How To Build A Modern Military Army Base in Minecraft

Today we are building a modern military army base to protect us from this Army of zombies can we build new weapons and defenses to keep everyone safe and what happens once the sun goes down looks like we have about 20 minutes before the sun goes down and that army of zombies

Attacks us look a bunch of the zombies have stayed from last night’s attack but they will be preparing for another one we need to build the wall surrounding the base so the zombies can’t just Walt right in yeah this Sandstone is going to be really tough yeah it’s really strong

We need to use a strong material like Sandstone otherwise the zombies will easily be able to get in and the base will be absolutely toast the base can’t be too strong though in case of a zombie attack we need to be able to quickly move the entire villager Soldier Army

Somewhere else yeah and if it’s too secure then we won’t be able to get out yeah that’s a very big worry of mine Milo luckily we’re going to make this perfectly so we really don’t have to worry okay now that we built the outside

Wall we need to build it up a couple of blocks it is way too short right now I think we need to build it just like this we’ll build a cool patent in every direction it needs to be the same and this is a very strong patent so we got

To get it right all right I’m going to try and copy what you’re doing but it’s pretty confusing don’t worry Milo as long as we work together we’ll be able to do it I have total faith in you it’s really important that we get this done

Before the sun sets in 20 minutes these zombies do not play around so if they have any second to attack us they will the second that sun goes down and they will not get burned anymore the Army will launch its attack and we’ll be in danger and so will all the soldiers at

The army base yeah and we really have to keep our soldiers safe because they’re really aresome yeah and if we are left overnight without an army we will totally be at the mercy of the evil other kingdoms like the skeleton tribe who may attack us using their long range

Bows and arrows yeah if we think these zombies are bad can you imagine getting attacked by skeleton yeah or every mob at once that’s why we need to fight off the big wave of the Zombie Army attack tonight while we still have the time otherwise the villages will be

Completely overwhelmed and we’ll never be able to save anyone ever again we have to build a really strong military so that we can beat them exactly Milo now that we’ve gotten this first part of the worldall done we need to add in some iron bars iron bars yeah those are

Really cool yep they really are my that’s why we need to fill every single Gap with them we can’t miss a spot except for the front gate that is which we will build really really soon we can only build the front gate once we have secured the entire wall it’s important

That we secure the wall first because that will mean we actually can stay safe inside if we build the opening door and then build the wall we might get attacked in the middle of building the wall then the door will be absolutely useless these L bars are really good cuz

They let us see through to the zombies but they don’t let the zombies eat us exactly iron B are very strong by making sure the zombies can’t break through we make sure everybody inside this base is really safe us and the soldiers yeah because I’m a really good soldier myself

Yeah you really are I think you need a little bit of training because you still do not know how to use an airplane or a tank but you’ll totally get this soon I do know how to use an airplane I play with them every day Milo the only

Airplane you’re playing with a paper airplanes that you make when you don’t want to go to class yeah and it’s really good technology I guess paper airplanes are pretty cool but they are not as cool as the technology that we will use to make our awesome sliding gate yeah

That’s right this Gate’s going to be moving yeah it totally will the moving is a very important part of the security of the gate if it does not move then we will not be able to stay safe inside we’ve got to make sure we do this really

Right Milo that is why we need to build a god Tower right here this will help control the operation of the gate can I be one of the Gods here yeah sure you can Milo we’ll have to make the gate here so that you can actually reach it I

Know you have a little arms but that’s okay some gods do and on the gate we’ll also need to have iron bars not to mention superglue it is very important that the gate is super strongly held together if we do not superglue it it could fall apart and the moving

Contraption won’t work very well which would be an absolute disaster yeah we don’t want anyone getting in here that’s not authorized by our military exactly Milo now making this work is going to be pretty complicated but I know a way but how are you going to do that well we

Need to clear a little area out under here we’re going to be placing down some pretty insane technology and we need to protect it from any attacks yeah we got to protect it real good the way we’re going to protect it is by making sure we

Build this properly first we need to add in some of these Gantry shafts it’s a pretty complicated word but it is very important Milo if we don’t build these right the gate will not work y I do not understand how this works don’t worry Milo you can totally trust me I will

Tell you everything you need to know first we need to put a gear shift and a gearbox right here next we will need to add a lever right above it here it controls the direction of the spin but it’ll only spin if we actually add a creative motor right here Boom the gate

Is now moving and we can control whether or not it is moving open or shut by just controlling this lever W this is so cool it is very awesome it looks just like a real opening and closing gate the final step is to make sure we put lots of

Blocks underneath the inside of our base is going to be made out of stone so let’s just add all the stone we could possibly need right here I think Stone’s a really good choice but I want have prefer if it was dirt no Milo we can’t have dirt inside our military base that

Is not strong enough the zombies might be able to dig their way under and through just like how they dug their way out of their graves to join the Zombie Army those zombie army guys are fraks I don’t want to see them around here yeah they’re totally crazy they should not be

Attacking us we just want to live peacefully that is why we need to protect everyone in the Villager Soldier Army while you add more Stone to this place Milo I’m going to add a couple more guard towers it is very important that we add these so we get a good

