Testing Minecraft’s Most Scary Seeds

The starter lands not to be confused with the farlands is a place where glitched Horrors such as broken terrain mysterious phenomenons greet you at spawn this is just one of the scariest seeds we’ll be covering in today why is it and it all started with this email on

Screen which I’m going to be honest I recommend you guys pause and read it on your own time but essentially I downloaded the world that this guy sent it’s called starter lands and what is the date I’m just realizing this L right now 1966 did bro send that from the past or

The future I’m actually so confused I don’t know how that’s even possible and then it was made at 5:50 p.m. okay that’s normal that’s actually the only normal thing so far all right here goes nothing play selected world a world where apparently right off spawn we’re going to

Notice okay am I high up or did the clouds just render low never mind we are extremely did you just see that yo something just poofed over there I’m not tweaking right okay okay wait hold on it’s fine it’s fine it’s literally daytime we have plenty of time before it

Turns night time which if you guys read the email um yeah at 3:00 a.m. apparently in game things begin to start getting scary in this world which is so cringe cuz you know 3:00 a.m. that’s like what every YouTuber says but I mean I guess according to this it’s true and

I just picked up a stone block what uh why did I pick up a stone block oh wait that’s right this isn’t a new world this is one from the future the past I actually don’t know it could be 1966 it could be 20 66 I would be 66 years old

And just inspecting the spawn and wo look at the generation look at the land this place is completely bugged what I see a mob over there I see another thing I think that’s a zombie I hope it’s a zombie dude what is this land I mean

Yeah it kind of reminds me of the starter or the far lands except yeah it’s the starter lands I guess that makes sense I don’t know if he made up the name cuz on like the far lands you just start here speaking of starting here it looks like there might have been

Some something here but it’s gone I don’t know what was altered by the guy who sent me this world and what is like actually naturally generated assuming he destroyed some sort of Village here or maybe the land just glitched doesn’t seem like the village continues there’s a village over here though which looks

Pretty normal just you know off inspecting it dude this is crazy I’ve never heard of the starter lands and yet here we are you guys got to let me know in the comments if you find anything sketchy that I don’t pick up On yo speaking of things I didn’t catch up on or CAU whatever does that not look like the word die no chill chill it does but then it like it kind of doesn’t it like bleeds into the I mean wait does this say anything okay no but then if we

Follow this Trail yeah it like almost perfectly aligns with this dude that definitely says something or maybe I’m tripping cuz like upside down yeah it looks it looks normal okay now I feel like I’m gas slotting myself all right whatever you know what there’s plenty of water there maybe we should jump down

Game mode creative oh dude I can’t I can’t even go in creative mode can I do oh wait but if we open to land allow cheats there you go okay wait it still doesn’t let me why can’t I go into creative mode I just I just allowed

Cheats on what what what can I do can I maybe do slash seed SL seed Works what is that 303030 303303 why are the hold on click to copy clipboard pasting it why doesn’t that look the same as the SL okay what is going on here guys so I

Can’t do SL creative but we can do SL seed I wonder what other commands we can maybe do it’s like the game doesn’t want me to like get creative mode I don’t know what advantage that would necessarily give me if this seed is like actually not trying to let me explore it

Of course that is what it’s trying to do not let me explore it okay hold on you know what I don’t care if the seed’s going to stop me bro we found some iron right here I don’t see any trees bro I’m going to explore the seed even if the

Game doesn’t want me to hold on I’m trying to relog let’s see if that works okay open to Land There You Go creative mode um nope it’s still doesn’t work I still can’t get into creative how about SL give oh oh my gosh that worked wait

SL give works so the game is trying to stop me wait why though so you can’t go into creative mode but you can do SLG give at the starter lands and wait I could just give myself everything I don’t I don’t see why I need to mine the

Iron I’m such a bot in that case let’s give ourselves what like a water bucket yeah there you go so I can clutch M oh my gosh that was actually so scary what the yo what where did that creeper come from I just heard it spawn I heard it

Take damage and okay no no no no no no no no no netherite sword oh my gosh die oh it just got one shot what dude where did that creeper come from it took damage I don’t see where it I don’t see where it could have came from at all

Dude all right that is so sketchy dude I do not like that at all let’s give myself a pickaxe and then I just need a crap ton of blocks I’m thinking like you know what let’s do blue concrete there you go that way we can just Trace our

Blocks extra easier and because why not 64 golden apples baby okay hold on I’m actually so terrified why does it feel like I’m playing a very broken and scary version of bedwars right here dude oh my goodness yeah okay I made it for the die dude I swear that says that right there

I’m not I’m not tripping bro I may look dumb but I’m not stupid okay I’m just trying to see if we can find anything wa there’s a weird crack right here oh no fam that looks terrifying no no no I’m not going to go down there I mean we’re

Going to easily drown if we do unless doesn’t a turtle helmet help I I have no idea but I just gave myself one now I look like Army veteran detective okay dude this terrain is actually so weird look at it it’s like wait it does go

Inside is that Bedrock no no no we just did a myth on bedrock and like the faces and stuff dude wait yeah I see the face I see the face right there do you guys see it it’s kind of like upside down a little bit okay whatever there’s plenty

Of Faces in Bedrock we already like you know checked out that okay that looks very scary down there I don’t know if I want to go there just yet I’m trying to see none of this makes sense literally none of this makes sense just the way everything is like going up and whatnot

I mean the farlands kind of looks like this to already but I feel I feel like the farlands is like some sort of like code error you know what I’m saying but this this just looks like I don’t even know what it looks like comment down

Below your theories I want to read them for sure so oh no wait is time going by like really fast is that the moon why is it a full moon I don’t know if I’m stupid or like I’m picking up on like some weird terrain color Okay n

Something is off something is off dude at 3:00 a.m. things are supposed to get scary and I I don’t know how to detect time should I should I should I load up a mod that can do that bro I think I could I think I could and that way we

Can like specifically see when the time strikes 3:00 a.m. cuz I mean if I do SL give bionic clock I I don’t think that works right okay does the clock normally just tweak like that I think okay there we go I think it was just adjusting yeah

You know what I I think I might do that let’s let’s quickly relog and also I’m going to give myself some torches cuz bro I’m not trying to be freaking scared right now okay save and quit all right we’re going back in hopefully I did everything right so that it should

