Living In A UNDERWATER HOUSE For 24 Hours!

Today we’re going to be trying to survive 24 hours underwater guys this challenge is about to be insane I don’t think you guys will last 5 hours what daddy you’re the one that’s going to tap out at like 2 hours uh no I’m not I’m going I’m going to

Live here forever I have a question um how are we supposed to survive under water if we can’t breathe well Gooby look what we’re standing on ooh a floor exactly well not really exactly but under here is a big underwater base that is ridiculously big you guys want to go

Inside and check it out yeah let’s go see it oh trust me you guys are going to love this everyone follow me Johnny where did you manage to find a base like this underwater well Daddy Let’s just say it was very expensive all right everyone follow me I’m not using my

Credit card oh yeah Daddy I definitely didn’t all right good all right guys check out the first floor ooh we got a lot of food it’s a farming area so now we could Harvest all of our own crops and will never die a good thing you even

Have these watermelons yep yep so now you won’t start to death on the underwater Mission all right so we got a lot of food so now we’re going to sleep well come down here Daddy I’ll show you check it out look at all this space we

Have down here oh my but there’s nothing there’s nothing here yeah there’s no beds oh yeah I forgot to mention that we need to kind of build up the underwater base so it’s actually good for us to live in you’re telling me it’s not even

Livable um well some of it is Daddy all right go down even more check out the last floor this is a storage area so we can put all of our loot down here oh I like this yeah it’s pretty aw a them right this placeo okay well I think the first thing

We should do is figure out where we’re going to sleep we got food covered we clearly have water covered we’re surrounded by it but now we need to figure out where the bed should go I feel like they should be in this room this room where are they going to go

Daisy I don’t know this just looks like a bedroom all right fine let me get some beds what if we put them like these little crevices ooh okay I like that I like that so we can bunk them up oh bed no that looks like poop I’m not sleeping

In a yellow bed why yellow’s not my favorite color I need a red one than you peed your bed really Gooby oh my goodness look at this wo you got bunk beds daddy yep now you can put yours next to mine all right well I’m definitely getting yellow beds okay fine

You can do yellow I’m going to make some all bunk beds too oh yes Gooby do over here Gooby nice you decorate them a little bit though we hey look what I’m doing crafting table I kind of like the crafting table but how am I supposed to

Get on the top bunk need a ladder all right daddy I’m going to add a ladder right now um there’s nowhere to add a ladder give her this now you put a ladder hey all right there we go now there’s a ladder w wow guys this is looking really really good daddy you

Added plushies here you guys more on this side hey no got to change the color on Daddy it’s the same thing do a do aha all right guys there we go now we know where we’re going to sleep on this 24-hour challenge what are we supposed

To do for the next 24 hours um we’re supposed to look at this window and look for fishies so you’re telling me we can’t play fortnite ooh Daisy you’re right we need a gaming setup I want to play fortnite underwater me too M okay okay fine but where do you think we

Should put these PCS at um daddy right behind you what like here and in here yep daddy exactly you place them down check that out daddy that’s a nice looking desk wa now I just need a chair what about mine I need to get one ke

Start making it I’m not making it for you wait I got to make my own yes daddy you need to make your own my setup’s coming out so good boom daddy look I added a weapon rack to my desk just in case I got to kill something oh yeah

Johnny why would you do that get get that out of here no Daddy you broke my computer I missed I missed I was trying to break the knives oh my goodness daddy about to make me really angry underwater about to break some of this glass don’t

You dare cuz we’re all going to die Dad look I found you you’re a Minecraft hey I’m not a gnome yep Daddy I found you I’m just trying to find a chair that looks just like Marty yep you’re really popular daddy you’re in Minecraft that’s cool oh yeah it’s really really cool to

B it’s gone all right there we go my gaming setup is looking sick just add my favorite dessert really daddy you’re adding food to your gaming setup oh my gosh you’re so fat that looks so good I’m going just going to eat that up all right guys well you know what I think

This room is looking pretty good we should probably move on to the living room living room this looks like a good living room look there’s already a TV okay we need a couch we need a sofa I’m on it Daddy we need a s we need like I

Don’t know we need games check it out daddy sofa where the yellow at my favorite color L you guys like this color sofa now o we should make this whole place into a movie SE ooh wait I like that a movie T how do we do that

Though chairs we need to make the screen super big even bigger than this pry size yes okay well in movie theaters it usually like goes upwards oh you’re right so we need to recreate that okay what does Daisy do know how to do that Daisy what are you doing you said you

Wanted it to go up okay what’s going on here I’m making a staircase daddy to go up oh you’re okay that looks good that looks good we need chairs there we go there we go okay NOP nope nope do not like those chairs Daisy I was going to

Use all of our color oh it’s very movie e you have to stick with red if you’re going to do movie chairs why are we using your daddy’s favorite color who looks good there we go is that starting to look like a movie theater now daddy

Very movie like very movie like oh this TV is getting big it’s made a super wide TV May this TV is insanely Big Gooby yes so big it’s a really nice Cinema I’m not done yet it’s going higher what do you mean it’s going higher going higher

Daddy there’s no need yes there is goby watch out you’re going to break into the ceiling no we’re not this is looking insane o I got some cotton candy I’m waiting for the booies oh I want some cotton candy no fair where’d you get the cotton candy you should make a snack

Ball and then everybody can get it back here back here let’s make like a popcorn area yes I don’t think it’s supposed to be in underwater base guys why not you supposed to be like surviving not trying to like watch movies and you know have popn survive yeah Daddy we need to have

Fun while we’re underwater I mean is this fun this is not fun I’m having fun me too yeah we’re going to watch a cool movies gosh now I need to make like a popcorn counter yes fine I’ll make it look good daddy you should add this gumball machines okay we need to put

More in the corner they’re really good I love gumballs ooh Gooby I like this this is coming out good yes I’m making a candy counter nice don’t eat your inventory though sounds like you’re going to eat your inventory no that was a weird Sinister laugh oh Gooby Gooby

Gooby I have an idea what you need to add McDonald somewhere who we should make it underwater McDonald’s in one of these look we could just edit back here oh just break that there we go just as more options you can get Happy Meals o that’s a good idea mhm it’s a really

Good idea who’s going to even buy this stuff me there’s going to be buying your own food so what Daddy stop being a hater not being a hater fine you know what you guys enjoy your little movie theater I’m going to go work in the kitchen think if somebody needs to go to

The bathro in the movie we should make this room a bathro m that’s a really good idea yeah I really like this idea yes all right check this out Gooby bathtubs oo nice like a little tub I here it’s looking really good some we need some toilets for pooping

Toilet wo there’s a lot of toilets we can place I’m going to add a toilet right here and then across from it over here and then mountains of toilet paper yeah we’re going to need that in case your daddy uses this yep exactly it’s going to explode the whole bathroom all

Right there we go this is looking pretty good wow our movie theater came out so amazing Daddy what are you working on we’re on the kitchen wow the kitchen’s coming out really good too need a toaster some pots and pans some bread we need a fridge okay where do you want to

Put a fridge um exactly that’s sink we don’t need to wash our hands what did we do my hands already clean God this kitchen looks horrible daddy it looks amazing I don’t even know what you’re talking about no it looks pretty pretty bad I got to fix this kitchen now what’s

Wrong with your eyes you need some more light in here let me just open the window no stop Gooby oh God oh God Gooby Gooby gooby Gooby gooby forgot we were under water how did you forget we were underwater we’re like 50 ft down right

Now this is so scary oh that’s crazy I knew weiz you know be crazy if there was a shark out there and it wanted to be our friend no no that’s too scary no it’s not that Gary there was Sal in real life I’ll be so sared guys you want to

Play a little fun game no what is it well the thing is I can’t tell you and Daddy you’re going to play the game everyone follow me it’s a surprise upstairs yes there’s a big prize Gooby a massive prize all right guys everyone come down here why are we out of here

You guys better have your swimming suits on because we’re going to do some swimming what why we I don’t want to swim out of here see that over there that Island yeah yeah I want to see who could swim the fastest me I can swim come back Gooby hey Gooby come back

Over here back I didn’t say go yet we’re going to all go at the same time and we’re going to see who could swim to that Island first and whoever the winner is they’re going to be able to watch a movie by themselves oh I need that I

Need that so they’re going to be able to close down the whole movie theater and it’s going to be private movie you just to eat all the snacks yep and it’s all free you don’t have to pay anyone really yep you can eat anything you want and

Watch anything you want know I got to race I’m ready to go I’m ready to swim everyone line up everyone l line up I’m going right next to my daddy right here e get away from me you’re going to Splash me all right Daisy you can move

Up a little bit all right are you guys ready everyone start swimming in three two 1 go ah oh yeah I got a jumping lead start no I’m swimming really fast yes yes yes yes yes daddy I’m faster than you I’m faster than all of you I’m

Faster than all of you you want to get stuck in the seaweed no I’m not I’m not getting stuck in any seaweed yes yes yes yes yes go go go hey no no daddy no I’m going to beat you yes I’m ahead I’m

Ahead no he B me no yes I did it I’m the winner mhm private movie here I come out my way let’s go rematch what you’re not getting a rematch I’m the winner obviously okay fine do you guys actually want a rematch yes guys I think I

Already won we don’t need to have a rematch Daisy you were in last place no I wasn’t I was Gooby you w at being a loser you won at being a loser Daisy okay congratulations well you’re being a Meenie weenie okay fine fine I’ll stop being a meie weenie and we’ll have a

Rematch this is the real race that was just a test we start going now no no no daddy that’s that’s actually cheating you’re not not cheating that was not cheating cheater eater a cheater you’re coming up with weird says all right guys the first person to get all the way to

Touch that first pillar right there see that first pillar yeah yeah yeah I see it you need to touch it with your hand and then once you touch it you’re the winner oh this easy easy all right whatever you guys say everyone get back in the water line up are you guys ready

I’m ready yes all right guys here we go three 3 2 1 Oh no I got swim super fast I’m in front again I’m in front let’s go I’m going da cing up hey no Daisy’s in front oh gosh this is not fair I need

Some air oh my gosh guys guys behind us behind us there sharks sharks in the water sharks in the water a pillar no I Hit It First guys it doesn’t matter daddy keep moving the Sharks God being chased inside oh no my God being chased for being chased no guys help me they’re

Going to get me they’re going to get me get inside you H me Daddy get away from me my ladder daddy oh my God just go up just go up you’re smacking me in the mouth H okay okay okay okay I think all right shut the door Daddy are

You okay why’ you go back down there you smacked me okay get up here Daddy come on trying to get up here I that’s everybody we should close the door stop it stop hitting My Daddy Let Me In sorry I forgot you oh God god daddy

You’re being I’m going to die oh and my daddy didn’t survive the 24-hour challenge oh no Sor my I knew he wasn’t going to last at 24 hours anyway yeah that is true Oh Daddy you’re alive guys I need I need another try that that was not fair Gooby cheated yeah Gooby did

Cheat threw me off multiple times forgot you were there no you did not you literally just smacked me multiple times in the mouth no I was just trying to close your door then you kicked me saying Mar I hate you you’re going to die to those weird sharks you said that

I said that you did I heard it guys this challenge just got wh way harder because there’s zombie sharks trying to attack us let’s go down here and look through the windows oh no hope they don’t break it no Daddy they’re not going to break it all right everyone look through the

Windows go go go I’m by the movie theater right now I don’t see him anywhere I don’t see anything oh over here over here oh my God it’s a red one it’s a red shark no way my favorite color big oh no oh my goodness where’d

It go oh my God it’s over here oh it’s a Megalodon it’s huge wait they look like zombies they’re zombie sharks maybe oh my goodness this is actually terrifying oh no this wed so is here too I bet we’ll tell him to go away hey so go away

Please we he can’t hear you doy uh we don’t want anything from you so just go away I think he’s listening oh he’s going away keep doing it Gooby goodbye so see you later maybe we’ll watch a movie sometime good job Gooby you scared him away uh-oh guys guys behind us guys

Behind us the sharks are breaking the glass just saw raming fix this oh no I don’t have any blocks me neither I don’t have anything go out there go be big oh no okay out of this room out of this room out of this

Room oh no no no no one is allowed back in this side of the the base Daddy I have an idea what are you doing all right let me just get this Spruce trap door and I blocked him off that’s not going to do anything Johnny yes it is do

Another one Gooby yes yep there we go there we go um I don’t think that’s going to work I think we actually need a block blocks all right Daddy I think you’re right well I don’t I don’t think there’s any resources like that in this base a we

Don’t have any blocks to use does this work no it does not work Daisy that’s terrible a second I might have to swim to that island and try to get some wood daddy you’re right you need to swim to the island I don’t want to go to the

Island no but the so out and then Daddy we can get pickaxes and then we can go underneath our base and mine some Stone and materials you’re right I wonder if this place has a mine let me look there a room wao it’s a submarine o be careful

Though the bottom is exposed to the ocean I’m going down there go go go go go got go quick is this a secret base it’s a mine oh oh no guys uh we have a problem it’s shark infested oh no me and Gooby are stuck down here Daddy this

Isn’t good oh uhoh the sharks in here uh do you want me to be a distraction yeah Daddy we’re going to die down here if you don’t hurry up Daisy uh you stay up here and you just wait for them okay come here sharks H go go swim up swim

Up Chasing You Up the Ladder Up the Ladder come up here behind you that was a close one Daddy no they almost bit my butt off stupid sharks I’m going to hit them oh God that one’s big really big oh no Gooby you fell you fell

In Gooby okay Gooby okay he’s out he’s done yeah you’re dead guys we can’t just let Gooby die like that we have to get him back yeah I already missed Gooby Daddy can we get him back I don’t know he died and it was a legitimate D but

This daddy if everyone right now watching this video likes this video then that means that Gooby is going to come back to life okay I guess that works all right everyone like the video in three 2 1 yeah are back let’s go um we asked for a bunch of likes and all

Of our subscribers liked the video and then you came back to life wa thank you so much subscribers booby I was so scared I was never going to see you again J I was so scared that I was dead forever when I’m turn into a zombie well

I’m Happ be back all right guys we need to focus up we need to get to that island and get some wood so everyone follow me go all the way back to the top wait but before we do that can we just stop and get some food cuz I’m kind of

Getting hungry oh yeah you’re right all right we need a bunch of food everyone get potatoes and carrots I’m getting watermelon that works ooh I like watermelon too guys there’s a leak zombie Tru are get in waa waa waa what is happening oh no oh my gosh oh my gosh

Okay everyone up to the top top top top top go go go go go this is getting out of hand we need those materials right now we make some weapons so we can fight the shars I know I know but who’s going to go over there and get the wood oh God

Guys I need help I’m being attacked all right John go no let’s just punch them all together we need we need a team up guys punch him punch him stupid shark get out of here idiot sharkk oh my God he’s doing damage he’s doing damage I don’t think they can get

In here oh no I was that was a lie behind behind you do so much damage if they bite you go away someone I got to eat some carrots I’m going to make a run for the island or Swim go make a swim go

Go go go make a swim for it help you guys fight this a lot of big sharks be fine Daddy just go faster Daddy go faster you me oh my God oh my daddy you have like 100 sharks they’re all they all want to eat you Daddy they want you

I turn around why I turn around no you can’t get you they can’t go on land tell me that Gooby daddy you got a big king shark okay I’m on the island I think I’m good no you’re not Daddy no you’re not I’m going to start mining some wood

Marty how are you going to get back making a ball that’s actually really smart watch out oh my God oh my oh my God oh my God Daddy can you hurry up we’re being attacked just go inside you don’t have to be outside in the water you’re right all right everyone up the

Ladder Gooby come on come on no I got one com in go they’re coming after me Gooby go up the ladder Gooby Gooby gooby Gooby gooby oh you’re safe thank goodness all right let me just shut the door there we go sorry I just trying to