Lookout at any oncoming threats I’ll need to make sure that these Tower walls are nice and super tall this way we get a really good view of any threat that might want to destroy us ch you let me use a spy glass so I can spy on them

Yeah you totally can you can be in charge of each of these God towers and I will even help you Milo I would not let you guard this place alone that would be way too dangerous yeah and I’d really be scared some i’ even put my pants ew Milo

That is not what a God does you need to make sure you’re at least confident enough not to do that you’re not going to be able to climb up this ladder if you poop your pants all right maybe I’ll study some books about confidence and then I’ll be able to destroy the army

With without pooping my pants Milo you can’t read oh yeah I forgot about that well maybe I’ll read some books about reading oh Milo I’m going to wait until you realize why that’s not going to work but for now I just need to add one more

Guard tower on this side this has to be the tallest guard Tower of all it cannot be short like the other ones this one has to have a view over the nearby mountains mountains are very hard to see over but they are very easy to sneak

Over if the Zombie Army manages to get across the mountains without us seeing we could be in serious trouble Milo we wouldn’t even have time to prepare any of the weapons or Vehicles we’re going to make for this battle I don’t want that to happen neither do I that is why

This guard Tower is very important Milo we also need to make sure that any weapons and vehicles we construct are really really wellmade only great weapons can stop a zombie army the most powerful force in all of nature well working for you I’m a really smart engineer and I’ve designed a lot of

Vehicles really Milo what vehicles are you designed like a little tractor a little tractor Milo that’s not the kind of vehicles we’re talking about I’m talking about something a little more intense than that what my tractor was really intense it had lots of spikes everywhere uh Milo were those spikes

That broke the wheels I remember seeing that oh yeah but I’m still working on other designs for it so don’t judge me sorry Milo I don’t mean to judge but I just want to let you know the vehicles I am planning on building are a lot crazier than that tractor was these

Vehicles will be able to do Insane things like shoot missiles well can they do donuts yeah they can totally do donuts I’m going to get in the vehicle and do burnouts everywhere Milo that’s really irresponsible driving that is not how you win a battle the zombies will

See that and try and attack you while you’re doing them well maybe they’ll think I’m a really cool guy and they’ll be like no we’re not going to hurt my because he’s very cool Milo driving a tank in a circle isn’t going to stop the zombies from attacking no way they are

Way too evil that is why we need to add some extra protection rather than just our God Towers I know exactly what we need to make now I need to grab some green wool and some lime green wool too we are going to make some military tents that sounds really good they’re really

Really useful um why are you building a big Stone Tower Milo um I forgot what I was doing well Milo let me help you with that we are going to make tents right around here we need to leave a big open area in front of the opening gate

Because that is where all of our vehicles will drive through up here needs to be the start of the tents while I make the outside of these tents could you turn the floor into stone Milo yeah I can think about it uh Milo you just bulldozed through the side of this tent

That is not how we’re going to protect these villager soldiers oh I’m sorry I actually didn’t really see it there Milo how can you drive a vehicle if you can’t even see a tent now that is a good question oh Milo besides these tents are already pretty easy to see they haven’t

Even had their camouflage added yet camouflage how are we going to do that well I’m going to add a camouflage patent to every single tent that is how we will make sure the zombies don’t even see them every good soldier has camouflage Milo yeah even me you’re not

Very difficult to spot you’re bright blue and you’re always squawking well I’ll show you something that would make me really hard to see are you ready yeah what is it Milo I okay close your eyes uh okay I’ll just turn around yeah sounds good all right now turn around

And tell me if you can see me H you’re still pretty easy to see but that actually did help a little bit Milo I see your point see now I’m here now I’m gone Milo I can still totally see you you’re so silly whatever I think it’s

Very good you know what I think it’s good too I also think it’s good that we can make places to live for all the village of soldiers that have volunteered their time to come and help us against these zombies yeah it’s really nice of them to come help us

Because they didn’t have to they did it out of the kindness of their own Hearts just like out of the kind of Aon Huts we’re giving them really nice tense we’re even making this one camouflaged first I need to add a bunch of this lime green wool all around the front like

This it’s going to look pretty messy for now but it’ll make a lot of sense very very soon now we need to start adding in colors like gray it looks kind of crazy at the moment it even looks a little bit like a creeper that would be crazy

Imagine fighting a zombie army using creeper power well I would totally destroy them and blow everything up yeah it would work really well but luckily we don’t need creeper power we have something a little bit better Milo I’m not going to tell you what it is yet but

It will blow your mind what please tell me you can’t keep secrets from me you’ll find out soon enough but first we just need to get this tent done otherwise the Villager soldiers will have nowhere to stay yeah and I’m trying to do the floor really quickly but it’s taking me so

Long wow I guess it kind of is don’t worry Milo you’ll be done in no time this tent will be where all the Villager soldiers eat their meals so we will need to ask add lots of meal boxes on the sides here we also will need to add an

