They Almost Killed Me

In this episode I try to bounce back from my previous death but the others are all hunting me down enjoy the Show Welcome Back everybody to another episode of friender FO in the last episode I had an embarrassing death but um I am planning on making up for it in this episode because I’m going to get full geared again uh I have a sneaky little plan to do that but also uh if

Possible if they leave themselves exposed then I’m going to kill ESB or Qui one of the two probably Quest first he probably has some of my stuff what we need is a swamp biome which I’m going to need I’m going to need slime balls but that looks like a full moon and it’s

Already going down but yeah I’m I’m geared out to uh to be able to fight someone right now I also have looting sword on me so I can loot some uh slime balls as what I’m going to do today is I’m going to go into the end and I’m

Going to start looting in cities using a flying machine and this design I already have a bunch of stuff that I need for it which I’ve put in a shulker and put away my e chest and I don’t have an e chest so I have to do the walk aame back and

Grab that real quick but first thing I do going to try to kill quiff try to get my gear back uh second thing I do is going to be trying to loot back some of my items from the end cities there we go this is the container that I’m going to

Use for the Flying Machine uh and I’m going to use like a simple design that can start and stop whenever I want oh first things first he probably going to collect a bunch of obsidian I’m going to do that real quick oh PVP now the only

Reason I wouldn’t be able to kill quiff right now is if he’s in the end would suck for me but yeah that can’t be helped if he’s still there but I’m going to assume that they went back home after they got their kill and uh they’re on

The Overworld right now if I do fight them it’s going to be really scary because I have many cobwebs so that’s why I maybe just want to collect them from them while they’re fighting if they put me in a cobweb I just break it with

Shears um I also picked up some of sb’s uh damage arrows because I don’t have a good bat but I can like spam them to them if uh if I need to going see if I even need to use this tracker or if quiff is going to be in his base he’s

Not rendering yet so I don’t think he’s going to be in his base oh would you look at that he’s got the official friend poster on as well well that’s that’s a good segue because we are still selling these uh they are we’re on our last

Stock though so um if you want to have one of these posters that is personally signed by uh all four of us uh I remember I I got the last batch shipped to me in Canada so you know I personally signed all of them and uh yeah uh

There’s about I don’t know how many are left we’re on our last stock we’re almost out of these so last chance to get these posters if you want personally signed by by all of us and uh yeah it’s just a great addition to your room if

You’re a friender fo fan okay I guess I’ll check asb’s base right they’re both over here hello boys what’s going on what why are you coming over here for what do you mean I’m just trying to wait why are you guys running away we can talk this through yeah I’m I’m what yeah

What I’m not here to do anything yeah right pvp’s on and your name is clown Pierce well I don’t know if you noticed but I I just died so I don’t really have anything to fight with oh yeah I’ve heard that one before you have you have

All of our gear about seven times over well one what you want what have you what what what have you came here for yeah what do you want I just come to check on you guys like like what what are you what are you guys up to we up to

Just chatting real the strength in numbers for what though for what well you know we don’t we don’t really trust you you know you’re a bit of a dangerous Shady character it gets lonely okay I’m all alone I got nobody to talk to just a

Sad it’s a sad day for me it died I need some friends I need some friends that’s all clown I I help you by giving you a life and what do you pay in return you come with Qui and me had I had to help hi get off my

Mountain wa W you’re not you’re not welcoming now when you get low don’t tell him you get low he’s running I’ve never I’ve never known clown Pier to run away you know I’ve never missed so many arrows as well oh quick tactical relocation got to

Really think about this but we we can at least you know damage his armor a bit he’s low Oh’s he now and he’s in the Corner block under pear nice where he go went far away yeah found found Min on him yeah a great great mechanical player who makes bad

Decisions he I make good decisions sometimes let see if coming to sb737 mountain was a good decision what broke is it his shield yep yep some broke from his go go go go go where is he could be underground or he’s above but he’s this way guys oh he’s under us

Oh I don’t like yeah this hole this hole this is where he went watch out though watch out did we back up yep yep I mean he’s got a last an entire an entire video I mean I don’t mind PVP ending guys so I think I got away oh okay

That’s not a good fight for me to take right now though I don’t have the resources for that so um I’m actually I have a good plan on how to evade them um but I’ll have to uh I’ll have to find a swamp first I was uh was sick I I don’t

Understand how they didn’t get low like I guess they had resistance and I guess sharpness 3 isn’t the greatest tool either but like I don’t know I thought I thought they s SP at least would be would be low they weren’t dealing too much damage to me either I think they

