Starting my MEGA RANCH BUILD on Minecraft SOS – Hardcore SMP

Hey folks flip here and welcome back to Minecraft SOS a Hardcore Minecraft series where if you die a gravestone is spawned and the other members must use fake coins to bring it back if you’re not saved within 24 hours you kicked out of the series for good today we begin

The wrench and of course get up to a lot of chaos here on the server so leave a like and please subscribe a bunch of the people on the server gathered at spawn to go right at the end and kill the dragon where Jimmy had a little show for

Everybody that just kind of got weird M it’d be disrespectful to look away just be youing so we finally left spawn to head off to find the end where of course somebody had bad Omen and we spawned a raid at sausages base so we had to wrap

That up well everybody screamed and it was so loud oh my gosh I couldn’t even really think during it with about 10 people all screaming at once into the headphones so uh that that went over really well and I’ll let you avoid that one for completing hero of the village

However we did all get fate coins which was nice to have before going into a dragon fight finally again setting off to find the stronghold we passed the hog and wandered West about 20 minutes later we found the stronghold and dug straight down to get inside lower levels no oh

There’s low level oh oh oh the library wait it’s got to be around here then a book no a chest I mean a chest where’s the chest I got it is there armor in there Smith it hey yeah yeah come get it come get it it’s right

Here you got it yeah oh oh I found a new way over here yeah it’s going to say it’s actually deeper as well oh I got it I got it I got it got it got it I got it it’s right here it here we go all

Right oh you idiot whoever just pushed me in he just punched me in don’t let get oh my God I’m already dying oh my how I didn’t even look at him did let’s go buddy let’s go let’s go let’s go all right those three are done I just get low I’ll hit

Him did anybody nice we got that last one oh we did cool cool now we can just kill Dragon me out falling Bo hit me stop hitting sausage you didn’t put it on me throw another one oh come on lay it on him oh I’m feeling light there

A feather is like a be you’re safe who’s killing me there we go my face it’s so easy though you just keep I don’t think she’s going to come back to let’s go oh here we go here we go me up there let yeah oh there he is I Got get getp I didn’t bring a torch I can’t get the I got aor I’ve got got one I got one you might struggle with the water though yeah the water isting the server and he’s cheating there we go careful made a little platform incredible like up up in the trees I’m

Thinking I go this way I don’t know are we break off in two groups or what are we thinking I we can SP little grp oh careful just get a pumpkin please for the love of God get a pumpkin M you’ve already tried to Mur killed one

Person run the footage run the F time to get some shers finally oh and end rods what’s in here I always forget how much parkour is actually in these all right I’m going up further all right good luck open no don’t teleport open oh thank

You oh jeez okay okay all right I just want to go in please no actually I don’t want to thank you oh my ah there’s so many in here destination all right where we at oh yall went down dude I’m getting so good at water bucketing oh this I’m like really

Impressed by myself I’ve landed every single one today all righty let’s go find our way home 24 Shuler shells I’ll take it that’s that’s not bad made it home safe and sound from our end rating and where did this cake did I put that there oh yeah that’s the one I bought

From Catherine all right but we’ve got 24 shulker shells we’ve got the dragon head smithing armor trim here and the dragon egg oh that’s huge I’m going to just put those in here for now and we’ll I’ll that’s that’s stay in that’s stay in there we’ll find something for it

Soon but most importantly let’s craft all these down make ourselves a bunch of chests and make 12 suar boxes that are all going promptly right in here and now we can finally build big things oh I’m very excited for that unfortunately nobody died but but it was fun it was

Fun and where did my coin go where did I put it I put it in here I think I got two coins out of this one for completing the raid and then I got the final shot on the dragon so I got the second coin oh that’s amazing whoever wants to get

One out there has to respawn the dragon themselves and kill it again ah suckers we are up to four coins oh that’s huge moving back into the main project where I’m going to be so so focused I want to finish transforming this Stony Shore biome into a new Ranch theme park and

Nature walk where I am so focused and not distracted at all doing anything and hey sausage stop by I will be L that will mean like I have wings from now on they’re permanently attached to my body for we’re we’re just saying it’s a oh

Sorry yeah no no no no lore no lore just if you want to keep the the elytra wings that don’t have any name like no lore behind the name of it we put binding on it and then if you die you’re still wearing the wings when you come back

Forever and ever they yeah for for the rest rest of the series you’d always have your okay here we go curse of binding let’s do it okay here give it to me give no here I’ll use my levels I I got so many levels from a certain and

Dragon fight I won’t burn them I promise I won’t okay don’t burn them this my only the wings of angel Sausage oh cool I got an advancement there we go yay I give you an advancement did I get a fake coin no but here you go seven levels for

Curse of binding on your wings there you go put them on oh are you sure I don’t know about this I’ll be stuck with it forever do it right click right click right now oh I don’t want to do it oh okay okay okay

Okay okay okay okay let me just do it in the center of town oh you can officially be living up to what your grandmother calls you angel Sausage okay fine fine fine we do this fine then fine I’m stuck like this forever yeah I can’t take it

Out don’t you do it I mean I got some coins no they dive into the water I love that I’ve got some coins no we’ll just we’re like we’re like the hunters like going after a duck you know yeah they don’t bow and arrow yeah got

To go through the bushes and see if can sneak up on him oh I see him there he is oh are you ready yeah yes no he left right away there where is he there he goes oh man flying straight up where’s he going he’s trying to use