Display the time I the top of the screen 7:33 7:33 p.m. okay okay I don’t know why the GUI is so low that’s really weird maybe if I do like SL reload or something I can’t do that oh that’s right open the Land There You Go wait what error finalizing client reload

Client is running on unknown host what do you mean the the host is right here on this port oh no I don’t feel safe bro what does it mean unknown host that that means like my computer’s my internet’s fine the time is going by really fast

Too it jumps by like like two sometimes yeah okay I have a lot of questions I I I kind of don’t like this I kind of don’t like this at all luckily I have my clock right here so yeah we have this at all times I think mobs are going to

Start spawning which I don’t know if that’s a good thing or not so you know what I’m actually going to go ahead and turn on subtitles there you go maybe we should go through one of these cracks that’s what I’m thinking might be our best move wait I actually do lowkey see

Light down there okay I’m going in I’m going in screw it screw it screw it screw it we got to hurry up before oh my goodness yo what is this I was going to say we got to hurry before you know it turns 3:00 a.m. I don’t know how long we

Have to like explore this place cuz I don’t know if I want to be in game when that happens but I might have to do it for you guys man you guys are the best fans ever I I actually love you my way of showing I love you is literally just

Trying to make the best videos ever so I hope this is worth it for me I just don’t know if I should go down there or like you got to understand I am so terrified right now yo I thought I heard something wait replay the video back did I see

Particles here running yo I I think I think I did I think I did I didn’t see swimming swimming who’s swimming footsteps I’m standing still splashing is that a mob oh oh it’s that dude wait no but I saw something here I saw something go this I swear I saw particles

Okay okay okay I might be tweaking bro I might be tweaking no I’m definitely tweaking did I just see particles happen again dude I’m I’m kind of terrified I don’t know if something else is here with me there’s another there’s yeah there’s another cave over there dude I

Don’t like this at all I don’t like this at all this place is like a a labyrinth and it’s and the worst part is it’s actually beautiful like it’s actually beautiful and no it’s 1:40 it’s 1:40 a.m. oh my goodness no no no no no this

Is not good this is not good oh oh that’s a spider that’s a spider and that’s a witch okay okay okay I didn’t even I didn’t even click to swing my sword I don’t know what happened there anyways no I I think I think I should

Probably just go back oh my gosh there’s a skeleton okay okay what was that why did so many sounds just pop up I don’t I I don’t know if that was like normal what dude I didn’t even like move bro I swear that was like as if the game

Made me die yo I’m not that bad I’m telling you bro I’m telling you man it’s like as if my keys like my movement I something happened with my movement oh my God no it’s 3:00 a.m. it’s 3:00 a.m. it’s 3:00 a.m. it’s literally 300 a.m.

Um am I am I tweaking or like are none of the mobs moving like none of them are moving right now what wait now they are now they’re moving dude no that was so weird as soon as it struck 3: a.m. all the mobs Stood Still okay I just gave myself all my

Stuff back basically what the clock broke wait I just gave myself that clock okay okay okay okay hold on why did my clock break it it just literally randomly comb combusted why did it just break is it cuz it’s 3:00 a.m. it has to be it has

To be it has to be okay all right you know what no no I don’t even care dude I’m jumping down I’m jumping down where did we die where did we even die oh my goodness dude this is so terrifying there’s lava right here okay do I

Actually just jump down I wish I had a light source to actually see Hello pumpkins you guys aren’t creepy at all I don’t know why you would be down here there is a light source down there though I don’t know if I I know give bionic lava bucket there you go and do

This yeah and let the lava just flow down right that would that would make sense I don’t I don’t know what if I do tick rate uh 200 then the lava can flow down really fast yeah and then now I can just make a l a source of light for me

Hopefully I don’t know if I’m 200 IQ or just you know there you go oh my gosh I am 200 IQ okay all right there you go I set it back down to 20 which is the normal thingy maob and now I can jump down safely dude dude I don’t like the

Starter lands I I I do not like the starter lands why is the game stuck at 3:00 a.m. wait why did I ever that never crossed my mind it literally is stuck at 3:00 a.m. like a Time Loop like the message the or the world the world was

Sent I don’t I don’t know if I’m on to something I don’t know if I’m cooking or I’m just dumb I’m oh that’s a squid that just went inside the crack okay without context that sentence is crazy but I think you guys know what I mean like this is terrifying why did it

Why did it specifically go this way is there something over here dude no I don’t know if I don’t know if I want to go this way I don’t know if I want to go this way bro fire extinguishes wait what oh oh my God I almost just died light up

The area light up the area light up the area I can’t see I can’t see why is there a hole here that’s so creepy okay okay okay okay that was really weird I I I thought I heard fire distinguished or something extinguished right isn’t that what it said looks like this is just

Another giant hole there’s a lighting Source over there sort of there’s also one right there which I don’t know why but I’m more curious about this right here whoo I do the lava trick again there you go oh dude bet okay okay that’s actually really fire let’s set the tick rate to

2,000 I don’t know if that’s like way too fast but that should be good yeah oh oh all the mobs just died that’s actually perfect now if I set water there oh my gosh that is so cool I just got to light up the area go go go go go

Go go okay sick I don’t know if I should mine these diamonds yeah I don’t think so I got the advancement at least yo what is that I I see structures stacked up up upon each other like like pancakes I found Stone pancakes I I should like

What’s up oh my gosh give bionic glow stone dude there you go this is block that I want to bridge up with duh how can I be so dumb yo oh it’s a mob spawner oh they’re just glitched mob spawners okay I thought it was going to

Be something crazier not going to lie like I actually just almost crap my P my pants I almost just crapped and farted my pants well I farted but I didn’t crap them and hello piggy wait dude that’s right I almost I I I had the tick rate

At 2,000 that’s why dude I’m making the seed scarer than what it needs to be heyo the pig with a saddle what this spawner is a pig with a saddle this is supposed to be the scariest seeds not the most rare what how did what dude n something is actually

Unreal about the seed I’m so confused right now hold on if I do SLG give bionic uh grass block and then give myself like I don’t know 12 right and we break this yeah if you just ever want your pig spawners to work you got to

Place grass what hold on a second what the actual smickle Bob is this I I this game has me yapping right now I don’t even know what’s going on how did you just spawn how are you a thing I mean okay I made a vow to never kill pigs