Eating area they cannot eat out in the open it would be way too dangerous they could be attacked by any of the zombie armies that we’re looking instead we need to make some little chairs in here this way they can sit together and eat a nice meal inside the safety of the tent

It’s a great idea and now we just need to add some green banners to the front these are like the flaps of the tent that will hang down and can be shut in the night time in case it gets way too cold this is ugly they need a place to

Sleep hello it’s not ugly but I do agree with you we probably should build tents that these villager soldiers can sleep in I’m going to make them smaller that way each of these villager soldiers can have their own privacy we’ll make one tent per each villager Soldier maybe a

Couple of them can share but most of them will have tents all to themselves especially the really high ranking military generals like me uh yeah Milo totally like you yeah exactly what are you the military general of again being awesome and stuff being awesome and stuff I hadn’t heard of that one before

It’s pretty cool that they let you do that yeah the aesome Army is my Army and we attack everyone Milo that doesn’t sound very awesome at all that sounds really mean actually that’s terrible well not everyone just pretty much monsters and bad guys that’s not everyone then that’s actually really

Nice I do not think you should be attacking everyone so as long as you want that should be totally fine I will add a couple more beds in each of these tents I think maybe two soldiers per tent will be a really really good number

That way we do not run out of of space and they can always have a nice friend to keep them company it can be pretty scary fighting a war against a zombie army Milo so we do not want to keep these villager soldiers all by themselves they could get so lonely and

Miss their families yeah I wish I had a friend Milo I’m your friend areen we building this together well I kind of forgot about you what Milo how did you forget about me I’m right here yeah but you’re always right there and you’re always yapping hey I’m not yapping I’m

Not a doggy yeah I guess not you’re just a a little guy I’m not a little guy I’m a big guy or a normalized guy at least yeah well I’m a little guy yeah you are a little guy that’s totally true Milo the village of soldiers are not normal

Though they are huge and that is why we need to build them a massive gargant and super huge tank a tank now I’m talking I’m going to pick the best selection of tanks for these villager soldiers to use and we’re even going to build a tank

Area to store them oh yeah I’ve always wanted to drive a tank so that I could blow up my crush’s car or something Milo that’s insane what really yes you can’t blow up people’s cars especially if you have a crush on them you need to be

Really nice to the people you have a crush on well I’ll think about it but I thought that using a tank to show how much you love someone was a really good idea uh yeah if the person you love is a crazy soldier girl well maybe she is oh

Okay that would make sense then while you try and figure out what kind of crazy soldja girl you’re in love with Milo I’m going to try and build a giant storage Bay to keep all of these tanks in it needs to go pretty far back and it

Needs to have a very specific shape it’s got to be a giant semicircle like this yeah but you sure you want to build it out of wool H that’s actually a really good point Milo wool could catch fire and it is not safe to keep tanks inside

I’m going to use concrete to keep these tanks safe from enemy fire now we’re cooking yeah we’re totally cooking although if any of the villagers do actually decide to do some real cooking they cannot use smoke it was send a signal up into the sky that would tell

Every zombie army exactly where we are we need to be a little bit hidden this is a stealth Mission as well Milo the Zombie Army only comes out at night time but they might realize where we are and they might even have time to plan during

The day if the Zombie Army has a good enough plan they could totally outsmart us and all of our amazing defenses that we build well they might outsmart you but not me because my brain is huge uh Milo the bigger your brain is the more

The Zombie Army is going to want to eat it oh my gosh I didn’t even think about that I’m going to try and make my brain smaller I don’t think you need to worry about that Milo I think your brain is perfectly small just the way it is I

Think that might be mean but I’m just going to forget about it I know you will Milo but one thing you will not forget about is the might of these tanks once we finish making this tank hanger we will be able to put all of them inside

And every zombie around for miles will know the strength of our villager Soldier Army yeah they’re going to be jealous actually yeah they totally will the zombies do not have tanks they actually really really bad at fighting against them that’s why it’s so important that we have as many as we can

Possibly get otherwise we don’t stand much of a chance at all well I might have a chance because I can spin really fast with my arms out and turn into a helicopter Milo that’s not what a helicopter is can you even fly yeah look wao okay that’s pretty cool I guess you

Are cooler than you look speaking of looking cool the tank hanger is now almost complete we just need to add these hiding devices on the front to make it way harder for the Zombie Army to sneak a peek inside now that we have added these Milo it is time to fully get

Ready with the tanks I have so many amazing tanks to put inside of here Milo I have four different ones I very very want to see them right now okay first we are going to do this one wo look at that camouflage Milo it could blend in with

Anything even in the tents I love this tank it’s so cool it’s really awesome and it totally matches the colors the next tank could blend in in any Desert look at that oh no it’s taking damage quick Miler we have to save it wow that

One was a little bit weird but now it looks good yeah it totally does it’s a little smaller so it could even go inside of a cave that the zombies are hiding in well look at me wo Milo be very careful get out of that tank right

Now otherwise you could do some serious damage well don’t wor I won’t shoot anyone I know you won’t Milo because look at this tank if you go Rogue and start attacking in anybody this tank will be there to totally take you down get out of the tank Milo well I just

