Mikey vs JJ DIRT vs RAINBOW DIGGERS in Minecraft – NOOB vs PRO

Digger out of Lou well since I’m building a rainbow one I’m going to use all the colors of the rainbow I’m just getting them all out right now I’ve got red orange yellow green and blue now I just need pink and purple so let’s grab those colors like this and let’s also

Get some iron because we know that iron is an extremely strong block and we’ll keep my Digger secure I’m also going to use these black iron blocks because this is going to be a really crazy Digger but first I’m going to need the wand of symmetry because this will allow me to

Build my Digger extremely fast look at this if I place a block on this side it also places one on that side meaning I can go ahead and build one section of the Digger over here and it’ll build it over there too so I’m going to go ahead

And build an outline over here let’s just build it with these iron blocks I’m going to first start building the wheels for this thing as you guys know a digger doesn’t only just have a few Wheels it has one big track of Wheels going all the way around it which makes it

Extremely good at getting through all of the mud and dirt it also allows it to get over all of the holes that it digs so let’s go ahead and build some small wheels like this these are the tracks that my Digger will be driving on now

All I’ve got to do is just add some tracks on the inside as you guys know these tracks are supposed to to be like this they have to be alternating in color so that they kind of look like spikes sticking into the ground this is how these things drive through all of

The mud without getting all muddy and falling over because the ground is quite slippery there we go that’s looking really cool I’m also going to go ahead and make it really really spiky so that all of these spikes can stick into the ground and won’t let our Digger fall

Over this is going to be really cool looking so I’ll just do that as you you can see it looks really spiky and scary let me just place these spikes on this side and W this is awesome now we have some really spiky tracks but we need to

Make this thing a rainbow Digger so we need to go ahead and start on those rainbow colors so I’ll fill this thing up with some red here then some orange next and then I’ll do the yellow then the green this is going to look just like a rainbow then the blue then I’ll

Do the purple and then I need some pink so I need to grab that if you guys think this rainbow Digger is going to look super cool then make sure to comment down below and if you really like the build at the end then make sure to

Subscribe because we are trying to get to 10,000 subscribers but anyways here we go we have a rainbow wheel on this side and on that side we also have the same thing this is awesome looking but now I need to get some black concrete and I’ll I’ll show you why in a second

Because these diggers as you guys know they have a black section underneath and this is what holds them up off the ground and also allows them to turn around because they need to be able to turn all the way around to be able to dig and stuff all the way next to them

So I’m going to make an area that allows this thing to turn we just have to build a platform all the way over here out of black concrete I’ll build it all the way over here in a nice square shape like this and and I need to make sure to

Leave some space at the back so that I can build the engine let’s go ahead and fill in this black area right now I am really confident that this Digger is going to look super cool once I finished building it’s going to be able to make massive holes in the ground and it’s

Going to make all of the zombies fall in there is no way a zombie army could take me and pip out and here we go I’m almost completed and there we have it we have that black section where the Digger will hold itself on top of this is looking

Really awesome it kind of looks like a tank right now this is amazing oh Lou your Digger is looking really ugly what do you mean it’s looking ugly this thing is beautiful and pip how can you call mine ugly when yours looks like that is something wrong Lou yes pip these aren’t

Even Wheels this is like I don’t even know they are real Le look when you flip these trap doors they can go down and act as Wheels um I don’t think Wheels work when they’re flat on the ground you have a flat tire right now pip oh Lou

I’m sure when I put the engine in the Digger will go yeah well we’ll see about that but you haven’t even put your engine in yet so you’ve got to get started but anyways pip I don’t have time to Dole I need to go ahead and

Build the top of my Digger this is where everything will be on the inside and I need to make sure that it goes up into the air so that it doesn’t rotate into the wheels and mess everything up I’m going to build it one more block up into

The sky with this black concrete this is looking really cool right now and I really hope this Digger is strong enough to protect JJ and Mikey’s families but anyways guys look at this I’ve just now started on the foundation of this digger I need to go ahead and build a massive

Iron platform but this is taking a while and I have to build all the way over there so how about I do something like like this I’ll use some Pro admin commands to be able to build this really fast just like this now we have a huge

Platform like this we have this rainbow wheel a nice little platform on the top here this is where we will build the big room to hold everything inside so let me go ahead and build that first of all though I want to make a nice rainbow wall for this entire Digger I’ll just

Make it out of rainbow colors like this I’ll do my red orange yellow and green and make sure I build up all of these rainbow colors in the wall then I can use admin commands once again to copy them over and build it faster so let me

Get these rainbow colors I’ll copy them like this and then I’ll paste them going all the way to this side and now all I have to do is just go from one side to the other once again and do it again now we have rainbow walls on this Digger all

I have to do now is just fill in these iron blocks right here and this will be the outside Foundation to this thing this is looking super cool and there we go we now have the front and we have the back of this Digger and we could go

Ahead and probably put a window right here and one right there I’ll make these out of red stained glass because I love that block I also love red a ton guys it’s my favorite color and what is your favorite color comment down below oh Lou so many people are going to comment that

