What HAPPENED with Creepy DogDay ? MIKEY and JJ vs Poppy Playtime ! – in Minecraft Maizen

Hello everyone dear friends we have a walk on the edge of town JJ let’s see what grw is up to I think he’s got some new invention come on it’s probably not a good idea to disturb him I think it’s really something important let’s take a closer look yeah I’ve never seen

Anything like it come here I think it’s some kind of dog only he’s got no legs yeah that’s interesting I don’t think he’ll like it if we distract him from his work we’ll have to wait till night so I think tomorrow I will launch this robot I just have to decide the

Friendliness of this creature and we can release it and maybe it will start running today but we need to solve the issue of its Legs it was a good idea to make a campfire too bad we live far away from the lab hey look I think he’s getting ready to leave I wish I had time to finish this robot I got to go to bed it’s been a long day he’s gone on let’s

Go look I think he said it was a robot I see him let’s go out the front oh no it’s closed where else can we go wait I stole this device from him a month ago try to open it wo it’s really open hurry up let’s

Have a look wow I’ve never seen anything like this before Hey look it’s his legs I don’t think grw had time to put them in Mikey there’s a couple more legs here I think grw needs help putting it back together okay it’s not not working yet meanwhile hurry home okay stop where did

I go I live in a lab I’m so Distracted whoa I think the door’s broken hello police come to the lab now wow that was fast what’s the matter someone’s breaking into my lab I think they’re trying to steal from me all right we’ll take care of it hey what is this sound I don’t know we’ll have to see let’s

Go wa that makes sense police you can go home I’ll take care of this hey group what are you doing here we wanted to see your robot couldn’t you watch it with me this afternoon ask me or at least knock on the door well you’re here so show us

The robot well I hope you didn’t touch anything and just looked of course we didn’t touch the legs okay this is my new robot helper or helper creature I haven’t decided yet and he must have a special power and I certainly don’t know what it is yet yeah interesting yeah

Boring we’re going home call me if you need anything okay good night bye Gru we’ve been up so long and I’m exhausted why don’t the buses run at night I don’t know wao what did you see that yes I think something’s wrong but how is that possible maybe that’s what gru was

Trying to tell us I don’t know let’s call him on the video link and show him hey Gru your robot’s hanging from the ceiling of our house house did you bring it into our house what no way I haven’t gone to bed yet and I’ve been watching

Him closely he’s in my lab right now look for yourself he’s not even working yet and he doesn’t have legs how could he get into your house weird but we just saw it with our own eyes and I don’t think we’re imagining it we’ve only been up for 6

Hours maybe it’s some kind of power or something but he really couldn’t have gotten in without his legs I’ll open the door and you’ll see that he’s in our house oh that’s weird where is he I think we’re imagining things we’re going to bed bye Gru weird but sleep is more

Important good night JJ good night Mikey well I hope no one comes through that door that’s the fifth time this month it’s been broken down well I hope nothing happens to you robot I’m going to bet at Last Haha I’ve been watching you for a long time Gru I want your robot hey what where are his legs what was he doing with him all night anyway he calls himself an inventor you have to do everything yourself like the legs yeah that’s great now I’ve got to fix your

Settings and you’ll be in my service all right haha you’re finally ready now it’s your mission to make this city mine go and do it Good morning oh doggy you’ve got legs now grw good for you he’s taller than I thought look how big he is yeah but he looks kind of weird hey doggy can you talk yeah doggy say Something ouch whoo What happened hey Mikey where are we I don’t know hey dog haha the first ones are ready now I need the others well at least we know he can talk what do we do should we call GRU yeah on the video call his experiment

Must have gotten out of control hey Gru answer it are you sleeping in there huh who’s there oh no I’m awake it’s day in the afternoon what’s wrong you’re robot he stole us and put us in cages what I didn’t finish it I’ll have to check he

Can’t have just left I didn’t put his feet on it look really what happened how is this possible I’ll say you friends I’ll save you all Who Dares take my robot I’m on my Way look he’s here yay grw it’s so good to have you here I’ll set you free have you seen where my robot is I have a surprise for him yes he’s here haha one more I’ll put you in a cage everybody get back inside you can’t get