Again so I don’t know if I should but I I might have to break that okay I got a saddle okay okay everything is freaking why why is he getting up on that block bro dude I I’m going to be honest with you Gamers I am kind of

Geeking out right now this is really cool the fact that this seed which if I do again still broken I don’t know how I’m supposed to like what am I supposed to do with that it spawns a pig I didn’t even know that was possible okay well

The more the more you learn watching Bon videos I guess I learn from making them y’all learn from watching them let’s go and parents say I’m not educational enough well that’s clearly a lie shout out to all the parents watching right now okay um another Pig spawner but it

Doesn’t look like this one has the saddle dude it makes me wonder like is this a rare occurrence or dude that pig saddle spawner is actually lowkey crazy another Golden Apple that is sick we got a bucket I want to see what the other

Ones are we got to climb go go go go another piggy another piggy okay pretty cool we got multishot some iron not bad another Golden Apple bro these are actually the rarest fines ever wait I just heard a pig take damage right or was that just a pig link I also hear a

Zombie wait maybe this top spawner is a zombie spawner yeah it might it might it might yeah it is it is it is it is a a spawner okay move I’m trying to loot this chest okay I can’t reach it from here okay nothing crazy in it yeah it’s just a

Regular zombie spawner that’s so odd why are the other ones pigs maybe it has to do like my first thought is something with like the generation the chunk generation why am I actually getting wrecked by these booger boys shut up I’m the real booger boy yeah dude I I I

Think guys like it makes the most sense that this is the only real mob spawner and the other ones are like broken generation I don’t know like they spawned only because maybe the world is so messed up you get what I’m saying I don’t know if I’m if I’m being dumb or

Too guus right now whatever it is dude oh oh oh my gosh there was something there there was something there there’s something there there’s something here there’s something here there’s something here dude there is something no what is chasing me it’s chasing me all F4 I’m all F fouring no

Wait creative mode worked creative mode just worked I just I just did on accident what why did it work just now I just saw something I swear I just saw something I swear I just saw something I swear I just saw something I swear I

Just saw something no no okay okay no no no no I’m done I’m I’m actually all F fouring all F4 see you see you game it’s not all4 hello hello it’s it’s not letting me do it it’s not letting me quit the game oh no

Okay I’m going to have to do it I’m going to have to do it old fashioned way I’m exiting right now I copy and then paste it bro what does that even mean I think it says shell o death which is cryptic for something I guess shell of

Death dude that is so weird apparently though Gamers this seed not only breaks the nearby terrain tries to kill you and has some Shadow structures now if the screenshots are real then this should actually be super creepy okay we’re in wait are you kidding me oh my God it wasn’t a lie it

Wasn’t a lie help help dude what did did that seed just try and literally freeze me okay I’m not going to lie that kind of is super creepy but it’s okay cuz we got creative mode baby why we allow cheats now oh my gosh what is that there’s some like

Surface Shadows right here what the heck there’s nothing above though okay hold on wait how does this make any sense I don’t think this is the shadow structure that they were referring to cuz it’s supposed to be like a giant skull and then wait I think dude all these

Features like this weird terrain leads to the giant skull so we first spawn over there the game just tried to kill us there’s these things which look kind of like wait a second a paw of some sort right like one two three there’s three what I don’t know if I’m looking at this

Right but it looks like you know like a like a footprint of like an animal or something which I mean you know whatever it is kind of weird especially since there’s nothing above and then there’s missing water and the snow is all like glitched over here so I mean I get oh my

God what what bro what is this what is this you’re it is we we found it I I thought the proof was going to be fake but it’s it’s real wait but how how is this possible like I don’t understand apparently this is a time crunch cuz the

Skull slowly disappears like I guess removing its own evidence but like no there’s literally nothing up here there’s literally nothing up here causing the Shadow and if you guys don’t know I think the shadow can spawn mobs yeah oh my gosh as soon as I say why are

There a bunch of Loot on the ground though as if they just die yeah but mobs spawn even throughout the day I think this bald spot is getting bigger and you can clearly see the eyes what’s also weird is yeah I turn into like a shadow

When I’m inside of the skull I don’t know how this phenomenon exists if you guys have any idea leave a comment down below but surely you get you get what I’m going with this an empty map if we load it in wait what I can see the two

Eyes and even yo the random patches of snow yeah wait there’s random patches of snow that I didn’t even notice before huh we are literally standing in the skull and yet there’s no blocks how could I check for blocks I don’t even understand I enabled hit boxes which

Yeah we can see entities that spawn and Bun of dropped items of dead mobs but I don’t understand it looks like there’s the shape of the skull outline in like the snow okay wait but what about these over here there’s like the footprint and then of course wait what is going on

What is going on with the water yo yo yo yo yo yo yo hold on no quick make the map it’s even fixing itself on the map and I don’t see the Shadows here at all oh my gosh but it darkens it dims the map dude no something weird is going on

Here something really weird is going on yo what the chunk is like fixing itself oh my God no guys I’m trying to like get a good view of this but I can’t help but see like that the skull is slowly disappearing no oh my God wait half of

The face over here is literally gone dude I don’t like this at all I do not like this at all it looks totally different from when we first spawned and I think that’s the thing Gamers that this skull slowly disappears removing its entire evidence and so I spent the

Rest of the Minecraft day trying to find a reason why this skull could be here until what wait wait what did you no no no no no what was that what was that I saw something show up on my map even if it was just for like 2

Seconds wait oh my why does it look like a smile now this is actually way too creepy everything got so much weirder now that it’s night time no bro no bro dude I’m not going crazy I saw something on the map and you guys can see the

Smile now I think the smile is creepier than the skull dude and now it’s gone now it’s literally gone there’s a slight trace of it right here wait does it still dark in my hand as soon as I go in it yeah yeah yeah yeah the Shadow’s

Right there no bro it’s like a as if it just deleted its own evidence of existing or tried to at least no bro I’m done and so for this next seed I loaded up a normal Minecraft world then using a file editing program I changed the already loaded seed to this kill player

And not only that I swapped the world generation of the Overworld and the end completely corrupting this world from within okay and whoo experimental settings that means it worked cuz guys we didn’t do anything other than edit the files oh my no what it worked it

Worked the sky is literally the end I mean I’m not going to lie I can’t I can’t be surprised it worked with the nether in this other video that we did but we brought the Overworld generation to the uh end or no the opposite the end