Yellow is their favorite color what no they are not if they are watching my channel then they must love red because why else would they be watching a red man build a red base or a rainbow base oh they’re only watching you so they can see Pips expert build wait I haven’t

Seen yours in a while and what is that you said this is an expert build but what even is this oh Lou I’m starting to build the inside of my excavator and I’ve also added more tires to my Digger since you said my previous tires weren’t good enough what wait this is actually

Pretty good but they’re in item frames how would they even drive on the road well I’ve got these tires in my hand but for some reason it won’t let me put them on my Digger so I just put them in item frames instead well I guess that is

Pretty smart thinking pip good job thank you very much Lou but wait how have you built all that already well that’s just because I’m a a really really good Builder pip as you can see you’re still working on your walls but I’ve completed them all oh your walls are looking super

Ugly and this doesn’t even look like a digger this looks like a tank wait what do you mean it looks like a tank wait a second now that I look at this thing you’re kind of right you know what I think it’s time for me to build the

Digging arm yeah and these stairs on your wheels they look so scary it looks like you’re going a war or something Lou yeah pip that’s exactly what it should look like after all these are the tracks for the Digger Wheels this makes sure that they stick into the ground and

Don’t let it slip over Lou why would you want your Digger to stick into the ground and get stuck but it needs to stick into the ground to stay upright would you rather have a stuck Digger or would you rather have a digger that fell

Over and you can’t pick it back up well my Digger isn’t going to fall over it has so so many wheels yeah it has a lot of Wheels but it’s very Square are you sure that thing will stay upright of course Lou it’s made out of the best

Block in Minecraft yeah I don’t know about that dirt is a very very strange block but anyways pip we don’t have time to dawle we need to keep building our rainbow diggers and uh you can keep building that dirt digger or whatever but anyways come on we need to build the

Shape of the arm that is coming off of our dig so I’m going to go ahead and build it just like this I’m going to build some little blocks coming off and this is going to be shaped like the arm that comes off of it I also need to make

It rainbow colored so I need to go ahead and do a red one here and then I’ll do a orange one here and as you can see this arm is going to be rainbow colored as it comes off the side I just need to make sure that this thing is stable enough

Because I might be building some rooms in these things and I need to make sure that no zombies can get inside let’s just keep building these walls up I’ve done a red one over here and I’ll do another red one behind here after all this arm needs to be really strong and

Be able to dig into the ground without falling apart and if I don’t have walls on any of the sides it won’t hold together I’m doing an orange side right here and then I’ll go ahead and add some iron just to reinforce the walls this is

Looking really awesome I I just need to make sure this thing can pick up things like a digger so I need to make sure that I build the little scooper at the bottom but first let me build the shape of this scooping arm it needs to look

Really really good so that it can hold anything that I needed to hold here we go I’ve built a red area and an orange area but now it’s time to build the longest area of it all the way over here this will mean that the Digger can hold

Things from really far away and this should be really good if the zombie Army attacks because it will be able to scoop up a ton of zombies from really far away oh pep I bet you never thought of that huh wait what did you do I’m building a

Really long scooping arm this means my Digger can make massive holes from anywhere wait you built a giant pooping arm I didn’t even know diggers had those wait did you just say pooping arm no I don’t have a pooping arm on this thing it’s called a scooping arm pip

Oh I must have been building the wrong thing oh my gosh please don’t tell me you put an arm on your Digger that poops on the ground well I was going to do it but now that you’re saying it’s a bad idea it does sound like a bad idea yeah

It really does pip and look at this I’ve just finished the green area of my scooping arm now it’s time to do the next area you know what I’ll just have it scoop all the way down now and go all the way to the scooper at the bottom so

Let’s build the shape of this area all the way down this is going to be the area where the scooper is held on so I’ll build it going all the way down and connecting up just like this now I need to connect this area up to the green arm

On the top boom let’s make this one out of blue concrete this will make it really really rainbow looking and boom look at this guys I have gone ahead and built this blue area right here now it goes all the way down to the ground this thing is looking like a really good

Scooping arm but now I need to actually add the Digger to it so let’s get some black iron blocks and build this thing after all it needs to have a scooper shape so I’m going to make it look like it’s able to scoop things off of the

Ground just like this as you can see it has a nice little scooping shape and I’m going to make it go ahead and connect up together as you know these diggers have these really really sharp edges to them this is so it could grab anything in the

Dirt but now I need to connect it all up and make a nice foundation for this thing so it can hold anything that it picks up so let’s go ahead and build these walls up just like this I’m building these out of black iron blocks so that it doesn’t break if this Digger

Was to break it would be really catastrophic guys we would have to replace this entire thing right here and the Zombie Army might kill Mikey and JJ which we do not want but now that I’ve built this hook shape I need to build some walls onto it so that it can

Actually hold things inside of it this is what a digger actually does so there we go I’ve built both of the sides and we have areas where dirt can stay on the inside of there you know what let’s actually put a bunch of grass inside like this Digger has grabbed a ton of

Grass just like that that is awesome so there we go we now have the shape for this Digger and now all we need is the control room at the top so let’s go ahead and build that I can build a nice little area up here I think I’ll make it