The veloc he’s not a master though it didn’t it doesn’t do too much yes yes it was the little gas it was cuz you hit him and then I hit him just like I’ll bring it back in three two there’s one hey hey well that was extremely productive

And not a massive distraction at all and we learned something new today cursive binding gear will stay on even uh after you die but now it’s time to get back to finishing Mossing the rest of the landscape look at these Green Pastures this is going to be beautiful over here

Oh this is actually a massive space to work with and I’m very excited we’re going to first start by dividing it up into a bunch of pasture areas and then we can make our walkways going through but first we got to head back over to spawn and check out the town because

Well uh that event’s almost over and I think a bunch of people need signatures and I’ve built stuff and well I just want to check them out to be honest it looks like somebody’s been working on another Hub that’s amazing maybe my road will get linked up or I think that’s

Probably my responsibility I don’t know how do I get in oh now I’m in what’s up M how you doing who made this I’m good pig pix it oh this is amazing dude isn’t it I just came to check it out yeah no I was just walking over a spawn cuz I want

To go sign some books unfortunately uh oh yeah look at that oh it’s got the little leaves yeah need a little haircut all right all right oh oh you’re the first one I’ll be number two here we go he can he can have a signature for that

Of course if anybody makes another Hub instant signature I not even going to think twice about it yeah no that that’s got to be one of the greatest contributions so far yeah yeah I get it we we really needed that uh-huh oh my gosh I’ve it’s been a while since I

Walked around here I think last time I was actually here oh they’re over there working cool uh it was just my shop I think yours was here and then Scott’s General Store and the stables and everything else is oh I guess the tavern was here too but man there’s so many

Things come long way in just a few days yeah what are you selling nothing yet but soon I’ll be selling Mysteries Mysteries very cool yes I already taking the time to sign a few books here like we got Joel’s Community chest where everybody can just

Take and leave things as they go kind of expanding off the first challenge which is cool sausages Tavern right here I didn’t sign but he’s already got eight so he’s totally fine and he’s got a food truck ooh how much we how much we charging there’s no prices is it oh oh

Oh one Diamond per stack okay that’s not that bad L’s book is here which I have signed and uh I got some pottery shirts from her a while ago Jimmy’s been building a graveyard over here with everything and he’s got all of the desk laid out with MOG unfortunately at four

Jimmy’s at three and then ol’s at two and then there I am right there at zero let’s go but uh I did sign this one too okay yeah yeah I do like the graveyard that’s pretty great Owen’s got a fighting arena that’s pretty good and uh

He’s got his eight so he’s all set I think Joey built this as a jail 1 2 3 4 five 6 7 eight okay he’s got eight as well and then MOG has his shop right over here which I think I have signed he’s selling like honeycomb and candles

And stuff which of course I’m going to be in yeah yeah yeah we’re signed right there did someone say mo hi MOG I was coming over to see if I signed your book this place looks so good oh yeah you already got me don’t worry yeah yeah

Okay good good yeah you’re all set you’re all set you’re you’re fine I got to go keep looking oh where’s hi Shelby oh oh a customer H what do you do what what is this oh well if you would read the book right outside I have a little

Introduction to my it’s a small business it’s new Interior Design Services small large space oo so you you build Interiors yeah come on in check it out I like it I like it I like it ooh the banners fit a bed yeah yeah I like it

Yeah this a good use of space here okay so thanks I got a bunch of little houses that villagers live in would you be interested okay yeah talk to me about it yeah yeah I mean I’m build a little village we got free roaming villagers so they all need their workstations and

Their beds on inside their homes and everything very Humane yeah they’re free to wander Unfortunately they do wander a little too far sometimes but uh let’s make it let’s make it nice and friendly would you how much how much would it be per house they’re like little little bit

Bigger than this probably a little bit bigger some two stories you know I’ll give everybody a little homey feeling some bed some furniture uh how many how many homes are we talking about this will take some time for me to get I think there’s like five or six right now

It’s my notebook sorry yeah no no no that’s fine yeah you just got to rustle some papers and get that ready okay I got to put this in my planner yeah uhhuh okay me russle does that sound like wrestling yeah pretty cool it’s kind of paper ripping but you know we got the

Vibe we got the vibe oh it’s I’m kind of doing a I’m Fanning out my sticky notes oh yeah there you go yeah there uhhuh got it got it yeah okay yeah you make a little flip book animation with that one so we got like six or seven houses pies

Oh nice nice nice nice six or seven homes all right you know I could uh I could make these Services happen for uh let’s say five diamonds per home okay okay you know what let me check my little shop over here and see if I’ve got any diamonds o

We’ve got we got I got six diamonds in there and I got seven here so let me let me get you down for I’ll give you five now just as like a down payment to start so that’s like I don’t if that works as like one Diamond per per house down

Payment and then we’ll we’ll settle up as we go yeah that sounds good Perfect all right awesome lovely you want to do something stupid um Pixi over as whole is doing this thing where he is made it so people can jump from World height down to the bottom of the world get the

Caves and cliffs advancement you get a fake coin out of it um but I’m up in the ante here with a stack of diamonds if you can water bucket clutch it and get the advancement you get one try if I die do I get the advancement

Still no then you have to do it again but we’ll put water at the bottom the second time so it’s like free okay I’m in all right let’s do it let’s go are you paying me only if I succeed or just cuz I do it no you got