To the Overworld I didn’t think it would look this crazy dude the world looks honestly terrifying and last time we did this with the nether things went uh super weird and scary which honestly makes me not want to be alone and speaking of weight alone the world was originally the negative whatever 6

Billion seed now we did change it to kill bracket I mean it’s basically that just a command to kill the player but I mean I don’t know if it did anything wait wait what’s going on yo oh my gosh two seeds showed up and how can I ignore

The fact that I just teleported everywhere what was that no no no no what was that bro what was that why did I teleport why did I teleport does the game think I’m I’m I’m I’m an Enderman I’m not an Enderman I look like a cyborg

And yo SL seed I’m scared to do it again it says kill bionic that’s not what I typed in what I typed in I I think you guys saw was kill and then player so why does it say my name oh no and what are those arrows what do they mean more

Cryptic messages dude hold on I’m going to do SL seed again it it works so it brings up the two seats what what what what was that what was that why am I over here oh no I don’t want to be alone I do not want to be alone I do not want

To be alone I’m messaging someone dude lier get on lier get on get on I’m coming I’m coming I’m coming chill chill chill what’s going on what why is this guy black where are you where are you I spawned like I don’t know in a minute I

See you where where where oh my God oh my God oh my God oh my God a zomie yo no I’m behind you at me oh oh my God okay yo what is going on d d dude okay okay listen I sort of corrupted this world

We’re playing on a crazy seed bro we can’t die we can’t die run run run I’m behind you I’m behind you keep going crazy seed what Corr yes I loaded up I loaded up a crazy seed and dude I honestly am I I was just afraid okay I’m

Sorry I brought you on thank you you’re the only one dude what what why why do you want me to share your suffering I don’t know I just didn’t want to be alone man do you see this thing plus like bro just do SL seed I want to see

If it happens to you just do SL seed I I I’m telling you I completely glitched it yes oh what’s going on what seed kill liary bro I just glitched out wait what did you just say I just glitched out it says seed minus 68 98 whatever and then

It says kill liger is cool wait it says your name oh my God that means it worked bro bro what what worked I’m typing it in chat this is what I renamed the seed after already loading the seed making it two seeds and I think I might have just

Like Unleashed something else bro I don’t know cuz for me if I do/ seed wait yo hello yo do SE I did I did I just did you want me to do it again yes do it again bro do it again tell me what happened I’m glitching I’m glitching I’m

Glitching I’m back the seed’s the same hello what this Zombie’s going to kill me bro where are you wait game mode Survival game mode creative what what yo you’re scar of me chill try a command bro try a command creative error executed command client kill

Target it says it to you to it says it says it says the same thing for me bro what does this mean we cannot use commands on the world that you created on the on my on our server I just loaded this world up for you on our server and

Bro no one’s trolling I mean I dude I made this world in a single player I made this world in a single player you’re trolling me this is a I’m not trolling You y like Donny bro you guys always like trolling me don’t you shut

Up bro bro no what no I I’m telling no I’m just telling you honestly like I’m not trolling you bro you’re telling me this is all because of a yes I corrupted bro I did this in my last Seed video or myth video I glitched the world I turn

It into the nether this same thing but in the Nether and in the nether there were these weird Enderman ghost thingies so that means in the end right now the world that you and I are stuck in there are things that we haven’t even discovered yet bro and honestly I’ve

Never seen this before wait wait wait this is the n sky this is the end Sky I combined the end and the Overworld and then I changed the the seed after loading the world normally I changed it again meaning we have two seeds corrupted and now something on the

Server is trying to kill us is that what you’re telling me I didn’t say that don’t say that like said kill lier is cool I don’t know why I said that I made the seed Kill player which is the command I didn’t think it would work

Lagger yo no yo yo yo yo yo I can’t believe I’m saying this but bro let’s get wood bro are we really doing this right now let’s get some tools bro yo this going to be happening right there’s no way I that’s what I’m saying there’s no way are you’re recording right I’m

Recording I’m recording I’m recording okay dude I can’t wait to show you the footage like of me creating the world afterwards like like this is actually insane I have a crafting table I have a crafting table I’m going to make I’m going to make a sword my god did you

Hear that cave sound no I didn’t hear that cave sound oh my God I got shot all right I’m going to kill the skeleton pickax I’m going to get stone yeah hold on hold on hold get stone for me get stone for me bro oh my God lagger

Lagger liger lager I’m going to die dude I dude I think it’s I’m coming I think this seed yo we got to be careful this seed will spawn in like tons of mobs at all time it’s like permanent night yo you’re getting chased by yo why are they

All targeting me yo oh I guess they saw you first bro hold on hold on I’ll make you I’ll make you a stone pickaxe oh my God there’s a spider on yo I might die I might die I might die you’re a professional parkour you got this bro

Okay okay you’re right you’re right you’re right I’m chilling I’m chilling I’m chilling yo flickering what the flipping mountain is flickering bro what are you talking about I don’t see anything over here where where did you go I went I’m right here right here here here right

Here right here look see that wait oh my God watch out watch out zombie behind you behind you yo I’m one I’m actually one oh I’m on three hearts please help same same same I got you I got you I got you dude this is actually so dangerous

Wait no chill chill chill why is it actually flickering yo why is it actually flickering is it a light glitch maybe like maybe because the sky isn’t there and then it’s trying to register the sky or something I don’t know bro you take care of that one yeah dude are

We going to go there like I think we have to Bro chill dude chill we have to okay okay we dude we have no food that’s another problem just rotten flesh though you have rotten flesh okay yo I’m going to kill these salmon I’m going to kill

These salmon watch out don’t don’t hit each other oh my God scared me yo why is it flickering bro look wait is it flickering oh yeah it is it is creeper no no no no no oh my god dude this stupid seed what is going on like

Oh it blew up I’m good I’m good I’m good okay wait wait wait bro bro wait why is I’m I don’t know I don’t know I’m actually kind of scared dude you want to go inside yeah but maybe we get full health you have do you have a you have a

Crafting table yeah yeah yeah I do okay toss me it dude you’re going to the flickering no bro I’m getting the coal are you crazy I’m not going to go in there alone okay okay okay I’m just going to trying to I’m not going in