Very Square just like this and now I can place my w of symmetry in the middle so that I can start on a nice little shape on this thing let’s go ahead and build this thing out like this and now it’s time to add some glass on the top and

This is what I’ll be able to look out of when I’m driving my Digger this thing is going to look super cool just look at how it’s coming along right now wo I’m just going to build up this glass to make this thing look really cool just

Like this guys isn’t this amazing now I just need to add one little area on the top and this is so that I can see into the sky just in case any zombies start parachuting down and there we go we now have a dome on the top of our Digger and

That is where I can sit on the inside if you guys think this build looks amazing then make sure to subscribe because we do builds like this all the time and Pips are always really bad hey Lou I heard that my pooper is almost done wait

Your pooper oh please don’t tell me you actually built a pooper instead of a scooper well how about you just look under my pooper all right let’s take a look what wait what is this you just pooped all over the ground ew isn’t that what we’re supposed to do no pip look at

Mine I said scooper it’s supposed to scoop a bunch of dirt off the ground not poop it back down oh so this is supposed to dig holes so we can poop in them no it’s just supposed to dig holes in general oh so we poop in the scooper

Okay no no pimp stop pooping on my build oh oh sorry Lou I just thought you wanted some poop on here oh I I guess it’s fine pip listen we don’t have much time though so quickly go to your pooper and turn it into a scooper can it be a

Pooper scooper I guess it can be just make sure to add a scooper on there you are going to need it oh fine Lou but anyways pip while you’re building that I need to start on some traps to keep the zombies out this Digger has to be really

Really secure but where are you even supposed to put your entrance Lou well let me show you I’m going to build something that not even the zombies will know how to get past I’m going to get some slime blocks and some pistons and I’m also going to grab it a button this

Is going to be a really cool entrance just watch this if I put a piston down here in the ground a slime block on top and a button I can press it to launch myself up that’s a genius idea Lou oh I should do that too wait no stop stealing

My ideas oh I am going to get revenge on you yeah right L why you even know how to do that um yes I do just watch this how about this P let me show you how to make this thing way better okay if you get some obsidian and replace the slime

Block with it it bounces you way higher into the sky does it let me try that yeah look it’s really good and it didn’t work oh this obsidian sucks I’m using slime instead you did say I couldn’t get revenge on you but I just did you’re just being dumb you should

Know obsidian doesn’t work oh yes it does I just did that so your thing wouldn’t work but anyways I need to build my entrance right now so once I get onto the top here I’m going to go ahead and add some ladders that I can climb up to get inside I’ll make my

Entrance to my Digger right here right in the middle and I think I’ll also make a little balcony so that I can shoot at all of the zombies from the top this thing is going to be really cool looking I think I should get some glass really

Quickly and I should place it on the sides just like this if you guys didn’t know a digger actually has these little side compartments that come off of it and I need to make sure that all of these details are correct just so these zombies might see this Digger and get

Really scared let me just go ahead and leave a gap in the glass so that I can shoot out of the side of this thing and then let’s build it all the way up to the top like this and this is going to be the area where I can shoot at the

Zombies this Digger is awesome it even has the side compartment where I can shoot from from this is amazing so look at this I use this slime block to get up to the top then use these ladders and I can shoot at the zombies from up here

It’s amazing and wait a second pip I can see you in your build look at this hey Lou I’m just driving my pooper scooper right now wait you’re driving your pooper scooper that just reminds me I don’t even have any controls to drive this thing oh neither do I yeah we

Should probably get building those now ow so let’s go ahead and build something that I can drive this pooper scooper with oh just a scooper I need to remember as well that I had an area up here that I had for driving so let me just make an area up here with this

Ladder and this is where I will drive the scooper let me just make a little table here this is where the control panel will be I need to make sure that it’s all the same length and I’m going to add some white glass to it to make it

Look more futuristic then I’ll grab some of these Oak logs and make this thing look really awesome let’s just build them going around like that and now I need a monitor to make this thing work I’ll have two monitors on the front and I’ll also grab some seats this is just

So that this Digger will work I’ll have a monitor for me and a monitor for pit now I need a control panel and a screen so let’s go ahead and add those I’ll add my console right here to control to control this Digger and then I’ll add a

Screen on the top so I can see everything that’s happening on the outside now it’s time to start on my engine room and my engine room is going to be super modern so we’re going to put these little laser blocks all around and then we’re going to put our console

Right in the middle and then put a chair because we have to sit down of course and then to power my control panels we’re going to use Redstone and then we’re going to add a Lea onto my panel so we can flip it off and on just like like this and now

Whenever I’m sitting down I can just activate these levers and now my engine is on so let’s just add some lamps to my control panel just so we know that this engine is on and working let’s just put it like this do the same thing over here

And now once we flip it off and on we can tell if our engine is on by looking at these lamps let’s go but now guys I need to make this this thing look really really futuristic so I’m going to add Redstone lamps coming all the way down this control room and

Watch this you are going to love this if I go ahead and give myself a debug stick I can turn all of these blocks around really easily so let me just go ahead and do this and then you’ll see exactly what I’m about to build it’s going to be