Shut the door same thing happened to me that happened to M all right daddy we’re watching you from the tower okay I’m about to make a boat H yeah there’s a bunch of shars out there watch out oh thanks for telling me that Gooby like I didn’t know welcome Daddy can you mine

The trees just a little bit faster please all right well I’m going to get a few more pieces we’re going to have to go in the mine well Daddy uh if you get eaten by a shark then we’re not doing any of that I need to eat this oh

There’s a lot of sharks yeah if you get eaten we’re just going to play fortnite I’ll do that I’m on my way oh no oh my gosh oh my gosh daddy oh go go go Tru on my butt going you’re going insanely fast right now lot of green shs over here

Right by the uh the ladder kind have a problem I’ll help you B hey a gooby no no no Gooby don’t go down there Gooby do not go down there I’m going to punch them good job Gooby I’ll use the boat I’ll use the boat get in here go go go

Go I’m out no go me go Gooby stop hitting my daddy I made it yes all right daddy how much wood do you have I have a stack of nine yes all right everyone down to the mines go go go go we need to get a crafting table and then also we

Need to make pickaxes we have a craft bench down here where there should be one guys I have one right here all right Daddy good okay I’m going to make us some pickaxes well Daddy only make one cuz then you can get stone and then we

Can make stone pickax I you go on that mission really Daddy I just went out there and got the wood well I don’t want to go on the mission Daisy’s go in the mission no Gooby should go on the mission what mission I don’t even know what mission we’re talking about Gooby

Give it back to my daddy don’t give it to me why you go in the mission Daddy come on you want me to do it fine I I’ll do it I need a wooden sword though all right Daddy go go go you need to hold

The resources just in case I die o good idea good idea here we go all right here Daddy I’ll show you where to go come here where am I going all right we’re just going to go in here there we go nice and bye daddy have fun why you do that cuz it

Was funny that was zombie Shar are still here get out of here I’m in it down here oh gosh oh gosh daddy the sharks are getting inside I’m getting as many blocks as I can daddy you need to hurry up right now we really need those materials I’m working I’m working we

Going to have to waste some of the wood Daddy what on blocking up this hole because we don’t have stone there’s some iron blocks down here we could actually mine what is not the strongest but I’ll have to do for now oh know just small oh

Gosh another one I got it I got it I got it keep hurry up right now of our wood those were the only trees in literally miles so we need to protect this wood oh my God behind us behind us I got it I

Got it I got it let me patch it real quick a there we go oh my goodness this is really bad my pickaxe broke oh no what are we supposed to do come back up Shar where’s the lad on you Daddy here up here it w’t take you oh gosh Oh Daddy

You died and you had the stone stone going oh my gosh Daisy oh my gosh go go go go go go go go go go no no stowman give me the stone no I got one piece of stone Gooby one piece uh oh what are we

Supposed to do wait I see a sword it’s floating up to the surface yes yes yes okay I’m going to go down and get it careful y I got it I got it I got it I got the stone I got the stone I got

The stone get out of here let’s go let’s go let’s go all right Gooby check this out looks like it’s just me and you on this 24-hour challenge everyone else died cuz they suck how many more owls do we have left um I think like 23 what how

Are we supposed to do this all right it’s fine we have swords now and we have really good materials yes this a good sword o Gooby also I’m going to make us some boats just in case we need to like Escape somehow yes then we just wide out

Of here if the sharks are overrunning our underwater seab base then we could just use that and Escape Gooby what are you doing I think my boat’s broken it’s because you’re not on water oh oops Gooby now that that we’re just alive down here what do you want to do uh

Maybe we just play some fortnite oh God oh God yeah I don’t think we’re playing fortnite I don’t think we’re playing fortnite the water’s spilling all over fine I’m patching it up I’m patching it up it’s fine it’s fine oh no the small socks fine everything’s going

To be okay okay trying to bite me let’s let’s go up to a different level Gooby come on there’s too many windows down here oh oh no Gooby come up Gooby come on I’m coming okay this is a lot better there’s no windows so no sharks

Could see us let me just patch this up oh no they’re coming through the ceiling what happened now Gooby oh my goodness oh no oh gosh these sharks are so annoying H get away there we go okay Gooby I’m going to give you some blocks I’m going to give you some blocks

Yes I need some use some of the wood use some of the wood running out of resources very quick there’s one down here kill it kill it come here I need help I need help no I’m here ow it’s hitting us it’s hitting us kill it

I’m killing it I’m killing it oh no there’s too many of them go oh killed oneby I don’t know if we’re going to be able to survive 24 hours with these sharks up our butt I think we need to get out of here on the boat SC I think

You’re right all right let’s go all the way up to the top technically if we’re still on the water we’re still surviving 24 hours underwater right Mak sense to me oh gosh Gooby that was a mistake there’s really there’s big ones there big ones here behind you gooby oh no

Uhoh uhoh where we go going die we go we’re going to die just keep following me oh my goodness there’s so many sharks go hold Gooby I’m sorry but I think you have to sacrifice you got to be Bak Gooby come by me let me sacrifice no no

It’s sacrifice Gooby I’m sorry I had to take your boat Gooby I’m sorry I didn’t want to have to do this no no no no maybe I can make it to the island right here thank you for distracting I’ll see you later no why did you do this to me

Oh you’re going to be stuck in that Island forever sorry come back here no oh God behind you oh Gooby just died let’s go perfect distraction now I’m alive forever I think I won the challenge well if you guys enjoyed watching this video then everyone right

Now make sure to leave a like and hit subscribe bye wo look at this whole entire field all of my crops grew wow I planted these like a week ago all right let’s start breaking them all and harvest all of this wheat wo I’m going

To be able to make so much bread and cakes from all this wheat that I’m breaking look I already have a stack of wheat oh my gosh this is insane this is actually insane all right let me just break a few more there we go wait what

Who is that guy hey villager this is my crapper land get out of here bro you don’t want to move oh God oh God oh God he looks terrifying hey hey hey hey hey waa whoa W he’s coming after me oh my gosh help help I need help oh my gosh

Die you stupid villager what is wrong with him oh God he’s making a lot of scary sounds ow oh God he’s hitting me oh oh God oh God what is that his head came to life his head is literally a spider come here stop running away loser

I’m going to beat you up come here come here stop running woo I think I killed it let me eat some apples what the heck was that thing it just spawned in the middle of my field I was farming over there and then it spawned right

Here oh my gosh I got to go tell my friends and my daddy daddy daddy where are you I’m currently trying to get chickens to trade with a villager daddy daddy oh Gooby gooby come here yes everyone meet in the middle I need to tell everyone something the middle why

Is it important where’s Daisy Daisy I was just getting wood guys guys guys something really scary just happened what do you know I’ve been planting those crops for a week now right Daddy yeah I know you’ve been really working hard yeah I went in there I started

Harvesting some of the wheat and then I looked behind me and then there was a villager but it wasn’t a random villager it was like a scary demon zombie villager making weird sounds and trying to eat me is this a joke no it’s not a joke are you sure because there’s no

Such thing as like a zombie villager that’s got like spider things and I don’t know I think I think you’ve been in the field too long I feel like you’re just playing a prank on us no no no I’m not playing a prank on anyone wait Gooby did you see any terrifying villagers

That look like zombies um no I was just getting some eggs for my chickens wait were the chickens looking like zombies I’m going to go kill them they’re zombies they’re Zombie Chicken okay okay okay them I thought they were zombies I don’t know I’m just really scared they’re not zombies what’s wrong with

You Johnny maybe the horse is turned into zombies come here hores don’t kill the don’t kill no leave it alone why would you do that I’m telling you they’re real we need to watch out Johnny I think you just need to do something else besides going in

The field and getting wheed all right maybe mine ooh ooh Daddy good idea yeah I’m going to mine but I want you guys to come with me because we got to get diamonds to defend oursel from the zombies uh yeah sure sure yeah the imaginary zombies good idea well Gooby

Don’t you want diamonds yes Daisy don’t you want diamonds yeah I love diamonds all right so we need to get some diamond swords to protect ourselves so everyone follow me I know the best mine in town all right guys here it is the best mine in Minecraft are you guys ready to go

Down uh yeah I’m ready to go get some diamonds yes all right I got a pickaxe and daddy you got a pickaxe all right guys everyone follow me and look out for zombies There’s not going to be anything down there are you SOI I’m scared of zombies go there’s no zombies he’s just

Lying he’s playing a big joke on us okay he just Daddy what is this in here uh I actually don’t know it kind of looks like an abandoned laboratory guys this was definitely not here last time I came down into this mind but when was the last time you came down here yesterday

Well then this is really recent what this all happen in one day what’s this liquid right here don’t tell don’t touch it Gooby don’t touch it oh my gosh little now you’re poison that’s what you get Johnny did you set this up to play a

Prank on us no I’m not guys really you think I had enough time to come down here and place all these blocks you always play pranks on us oh look that mine cart’s moving on its own it’s a ghost it’s a ghost okay that you just

Push that oh it’s moving it’s moving I’m telling you it’s a ghost out uh let me see this Minecart you definitely have this track automatically doing that wait guys maybe there’s something inside this little mine cart chest there’s going to be nothing in there there’s a book daddy

There’s a book I found a book okay never mind there’s a book oh my goodness I’m going to read it journal entry 38 I made made a mistake I tried to help people but instead I created demons I tried to make them live forever I thought I

Succeeded but no whatever they are now is different they are dead but are still moving guys I told you the zombies are real read that Daddy I’m not making it up okay this book could be fake it could be a maybe it’s a prank from a villager

Or something maybe you did something to them uh guys look behind you oh my God oh my God zombie kill it kill it kill it it’s his head it’s spidal guys then what was that Daddy explain that uh this is just a really big uh big prank you’re

Setting up on us yeah where are the cameras hello oh no I think these a wheel I think the wheel daddy there’s no cameras get your head out of your butt and my head’s not in my butt it’s all the way up there daddy you’re eating

Your poop right now no I’m not guys I’m telling you there’re zombies and this is where they were created and look it looks like they all escaped H well that’s not good maybe that was the only one I think we’re going to be safe now I don’t think so Daisy yeah you’re

Probably right probably only one in that test tube yes now he’s gone I think I’m going to go get some diamonds all right let’s just move together all right oh God oh my God it’s a Zombie Cow it’s a Zombie Cow a Zombie Cow the livestock is

Even getting affected by this ew I’ve infected Flesh on me e you a pig it kill it oh no I’m one HP you guys all right here have some apples here’s a food yes guys this is not good everything is being infected by this zombie virus well I don’t want to get

Infected well that’s why we need to kill him and stick together guys I think we need to go up to the village and start protecting it because maybe maybe more are coming you’re right Daddy and we got to tell all the villagers come on guys

Follow me go go go all right guys let’s just go up this ladder and oh my goodness there’s a lot of zombies oh my God thing oh my gosh oh my gosh kill it’s spreading they’re infecting the villagers go back down go back down uh uhoh I can’t guys I

Can’t back down run I died no Daisy died oh my God she got infected oh no no no get out of here you zombies kill him daddy why are you not helping us guys come to the water come to the water you’re right slow him down oh my god

Daddy I need help I’m shooting him in the butt I’m shooting him in the butt behind behind behind ah you want me in the back come on Daddy we got to help Gooby where’d he go no oh my God he’s went flying trying to hide in the water

They don’t like water oh they just blew up he just blew up in front of us that was disgusting e this virus is really yucky yeah nobody touch any of the stuff on the floor you’re probably going to get infected oh no they got Daisy Gooby

I don’t think they got Daisy I think she escaped everyone follow me we got to go get her and save her let’s go let’s go watch out of this on the floor don’t touch any of that what’s behind you oh God another zombie come here stupid zombie villager ow they hurt daddy do

You have any food oh yeah got some eggs hey stop throwing eggs at me Gooby it’s not the time for jokes oops okay guys come on come on come on oh gosh there’s a lot of them run past them run past them run past them uhoh uhoh don’t even

Look at them don’t even look at them run I’m running I’m running they’re after you you’re coming after me oh my gosh oh my gosh run run run run run run run run run we have to go in the house where’s Daisy’s house maybe she’s

In her house uh to the right to the right you sure daddy yeah it’s here it’s right here oh my God oh my God help me what is that thing what is it she’s put put her house up she’s in there Daisy open the door hurry come inside shut it

Shut it shut it shut it shut it oh oh my goodness Daisy you’re alive thank goodness yeah I thought they were going to kill me so I just ran to my house well great we killed a lot of them but I think there’s a lot more out there I

Think they’re multiplying the whole village is going to become zombies oh my goodness this isn’t good well I don’t want to die so we need to do something really fast all right well let’s just break a hole and see if there’s any out there all right right let me break this

Oh God I hear a noise oh my goodness guys there’s a lot of them uh maybe we try going on the roof hey get away from me oh God this one’s really ugly I’m killing them I’m doing it oh I found some resources in here nice daddy oh we

Got a lot of wheat we got have a lot of bread yeah I farm all the time well that’s good all right Daddy I think you’re right we have to go to the roof it’s the only safe spot hold on I’m going to make a bunch of wheat so we

Have food Oh Daddy I have a bunch of wheat too hold on everyone put it in here everyone start making food I got some eggs do we need eggs no we do not eat eggs what about water no we do not need that either I’ll actually take a

Water bucket just in case yeah I took one too all right let’s get on the roof all right I’m going this way guys I’m hearing a lot of sounds out here I don’t know if this is safe that’s not good oh gosh oh gosh oh my goodness there’s

Hundreds out here oh what are these things oh gosh oh gosh it’s an infection daddy there’s like some weird polar bear ones uhoh uh oh no ah I run Gooby run oh no oh no run Gooby run Gooby run to the castle you’ll be safe there I got

To get see the castle wait the castle where where’s the castle at it’s on top of the mountain oh my God you’re right I see it okay go go go everyone did the castle I’m one you I’m 1 HP it’s fine it’s fine keep running keep running I’ll

Fight them off for you gooby yes thank you we got to get on top of this mountain to the castle Go Daddy Daisy are you guys safe back there I’m on my way I’m trying I’m in the field I’m making it to the Castle come on I’m

Almost to the top come on yes yes yes oh gosh no no I hear guys they’re inside the castle the Castle’s not safe well no we need to kill them I need help I need help I’m coming I’m coming oh my gosh oh my gosh oh no I’m separated I’m killing him do

It daddy kill him ew got one take that oh God e e I hate when they explode break all this o I made it you guys we need to board it up I’m doing it Daddy I’m doing it is there any way that they can get in any other ways I don’t think

So Daddy I think we’re safe maybe board up these windows right here yeah yeah board them up board them up okay yes I have some o guys that was a close one I can’t believe our town is being overrun by zombies I know what are we going to do

Now I don’t know guess we got to live here forever yeah Gooby you’re right this is probably the most safe area we could be in I don’t think the zombies could break down these walls even if they wanted to um Johnny uh-oh oh my God

He broke down the wall he broke down the wall they’re so strong ew okay I think that was just the last zombie I think now we’re actually safe board back up okay okay there we go guys what’s that sound what what sound oh the right hear

Another zombie right oh my God oh my God they’re breaking in oh no oh no kill them kill them kill them they want to eat us e ouch ouch don’t allow them to eat them oh God they’re blowing up oh my goodness ow I’m hurting board it up

Board it up got to break all the remains too so that we don’t get infected I hear more over here over here where come here find you oh my God oh my God oh no they coming in you ew keep boarding it up keep boarding it up oh no I got to eat

Some blood front door front door front front front we got Runners we got Runners oh my goodness this is terrifying guys I don’t think the Castle’s strong enough it has to be strong enough there’s pigs oh no zombie pigs if this isn’t strong enough then what’s going to be strong enough the

Guys guys guys behind behind behind on the roof we mean the roof jumping they’re jumping after us oh my goodness they’re spiders now they’re spider zombies ow ow it’s not spider guys go we need to think of something really really strong uh um maybe we need to go in the