Out of here that easily I’ve got a mission to accomplish hey you I’m your maker who put your legs on and who activated you speak up I’ll take you and put you in a cage I’ve been given the task of catching everyone my owner wants your town grw do something get the

Creature oh no uh oh yeah I got it haha way to go grw let’s get out of here I’ll take you to the lab I didn’t destroy him good job grw yeah I hope it doesn’t come back at least I didn’t desty destroy it and it could come back at any time after

All it’s my robot and I want it to be useful what will you do if he comes back meanwhile hey what’s up dog come here I’m sorry they ran away there were three of them and I couldn’t do anything I tried to stop them and told them I was

On a mission okay this is my mistake you’re still in the developmental stage but you need to be made stronger and I’ve created a special potion for you it will give you strength and now you’ll be the strongest creature in town what haha I really feel better now are you ready

To help me yeah I’m totally ready haha thanks for dinner grw would you like dessert the minions recently baked a cake JJ you can have it in the chest in the other room okay okay I see the cake I’ll be right there wao what is

That oh no guys guys he’s here Gru your robot he’s gotten 10 times bigger what how is that possible I want to see where he is look it’ss here in the window wow what do we do now quiet I have a plan stay back I need a computer what are you

Doing you’ll see my lab defense system hey I’ll break the fence if you don’t come out of there hey what is this sound oh no I didn’t mean to don’t wow that’s powerful I think I got it you can come see it yeah let’s go check it out wow that was the most

Powerful thing I’ve ever seen it’s interesting that was awesome that was incredible thanks for watching friends you saw it all for yourselves that was fun bye-bye bye-bye wow Mikey look I think they opened a new restaurant let’s hurry up and see I hope it’s delicious Freddy Fazbear hm sounds interesting

Dear viewers write in the comments yes if you have seen a restaurant with this name somewhere else hey come on in pick a table and I’ll be right there what’s on the second floor I don’t know let’s go check it out it looks interesting stop no you can’t go in there the second

Floor is for restaurant employees only you can’t go up there okay sorry then let’s order we’ll have two pizzas please you can sit here okay wait a couple minutes all right JJ let’s go upstairs shall we while he’s gone but he said you can’t can but I wonder what’s up there

Okay let’s go check it out Mikey wa look I think it’s some kind of robots yeah but they’re off I wonder if there’s any way to turn them on I don’t know wait I think I saw some kind of lever in the back let’s check it out okay the food’s finally ready wait where

Are they oh no I hope they didn’t go upstairs I told you they can’t I turned it on oh no why did you do that Mikey look it’s working they’re working now finally I’ve been waiting 30 years for this yay thank you very much haha now we’re going to destroy you all this

Isn’t what we wanted Mikey let’s get out of here why did you do that I said you can’t go upstairs all right are you all ready haha no I stopped you once I can stop you again no can do haha all right you’re all next oh no Mikey let’s get

Out of here now but we have to help him we can’t do this on our own we need help Mikey JJ come here I’ll help you get in quick all right JJ hurry up and run let’s go I’ll get you to safety folks thank you so much bus well who’s next ha

Look it’s Mikey and JJ we got to get them [Applause] I think we got away from them come on out folks woo thank you so much you’ve been a big help I think I saw these creatures robots I don’t know what they are but I know they can be very

Dangerous oh no they’re here we got to stop them I’ll try to stop them friends are you sure you can do this there you are we found you you can’t get far from us haha come on Mike and JJ oh we’re going to catch you and take you with us

No you can’t touch my friends I’ll stop you Mikey JJ stay here I’m going look Mikey I think he’s doing it but no they’ve got him we got to do something JJ did you think it would be that easy oh no haha we can’t just be

Destroyed hey grw we need your help get over here Now oh Gru hi I’m here what’s up there’s some weird robots we got to stop them I think I’ve seen them before like 30 years ago it’s it’s Freddy and Chica I was asked to turn them off because they were very dangerous I wonder why and who

Turned them on we don’t know it’s not us but we need help to stop them or turn them off we have to make a trap for them and catch them it’s hard to stop them with our own hands but remotely it’s easy but how do we do that maybe you can

