Mikey and JJ Survive The Airplane CRASH in Minecraft (Maizen)

How glad I am that we finally went on vacation y me too finally we’ll take a break from everything oh my God what was that explosion what’s going on I do not know it seems that one of the engines exploded oh no Mikey we’re falling not

That JJ you were my best friend oh no oh my God what’s wrong with me where am I why does my head hurt so much so there are villagers here but where is Mikey I’m starting to remember we were in a plane crash but I have to find my

Friend he shouldn’t have fallen somewhere far away Mikey I found you you’re alive do you hear me I think I hurt my leg I can’t feel it but I’m in a lot of pain please help me there was a first aid kit on the plane look here

Maybe you’ll find it okay Mikey don’t go anywhere even though you can’t okay now I’m going to find this first aid kit and help you we will heal you and your leg don’t worry everything will be fine with us then that’s exactly what I need bandages and medicines so everything

Will be fine with you you will live Mikey the main thing is that we are together which means that we can survive so sit and don’t move and drink this medicine and you’ll be healthy so we’ll get you back on your feet so what do you

Say now thank you JJ I can move and walk now but for now I think I won’t be able to run because of the injury but let’s first understand where we are at all and what should we do next well as you can see there’s nothing left of the plane

Only the two of us survived the crash but there are some chests left maybe we can find something there it’s kind of sad at all but there’s a chest of Provisions here so at least we’ll have food for the first time but as I understand it we’re on an island and how

Do we get out of here I do not know I have not seen boats here so let’s survive here I think this is the best option we have right now the main thing is not to give up and not to do any nonsense it’s like I’m breaking a tree

Too but I’d like to rest first that’s what I agree with I just wanted to go on vacation not this whole thing wait Mikey I’m not the only one hearing this am I it’s a helicopter JJ jump in maybe they’ll notice us help us please we need

Help don’t fly away from here we’re alive oh no the helicopter is flying away it didn’t notice us and what should we do now it won’t fly by here again soon and if it flies by it won’t notice us again what should we do hm H but the helicopter will notice the big

Inscription right then collect these stones and I have a plan it’s brilliant it certainly sounds very strange from you but I will believe you but if we collect these stones and you offer to throw them into the water so a little more and it will be ready did I write everything correctly

No you wrote heli but you need help so let’s finish it already I just don’t understand a little bit from here how it looks from above so don’t criticize me it would be better if you came came down and did it for me I can be smart so

Let’s not do any more nonsense here okay now the helicopter will definitely see our inscription made of stones and we can do something else for now because we don’t know when the helicopter will notice it and I hope that everything will be fine with us and that no one

Will get hurt well since we don’t know how long we’re going to wait so I suggest we settle down here for now and start survival to begin with we would like to build a house and there are trees here so we won’t have any problems with the material well I think you’re

Right we have no choice but to wait so let’s not waste time and do nonsense because it’s going to be night soon and we still don’t have anything and that’s bad and I see that there are even animals here on the island this is great

News for us and the island is huge here so there’s definitely enough room for us and anyway let’s not talk about this in vain because we need to conserve our strength we have to build a house and arrange everything here in this time Mikey let’s not tell you what to do I’m

Kind of exploring the island here well well the house is already ready do you see this Mikey Mikey can you hear me hey what’s wrong with you oh no he drank water from the ocean and got poisoned I forgot to tell him he didn’t know that you can’t drink water from the

Seas or oceans so I have to bring him fresh water so that everything will be fine with him there was a cave with fresh water somewhere under the flower so now I’m going to save Mikey again and he’ll live but why do I do this all the

Time but the main thing is that everything will be fine with him and he won’t drink water from the sea anymore I hope and how lucky I was that this cave was here Mikey drink this water and you’ll be fine so don’t even think about the fact that you won’t have any problem

And so I hope that everything will be fine with you and don’t drink any more water from the SE thank you for bringing me fresh water and for saving me but let’s not waste time I wanted to go fishing and I made a fishing rod even

For you I thought it would be more fun together so now we’ll catch some fish and we won’t have any more problems with food Mikey maybe we won’t go fishing we already have pigs I think we won’t have a problem with meat that’s for sure but