Awesome if I just flip all of these observers around so the faces are looking at me this means it will detect anything on this side of it so all I have to do now is just build an observer line coming all the way down here and

Then going all the way back and now that I’ve built all of this look at this guys I have some lamps that go all the way across like this and it’s like the lights are flickering on and off now if I just put this on the other side we

Will have an awesome control room so let’s get started on building it right now I’m going to make this building a lot faster by copying this Observer and going all the way over here I can go ahead and set them all to observers that are facing the right way round now all I

Have to do is make my Observer line once again let’s just build it just like this and let’s go ahead and place these blocks on the other side again redstone dust and an observer and now this thing should work woo that’s awesome now these things go down like this like a light

And then there’s another light and another one and as you can see we now have this really cool futuristic looking device now all I have to do is just cover up all the Redstone like this just so that it looks really cool I want this

To look like all of the power going to the engine all of these lights are like electrical signals coming from the engine and into my control panel this is really cool but now that I’ve built this control area I need to start on the next

Area of my build and this will be my engine so what I’m going to do is get some Lim stained glass like this and I’m going to to build it along this wall right here this will be the glass that holds the engine on the inside of my

Build and it means that nobody can walk towards it and get stuck this engine is going to be really big so I cannot afford to let anyone walk too close or they might die after all engines are really dangerous when they are turned on so here we go I’m going to get some

Emerald blocks right now to build this engine out of just like this I’m also going to grab some Emerald fans and some of these ceiling fans after all they still work to cool down the engine now I just need some redstone blocks to make this thing work here we go let’s go

Ahead and build a really cool engine I’ll build it out of these Emerald blocks like this and make it nice and big just like that now I’ll add some redstone blocks going around this thing so that this thing can be powered and let’s add some fans to this thing so

Here we go let’s put some fans on the side of this thing this will make sure that the engine is cooled down and cannot open overheat now all we have to do is build up this Engine with these Emerald blocks and this thing is looking

So cool I’m also going to go ahead and add a motor on the inside so this thing will actually work let’s put a motor right here and get some of these Cog wheels just like this now all I need to do is Place one there there and on the

Back and now all I have to do is have them come out of the sides like this and then I’ll have the power go down into the actual wheel like this now if I look at this engine from the outside it’s all spinning and working this is awesome oh pip have you

Built an engine inside of your Digger and even if you have I doubt it’s better than mine of course Lou but I’m starting to realize there’s a lot more I could add to this wait what kind of things would you add if you could maybe I can

Help you build your control battle well before we add new stuff let me show you around all right let’s take a look what is your build all about right here is my control panel with the levers right here which activate the Digger and you can see you

Can tell it’s activated when the light is on oh wait but why if I turn this one off and this one is on then what is the engine doing Lou don’t even ask you might break my engine all right for fine whatever but Lou you’re going to love

This lever just Spam press this lever all right and ew it pooped everywhere what oh pip you are very much like Mikey Mikey probably loves this whereas JJ would be disgusted just like I am oh there’s so much poop everywhere Lou can you help me clean it up no you

Can clean it up yourself that’s disgusting where did you even get all this poop from oh I made it myself oh no you know what guys I’m going back to my dick I don’t think I want to talk to pip anymore ew wait where are you going Lou

I just wanted to show you my homemade poop nope I’m not letting you show me anything that’s so weird oh you’re lost Louise more for me um yeah more poop for you but guys I keep getting distracted pip keeps showing me all these weird things but anyways I need to go ahead

And build a room for JJ to stay in I completely forgot I was protecting their families so let’s go ahead and build a wall here with a room on the inside and let’s go ahead and make a space right here this area is where JJ’s room is

Going to be and you know what I’m going to build it out of red concrete just so that we know this is JJ’s room I’ll build a massive red wall going all the way up and this means that JJ is staying inside now I just need to add a door and

I’ll add a little window that he can look out of if he likes just like this let’s go ahead and add a door on the inside now and let’s make sure that this is an iron door this way nothing can get inside I’m going to add a lever to on

The outside so that you can get in and out whenever you need but now that I’m inside of JJ’s room I need to actually add some things JJ would like so I’m going to do what I always do I’m going to add a nice big red sofa and I’m going

To have it facing against this window here so that you have tons of natural lights coming in from the outside then I’m going to add a TV on the other side of the room this way JJ can watch any of his favorite TV shows I’ll also

Add a little red table underneath the TV so that it doesn’t fall off the wall I’m also going to add a little red carpet going all the way over towards the TV to this is so that the room is split into two pieces and JJ will really like it

But now from here it’s time to add some things for JJ and I’m going to make sure to add a nice Kitchen in so he can eat any of his favorite foods what kind of things go in a kitchen I think I’ll add a microwave and then I’ll add a toaster

Because we need all the toast we can have and then I’ll also add an oven because what is a kitchen without an oven on the inside let’s just put my microwave here and my toaster here and this is a nice little kitchen I’ll just have a little thing going up into the

Ceiling to suck all of the smoke and steam out of the oven when it’s cooking I’ll also add some fans on the top so it pulls the air out of here and now that I’ve got a kitchen let’s also build a nice little area for JJ to do everything

