Minecraft but I Open a School!

This is Minecraft but I open a school today I’m opening the existor of school and trying to grow it to be the biggest school around from starting as a single classroom with t to getting an entire building my goal is to own a monopoly of all the schools in Minecraft but the

Competition is ruthless so who’s my biggest competitor stay tuned to find out so these are all the schools in Minecraft all the way down there to netherite and these are the school buses with my future students oh we need a school first luckily though right here

We have a school for sale with five emeralds which we do have let’s go and right click that oh and it’s being made look at it go there it is and when we go inside it’s pretty empty that’s why now we got to buy supplies from the school

Store we only have $10 so let’s make it work let’s get some teaching supplies or why not let’s get some school books some notebooks perfect definitely important to get to chalkboard and chalk the Scholastics posters which look interesting and we still have $6 okay I

Can’t buy glitter yet but I can buy the exol storo side that’s amazing oh and even a teacher degree wait it’s literally $1 and um it’s from here by University what happens if I right click it oh yo I know have my teacher outfit okay but we can’t forget the most

Important things the catch register cuz we got to make money and the open sign so people know to go in and of course a teacher contract in a janitor contract and now we’re broke oh and also lined paper and pencils are out of stock we’ll figure that out later anyways soon

Enough we’ll be teaching everyone so real quick let’s go inside here and not only are we a teacher but we’re also trying to make some money there we go and we cannot forget about the open sign oh new plan find supplies and trash Oh this is my be for the papers and pencils

Okay looks like we have a trash area right there and it’s the coold school trash area that’s a rival right there soon enough we’re going to be buying them don’t mind me just going to walk into the trash area and let’s see what we got in here oh co Elementary mascot

Too cool for school but not too cool for coal okay oh and we got the pens and pencils and line paper okay don’t mind me just going to walk out here and now it’s actually to put the supplies in the school for example school books there we

Go no books we’ll have the pencils right there and we can’t forget about the line paper there we go out for some decorations I’m thinking we put Scholastic poster right there right there and on this side and if you’re wondering what it says it’s simply book fair and it’s Captain villager pants and

Spotter lad okay incredible and of course for the teaching itself we got to put down the chalkboard there it is oh we got some chalk uh what happens if we right click the chalkboard with the chalk oh the most important lesson and that is to subscribe guys so if you guys

Are watching the video right now and the Subscribe button is red you got to click it got go and do it right now oh and now we’re going to place the teaching degree on the wall oh yeah the most important part guys why we’re even allowed to do

This and that’s the degree right there it’s a lot smarter than I thought but it’s real I totally did not buy it for a dollar oh and now it looks like we got a hire teacher and janitor from the village our first employees the most important thing to make some profits

Just so we can beat out all the competition and will this guy do we do have a teacher contract and a janitor contract hello you right there will you be interested in becoming a teacher oh oh no no they aren’t uh who do I hire then oh an unemployed villager this is

Who we are all right I think we got our first teacher oh there they go immediately ired now we just need our janitor or maybe this guy this is going to be a perfect janitor there you go and we got our first janitor and now what we

Have left to do is to place a school sign maybe up here don’t mind me just going to real quick get up here and now can we just put this right here oh it works there it is X University nice and now we’re ready for teaching let’s get

To the open sign oh that is sick the janitor’s here we got the teacher here and now all that’s left to do is to literally just right click the open sign and we’re open all right so do we get students now wait why why is there a dot

Dot dot oh I have no students oh no I I am so sorry teacher I did not plan for this new plan seal stop sign oh wait cuz that’s what stops the bus so we have a stop sign then we can get students amazing plan okay no one mind me our

First rival to Cole school don’t worry students let me real quick just real quick borrow this there we go we have a literal stop sign and now let’s place it in front this should be a good spot right here you go and we got it good old

Stop sign oh here comes our first Buss okay how many students are we better to get we’re finally going to make some money oh oh is that it just one we we got a nerd oh um okay you know what straight this way buddy and so now our

Mission is to teach students how to draw cat oh gosh um okay am I doing this how are we doing this oh oh it looks like they’re sitting down wait oh he’s going to the teacher but I got to teach student how to draw a cat oh he he threw

It to me I’m not the teacher though I’m just the principal wait how do I do this then hold up we got a pencil and a paper does something happen when I right click this oh yo so we get to use the paint mod in Minecraft now okay so a cat let’s