To succeed you got to you kidding this is a this is a bet you got to you got to get done right neglected to oh hello hi we did it came through the portal I’ve got one person ready to take on the challenge of the jump we got to remove

The water and set it up it’s all set up actually yeah i’ I’ve heard that there was going to be a new candidate to uh Ollie has turned up to see if you can take his title because he’s the only one who successfully done it if anyone could

Ol can you confirm that I did pay the stack of diamonds upon success it’s kept me going for the past like two weeks it was good yeah so it is confirmed I’ve even got it I’ve got it right here in my hand ready to go you got you got a water

Bucket I I I got a water bucket you got a water bucket that’s good that’s good so the only thing in my hand all right anyway so you’re going to be climbing all the way up to build height there is a little 2x two platform up there so

Make sure you’re facing this way and you just want to walk off it I think if you jump it messes with the advancement so you just want to walk off the edge and that should line you up with a 2X two hole but you might need to correct in

Midair you’re slightly off I got my whole life to think about yeah it’s a long d you got plenty time of thinking as you’re falling there she is I see her on the top I don’t think she’s facing the right way J she’s not facing the right way

Jump she’s not going the right way no oh oh she is she no she died oh why’ she crash too why is that crashing people well I guess if anything I at least get to keep my St diamonds out of this one and uh where are those fake oh my gosh hi hey

I’m a cat hi yeah I see you you are indeed a cat now maybe if I was a cat I would have made the landing yeah yeah it’s okay you know it happens to the best of us you’d have a lot more lives at least but we can bring you back on

This one so that’s that’s good news okay yeah I got one coin right there above the door do you want me to take that one or leave this one actually leave that one cuz I have two others they’re upstairs okay yeah leave me oh what oh jeez so don’t kill the cat I

Uh they’re upstairs behind the bookshelves behind the bookshelves yeah should I be going up this way if I can make this ladder I might I might kill my oh no all right I’m going to bring Shelby back now hey hi you I’ve got I got a few things for you oh I

Think I can punch I there she got it all right here’s your diamond thank you good business with you yeah always always I definitely feel bad about accidentally uh getting Shelby’s cat killed but uh I don’t feel bad that she took the V and wasn’t able to do it

I have been spending so much time mining off camera just like in the caves while I’ve been running the Moss Farm to be able to finish that thing that I got so many diamonds so we almost have two stacks in there and uh I guess we can

Get her on retainer now too to help build out some of these Interiors so I can keep making the exteriors and not think about it oh boy I need to get a lot more villagers in here uh and hopefully getting them how do they keep

Getting on the roof I don’t get it I blocked every route to get up there right let’s focus back up here and get back to work over at the ranch that has been enough distractions for today definitely no more are going to be happening and now we need to figure out

How we’re going to lay out some pastures as well as the buildings in this place I’m thinking up here we can kind of smooth it out a little bit more and then maybe do like a big barn structure we think like that’s enough for one stall

And we can bring it over here and that’d be enough for a second stall and then maybe we can actually hook it around here for another two stalls that will be just a little bit skinnier that should work for a pretty good structure and I’m thinking for the main entrance we can do

A dockyard down there and then we can just pillar up some of these guys and let’s see that would bring us to seven which should be a good width for the walking path going throughout and we can start adding in a few of these logs as

Kind of a bit of a border I’m going to make it a little halfhazard so that things aren’t Perfect all right there we go that is going to be a pretty massive p in here but I it’s going to work it’s going to be very important to make sure that all of our animals have enough space to move around you know what come to think of it

They don’t need to be that tall so maybe we cap them out at three above the nearest Moss with the post in place I got to work on the first railings around our pasture unfortunately I won’t be able to use many leaves to decorate out

Here so we’ll have to make do with the rickety Spruce slab railings and I think this actually looks pretty good and hopefully it should keep all of our animals inside I don’t think they can make it out and we’ll add some extra moss in there once we get this building

In place the only entrance or exit should be right through these doors you can just open one and slide on through and it also gives a pretty decent ability to view everything inside as our walking path is probably going to be coming through here I’ll have to figure

Out what we want to do with all of the Moss but for now I’m just focusing on getting these big old guys in and then I was thinking you come to the central point we could do like a fountain or something in here and then we can start

Another pasture going out this direction of course leading right over to the edge of our area before we step into Scott Zone and something like that where we can put a little back exit here so if anybody if Scott ever wants to come by he can have his own little private

Entrance as a thank you for allowing us to do this right next to him and that’ll be kind of a little private walkway that comes back into here and maybe to change it up I’m just trying to think how we can utilize all of the space out here so

I want to extend a railing back around here or some fencing I guess is the proper term we’ll dip a little into Scot Zone it’ll it’ll be fine it’ll be it’ll be fine we got to round it out perfectly then that can come into here to where we

Can have this exit out of like a little y point or stop at a little y point you know what this is a massive pasture so instead I’m going to just put it as a straight line coming to here and we’ll bring it in a bit because I want to

Leave this for maybe some extra buildings or maintenance areas along the back we can have all of this I want to make sure we do reserve a little space along the edge here as I think a Minecart Track as a roller coaster going around the entire perimeter could be

Pretty cool for the skyline but overall from up above we’re starting to utilize this space pretty well out here we just have this lower edge with the creeper no more creeper that we can still fill out with the base layout in I continued completing our pasture fences to help

Further bring this area to life and to check off the boxes of some of the harder decisions we’re going to have to make okay I checked some of the boxes not all of the boxes because well um I felt bad I felt really bad that Scott

