NOOB vs PRO: GIANT HOSPITAL House Build Challenge in Minecraft

My family is sick and they’re going to turn into zombies we need to build hospitals to save them my hospital is going to be better than yours you wish wudo I’m going to come over here and use SL slash paste and now we have a giant empty hospital that we

Can make our own this hospital is huge but it has no defenses or weapons against the zombies my hos hospital is going to be super secure and awesome it’s not about defenses woodo I need to save my family but before I build some rooms inside the hospital what I’m going

To do is replace all of the Cobblestone to be red concrete that way this Hospital looks way cooler wo this looks like a real serious hospital now it doesn’t look that cool yes it does look cool woodo and the entire inside is super gigantic but actually quick we need to build an

Emergency room for my family this room over here should be perfect okay let me just remove this weird Axel looking thing what in the world is that he’s probably wo’s friend what that’s not my friend and even if it was he’d still be cooler than you yeah woodo I

Don’t think you have any other friends oh that’s so mean forget voodo axi look over here I just placed down all of the medical beds and I’m going to put down the medical screens that way no one can spy on my family what I’m also going to

Do is go over here and get some tinted windows we can’t have woodo seeing what our operations looks like yeah why I can see it no matter what M go it doesn’t matter what you do to stop me oh yeah are you going to try and copy

Us because you’re a noob at building no why do I need to copy you guys your build is way Trasher than mine is so there’s no reason to copy no it’s not wudo my build is going to be able to save my family come on axie what I’m

Going to do is get the vital signs Monitor and the IV Checkers there you go this is going to make sure if my families are all right or not it’s a okay hopefully they won’t turn into zombies and eat us all they probably will because your hospital’s so

Bad woodo my hospital is not bad and if they turn into zombies they’re going to look like you what that’s right you literally look like a zombie woodo that’s why I need to make sure my family doesn’t get any more sick by those zombies let me just place down these

Medical kits over here along with some medicine as well and now that we did that what we can actually do is focus on making this room look look better cuz right now it looks super Bland and if my family is in here they’re going to be

Sad mongle but there is a chance that they turn into zombies so we should fortify the entrance oh gosh you’re right if they turn into zombies we’re going to have to run away but let’s not hope it comes down to that axie it probably won’t but just in case we can

Close these really heavy doors and make a run for it all right well now that we’re done with the emergency room we should work work on the reception area imagine if there’s anyone else that’s sick that wants to come to our Hospital we’re going to need an area for them oh

Yeah I bet wo’s going to catch a cold and come here begging for us to treat him exactly and when he does that we’re going to need to help him like always yeah and your dreams losers that’s not happening what are you talking about woodo like I said you

Already look sick cuz you’re the color green it doesn’t matter what I look like I’m healthier than ever and I have a six-pack so maybe you should work on figuring out how to do that since when did you get a six-pack woodo I don’t believe that I’ve always had one I’m

Pretty sure your tummy is squishy Woodle my tummy is not Squishy look over here axie what I’m doing is putting down some paintings because I put down cash registers for this reception area all we need to do now is add a a bunch of tables and

Chairs to go with them that way people have a waiting area are we going to charge people 10 billion diamonds for treatment well we’re going to charge normal people for free because everyone needs to get treated if something bad happens to them but wudo is going to

Have to pay 10 billion diamonds so come on let’s add a sign exactly for that it’s going to say wudo 10 billion diamonds just like that yay everyone gets free treatment except woodo w what in the world guys that is so messed up why don’t I get free treatment oh

Yeah wood I thought you were saying you would never come in here for treatment yeah you were talking trash about our Hospital the whole time while your one is made out of dirt ew well sorry guys I guess I will never get treatment there heck why would I

Even need it my Hospital’s 10 times better and I’d probably die in your guys’ hospital I bet I would get an infection in your hospital woodo exactly your hospital doesn’t even have an ambulance wodo and that’s exactly what I’m going to add next all I need to do is this command