Ground like a bunker yeah what if we made a bunker oo a bunker could be really smart Daddy because maybe they won’t hear us in the ground yes daddy okay everyone come in here come to the horses stable ooh nice horse poop daddy get in here I’m in here I’m in here

Board this up there we go okay now we should be able to make an entrance that the zombies will have no clue where they are we could do it literally in the stable with the horse like a super secret bunker guys this smells really bad in here I don’t want to be horse

Poop lands well Gooby you rather die by scary zombies out there I don’t think there any there back there I think they’re all gone what do you no Gooby gooby you’re going to get us killed let me just see what’s in here oh oh my God go spider SP close it up close

It up all right start making stuff we need to start making okay right here Daddy I’m going to dig down we have to build a super secret bunker oh no I think the spider knows we in here all right guys everyone come down all right we’ll follow you Daddy how deep should I

Go we need to go pretty deep all right daddyy I think this is low enough all right everyone down here and start breaking these walls out okay we need this pretty big we need to be able to live down here forever exactly daddy we’re going to need our own rooms a

Kitchen and a bathroom oh definitely I think we need separate bathrooms and now there’s no way in heck that the zombies can get through these walls because there’s literally nowhere to go we’re underground exactly we got to make lots of traps in here just in case somebody

Gets in ooh zombie traps are definitely needed what if we do like a double locked door a double locked door yeah so when they come down this ladder they have to go through two doors before they can actually access where we live okay D yes zombies can’t even use those like an

Air lock you dumb can you even use that yeah yes okay I I’ll just checking I’m the best at using doors okay Daddy I think we use iron blocks that are super strong yeah we need to do reinforced walls all right let me just do this real

Quick yeah we have to use really strong metal because even the zombies got through all those Stone walls of the castle um yeah Gooby that’s what we need to do all right guys I think I made the door it looks pretty good does look pretty decent yes I like how these

Windows right here you get to see zombie or if it’s a friend exactly Gooby that’s why I did it you dummy o yeah that seems like a good idea um what are we doing for the floor what is this floor design it’s made out of metal and it’s going to

Be super strong okay I kind of like how it’s orange it reminds me of yellow which is my favorite color so I like it yeah I figured you’d like it well guys what are we going to make the walls are we making the walls iron oh we should

Make it aluminum ooh isn’t that a really strong metal it’s like the strongest what’s an aluminum this one Gooby oh that is that is a weird metal wall I don’t know if I like it well then you pick what the wall should be this is really shiny Daisy it’s make my eyes

Burn well don’t look at it my eye sockets are burning right now I don’t like it break it I’m going to pick a block all right no I’m choosing the block nope Daddy I’m choosing the block let’s see is a better block all right fine um let’s see we’re looking for

Something strong and that looks cool all right I give up daddy you could look for the block what you didn’t even try I gave up Daddy I think you got lazy I didn’t get lazy okay I just gave up isn’t that like the same thing okay we’re almost done with the flooring come

On guys I’m doing this so good I think we finished let’s go this looks so good what if we just use this for the wall wait wait wait wait wait what if we just use iron block since we already started over here see it doesn’t really match

The floor H what about this oh my goodness that looks so cool yes what the heck that hurts my eyes no but we’ll do a pattern we’ll do a pattern on the wall so we’ll do like three then we’ll skip three and then we do another three we

Just put another Block in between I don’t know Daddy I don’t know if I like it I don’t like it okay maybe it’s not actually so bad it’s not bad let’s just try it okay then I got to choose three nice Gooby look we can use all the blocks together ooh see

That looks so good wow this looks crazy all right I kind of do like it let’s do it going all the way around our bunker no one messed the pattern up wao this looks like a secret lagoy exactly Gooby this is going to be the best base ever

Well now we need a ceiling a ceiling well D let’s just use these blocks again this would be sick whole ceiling yeah maybe not well Daddy you know what you pick a block then dummy I’ve been picking the blocks you picked one block I picked it all if we Mak the whole

Ceiling just iron ooh I have to agree that will look the best cuz it’s super strong too yes it’s super strong and if a zombie is going to come in it’s going to be from the ceiling okay I’m going to be on breaking Duty I’m going to break

As many blocks as I can see and then you guys play okay yes I’m going to help you with breaking wo the ceiling looks so good yeah it came out amazing cuz it was my idea to do it well where are we going to put our rooms H I think this is more

Of like the middle like the Hub of where we’re going to have our rooms so I think we start breaking into the wall so what if someone went like in this direction someone went in this direction and we can put a kitchen in the middle here

With like a living room ooh daddy that’s a good idea all right I’m going to build mine over here my room okay you’re going to go there uh Gooby where you going I want to build mine right here okay you go there Daisy how about you I’m going

To build mine this direction okay looks like I’m going straight no one messed with me this is my room and if you come over here you’re going to die what you’re going to kill me yep you’re a psychopath just don’t come in my room daddy F I won’t I’m also going to make

Like a double lock on my room too wo there’s so many cool blocks to choose from wao that’s cool that’s cool all right the first thing I need to do is just break a bunch of blocks uh-oh what’s that sound oh my gosh guys zombie zombie zombie zombie zombie oh stupid

Zombie die what where’s the zombies oh my goodness Gooby he was in my room oh no they must be getting closer yeah they definitely are we need to hurry up and finish this bunker uhoh I’m moving all right I need to be super careful when I’m breaking blocks not to open up a

Cave of a bunch of zombies yeah don’t do that well Daddy I didn’t mean for it to happen all right oh I need to I need to get better blocks I need lava blocks ooh lava blocks that seems cool yeah I think this will protect me these metal blocks

Are so cool what are you guys splitting your rooms out of ah lava I’m going to build mine out of a futuristic block and make it look really futuristic yeah me too is that a good idea I think it’s a good idea I think it’ll be strong making

My womb like an out of space womb ooh all right just need to break a couple more blocks on this ceiling and boom this is a lot of space hey Daddy were you looking at my daddy get away hey I’m not looking look at mine comp yours you

Looked over into my base yeah I’ll look at your base let me look at your base H it looks really ugly in here Daddy you barely did anything to yours what are you doing making it look cool can you leave me alone all right daddy mine’s

Going to be better than yours no it’s not it’s it’s going to be insane no okay I want to make my room very bright um wo there’s so many different blocks I could use wao look at all these quartz oh yeah I’m definitely making out of quartz H I

Don’t know if I’m liking the quartz now I think white concrete will look smoother and better yeah this looks way way better all right let’s go all the way around and fill all the walls up with this white concrete this going to take me hours um Daisy Gooby can one of

You come over here and help me I’m building my room why why are you building your room you should help me no I want to be safe oh so you’re saying my room’s not going to be safe that’s exactly what I’m saying really Daisy sorry all right well you know what fine

I didn’t want girls in my room anyways Gooby I know you’re going to help me right o I’m see I’m trying to make my super secret bunker so I just got to walk on mine so you’re not going to come over here and help me uh nope oh guys

Really no one want to help me fine you know what I’m just going to have the best room here I don’t care you want me to help you yes daddy yes please no hey Daddy you can’t say you’re going to help me and then not help me who’s next to me

Who’s breaking stuff sorry oh it’s Daisy the gravel just keeps falling the problem is if we all help you then we’re going to get eaten by the zombies so you’re saying if you help me and my room’s not going to be safe enough and you’re going to get eaten

Um yeah pretty much you guys don’t understand I’m making the safest room right now it’s going to be so cool yeah well I’m making my room look like out of space so that if any zombies come here they’re going to be scared that the aliens get them a little stupid I don’t

Think the zombies really have like a brain to think about that yes everybody knows that zombies are scared of aliens um I didn’t know that but I guess I do know I guess now I know that that’s fake I think he’s lying hey that’s not fake

Gooby is right why are we not just you know calling the aliens down do you have an aliens phone number no exactly well what if we made like a sign saying aliens we need help the zombies are coming to take us over they’re not going to see that why not because they’re

Aliens and what’s the point of having aliens on your team when you can’t even ask them to come and help you I just finished my flooring let’s go finally that took me forever all right I want to come check in on your guys’ bases all right Daddy Let’s see what you’re doing

And this is actually insane yep I know you have lava underneath your floor yeah I know God forbid they come and I could just break underneath them they could die in the lava ooh that’s actually kind of smart like this yeah like that right daddy you stop

Can you stop breaking it can you stop can you stop can you stop can you stop I was just testing it out all right I’m going to go see Gooby base bye are you going to fill it back in daddy your door doesn’t really work just going to have to break that stop

Breaking my stuff Daisy what are you doing over here I’m adding poison to my floor what poison you copied me no I didn’t yes you did I had the lava here first this is kind of looking really cool I like it thanks all right Gooby let’s see your space room wa it’s

Looking like space yes thank you wow this is actually kind of coming out amazing yes I’m going to make two floors and it’s going to be lots of cool things in here wow all right good job Gooby I like it thank you all right time to get

Back working on mine time to start sectioning off some rooms right here I want to add a bathroom we’re just going to do something like that there we go and then up here there’s going to be a bed maybe I’ll extend this one more as well all right now right here we’re just

Going to add some stairs going up o yeah super futuristic stairs now we can work on my bed all right well the first thing I want to do is add some glass going around just like this now you actually won’t fall off all right then we’ll do

Something like this there we go ooh We’ll add some banners for some like pillows o this is actually starting to look really good and then we’ll just add some slabs going around just like this that’s starting to look like I bet to me and now we’re just going to add some

Lamp shades in the left and right oh yeah there we go wo oh that’s looking super good oh my goodness now I’m thinking over here we add a little kitchen area it’s going to be like a mini kitchen wao what is this it’s a big fridge too big there we go that’s more

Like it then we’re going to add some cabinets over here um now we need some carpet this is actually coming out amazing this kitchen’s probably the best kitchen I’ve ever made in Minecraft all right now we need some stools is there stools ooh these stools look really good

Let’s go with ooh this one could look amazing there we go oh check that out all right now we’re going to put like a little sink over here and then we need a hook boom looks like a sink we got to fill it up with some water all right now

We’ll put some cups down there we go we got some cake ooh I need to make banners though for up there okay so I need a loom trust me I’m the banner expert check this out I’m going to stick that there there we go it’s coming together

There we go and now he’s got to sharpen it a little bit more wait hold on I’m almost there there we go we got the Banner look at that that looks like cabinets oh my goodness I’m insane all right now I think up here I’m going to

Put some shelves so let’s get some iron trap doors I’m just going to put some stuff on it like a chest um maybe some carpet now we need a flower pot all right this is actually looking amazing this part of the room is all decorated

But now we got to work on this corner and this corner so I’m thinking over here we could put a little TV on the wall let’s see what we got ooh this TV looks really good we’re just going to do something like this put the TV up there

And now we need a couch ooh what does this look like oh God it’s huge wao the solar system wof looks so cool what a solar system roof yes you got to come see this okay hold on let me just place this chair and then I’m coming over all

Right there we go now we’re just going to grab one of these and place it in the corner wa Johnny this looks like a whole future place yes I know it’s looking amazing Gooby think all bases all looks pretty similar don’t see steal my ideas

Gooby okay I won’t all right let me come over and check out your solar system yes okay wow okay see come up here you have nothing on this bottom floor though cuz I was working on this wa it’s the sun Yep this looks pretty cool wait where’s

Earth where’s us um I think we’re somewhere over there okay we’re probably just really small because the sun’s really big yes wow that looks amazing oh I think that’s all right there oh I see it yeah in the corner the blue one all right Gooby looks like you have a lot of

Work to do though I’m going to go Che up on the others okay oh Daisy let me see your room W this is looking pretty good thanks I’m just adding a second floor ooh you have so much detail wait Johnny do you hear that I hear something

Breaking oh God oh my God guys guys zombies what where zombies zombies zombies kill them kill them they’re coming through the roof Daddy I’m scared me hurry oh no oh no oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh stupid zombies they’re in your room

Daisy oh God there’s blood everywhere room there’s blood everywhere in your room ew e they keep spawning where are they coming from guys look they dug all the way down oh no we need to we need to clean this up no no no this isn’t good

They know where we’re at oh yeah we got the H oh my goodness okay Daddy you want to start working on this room in the middle no cuz my room’s not done yet well hurry up up I I just started everyone work on your room for 5 more

Minutes and then we’re going to come together and finish it up all right okay yes all right perfect I need to start hurrying up okay I need gray I need gray all right this is starting to come together really good I just added this little futuristic wall right here looks

Awesome and then the TV area is pretty much done I think it looks amazing but also what I wanted to do is add a floating platform over here maybe I’ll break these for now and we’ll add the floating platform here we go we’ll just do something like this ooh I’m liking

That now up here I could put a mini gaming setup there we go also get some glass so we don’t fall off and now we need a chair all right we’re going to put down our computer ooh that looks really good and fancy what other things

Do we need on our gaming setup ooh there’s a bunch of different plushies and a Rubik’s Cube all right I’m going to place down a plushie and then this Rubik’s Cube ooh a basketball all right I’m going to place all this stuff down there we go that is looking amazing

Maybe do some of this there we go all right I think this part of the room is completed now the only thing we really need to do is the bathroom Okay so let’s get a toilet ooh there’s a bunch of different toilets all right I’m just

Going to stick it right there and then put the toilet paper next to it and then we’re going to get a sink and stick it over here also is there mirrors ooh we need to place down a mirror now I can see myself hey ooh maybe I could fit a

Bathtub over here as well it’s definitely getting a little cramped but I think it’s going to work let’s fill this bad boy up with water oh yeah now I’m in the bathtub let’s go now we’ll just put down some white carpet make it all match and boom I think our

Bathroom’s completed this all I really need wow this is coming together so good I think the last thing I’m missing is some armor stands with some diamond armor I think I’m going to put them inside the wall yes this is going to look so good there we go we’re just

Going to line all this up and then we’re just going to place down a bunch of these armor stands we also need some glass all right in the middle I’m going to put diamond and now let’s see what other armor we could place ooh netherite all right netherite in the left and then

Finally we’re just going to put down some iron boom check it out now we have armor that looks so sick and just like that I think my room is officially completed guys my room’s done how your room’s looking my room’s finished too Daddy what are you doing in here wo uh I

Kind of just finished up this is looking insane yeah it’s pretty cool wow you got a bathroom in here yep got a nice little toilet y I like the flooring a lot the flooring is sick the walls are scary uh to scare the zombies away Hello Walls

Are a little scary Daddy I’m not going to lie guys it’s just I like it like this all right well let’s go check out on goobie’s room Gooby yes wao you’ve added a lot since I was just here wao it’s a bath room right there m and then

If you come up here W this Solo System in my ceiling this is insane this is awesome Gooby yep thank you this is my bedroom I got my bed right here look at all these video games too this will keep us not bored while we’re fighting

Zombies yes if you ever want to play games you just come over to my room all right Gooby I really like your room let’s just go check Daisy’s room now O mine looks really good and then you guys are going to look at my room the best

Room here no mine’s definitely the best wo this is sick wo yeah there’s two stories o you added a second floor I want to go on second floor very girly it’s cuz I’m a girl yeah girl definitely made this Daddy I don’t know if I like

It now but this is my kitchen and this is the bathroom um this is kind of dangerous you could just fall down like this yeah there’s no fences I can fix it I’ll fix it for you look I’m going to do this glass that’s pink because you like

Pink the glass looks so good there we go wow that actually looks really good M my room is definitely a lot better than this room though all right everyone come downstairs I want to show you my room now let’s see all right check it out

Welcome to the the future wo wo wo mhm mhm it’s so clean in here it’s very clean so don’t put your dirty fingerprints anywhere I like the futuristic Vibe mhm look my bed’s up here and I like to be high so if zombies come in they’re not going to be able to

See me yeah I like this staircase I like how it’s like very futury I got everything I possibly would need a kitchen armor a bathroom in here wo I’m in the I’m in the tub yep daddy you’re scrubby dubby in The Tubby I’m naked