There alone there is no way okay wait so like I’m just trying to think so what’s the theory so far the world is trying to kill us oh I accidentally mined up to the cave bro chill uh wait what are you looking at what a I need

Food I need food I need food I see the flickering more clearly stop stop is there anything there here come in here look look look yo yo this is actually like actually like scary like I’m not trying to I’m coming I’m coming I’m coming look bro right

There wait maybe it’s Morse code I don’t know is that too much Morse code shut up why would there be Morse code in Minecraft I don’t know bro but so far the put the yeah yeah okay there we go I got seven now all right I’m just trying to look out for

Anything weird bro you mean the sky I I know oh yo my Game just crashed wait I hear someone hello yo I just got the weirdest crash message ever bro lier that’s not you no bro I just crashed I’m joining back what just happened chill chill chill chill what do

You mean that’s not me who was here bro I literally just crashed hold on hold on hold on I thought I just heard footsteps I did not drop that pickaxe bro give it back to me I did not drop that what do you mean I did not drop that I did not drop

That yo I’m eating my food bro here you go take one no lagger lagger lagger lagger I just heard I just heard footstep bro what happened when I got kicked on my mama on my mama I just heard footsteps bro when I got kicked when you got kicked

Okay okay okay okay okay I’m about to log off I’m about to say just screw this video man I just don’t I I generally just don’t that squid is floating in place bro it just disappeared which squid bro I’m not dropping chill are you dropping these items that’s not me and I

Saw the squid earlier too where did it go yo chill let’s just get in the cave bro I don’t want to be out in the open I think maybe the cave is like the safest place to go for us we need food bro we

Ain’t got no food bro oh my God F I got food don’t worry about it here you go bro I just my lost M with you okay thank you thank you Habibi lead the way no problem I I got your back bro yeah yeah yeah don’t worry all right let me just

Get more coal in case you find more food all right boom you want to go first I heard footstep I do I want to go no I don’t want to go first no I always me huh oh always me oh yeah let’s go hello hello oh my God I the flickering what

What okay okay okay chill chill chill chill yo watch out what is that what is that is is that a sign I’m not you go you go read it go read it go read it no no no no no no no no no what do you no

Are you scared oh the flickering I’m right behind you bro I’m right behind you I’m right behind you I’ll go I’ll go I can’t make it out yet wait what I crashed again I crashed again bro wait shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut up shut

Up wait oh my God it says kill bionic kill bionic it says kill Bionic dude I heard the footsteps are close it it the that’s spider that’s spider dude lagger lagger lagger lagger lagger lagger my God oh my God lagger my God why do I keep getting kicked with such a

Flipping suspicious error message dude dude dude I heard footsteps right next to me bro yo hold on enable what the oh I I enable I enabled hit boxes dude I’m going to turn on subtitles there you go oh that is actually so smart oh my God all right all right all

Right let’s kill the spider wait what did you say the sign said what did you say the sign said it said kill bionic I thought that’s what you were freaking out about what I was freaking out about no no no I was freaking out about the

Footsteps yo oh my God bro oh my God yo I’m actually scared and then as soon as like I was able to read it bro it kicked me shut up bro bro wait no why would I do that kill server I I copied the message kill oh server it’s not working game mode

Creative oh my God still doesn’t work but maybe you have to put it on a sign bro it didn’t work oh on the sign oh my gosh okay replace it okay okay okay kill Minecraft do oh I dude you can’t even type it in in one line wait why is it

Double is that normal wait what like it’s in the front and in the what the yo this is a hanging sign as well I’ve never even seen a sign like that Oh oh but wait it does not show in the back oh two yeah it’s two different sides wait so you’re telling me that just generated into the world I didn’t place that there so then it was generation right like no one placed it there right like it wasn’t was it an

Entity or was it the like server generation I don’t know what is that bro Redstone oh my God it’s a cross okay I don’t like this bro as soon as anything like you know like you know bro like you know you know what I mean like no nah n n n n

Bro what literally the second you mentioned like generation everything I heard that cave do you hear that cave sound I did not hear that no I heard that cave sound what are we looking at I don’t know isn’t there supposed to be Bedrock there

Yo what if this yo we got to dig down bro yeah yeah yeah yeah or go like this okay what what what no yeah yeah would you dig down I’m we’re just going to die watch out watch out watch out watch out watch out watch out be careful Li be

Careful lier be careful dude chill I’m just trying to see if there’s actually yo there is no Bedrock otherwise you would have seen it on the side there is literally no flipping Bedrock yo watch out watch out do you have water no I don’t we don’t have anything bro oh my

God bro there’s no Bedrock there’s literally no Bedrock yeah wait why hold on I’m going try drop something down maybe maybe it’s not even like the void you know maybe it’s just nope oh nope it is all right you definitely don’t want to fall in that dude what the actual heck is that

Oh did you hear that bro yo yo what yo what what y creepy sound bro are you seeing what are you seeing yo put your subtitles on now what how how did that uh accessibility bro accessibility accessibility uh boom boom yo it was a Screech but that just s Shivers on

My spine bro why is there a so far down here wait you’re not seeing what I’m seeing you’re not seeing what I’m seeing I bro I just heard a fox scream I don’t know what you’re seeing you don’t see the subtitles on the right I do but

It said Fox Screech they all went away they all went to away they all went away they all went away liger liger lier lier I don’t want to go back up liger I don’t want to go back up you didn’t see what I was seeing you didn’t see the

Say tell me speak to me I don’t lagger lagger the viewers can explain to you why I can’t explain it like they know why like it was like the fox the the the dragon the ball sack it was everything enchantment table I yes yes enchantment table bro all right that

Makes a lot more sense now okay hold on yo chill chill let’s just cover this up we don’t want to fall in the void okay okay okay dude I don’t know what do we got to go back up bro we have have to I like her I I really don’t want to we

Have to bro it’s it’s more dangerous down here I don’t want to be here oh my God you might be right dude wait oh my gosh bro torches bro torches torches that does nothing basically oh no no that actually lied up my mood okay thank

You here do you want some torches bro I just crashed again as soon as I picked up the torer what what yo chill out chill out ler I saw it what what did you see what I’m typing it out I’m typing it out I’m typing it out and then it was like

It was like the off you skated no I didn’t mean to type sad that’s weird that I typed sad it was like minecraft. entity and then it was a it was a it was a thing it was a thing it was a thing you saw it you’re on the subtitles on the