And I just need to do this extra command which is sl/ paste and boom axi we now have an ambulance we can place down in front of our hospital just like this monco why would you need an ambulance when you have a shopping cart what in

The world you can’t fit f families in that axi look I’m also going to have another ambulance on this side now we have double ambulances oh my gosh w we can carry at least 2 billion axelos you can only carry manga once though because he’s so

Fat wo are you still talking trash your hospital’s so small that you can only have one room inside while me and axie are going to have a Giant Pharmacy inside of our hospital where you can buy all sorts of different medicine so come on axi come over here well it doesn’t

Matter mango because no one’s coming to your hospital anyways yes they are wudo what are you talking about look I’m going to add all the aisles for the pharmacy over here axi you should place down the item shelves that way we can put all the different items on it sounds

Cool but I’m good I’m going to make a toy store wait what you’re going to make a toy store I guess all the kids that come to the hospital are going to need some toys so that’s a really good idea wait you actually agree yeah

What are you going to say no because you don’t want the poor sick kids to not have any toys you’re so messed up dude woodo what I never even said that you’re just saying things to make me look bad everyone comment woodo is a liar cuz he’s literally lying no everyone comment

That pooped so hard that there’s poop all over the hospital and now everyone got even more sick is that true ew what does that even mean voodo you’re literally just saying random things now look over here though I’m adding all the item shells and now I can add all the

Actual items and medicine that other people are going to need from our hospital axie and I’m adding the aelott wait are the Axel the only toys the kids are going to have so far but I was thinking zukas could be next what do you think wait what that’s not a toy axie

What you need to do is add some animal toys like some slimes some turtles some foxes stuff like that okay I guess it won’t just be Axel lles yeah exactly axie come on you need to use your brain sometimes you can’t have one brain cell like wudo wow that’s so messed up are

You saying that ax is not smart enough wow wow what are you even talking about wudo I was just saying that you’re dumb actually if that was me I personally wouldn’t take that it’s okay woodo I know I only have one brain cell wait what she knows that yeah I mean it

Really is not wrong though yeah to be honest you and wudo don’t have a lot of brain cells but it’s okay look at this I’m adding all the different syringes and potions for my Pharmacy all I need to do is go over here search up potions

And let me get all of the Regeneration and strength potions that way the people can get better ASAP as soon as they drink these potions I don’t know if I would trust those what do you mean wudo can we make a potion to make woodo cooler no buo is a loser so there’s

Nothing you can do to make him seem cooler is there a potion that can make me take bigger poops wait what in the world no voo of course there isn’t but there is probably some medicine that can help you boo it’s called eating a lot of cake

Woodo I know from experience boo that sounds bad mango guess what my hospital is going to have a whole poop medicine production area where we produce medicine so that everyone can poop ew that sounds disgusting it doesn’t even sound that cool wo what it sounds super cool your medicine prob

Isn’t going to even work it’s probably just soda or something fake what are you even talking about wudo I just finished up placing all of the different stuff in the different aisles now I just need to put the cash registers and some paintings and I think this Pharmacy area

Is basically done so is my tour area everything is free for kids and 10 billion million diamonds for wos wao that sounds like an amazing deal I can’t wait till woodo has to pay pay for everything what sorry woodo it’s just how it is yep it’s exactly what you

Deserve wudo that’s so messed up I’m going to cry what wo we don’t have time to cry the zombies they’re probably infecting everyone and my family they still need my help so come on axie we only have one emergency room right now but we need more operations room luckily there’s a

Second floor inside of this hospital so we can turn these little rooms into those rooms that I was talking about wo there’s a second floor yes there is so come up here ASAP axi I need your help decorating everything so whenever the sick people come we can help them okay

Mango I’m here all right let me just place down these beds and then I’m going to place down that over there then what I’m going to do is grab some tables as well check it out axie this room is going to be super duper cool all I need

To do is have the medicine over here just like this there you go and then we can have some more heart rate monitors over here just like that and then this area can be where any of the guest can sit down over here axie I’m going to