Start off off by drawing a round head there we go and now some pointy ears big green eyes six whiskers and some details and color it’s not the greatest drawing ever Bob I’ve gone a little better perfect now all we got to do is click

Done in 3 2 1 and we got it feel like it’s a lot better than what we made but here we go that’s how you draw a cat oh and did he make his own version wait did it say villager oh oh oh no what am I

Teaching it’s adorable though wait can I grade it by right clicking I’ll we give him an A+ here you go buddy my first student oh and plus one student the buses are coming wait does that mean I made money oh yo 30 bucks okay and now we’re getting even more students the

Journey has begun but we now got to find more students so we got to buy advertising posters and glitter from school store that should be easy maybe we begin the takedown of Ral with Cole school okay so for our next step for our school we need to get glitter uh should

Be simple enough right here and posters all right and now I got to use the coold mascot disguise oh I’m advertising in the cool school so real quick we can get the CO Elementary mascot on with which we right cck this oh my goodness I am a koala that’s incredible okay it’s time

To go in look how many students they have don’t worry just being a mascot right here and is that the janitor oh gosh they even have lockers okay let’s get the posters out and just start posting these everywhere right there right there let’s get one right there

Just so everyone knows and a lot of student traffic right here let’s put that there and now that should be the last one oh destroy lockers with crowbar oh these guys my goodness what is the koala doing you know what just to get some more future customers these

Students do we just break what with this oh my gosh wait we’re just straight up breaking them this is insane for koala sorry about this guys oh and now steal dispenser and pressure plate from science class are these the classes right here oh we got art history we have

English oh and science all right don’t mind me just saying guys next store University might be small but we don’t have a quala breaking lockers let me just grab these two things and now go into office and act natural what does that even mean all right let’s go I

Think this was the office right here all right just act natural don’t worry set up glitter trap behind the principal’s desk oh hold on so do I just put it like maybe here okay what I can do is just put a dispenser there and then get the heavy weighted pressure plate but first

Put the glitter right there and then put that down I think that should be good and now advertise school over intercom oh wait do I like talking to this thing do I like tap the mic okay attention to all students if you want easy grades go to the excess store University it’s

Literally right beside this place that is all thank you all right that should be good and we have the advertisement for it now let me just get out of here oh wait that was your principal I am acting natural I did not think they were

Going to come here oh oh oh they are walking inside now what does it get to work come on walk a little closer oh and it worked yes let’s keep out the back door yep let’s get out of here I think that’s the job well done oh and they

Even have a playground dang and now our goal is to steal all playground equipment we’re really sabotaging this place all right don’t mind me then let me real quick fall and carry a seesaw get the monkey bars good old slide for me can’t forget about the swing set and

Of course the jungle gy we can make use of these at my school and I think that’s a good sabotage oh wait is he coming out angry oh all the students are coming out angry oh I think it worked and the Piller principal what’s he going to do

Oh he does not seem happy I’m just saying pill is not a good principal oh no it’s forell yes oh 100 emeralds we only have n bucks that being said now we can actually expand first let’s see if we made some money while we were gone

Teacher how do we do oh we’re actually rich so now that we got the money let’s go up to this and time to expand School expanded oh and it’s now ours and as you can see it’s now attached by the side but we’re not done there yet cuz now

It’s time to sabotage the next competition which is iron high school I should probably take this off now there we go oh and we already got a lot of new students also I know I just stole these but it might be time we just put these

Back real quick cuz uh we got of own this property now there we go anyways now let’s go to the supply store with our $73 okay what can we get to sabotage here now oh we have noise machines can’t really afford that ooh these are more

Affordable we have a big balloon yeah we can figure that out silverfish eggs I’ll take that why not scary Pig I like the sound of that we’ll check that out in fake history books yeah I think that’s all we can afford for now and now we got

To sneak it to iron High during lunch break wait once a lunch break okay I got the sabotage things but can I just walk in I’m going to walk in with these guys yeah that should be good don’t mind me just visiting and it looks like the

First place we have is history maybe this is where we got to go oh and here we got to place fake history books in History Class oh that’s why there’s no one in here so don’t mind if I do I’m just going to place these right there

That should do it oh wait the students are coming in did not realize the Bell oh and is the teacher going to read that in 1975 the 43rd President was a trained dolphin named flipper story was a fast obsidian minor in the Middle Ages the Declaration of Independence was