Everyone get out hey wo wo wo guys is a joke I got you is there some cake why actually hey get away it’s my cake yeah that’s basically my room but guys we don’t have to time to look at these rooms we need to figure out what we want

To do in here H maybe we just put a big couch no we need some defenses I think oh yeah what he said not a couch Dy you dummy oh let’s add barbed wire ooh that could be good we need some weapons o I have some spikes too I can put some

Spikes around here there we go o I like that I like that o I’m going to make a whole wall of Swords wall of Swords all right well check this out daddy since they’re probably going to come down here I’m just going to do something like this

Mhm and then boom ooh is this going to have arrows or something in it exactly daddy I love the idea boom arrows everywhere in your face I think we put our wall of cactus up too ooh that could be really good all right my arrow

Machine is done all right oh yeah let me test that out head shot oh yeah head shot again dead dead they’re dead they’re dead daddy this thing’s insane look I just made made a whole wall of all these swords nice wait Gooby can I take one yes I have a poopy stone sword

That’s about to break I’m going to take ooh this red one this thing is sick yep you can take whatever sword you want I’m going to take this one right here the living sword awesome oh I want a pink one p have whichever sword you wanty

Make sure you have a sword I will don’t worry I’m putting lava down whoo a lava wall I have to have a lava wall wa that looks sick also here Daisy take this uh Gooby come over here ooh yes golden apples yep there you go daddy you want

Some golden apples yeah give me some there you go thank you um Mar why is there lava right in front of my door it was an accident it was an accident Daddy messed it up I did look at my new armo you guys I looks like a space Knight wa

That looks so cool Gooby yep I’m like a space waral base Warrior really yes all right well guys I think we have enough defenses and we’re ready to fight the zom IES so all we need to do is wait down here for them to break through I’m

Going to wait in my base yeah me too guys I’m going to go in my base too oh gosh this is getting scary oh gosh no guys are in here wait what oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh I’m dying

I’m dying oh no no you’re not Daddy come here come here H kill him oh I set him on fire he’s going to explode oh oh man I’m infected Daddy how’ they even get in here the horde is coming guys we’re going to be attacked oh my my goodness

What does that mean oh my gosh guys help position no no get out of here ow hit me in the butt sorry Daddy I think I hit you oh no they’re all coming for me oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh they’re coming through the front ow oh no oh no

There a crazy one oh no there little warm ones ew they’re leeches they’re so close okay guys everyone in positions I think more is on the way oh my gosh oh my gosh I’m hiding in my room I’m ready to use my arrow cannon a you’re coming

In here there’s a hole in no ceiling ouch ouch ouch ouch kill him kill him him into lava oh my gosh I’m being attacked ew push him into the cactus oh yeah you like that get them in the lava their guts are everywhere this is disgusting so

Gross there’s a weird Pig thing e kill it s s s guys in the front in the front a big one oh my gosh oh my gosh help me oh no oh my God he’s disgusting more of them are coming I got to use my arrows

I’m H the arrows the arrow Daddy watch out let me do it oh God there’s a lot more oh gosh oh take that yeah you like that H him into lava I’m killing them with the arrows it’s actually working keep doing it they’re dying they’re dying yep you like that yep yeah eat

Some of that oh no it’s little on that she shorts ow ow more of them there’s more of them I’m using the arrows guys good job Johnny I’ll help you gooby watch out ouch ouch behind us oh no JY I’ll help you where where where where where they’re dropping from the ceiling

We got to cover up that Hool we got to cover up that all right I got some wood I got some wood I got some Stone I patched it all right there we go we’re doing a double patch I hear more oh my God he’s on fire oh where are they

Coming from over here over here the blocks are breaking oh my goodness go in the fire yeah get in there yeah I need to patch it up yep Patch It Up patch it up all right guys I think we’re safe I think so too wait a minute Marty’s room

What oh my gosh oh my God they’re coming from your room daddy you didn’t build it good enough daddy oh they’re going for the roof they’re com for the roof there’s so many of of them no I’m in the lava oh gosh you’re going to die no

Daddy this is why your base sucks rookie move that’s not my fault wait let me check my room NOP my room’s safe oh no did get into my planets they might have gotone in there you guys think the Castle’s over run above us um Daisy your room my room Daisy’s room Daisy’s room

Daisy’s room Daisy’s room everyone in Daisy’s room yeah there’s a hole up there oh my God there’s cows they’re dropping from the sky why are there cows oh no they’re really ugly e there’s Le they poisoned me what the heck ew kill them e e is so gross e I’m poisoned too

Now guys quick check your rooms make sure there’s nothing in there I have a diseased heart yeah me too daddy I’m going to die guys my room has a giant spider oh no oh my gosh oh my gosh I need help I need help oh my God it does

A lot of damage ow ow I’m coming to help you that was a close one I don’t know if this bunker is going to hold up any longer well sty I hope she can get back to the Bunko soon they’re literally breaking through this ceilings oh my

Goodness this isn’t good I think we got to go up there wait where did Daisy go maybe he’s back in the village guys help me I’m on top of the castle guys quick Daisy’s upstairs she needs our help go go go go go go go go we’re coming Daisy

Fight them off I’m trying oh gosh this isn’t good quick quick quick oh my God we got to break through this wood who placed this here what a stupid idiot to do that all right all right where are they Daisy oh my God above us they’re flying uh-oh uh-oh uh-oh it was poisoning

Kill it kill it it was Daisy she’s a zombie what oh my God Daisy turned into a zombie Daisy this isn’t good Daisy please H don’t help me Brain what the heck guys what happened to Daisy trying to get me oh take that Daisy I’m going to punch you snap out of it come on Daisy bra guys we got to kill her oh God she exploded oh why is her hearts on the ground guys what’s that in the air oh

God what is that thing oh my gosh oh my gosh it almost one tapped me oh no oh no guys run run run we got to go run back to the Village it’s not safe up here anymore the village is on fire the village is on fire oh my gosh this isn’t

Good I’m being chased I’m being chased guys I’m being chased by a scary looking zombie wasp everything’s on fire oh my gosh this is actually not good oh no this Village ew no oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh there’s nowhere to go Daisy’s

Dead the village is ruined what do we do I don’t know oh it’s after us oh God oh God oh God there’s a big was we need to run I think we just need to escape where daddy where do we escape to run to the

Woods run to the woods where oh God I’m being one tapped oh my gosh oh my gosh oh my gosh follow look the whel guys something’s grabbed me from the floor what oh it’s like a plant oh my gosh oh my gosh Gooby I’m trying to help you

This thing is huge let me out let me out let me out it’s coming for me we got to kill kill it we got to kill it Gooby come on I hit it I hit it I’m escaping daddy we need some backup here guys follow the river all

The way to the forest that’s where I’m going to go oh my gosh oh my gosh I can’t swim Daddy you never taught me guys I see you keep running okay Daddy okay we’re coming oh my goodness oh my goodness this isn’t good don’t die Gooby

I have an idea come into this house oh my gosh everyone inside this house quick quick quick now now now oh no all right let me just do this trust me guys uh what the heck is that hold on hold on it off kill it all right guys look you take

A boat and you take a boat good quick everyone on the river we’re getting out of this place oh we need to move somewhere else oh God there’s a lot of scary things go go go we did it we escaped keep going keep rowing oh I’m so skilled we’re good we

Did it uhoh out for the river I just wish we could have saved Daisy waterfall yeah she’s got Daisy’s dead I’m going to come for you guys what the heck oh my gosh it’s a scary Daisy again comeone go herey get in my boat

Get in my boat Dy no Gooby it’s a zombie die to eat your brainy uh you’re a zombie so I can’t be over brother anymore if you guys enjoyed watching this video then make sure to leave a like and hit subscribe or Zombies going to come eat you tonight

Bye all right guys we need to train our bow and arrow skills so just in case any villains come we’ll be prepared yes I’m going going to shoot him so good with my arrow everyone try to hit the targets oh oh I nailed it o I think I got Bullseye

I got one too nice Daisy I’m going for the right one sorry Daddy who hit me Daddy I was trying to go for that one over there and I accidentally hit you can you guys like not shoot arrows as I’m watching TV Daddy get your big face

Out of the way I’m trying to hit these things ow ow you got me in the back ow give me that give me that right now Johnny no Daddy it’s mine Noe I do not care you just shut me in the back obviously you can’t be trusted with a

Bow and arrow DD come on one more I’ll balance it out I’ll shoot you in the front ah why would you do that you shot me in the elbow yes so that way you’re not so painful in the backs okay everybody give me your bone arrows right

Now Johnny you’re first come on no Marty we’re not giving you our bow and arrows we just got them what no I do not care you know what I want yours now give me your bone arrow fine up who’s next Johnny come on now a this is not fair

Daddy give me the arrows too I don’t have any arrows no I don’t want you give me the arrows give me all of them here you go I see them in your hand that’s the last one nope it’s not the last one keep coming Gooby come on I don’t want

To give you all them give me every single one all right thank you very much now I’m going to put this in my secret super duper strong safe what a super duper strong safe yep it’s not by with Secrets Daddy come on wa he just opened it up

Daddy what I need a password yep 1 2 3 3 four dang it oh man daddy this isn’t fair I want our toys back well you’re not getting them back ever again a come on guys let’s go over here we’ll find some other toys to play with yeah don’t

Annoy me as I’m watching TV don’t wor guys I just had a super good idea okay Gooby what’s your idea so uh a little while ago I ordered some new toys and I think one of them is coming today wait you ordered new toys on Amazon yes well

Gooby what kind of toy did you get so I bought a walker ship I bought a jump rope I got um some little pool thingies wow ooh and I think the thing that’s coming today is a stinky fart way a stinky fart R oh my goodness does it

Actually smell like a fart yes you can shoot that people and make some stinky oh I’m going to shoot it at my daddy when we get it that’s kind of gross yeah but it’ll be really fun yeah Daisy it’s going to be funny okay okay

Ooh the doorbell just rang to M to you I got a package for Mr Gooby a package gooy it’s your package that’s me that’s me yes it’s my stink way woo oh you’ll be having lots of fun with that I bet have a good day you too Patty bye postp

Patty goopy let’s go you got your stink right wow that thing looks sick oh yes okay which one of you should I shoot first no don’t shoot us first shoot my dad yes I’m going to shoot your daddy With It Go Gooby go Mar’s going to be so

Smelly okay he’s my tail I’m going to sneak up on him all right go sneak up on him and then shoot in his face this going be so good what’s that noise Who’s Laughing oh what are you doing H I’m going to shoot you that way

It’s going to be so funny it’s going to be funny when I take it from you what Daddy do not take the stink Ray from Gooby it’s his stink Ray no I just got the stink way you can’t take it well Gooby whose money did you use to buy it

Uh just whoever’s Amazon account was on there oh so it was mine so that means that’s s raised mine what yeah Gooby give it to me give it here okay here you Goble come back here Gooby I will attack you and throw you in the pool no please Gooby don’t give it

To him don’t give it to him Gooby oh no give me the stink right now here Gooby give it to me I’ll run around with it okay yeah no no no give it to me all hey no yes I got the you can’t take all

Of our toys Daisy I got the power to do it and I will not allow you to use this stink right at my house I’m never going to be able to get the smell out come on Daddy just one fart one stinky fart you want one

Fart there you go fart that’s not from the stink way yeah it’s from my butt well Daddy what are you going to do with that stink Ray I’m going to throw it in the safe with all your bow and arrows that’s what I’m going to do right now no

That’s not fair come on nope I’m not going to come on just give it back yeah Daddy give it back no now it’s locked up forever oh my goodness well can we get a hint of what the password is to get inside yeah the password uh the hint I’m

Going to give you is it’s an animal it’s an animal yep it’s an animal what but all those are numbles I got you what the heck you’ll never get access to that safe ever guys this isn’t fair he just tricked us we can’t put an animal in here it’s all numbers well

Let’s just type in random numbers until we can figure it out all right I’m about to break it right now 2 6 8 7 no I’m putting random numbers in TR three TR three oh my goodness this is impossible simply Bo took all my to and it’s not

Fail okay Gooby it’s all right we’re going to get him back but how we can’t even open this safe well maybe if everyone just likes this video right now then the safe will open wait Johnny that can actually work yes Daisy everyone right now if you’re watching this like

The video in the next 3 seconds and it’s going to open up the safe peace 1 2 3 Guys the safe open look wo it actually worked let’s grab all of our toys ooh good thinking Daisy whoa there’s our Boeing arrows and the stink gray all

Right give me it all all right guys I got all of our stuff just don’t tell my daddy what we did all right he doesn’t have to know Gooby don’t tell my daddy I’ll never tell him now we can play with my stink way all right there’s that and

There’s your stink Ray yes okay let’s go try out my stink way ooh good idea Gooby I want to see what this thing looks like and smells like okay should I shoot you first no no no no no don’t shoot me first though what why not shoot Daisy

First what if there’s like a side effect or something Wait Don’t Shoot Me come on Daisy it’s going to be really funny it’s going to smell so bad it’s fine just close your nose I can’t close my nose Okay well it’s just going to take 2

Seconds okay come on Gooby do it do it do it okay here we go three two one p wow oh my go I’m going to be sick this isn’t good Gooby you just turned Daisy into a baby and she’s throwing up this isn’t good uh why are you guys so tall tall

Daisy we’re not tall you’re just really small why did I get turned into a baby I think it was a side effect from the stink Ray I don’t think it’s a stink gray it’s a shrink ray oh no what are we going to do uh let me just s it to a

Voice and that way maybe it will grow you okay just stay W ta Daisy o Gooby that’s a good idea all right Daisy Stand still you’re going to go back to normal all right okay okay I got this three two two what Okay yes all the evidence is put in there oh my goodness what does that smell oh it smells like smells like rotten eggs in here oh God oh God it’s my daddy uh what happened to you guys what what are you talking about daddy why are you guys babies we’re not babies

We’re not babies yeah you are you guys are you guys are really small pretty sure I’ve always been this size I don’t think so Gooby you’re like hold on sit next to me real quick come down here oh my goodness you are definitely small uh no um

I’m just uh a little hungry that’s it you’re a little hungry what if if I feed you food right now you’ll grow yeah okay let let me try that then let me go in the kitchen and grab something good idea Gooby this is definitely going to work

All right Gooby I got uh I got some fries for you I got Big Mac and if you’re thirsty I got a fanom oh yes thank you so much M I’m just going to eat these and I’ll just look the same all right let’s see oop I think it’s

Walking no it’s not Gooby is looking bigger already yeah Gooby you’re looking swole feels like growing no I think you’re just getting fatter yep I think I’m back to normal no you’re you’re definitely still the same uh same height being small uh hold on still see now I’m

The same size as you you’re on the counter we see we’re looking eye to eye daddy we’re eye to eye I think you guys are taller than me Oh Daddy looks like you shrunk a little bit then yeah I think you’re getting shorter okay now look haha you guys are small again hey

There we go back to eye to eye hold on a second did you guys access my safe no we don’t even know the C C I don’t know cuz something’s a little something’s a little fishing it smells in here so I think maybe you guys got a hold of that

Smelly Ray no dad you mean the fart Ray oh yeah that thing yeah the fart Ray cuz it smells really bad in here and I don’t know what it’s from probably just your own butt you say my butt smells no I think you’re just smelling your mustache

Okay my mustache is not it doesn’t smell that bad Daisy it doesn’t smell like rotten eggs well Baldi um hold that Sal I will got to take a big old poopy oh gosh Gooby then go to the bathroom over there go that way okay okay I’ll be

Right back okay don’t poop on the floor Daddy can we go outside and play Daddy I’m bored what you want to play now I play too wait actually Daddy I’m hungry can can I get you more food no gosh okay what what kind of food do you want Oh

McDonald’s like Gooby got there a chicken sandwich yay I McDonald’s too okay there is a cheeseburger I don’t want a cheeseburger have a Happy Meal o I love Happy Meals I’m going to run around in circles while I eat this food hopefully I don’t choke don’t you choke stop