Help us grw Oh no you’re on your own oh no you can’t just stop me either friends I can’t stop them much longer couldn’t stop us haha well now we’re coming to you haha are you ready oh no grw wait for us see you later friends good luck

Stopping them oh no we’re running friends come to me now let’s get out of here I think we’re out of here well go home and make traps for them okay thanks for helping us out see you later bye-bye all right JJ let’s go make some traps shall we yeah you’re right let’s go

Faster oh no you again did you think you could get away from us oh no come on Freddy we’ve got to destroy him first what no don’t stop no haha you’ll know and now Mikey and JJ okay Mikey what are we going to do I think we should put security cameras in

Our house and make traps that’s a great idea let’s put one camera in our room one in the common room one on the stairs yeah I think we should put some in the garage too yeah you’re right now let’s go to the kitchen yeah we should do it

In the kitchen too and now buy our room you’re right so now we wait for them okay I’m going to turn on the camera I think they’re here I think this is their house how do we get inside just break the door down let’s go faster we have to find

Them where do you think they could be I don’t know let’s look oh no Mikey they’re already in our house okay activate the first trap quickly okay I’ve activated it let’s see it quick what lava they thought lava would stop us lava is nothing haha wait for us

Mikey and JJ oh no I think their room is around here Somewhere what another trap seriously Mikey JJ you could have done better than a trap it’s nothing for us Mikey look looks like it’s nothing to them we have to activate the last trap it’s the most interesting one haha we found you Mikey and JJ open the door otherwise we’ll break it ourselves open

It well hello there friends what who are you I’ve been asked to help Mikey and JJ to stop you haha you think you can do it now we’re going to find out together oops I think I got it uh-oh what are we going to

Do Mikey look I think we got it wow we fin finally succeeded in stopping them but that’s not all we have to turn them off let’s go faster oops there’s our trap let’s go someplace else come on look Mikey I see them call GRU he knows

How to turn them off yeah hey Gru we stopped those robots hurry up and get to our house we’re waiting for you hey Mikey and JJ I didn’t think you guys could catch them so fast and stop them hurry up and turn them off all right

Well now I just need a little push here and here and I think that’s it thank you very much bye-bye yay we did it JJ you and me we’re the coolest it’s true Mikey dear viewers write cool in the comments if you think so too now

Mikey we got to get them back to that guard yeah let’s go faster okay Mikey I think we’re here hey Guard we’re here what but how did you catch them because we’re really cool take your robots back wow I didn’t expect that from you thank you very much

So dear viewers let’s go home now shall we yeah let’s go we’ve caught them and now we need to rest great idea Mikey let’s go faster stop Mikey this is our trap for them well now we’re going to have obsidian floors in our house yeah but there’s more stairs I’ll call the minion

Tomorrow and he’ll fix it now let’s go to bed I’m really tired 2 hours later I think someone’s ringing the doorbell and keeping us awake go check it out JJ all right I’m going to go check it out let’s go together okay who’s ringing the doorbell oh no it’s them again how is

That possible what but how haha it’s a prank folks I asked the guard for these to do a prank on you hey that’s not funny but okay it’s funny look I can remote control them now I got an idea let’s do a banana prank I think it’ll be

A lot of fun what do you think dear viewers hey Mikey wake up it’s a beautiful day yeah JJ I’m up already let’s go into town and see what there is to do great idea we have no food at home and we can go downtown and visit some cafe or

Restaurant at the same time I haven’t been to a coffee shop in a long time look I think it’s Mr banana hey mister what are you doing here good afternoon guys I have good news for you we have opened a new restaurant in town wow Mikey this is what we wanted there will

Be great discounts there today I look forward to seeing you too we need money do you have any for lunch yeah the last time I hid them here was under the bushes that’s fine let’s go then I can’t wait for some delicious pizza yeah me too Mikey but hopefully there’ll be hot

Dogs here it is wow wow it’s so big it really wasn’t here before look how many people are here I think Mr banana called all the people in town look there’s even tables outside it’s very bright and cozy I like it I saw a weird purple security

Guard at the entrance oh let’s sit here I like this place I think there’s a real Freddy on stage that’s right Freddy look there’s a lot of people we know here and Mr banana is making friends with them all the waiters serving food JJ it’s our