Originally R in invisible ink guys I think we did a good job sorry for the bad education for a second but come to xtor University it’s way better anyways now we’re going to quote unquote Heth grade papers in math class is that right there yep should be good what’s our next

Sabotage going to be looks like they’re on lunch break too and the papers might be in there what’s in the chest oh math quizzes all right uh so do I just like grade these do I right click of them oh what grade did I give them oh oh oh that

That’s pretty bad hold up let’s real quick put in these greates all zeros real quick and now that should be done you can thank me later teacher on to the next area we have the science class oh gosh there already a student at door don’t worry class isn’t starting yet and

So I got to replace the dissection figure do I just like get rid of it how do I do this oh it kind just disappeared okay and now we put down the scary Pig going to get this guy’s going to jump scare them when they go in all right

Don’t mind me can I hide in here oh gosh uh no I can’t but you know what I’m going to hide right here uh don’t mind me just chilling oh there he is oh my goodness that’s terrifying oh they’re running out just saying that would not happen exor University and now next up

We have English class where we got to steal vowels how do we steal vowels all right no one’s here again they’re on lunch break and oh wait they have the letters here all right so we literally just got to grab the a e i o u and did I

Miss one I think that’s all of them what about the heart do I remove the heart oh okay that counts I guess should be a job all done for that sabotage and let’s get out of here and now we got to release silverfish in the gym oh that’s why we

Have this all right don’t mind me students just being a future teacher here and there it is be okay so we just got to get the overfish egg before the students come and let’s place them right there oh wait I only got one of them

This is awkward let me go get some more all right hold up let me buy more of these okay let’s make sure we don’t place these down accidentally but now we should be good all right let’s place these down why are they going to the ground oh wait they’re hiding there okay

It’s third problem now and now we got to tie balloon to the iron mascot outside oh this is the cafeteria oh so they are on lunch break where is the iron mascot oh this is him right here holy they have so many students and he has a big old

Head my goodness all right don’t mind me then real quick sabotage we just got to put the big balloon I guess on him oh my gosh wait and there he goes he’s going up I salute you my friend and look at all the angry students uh just saying

Guys go to exore university if you guys need a better school oh and there is the principal upset and that’ll make iron High not for sale again we don’t have enough money but with our two stores combined let’s see if we made enough money now all right my first ever

Teacher how much have we made so far $500 we’ve come such a long way so now iron school by the way the guy is still floating up there so real quick let’s buy this and let’s expand oh there it is and now we have a road leading straight

To our high school so we got our University the elementary school and the high school and now we got to sabotage the rich school oh oh my gosh it’s made out of gold well looks like we got to buy some items again back to the supply

Store we go and so we don’t have a lot of money again but what’s affordable definitely none of that that is so expensive oh yeah we need more money hold on do we have any money oh my gosh we do all right don’t mind me let’s real

Quick go back to the supply store and now we can buy a banana cuz why not uh knockback en champ sure why not some paint bombs okay interesting and what should the last thing we buy be maybe a noise machine yeah why not there we go

And now we got to collect animals from forest wait what does that even mean there’s a forest right there oh wait I think it’s the Forest right across here cuz look how many donkeys there are oh my goodness they have a full on petting area all right wait so if I right click

The donkeys we get an egg for them all right let’s grab a bunch of donkeys hold up come with me donkeys you guys are going to be going to Gold Academy there we go 10 donkeys and now to infiltrate we have the noise machine the donkey the

Paint bombs and the banana looks like a line of students already going in okay I’m going to go in with them act normal okay oh this place is insane what the heck is going on here okay we got to release animals and dorm rooms oh wo this place is crazy where’s the dorm

Rooms is it all the way up maybe it’s up here oh it is okay so we can put the donkeys right here all right hold up one donkey for each room you guys are going to be getting excellent education conditions another doggy in there might as well put two right here I’m liking

This one there we go another one oh and there are so many rooms I mean this many rooms we do there we go that should be done and now play starting soon gets to Backstage oh looks like they’re going there too why are they angry okay where

Is the play oh wait is it this way oh yo holy what the heck is going on in here okay I got to get backstage hold on looks like it’s a giant heart maybe I can go backstage on the right side yeah this might be it okay don’t mind me

Don’t mind me is this backstage oh it is okay now I got to replace dagger and chest with banana wait where’s the dagger in chest oh wait this is backstage hold on low key if I just sneak back here should not be seen is there a dagger anywhere around here oh