He wants on this side I’m going to do some bookshelves because JJ loves to read what about you guys do you have a favorite book right now oh Lou I’m sure I’d love to read if I knew how to read um yeah pip you really wish you could

Read right now but sadly you can’t and that’s really sad pip is just a duck and his brain isn’t fully developed yet Lou I don’t appreciate you making fun of my brain it might not be developed but it’s super big uh yeah your brain is uh really really super big pip yeah I

Totally agree with you wait that sounds sarcastic um yeah it is I I’m sorry but pip you got to keep working on your build we don’t have long left I’m just adding a PC set up for JJ right now and I’m also making sure it’s nice and red

Look how cool this thing looks well I’m building Mikey’s bedroom right now it looks so beautiful wait you’re building the bedroom too you’re totally copying me we both of our bases are supposed to have beds in them so how is it copying I think I completely forgot we were

Supposed to have beds in the first place I built everything but a bed in this bedroom so you know what I’m going to build it right now I’ll just put some iron over here and I’ll add a ladder going up the side of this this wall

Right here and this is where JJ’s bed is going to be woo that’s awesome I think I’ll also add a vents as well just so he doesn’t fall off the edge while sleeping during the night and this is the best room I’ve ever seen what do you guys

Think would you live in this bedroom if you could but there we go since we’ve completed the room it’s time to build some more things and I think right here I will add a bathroom so let’s go ahead and just get rid of some of these

Windows go here and let’s add a room on the back this is where I will be able to take poops and peas and it’ll also make sure that I don’t have to make this Digger like a pooper like pip has I’ll add one of these doors with no windows

So that you can have a lot of privacy and I’ll also go ahead and add a sign saying toilet don’t come in if occupied this is just so that no one comes in whilst I’m taking a poop there we go now let’s go inside and add the toilet so

Let’s just type in toilet here into the creative menu and put one right here and oh I just realized there’s a massive window on the front so let’s go ahead and just replace this window with this right here this little wall will ensure that no one can see when you’re doing

Your business there we go now let’s just add a sink on this side right here just there and let’s add a mirror too this is just so that I can look at myself when I’m washing my hands I’m als also going to go ahead and add a shower in just

Like that so that I can go ahead and wash myself whatever I need so we have a toilet a shower and a sink that’s all you should need in the bathroom perfect now let’s go ahead and add some white Stained Glass to this area right here

And this is just so that I can have an extra layer of security to stop anything from getting inside this room I’m going to add this really cool keypad door and put a password on the inside that is 1 2 3 4 so that no nothing can get inside

Unless it knows the password and boom we now have a large hallway coming all the way to that bedroom over here so let’s go ahead and add some traps on the inside of my Digger to stop those zombies from getting in I think I’ll go

Ahead and add a laser wall this is just so that all the zombies when they walk through will take a ton of damage so I’m going to put some lasers going across this entire wall here and let’s go ahead and add the trip wires in so what I’m

Going to do is go ahead and add two walls on the side of this room right here just in front of the engine I’m going to put some trip wires on both of these walls right here like this and then connect them up with string and now

If I step on one of these trip wires it should activate the laser so if I walk across it just blasts me with lasers but the thing is if I want to get in I can be smart and walk around these trip wire hooks like this and I’ll take no damage

But those zombies will be too dumb to realize that and they’ll die now my Armory is complete this Armory right here should help me survive the zombie army let’s look at my weapons so first I have a bow with a bunch of arrows and then under that chest I have a

Swords and then over here we have my food because how am I going to survive a zombie army without any food and then last but not least we have some rotten flesh rotten flesh is super healthy for you but now that my Armory is complete I

Think it’s time to start working on some traps so I need to start on my favorite trap a la OT we’re going to dig a giant hole all around my Digger so we can put lava in it so when these zombies come to my Digger they fall right into the lava

And now my hole is Cy so let’s go ahead and get lava out of my creative inventory and just put lava all all around there’s no way these zombies are getting past this lava and into my Digger how are they going to get up this cool slime block but never mind that we

Need to add some more traps just in case so let’s go ahead and add my next favorite trap lasers so let’s go ahead and put lasers all around the lava so when these zombies step on the lasers they get absolutely burned I would never want to step on a

Laser guys have you ever stepped on a laser the more lasers the better let’s just run around my entire Digger and place lasers everywhere Lou’s traps are going to be way worse than this and now for the cherry on top now that my lava’s done and my lasers are done let’s go ahead

And hire security guards so let’s go ahead and get a snow block and a pumpkin do you guys know what we’re about to do that’s right we’re going to make snowman security Prett guards these snowmen are going to scare away the zombies just look at their faces they’re so scary and

If I put a pumpkin on My Head look how scary I am and I can’t even see so let me take this off and make some more pumpkins and make some more snowmen oh we should even make some Snowmen at Lou’s Bas just to prank him where is Lou

Maybe he’s at the toilet or something so let’s go ahead and make a bunch of snowmen right under his face to ruin his digger because Lou hates snowmen well I love them the more snowmen the better and I might even prank him some more by putting some snowmen on top of his