It I need is the bathroom I don’t know how to wipe anymore wait but what you want me to wipe your butt at least help wiping you’re like 14 you should be able to do that uh Oh’s coming out More’s coming out stop running around okay this is too

Chaotic I think I’m going to have to bring you guys Day St running away I’m going to go swim with the dolphins don’t know you I don’t know if you know how to swim oh God Daddy help me I’m coming to save you all right go up go up

Daddy I don’t know how to swim anymore what what’s wrong with you follow me Johnny follow me up here okay Daisy don’t you dare jump off that I’m going to do it no you’re going to hurt yourself oh God we got to Cryer everybody come here everyone come

Right now oh no this is not fair all right why are we crying Gooby why are we crying stop you’re crying stop it I’m crying because they crying All right this is an issue this is one big issue I’m going to have to bring you guys daycare I think you guys became babies daycare daddy we are not going to daycare well you don’t know how to swim he doesn’t know how to wipe his butt and

Then Daisy doesn’t know how to gauge whether or not jumping off things or safe or not so you guys are going to daycare I can’t take this but daddy we’re big boys and girls uh no you’re not you’re like 2 feet tall a you guys need to stop your crying and you guys

Need to follow me because I’m bringing you guys to the best daycare of all time time okay Daddy don’t poop on the way there okay one last poop you don’t even know how to wipe your butt okay Gooby that’s disgusting that is disgusting where you going Johnny where you going

Where are you going everyone’s follow me I am following you guys we finally made it the baby boo daycare oh baby boo poop how about that no it is not baby boo poop this is where you guys are going to be spending the rest of your day daddy

Please let us back home I promise we’ll be good boys and girls um no I don’t need you pooping running around the house house and trying to eat everything that I have come on we just want to go home yeah Daddy well guys this is going

To be your new home for today everyone relax just follow me look there’s even numbers out here it’s really nice and cool wow o cute one 2 four seven guys stop playing at the daycare this is not supposed to be fun hello anyone here hello childrens welcome to the daycare

Who the heck is this person daddy so this is going to be the person that’s going to be taking care of you all day her name is Mrs grumples H is dumpl no it’s grumples like a dump like a big dump no no no oo you have a little bit

Of a potty MTH on you well guys Mrs grumes will be taking care of you for the rest of the day so you guys got to behave and be nice to her okay okay but we don’t even know her you’re just going to leave us here uh yeah I if she’s a

Murderer she could easily be a murderer daddy she’s not a murderer why would they have a daycare and put a murderer in there that makes no sense hi am not a murderer I am a caretaker I take care of all the little children’s on their days

Oh how come there’s no more kids here did she kill them all oh D she has a point Daddy no no no I paid a little extra just so you guys could be the only kids here so I know you guys are being taken care of oh don’t worry childrens

We will do lots of fun activities and eat some great snacks and have a lovely time together oh I don’t know I’m kind of scared I miss grumples I want to go go home Daddy well you’re not coming home with me and oh it looks like I got

To run I have work right now uh Mrs grumples take care I’ll be back at the end of the day and you kids be careful be good bye daddy Mary don’t leave us bye please what this Miss grumbles okay children first we are going to see all

The wonderful places and things that are here at the daycare come on follow me okay Mrs grumples so here we have a kitchen I am preparing a lovely dessert for you later wow oven right here oh careful it’s hot no it’s not hot look I’m standing on it

You’re going to get hurt hey don’t climb it there it’s getting a little warm my butt’s hurting a little bit I want TR too come here Gooby it’s nice it warm ow look at this giant egg in here yeah it’s really cool children don’t do that get

Off of there oh fine no I want to go on there no no no that’s not a toy Bring It come over here okay now over there is a bathroom if you need to go to the bathroom room go be you to poop uh I

Think I let it all out in M’s living room okay and then if you follow me over here we have a lovely classroom set up with a lovely Little Play Place wow this is awesome yes you can play with all the toys and the blocks it’s very nice and

Over here there is a dollhouse if you want to play dolls I love doll houses ew I hate doll houses oh I broke It stop crying don’t worry Daisy come here I pick you up this come here the scary lady picked me up no no no it’s okay it’s okay I rock you back and forth here we go back and forth back and forth you’ll feel so good after this stop crying you’re hurting my

Ears you broke the dollhouse look daisy look there’s another one over here o and I don’t like it yay I like making Daisy cry this hair hey he get away from me children children Mr Grumble stop Mr grumes make her stop make her stop stop breaking all the doll houses stop running around

Everywhere she pretty fun all of you children need to behave come back here you don’t want to get hit with the naughty stick do you oh God oh God she a stick you can’t hit us oh no she’s going to hit us everybody we got to behave

Ourselves yeah put this stick down okay you can’t hit us that’s illegal no it is okay I’ll just give you a little slap on the wrist well Daisy if you keep crying then you’re going to get slapped on the wrist well if you keep breaking the toys

You’re going to get slapped on the wrist no I’m not I’m a good boy you’re you’re the bad girl here I won’t have to slap anyone on the wrist unless you’ll just be a very bad boy then I will do it all right well Mrs grumples what else do you

Want to show us in this daycare okay I would like to show you the outside is the best part of the whole place wow this place is awesome it is a playround yay waa I want to go on the S play everywhere o just a little pool right

Here whoa is that cool Gooby push me on the swings push me push me okay you’re little too heavy in there yeah I don’t think we’re strong enough o I’m the king of the castle hey Gooby what are you doing all the way up there I’m the king

Of the castle wow I want to be the king of the castle Yeah I’m the king of the castle now I want to be the king of the castle no we can both be Kings no you could be my like little night servant you could be like BL Kings guys there’s

A slide I want to go down the slide my turn my turn you see children if you behave very well you get to play all of these playground let’s go this is so much fun I want to build a sand castle oh yes I want yes okay childrens it’s

Time to go inside and learn our lessons for today what lessons we can’t just sit outside and play all day no you need to learn some things before you can play well I don’t want to learn those things yeah I don’t I think I know everything

Yeah Gooby is a genius okay okay if you know everything then what is 1+ one o h right here I got it you got a one on the left and then you’re plus another one 11 cuz it’s it’s one plus one o I see what

You are trying to do but no that is not correct what what the freak how did I not get it right the correct answer was two oh freak that hey you cannot say that that is a bad word what I got say freak at home no I’m sure your daddy

Would not like you saying that word freck freck freck freck freck that’s hey put me down to time out hey hey hey hey this is not fair put me down Mrs grumples yeah he promised you’ll never say it again where are you putting me you are going away in timeout stay in

Here what no I don’t want to go in the the storage closet what the heck yes you must stay in there until you learn your lesson to never say bad words hey let me out guys do something hit her nope nope hey you can’t lock him in the closet

That’s got to be illegal too haha I’m out hey what are you doing get back in there no no hey hey okay okay fine now the rest of us are going to learn our lessons for today and you are going to stay in there okay Mrs gu okay now as

You can see on the board here 2 + 2 = 4 so if 1 + 1 = 2 and 2 + 2 = 4 then what about 3 + 3 it’s 75 teacher 75 hey you’re in time out you cannot answer I found a milk bottle in here oh no that

Is probably really old oh it tastes really good though nope you’re going to get sick if you I’m free oh no hey oh yeah I got the milk bottle and I’m free guys help me are we supposed to help you you list so we can play on the playgrounds hey

Put me down stop it hey you seem to be a little troublemaker huh I just get really cranky when I’m tired I’m sorry Mrs grumples that’s okay maybe this is my fault I think we should have started with a nap a nap yes it’s nap time so

Let us go upstairs and bring you to the napping Place yay guys it’s nap time come on I love taking naps okay everyone come find your cribs ooh crib I want the middle one ooh this looks like a good crib yes so I will put you down for a

Nap and I will be right here when you wake up good night childrens bye Mrs grumples good night Mrs grumples wow she’s so nice no she’s not Gooby she put me in timeout that well you didn’t say a bad words it slipped Gooby sometimes it just slipped guys I’m not even tired I

Don’t want to take a nap yeah I don’t really want to take a nap either look the sun’s still out too it’s not even dark out yeah I’m not even tired what the heck Gooby okay maybe I’m a little child no we cannot be tired

Guys I have a better idea I think we need to escape this place that’s a good idea Mrs grumpos is crazy yeah but I don’t know if it’s such a good idea to escape because Daisy look behind you there’s security cameras ooh we just need to break them all or we could

Somehow make a secret room until tomorrow and then my daddy will come and pick us up that’s a great idea yeah I think that idea is really good too yes let’s make a secret base all right well now that Mrs grumples thinks that we’re sleeping we could just go downstairs and

Find somewhere to put an entrance need to be sneaky we can’t make a lot of noise yeah Gooby don’t make any noises okay I’m going to be so sneaky all right no farts or anything Gooby come on hey Gooby I heard that what was that it was

Your butt leaking poop oh oops all right everyone downstairs come on so when I was in the closet I found a really weird secret trap door and I think it goes to the control room of the daycare what wait this is perfect this place looks super scary look at all these levels no

No no no no no no Gooby don’t press any of those oh God Gooby don’t no don’t press them wait we have to shut the trap door I think if we could just break all this and make it a big Square we can make an awesome secret room down here

You don’t think she’s going to come down here no she’s not going to come down here yeah you’re probably right she’s way too old all right guys well everyone start breaking the walls we got to make this place look really good down here it’s actually going to be a s big secret

Womb yeah it’s going to be massive all right guys we got a pick a block which we should make the floor maybe we just keep it the smooth Stone I want to make it Pink nope nope Daisy we’re not making it pink don’t even think about it well

Then I want to build my own room all right fine then me and Gooby will share a room how about that and you can be all by yourself ooh that sounds pretty cool it’ll be boys vers girls we’ll see who can make the better room my room’s going

To be the best M I don’t think so nope I think all all cuz Boys Rule and girls drool we do not drool Gooby you’re the one with drool in your face yeah you do have Dro on your face okay that was a bad example all right

Gooby since we’re going to be sharing this room what wall color should we make the walls probably some blue all right what if we do blue and yellow o yes all right let me just get some of this all right just going to break this wall and

Let’s see what pattern would look really good what if we just did this and we just went every other we could do that but I feel like J’s going to do that cuz she loves making the checkerboards ooh you’re right you’re right no checker Bo so maybe we should use something

Different all right I got a better idea we’re going to make Stripes Gooby it’s going to be like this and it’s going to be like this o yes that sounds pretty good and then another stripe nice now we have both of our colors and now we need

A ceiling color what do we make the ceiling Gooby let me look for a cool blocks oh Gooby I found one did yep check this out we’re going to make it this color it’s like a white marble and I think it’s really expensive wao I’m going to make the floor out of these

Bshs ooh that looks really good good job Gooby thank you thank you and we need to make sure that no one’s going to see it from the outside so I’m just going to break all this there we go yeah we got make this super secret base so secret

Yes that’s the point of it oh Daisy how’s your poopy girl base coming along it’s not poopy and it’s coming along great um so it’s coming along really bad no it’s going to be so much better than yours all right well I’ll be in there soon to check up and see how it’s

Looking no because you’re just going to take my ideas I’m only going to take like three ideas guys all right not allowed to take any of them well they’re probably all trash anyways no they’re not JY where did you even go um I’m below you guys what hello us yeah like a

Second floor so this whole top Flor is ours yep it’s all ours Gooby wow that’s crazy all right I’m going to go outside and make sure that none of this looks suspicious okay yes well I’ll finish waking up all these things right here all right good good good just going to

Cover all of this with a bunch of dirt no one’s going to know what’s going on underneath this day there we go cover all that up and boom now it just looks like a dirt Hill wow that looks so good all right Gooby I’m coming back down

Almost got make these swipes wow it’s looking really good all right I’m going to help you okay yes wow Gooby this is looking awesome yes we’re going to make it such a cool place here yeah we’re going to make this awesome okay so where

Do you want your bed to be um so let’s see so I think since we have to think about what da is doing to make sure that all is better yeah so what if we make oh my I just came out was a super cool idea

Okay Gooby what is it okay so you know how we can make a fish tank with like yeah glass all the way around okay so what if we put our beds inside of a fish tank what Gooby how are we going to do that okay okay I got a really good idea

Okay what’s your idea I don’t know if this is going to be a good idea okay so we just take some of this glass right here okay and we’ll make our bed right over here so we just make some glass right herey I don’t know if this is such

Such a great idea a fish tank and then beds inside of it yes trust me it’s going to be so cool I might have a better idea this is looking a little scary Gooby just watch me you can walk on maybe the kitchen or the bathroom

Gooby I want to stay here and see what you’re doing I feel like you’re going to mess something up nope nope nope it’s going to be so cool all right let me help you I don’t really know what I’m helping you do but I’m just going to

Place down glass okay yes okay so now we got to fill it with water fill with waterby are you sure yes to walk really good all right Gooby I did it it’s all filled with water yes now I just put some fish in here Gooby I’m so confused

Where’s our beds uh-oh you have some fish that are dying out here uh-oh oops uh-oh oops Gooby what are you doing Gooby there’s already enough water in there what are you doing think I messed it up a little bit stop placing water Gooby all right Gooby no more placing

Water okay okay yes all right are is our beds going to go over here yes all right so then when we wake up boom there’s just fishies all around us something like this no that’s too basic okay what are you thinking then ooh okay okay if

We just take like one of these like this one right here ooh okay that’s looking like something what if it’s like bunk beds bunk beds yes I’m starting to think that it was a bad idea to work with you no no no you’re not really a good

Builder no this is going to be really good what about something like that O Okay this actually pretty cool okay it looks amazing yes this is just what I imagined I don’t know this is probably one of the worst bases I’ve ever seen this is not looking good at

All Gooby what all right Gooby I’m going to go see what Daisy’s doing and if it’s better than this I might join her team yo y yo we good teammates I don’t know this this bed idea is just it’s just not good what’s up who hey Daisy WAOW Daisy

This is looking awesome in here thanks I really like it you have so many Plushies and your bed over here and we sing yeah it’s pretty awesome how’s your base coming along um it’s coming it’s it’s coming along it’s so good jzy you want

To see yeah let’s go look gosh oh uh why are the fishies dying they’re not dying they in there they swimming they sound like they’re dying this was all goobie’s idea by the way I didn’t do any of this the walls look cool oh that was my idea

Well it’s pretty much the best Bas ever yeah it’s looking really good but I have a lot to work to do so good luck hold on Daisy come back here um Daisy um I was thinking like I really like Gooby and stuff but he’s not really a good Builder

So can I join you and your room as long as we can keep some of the pink uh I was thinking about like replacing all this pink with like yellow like what if we did something like this and just did that well what if we just kept this pink

And we made the white yellow oh oh yes yes yes let’s do that ooh that will look really good there we go look at that wall that looks so good and we’ll do it all the way around and then we’ll break over here and make you a bet let’s go

Yeah this room is going to be so much better than goobies does Gooby know that you left um probably not ooh Daisy this is coming out really good yeah now we just need to break this wall so you can have a bedroom all right I’m going to be

Able to make my own bedroom Perfect all right just break this a little bit more and boom it will make your roof yellow and it’ll be awesome all right what should we make the wall should we do the same pattern if you want to or you can

Do the stripes H I might do something different I might put white since I don’t really like pink and I think it looks ugly hey it looks good with the yellow though I guess it is your room ooh this is looking so good right now I

Got to kill Johnny Johnny dny where are you what Gooby what do you want Gooby nothing don’t come down here Johnny oh gosh um excuse me Johnny um I just made the bestest bed for us do you want to see it um the thing is Gooby I’m kind of

Working on my room in Daisy’s base what I thought we were walking together yeah well the thing is uh I don’t really like how you build so I was wanted to build down here with Daisy cuz she’s better no oh we’re supposed to all right how about this Gooby let me