Wait there’s a chest right here oh there it is a fake dagger and that’s where we put in the banana and now also to plays a noise machine oh this guy oh wait if that’s supposed to be a piano maybe we can sabotage the piano real quick by

Putting this guy right there yeah oh now we just got to go okay okay oh it looks like they’re already angry look at them oh that thing is loud that’s when we got to go let’s go holy look at all the angry students sorry about that guys just saying exor University would not

Allow that all right don’t mind me this looks like the principal’s office let’s real quick just break through here and looks like we’re good oh wait now we also got to replace crocet balls with paint bombs oh I forgot about these guys where would that be oh it’s left of the

Entrance a croquet Club student oh okay uh so all we got to do then is I just put this in here wait that didn’t do anything maybe I got to place it somewhere oh wait the ball’s right there I didn’t realize hold on okay this is

Fancy so real quick let me uh grab that real quick I got you a better ball don’t worry straight from exor University one nice new cocet ball right there and now I got to add knock back this enchantment to the Hammer oh oh this is going to go

Crazy okay I need an anvil first though I remember somewhere that’s anvils and that’s in the iron school we bought where if we put these together oh wait does that not work what happens if I craft it together oh wait did that work knock back 10 there we go and so now

Let’s real quick put that back in there oh and I think he’s grabbing it is he going to go play this might be it guys oh he has the ball okay he put it down and without further Ado he’s going to hit it oh my gosh he’s throwing it on

The building oh it’s p it yes that definitely made a mark oh wait are students leaving oh it looks like they’re angry I think that’s a job all done by the way if you guys go to exor university it’s a great school just started today oh and they had a zombie

As a principal oh gold Academy is ruined sorry about that buddy and he’s gone and now it’s for sale 8,000 emeralds uh hopefully we have enough money holy we have a lot of people going to our school look how many buses there are yo what the heck is this anyways let’s see how

The success is going teacher how much we got oh my gosh I think we’re ready to buy gold Academy so without further Ado let’s right click you and school expanding in 3 2 1 there it is now we’re connected to high school and we have I guess the preppy side amazing and now

Let’s get straight to the next one with diamond online oh man we got the diamond left the netherite left and the dragon first though we got to buy a laptop oh that is a bit more expensive than I thought luckily I can come back right

Here do we have any money oh we do just enough so now we can buy the good old laptop to probably hack this next school so now it’s time we enter Diamond Online technical school all right this is going to be interesting and they have so many

Diamonds holy um so how do I get in exactly new grab unlocked bolt cutters oh I got to make those that’s the grab on the screen which oh no I don’t have any iron I might no spot wait before we go I’m completely oblivious there are iron blocks literally on both sides so

Let me real quick just go right here and borrow these real quick cuz sooner or later I’m probably going to buy this place so uh you know we just got to grab a couple of these there we go get our blocks of iron and let’s get some shears

So to make them we put shears with shears and there we go bull Cutters okay don’t mind me cameras looks like I’m short enough so do I just like I click this oh oh no security enabled enabl detection they have robots what is this they even have faces on them terminally

Online people oh gosh okay okay I’m just crouching right now let’s just go in okay we’re in a classroom what’s the point of a classroom if they’re online like this okay okay we just got to get through oh wait those are the security guards I don’t think the students care

Then oh that is terrifying wait did it just disappear nope they are definitely here okay let me just keep going looks like the cameras won’t see me cuz they’re a little bit too high up but we need to avoid all these security guards okay we’re good let’s go let’s go oh my

Goodness how do I do this you know what plan B this is why we go through classrooms let’s cover our tracks right there we a lone student right there how’s it going I should probably go around anyways our goal is to find and break into server room oh wait I think I

See the server room now okay we just got to get the PO Cutters let’s go in here and now we got to locate and hack Diamond servers okay oh do I got to mine through here oh sick all right that works they have an extra hied okay maybe

This might be where the laptop comes in guys we got our laptop right now but which is the server got to lack oh this all right here goes nothing let’s right click you and wait where are we now pack Network assemble the virus code do I assemble the virus code with Pac-Man oh

This is sick we’re grabbing comps like Pac-Man all right let’s go okay okay okay okay let’s grab all the points we can looks like we’re pretty safe for now nothing’s chasing me down or anything okay this code should be pretty easy to grab don’t mind me let’s just grab and

Grab and grab okay we’re almost fully done okay oh and we’re done Network hacked remote students now subscribed oh wait what oh we’re good what what about this is this how we leave all right guess we’re doing this oh gosh okay okay diamond block parkour at the bottom of