I already like this line of thought as I understand it you want to make a farm so come on we just have a carrot we’ll plant it and then we’ll Harvest it so don’t distract me now I’m going to build the best carrot Farm you’ve never seen

This before or you’ve seen it but you’d better pretend that you’ve seen it because I don’t build farms every day you might have noticed that and now we definitely won’t have any problems with food and anyway let’s go back to the Fallen plane let’s see what else is interesting there there’s nothing left

Or what did you expect to see there are iron blocks left right do you understand what I’m talking about wa Mikey I get what you want to do I have agree it’s a cool idea so let’s make pickaxes and get ourselves some iron blocks from the wreckage of the plane I think that

Everything is smooth no one will need it anymore but it will still be useful to us so let’s better think about how we’re going to use this Hardware we’ll decide what to do with it later okay now let’s just get some iron for our needs as they

Say iron is never Superfluous Mikey do you want to take the whole plane apart for iron well yes but what Mikey why exactly am I constantly crafting everything for us but now we have iron armor weapons and tools so now we don’t have to be afraid of anyone do you

Understand that thank you yes you’re right but we don’t know who lives on this island so we have to keep our eyes open and that’s what we’re going to do now because anything can happen and personally I wouldn’t want to get caught up in it so let’s get your sword out and

Stay awake okay because it’s already night and this is the most evil time okay so be it I’ll take the but do you think it needs to be done wait I have an idea we have a lot of Hardware right now so I came up with something and now I’m going to make

Spikes here so that everything would be fine with us no one will be able to get close to us unnoticed well come on don’t stand there do what you wanted to do in the meantime I’ll keep an eye out so that no zombies get close to us and I

Hope that it will be quiet and peaceful there until morning and maybe there are no zombies on this island at all if that’s the case then this is great news for us I see you watching just standing in one place and doing nothing while I’m working here at this time for our safety

Even though you originally planned it but it seems that this much trap is enough for us for the night so I even oh my God Mikey there are zombies here and there are a lot of them and they’re all running towards us you were right oh my

God I’m so scared and what are we going to do about it now JJ there aren’t that many of them so we’ll destroy them don’t worry we’ll do it I’m telling you that and I’ve never been wrong before you should know that well maybe except for the moment when I accidentally drank

Water from the sea of course I am now I’m going to show them that they messed with the wrong ones so guys let’s start the party but I’ll tell you right away this will be the last party in your life so don’t even think about what you can

Do to me you’re already doomed to die because I’m a JJ I think you haven’t heard of me but now my name will be heard everywhere and legends and songs will be slogged about me but I have one small question how many of you are here

At all do you have a whole Army here or is it just me JJ calm down everything will be fine just fight them I see that they are not endless yes there are a lot of them there is nothing you can do about it but you are stronger than them

I am 100% sure of that the main thing is not to let them go into your back so that they unexpectedly do not they attacked you and then then you will succeed do you hear me something seems to me that I have lost sight of you what

Is going on there can you answer this question for me or are you no longer alive at all I’m alive but I’m a little busy here as you might have noticed so I don’t have time to chat with you much right now but you can read me a verse

And I’ll listen to it so let’s do something help me you have this device can’t you disable them I think you can do it you just try and I think I understand that this is already your hand handywork so you really do it right Mikey it would be better if you could

Fly anyway because I’m the only one who doesn’t quite understand what to do here it seems to me that this is a very strange place and I haven’t figured out what to do here yet now I’ll help you I think I figured out how and what’s going

On here so look at this huge toilet with a head and tentacles now it’s just going to fall to the bottom why didn’t you tell me about this before I thought it was impossible so I could handle them myself but it would take me too long you’re still a better killer than me

Come on JJ go fight him and I’ll keep an eye on you and you can handle him I’m sure I’m looking at you and I’m already getting scared of this so go to him and defeat him okay he’s on top so come on I’ll watch that everything would be fine

With you and I will tell you if something is unclear to you I hope that you will cope with it okay I get you thank you for your support now I’ll deal with him he’s not as cool as he used to be and he no longer has a chance to

Survive I guarantee him that well are you not as cool as you used to be how do you like me now or did you not expect this but alas you can’t get away from here anymore you’re going to die here now you shouldn’t have decided to come

Here at all I will take revenge on you for all that you have done so don’t even think that you will live you are now doomed to die and I will make sure that you do not get out of here alive and do not doubt I will keep my word do you