See what you did and if it’s good then I’ll move back up with you okay yes come over here all right let’s see what you did check it out I made super cool beds right here oh my goodness this is terrible Gooby what why is it terrible

It’s just not something that I would do I thought we were going to work on this sh Gooby there’s no need to cry okay look you still have all this space and you can do all your crazy ideas here but I just want like more of a normal room

Oh it’s fine I guess I’ll just make a best space out looks like I got to break your bed yeah Gooby break my bed you can just add another blue one gu so all right Gooby I’ll just leave you up here building oh God I think Gooby is really

Angry at me all right now it’s time to add my bed so I think I’m going to do something like this there we go it’s going to be a huge bed or a tiny bed there we go that looks better all right now we’re going to put some signs on the

Left and right there we go now we need a carpet yes this is looking awesome Johnny Johnny oh God Gooby what do you want I just saw something okay if you don’t help me make my base then I’m going to tell Mrs grumes on you hey hey

Hey hey hey hey whoa Gooby if you tell Mrs grumples on me then that means you’re telling her on you too well I don’t care cuz I thought we were going to walk together and since we’re not going to walk together I don’t even care if we get caught oh my goodness Gooby

All right fine fine let me just uh Daisy can you finish my room in here or your room yeah I’ll finish it cuz it’s definitely not my room I’m going to be working with Gooby all right come on Gooby let’s go upstairs yay all right

Gooby what do you want me to do okay yes so I thought we could maybe walk on like a game room ooh okay I like game rooms this time can I design it or or do you need to put your creative ways on it okay we can both walk on together oh

Thank goodness all right how about we put it in this corner okay or do we put it over here on this wall whichever one he wants all right let’s see what desks we have ooh there’s some nice desks um let’s see what this looks like we’ll see

What what this one looks like all right Gooby check this out there we go we’re going to have one desk right here and then another desk right there oo yes that looks really good all right now we need is a computer so I got some computer cases here and there and now we

Just need a monitor ooh this one could be crazy oh God it’s a three screen monitor wow that looks really good ooh I need to add some chairs yes add a bunch of chairs okay so this one’s mine my de and this one’s your white oh gosh what

The heck what does the letter say I don’t know I think just some cool whing or something all right well I’m just going to do something like this there we go yes we look like best friends yeah that looks really good now what I’m

Going to do is add some LED signs o yes oh wait what if we just take a giant TV and we put it white here in the middle I mean that could look good oh God that looks terrible Gooby just like that nope Gooby I don’t like it Gooby I don’t like

It don’t like it all right Gooby what if we put the TV like over here and we make a different area okay yeah I guess you do that there we go and now we can get like a little couch area all right let me just get a sofa maybe we’ll do yellow

And blue we could do that one there and then a yellow chair over there oh yes this looks pretty good y we need we need a bounty Castle area a bounty Castle area yes I think right here be I would be careful if you go out here you’re

Going to go outside that’s okay I’m going to make a big womb that’s going to be a bouncy castle we need to be careful we’re in the open it’s okay it’s okay I’m going to make a building with but Mrs Grump’s office is literally right

There so we need to be careful all right she is right uh oh yes okay I’ll be super sneaky and quiet all right good all right Gooby uh while you’re working on the bouncy castle I’m going to work on something else over here okay yeah

Yep I’m going to go over there yes I’m back in Daisy’s base wa Daisy this looks so good in my room I’m happy you like it I added some plushies too wo that’s insane wait what are you working on now Daisy I’m starting a kitchen wow this is

Actually looking like a good kitchen you have to be able to eat snacks while we’re down here well I want to help well what do you want to add um what can we put over here I’ll do something on this side I’ll put like a big table ooh yeah

Do that all right this should be pretty easy H but since we are babies I think I got to get little baby tables all right I’m just going to put some tables over here there we go that’s looking pretty good and then we’ll just put some stools

Around it like that oo okay this looking good all right and just like that the table’s done too easy maybe I could add some lighting in the corners though H there’s really nothing good for light you know what I’m just going to have to make my own all right just get a slab

There we go stick that there stick that there and then boom now that looks like a lamp I’m the best builder in Minecraft daisy look what I did over here I added a painting lamps and a table this looks really good now we can eat dinner here

Yeah this looked amazing wo this kitchen looks good too yeah we can make whatever won this is going to be awesome I think I can live here literally for the rest of my life and I’d be fine me too but how is Gooby room coming along I don’t

Know maybe we should go check in on him and make sure he didn’t die or something yeah let’s go look Gooby gooby where are you I’m over here whoa this bouncy castle is crazy it’s like a parkour bouncy castle this is so cool is really difficult it’s hard to parkour when

You’re really small yeah yeah I did it all right Gooby check this out I’m about to jump really high you ready yes all right here we go 3 2 1 what oh god I can’t see anything guys what happened why is it dark in here what the lights

Went out I I don’t know I don’t know what happened guys this isn’t good I’m scared oh no hello oh no guys I think the daycare lights just went off either the place shut down or something happened with like a generator that means Mrs Grumble is going to come down

Here to turn the lights back on oh no and we broke all the controls what is going on here power went out oh gosh Mrs grumples what childrens what are you doing here I thought you were napping uh uh we are napping right guys yep I’m

Taking a nap right now I’m going to go snpp in my bed with you what I cannot believe you I’ve been building a secret room on here what a secret room who said that no we did not say that that’s definitely not what we’re doing Mrs grumples this has been

Here the whole time you’ve got computer games you’ve got TV you have even an aquarium in here and what is the this I don’t even know how you’re seeing this it’s so dark in here I don’t even know what you’re looking at I have very thick

Glasses what is in here H oh that’s just uh that’s definitely not Daisy secret room I cannot believe you I mean it is very creative but I can’t uh say that this is okay in my daycare oh so you like it and we can keep it I don’t know

I mean on one hand I am very mad at you that you did very bad things but you use the bad time to make very good things look at this nice Bas you made well Mrs grumples if you like it so much then why don’t you just stay down here come on

Daisy go upstairs what three what do you mean stay down here come on Daisy come on come on and ah we trapped her down there haha hey Mrs grumples what let me out of here no I’m good I don’t need to let you out are you

Kidding me I am going to tell your daddy on you oh you can tell my daddy whatever you want come on Gooby Let’s Escape this place oh yes see you little Mrs grumes we did it guys get back here now we can go home you’re right we can go home what

Has been going on in here Daddy oh perfect daddy we just going to come home to you all right I think we’re done with this daycare can we go home oh no not before I repr aand you because I know what you guys have been up to uh uh what

Do you mean Daddy you guys trapped Mrs grumples downstairs in your secret rooms yeah I know what secret rooms what are you talking about oh don’t play dumb with me Daisy I saw on the live feed that you guys went in this closet over here here and you lock Mrs grumples down

All the way down here well Daddy how are you looking at the cameras because Johnny they have a live feed in this daycare so I could always see what you guys are up to so you were watching us this whole time yeah I wanted to see if

You guys were being good and obviously you guys weren’t being good oh gosh this isn’t good now Johnny I have to take matters into my own hands and reprimand you myself with this stick oh no he’s got the stick guys no that’s naughty we need to get out of here the naughty

Stick who wants it first Gooby you want it first no no here I throw this fish at you hey go guys run run run no come back here by if you guys enjoyed watching this video then make sure to leave a like and hit subscribe bye man I love

This coffee so much um Daddy what do you want from me well me Gooby and Daisy we all had the uh the amazing idea to go and do something today okay what do you guys want to do well since we’ve been good boys and girls we were thinking

About going on a trip but yeah Daddy okay what’s the trip where is it where is it somewhere so cool and super fall but don’t say no because you’re going to love it too okay well give me some details what where are we going well Daddy we’re going somewhere where

There’s a lot of water okay so we’re staying home no daddy we’re not staying home we’re going to SeaWorld yeah we’re going to sewor se SE yeah woohoo we’re going to see no we’re not going to seaw what why cuz it’s super far away and super duper

Expensive daddy we’ve been doing all of our chores and and being really good to you so we thought that we deserve to go to SeaWorld guys we already live in SeaWorld look at this we go out here look the Sea’s right in your backyard and we’re living in a world is gross

Yeah Daddy that’s not SeaWorld SeaWorld is the same thing you can go out there and find the whale but Daddy SeaWorld has like a bunch of cotton candy they have roller coasters o they have a lot of big fish lot of big fish out there but Daddy this is poop compared to

SeaWorld I want to go to real SeaWorld well we’re not going there when you can see whales out here for free how about this you guys go on the beach maybe you try catching some fish and having some fun out here oh I guess we’ll try and do

That but if it’s poop then we’re going to SeaWorld all right Johnny just just make sure to give it a try okay and if it doesn’t pan out the way you want it to uh we’ll go to SeaWorld yeah okay okay we’ll try we’ll be inside working

On some very important stuff so don’t bother me all right Daddy um Daddy what we tried it we want to go to SeaWorld you didn’t try anything I just did you turned around we went down there caught a fish came back we want to go to sewor

Where fish where’s the fish where’s the fish your butt now let’s drive to SeaWorld come on Daddy no I’m not driving to seworld I’m going inside you guys can have fun on the beach being normal kids and stop annoying me no I just wanted to go to se so bad me too

Guys let’s just try to go on the beach maybe we’ll actually have some fun come on guys we’re not going to have fun on the beach all right here we are on the beach now just picture that we’re in SeaWorld guys um Daisy I don’t know I thought there was a fish somewhere

Around here I saw earlier oh fishy fishy fishy fishy ooh o I know I’ll just go call them out to him what you’re going to go call the fishies fishies what the heck are you doing oh oh Gooby underneath you it worked walking look at all these fish right

Here wow you’re doing the fish mating call and they’re all coming over to you look at that blue where do I put this fish right here wait hold on get a bucket get a bucket we can go catch them all right let me catch this one come

Here fishies I want to catch him o ooh there we go use a bucket of water and then put it on them yes we’re getting so many fish ooh there’s a rare one come here oh a pink one okay guys I have an insane amount of fish wow there’s huge

Ones okay everyone out of the water these fish are big enough to eat us I don’t want to get eating I just got a really cute one all right guys now we have a bunch of fishies in our bucket I have perfect idea everyone follow me all

Right since you know my daddy said we’ get have SeaWorld right here in our backyard let’s just add these fish to our pool fishies wao this is awesome guys look at all the fish hey these oxalato things are eating the small fish no stupid oxel get out of here at least they’re pink

Yeah they’re cool so they can stay I’m going to add some to the hot tub too wo these fish all look so cool wow I feel like we’re just in SeaWorld now all right guys I’m going to go get my daddy and show him the SeaWorld he’s going to

Love it daddy daddy where are you oh my gosh what do you want from me H daddy uh um me Daisy and Gooby we made SeaWorld outside you actually made SeaWorld yes daddy we did exactly what you said to do okay come here oh gosh what did you guys

End up doing in my backyard daddy check it out SeaWorld H uh why did you why did you guys put a bunch of fish in my pool SeaWorld sea yay I’m swimming with fishies oh this can’t be happening guys you guys got to get rid of them no daddy

We’re keeping them in the pool though they can’t live in here they’re all going to die cuz there’s chlorine in here it’s not actual sea water no we drain the water yeah Daddy this is water straight from the ocean they’re going to ruin my pool there’s going to be a bunch

Of fish poopies down there well Daddy we did exactly what you said we went to the ocean got the fish put them in the pool you know what you guys are all going to timeout all of you even you gooby we did just what you said this is not what I

Said yes you did you said we got SeaWorld at home so we made SeaWorld at home I didn’t say make SeaWorld at home I said look we have the sea out there and we live in a world so maybe you can go in the ocean I didn’t say take the

Ocean and put it in the pool oh well Daddy we just got to confused oh you got confused well guess what you’re all going to your rooms right now no Daddy not fair guess what we’re never going to SeaWorld ever now hey no none of you

Will ever own a fish ever oh come on guys just go in a room man Gooby man sometimes you just got to learn to shut up a daddy this is not fair oh now you guys are in Ultimate timeout oh my goodness guys what are we going to do in here there’s literally

Nothing to do besides sleep and sit down I know let’s make a new song moldy is bald and fat you’re taking all of our stuff away oh I know cuz you guys are super annoying and you’re in timeout I don’t want you guys having any fun dud Daddy I

Got an idea I’ll just play some fortnite in Roblox mhm mhm yes I’ll be on your team so oh yeah you want to be on his team me too I want to be on his team daddy CL is in here that might you know have you got allow you guys to have fun

Daddy don’t take away the bathroom the bathroom is the funnest thing nope you need it for poops otherwise the whole house is going to smell hey Mar what do you want from me I hope you st your toe not to say that to me not say to me you

Know what man I think guys I think I’m at SeaWorld right now let me eat some popcorn I think I see some orcas in a tank no sure man a bunch of whales in there hey daddy we’re not whales we’re looking the whale tank the bald whale tankie you’re the one that’s trapped

Right now oh yeah oops wow man this exhibit’s really really boring I’m going to go to the next one now adios okay Daddy he’s so annoying guys I can’t believe he trapped Us in here and we’re in timeout he’s such a meanie weenie he’s so mean the meanest ever yeah he’s

Really mean oh well guys what can we doing here there’s really nothing to do now the only thing I have are these fishies wait did you still have fishies yeah I have this one and this one and this one and this one I even have oxa

Too whoo well guys you know they are going to die if they just sit in these buckets so we have to save them you’re right well the only way to save them is by making a secret fish tank in our room oo yes well where should we put it I

Have a perfect idea let’s hide it underneath my bed maybe we make the whole floor in glass and then we can have it secret fish tank underneath us that’ll be so cool let’s do it all right perfect I’m just going to save these fish for later and guys we got to get

Breaking so let’s break all the flooring all right Gooby get out of the way and start breaking yeah I just break the whole floor yes break all the floor we’re going to replace it all with sand seaweed stuff that fish really like guys do you think we should put no no Gooby

They they don’t eat Pop-Tarts oh yeah but they really like cinnamon toast Quant no they don’t eat sugar like that they’re fish what you like cmon so crunch that’s the best cereal no it’s it’s it’s not for fish okay what do fishies even eat um I think they just

Drink water I don’t even think they eat but fish love bowling we should rather of bowling Ali in here no fish do not like bowling guys what what you never hold up a fish bowl no that’s different Gooby stop oops guys I was thinking what

If we add some shark into our fish tank no why why can’t we add shark the shark is going to eat all the other fishy okay I have an idea then we’re going to make a separate room with sharks and big orcas and whales yeah we can do that

That would be so cool yeah they’re going to be separated from the other fish so they don’t kill half of our fish that would not be good all right Gooby keep going we’re almost to the bottom I’m breaking so much FL yeah Daisy that’s looking insane keep going better could break faster than

You this is not a race this is not a race I’m breaking so fast oh my God just go one more layer down just go one more layer down we don’t need to go that crazy okay I’m going so many blocks wait Gooby while you were making

All those grunting noises I just thought of a really good idea what if we made like a secret glass staircase that comes down here and then you could be in the middle of the fish tank wao that’s so cool yeah it’s a crazy idea right like your inside the fish tank exactly all

Right so before we do that let’s start decorating the floor with a bunch of sand can we use pretty sand like this one smooth sand yeah that one’s so pretty yeah let’s use this this looks way better than regular sand you can add Blue Sand too what are you doing I’m

Helping you with the sand all right guys everyone plac down a bunch of sand hey hey hey why are we adding this what is this it’s sand why is it pink because I like pink daisy no we cannot have this poopy pinky sand no Blue Sand Blue Sand

No no no no no no no no no no guys this is unrealistic sand and we need our fish tank to actually look real if it was unrealistic would it really be in Minecraft fine you want to add a little bit of pink yes please yeah no I don’t

Think so all right so what I’m thinking is for the walls I kind of like the design we have I don’t know what do you guys think we should do for the walls I think it needs to be fishy yeah probably um the opposite of what we have what