The school a little bit sketchy but it’s all good we can easily get out of here and this is probably going to be the first thing I remove when I buy the school just saying okay okay okay okay some good old parkour I should probably

Make some armor but you know what as a principal don’t need armor oh and nicely done another hidden Tuttle but we’re good now what happens to the school oh wait what’s happening to the students you guys okay wait what’s wrong with them wait they’re getting wrinkled now

Yo okay that’s amazing sounds like I did my job right so now let’s probably leave the school oh it’s the SE jobs principal I I am so sorry yep he is not happy sorry about that brother and now Diamond school is for sale 40K but we can easily

Do that without big our school is now and all those dud let’s talk to the OG teacher how much have we made the perfect amount of money so without further Ado let’s stop the r roll and actually buy diamond online oh and it instantly turned School expanded yet

Again and now we have a tunnel connecting them and that only leaves the Institute of dragon and netherite University and I got a sabotage the big game oh they have a football stadium holy well you already know what time it is let’s buy some supplies guys look how

Big this light of buses is oh my goodness and of course we’re still getting students not the main classroom anymore but it’s where the cash register is so let’s see if we can grab some grro money oh we got 2012 probably no for this okay so what are we buying here now

Doesn’t look like we need fire aspect tools oh what about these oh wait these are so expensive we actually might need more money the only thing we can afford is a clipboard with bad BLS going to against this for the netherite University all right real quick let me

Throw away all the vows I stole earlier there we go and virus codes don’t need that but we need a lot more money so let’s AFK while we make money 2 hours later there we go and now we can buy the disguise netherite pom poms and a turtle

Painted as a football huh okay that’s cool I guess and first now we got to just put on the disguise just like that and there we go now we got to sneak into the netherite locker room during halftime okay that should be soon then all right let’s go this might be where

The game is oh gosh okay let’s go in here oh and these are all the players yo okay am I supposed to be here I’m going to guess I can oh we’re here oh and it’s the coach right there oh we have a lot of fans okay so if this is the coach’s

Chest then we can just open this and put in the clipboard with the bad plays okay that should be good and now to place the turtle football on the field okay don’t mind me come on buddy oh there he is the football Turtle amazing yeah that looks

Realistic okay let me get out of the way now got to go got to go got to go got to go oh and now we got to replace cheerleader pom poms with netherite ones is that the cheerleaders oh there they are all right don’t mind me villagers

Let’s real quick go in here oh and that’s a normal pompom and now we just put in heavy netherite ones yeah oh and that’s half time over oh gosh there they go there they go oh come on Turtle you got this you’re a beast looks like it’s

The blue team versus The Blue Team I can’t really tell who’s who uh coach I give you the bad BL though oh there they go oh wait while they play it says climb up and hack the scoreboard with laptop oh there okay hold on hold on hold on

Luckily with my trusty laptop let’s right click this oh my gosh and I just gave them 99 points did I do it to this University oh nope they’re not happy oh and they’re leaving V rioting Escape Stadium oh okay that that is my call to leave they’re blowing up the place what

Is this oh my goodness okay let’s just real quick go through here oh oh the football turtle is getting away okay anyways let’s just run away we’ll repair this once we got out the place and I think that’s a job all done we saved the stadium in the game let’s go back to

Normal and at any moment now oh wait they burned down this place too huh uh does this mean we can buy it oh this time it’s a netherite piglin principal with his whole chest out yo look at that gear looks like we already know where this is going oh and he’s running away

And we saved the university we can now buy for 200,000 air bolts oh my goodness and it definitely needs a lot of work luckily we probably have a lot of money hello Army of school buses you can even see them all the way through here but

Teacher how much money do we have oh my gosh that’s insane definitely more than enough let’s real quick by you and let’s expand holy we even have the Full Arena repaired and it’s still connected but now one last one the dragon Institute oh and I guess it’s at the end with extor

Graduation first we got to buy some fire aspect surgical tools though going to guess that’s how we sabotage it this might be one of the final times I come in here I think I pretty much bought everything here except the fire aspect tool set well we already have enough

Money for this and uh what is it oh fire 5 huh can I try this out on you oh I I am so sorry got to take a moment to admire How Far We’ve Come literally from all the way over there we now have up to