Turn I can’t wait to eat some good food oh Mikey what’s that let’s not eat that it’s disgusting I think everyone’s leaving let’s go to the store and get some food yeah Mikey let’s get out of here wait guys don’t go we’ll fix it sorry Mister we didn’t like your food

Today we’ll come back another time yeah we’re in a hurry sorry come on guys stay we’ll give you the best table in our restaurant no no no they shouldn’t have done this to me haha I don’t even realize what’s waiting for them Mikey do

We have pasta at home I think we did but let’s check the fridge I think we had steaks we can have steaks yes we did have steaks and for dessert we have cake we don’t have to cook anything and have a nice meal yeah I’m really hungry I

Haven’t eaten anything all morning and the food at the restaurant was disgusting here you go M it’s delicious JJ now I’m going to eat this cake haha I’ll show you where your banana is hiding here what who are you what are you doing oh no help me Mikey JJ where

Are you please let me go don’t shout they won’t help you I’m not finished yet oh no where are you going wait what’s going on here don’t touch me let me go now I’ll call the police you’ll go to the cage ha the police won’t help you either you shouldn’t have left this

Restaurant you’re crazy stop it here comes another customer ha hey who are you do you know who I am let me go or I’m not responsible for myself he’s not listening to us JJ I think someone’s on the phone and really it’s from the restaurant what do they want I got to take

This hahaa you guys shouldn’t have left my restaurant you’re going to regret it what but your food is not good so we left and we’re not coming back get back to the restaurant now I’ve got your friends I promise no food but your friends are going to stolen we got them

From all over town now we’re going to have some fun haha I’m waiting for you you better hurry or you’ll regret it what’s going on over there I don’t know JJ but we have to hurry and save our friends right now hurry up we’ve got to get there before he does something to

Them and we can’t help hurry up we’re the only ones who can help them come on in where are they I don’t see them JJ oh no there they are they’re hanging over the stage hurry to them we have to get them out of there what have they done

Guys please save us finally you’re here hurry up Freddy’s Coming oh no no guys turn around he’s here ha did you think you could save them so easily guys don’t worry we’ll help you haha you’ll eat my food today you have no choice otherwise they’re all not good I’m going to

Destroy them and you’re not going to stop me I don’t think it’s a big deal we’ll eat whatever you cook us but please let them go let’s see if you like the food this time get to your table meanwhile all right let’s add this this we’ll mix the food from the trash and

Throw it in the pot too Fast need help hurry to the restaurant oh I just woke up can’t you do it without me all right I’ll help you I’ve got to go to the roof wait for me I’ll be right There what what is it who broke through my wall aha here I am haha you got nowhere to go Freddy oh no what’s going on here get off me who are you stop right there I’ll catch up with you anyway there’s nowhere to go wo Mikey look what he’s

Doing this is really weird JJ is it really that simple haahaha there you go Freddy don’t move you’re coming with me get off me let go of me I didn’t do anything wrong I just fed them Pizza no oh ha did you see that he took it away

Now our friends are saved we can go home that’s a good idea what are you doing let go I’m sick of you wa what are those bananas stay here Freddy well well how many more are There oh oh no haa I got you what are you going to do now come on try and get out of here it’s deep isn’t it get me out of here I’ll find you again and this time you won’t get off that easy I’m not responsible for me I’m serious Freddy

You better let me out now yeah yeah sure I’ve got a lot of things to do finally we’re home and I think I’m hungry again yeah Mikey let’s cook something and go to bed oh oh no he’s here turn around hahaa here I go again this time it’s not

Going to be that easy get in the room come on we’ve got to lock the door what do we do now we’ll watch the cameras and see where he is and then we’ll figure out what to do with him okay well he’s not in the Hall where’s he gone look in the

Kitchen it’s not in the kitchen well it’s not outside either oh no he’s in the garage he’s breaking our car [Applause] Mikey the lever quick watch the [Applause] cameras huh the car’s leaving he’s running back into the house he’s coming Up oh no he’s got a crowbar and he’s breaking down our door here I am now you’re caught oh no please let’s talk excuse us yeah Freddy calm down it’s going to be okay I told you you I’ll be back haha that’s it goodbye guys what how did he