Forgot their strength a lot yeah I couldn’t quick drop any of them so I will just have to like uh do better on my armor and stuff problem is I don’t have many cobwebs at all I had like a good amount of cobwebs and that would be

Great but I just don’t have them to get a sharp five netherite sword again though like that’s that’s crucial but I’ll be able to get all my enchants on the uh cities I’m going to raid with the Flying Machine Okay lava pool right here I’m going to need a lot of obsidian I

Don’t like how close this is to the rest of them but I have 6 minutes of PVP left uh I’ll probably be able to just Pearl away from them once I get like mending armor again I think I can Outlast them resource wise like I think I can break

This stuff cuz I don’t think many of them have mending but I’ve got to work all the way up with these guys chasing me it’s going to be really tough also I I’m definitely finally going to get that mending pickaxe that I’ve always wanted on the series that’s definitely enough

Obsidian um let’s go and find a swamp now cuz here’s the thing last episode I thought that they were using a flying machine cuz that’s probably faster than like traversing the end normally maybe if I just have a flying machine running the whole time I can loot ancient cities

And I won’t have to worry about anything but first I need slime blocks all right it looks like I’ll be safe for now oh there we go there we go that was quick let’s go we found a swamp Okay that’s the main worry uh now when is it

Going to turn night oh it just turned day right now the plan is gear up all the way until I’m back to where I was or I died kill each server member once in one episode and then kill the server assassin somebody cut down a tree or did

This just spawn like that no that can’t have been a cut down tree that’s just that’s weird spawning that’s a weird tree right there it’s a slice of tree once this glass smells I should have everything grab some ender crystals wi be can’t lock me in the end anymore that

Would be really bad nobody’s nobody’s helping me out this time Mone now guess that happens when you burn all the bridges for this build at the very least I’m going to need six slime blocks and one slime ball okay PVP just turned on means they’re probably going to start

Coming after me pretty soon oh big slime yes this big slime okay good drops please skeleton don’t don’t ruin this for me skeleton okay so we’re going to need more slimes they’re also going to come after me so I’m going to just wait out

The day and go try to find a new Swamp I guess and we’re back around the swamp and the day is ending relatively soon so uh I’ll just stick around for a bit and be very careful and I just saw them show up on my tablet so they’re definitely

Actually follow me oh yeah okay there they are what’s up guys right I guess I’m going to have to let these things while they’re following me around I I’ll just try to lose them for now yeah we catch me nice PE mini he nice pill doing this all day

They went so fast bro like the dolphin made so fast wait really yeah oh oh we find him yeah I could I got a player tracker still oh wait he’s underground I mean he clearly doesn’t want to battle you know no exactly he’s under here somewhere right we should we should we

Dig down as a unit all three together you still have your player tracker yeah oh he and now I’ll have to go and find a clim it’s night time so I’ll just have to do it while getting hunted that should be enough that should be enough okay let’s get out of this

Place as fast as possible all right I think yeah they’re definitely not coming after me anymore there’s a shield there mind if I do yeah let’s say I need sticky pistons uh redstone blocks obsidian and some slime blocks and I should have everything that I need I

Remember it being a very some more place there we go found it wait actually scared where we’re going to find it let’s go in I’m trying to be fast why are they all perched out here how many of them are there actually have to be king me so many damn

It okay guess I won’t do it there that is an insane amount of them can I please build my thing now no no I can’t can’t that’s crazy this is Insane uhoh that’s very bad I’m just going to do it that’s terrible that’s really bad I have to catch up to that thing somehow oh no God I’m getting pursued as well you know maybe he didn’t execute his plan in time I don’t know hey clown hey

Guys pvp’s not on man come talk uh I’m good I’m not feeling right now actually come on man let’s CH what’s going on bro why you want to be on the flying machine so much I like flying man come on what if I just like go over here and and

Break it before it gets to you that’s probably the best idea by the way look at him bridging out to it now PVP comes on get your bows ready guys yeah yeah I can’t reach help I I’m not ping onto it are you kidding me what are you going to do

Then he’s on it oh go Qui go Qui go Qui go my God going the other way well oh what are you going to do clown uh lava H I Know did I miss it good try good try me good try oh I went through I guess that doesn’t really work all that well does it be a shame if PVP was to come on it would be a shame such a shame why the end oh my goodness guys this is not a

Drill keep shooting him guys I’m going TOA here oh he has a he has a knock back where’s qu I’m here fight end guys stay away from the edge he has he has knock back okay he’s he’s got a plan oh sorry welcome okay underground going to try