Digger oh it’s going to be so hard for Lou to get rid of all these snowmen and when the snowmen walk around they put snow on the ground so give it a few minutes and the snowmen are going to walk over all of his digger and put snow

All over it but I think that’s enough pranking Lou he’s going to come back and be so scared of the Snowman he gets scared so easily but I think I should add a few more things to my engine room like some TVs but not just any TVs super

Duper futuristic screens my Digger is going to look so futuristic and my Digger is looking awesome now it’s time to make the scooper poop but now that trip w a trap is complete let’s go see what Pips up to um pip are you busy right now oh Lou I just

Finished all of my traps come look at them W these are really cool looking you’ve got what is this a lava trap going around and some lasers yep Lou I put lasers all around my Digger the more lasers the better I mean I guess that’s pretty cool that’s going to kill K all

Of the zombies right yep and look around I even heard a bunch of super scary security guards I don’t really think that’s true why is this guy so uh not scary looking oh well I thought they would be great security guards so I even put them on your digger I thought you’d

Love them what oh wait why did you troll me I didn’t troll you L I’m helping you um no you’re not look at this this is the guy you’ve hired to be in my base look how silly he looks how did you take his head off Lou You’re a

Murderer no I didn’t murder him he’s fine look he just looks a bit silly now oh Lou I want to do that with your head come on let me take off get away oh pip you should know better not to chase me and try and cut my head off but anyways

I need to add some more traps so what I’m going to go ahead and do is add a lava trap on the outside not because I’m copying you pit but because I really really need one after all those zombies might get through and kill me and I’ll

Make this really really long like this so if any of the zombies want to get here they’ll have to walk around like this or they could risk dying and do a boat clutch and if you guys don’t know what a boat clutch is let me show you if

I get one of these boats and jump across the lava I can put a boat right there before it disappears and if I throw them down whil it’s jumping across I can jump jump over The Lava with the boats it’s very difficult though boom and a but as

You can see we can get across that lava with those boats and if the zombies decide not to use the boats then they’ll have to go around this side right here where I’m going to add some really cool traps look at this if I grab these things called Redstone fans and place

Them down like this they aren’t moving at the moment but if I get a lever I can turn them on and off and they blow blow things really far away look it blew me all the way back here into the lava so essentially what I’m going to do is get

Some red stone and I’m going to get a redstone link this is like Wireless Redstone or like Bluetooth and what I’m going to do is put a redstone dust in there and then s it to receiving mode and I’ll do the exact same thing all the

Way on the other side just over here you’ll see why this is so cool in just a moment guys I’ll play some more Redstone fans another one of these Redstone links with a redstone dust inside on receiving mode and now watch this if I’m all the

Way up here on my control panel and I noticed some zombies over there or over there I could just press a lever that is connected to this Redstone link like this and I’ll turn the fans on from all the way back here it’s foolproof this way those zombies will not be able to

Get around and just to make sure they don’t I’m going to set the area Behind These fans as well to Lava so nothing can get around unless they go through those gaps this is perfect my Digger is extremely secure right now but now that I’ve got that trap I need to make sure

That no zombies will be able to get even next to the Trap so I’m going to go ahead and get some spikes these will make sure that the zombies can’t get anywhere over here unless they walk through and take some damage first this way they’ll be easier to kill if they

Get next to my my base let’s just put a bunch of spikes down like this and boom we are done we have spikes on both sides that will stop those zombies but now I want one more trap and I think I’ll add a dispenser trap I’m going to make a

Massive wall of dispensers like this and I’m going to fill them full of fire charges this means if any zombies get nearby I will be able to absolutely blast them with fire like a flamethrower I just have to be care not to turn this machine on just yet because Mikey and

JJ’s families are right there and I do not want to burn them so let’s just build this trap but not activate it until Mikey and JJ are inside let’s just build all the way over here this is a very long flamethrower trap but now all I need is a redstone repeater and some

Redstone Dust let’s go ahead and add those in now I’ll put some Redstone Dust going all the way down these dispensers like this and then once again I’ll add another Redstone link let’s put this one right up here I’m going to put this Redstone link right here with a lever on

The side and I’ll put a fire charge in it so I know it’s the flamethrower trap now let’s put a redstone link here with another one of these and set it to receiving mode now let’s just put a bunch of redstone repeaters going all the way down this machine right here and

This should work when I turn it on let’s see what happens guys look if I click this lever it should shoot a bunch of fire charges hopefully Mikey and JJ forgive me if it hits them and wa let’s just Spam this machine and look at that

Oh no oh no I hit JJ’s mom and JJ’s little brother um okay they fine it’s fine oh my gosh Lou what is all this fire doing oh I was just testing out my flamethrower trap it just got a little bit too um crazy flamethrower Lou you

Nearly burned JJ and Mikey’s family I’m sorry I didn’t mean it look to make up for it let me just use an admin command that gets rid of all the fire how about that oh we why don’t you get rid of this flamethrower too what no I needed to