Give the patients an axel friend too it’s like a therapy Axel a that’s so cute I bet woodo doesn’t have anything cute like that I don’t want an axel when I’m trying to stay alive cuz an axel is only going to steal my food oh my gosh

You know what axi wo’s talking a little bit too much trash how about we go and prank him that sounds good let’s go all right if you guys think we should prank Udo hit that subscribe button right now okay thank you for subscribing we can now go prank that guy and in

Order to prank him we need to go invisible Haya we’re invisible now which means we can go to his little little hospital and look that’s him working on the second floor right there what do you think we should do I think a good prank would be to spawn a bunch of cake and

Then eat it all wait what that doesn’t make sense axie cake isn’t scary well we need to do is spawn in zombies that way wudo thinks he’s going to be infected and sick next oh that’s genius okay let me just go over here and search

Up zombies and I just need to spawn them in just just like this what’s that noise oh my gosh it’s zombies I need to delete them is he killing the patients wo are you okay what’s going on in your hospital Maro the zombie invasion it’s already here I think your family is

Completely dead already wait what don’t say that woodo that’s so messed up I can definitely save my family look they’re still alive but they’re still really sick which means we need to continue work in the hospital come on axie okay what do we do next to save your family well what

I’m going to do is go back over here to the operations room we’re not completely done with this room yet ax what we need to do is finish decorating it just like this and now that we did that what I can do is grab an axe over here axi and I

Can select this block and go all the way down to this block do you know why why I’m selecting those blocks why because I want to copy and paste these rooms onto the next areas cuz this room is empty right now so if I just do SL SL paste

Look we have another emergency room and we can do this continuously in the other rooms as well wao I bet wudo doesn’t know this trick of course he doesn’t he’s super dumb yes I do oh yeah can you even tell us what is doing uh killing patients wait what why would I

Kill my patients come on axie now that we’re done with the hospital rooms we need to work on something even greater even greater like what we need to work on the surgery room cuz if people need a surgery we’re going to need to do it

Over here oh I don’t know if either of us can do surgery though I think I’m probably better at it than you wait what how would you be better at it than me axie don’t worry we can probably figure it out if my family needs a surgery

We’re definitely going to need to use this room so come on what I’m going to do is go over here and grab a light and what I’m going to do is make this light hang from the top just like this that way we have all the light in the world

To make sure things are going right and then what I’m going to do is have some tables on the sides and actually I’m going to need to grab all of the surgery tools like some scissors some scissors what are are we going to be cutting with that then some syringes you don’t need

To worry about it ax let’s just say it’s going to be really really weird and I’m going to place down the magnifying glass along with the paperwork for the patient there you go I think we’re pretty much done with the surgery room I think we should put some curtains down so that no

One can peek in from outside oh that’s a really good idea what I’m also going to do is add a clock that way the doctors know how long the surgery is taking boom we’re done with the surgery room this is super scary I don’t like the

Surgery room come on axi it’s if we can help people and this is definitely going to help people so come on we need to work on another room over here okay what room is next this room is going to have an x-ray machine an x-ray machine can we

X-ray funny things like cake and bugs wait what why would we want to x-ray those things ax this hospital is really serious business you know we need to grab some staircases just like this and then what we’re going to do is make it so the x-raying is going to happen right

In there let me just grab some slabs just like this and I can place it down right in the middle just like this well actually check it out this is where the patient would be putting down their head and we could x-ray what’s going on oh I

Want to X-ray woodo and see what weird things he’s eaten recently wait his brain is probably super duper tiny what my brain is super gigantic so big in fact that you probably won’t be able to fit me inside the scanner what are you talking about woodo your brain is super

Duper small no it’s not yes it is anyway I’m going to put down some weird buttons I don’t know what they do but we can just Spam them when someone’s lying here well they look really good so great job on that a what I’m going to do over here

Is add some calcul lers and then I’m also going to add more of these syringes just like this don’t be too scared cuz of the needle axie I’m not scared of needles I’m mostly just scared of weird Turtles oh gosh you’re right Turtles are super duper creepy but what I’m going to