Had to stare at this and that and that without any buildings over here and more so that I was really encroaching on his base so I’ve uh I spent the last hour and a half after I finished building those things up building these trees as

They do a fairly decent job so far of blocking the sight lines so he doesn’t have to stare at the gross wooden pastures that we have right now and then he’ll kind of be able to peek below and see some of the details and we’ll come

In and add some extra grass and foliage and bushes but I just I felt like I was being a bad neighbor I had to get some custom trees in there I guess he already had enough custom trees from his house that you can’t see it anyways but do a

Little parkour on top oh man if you do a little parkour on top of his roof then it looks pretty nice from over here these are some of the tree designs I made for my hardcore world and I really like how they work I kind of wish we had

Some brighter Lusher leaves for those so maybe we trade in some aelia leaves but for now I think it looks okay and for my base we definitely need some more but I am building this place so if I don’t want to look at it that’s a that’s a wee

Bit of a problem and I might have messed up along the way so uh probably shouldn’t fill this entire edge with trees let’s get back to work over here and finish off these last few pastures to better see the space I have to work with Today part of the no wings club so that means I got to do stuff like this to see our magic at hand but we now have all of them in place and I etched out a new Staples building over there that’ll go in front of all of our maintenance stuff

Along the back Edge which probably connect around the outer edge down to our docks and like visitor region but first uh we need a bit of a better pathway I’m kind of wishing I thought about this before but I need to go through and punch out all of this moss

And just start adding in some of our dirt along here so that I can turn it into some path blocks to transition a little bit I’ll probably leave a little bit of the extra dirt along the edge as it won’t be able to grow back into grass

Oh that’s going to be a little dangerous down there H it should be fine but just adding a path in here is honestly going to make it look like 10 times better I’m always surprised how much a small pathway through a region can really help just change the entire thing next I want

To start working on our little sand outlines over there and turning them into some Sandstone buildings but I want to add some highlights to them so that they stand out a little bit more like kind of what we have over here and I was wanting to use some bone blocks which

Means a trip into The Nether this is dep pix’s dig but where’ the pathway go to get to the nether Hub or well I’m in the nether Hub where’s the weather Skelly Farm ah there we go perfect I had to down to it I was like I know it’s around

Here somewhere and it just got blocked by The Hub okay that’ll that’ll at least do for now not the site I really want to be seeing when I’m over here but maybe we could just pop shot through nope that’s not going to work maybe all right

There we go now we pulled them all right this might take a little longer than I was expecting uh I’m going to be here for a little bit so I’ve been here for a few minutes now and uh not too many skeletons are coming through and I think

I’ve got a bit of a uh better idea on how we can fix this up one we can fix this Farm up pretty easily but I think I’ll do that later uh yeah we’re going to go home okay so instead let’s take some composters here make a bunch of

Chests which we can make we got our Hoppers over here and I want to make a little bone meal setup that I can just take all of the Moss out of here and just put it in I know this Farms originally meant to just give you bone

Meal but uh I wanted the Moss so this way we’re going to be able to get the bone meal if we don’t need all of this junk I mean lovely stuff this is amazing stuff it’s really really nice stuff and I’ve got a bunch of extra moss in here

That we can throw in oh this this is so backwards but it’s going to gr our bone blocks and the Farm’s out of bone meal love lovely absolutely lovely okay I’m going to be here for a bit well we let this thing R and we need to pay Oli a

Quick visit as he owes me something for signing his book you did you did and I signed your book and you signed my book which now I have nine signatures for people love my book and there was some cherry logs in there too right good hog

What in the in the let me oh and the deal that we made you know I can’t recall it wasn’t I’m looking at the text right now was like two or three I’m reading the text all need P pet it says three stacks mean I can go pull the clip

From last stream if you don’t think you find it is the thing I think it’s too Niche I think it’s too N I don’t think I don’t think you find I think somebody clipped it probably yeah I don’t think anyone clips that no people don’t CL streams no nobody Clips streams nobody

Nobody in these communities Clips streams to make everything relevant and uploads on the second website so that they’re never deleted I wish they would I wish they would but I don’t think they do no yeah probably probably true yeah we in a hellscape yeah it’s pretty rough

It’s pretty rough out here yeah wa guys speaking of prime somebody just subscribed to me with twitch Prime let me slap my salmon wow Flex right now God making us feel bad huh thank you so much thank you you guys can sub for free today assassinate him twitch Prime well

I’ll get ready to crit him if you guys both shoot at the same time get out the way all right I’m down not again hly no assassin’s here I’m very weak I’ve been trying to think of a decoration we can have out in the ranch and I thought the pink petals

Would be pretty cool how much bone meal we’ve got a lot we’ve got a lot of bone meal that’s that’s going to do the trick for right now not only do I need it for building blocks but I also need it to duplicate more of the pedals I’m trying

To think of ways that we can decorate these stretches a little bit more we’re going to have the buildings but outside that I don’t want to put too many trees so maybe we can just Spam down some pedals and just create a few patches of of her little pink flowers as there’s

Just so many things you can do with them and all the custom shapes that I just never really use them to be honest so we’re going to just throw them in here because it’ll do it and now this entire space is starting to come a little bit

More to life here I added in a bunch of Tall Grass along our fence railing lines and everything and overall I really like how it’s looking a little sporadic on where all of our pedals are going but overall I’m really happy with this layout I do have a few structures that