And do something smart it’s not a super deep platform he’s underneath me oh clamp is his tracker expired for me there he is out landed right in the void okay so he won’t still going to try and make a break for it on the is he going to go for the

Bridge one good arrow guys and it’s done one good arrow and it’s done come on okay he made it across I actually cannot fight them it’s looking bad oh he’s underneath he’s underground he’s underground theying directly below me he obvious whack all come on clown get out

Of here I found his tunnel I think no I didn’t no no that was mine that was mine be careful down there maybe one L oh I found him he was on there he’s he’s like crawling he’s crawling come out clown guys I’m in a hole with him get to

Him I’m going to need your help though yeah I’m hit him I’m hit him from I need get you I am I am you a’t got a shield SCM he helmet broke he’s got netherite helmet now okay keep going tring to dig away oh watch out he’s trying to dig

He’s yo yo yo trying to SP yeah yeah yeah like Mo he’s blow saw his name tag down here yeah watch out though watch out be very careful now he’s are very deep now oh yeah I’ll on shift so clown knows exactly where I am good idea okay

He’s below me yeah s SP watch out just I would honestly say just don’t even dig I would h i yeah I would not deal with that found a found a hole that he was oh yeah yeah he’s digging that to the void I’m just watching up top cuz he could

Come up no he’s definitely down here is it it’s I feel like it’s too risky to even go down yeah that’s what I’m saying after I don’t want to go down there he’s Bing me guys guys I’m I’m going to die get to me please I found

Him try to B me Qui uh and end the pull here if you can oh yep he’s got slow falling yeah yeah he’s he’s trying to knock you into the void watch out be very careful here I’m lining him up a bit but yeah yeah I see the void he’s

Opened up the void l two minutes left guys hitting him again okay he’s going to try he’s trying he’s on me quit yeah I’m coming no he’s running he’s is recreating 4 3 two one GG guys gg gg oh you actually have me two hearts there wow W you guys are

Being real Relentless right now you know that oh I wonder why we’re not going to leave you alone clown they can’t even hear me they can only you can hear me clown that’s just great sad you look God I love watching you these wrist plays bro oh that’s

GG’s okay well that sucks wow really I survived all that or nothing guess that’ll give me a little moment to rest though all right well you know what that means that means that I can go around the nether I can go around the end and loop without having to do anything let’s

Just let’s just go n CID rating I guess I can’t really end the series on 10 lives anymore it’s not possible dang that’s that’s sad I failed my mission there should have been more patient can’t really afford to hop off right now because next session I’m going to be

Even less geared than I am I was last time and I’m just going to get hunted down again all right I’m going to end my episode here uh I’ve been raiding in c’s for a little bit but I don’t actually have any new mending armor I just got

These mending pants which for some reason is always the most like common mending item to get is is pants like I definitely have the most mending pants out of any armor piece but um yeah I’m just going to continue tomorrow hopefully this lead will uh allow me to

Kind of survive their next attacks because I have nothing to survive but I will see you guys next time bye-bye the plushies have finally started shipping if you bought one it’s coming for you


Join the discord to talk to the creators! 🙂
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Friend or Foe:

SB737 –
Quiff –
mini –

Warden farm by ShulkerCraft:

Pvp content inspired by Technoblade


  1. THIS is what I needed!

    hey, side note; if Clown pins this and I hit 5k svbs (since lets be honest no ones gonna watch if I do it RN) I'll watch technoblades channel live for the first time (no need for the pin though, as thats just to "hopefully get this seen")

  2. Idk if clown will ever live to see this message, but please make the titles more… spoiler-free. I wanna discover if you are gonna get killed u or not. But from the title i already know u live!

  3. Clownpierce you're probably feeling a lot of pressure right now because you died 2 episodes in a row, but I just wanted to remind you: YOU'RE the deadliest player. You don't need the comments section to agree with me, you don't need to grind 12 hours a day on legacy, we all have setbacks. I believe you can bounce back!♥♥♥

  4. Clownpierce your pretty deadly but in an sword duel against 3 players you won't outlast them imagine a starting line where you 4 are at everyone is at the starting line expect you being 15 blocks back. Only your skill let's you compete at the same level hit up some pvp training partners and become even more powerful and confident because you will be the deadliest player you need to get your reputation back

  5. Since you're low on gear, you should dedicate an episode to running through the overworld getting diamonds and cobwebs and running if pvp comes on and they decide to chase you.

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