Subtitles why why are you getting kicked bro I don’t know yo Oh I thought that was XP W do you see that little green thing you didn’t see that no which green thing you didn’t see that little green thing which green thing bro

What like a zombie bro oh I saw it I S oh here it’s here it’s here it’s going down it’s going down what there’s a plant that spawns that oh oh it’s over here it’s over here it’s just a plant bro it’s just a plant we’re freaking out

Over nothing oh my God okay W dude we’re freaking out over nothing oh my God berries glow Berry glowberries glowberries bro bro bro bro bro let’s go let’s go let’s go let’s go food food food yeah food oh my God watch out watch out end watch out watch

Out watch out watch out watch out look at him yeah yeah yeah do not look at him bro why did the game why did the game not like what was that bro it’s like if the game spawned like every single kicked and then you hearing footsteps maybe has something to do with

A second player maybe me joining just made it worse oh my God wait so you’re saying like another player enhances like the the thing yeah it has to right so if it says like kill bionic for you when you do slash seed and it says kill lager is

Cool for me wouldn’t that mean we Spawn Two chill what is that chill out yo I run I covered myself in no I’m good I’m good I’m good Y where are you lager yes hello lagger what is that yo I’m covering myself no no no I’m not getting

Out of here bro are you safe are you good I died dude I I died bro are you kidding me you died you died to it I’m alone in this bro bro bro where are you come back please it say glitched entity it says glitched entity I see it I see it I’m

Coming I’m coming I’m coming I’m coming it’s like every mob at once bro what am I looking at oh my God I don’t even have bro I’m literally on three hearts please come to me right now I’m coming bro oh my God oh my God do I make a run for it

I have to right I’m coming I’m coming I’m coming I’m coming I’m coming I’m making a run for it bro what it disappeared oh my God oh my God I got stuff IED it disappeared it disappeared but it dropped like a bunch of XP is

That your XP yo I don’t even know but I’m getting out of here bro dude I actually got a pickaxe oh my God there’s an Enderman behind me bro there’s an end behind me oh oh oh oh oh I’m safe I’m safe yo yo yo yo I’m actually coming

Back yo bro I just got chased by an Enderman bro bro broooo no no no no no no no no no no no no no I just go jump scared by it I just go jump scared by jump scared what do you mean you got jump scared by it I

Don’t know what just happened bro it’s like oh I see the voyo bro I’m here I’m here lagger lagger I’m I’m back with the glow licking the the glow the glowberries was chasing I’m at the blow berries the glowberries my stuff I’m coming back hold on hold on hold on on

Wait it’s gone it’s gone it’s gone it’s gone it’s gone it’s gone it’s gone okay I’m coming I’m coming bro what in the flippity flippity flip flips was that I see your name I see your name I’m coming I’m coming I’m dude I yeah he’s right here he’s right here he’s right

Here oh you kidding him yeah I got him I got him what what what what what hello you good yo I I don’t know how to get down here yo talk to me bro bro lagger bro I’m actually going to cry just mine down mine down yo I’m right here bro I can’t

I can’t I’m I’m on three hearts bro oh my God oh my God lagger lagger down from here lagger we got to get out of here yo we got to log off yo we got to log off we got to log off two we got to log off or something

Dude what if that just D oh my God chill chill chill chill I got you I got you wait wait yo yo yo it was a skeleton I hit it I hit it I hit it I don’t want to be alone wait dude I hit it I hit it I

Hit it come back I need glowberries I need glowberries bro did you see a shape shift into like 10,000 mobs lagger come back I’m coming I’m coming hold on I I have I’m a one heart bro I’m on one heart one more never in my life did I

Think something like this could happen like I mean that’s what happens when you play around with these seeds bro how could you even mix it together please just come back so you can see what I’m looking at yo there’s a bunch to kill dude I’m about to kill it I don’t trust

It you want to kill it okay wait for me wait for me I regen I regen I’m good now I’m good I smacked it it kicked me I come back on and it just leaves this it’s fine I think it’s a normal you sure I think it’s a yeah oh

BR my bad my bad that was me that was me that was me two hard still those glow don’t do anything wait dude oh I think it’s actually the game trying to kill us dude and I think and and it happened as soon as I killed the mob oh my God okay

Yo first of all yo slap down the furnace we need a furnace I have a bunch of iron bro okay okay okay I place it down wait if we if we killed it if we killed it wouldn’t it mean oh you’re in Creative oh my God I’m in Creative you’re getting armor okay

Okay okay wait if we can do command IM like our commands get taken away again yeah get stuff for me hold on hold on hold on yo yeah yeah don’t worry yo yo yo want to go to the end I swapped them so oh my God I swapped them that’s

What I’m saying go first okay cool cool cool yeah hold on I I I you go first bro I don’t want to all right rock paper scissors okay okay fine fine fine we put it in the chat yeah yeah yeah yeah put in the chat I’m definitely not going to

Choose Rock okay okay ready rock yeah Paper Scissors Shoot bro no I already had it typed in I typed go in bro fine fine fine I’m in how is it how is it it looks normal oh my God I’m going the guy’s back the guy’s back back bro wa I didn’t believe

You wo this looks crazy wait the Ender Dragon isn’t even here this guy’s like purple and orange y y yo yo yo red moon red moon red moon red moon red moon red moon chill red moon red Moon it doesn’t look righted to me you saw it red red bro it’s

Red is it it’s red for me bro you want me to screenshot it why is it red for you I don’t know bro you want me to screenshot you want me to screen share yes yes yes I do okay well it’s fine it’s fine you’re recording brother look please I

Dude it’s not like that for you I’m longing off I’m Al foring CH yo chill chill what do you looks like a bunch of random numbers but actually it’s a pretty beautiful seed if we load up okay yeah you spawn on the side of a mountain surrounded by other beautiful

Mountains with a village right off spawn so one may think they basically struck gold with a really good seed I mean you could could even speedrun on this thing it looks so sick let’s turn on cheats there you go we can now go into creative mode but as beautiful as this seed may

Seem Gamers if we go ahead and just typed in those commands go to these chords which are only a few hundred blocks away yeah that’s right there’s a village here with no Village I I don’t even know if we could call this a village there’s like a little family of