Need to be built up as they’re kind of on the edge to finish off the enclosure so we should probably get those going first many materials and a shulker box and I decided to just get into the building and working on our first housing building for the future animals

That they can live in trying to make sure we have plenty of space and a very high ceiling inside so the mobs can actually walk in and out much more easily if they want to I’m pretty sure they’re eventually just going to get stuck in a corner right like that but uh

For now we’ve got this structure over here that I’m very very happy with how it turned out pretty basic on the inside as I don’t want the animals to get stuck on anything and then we do have a maintenance door or a running away door that we can access right over there and

They’ve got a little water Troth in here then they can run around in their field and uh it’s going to be pretty cool I really like how this is looking out we’ve still got two more to complete with the one all the way down there you

Can kind of see as well as this one here that’s actually in the center of this yard instead of sticking out to the side and it’s really nice seeing this project actually coming together with every little detail I added I’m getting that much more excited to keep working on it

And oh I’m so ready to get to the next stage I don’t think I’ve mentioned what I’m going to put in here but I’m really excited for it it’s going to be so cool I have 20 Bricks left my name not brick blocks but I do have emeralds right

There I’ve been saving up a few of them by doing a little bit of trading for carrots here and there and we can come over here and just buy a bunch and hopefully this is enough to get me through the next few buildings that we need that’s not even two stacks of

Blocks at least we turn them into slabs but come on boys all right it’s uh it’s after trading hours of course they’re not going to reset their trade at all lovely okay great I guess I got to sit here for a few okay I’ve got all my

Stuff together here and time to get building this has been a really fun project to sink back into here on SOS something connected to my base but also not in the base itself so I can do a few new things here and there and really

Just have a lot of fun with it I can’t stop adding details I just keep fiding around and adding in little textures adding in extra things sticking out here and we’ll come back and put like some box and stuff but we don’t really need that I guess in the animal pens

Themselves but the third one’s done and it’s looking pretty good over here maybe we even do a little path right here with the rest of this pack mud that I have cuz I made a good amount of it and here we have the first one done as well which

Is looking pretty good I added this Archway in here kind of to mimic back there and also create a bit of a viewing wall to help contain everybody who’s wandering around in here you got to keep their Vision within the park itself within the ranch as we don’t want it to

Be seen too far off in the distance so we’ll have to add some some extra trees and things to reinforce that but so far for our first pass I’m pretty happy with the level of detail we have around here it is starting to feel a lot better as you’re walking around inside

Unfortunately all the slabs are kind of blocking a good portion of your view but they are pretty necessary to keep the animals inside there’s something I’ve been looking forward to a ton to do recently and now that we have the end open we can finally do it really easily

I want to upgrade the Wither Skeleton Farm to only spawn wither skeletons so it’s not just a nether fortress mob farm hey look at our fish I kind prob there’s a salmon in there too isn’t there yeah that stupid Salmon’s still there but look at our little fishy yeah he’s

Hanging out anyways in an effort to not be distracted I need to climb this mountain as to get started I need a few snowballs in order to build a snow golem we’re going to completely cheese this and the easiest way to do it actually I guess we could do that and that’s that’s

Two blocks right there perfect and then for my next trip I need to go steal some pumpkins again ah I hate this I have to clean it right now we have to fix it this is there’s so many floating trees here who did this there’s like three

Trees attached to each other biggest pet peeve biggest Minecraft pet peeve the whole tree has to go we can’t no it is it’s a half tree you chop the whole tree or you don’t chop any of the tree he put melons in his tree that looks pretty

Cool oh I hate this bridge not this bridge again I hate this bridge so much don’t break it no no h broke breaking every yeah there go no it’s okay fine we made it across the bridge ah yes the pumpkin field one of my favorite places

On the server I’ve got got some Redstone goodies here and a bunch of iron to craft shears so we can do one of those for now is we need to get a stack of carve pumpkins to get this Farm really started so I’ll just run through and

Carve all these and then we can go back and break them all there we go one full stack of our carve pumpkins and actually I need an extra there’s a barrel here where we can just throw all of the extra pumpkin seeds cuz we don’t want to steal

Those no all these pumpkins are going to regrow and now we can make an even bigger field you’re welcome back over at spawn now I do need to make a quick stop at my shop as well uh I’m going to NOP sorry bacon no you can stay there buddy

Uh we’re going to take one of these as we need to summon a Wither and it’s going to make it so we can get so much more stock and oh wow we have sold a lot of beacons already that is amazing I’ll wait for pics before we collect all of

The diamonds back there and what am I doing over no new diamonds here no new diamonds here but that’s a okay this is going to go a lot faster if I can get fortune 3 on a shovel and I don’t have soak touch on a shovel oh that’s a good

One okay what do you fortune 3 nope nope all right I got two more chances I never want this Outsider right now A come on now I don’t need two and it’s again okay we can roll a few right last one efficiency 4 okay you know that’s that’s

Fine we’ll keep that’s not a bad shovel I can’t be mad about that one but I wanted Fortune reason for that is as a Next Step here we need to create a little box and we can put two of our snow blocks on and we will do a carve

Pumpkin right up there and we get a Snowman and then with this guy we can just break all of these and get a bunch of snowballs if we had that fortune 3 we would be getting way more than one per but I guess I’m doing this right