Do to finish off this room is place down some paintings and boom the X-ray room is now done which means we need to go to the next floor because this floor is still empty axy and I’m getting pretty hungry do you think there’s anything we can do about that oh gosh

You’re getting hungry well if you’re getting hungry then all of the patients we have are probably going to be hungry too so we need to create the greatest kitchen known to mankind oh that’s easy I can make the best menu ever all right axie what I’m going to do is start off

By adding these counters over here just like this this is going to make it so we have storage for food and I’m also going to place down some sinks in between what I’m going to grab next is a fridge over here and I’m going to place them down on

Both sides okay I already have the menu by the way it’s going to be great really actually that sounds good but this is just the kitchen we’re not even done placing down all the food and stuff what I’m going to do next is get a table

That way we can have a giant Island in front of the kitchen and wait check it out you can see wo’s poopy Hospital from this kitchen wee woo wee woo what is he doing he doesn’t have any patients his hospital has a donkey and he’s riding a

Broken down car that guy is literally lost my ambulance is so much better than broh no it’s not wudo what are you talking about come on my donkey you’re going to be my ambulance too okay ignore that guy and take a look at what I’ve

Decided to serve bab what in the world fries butterflies lion fish and whatever that is are you serious axi we can’t feed our patient that we need to pick some really really healthy food like vegetable salads and then also more vegetable salads I think fish are pretty

Healthy I mean this one might be poisonous but it tastes good actually that’s not healthy at all look I’m also going to grab them water bottles that way they can drink water and not whatever that is it’s a bunch of rotten flesh and spare food grinded down into a

Bucket ew no that sounds disgusting I think I’ve heard enough come over here what we’re going to do is create the big sitting area for everyone to eat together we don’t want separation in this Hospital everyone should be one big family unlike Wood’s hospital where only one family can fit my Hospital

Fits many many families what are you talking about no it doesn’t woodo your hospital hospital is cut no come over here axi what I’m going to do is add some paintings to finish off this kitchen area and wo I think we did a great job with it of course we did way

Better than woodo hey yeah woodo can create nothing like this but ax this room is still empty what do we do with this room oh my stomach really hurts suddenly I think I have to poop oh gosh axi if you have to poop then wudo probably has to poop too which means we

Need to create a bathroom to hold both of your poops okay I don’t know if one bathroom can hold both mine and Wood’s poop though don’t worry don’t worry I’m getting all the toilets in the world and I’m also going to have a bunch of sinks

Over here as well okay hurry hurry hurry hurry hurry I’m doing the bathroom dance don’t worry a let me also get the toilet paper over here then what I can do is just decorate the bathroom with some paintings just like this let me place down some carpets actually don’t poop your pants I’m

Trying okay okay now all I need to do is just add some doors over here that way everyone has privacy and um actually you’re good to take your poop okay I have to barricade the bathroom I’ll see you in 10 years oh no axi oh no I really

Hope axi is okay but while she’s using the bathroom over there what I need to do is create an area for people to take showers I know wudo doesn’t take a shower that means he’s super dirty hey guess what I just saw a bunch of people going into your hospital that I

Think need help wait what woodo are you serious let me go downstairs to check and oh my gosh who in the world are these guys their sign says we need help please and they look like they really do need help axi we have our first patience

Let me finish up my pooping on Me on the way hey that patient kind of looks like you wait what what are you talking about buo this patient actually has the same eyes as you what no he doesn’t yes he does don’t worry guys just stay right here you’ll get extra better treatment

If you subscribe to the channel but you don’t have to I’ll be right back okay I need to check on axis’s pooping situation axie are you okay oh mle I need help help what in the world happened in here and ew it smells so bad oh gosh I think there’s poop all over

The walls axi are you okay M go take me to the emergency room oh no axie did you over poop yes and I think my body is drying up from the inside oh no oh no let me quickly take you over to this room come on axie lay down in the bed so