Sheep a that’s actually kind of cute I’m not going to lie but yeah this is one of the most odd phenomenons ever in Minecraft what’s really odd is if you look up ghost Village Minecraft the only thing that comes up is yeah the abandoned Village which we all know has

The cobwebs I mean there’s even another screenshot right here a very bad screenshot but this isn’t what we found however on this Reddit post made 2 years ago reads I recently found a village in my world that had an empty Village I know about the abandoned ones blah blah

Blah cobwebs but this was a normal village without villagers and if we go back in time to June 7th 2016 a Minecraft forum poster by the name of tree puncher said so I found a village if you could call it that without any buildings it has a well and several

Gardens but nothing else has anyone ever discovered a ghost Village and this is the only piece of evidence the first ever evidence of a ghost Village until now because this seed is the real deal I mean there’s basically nothing here there’s an outpost over there which I

Wonder if the pillagers have anything to do with this but I don’t think so cuz why wouldn’t they steal the food that just would make no sense and there’s a cave here which okay there’s some more path right here but there’s there’s really no evidence of anything else

Let’s go into spectator there’s no way like this ghost Village is real there must be something that we’re missing oh my gosh I don’t I don’t think I’ve ever seen this one before if this SE looks familiar to you it’s because we have checked this out before in another video

But there was reports saying that there were how should I put this mysterious entities now I don’t know if there’s anything mysterious about wait what the heck we just loaded this up why is this Golem already damaged as if he went through a battle and what’s odd enough

Is that there’s only two villagers here why would there only be two and looks like a cat was saved but how would this generate if yeah there’s just a bunch of stone right here there’s no way this would generate it just doesn’t make any sense a well of all things it’s almost

As if these villagers and Gollum are like hiding from something yeah okay I said that and these guys are like uber creepy bro now here’s my theory right and it’s perfect because the sun is literally going down if the rumors are true if you guys are telling the truth

And actually did find some mysterious entities roaming around this ghost Village I think the villagers are down there because they’re scared of something and you know what we’re going to find out what they’re exactly scared of I have an idea we get some pressure plates I don’t know which one I don’t

Think it really matters but maybe lightweight yeah just in case cuz I I don’t know if ghosts weigh anything but that’s exactly what I want to find out if this is true I mean let’s face it if there’s some mysterious entities here let’s say ghosts because this is quite

Literally a ghost Village it’s been documented it’s a fact ghosts are kind of like Souls so I want to go ahead and build a Contraption listen I’m no ghost finding expert but we’re going to have any chance of finding these mysterious entities honestly I want to cover a bunch of Soul Sand

Everywhere I’ve covered the area in Soul Sand and now let’s place our pressure plates if these ghosts are real bro they should interact with the world and hopefully activate some of these pressure plates even if we can’t necessarily see them and so I suppose maybe just standing right here should be

Good enough maybe we should yeah there you go make our field of view so big we can see anything what is pretty odd is that no mobs have spawned here except they have over there okay whatever and so what we’re going to do is just leave

This world running as natural as can be and just see if we can just catch proof or a glimpse anything so once and for all solve this whole ghost Village like myth and so while we let our recording running at the ghost Village why does Mojang have a world border at 30 million

Blocks what are they trying to hide 30 million that’s the next seed guys and you got to make sure to not have any commas I just put them cuz sometimes I messed up with the numbers but let’s go and generate the world rumors have it that this seed literally tries to kill

You because at the World border there’s some really weird things that happen wait whoo whoa whoo I just saw I just spawned in I I can’t I don’t have permissions oh my gosh quick I’m dying I’m dying yo wait it’s true this is literally my spawn out of all the places

I could have easily summoned I literally summoned right here or spawned or whatever that was really really scary guys I mean there’s literally so many other like places where I could have spawned in but I guess that does that confirm it does the seed actually really

Not want you to load it in I mean cuz it looks pretty cool although yeah it is pretty brutal to be spawned in like a snowy Tiger Biome okay but we can’t get distracted because what we really want to do is teleport ourselves 30 million blocks away TP bionic 30 million and

There you go wait no entity was found oh oops okay I forgot that thing wait what another error invalid position to for teleport that’s really odd I mean I guess sure moing that makes sense we’ll we’ll go with 29 million we’ll see if that works oh it did oh it did we’re

Here and we’re on the other side of the world border so naturally guys if you didn’t know you can’t go forward like or through a world Border in creative mode but in spectator mode easily you just pass through however yeah that’s right we can’t even reach that because I’m

Literally going forward look at this I’m holding W I’m just moonwalking in place it doesn’t let you there’s literally a border here if we pull up our cords yeah 29 million I can’t go further than this it’s an invisible barrier that basically just stops you from further exploring

Which really makes no sense now there are a few tricks that I think we can use to actually pass through for example if we find like a nice little cave maybe oh right here right here we got to find a better one maybe oh right here oh dude

This is sweet there’s even some diamonds there let’s go if we grab some ender pearls let’s try this right now if I ender pearl right here it should just oh what yo the game just teleported me back I mean I’m literally Ender ping right here and it just tried to kill me in

Lava but good thing we’re in creative mode this is so weird if I try and ender pearl yeah it just doesn’t let me wo wo woah woah wait what just happened what’s going on oh my gosh I’m glitching I’m actually glitching are you guys seeing this my hands are off the keyboard board

I’m literally bugged in place and if I pull up my cords we did it wait we did make it P to 30 million it’s an invalid position but it’s glitching right now what if I’m already past it so I can ender pearl again come on I’m trying but

It’s not letting me I can do it oh wait are we pass no we’re not it glitched me back out yeah it’s super buggy and if I go into spectator mode yeah it just teleports me back here all right so we know Ender pearing is just not going to

Work however wait a minute there’s some zombies here in spectator mode we all know we can just punch side of the mob that we’re trying to spectate perfect so can we now the thing is can we summon a zombie or maybe a bat in here we can oh

My gosh wait no it went outside the Border we can try that again all right the Creeper’s not taking any damage or anything but if I try and punch it guys it’s seriously not working so oh man spectating mobs doesn’t work just to confirm yeah it works when we’re outside

Of the Border dude this is so weird why Mojang has thought of everything or so they thought I can’t tell you for sure what are hiding past this invisible border and honestly I’m kind of scared to find out but reports do say that mobs that pass the invisible border do start