Now that should be enough snow to get us started and we’re off to find the end again where was that stronghold I know it’s that way somewhere now I’ll go find it right never thought I’d be coming back here but uh here we go and the dragon’s dead that’s great news nobody’s

Responded and left and uh okay I thought I looked at it we’re fine we’re safe we’re safe for a moment everything’s fine don’t need to freak out right let’s hope we did this thing correctly and all I should need to do is there’s a weaer spawning and uh

Hopefully he doesn’t get out then if I come over here and start placing yes we are creating Snow Golems automatically and let’s hope oh my gosh it’s so loud he’s stuck in there right oh jeez don’t look at him okay it looks like he’s stuck he hasn’t popped out yet

So if I keep spawning these guys they should push themselves in there and we get free wither roses yes and he’s healing himself which means he’s killing the Golems okay now if I walk down here he should be killing all of them and look at the Wither roses on the ground

And then we can just recraft all of our snow blocks somehow we’re getting extra snow out of this but uh I’ll I’ll take it I’ll take it you know what I will happily take that okay 6 for the first time that’s amazing and I have so much

Snow how do I have so much snow on me I don’t know but I just have to live in this very very loud space for a while and uh we get we get wither roses this is good I need like six Stacks I think but it’s so loud I won’t make you suffer

Welcome back to the slightly toned down noise box of where I’m trying to sort through and pick up so many snow layers again okay there we go now I can actually craft that’s H so much better we’re getting so much snow out of this Farm it’s crazy absolutely crazy look at

That so much snow but more importantly if you can even hear me right now that is 12 stacks of wether roses which is huge and uh that’s a lot of extra snow in here and I’ll tell you what I think that’s where we uh turn this Farm off

For now uh and then I get a nice little nether star out of this one right here oh boy it’ll be a lot easier to summon one of these guys again in the future so I don’t really mind about killing him I’d rather get the reward than leave him

Here to die oh and we got a new wither head perfect we can use that to de the shop now where do you take me back oh I actually have a place here wow that’s amazing I was so expecting spawn next up I need a lot of nether to jump into The

Nether and build out some new platforms we’ll start with that and if we need more we can get it now is finally the time to remove everything that’s not a wither skeleton out of here all right fine we’ll do it the we’ll do it the scaredy-cat way thank you I really

Should have bought fire resist or something anything anything would have been smarter than what I’m doing right now out but that’s that’s okay that’s we yep we’re not we’re not intelligent we just somehow haven’t died yet most of this is already Netherrack it looks like

So we just need to tear out the nether brick slap down some new Netherrack and then on top of the Netherrack we can add in our wither roses right one stack got me that far so that’s like five Stacks across I I think I have enough I’m a

Little worried about the netherite count but I think I have enough roses which is the scary part there goes all of our Netherrack with five Despair and now I just need to add in the last of the Roses which means we definitely have enough there we go the entire spawning

Space is now filled up and we can just patch this in with some of our Nether Bricks oh that looks really good in there hopefully I didn’t miss anything as soon as we walk away we finally have some wither skeletons spawning inside and there is nothing else and look at

All of them oh my gosh yes this is going to work so well now we can just run around oh my gosh there’s even more spawning over there come with me my children come with me yes yes yes yes my little wither skellies come all the way

Up here please yes yes don’t fight don’t fight oh this is amazing oh this is so much better now I should have done this earlier today when I need a bone meal okay my luck in here so far is uh pretty nuts we’re up seven skulls today off less than 40 skeletons definitely

Happy I took the time to upgrade the spot but there’s still so much more that we can actually do up here if I can get around the piggy I’ve actually cleared out the entire top so we can see into the farm because I just thought it would look cooler and honestly I’m pretty

Happy I did here’s that weird time in the video where the IRL Factor comes into it as our next event is actually about to launch I had hoped to get this Ranch video out earlier but I’ll be honest I’ve been struggling a lot mentally with SOS I wasn’t too sure I

Was going to mention this but I think it’s important to share where I’m struggling as a Creator as I think it just kind of helps things be a little bit more real instead of here’s videos I’ll be honest I’ve been receiving a lot of hate messages over the past few weeks

Over the quote no lore rule that I put here on SOS I did make a post over on Twitter if you want to see a little bit more in depth on that and what that holds but I don’t want to go over that again here I want to say the main thing

Is eventually after seeing a lot of the hate comments it gets difficult to just ignore them and each one digs a little deeper than a little deeper than the last one did they didn’t really affect me that much for a while and honestly thought I was just kind of stupid fans

Being stupid so I was able to brush it off but then I realized after a while it was really affecting me this past weekend I wasn’t in a great spot and I realized that making that Twitter post kind of helped me just get it out there

And share that I was struggling and that alone helped a lot and then so many people reached out in support and sent a bunch of lovely comments my way and showed so much support for what we’re doing here on SOS which was really really nice to see but to be honest I

Was really close to just quitting the series and moving into an admin only role to keep the series going for all of my friends but I’m sharing this with you all to let you know that I am in a much better spot and two just to ask people

To be kind on the internet and to those around them just because it’s Anonymous here on the internet it doesn’t mean that there’s not a real person behind the screen and what you say can definitely affect them and it and it will for sure as somebody here talking

About that right now thank you for listening I really felt like I needed to just say something and now we have this nice little nether tunnel here as it’s time for a very awkward transition I guess of we need to head to spawn right now as a lot of people are online and

Waiting for us over there so uh hard transition into chaos let’s go woo yeah before we kicked off the next event Lizzie actually had a last minute auction to one I think get some signatures so she could get her fate coin and then she also wanted to sell