I can get all of your levels and make sure you’re good wait we need an axel doctor and luckily I found the exact one we need oh my gosh rudo I thought I was going to have to check up on her myself but this Axel doctor looks

Very wise why is the Axel doctor leaving oh gosh I think he’s decided that ax is going to die I’m going to die no no axie you can’t die you’re the best Axel in the world no get me out I’m going to live my last moments in the wilderness

What in the world axi are you seriously leaving we’re not even done with the hospital I’m dying well manga I guess I’ll spawn you some more Axel doctors there you go thank you wudo these doctors look very very wise kind of like an older version of axi okay I’m leaving

Too bye wait what wudo come back over here actually you should leave you stink M go I have actually don’t think I’m dying I was just over exaggerating wait what I’m glad you’re okay actually but come on we don’t have time for funny business what we need to do is create a

Research lab area just in case my parents do turn into zombies we need a way to turn them back into humans okay and I think it’ll be fine since we have professionals on the team oh yeah these guys are going to make us so we’re

Good but we still need to build a lab bu the research area well actually see that’s a great question we’re going to start off by having test Chambers over here test Chambers for what for the zombies of course we need to make sure we test out all the zombies to see how

We can remove their sickness look I’m going to connect this test chamber to the other one over here and this one is going to be made out of green glass green glass that’s the color of farts yeah it’s also the color of voodo what yeah see same thing there you go I just

Need to place down these blocks and boom the test Chambers are now done which means I can place down a zombie over here and then we can experiment on the zombie later but Mong go help I’m stuck in the test chamber I’m not a zombie

Hurry up and get outside a we don’t have a lot of time this zombie is probably going to turn into a mutant zombie soon so what we need to do is get all of the lab equipment let me just get the brewing stand over here then I need to

Place down these test tubes over here so we can test out this zombie then what I’m going to do is go over here and what we’re going to do is have a bunch of toxic barrels that way we can remove all of the disgusting things the zombie has

In its body like woodo yeah exactly I’m also going to place down these blackboards over here so it looks like there’s a bunch of research going on inside of this lab this looks so cool m we’ll save your family for sure yeah but we’re not even done yet axi I’m going to

Place down some documents over here along with some Vital sign monitors over there and then what we can do is have some microscopes and some telescopes that way we can see the DNA of the zombie the DNA of the zombie do zombies have DNA of course they have DNA but

Actually with that being done I think we’re almost done with our hospital and we can test on my family but quick before we do that we need to build one last thing we do oh we need to build the bakery wait what the bakery what are you

Talking about axi I’m talking about the giant helipad that’s going to be at the top of the hospital the helipad is that so we can airlift people who are really sick exactly we’re probably going to have to go into the jungle biome the ocean biome and we’re definitely going

To need a helicopter if we want to get all those people I bet wo’s Hospital doesn’t have a helicopter yes it does well it’s going to have one now wait what are you seriously copying the idea cuz we just talked about it no yes you are wudo

You’re such a noob no I’m not yes you are look axie I just need to put a giant H over here and this is going to resemble the helipad logo that way we can place down our helicopters and we’ll be able to save all the people that are

Far away let me just get a helicopter and put them down over here whoo I’m going to try to fly this thing wee I don’t know if you should be trusted to fly it I’d make a better pilot wait what no you wouldn’t axi axelos can’t drive better than

People like me yes they can well guess what axi now that we have a helicopter we can also test out a plane oh my gosh I bet a plane is going to be so much harder to use and wao is going in the air and wait what’s going on

What’s going on you’re going to crash on the patients I’m crashing no no no this is not good let me learn how to fly this thing cuz this is really really bad and if I’m going to crash anywhere I might as well crash into wo’s Hospital right

Oh yeah well then I’m going to crash into your hospital mango it bombs away set course for wo’s hospital buo I was just joking don’t actually crash into my Hospital you Noob that’s what I thought thought oh gosh I still need to land This Plane though what’s going on oh hi

There Manga it looks like you’re having some troubles oh gosh the plane what is happening to it I’m falling I’m fallowing you do I need to shoot you out of the sky it’s not funny wo I can’t drive this thing what’s happening and oh gosh oh gosh