To act different their AI is said to become unstable and corrupted so we just need to find a natural spawning structure no way and it’s night time perfect so we just got to keep our eyes peeled and make sure nothing strange happens wait what was that did you guys

See something there was something right there and it just teleported inside so f fast hold on a second okay so the villagers are acting normal they’re going to their beds I just made a daytime let’s wake them up I don’t know if I believe it I mean for mobs to start

Acting like super different look there’s even a cat wait whoa whoa whoa what was that what was that let’s try and repeat that oh my God wait no this this this might be true if we just oh what what wait why are they going over there oh my

Gosh oh my gosh what is happening and then they teleport and just act like nothing just happened they’re being sucked over there like as if something needs them over there no bro no maybe these mobs are getting more corrupted I mean we just started this world so who

Knows what happens the longer we stay in here hey yo what are these guys doing okay but all the mobs do look really normal and I guess what’s not so normal is this structure honestly this looks really crazy and I know we already tested it so it’s probably not going to

Work but if I try to ender pearl all the way over there maybe we can quickly interact with whoa where am I what is going on uhoh guys I can’t see anything I’m inside sand oh oh no we got teleported back I was going to say maybe

If we could quickly like hit one of those villagers or something it could be really crazy yeah but there’s no chance however what if we use a bow hold on there’s a villager right over there oh my gosh wait I hit that arrow that villager was like Invincible did you

Guys see that okay that’s really weird I have another idea and it’s with the slash Place command what if we just Place artificial structures like a desert pyramid wait failed to place structure okay that’s really odd if that doesn’t want to place maybe we can place something else like Like a Village from

The PLS wait that did work yo okay we we summoned our own village how come these villagers aren’t on this side though that that’s so weird this one’s even trying to get through this one doesn’t even know how I did it honestly I’m getting the creeps why do these mobs not

Spawn on this side but then these do to get this straight for us players boom we get teleported out we get pushed out but then for mobs yeah they get pushed over there sucked over there I have one final test and you guys are not going to lie

Like it cuz I don’t but if we can achieve that glitch State yeah no we got to do it where we’re like both in and out of the Border oh my gosh like this like this perfect if I hit F3 yes if we can time it properly and do the command

Slash kill what if we die while we’re inside that invalid position maybe it’ll spawn us forward or something wait oh my gosh I got it maybe I should do spawn point first there you go it worked we we’re set 30 million blocks out the invalid position all right so if we

Slash kill then we should what what yo wait what is going oh my gosh it kicked me wait no are you sure you want to delete this world world will be lost forever what meanwhile and for the final seed before we check back on the ghost Village if we

Put this set of numbers in create the world all right no not another snow spawn dude now apparently this seed has been rumored to just basically have chunk generation that makes no sense specifically floating block chunk generation I mean these weird floating structures like they’re not really foreign to Minecraft

Though but it is sort of weird that there’s this many and there’s like a little Igloo here I mean this isn’t that weird like they just naturally spawn and I think yeah they have the basement although this one has like water wait what the heck they normally have water

In them that might just be the frozen lake or whatever but okay it doesn’t really have to do with the myth apparently of like some floating structure entity me personally I’ve never heard of that I mean if I’m honest an entity that like hides in floating

Structures sounds silly but if we do TP and then these exact cords boom okay wao it just spawned us right at a floating tree another floating structure is this the only one nearby oh my gosh there’s another one over there there’s another block over there there’s a whole island

But this tree is like out of pocket guys like there’s no way I mean I know tunk donation is weird but 1 2 3 three dirt and just like a spruce right there bro there’s no way if some like mysterious entity did live in like this stupid like

Place how would he even do it like there’s not even enough space here for like a freaking house or anything although three dirt is kind of sus yeah but this doesn’t seem real at all the only other odd thing is this like cross but those just naturally spawn in

Minecraft yeah it’s about to be night time I think this one was a bust now to check on the ghost Village oh okay this makes no sense like why am I here when I specifically left my myself in the center of the ghost Village yo no

There’s no way something moved me oh my gosh okay wait a second um yeah this is where I literally left myself right here dude dude that’s creepy that’s creepy okay wait I I have the footage yeah I don’t see anything out of the ordinary happening I mean it doesn’t look like

Anything is moving at all okay let’s skip further through wo wo wo wo wo did I just see something did I just see one of the move oh my gosh it’s near me yo yo it’s it’s wait what’s going on I just saw the pressure plates move and then

They just stopped oh my my God in the corner again in the top right what is that wait they’re moving they’re moving around it’s becoming wait is it becoming daytime oh my God they’re moving now a lot more frequently now that it’s becoming daytime hey yo wait what and I

Just got teleported I just got teleported and I’m still looking down same position that didn’t even look like a normal teleport that looked like the game teleported me out I mean so it’s confirmed right hold on let’s check up on our villagers on our people wait what

Oh they are here the Golem seems totally fine like he actually seemed like he didn’t even fight anything I don’t see the other villager there’s only one cat number one looks okay cat number two looks okay I mean they both look traumatized just staring at like the wall but I mean nonetheless everything

Looks okay here I think I was right I think they’re actually hiding from something I still don’t know what though I mean I was never W to believe in ghost guys but is this re no no no no yo it’s becoming night time again and I’m pretty

Sure it’s daytime where the ghosts or whatever disappeared and teleported me away so you know what I’m going to do it this time in survival mode maybe just maybe I was only teleported away because they they needed to make sure I was AFK or something and since I was in creative

Mode yeah they saw me as no threat I okay you know what survival mode I don’t even care man I’m staying here as long as it freaking takes okay okay this is it this is it this is it the Moon is rising um we just got to keep our eyes

Peeled I mean if something comes out of nowhere to attack us I’m ready bro well actually I’m not I don’t have anything on me but it’s fine it’s fine nothing nothing spawning oh oh my God wait wait oh my God they’re around me they’re around me yo yo wait they but they’re

Friendly wait hello oh my gosh wait I can’t move I can’t move I can’t move I’m hitting them back I can’t move wait oh my Gosh I just I just died what

Testing Minecraft’s Most Scary Seeds

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BANGER MERCH 🡆 [coming soon hehe]

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@Danny Bionic

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  1. Before bionic got teleported on the ghost village , I saw something or someone burn at the mid right of the screen and maybe the ghosts burn in light and that's why they moved more since it was becoming daytime and they became freaked out by it

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