Keep forgetting cuz they’re so beautiful yeah they totally are I think they can take down the zombies as well and that is also beautiful although wo they are pretty big and it can be quite hard to get around them that’s why I’m going to remove these Oak fences at the front and

The back end of this super cool tank hanger this is the final cool tank it’s a pretty nice color it would blend in really really well with a spruce forest biome that’s very true there’s no one around well Milo we don’t have to test it on anybody that would be really

Really evil but instead we can break this back window and test it out somewhere in the distance we just might need a little bit of help first but how are we going to ask well if you want to see a working tank in this army base you

Need to like this video in 3 2 1 wao you guys totally did it that means we unlocked the ability to shoot these tanks this is so exciting which one do you think think we should go inside Milo well I really want to do this one right

Here okay that’s a great idea wao I’m inside and hey I got a bunch of coal that’s pretty awesome I guess we can use it to fuel up the tank this way we’ll never run out of any fuel that we need to make them go go go yeah that’s great

We’re going to be so fueled up and ready to destroy these zombies yeah we totally will thanks to everybody’s help we now have so much fuel but wait a minute we need to make this hanger even bigger so we can actually drive it out of here

Don’t worry I’ll help you chair wo look Milo I’m really going W does it work yeah it’s just a little tricky to steer as all oh my gosh CH oh that looks really crazy why don’t you build a Target outside Milo so that I can totally practice taking it down yeah I

Can do that I guess thanks Milo I’m just going to make this entrance and exit a little bit bigger so we can actually get out of here how does death look wao that is perfect okay I’m actually going to use this tank to try and shoot down the

Targets are you ready Milo I’m ready you might want to get off of them this could get a little explosive all right I’m over here now all right Milo I’m going to shoot this tank in three 2 1 wo we got all three of the targets wow you did

Them all at once that’s crazy this tank is really impressive we should probably drive it back before it causes too much more damage yeah because what if you accidentally blow up the base that worked so well Milo that I think now we need a bunch more tanks we need a super

Huge amount of spare supplies and oh no the tanks are getting damaged we need to make sure we only spawn them in an area where they will be safe yeah we need Lads of them so we can scare our enemies yeah I think this one looks pretty

Insane as well so we’ll have a couple of these dotted around too now we look really well prepared for any attack but there is still more we can do what can we do now well we don’t actually have any protection from the skies other than our guard towers of course and this sun

Is really starting to go down we need to make airplane hangers oh my gosh that’s Genius of course we need some airplanes to beat these guys yeah we totally do I’m going to get started on building an airplane right now we’ll need to build it its own Runway out here it can’t be

In with everybody else I’m going to need to grab a netherite shovel we are going to use this to make a real runway for the plane I’ll carve it out of the ground here and we will even need to add Redstone torches on the sides that way

When it is night time the plane still has a Runway to land on and take off we need to make this quick my we’re running out of time as nighttime gets closer and the Zombie Army approaches well I would help you but I’m still finishing my job from before that’s okay Milo you’re

Doing such a good job the floor is almost completely made out of stone now once you’re done you’ll be able to help me with anything and we’ll be able to go really really fast yeah exactly this is really awesome chip I’m very proud of our military base now that we’ve

Properly laid the foundations by making all of these dirt paths we need to turn this into concrete so it is really strong and really nice for these planes to take off from we’ll also need to grab some white concrete so that they know exactly where to drive first we’ll need

To put the white concrete all the way down the middle just like this we can add three blocks at a time and space each of these three blocks to apart just like this m Milo while I think about it before you place more Stone why don’t

You fix up that wall if a zombie army comes and attacks early or a mini Scout Troop we could totally be toast they might be able to get inside and steal all of our weapons and tanks I didn’t even think about that that’s so scary

It’s okay Milo we need to do it now though before they even realize they have a shot all right it’s nearly patched up good job Milo you’re doing such a good job while you do that I’ll just finish making all this concrete and then we can really build a working plane

Yeah a working plane in this place is going to be the cherry on the cake yeah it totally will and we’ll also have lots of cake when we celebrate our victory over the Zombie Army that’s going to be the best day in all of history I can’t

Wait to defeat the Army we’re going to have so many fun things to do with all the villagers yeah we’re going to be able to throw parties and have lots of emeralds all together it’ll be really really fun the only thing Milo is we won’t be able to do it without proper

Equipment and the plane is a very big part of that and now that we have totally cleared out all of the dirt path and turned it into concrete we can start adding in the Redstone torches on the side of this Runway we’ll need to place them just like this this way the air

Planes know exactly where to land it’s just like a real Runway which is very important when you’re building real working airlanes I’ll just keep placing the torches on both sides we can’t just have them on one side otherwise the planes would get confused and they would

Have no idea where to go that could lead to a crash that would be terrible Milo if there is a crash on this Runway people could get really hurt if there’s a crash I’ll part someone uh Milo I don’t think that’ll help that’s a really

Bad idea if there’s a crash we just need to be really calm um and try to fix it as quick as we can I can do that as well in order to fix a crash there needs to be a crash in the first place and there