This place how are we going to buy the Institute if it’s across the street well I guess we just got to go inside I have my tool set and uh I guess I’ll just go in as me replace cical tools with fire aspect tools oh where do I do that oh my

Gosh oh okay they got traps in here okay new plan then let’s just get past through all the traps and go ahead and replace the tools I did not realize there’s going to be straight up a full obstacle horse here oh gosh okay okay

Yep yep let’s get all the way up and oh gosh okay okay okay there’s on traps on traps right now now this is crazy this is definitely not school oh we even got to do stuff with honey oh gosh okay and now looks like the only way is up okay

Let’s get all the way up I got my tools ready is this going to be a boss doesn’t look like it oh wait this is the dragon maybe I missed the room guys I’m made a mistake we had to go left and here is a surgery we got checkup and surgeries so

Looks like there’s a chest right here where we can go ahead and replace the normal surgery tool set with the fire aspect one oh there we go looks like it’s just normal students here type of school is this with traps and now go to x-ray room and ruin student x-ray oh wow

Okay x-ray room guess it’s right here what are we doing here oh this is where they get X-ray is there a chest with stuff oh these guys do I like right click them oh I’m putting subscribe on them yeah I like that better let’s real quick put these guys in here and now

Finally climb on school and ruin dragon statue now I got to make my way all the way up again in one sec and here it is okay how do I ruin this guy actually I have an idea so I’m thinking we buy the EX School Oreo sign not one oh wait I

Can only buy one more but just one and now we go real quick all the way to the face of the Dragon don’t mind me let’s just go right about right here and put on the sign advertising accessoria University oh wait is that an alarm um

Oh oh gosh okay I got to get out of here um you know what oh my gosh hey yo I’m being chased by The Cars why did I go this way oh gosh oh gosh oh gosh okay okay okay I didn’t even see Dragon guards when I first got here um you know

What let’s throw quick slime right here let’s just run just run just run oh they got poisoned they got poisoned wait am I going the right way no what even is this potion ow ow ow ow ow how do I get out how do I get out how do I get out it’s

This way it’s this way this way ow ow ow oh gosh okay hello sence I’m getting out of here eat bread eat bread oh wait and he’s still chasing me what is he doing why is he walking like that oh gosh oh gosh okay come on come on come on I’m

Literally out of here now I’m literally out of here chill why is he not even walking wait is that a bus what if the bus hits him hold up hold up oh what that’s amazing yo well guess that’s that and so do I get to buy this

Place or is that done I mean technically it’s part of my University now and now it’s for sale oh wait it’s only 500 Emerald oh my goodness I guess no one wants to buy it all right easy buy real quick and transform guess it doesn’t really need to change cuz it’s already

With the sign easiest purchase ever my goodness graduation time attend ceremony oh it’s time oh my goodness it’s been so long but I am so proud of all the students look how far we’ve come all right we have so many students we’ve made so much money and we own every

Single University ever and not going to give a speech now so don’t mind me let me real quick run all the way up here and thank you everyone for attending I’d like to thank you all for also attending the school that we have set up here from

The very beginning school to the dragon University which honestly you guys should not go for it it’s not it’s not a very good school but all of you have graduated and I wish you guys luck with whatever else you do I’m I’m very proud of you all oh wait angry principles have

Arrived huh hey Y no it’s the last principles is this the final battle oh oh oh gosh okay okay okay I guess I’m finding these guys I should have made armor okay uh students can you guys help nope NOP no they’re helping all right um

Let’s R Qui get rid of evil here Bri principal the Pillager principal oh gosh and even the netherite principal come on let’s get you out of here oh oh okay okay let me Dodge these attacks real quick there we go wait where’d he go oh

My gosh wait are they making me go down there um let me eat some bread real quick and you know what it’s how we put on the fighting suit I am now koala man here we go oh gosh oh gosh okay one at a Time come on I can see there healths now

Oh gosh oh he just launched me all the way up wait and I got the Dragon one okay not just the other guys looks like these guys are a little bit clueless how did you run a Skool oh gosh I’m actually getting beat up here let’s real quick

Eat this and for the final battle let’s real quick take down the final principal and did we win oh I think we won we did the fireworks so with that being done guys I am muala and hope you guys all enjoyed a great one of video just like this one bye guys

Minecraft but I Open a School!
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– Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/xnestorio/​
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#Minecraft #But


  1. Nestorio is a great guy and I think everybody should subscribe to him because he gave me and many others inspiration to our own channels and to get our lives going. Thank you.❤

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