Keep those zombies away from this base but when you’re trying to kill the Zombies why don’t you try to not hit Mike and JJ’s family um I’m just a little dumb that’s all it is PIP but I’m not as dumb as you look at your Digger what’s wrong with my Digger Lou well

First of all pip it’s made out of dirt it’ll just wash away in the rain oh Lou I’m one step ahead of you if you look I also made my figure out of reinforced dirt and granite well I guess the granites would do really well and the

Reinforc dirt but the majority of this is made out of dirt and I’m pretty sure diggers are supposed to pick up dirt not be made out of it oh well Lou you kind of have a point there but it’s too late to change it now Lou just watch my

Pooper scooper poo E I don’t want to look at that oh Lou you’re just jealous your Digger doesn’t have a pooper scooper you know what I’m not jealous at all this is the worst Noob base I’ve ever seen well at least my face isn’t made out of Skittles what it’s not made

Out of Skittles it’s made out of rainbows which is I would say way stronger than diamonds wait how is it stronger than diamonds well pip the reason it’s stronger than diamonds is because rainbows only come out like twice a year and also at the end of them is a really crazy pot of

Gold and leprechauns I want the pot of gold yeah um pip there is no pot of gold in my base I just managed to harest the power of rainbows into my Digger oh you lied to me oh luckily the Snowman put snow all around your Digger e get that

Off no I don’t want my Digger to be cold on the inside I want it to be nice and warm I hope it’s so warm that it blows up um pip it’ll never blow up look my engine is very very very safe it has a

Ton of fans on it so it’s not going to go k Bloom anytime soon oh Lou I feel like it’s missing something really important wait pip what are you doing what are you doing no get those chickens out of here that’s dangerous Lou I’m just just helping you I’m making the

Engine powered by chicken poop oh this stuck is wait this chicken poop is going to blow my engine pip and got in the [Applause] engine wait how did it do that well your Ducks were too busy pooping inside the engine and it messed everything up oh no

Lou my duck family doesn’t do that your engine must have been built poorly it wasn’t built poly I built it just fine even the viewers could tell you that pip let me just build this thing oh my gosh well Lou if you had Ducks from the start

Maybe it wouldn’t have blown up no it would have blown up 20 times faster if it had ducks in it already now I have to rebuild my entire motor thanks a lot pip oh you’re welcome what no I meant that in a bad way not a oh my gosh you know

What I’m not even going to try I just fixed my engine again well Lou your base is really sucky your engine blows up your flamethrower back out kills JJ and Mikey what no it doesn’t and there’s not even a pooper scooper on it but I don’t

Need a pooper scooper your base is um very very bad now it has that on it oh Lou I put the least expected thing on my Digger those zombies aren’t expecting poop yeah they aren’t expecting poop but it won’t hurt them or do anything to them oh well poop is really smelly so

Maybe they’ll smell the poop and run away yeah uh hopefully but pip I just realized I don’t have an Armory on there I need to put some armor in right now oh luckily I already have an armor you Lou I have the best armor in the game weather

Armor wait weather armor what do you mean weather armor yeah you told me weather armor was the best armor in the game pip I swear if you put leather armor in there um no no I didn’t no I didn’t oh my God pip there is leather

Armor inside of your base I didn’t say leather I said nether like this like netherite armor like this one right here well isn’t it basically like the same thing no it’s not leather armor is so weak and netherite armor is really strong did you know it’s so strong that

You take less knockback from mobs well if this armor is super good and this armor is super bad why did they name it the same thing no that’s leather armor and this is nether right armor because it’s right to wear it so is this leather wrong armor

Yeah that’s leather wrong armor and you should not wear it pip oh well I think I’m still going to wear it because it looks super good oh fine well I’ll leave this netherite armor inside your base if you ever need it let me go and work on

My Armory I still haven’t built it I’m going to put a ton of netherite armor right at the end over here so I can put it on where whatever I want and then I can go ahead and place some chests in the middle this is where my weapons are

Going to go I think for my first weapon I’ll have these dragon bone bows and dragon bone arrows if you guys didn’t know these bows are really strong they can kill a mob in one shot but now I’m going to put a flaming dragon bone sword

Inside of this chest this is literally a sword that is on fire so it can burn any enemies I hit like this little duck hair and now in this last chest I’m going to put some food to keep myself alive I’m going to need some golden apples these

Will definitely make sure I don’t die but I would say that’s a pretty good Armory that will keep me protected from all of these zombies but there we go we have a bunch of armor right here and wait a second pip um have you seen the

Time what time is it Lou it’s night time look the Sun is going down and the Moon is coming up oh no this is terrible Lou we need to get Mikey and JJ’s family inside ASAP yeah come on guys we need to go all right there we go JJ JJ’s mom and

His little brother are inside of my base we should be very much secure now pip is Mikey’s family in there as well yep Lou Mikey Mikey’s sister and Mikey’s little brother are safe with me all right perfect let’s get our armor on now because we need to prepare for the

Oncoming battle so I’ll just take this netherite armor off of this armor stand and I’m going to put it on get some golden apples this flaming sword and a dragon bone bow with some arrows yep Lou and I’m going to use my leather armor and I’m going to throw away this trash