Can only be one if we have a working plane obviously I really do not want this thing to crash but we still need a plane nonetheless that is why I’m going to grab some diorite walls just like this we are actually making the equipment of the plane these are going

To be the wheels it’s important that we make them really really well done we’ve also got to get some green concrete just like this this plane is going to have a very point knows it’s got a pretty cool design it’s one of the newest planes in

The entire world and we actually get to use it oh my gosh that’s cool I really am going to be the best pilot uh Milo I never said you were going to get to drive this plane are you sure you’re a good enough pilot yeah CH I promise I

Even passed my plane School plane school when did you go to plane school well it was last month and I had to draw a lot of planes Milo was this a school where you just had to draw planes yeah and then you learn how to drive them by

Drawing them really good Milo this sounds made up are you telling me the truth right now no well then why would you pilot the plane that’s a terrible idea I thought we were trying to avoid a crash I just want to do a really cool job when we’re done building Milo we get

To do the coolest job of all saving the village of soldiers and the village of people from the evil zombie army what’s cooler than that lollies lollies oh Milo do you mean like candy yep candy and lollies yeah I guess that is pretty cool but I’m still going to make sure we do

Save everybody this plane is going to be pretty important to get right it’s not everyday you see a plane this advanc so we need to take really good care of it it’s also got a very complicated design that we need to make sure we get correct I’m going to grab some mossy cobblestone

Slabs this isn’t actually mossy cobblestone it’s a really strong piece of deep slate that’s painted to look like mossy cobblestone that way it’s nice and camouflaged but it is still really really strong it’s a really good strategy and it means we have a very high chance of winning this battle I’m

Also going to make sure we make these Wings a little less thick and a little more Wing like this way they will actually help us fly otherwise they just look really silly like a big chicken in the sky and everybody knows chickens are not very good Flyers at all I am also

Going to grab some glass and I think tinted glass is perfect the pilots of these planes will be flying very close to the Sun that is why they need the ultimate protection I’ll make sure to build the tinted glass up like this and we can even build some more concrete

Around we’ll need to go underneath to do some repairs on it like this let’s also make sure we had a seat to the inside a green seat works perfectly now we’ll just add some more mossy cobblestone slabs and wo look at this thing it already looks so awesome we’ll need to

Make the nose a little bit shorter though I think this looks almost perfect it’s definitely just missing something the thing that this plane is missing is an actual working engine we’ll need to grab a creative motor right here this type of plane is very very advance so it

Does not actually use a propeller on the front like most planes no way this plane uses custom propellers on the underside we will need to make them using Mangrove trap doors let’s scroll the spinning speed way up to around 200 I’d say oh yeah that is really nice and fast this

Plane is going to work really well waa Milo what are you doing guess what what I’m finished wao you did the stone floor that is awesome Milo you did a really good job yeah I’m really proud I did it very carefully and it’s looking lovely yeah I’m so impressed Milo I think now

We need to work on the planes though it is very important that we get this finished before the Zombie Army arrives holy guacamole this is one plane that’s for sure Milo your counting’s gotten a lot better yeah I think so as well yeah very good job now we just need to get

You counting up to number two okay I’ll try we’re going to add real propellers here waa look at that Milo the propellers actually shoot out air this just shows how powerful the plane will be when fully activated that’s good but I’ve been trying to count to number two

And I don’t think I can really Milo that’s so sad you’ll get this someday I just know it all right but if you want to live long enough to count to two we’re probably going to have to get off the Runway it can be very powerful on

There and you don’t want to get struck by a landing plane besides we have a tank hole that we were really really need to clean up oh yeah we do to I still think there’s more we need to add I think in the back here we need to add

A target practice Gallery where we can shoot some pretty awesome new bows yeah and I’m going to get some bows ready great idea Milo I think that’s so cool these targets need to be very evenly spaced apart to get the best possible practice we’ll also need to grab some

Fenes I think this red color works really really well we’ll put them just like this we’ll also need to add a roof over the top of these Mangrove planks just like this that way they are shielded from any enemy fire that might ruin the predictions yep I have a really genius idea

What is it Milo well I’m going to put some zombie heads around because that’s real practice yeah totally Milo we can even put them on top of the targets oh that’s even better wo this is awesome they look like a bunch of zombies holding hands and guess what what is it

Milo I chose the bows that we can use I have a stripped BGE ball and a paper bow wao um Milo I have a feeling that the paper bow is going to be really really weak does this shoot paper arrows yeah I think so and this bow is made out of

Birchwood that’s not very good let me have a look and see if there are any other kinds of bows and wow Milo there are so many awesome ones there’s an obsidian bow and an emerald bow villagers love emeralds our army could totally use that yeah let’s do that for

Sure we can also use diamond and netherite Bows I’m going to put down some item frames and some chests so that we can get a bunch of these bows I can’t believe you almost made us use Birch and paper bows Milo that would have been so

Silly well they were just just the ones that I thought were really good but I guess I’m not the smartest Milo you need to use that paper for some studying instead yeah prob now we also need to label each chest so that everybody knows exactly which bow is in each one there’s