What are we supposed to do I think we need some cool stuff with there like blue what about blue because it’s like in the ocean yes I’m not saying blue because it’s your favorite color it’s because it’s it’s what we need to put in yes we need some coal and we need some

Wax we need some of these Coral things oh no all my Coral things are dying I know because there’s no water down here Gooby oh no oops save the coral for after all right Gooby help us with the wall got to make such cool coal stuff

After all right we need to replace all this wall with sand because it’s going to look a lot better I think uh uhoh I just made some gravel fell down my jail don’t worry don’t worry it’s fine all right there we go this is looking pretty

Good it looks like the bottom of the ocean yeah it’s looking amazing now okay now we’re going to put Some Coal right here and put some it’s going to die Gooby look watch this watch this watch this boom dead no oh no oops I actually

Did that with my brain Gooby cuz I have special powers Coral killing Powers yep Coral killing Powers see that to the poor Co guys we can add Coral later we need to add water first all right yeah Daisy’s right let’s add a bunch of water go crazy water water water water water

Water water water water there’s so much water in here yep there’s a lot of water this is actually insane go water go make sure there’s no gaps where fishies could die with the air I a really good idea what was it Gooby so put some Soul Sand

Right here and then makes looks like bubbles wao wait that’s actually kind of cool I think that’s going to scare our fishy no it won’t it looks like Coral looks like a weird Coral yeah we can just put some Coral around it like this there we go o that actually looks so

Cool yeah that looks really amazing we got to add that everywhere all right everyone go crazy with the coral I’m going to get a bunch of different blocks let me help you out Gooby add some of that H we got to add some yellow my favorite color yes got to make some blue

Ones oo guys look at this I’m adding seaweed I think that’s too much seaweed no it’s not it’s enough it’s just the right amount of seaweed all right guys I think this is looking pretty good what do you think it looks like a cute aquarium all right do you know what time

It is fishy time Chey sandwich no it’s not any of that time before we add the fish I want to add this really cool glass idea that I had cool glass idea check this out what if we make it right here there we go it’s literally like a

Small little box that we’re going to be able to put a ladder going down into whoa yes I forgot about this there we go just put it all the way to the top let me go in here now I’m just going to sponge it up and a really good idea what

Is it Gooby so you know how we said that all the socks would just eat all the other little fishies yes we did say that so what if we just make a big glass wall right here in between and then we can put socks on one side and fishies on the

Other H that’s kind of a cool idea I think it’s a really good idea thank you thank you wo guys look you guys look like a bunch of fish we swimming in here BL BL BL I’m a fish this is so cool look I just made baby fish all right guys

Start placing down the fishies I’m going to watch from the little glass cage that I made hey you have to help no I don’t want to help I think you should put the big fish over here and the small fish in this Coral area waa good idea Johnny ooh

Daisy I’m seeing the fishy watch out oh my God oh my God it’s a shark there is a shark yep he’s my best friend be careful in there he might eat you no me and the sharks are best friends wow that’s awesome there’s another one he’s got a friend wait are

They kissing o I think you’re going to make a baby shck oh my goodness all right Gooby that’s probably enough fish over there I think they are already don’t have enough room nope we can to add just a couple little these guys that’s another one Gooby you added

Another one oh my gosh ooh these are look crazy oh my goodness okay yes I think this is a good amount okay Daisy you added way too many fish I figured if we had more then it’d be okay if they die they’re not going to oh my gosh guys

You’re ruining it too many fish too many fish um excuse me um how do I get out of here here Gooby look come up come up come up Gooby come up come up here Gooby all right there we go check it out so cool this is actually kind of insane now

We can just go in here and it’s like we have an aquarium anytime we want all right check this out guys look what I’m about to add I’m about to add some mini fish tanks up here oh that’s so cute we’re going to have so many fish tanks

That it’s going to feel like you’re in SeaWorld well if you go down here it does feel like you’re in SeaWorld I feel like I’m in the world of sea guys I don’t think that’s enough we need to add another giant fish tank and I have the

Perfect idea we’re going to put a fish tank over in the bathroom what but this time we’re going to put it in the ceiling all right so we’re just going to break this there we go isn’t this a crazy idea guys we’re going to have to

Take the mirror down take it down all right I’m going to get the sand out and start putting all the walls as sand everyone start working on this fish tank we need to make it look amazing it’s going to be so cool so if you’re sitting

On the toilet you can just look up and see all the fish exactly it’s going to look amazing I’m telling you ooh I’m also going to replace the roof we’re going to make it out of sandstone oh yeah this is going to come out amazing I hope Marty likes our

SeaWorld oh he’s definitely going to love it wait we need to make a roller coaster roller coaster seaw world has roller coaster all right yeah we could definitely work on a roller coaster after this maybe I’ll just make a little one white sh that brings you all around

All right guys this is looking amazing now we need to do is fill it up with some water water water water water water fill the whole roof with water think the place so much all right there we go that looks really good now we need to add

Coral Coral yes just like the other fish tank okay but we can’t add too much because then we’re not going to be able to see it from the bottom we just add a little bit all right let’s just add a little bit of coral not too much wo this

Leak sorry it’s slim it’s okay all right I think this is enough Coral Daisy I think so too now it’s time to add the fishies but is there a cool fish we could add in here you like that thing that thing it’s a blub fish kind of

Looks like your daddy yeah it does I’m just going to add two of them what if we add one of these ooh what is that thing it’s called a flying fish ooh and then I think we should add some axelos they might eat stuff but it’s fine they’ll

Look really cool there we go theyy this looks amazing I think it looks really good too um but how are we going to get out without destroying all this track that Gooby has been making uh the roof or we can just go out here there we go

Nice we did it all right let’s go back inside oh to be sneaky oh you’re right my Daddy has no clue that we escape it’s fine we’re just going to go out here and then wa this roller coaster is looking so cool it’s going to be fine just come

Over here and Crouch my Daddy’s going to have no clue all right just Crouch over here uh-oh it’s my daddy hurry hide what the Johnny um hey Daddy Daisy we how’ you guys Escape we didn’t Escape I can see you no you can’t I’m looking I’m

Looking right at you Daisy if we don’t move he can’t see us oh you’re right he’s like a dinosur the best world go everby what what did you guys do to your room oops uh we definitely didn’t tur it into SeaWorld or something daddy oh my

Goodness I got to break this hey Daddy what are you doing I can do whatever I want this my house house we get off that roller coaster what you guys made a roller coaster and why are there so many fish tanks oh because daddy look underneath you it’s a massive fish tank

What the WEA they sharks go in here go in here Daddy go down here are you guys going to kill me no we’re not going to kill you look whoa It’s like actual SeaWorld oh but Daddy I think there’s a leak uh-oh watch out sharks are going to

Get you mean there’s a leak ah sharks are going to get you Daddy watch out they’re breaking they’re breaking through kidding Daddy I did that that was really scary I don’t like sharks well if you got wet you can watch this roller coaster yeah Daddy it’s like real

Seaw world you want me to go on the roller coaster yep he’s the co okay bye daddy I don’t like roll Co I don’t like I’m going to throw up look up where am I looking up where am I looking up in the bathroom yeah D look up the

Bathroom daddy look check out the coolest part you could be taking a poop and then you could look at the fishies see wao this is kind of cool but no it’s not cool it’s not cool you guys can’t be doing this type of stuff you took away

All of our games and all the fun stuff in our room so we had to get creative while we were bored where did you even find all the fish did you find it in the ocean maybe Daisy still hi in her pocket you you had this many fish in your

Pocket I got big pocket now great now I got a now I have a house with a bunch of fish tanks in it yep yep you got to go get a bunch of fish Foods you know what I could do maybe I could use this and I

Could I could sell tickets saying I have the biggest house aquarium ever and I can make money off of it ooh daddy that’s a good idea and then I won’t give you guys any of the money or any of the credit and I’ll say I did it hey that’s

A bad idea no that’s a great idea I’m going to go call the guy right now to make sure this happens no no no Daddy come back oh gosh great guys now my Daddy’s going to take over our SeaWorld we made do you think he’s going to kick

Us out um maybe okay if we can’t have this SeaWorld then nobody can yeah you’re right come on guys destroy it destroy it yeah push everything yeah Daddy you’re really going to like this one see world’s not even existing all right when he walks in here he’s going

To fall into the shark oh there’s not even going to be any sharks a take that sponge sponge sponge no more water waa I’m breaking the Water Co guys it’s working they’re all dying the fishies I’m kind of sad that they’re dying though no it’s fine there’s plenty more

In the ocean I’m going to miss you Sharky all right guys there we go the fish tank is now destroyed and look all the corals dying as well get R of everything guys the best of a life time someone’s going to buy the house they’re going to buy the house yeah they’re

Going to they’re going to sell tickets and make a fortune off this place well uh Daddy what did you guys do since he said that you were going to take all the monies and not let us have anything then we just broke everything yep daddy it

Was goobie’s idea oh now my house is ruined and I’m not going to get money why sorry Daddy but uh you there’s a couple fishies still alive if you want to go swim with them you can go in there daddy go everything’s dying down here it

Smells like it smells like fish poop you s of sh wait daddy look we have one more fish that we want to put in our fish tank and maybe uh people would want to buy the house then wa really yeah Daddy it’s a whale oh God it’s so big it’s so

Big Daddy it’s well everything well if you guys enjoyed watching this video then make sure to leave a like and And subscribe right now bye everyone today we’re going to be playing hide and go seek in this giant school wao this school is huge this is going to be crazy

Okay guys the way this is going to work is I’m going to take you to a place in the school then you guys need to make secret bases within that part and then I have to come find you okay Dad we can do that I’m going to make the best secret

Base and you’re never going to be able to find it I don’t know about that I got a good nose for finding secret bases I’m the best hider ever daddy well we’ll see about that everybody follow me all right I can’t wait to make a secret base in

School and just hide from Mar it’s going to be so fun well you guys better not be hiding with me because you’re going to ruin my hiding spot nope I’m going to make my own hiding spots come on guys being slow daddyy there’s no one in this

School I think it’s abandon no it’s not abandon wao we made it to the gym Yep this is the first spot you guys are going to be making a secret base in well Marty how much time do we have I’m going to give you guys uh 5 minutes 5 minutes

And then you’re going to come try to find us yep so everybody start making your Secret Base all right daddy oh God I need to look around where’s the best place to put a secret base I don’t know can we go downstairs uh uh we need to

Find some really good blocks to help us oh yeah well guess what what I have the best blocks in the game check this out it’s a secret door it Blends out the floor yep it’s secret so I’m just going to maybe destroy this here we go and

There we go now you’d have no clue that inside this oh it’s a door oh that’s crazy Yep this is where I’m putting my secret base so guys shoot get away from me oh I have to find a good spot wo I have so much room back here guys this is

Insane all right I’m just going to put a bunch of bricks right here here and then I’m going to put a bunch of bricks on this side so my daddy cannot get in this place this is awesome I’m literally hiding behind these letters and now to

Make my room even more secret I’m just going to block this off using some bricks there we go and then I’m just going to place this like that so it literally looks like a wall it’s a secret door inside of another Secret Door all right so this is officially my

Secret room I’m just going to make it look a little bit better just going to put bricks all around here what’s this oh my gosh this is the other side of the hallway wait a minute another secret room inside of another secret room now I have an escaped so if my daddy’s about

To find it I could just keep escaping oh Daisy Gooby what are you guys working on over here I make a secret like you but I’m having a little whole time what are you doing invisible blocks yes wait are you guys making a secret room together

Well they kind of just play to each other oh my goodness you’re literally cheating this is not cheating he never said we we couldn’t hide together how do you even get into yours exactly that’s the secret wait how do you do it oh there we go I did it the secret button

Um it looks like you guys are kind of stealing my idea just sharing no I went into the letters over here and you guys are doing the same exact thing where else are we supposed to go U maybe in the floor or something the floor just

Leads to a different room or up here with this ladder this looks super secret all right well I’m going to go hide in my secret room cuz I think my daddy’s coming any second all right I’m going to sit in my secret room and Crouch down so

My daddy can’t see my name tag all right guys time is up I’m going to find you in your secret faces Daddy no you’re not everything looks okay to me uh is there anyone in this corner what Daddy we wouldn’t just be hiding in a corner

That’d be too easy maybe you’re up there can I go up there I can hello he’ll never find us what is this I’m in a secret wall what what the who did this guys he found my decoy wait you you made a decoy of course I did oh my

Gosh you’re actually a genius cuz Daddy we’re using secret blocks what I didn’t know you guys were using secret blocks mhm that’s cheating no it’s not oh maybe you guys are in the stands uhoh Who’s Laughing no one I hear you gooby you’re over here I know you’re

Over here go I see you what no I see you oh no that’s not fail it’s not even my secret place why are you out here then cuz look I could go in here like this why why wouldn’t you just sit in there I see Daisy uhoh looks like Gooby and Daisy

Are caught I found you guys oh oops all right guys so I found Daisy and I found Gooby but that means Johnny is the only one I need to find so you guys going to help me okay yes no no no no no you guys

Can’t team up on me out here got to push the button it’s an invisible button okay Johnny he’s right here in this door oops no he’s not there’s a bunch of other doors here Gooby oh scab be in one of these no he’s in the gym he did not

Leave the gym he’s here smell him maybe he’s in the roof the roof I don’t think he’s in the roof nope not in the roof go check that side maybe he’s over on this side nope he’s not over there okay I’m just going to uh-oh where are you

Nowhere oh I he yeah good job Gooby he’s got to be somewhere around here oh my goodness they’re so close got to just press the walls PR the walls I found him Daddy no Daddy good job you did it i’m clapping for you thank you thank you I

Did it I won means that I won I won because I’m the last person you found o okay true you won that round of hide and seek yep you guys are losers Gooby and Daisy suck no we don’t that’s what you get for stealing my ideas this room was

Just hard to hide in okay so how about this I’ll go in a room where it’s a little bit easier to hide since Daddy wins does that mean he’s the local I mean I like that all right I’ll be the Seeker in this next round and daddy you

Got to hide with Gooby and Daisy o I’m going to make a really good hiding spot I’m to be the best looker forever I don’t know about that but let me bring you to the spot I was going to go to Daddy everyone follow me this is a

Pretty fun game in here Daddy where are we the theat room wao it’s an auditorium y this is a little this is a little bit more difficult but I think there’s some spots we can hide in all right so I’ll let you guys hide and I’m

Going to go count outside in the hallway all right you do that you guys get 3 minutes and 41 seconds why 3 minutes okay five uh uh we got go super fast one two three H wait Daisy where you going nowhere you’re going into the stage of

Course I am he’ll never find me here maybe I go behind the curtain I go like right here where are you going go underneath this chil okay that’s not a bad idea that’s not a bad idea yeah I’m definitely going to go behind these curtains I need to figure out how I’m

Going to do that how wait where are the secret blocks that’s a secret the secret one right here I think okay you guys aren’t helping me I got to type secret oh I found a secret block all right we got doors a secret chest H ooh there’s a

Secet secet climber I’m going to use that actually I’m going to use this secret trapo because I don’t think Johnny’s smart enough to see this oh it’s so scary I probably live here forever now all I got to do is make this look good then I’m ready to go I might

Put a gaming room in my Bas what really yeah I feel like I’ll have enough time okay you could do that but I think you’re you’re kind of close to me Daisy maybe we combine a little bases no you’re going to get me caught n I’m not

Going to get you caught we could we could play video games we can play fortnite you’re bad at fortnite no I’m not Gooby am I good at fortnite uh uh no what we won last night yeah boys I think I was just carrying you you were

Not carrying me I was the carrier 700 million kills see nope I know you’re lying because you only got one kill yeah but it was worth 700 million that’s not how that works Gooby no Daisy stop stop telling Gooby that he’s doing a good job because you