Understand me come on come here if you’re so cool but alas you won’t succeed I won’t even let you come here so give up quickly so that I just destroy you oh wait what is it what happened guys I have great news I I defeated him so now we can live

Peacefully as before and no one can stop us now to be honest I thought it would be more difficult but as it turned out he’s not as scary as you told me so guys now I’m the most dangerous person in this city and everyone will know about

It am I right JJ you’re doing great I always knew you could do it I believed in you and now you didn’t let me down so come back to us let’s celebrate the victory before it’s too late do you think it’s cool I can answer it’s really

Cool so let’s not kill us I don’t really want this to happen in case you become aggressive now and anyway let’s give this weapon back to them it doesn’t belong to you and I think it will still be safer than you running around the city with this weapon they will be

Afraid of you do you want this m of course I understand everything I’m a genius and all that but it seems to me that you are too emotional so you don’t need to shout like that next time better help me if I could answer your questions

I would tell you something but alas I do not have such information so let’s just act that’s all we can do listen I have useful information for you as far as I remember this house was marked on the map but there is one problem there are too many zombies out there so I’m

Waiting for you to tell me about it I’ve already destroyed them so don’t worry and now let’s take a look around there must be something useful here and now I think I found this chest I hope you don’t mind right I do not know how it happens but we are constantly defeating

Them I understand that we are much smarter than these zombies but do not forget that there are too many of them here and there are only two of us and until recently we did not have decent weapons am I right or not of course you’re right I had almost no weapons at

All that is I wanted to say bullets but now you and I are the most dangerous on this island I hope that no one can stop us and we won’t find any strong zombies here I’m going to test the grenades so don’t pay attention to it

And it’s better not to get too close because I might accidentally blow you up but most importantly remember that it will be accidental for example as it was just now okay JJ you still haven’t told me where we are going what we are looking for and why are we still on this

Island JJ let’s destroy these zombies because they’re the the only thing stopping us from getting to the chest and finding another blue block or E block of ice although I wouldn’t be so sure that it was a block of ice then it would just stand when you picked it up

But maybe I’m wrong I can’t rule it out everyone is wrong Mikey this is how I help you if you haven’t noticed it yet that is I wanted to say that it’s not me helping you it’s me doing everything and you just stand there and shoot arrows

But you still don’t hit exactly so you’re a lousy Archer I would advise you to throw it away or give it to me I would find your bow for its intended purpose oh no JJ I have bad news some enemies have come here so we have to

Take shelter in our house as soon as possible okay oh no not that these are zombies but we must somehow cope with them and in general do not think about giving up we will definitely be able to destroy them all the main thing is that

I believe in you and the rest does not matter do you understand me take the weapon that you have there is and let’s go out to them and fight them because if we don’t do it then no one will be able to stop them I hope that you understand

Me and won’t do any nonsense do you understand me let’s get out of this house already we will destroy them all the main thing is to listen to what I’m telling you and everything will be fine with us just look at them is it possible

To be afraid of them at all I think not I only want to laugh when I see them and not only me so the main thing is not to give up and stay close to me do you understand but it seems that this is not not all the enemies there is also a

Zombie waiting for us which we also have to cope with and you should not walk too close because you will just be trampled and I don’t really want that oh no I don’t like it at all just look at how many of them there are and what do we do

Now there are already too many of them much more what kind of things are these why does this always happen to us JJ I think it’s because you’re cursed that’s why we have such a fate but we have no choice Mikey wait look a helicopter is

Flying here he noticed us and now we’re going to escape from here finally it happened how tired I am of already being on this island I already thought that I was going to go crazy here but no we were still noticed and now we can get

Out of this hell how glad I am even you I can’t say I don’t have the words so now let’s just fly away from here and forget about this not like a bad dream yes finally finally it happened I already thought that no one would come

For us and we would stay here forever but no now we can fly back to our beloved Village and live there as before

Mikey and JJ Survive The Airplane CRASH in Minecraft (Maizen)

This video is an unofficial work and is neither created nor approved by Maizen Sisters.

Maizen – https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCJHBJ7F-nAIlMGolm0Hu4vg

Toilet Hide and seek – https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7gaUeaTdPFo


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