1. It still doesn't hurt me mate. I was so excited to see this. I popped onto minecraft just to see. It didn't at all hurt me as it was still the same. Sad

  2. My guess is this isnt a thing in vanilla because villagers interact with stonecutters.
    And villagers already have enough of a propensity to get themselves killed in stupid ways as is, so to have them literally want to walk up to a block that can kill them might not be the best addition to the game

  3. i think this isnt a thing in vanilla is cause mob farms or villagers getting killed accidentally, plus it being a crafting block that u use maybe thats why.

  4. I dislike them adding these changes for "realism" without, y'know, actually checking to see how real the changes are.

    Things like this (stonecutters work via abrasion rather than sawing, so soft tissue only gets a little scuffed), removing fireflies (only some fireflies are poisonous to toads and, y'know, they could just make the toads not eat them instead), etc.

  5. I know Stonecutters don't cut you, but they can still hurt you(especially if you put all of your body weight on it, like in Minecraft), so at the very least you should take slight damage in Vanilla.
    There doesn't need to be blood, and you don't need to die in seconds, but loosing half a heart every few ticks would be better than taking no damage at all.
    Also, Mojang/Microsoft have been targeting a younger demographic for years, and try to make sure they don't promote anything harmful(like feeding a Parrot a Chocolate Chip Cookie), so even if a Stone Cutter cutting you is unrealistic, you'd think they'd still make you take damage in order to tell kids "Blade+Person=Ouch".

  6. What Minecraft can do to prevent constant damage is have a safety mechanism that makes the saw stop when the block is touched. kind of like a reverse redstone ore that lights when stepped on/punched.

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