Get in here oh no stop right there where are you going I told you it’ be worse we’re saved he’s here yay look he’s got him haha Freddy’s back in my arms thanks for your help break it up guys he won’t run away this time well Mikey I guess this is goodbye

Thank you very much friends for watching it’s been fun we’re going to go eat and we wish you all the best hey Jay how are you doing I’m doing great I was wondering how our subscribers are doing let them post it in the comments good

Idea Mikey wait who are you hi Mikey and JJ I’m the host of a new circus that’s opening up in your town and I’d like to invite you all to the opening and a very cool new program here take this and come with it see you later I’ll be waiting

For you wow thank you so much I love the circus Mikey look it says it’s tomorrow why don’t we invite a banana too that’s a great idea dear viewers do you like the circus write in the comments meanwhile okay it’s finally opening tomorrow I’m 100% ready wo Kane hello

Pomy are you ready to perform tomorrow yes of course I’m ready well then great I’ll see you later all right a few moments later okay there’s something else I should have done here wait what is this weird Noise who are you no no no no stop what do you want who are you no don’t touch me finally only a few more minions to turn haha so are you ready minion haha now you’ll be my minion and you’ll only listen to me all right well I wonder where the other minions

Are oh finally whoa who’s that who are you what do you want from me let me go uh it’s not a minion but let’s see what happens no don’t wo wo wo whoa whoo whoa whoa wo what happened what what am I doing here who are you now you’ll only listen to

Me ouch what Why didn’t it work stop I can do whatever I want now H all right Mikey are you ready tomorrow is going to be an interesting day of course I’m ready let’s go to bed shall we wao yeah stop who could be ringing our doorbell this late let’s check it

Out this is weird but let’s check it out okay who is this oh a policeman evening what’s up Mikey JJ be very careful today and tomorrow something broke in our lab and now some strange creatures are coming out of there if you see them you

Better run what no don’t touch me no let go all right would it be that creature who JJ we got to get home quick Mikey and close the door you’re right don’t you think that creature looked a lot like a minion yes it’s them but why are

They like that Mikey I think someone’s trying to get in we’ve got to hide faster well well well is there anything interesting here I’m very hungry maybe I can find some food here what Mikey who is it I don’t know maybe our viewers know who it is dear View ERS please

Write who it is in the comments this is the first time we’ve seen her JJ it’s looking for food it’s coming over here we need to find a place to hide and while we’re looking our subscribers should write a comment who it is great Idea look we made it well maybe there’ll be food in here in the refrigerator wait why is there so much ice cream who eats so much ice cream it’s actually really good Mikey why oh there you are jump out of there if you don’t have food at home I’ll eat you

Then ha it’s not going to work we’re too high I think this will help me oops oh no Mikey ouch now we really got to get out of here ha I told you I could catch you Mikey run get to our room close the door phew it’s done dear viewers have

You written down who it is yet Mikey and I are very curious JJ JJ I hope our viewers wrote in now I have an idea they gave us a ticket see if there’s a number we can call she looks a lot like someone who performs at the circus great idea

Mikey I’ll look it up and yes indeed let’s try calling that number and spread the word huh what who can call so late okay where’s my phone yeah I’m listening what do I look like I’m performing in a circus oh no I don’t think it could be pomy hey where are you

Pomy wait she’s really gone oh no no no no no no what could have happened already all right let’s find her Mikey I hope he can help us and I hope so JJ she’s going to break down our door oh no Mikey already what are we

Going to do well hello my dear friends I’m going to eat you no don’t we’re not tasty why I’m delicious wo what’s this so hey everybody did you call me yeah look hey pomy what are you doing here I’m going to eat you too ha uh okay 1 2

What HAPPENED with Creepy DogDay ? MIKEY and JJ vs Poppy Playtime ! – in Minecraft Maizen

This is not an official Maizen channel, we make fan videos with Mikey and JJ. Our channel is exclusively for fans of Maizen. We’re not trying to impersonate his personality, we just want to add new and interesting stories to his characters. We hope you enjoy our videos. Have a nice day!

Maizen – https://www.youtube.com/@UCJHBJ7F-nAIlMGolm0Hu4vg


  1. LoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooL!❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉🎉😊😊😊😊😊😊

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