Know what he’s not he’s making stuff up yeah I’m the best no you’re not no you’re not I’m the best well I’m going to have the bestest hiding spots no you’re not it’s going to be so good my base is done mine is To You O I’m almost

Done see put that white zil oops zil oops uh zil yes hold on I want to see where everyone’s bases is wait where’s yours Daisy it’s right here how do I access it oh I can walk right over it and not even know exactly he’s never

Going to find it oh my gosh this base is insane I told you really vibrant and gy yeah Pink’s my favorite color okay okay now I got to see goobies Gooby where are you you’ll never find in a million years I I I just found it what wait no I

Didn’t find it wa where’d you go don’t laugh like that goby come up right now okay okay hold on got go through here secret womb then got to go through here see wait what whoa I’m not here haha then where do you go from here then you

Got to go s this button right here oh okay okay guys time is almost up are you almost ready uh yes a minute I need a minute I need a minute I got to help you can’t have this like this why not cuz it looks disgusting so what what

This hiding looks like pooping here look we need to build it up build up like that yeah yeah yeah just fill it in and boom now looks better okay okay I’m ready hold on don’t say that yet I’m not in my spot oops close these doors okay

Johnny we’re ready all right guys here I come let’s see how good of hiding spots you really made all right hm so some doors right here where do these lead to oh never mind all right I’m just going to start pressing everything I know one

Of you are going to be hiding on the stage no we’re not no you’re not hiding on the stage no way there’s definitely going to be like a trapo or something leading downstairs no there’s not why’ you laugh like that I love my secret base I think I won’t live you forever I

Can’t find you guys where are you we’re in theat I go P someone well obviously I know you’re in the theater room oh my gosh you’re definitely going to be hiding in one of these this is the hardest room that I could possibly be seeking on what do you mean I feel like

It should be easier because there’s like nothing here what is this I found something there’s some sort of room behind this which is a little sus oh I’m inside what is this important note what the heck where am I I think I found another secret room not us I just

Opened something what guys I just found another secret room wait really yes are you sure this is not you guys nope it’s not us I think someone just made this to try to trick me out it wasn’t me this time it was gooy Oh I thought I found

Something there’s going to be something under these carpets there has to be something around here oh oh oh I found something I’m not here L the heck Gooby I see something through this wall what are you doing it’s going to break it what what the heck are you doing Gooby

You broke my secret base your bunnies in here what the heck yeah oh my gosh you had a little bunny room in here it’s a bunny produca in here all right Gooby well help me find my daddy and Daisy’s base you’re never going to find me um

Yes we are okay Daisy no you’re not look for your daddy first no look for Daisy look for Daisy whoever we find next is going to be the loser we are next to each other that’s the only hint I’ll give you wait you’re hiding in the same

Area basic have a feeling you guys are hiding on the stage someone needs to be on the stage oh no be help me I’m helping I’m helping I just want to want to touch all the walls you guys hiding in this room someone’s got to be in this room nope in

What room you can’t leave can you at least tell us if we’re getting warmer or colder you’re getting really hot to Daisy it’s somewhere right here can I just start breaking blocks no that’s cheating you probably find her before me well no one said we can’t break blocks

‘s really warm o o I just found something wa wa uhoh uh-oh uh another Secret in here somewhere oh my gosh oh Oh Daddy we found you Daddy you were looking at us through the see-through glass goby why I found you okay so you said Daisy’s really

Close right yeah I can show you right where she is right now Mar that’s cheting you wor it’s not somewhere over here hold on just keep walking until you go down found it block oh guys this is impossible to find what the hell you actually have like a gaming room down

Here this is crazy secret gaming room somewhere over here hey Daisy I found her at least I won this is actually kind of insane that you built all this yeah I just wanted to be able to play fortnite down here well it looks like you’re busted so this game room’s poop and we

Got to destroy it hey that’s what you get well it looks like Daisy was the winner so she’s going to be the next Seeker in the next round yes at least I won well on this next round you’re never going to be able to find my secret base cuz it’s going to be

Insane I’m going to make sure I find yours first okay that’s messed up she’s cheating those are fighting words right there well guys the next secret room is going to be in the cafeteria so everyone follow me all right guys well welcome to the cafeteria this place is awesome W okay I

Can work with this guys wait hold on why is there a horse in the school what uh this place is abandoned remember oh so the horse is just his home yeah he lives here he looks like a pretty cool horse well let’s just shut these doors Gooby

Come inside all right so we have this whole area to make secret rooms Daisy you need to get out okay you guys have 5 minutes daddy where’d you go I’m looking for Spots I’m closing the doors wa there’s so many areas I know there’s a kitchen back here I’m I’m thinking put

Putting my base back here Gooby where are you thinking about putting your base uh uh maybe somewhere under a table or maybe behind one of these things that would be kind of crazy all right let’s see what blocks we have a secret CL climber uh secret daylight secret iron

Door trap there’s so many different secret things ooh guys I have a crazy idea for mine what what’s your idea I can’t tell you okay it’s a secret yep it’s a major secret I just got to figure out a good way to get to my secret base

You making yours right here I’m I’m trying to figure out how to make a secret entrance I’m trying to do ooh yes I just it is maybe that’s a little too obvious all right I’m just going to build mine right here there we go just need to replace all these blocks I’m

Actually a genius guys no you’re not yes I am daddy wait until you see where my secret base is this is crazy The Secret Gate what does that all right there we go now we have this going all the way down and all the way up to here now I

Just need to build this out a little bit so it’s more of a secret room let me just expand this to the left and to the right I am definitely a trickster I’m trick I’m going to trick Daisy so bad that she won’t even do my bases all

Right Daddy I bet mine’s a lot better than yours no not at all all right what can I put in my secret base well since we’re in the cafeteria I want to put a bunch of food o I’m going to put all these ice creams this is going to look

So good I’m going to basically make like a mini kitchen is that a good idea Daddy I mean yeah we are in a cafeteria and I could eat we know that all right just going to put something like this down there we go now I need a sink put that

There and then I’m going to get a fridge there we go this is looking so good all right put all my ice creams in and now let’s just get a bunch of food wo there’s so much food all right there we go just going to put all of this food in

My fridge and now we have a mini kitchen just like that I’m also going to add in like a furnace and just put it in the wall there we go put it in this wall and then I’m going to get a chair so I could sit here and wait for Daisy what you’re

Going to put a chair in your base I was going to put a chair what we could both have chairs Gooby it’s not really that big of a deal oh okay well I’m going to put a actually in secret bathroom secret bathroom good idea yes so I can take

Poops ready where’s your Secret Base I’m not telling you why it’s really secret all right well I’m not telling you where mine is either so okay fine are you guys ready yet yeah I’m ready not ready your 5 minutes is up uh give me one more second starting in like in 2 seconds

Okay what 1 2 3 all right daddy time’s up okay fine done all right everyone make sure to crouch crouch are you crouching yes so where are you guys um the thing is we can’t really tell you because we’re hiding yes so good why not oh you’ll just see how difficult it is

To be a Seeker you want to be a Seeker in the first place well since you won the last round now you’re a Seeker I thought I just fell into the floor uh-oh you might be near someone you’re never going to find a sisy someone give me a

Hint you’re really far from me that’s your hint am I close to anyone I think you’re close to my daddy my daddy was over there no I’m not in the kitchen oh he’s in the kitchen he’s in the kitchen he’s in the kitchen yeah you’re getting close you’re close you’re close he’s

Definitely over there no you didn’t uh-oh this is just an empty oh there’s another door you’re definitely close to my daddy why are there so many doors in here you’ll never find me I think my daddy’s playing a trick on you Daisy is this APR it’s my oh come on

So you’re not in the kitchen no I’m in the kitchen I’m eating food right now I don’t see you he’s definitely in the kitchen there’s just another entrance just going to click on everything possible yep you you do that okay Daisy I’m going to give you a hint okay what

Is it you were really close to me in that secret room it wasn’t a f wait so you’re in here I am 100% in here you just got to find me so are you like in the ground oh found you dang it I shouldn’t have said anything how you got bust did

H you got found m shut up Gooby I’m going to find you right now no I’m in my secret bathroom yeah in the bathroom I’m taking a big poop what the heck you can follow the smell what is this no no that’s not fair

How do you know to go in here I just walked through the wall on accident on accident you walk through a wall really well I thought I would bump into it but how does that happen that’s actually so stupid should have built it right here

Go’s over here I know where he is looks like he’ll never find me we’re coming in W this is a short idea you just got pranked by goopy no oh you just got pranked so hard look for buttons there’s got to be somewhere else I know he was

Over here you can’t find me stop laughing where are you I’m in the secretest place ever found it where over here in the corner oh open oh gosh what the heck are you doing find me we just opened a bunch of things until we found

You well I guess I win I win I win it smells so bad in here I got to leave I got to get out of here yeah it smells terrible iing in here for a pretty long time just sitting in it all right well since Gooby is the winner the last round

You’re going to be the Seeker oh yes you guys ready to see the next spot oh I’m ready all right everyone follow me all right guys the last round is going to be in the library check it out woo okay there’s so many books Gooby since you’re

The Seeker you need to leave right now oh really no cheating looking through these windows you need to go down this hallway in this room okay I’m going to hide in here find 5 minutes no you’re not hiding Gooby no wait Gooby you’re not hiding you’re counting oh okay I’m

Going to count yep you’re counting one two three okay count in quiet though Gooby count in quiet so we don’t hear you okay all right guys we need to figure out where to put hiding spots H there’s some Library rooms in here found

Myot m in the book I am the book you are the book Daddy I am the book all right so I’m going to put my secret room maybe like H let’s see where’s the best place I could put it I think putting it in the books is going to be too obvious that’s

What I’m doing put it what that’s what you’re doing Daddy yeah don’t C my idea where are you daddy I see you yep never going to find me can I just go with you Daddy I mean come over here look at this wa to a different room oh my goodness

Dad you’re definitely cheating hey you can’t you can’t know or use this information later on Daddy hey all right I’m going to make mine super obvious and put it right in the middle it’s going to be so obvious that it’s not obvious all right I’m just going to put it right

Here in between these seats there we go and then we’ll put one of those ooh I’m going to replace this block with the button wait there we go that’s going to be so hard to hit all right so then we’re going to be able to go down like

That and now we’re in a secret room all right so I’m just going to dig down a little bit and make a big yellow hole all right and now down here we should be deep enough to expand this and make this my secret base this base I’m going to

Make actually look really good this time all right just expand it this way a little bit more all right perfect now I’m just going to replace all the walls with yellow my favorite color ever and then maybe I’ll use some quartz for the flooring and the ceiling this is going

To look so good all right let’s just get some smooth quarts extra smooth ones and then we’re just going to put them all over the floor and also break the ceiling all right there we go this is looking sick okay I think I want to make

This actually like a trick room too I want to add a bunch more secret ways that are going to lead to me but it’s not going to be easy all right so right here we’re going to put some oneway glass this is going to be a trick room

So I need to put a sign saying they suck you suck boom all right there we go and now there’s going to be another one over here it’s just going to keep going this is going to be so confusing no one’s going to be able to find it there we go

Put some more ghost blocks back here and then put another sign saying you shuck again this is going to be so funny watching him go through this all right hey who’s building close to me Daisy be careful where are you I’m right here Daisy what are you doing oh hi oh my

Goodness well keep your base very far away from mine please mine all right we’re just going to put one of these secret climber things down here and then it’s going to lead to another sign saying you shuck you guys almost done I’m tired of counting okay hold on we’re

Almost done just be care we’re not done yet though okay okay okay I’m done we need to make a couple more rooms that say you sucking it okay now time to make my actual secret room there’s booby traps everywhere I think I’m going to make it in this room it’s the most

Obvious which will make it look like I made it in 2 seconds ooh wait I have a genius idea they’re going to think this is the room to go into but then behind them is going to be the actual secret room oh my goodness I’m a genius so this

Whole time they’re going to be look looking at the wrong secret room let’s go all right guys I’m done what about you guys I’ve been done Daddy I have the best secret room ever no Mine mine’s pretty good I’m not going to lie not as

Good as mine it’s going to be insane I got a bed in mine I can sleep whenever I want okay guys I’m coming in I think I count to see like a million or something all right come try to get us Gooby okay let’s see where are you I’m just going

To keep touching all the books books book book touch book touch maybe one here oops that’s a for you’re never going to find us we’re in the best hiding spots ever how many of these WS did you guys use um all of them what how am I supposed to find there so

Many rooms in here I’ll give you a hint Daisy and my daddy are in books they’re hiding in books what why would you say that y they’re hiding book book no we’re not they have a room inside the books I’m just trying to find which room you

Guys are in are you sure you’re in the right room I don’t even see your name tag well I guess I’m not close oh no uh yeah Gooby you’re not close to me either oh Gooby you’re close you’re close oh just TR to look at all these books every

Single one don’t do that don’t do what he just said are you sure really close to someone Gooby oh I just question the white books no daddy we’re found wow Mar this looks like a really cool secret base CU it is it is really cool and you why do you

Have to find me because I need your help finding the westlam oh fine fine let’s go look for Johnny and Daisy good job Gooby all right it’s me vers Daisy who has the better secret room I still find him over there where where are you looking Johnny was close to me think

He’s right in here or something he said he was going to make it really obvious mhm I did say that well let’s look at the wless library right see oh no I think he was in this room inside this one I can tell you guys where Daisy is

Yeah please cheating all right well she’s hiding in books you guys are on the opposite side oh okay so she’s over here Oh’s really close to me no I’m not got find white book I found something book uh-oh I can cheat I can see through waa that’s just cheating you actually

Can’t do that breaking the game we’re breaking the game we’re breaking it we’re breaking it I see an one right there that’s what I’m saying how do we go there I don’t know you’re not allowed to break blocks no I know we’re not breaking blocks it’s probably somewhere

On the floor was you that’s what I’m thinking any entrances hello FL is there like a button is it like a trapo button thing H you guys are kind of getting a little warmer maybe in this pillow no it’s not in the pillar I think you need

To go by the books to get Daisy you need to go by Daisy to get the books yep you’re close you’re close you’re close daddy there’s an entrance over there right I found it yeah cheater oh here he comes Daisy you better run where’s your secret door that goes aha wait I found

Another one over here oh she stole my idea from before uhoh whoo whoo wo I’m finding something wo I’m getting close keep going daddy keep going D I see your I see your through the wall she’s right there I see her too we got to get there somewhere

Yeah yay I found you yes let’s go hey wa whoa whoa what what are you doing what are you doing Daisy where I was that was Che in the cheat bag Daisy you’re actually a cheater this I don’t know how you cheated you told him where I was and

Through walls you literally broke into my base at least I didn’t do that technically I just broke my own wall oh that led to my base so you’re the official cheater wait there’s a sign here it says you suck there was a bunch of signs come through here I want to see

Them you suck you suck wa that’s there’s another one here saying you suck all these Bo traps how do you get in here Daddy just going through this see so I was right I was really close you weren’t you weren’t really that close no I was

Like right here the whole entire time I was likeo well it looks like I’m the winner because Daisy was caught before me that is true you did win I guess so let’s go I’m the best at playing hide and go seek yeah I guess you’re the

Overall winner Johnny wo yep you win the overalls if you guys enjoyed watching this video then make sure to leave a like and hit subscribe right now bye everyone

Today, Johnny and his friends have to try and survive 24 HOURS underwater in Minecraft! Who will give up on this challenge first? Watch until the end to find out!

#johnny #minecraftmod #minecraft


  1. Yo Daisy died Marty too how do you say our games but I don't know why they're not in creative the literally died so easily especially Daisy how do you dye that easily that's not too hard like oh my gosh I'm sorry Daisy but Marty I don't know how you know I like how this house that crazy man at the underwater base

  2. I love your videos Johnny and Marty gooby Daisy and cluckers and Mrs grumples hey Johnny can you listen to me I have a video idea can you please use it you guys build a how they build challenge building your guys's self please Johnny and I love your videos you are the best keep the good work going Johnny

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