Some maps I tried biding a few things but unfortunately I didn’t win anything as people are bidding crazy high amounts I mean even a beacon didn’t win it since Lizzie now has four fate coins uh I thought it’d be cool to announce one uh that officially closes this Challenge

And is going to be starting the next one where welcome first and to the mid game officially things are getting a little bit more difficult woo yay things are getting really mid difficult yeah yeah they were they were early before now now it’s just mid anyways revive is now four tokens so

Woo yay follow me everybody Welcome to the week three challenge we got a little bit of a different one in this one here where there’s actually two Challen so you have the ability to earn two fake coins first up you will be assigned a buddy at random you will get somebody

Else on the server if your buddy dies at any point during this twoe period you lose you fail you don’t get that coin but you still have the chance you still have the chance for this a special task oo oo you will also be given one task if

You can complete the task before the end of the week you get a coin hey two two weeks two weeks sorry yes the end of the session these both both run for two weeks so also to announce the tasks you can trade them with other people you can barter them move them

Around each task can only be completed by one person and in order to turn in your task you have to show the book at the end so you have to have the T you have to have the book and the task completed in order to get your coin out of it sound good

Cool who do I get so I got Scott my neor neighbors and to Easy Task six obtain one creeper head oh no okay okay after I got my task everybody else cycled through getting their own buddies and tasks as well where Joel actually Drew my name and he

Has to try and keep me alive during this week which I think I’ve done a pretty good job of so far so I think it’s pretty safe on that one we might have to spice things up a little bit for him overall though I’m pretty excited for

What I have here so far well that’s going to start the next event off there I feel like I got pretty lucky on this one we got Scott for the person we need to keep alive and then my task here is we have to get a creeper head which

Honestly is not the worst thing in the world I am a little scared doing it but I don’t think it’s going to be the end of the world I was originally thinking we have to get a trident but MOG was telling me I can just put a creeper in a

Boat next to a lightning rod and then it would work so I’m going to kind of set up right over there maybe I doubt with as many people on they’re going to let Knight stick around for too long but we could potentially get lucky I’ll put

Both of these in here so I don’t lose them and also I did get a new fake coin if you saw that in the inventory at all during the clip for completing all of the signatures we can throw that in there and I’m up to three a little bit

Of a problem as the Coster res is now four so I can’t even bring somebody back alone so uh we’re going to have to work on finding some new coins here right lightning rod got it and then I need a shield o I need a different shield let’s

See if we can get some creepers to spawn over here before people sleep and we might get lucky there’s so many people on the server I have I doubt I’m going to get any mob spawns but it would be nice to have this part done already

That’d be a great well I did get a creeper so that’s going to work uh let’s see can we just get you in a boat sir sir thank you thank you yeah come over here let’s get you safely out of the park way far away from the park hello Mr

Creeper this a nice boat I got for you yeah come sit in the boat please in the boat in the boat in the boat yes okay so needs to hang there and they slept there the night bummer okay any creepers over here I’ll just have to wait for when the

Server is a little bit quieter uh no extra creepers spawn in but we do have the one in a boat sitting next to lightning rods next thunderstorm he should turn into a charge creeper and that’s going to be amazing hey buddy you’re going to do great you’re going to

Help me out so much here I’m really excited about this thank you to get through a night I literally had to wait for every single person on the server to log off other than Owen because he doesn’t really care to sleep too much but we got another creeper oh and a

Potato and put you in the boat yes perfect wait actually can I get a second oh no no not how I wanted to go not no no no no no no somebody walk in the boat walk in the boat no up in the boat in

The why are you not in the boat no oh well now he’s in the boat with the okay everybody’s in their boats but you we don’t actually want you in the boat and he had Thorns love it that’s so great okay we’re good now now we just wait for

A thunderstorm and easy peasy we just got to get him to blow up those two and we get two heads I think that’s a solid point to leave it here for today so thank you all so very much for watching please be sure to leave a like down

Below subscribe if you’re brand new and let me know any tips you got on all these challenges I got to take on uh we’ll have to keep Scott alive and I’m thinking we get a goodie basket of a bunch of stuff that hopefully he can use to keep himself from dying going but

With that my friends thank you all so very much and I’ll catch you all on the flip side where we’ll probably build something over here next time we kind of need more in the base the base hasn’t had been expanded too recently so we got to do that

fWhip is Starting his MEGA BUILD! Minecraft SOS is a new Hardcore survival SMP!! CLICK the LIKE button if you enjoy!

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  1. The fans that give you hate comments because there’s no lore, aren’t fans if they would be so hateful. Who cares if there’s lore or not. Making a story in any game that you’re playing is hard, just have fun with friends. Sorry that you’re getting a lot hate comments. To the people that are hating on him for not making any lore, get a life. If your real fans you wouldn’t hate on him, grow up.

  2. Try not let that get to your head, you just need to remember you will always have more fans than haters. You keep doing what you think is right don't let negative comments affect your daily lifestyle outside of this job.

  3. I was actually happy to hear that sos had no lore. Sometimes I just want to watch people play while being themselves instead of something else

  4. Hey! I love this series so much and I love all the builds so far!
    Your “no lore” rule and all the bits around it are honestly so funny! It’s nice to have a joyous, feel-good series that’s easy to follow! And seeing you interact with this group is always a delight!
    Thank you for continuing 💗 Your work is amazing!!!