Obsidian Diamond emerald and finally netherite they need to be very very clearly shown so none of the Villager army soldiers get confused the diamond one is blurred just like me yeah you could totally use the diamond bow it’ll match really really well there’s even an orange bow called The Blaze bow wo this

Bow is really cool I’m going to put it in the netherite chest so that I can totally use it there is only one so if anything happens to it we are in big trouble now that we’ve also added a bunch of bows we also need to add a

Bunch of arrows there are custom arrows that only trained soldiers can use what which ones are those I have so many awesome ones Milo we have Diamond arrows blaze rods obsidian arrows endel arrows even paper arrows amethyst arrows and flint and steel arrows not to mention

Moss and TNT arrows as well what can we use them CH I’m going to grab the obsidian bow and we can test out three of these arrows right now oh yeah that’s nice let’s test him out over here first I think we can totally pick the amethyst

Arrow this seems pretty cool I wonder if it’ll do anything interesting H I don’t see anything but wait a second look Milo the tip of the arrow is purple just like an amethyst and it goes so high up into the air hey that’s really pretty actually it’s really cool but I think

These obsidian arrows are going to be even cooler obsidian is very hard so it’s going to do so much damage wa it just took out that cow in one hit one shot oh we’re definitely using those for the Army totally but this is called an endel arrow I wonder what this one does

Wo it just teleported me to where I shot the arrow that one is so crazy that was pretty cool I think we finally just need to test these TNT arrows wow TNT sounds pretty tense yeah it really does we better test this one a little bit far

Away I do not want to do anything to damage our military base quickly shoot it over here okay I will are you ready Milo uhhuh all right I’m going to shoot it wa look it even spawned fire wow that one is my favorite we totally have to

Use it that’s very destructive okay we don’t have time to clean up the fire now Milo we need to quickly get back and build an obstacle course to train these villager soldiers yeah we better to do it quickly cuz the sun’s going down wo it’s even lower in the sky than it was

Before it’s almost passing the Cherry biome this is Bad Milo once it does that we will have no time left we’ve got to get building quickly for this obstacle course we need to use podzol these soldiers are going to be training in very rough conditions to match the crazy

Conditions they will have to fight the Zombie Army in yeah because that zombie army does not mess around no and they’ll be fighting them in the real world outside of the safety of this modern military base they’re going to be fighting them in amongst all the dirt

And all the grass and wait a minute Milo we are not pushing it that far we still need some space for the target practice oopsy I’ll try and fix it now all right amazing job Milo we just need to make sure that the obstacle course is done in

Time I think I have some pretty cool ideas for how to make this obstacle course really really amazing any villager soldier that goes through this course will become so strong they’ll never want to leave first we will need to have some log jumps that they will have to jump between in order to

Complete St stage one it’s pretty easy though so the next stage will be a trapo crawl we’re going to grab some Oak trap doors and put it on the sides just like this we also will need to build some up the top that way they can crawl

Underneath and not to mention this won’t just be regular podzol that the solders have to crawl on they’re going to have to crawl on real mud let’s grab some mud blocks and place them underneath this will show the soldiers that they really need to be prepared for some crazy

Conditions exactly cuz mud can be really yucky and so can zombie exactly and because there’s lots of mud in the real world as well Milo this is all about training the soldiers for when the zombies come then the village of soldiers will have to climb up the monkey bars and totally tiptoe along

Them it’s going to be quite difficult for them they’re really going to struggle but I think they’ll totally make it we can open these trap doors to go on either side the village of soldiers will have to jump on them like this in order to make sure that they can

Properly go across what that’s actually pretty smart thanks Milo I’m really proud of the idea these s solders need to be able to pass this course but I think there still needs to be more once they make it to the other side of the monkey bars they will need to safely

Jump all the way over here into this muddy pit although there will be a tank of water in the mud let’s grab a water block just like this we’ll put it in the middle here and it’s going to be a pretty difficult jump for them to make

We might even need to extend it a little bit in this direction just so that it’s a bit easier for them we don’t want to give them too much of a hard time then we will need to test their ability to resist really really hot areas by making

Them go on the magma block walk this is going to be a very very difficult challenge where they will have to walk on top of magma blocks that’s going to really burn that se yeah it totally will but at the very end they will reach another mud section this is going to be

A pretty crazy area the mud is going to go far back right into the bow chests I think here is a pretty good place for it to stop the mud will not be the only thing they’ll have to fight through getting here they will also need to go

Through cobwebs as well yeah cobwebs is sticky and quiet yeah it’s a pretty difficult challenge but I think they’ll make it they will also need to go past some trapdoor barriers this is to prepare them for the real realities of War I think this is a pretty cool

Obstacle course and at the very end We’ll add a nice pile of gold this will be the area that they try and reach yeah this is great I’m liking this obstacle course thanks Milo the final thing to add is just some nether brick fences this way the villages can’t just totally

Skip the entire course they need to go from start to finish in a very very orderly manner otherwise they will be disqualified here it our military base we don’t mess around no we definitely don’t and I think we need a way to test this don’t you Milo yeah how are we

