing summoner on classic mode is already kind of hard.
    doing it on master mode is… yeah, basically defense doesn't matter in master mode. thats the only advantage you have.

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