  5. Hi I'm so happy for this sos and without you i will leave it and I'm serious when I says that
    İ saw so many people who just talked behind other for like or whatever don't let them win my friend bic that what they want

  6. Sorry to hear about the hate you're getting, why are people so mean lately? I absolutely love this series and every thing you're doing with it. All the creators are amazing and you especially! Can't wait to see what you do in the moss area. Good luck with the challenge, good luck with keeping Scott safe (that menace man :D) and don't scare Joel too much, the lad is using 5G internet 😂

  7. fWhip, I don't say much these days but..don't listen to the haters online. You have a huge amount of supporters now, each one has different ideas, each one likes you and your content for different reasons. Be confident in yourself, your friends and remember to put all things into perspective – you can't please all of the people all of the time. Besides, the 'no lore' is hilarious!

    Yeah, I'm a nana so I have a right to lecture…hehe.

  8. I honestly love all of your videos Fwhip. You are the 1st minecraft YouTuber I watched and have always watched. You're style is amazing! Don't ever let the haters get you down because for every one of them there are thousands who love your content

  9. As someone who suffers with mental health I am glad you have decided to carry on posting sos videos. Watching you and other minecraft YouTubers helps me to not get too down and depressed. I hope the people who have been sending hate will realise that words do really hurt at times and that it costs nothing to be kind and "Treat others how you wish to be treated yourself" sending love from the UK. ❤

  10. I had to pause the video and say that I honestly prefer the no lore part of this series. Don't get me wrong! I love the other series that had lore in it like Empires but this was a nice change of pace that I honestly needed. With lore based series, I often get overwhelmed by all the videos that I feel like I have to watch to get the full story of the world. With this series, I feel like I can skip an episode or two and still know what's going on.

    I'm so sorry that there is so many mean ppl on the internet and I'm so sorry that you got so much hate. I love your videos and you are a very entertaining person. You didn't deserve all of that and it was honestly funny when you guys joke about the no lore rule.

  11. The part I love the most about your SMPs is seeing the actual real life friendship between you and the other players. The lore in Empires was fun but the best part is seeing how you all interact as friends!

  12. I am so sorry that people are saying this unkind things, especially after how much time and effort you put into videos. We all really appreciate your effort. Keep it up!!

  13. I just want to say, I’m so incredibly obsessed with this series, I honestly think it’s lowkey funny watching everyone struggle to not create lore 😂 and I think you should be so so proud of the series you’ve created, and as a person who also struggles with getting negative comments I’m so insanely sorry you have to deal with that

  14. Sorry to hear people aren’t being kind! Honestly it’s a big reason why I don’t do social media much, hate and drama everywhere! I love this series and I think the no lore bit is hilarious. It’s not easy, but just know there are more of us out here who love your content/ideas, just unfortunately the ones who speak up loudest tend to be negative (squeaky wheel gets the grease and all that).


  16. Hope you get better!!🙏 Don’t listen to the haters you are such a good youtuber i remember the first time i saw your Chanel it was the 10th episode on your hardcore series since then i never stoped watching your Chanel and sos is going great and i love it!!! ❤️ i wish people were not mean to you i felt really bad when i heared that 😔

  17. Love your content. Love this series! I laughed so much watching this episode. You bring so much joy to so many people. I don't usually comment, but maybe I need to more. More positive comments to counter out the negative.

  18. I'm bad about commenting on videos because I usually watch on my TV, but I had to come here to say I'm glad you are going to keep going with the series. I think the no lore rule is fine, it has led to some really silly moments and a lot of fun. I know the negative comments can get rough, but they're a vocal minority. I'm glad you're in a better place. I want you to enjoy making the content you put out in the world, it makes a huge difference knowing that the creator is having fun doing it. Don't let people yuck your yum. If you want a no lore rule and everyone is having fun with it, there's no reason not to do it.

  19. I really enjoy you're videos. i think those that don't like because theres no lore have small unimaganitive minds. you do great work and have wonderful ideas. I'm am glad you kept sos going. it makes me giggle. please keep going.

  20. We love you fwhip! I love this series!!! And I love the no lore joke. It’s your series and if other viewers don’t like how you run it then they don’t have to watch. Keep doing you fwhip! Sending love and support

  21. We're not all crazy, you're great , it's hard, I'm sure, but don't listen .you work hard, and I'm sure most of them like myself am greatful.

  22. Keep your head up fwhip , dont let the haters get to you your doing amazing and im happy you didnt quit because i look forward to your videos honestly been helping me with the grieving of loosing my grandmother this month stay strong

  23. First of : IM GLAD YOU DECIDED TO CONTINUE SOS. Aside from your Hardcore World, im really looking forward to your SMPs.

    Its refreshing and really different from the other SMPs out there. Having a NO LORE RULE is yes, a bit risky decision BUT a very good decision too.

    As many might have noticed, almost all minecraft youtubers now a days, seem to go back to vanilla playing minecraft.

    Meaning the toll on these youtubers who kept on pushing out content is there.

    So just having fun with friends and new friends while adding the twist of getting revive by friends is really a thumbs up.

    Cmon, it sure is a change but we love it no matter what!

    For the haters, yeah, im sorry that it indeed had taken a toll on you, but always remember that being better than them, you're way ahead already.

    ENJOY CREATING CONTENT FWIP! We sure will watch it! 🥰

    We are always here to see you on the fwip side. ❤

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