Going to do that if you want to see Milo go through this obstacle course to test it out subscribe to this channel in three 2 1 wo great work guys now you have to totally test out this obstacle course Milo oh my gosh I’m a little bit

Nervous but I’ll try my fast you got this come on let’s see how long it takes you wow I’m hopping on the logs uh you already fell off one of them you better be careful from here on out Milo hey I only want positivity okay sorry you’re

Doing a great job now you need to go on the mud crawl yeah that’s easy for me wow you’re doing a great job actually are you ready for the monkey bosss Milo yep check it out I’m just going to go like this hey that’s cheating and you

Even fell off you got to do them properly Mila oh try again and wow look at this go okay I guess this can technically count but just don’t cheat again make sure you land in the water and wao you totally did it yep I’m a prent what this is looking pretty hot

But let’s run yes oh no Milo don’t hurt yourself oh goodness luckily you made it to the nice wet mud the mud feels nice and cool on my feet yeah that must be such a relief but you’re not at the end yet quick you need to get past the

Cobwebs in the trap doors I’m running I’m running and hey what you totally did it Milo I’m so proud chip I’m the best Sergeant ever yeah and when the Sun goes down we’ll put it to the test but wait a second there are zombies here already

What is he doing here oh look this is Bad Milo the sun is almost set this means that the zombie invasion is about to begin this must be the first wave oh no I’m freaking out we need to make some final defenses so the zombies do not get

Us it is time to build the Ultimate Weapon what’s it going to be okay Milo I’ll tell you what it’s going to be but you have to promise to Not freak out when you find out okay well I think I can promise okay I need you to pinky

Promise this is such an insane build it is going to blow your mind and it’s going to blow the zombies up if it works okay I promise all right this is going to be an attack helicopter one of the most dangerous weapons of war what oh my gosh Attack Helicopters are really cool

Yeah they’re pretty insane that is why we need to make this one really really well we can’t mess this up Milo otherwise we’ll totally let down the entire villager Army yeah I do not want to let them down they deserve the best exactly we deserve to win against the

Evil zombies I’m just making the little things at the bottom of the helicopter these are important so that if it does need to land we totally can now I need to use the official green color of the Villager Army just like this we’ll build a big helicopter body right up here W

That’s looking nice thanks Milo I really agree okay now that it extends out like this we just need to give it a little bit more of a bump and all right we need to build it slightly further back this way I think this is looking pretty good

Milo once we’ve built this main body section we need to destroy the ground a little bit to make it go slightly upwards just like this this helicopter is going to be one of the most powerful weapons we have in the entire villager military these zombies don’t have a

Chance surely no they totally don’t this attack helicopter comes equipped with some very very amazing weapons let’s just make sure we build it properly if we mess up we could be in serious trouble and so will our village of soldier friends now that we’ve done that

We need to replace this little bit of a front section with some tinted glass it is really important that we use this stuff for the windows Milo otherwise the zombies could see in and they’ll attack the helicopter pilot they’ll be really nasty to him as well because he’s very

Powerful exactly Milo the helicopter pilot will be the most powerful person in the military at least while they’re piloting the helicopter that is they will need to control one of the strongest blades ever I need to place down some more equipment to make this absolutely insane Contraption spin are

You ready Milo yes first we need to grab some quartz slabs they are one of the lightest and thinnest slabs in the entire world by using these we make sure these helicopter blades can absolutely slice through the air these look great thanks Milo now we need to use superglue

To stick all of it together otherwise they will not work together as one super glue that’s yucky no it’s not yucky it’s really cool before we make this all work together and really spin we just have to make the end bit of the helicopter like this this way we have a really good

Amount of control on the movement otherwise we’ just be flying through the air with no way to stop it we do not want that to happen no we totally don’t okay now that I built the back end of this helicopter it is totally time to activate it and make it spin are you

Ready Milo I’m Ready Step One of activation is setting this to the maximum speed and wao it totally works that’s crazy this dude is that now the helicopter blade is spinning so fast you can barely even see it anymore it is a very very useful addition to our

Army base it looks so real it is so real Milo and we have to be very careful around it if the zombies find a way to take down this helicopter it will crash and destroy the whole base with it well now that we built it inside Milo we need

To Pilot this thing to the middle of the battlefield where all the zombies will be let’s do it wo this is looking almost perfect I just think we need one more thing what is it well we need a hole on this side of the helicopter I’m going to

Need to place a redstone block right on this side when we get to here we will need to place TNT on this hole this will mean that when we place down the TNT it instantly activates and goes hurdling down towards the evil zombies that is genius we’re going to be able to bomb

Them from all the way up here yeah we totally will I’ll just need to add some little protective trap doors on this side that way the TNT cannot fall down into the legs of this helicopter and cause crazy damage let’s also put a chest up here this way the helicopter

Can store a bunch of TNT and it’ll never run out with this system uh-oh Milo what chipa you’re saying this I am the sun is no longer in the sky and it is fully nighttime this is bad we need to get inside the main defense yeah let’s go