It’s going to crash it’s going to crash you’re so bad at flying that you don’t even know how to crash your plane oh and looks like it crashed voodo but I don’t have time for crashes right now I’m done with my Hospital woodo can we

Check out yours so I can quickly save my family yeah but I think your family is going to need my hospital to survive what no they don’t why do you have a donkey in front of your hospital waa hold on a second I will show

You how my Hospital works so if there is an emergency what I will do is go and get the person on my ambulance come on manga try it out ew what kind of ambulance is this it’s an emergency ambulance and it goes way faster than

Yours and then I would back up and come right inside of the emergency area over here the reason why I have a donkey is just in case I run out of gas what in the world this is such a goofy hospital it’s built like it’s in the 1700s

Anyways mango when she come to the hospital you can check in can I please have your social security number what you shouldn’t give your social security number to anyone woodo and I definitely don’t trust a turtle with it why why

Mine is 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 okay perfect taxi you can now be admitted as a patient in the wudo hospital come upstairs and go ahead and lay down in this bed okay wao your hospital looks kind of complicated wudo I know

But check this out I now have a pro drct Axel who will save AI from her sickness of 2 IQ disease wait what wait a sec that’s not a real sickness yes it is and look at all this fancy equipment I have to make sure you get better woodo you

Really have only one room inside of your hospital come on bro let’s take your helicopter and let’s go over to my hospital because my one is just way better oh gosh I don’t trust your flying mom go oh get out of here come on come

On hurry up oh gosh I forgot we left these patients unchecked but it doesn’t matter they didn’t check into the reception area over here wow you don’t care about your patients even if they look goofy like these guys wow I care about my patience woodo that’s why I built this emergency room

For my family look this is built so my family can survive this is for my mom this is for my dad and this is for my little brother oh gosh this is going to be their deathbed isn’t it what why would you say that woodo come over here

This is where you can purchase all the medicine from the pharmacy we built there’s also toys for all the kids toys I’m going to buy all the toys please thank you hey you have to pay for those yeah plus you’re old man it’s not for

You it’s for the kids ooh what does this pill do wait whoa buo don’t just take random medicine don’t you know what’s going to happen if you do that what’s going to happen um wudo I think I already see all the changes what in the world you have

Axel tails and axel ears oh my gosh I’m trying to do an axel no you’re like me now we can have two IQ together no no no no I need to eat more of these pills and see what it does to me oh gosh you didn’t get prescribed to

The medicine dummy oh no I’m feeling really ill what are you okay wudo it doesn’t sound too good no M this is bad oh gosh what happened to me stop taking those pills why do you look like that we need to take you to the research

Lab so we can see what’s going on go inside over here what what are you going to do to me let’s see what can we find out from what’s Happening to you and oh my gosh this is something super rare vooodo not even the research facility or

The normal rooms can help you what is it saying that I’m really rich and strong and have a six-pack and I’m super successful no we’re saying we’re going to have to do an operation oh my gosh yeah wo I’m going to have to take these scissors okay I’ll prate on me all right

Let me just do my surgery right over here just like this and woodo you’re back back to normal am I yes you are come on now that you’re back to normal we can take you over to the next and final floor where you can grab a bite to eat yummy

Salad wait wait what why am I eating salad I don’t want salad I want sweets where’s the cake axie there’s no cake but there’s a Chum Bucket over here are you kidding me no you changed axim you made her healthy because she’s a do doctor now I want my axi back that loved

Eating cakes and cookies and unhealthy food with me wait what I don’t care about that right now voodo since we’re done with the hospital we need to go save my family everyone carry them get in the helicopter thank you guys so much for watching the video If you enjoyed then

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Mongo and Wudo have to build giant hospitals to save their families! Who builds the better hospital? Mongo or Wudo? Watch to find out!

This video was inspired by Maizen, Mikey and JJ, Milo and Chip!

#Mongo #Minecraft #MinecraftMod


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