Attention soldiers we now have a very important battle to deal with this is the Zombie Army it is everything we’ve been training for I know you can all do it let let’s all get prepared so they don’t catch us off guard come on chip we need armor and stuff you’re right Milo

Let’s go grab some where can we even grab some well chip I’m really prepared and I’ve got some stuff for you oh really Milo that’s so nice hey golden apples that’s pretty cool and netherite armor wo that’s pretty amazing I’m really going to be a good soldier now

Yep let’s get prepared before we fight these zombies I’m going to need to grab all of the weapons and wo the Zombie Army is already starting to arrive Milo champ I’m ready in my tank okay amazing I’m going to grab the custom arrows like the blaze arrows and the diamond arrows

And even the TNT arrows I also will need to use the endel arrows in case of an emergency all right chip I’m here and I’m ready wao that’s amazing Milo but wait a minute we don’t have a way for you to get out I think we need to blast

Through this wall using my TNT arrows yeah do it and then I’ll drive through my champ behind you oh no wo that TNT Arrow really saved us from that zombie but how did he get inside oh chip this is really bad quickly we need to break

Out now I just need to keep using these TNT arrows we’re making our way through Milo we just need to stay strong okay I’m about to hit you with my tank careful Milo there’s not enough space to get through with that tank okay I’m shoting them now Milo you’re letting

Them all in I’ll need to go across this obstacle course to get a good vantage point this is too confusing I don’t think I’m very good at military no you’re not Milo I’m going to switch to my Blaze Rod arrows I think that will really help us I’m really getting them I

Love this tank champ okay me too Milo I really think we made our way through a good amount of these zombies but wao that tank is on fire oh no I need to get out and run yeah quick Milo before it blows up oh gosh CH this is really bad

Situation yeah this is terrible how did this happen H there’s got to be something else we can do before the next wave of zombies comes oh maybe we need to prepare better we do need to prepare better Milo that’s true and oh no I don’t think we’ll have much time to

Prepare look over there that is a massive wave of zombies bigger than we’ve ever seen before hey look they’re getting the soldiers no our soldiers this is terrible we need to do something to avenge them Milo I think I know exactly what we need to do what are we

Going to do we have one final option to protect everyone inside of this military base we’re going to need to use the helicopter okay chip let’s do it all right we need to go around the front Milo we need to go and access the main gate oh these stupid zombies are

Punching me let’s activate this opening entrance oh no look Milo the zombies are here we have to run come on CH okay we’ve got this Milo we need to run around the airplane Runway side it is safer here to run through because we won’t get bugged in the grass but wo

That is a lot of zombies yeah it’s definitely hurting me I keep accidentally SHO myself oh no Milo definitely don’t do that I’m going to start using my diamond arrows these are very powerful shots they can even one hit these zombies well I’ll keep going

With the TNT then good idea Milo I think that will really help but wao there are so many we need to quickly climb up this helicopter and draw in the ladder from underneath us I really really hope that all the soldiers are okay me too Milo I’m going to start destroying some of

These ladders so the zombies cannot climb up behind us okay I’m going to check the TNT system to see if that is working all right I’ve got the TNT and okay I’ve dropped one down Milo I really hope this works I’m going to watch him over here wow that really did work all

The zombies totally fell for it come on Milo let’s place two more let’s keep going yeah this is awesome I can’t believe this is working all right these zombies are really falling for this hey zombie freaks you’re going to get messed up by this TNT yeah they totally will

Hang on Milo just step to one side I’m going to help you by shooting TNT arrows as well let’s go these bers don’t have a chance against our military yeah they totally don’t this is really working Milo hey check it out everyone we’re really winning yeah we totally are the

Zombie forces are fading I really just hope that our villager Soldier Army is safe inside these walls somehow oh no sorry Milo one of the TNTs accidentally hit the side of the helicopter it’s not going to last up here for much longer we’ve got to do one

Final TNT explosion before it’s too late all my chip come on let’s go all right all the zombies are being drawn over here be careful you don’t accidentally fall off we’re about to place a bunch of TNT are you ready Milo I’m ready chip this is our last chance I’m going to

Need to go down and place it here wo I only have one heart left this is bad all right I need to climb right back up I’ll e one enchanted golden apple and I’m even going to use an ender pearl Arrow I really need to make it up onto this

Helicopter otherwise I’ll blow up with with the TNT come on CH okay I’m going to launch it and wo I totally made it Milo that really worked let’s do it now we need to use this TNT Arrow to ignite the explosion all right here goes nothing yes get them there’s one final

Zombie left Milo I’m going to do the honors boom we totally destroyed the Zombie Army Milo we did a chip hang on we need to go check the our soldiers of our c yeah we totally do before it’s too late hey look our entire villager Soldier

Army is here and they all seem really safe hey everyone I’m really glad that our military base could protect you yeah we really did it Milo we built the best modern military base ever yeah

Milo and Chip are building a Modern Militry base in Minecraft! But what happens and a angry Zombie army attacks?

#minecraft #minecraftmod #miloandchip


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