Netherite armor into the lava wait what don’t throw it away and you can’t put it in lava by the way it doesn’t burn in lava oh why isn’t it burning sorry pip but wait a second pip I’m in surviv mode same does that mean what I think it

Means I think it does I hope these zombies AR outside let’s just go down this ladder and oh my gosh the zombies are hipip there’s so many look how many zombies there are here hopefully I can shoot a few of them and we won’t have to

Deal with as many and wa there’s so many of them this is bad oh luckily they don’t know how to get past the lava and they don’t know how to use my slime block entrance yeah they don’t know how to get past my lava but if I move a tiny

Bit to the side they’ll just walk all the way around oh no look oh no those baby zombies can get through very easily let me jump up my slime trap go pH all right let’s turn on those fans so that no zombies can get past there let’s see

What they do they walk through there and then they get blown into the lava perfect but where are those baby zombies I saw them down there I think look they’re trying to use my slime block but no I’m not letting you on and W pip I’m

Looking at your base and your traps are actually doing somewhat okay yep Lou I can’t believe I came up with all these traps by myself including my entrance yeah you are pretty good at building traps recently but are you as good at dodging a whole Flamethrower wait Lou your flamethrower is kind of helping me all the zombies are burnning burning yep and the best part is it leaves a bunch of fire on the grass around which burns all the zombies if they’re not careful and walk over them look I’m going to shoot a ton more

Fire charges watch out pip some of them might hit you and try not to aim for me I can’t aim this thing it’s a bunch of dispensers that shoot the fire charges I don’t do it well Lou there’s so much fire here these zombies are dying like

Crazy yep that’s right pip these zombies stand no chance against my op traps but wait a second where did all the fire just go it disappeared it seems like the zombies put it out are you kidding me oh how did they do that I don’t know but it

Seems like the zombies are getting stronger Lou what are those wait what are you talking about wa a bunch of mutant zombies just spawned pip we have to be careful there’s so many of them oh they can hit me from Super far away wo and but it seems like they’re spawning

Zombies in to fight me hopefully they can’t get over my lava pit please don’t do it wait it seems like that’s swimming through the lava are you kidding me they could do that no I need to use my flamethrower come on do something wait they’re immune to the fire are you

Kidding me oh this is super bad ow and they can hit me I don’t know how they can do that they’re managing to hit me from all the way across the lava pool this is insane but it seems like some of them are dying in the lava which is very

Very good we have to be careful now pip it seems like the Zombie Army is getting stronger and stronger as the night goes we do not want to get caught in the middle of this ohy I’m going to go on my roof and shoot the zombies from the top

Of my Digger all right go ahead pip I’ll just keep fighting off these zombies inside of my lava pool and this is really really dangerous um pip are you okay over there it seems like all of those mutant zombies were just underneath your base oh I think they’re

Starting to break in are you kidding me oh be careful pip we don’t have very long left it seems all these zombies are going to destroy us if we’re not careful I’m going to use my flamethrower to help you take this oh my gosh this is really really

Bad the more mutant zombies that spawn in the less chance we’ll have of surviving Lou I think I need your help come over here oh my gosh there’s so many mutant zombies over over there don’t worry pip I’ve got this I didn’t show any of you guys this but I have one

Of the most OP weapons in Minecraft and I’m going to use it in this chest right here I stored away some dark mattera guns which are really strong and I’m going to use these against those mutant zombies let’s do this all right pip I’m coming to help you let me just climb

Down my ladders and get over there quick Lou they’re coming I’m on my way um all right I’m going to eat a golden apple so that I have fire resistance and I can swim through this lava now I have to kill these zombies to get through take

This Lou stop killing the zombies on your side and kill the Zombies on my side all right pip I’ll try my best take this mutant zombie all right I killed one of them and it seems like there’s a lot more zombies to kill oh my gosh let’s kill this mutant zombie right here

And this one and wo it’s seems like I can kill them very fast these machine guns are extremely strong boom Lou you’re fighting over there but the mutant zombies are over here all right pip I’m coming to help take this don’t worry pip I’m here to help you my

Machine gun is so powerful that it’s definitely going to help you stay alive these mutant zombies are dying really quickly come on oh you might need to get into my base right now we need to get Mikey’s family to safy all right pip I’m on my way I’m running

Through the middle of all these mutant zombies and I’m going to get up right now Bo oh no I missed what come on I’m trying I’m trying wo I’m in I’m in oh now that you’re here let’s get Mikey’s family to safety right now all right

Let’s bring Mikey all the way to my base here we go where is he there he is come on Mikey we got to go all righted pip we made it it was really difficult but we got Nike’s family inside of my Digger they’re all safe now all right how about

This this zombie apocalypse is getting really crazy let’s just get out of here let’s drive away oh you’re right Lou where’s your engine room well follow me let’s go through here and then let’s climb up this Ladder into my engine room and wo look how cool this looks this is

So cool I know it is so how about this pip let’s get onto our suits and let’s let drive away let’s get out of here let’s get out of here oh Lou we’ve been driving for ages are we there yet um I don’t know pip we’ve been driving for a

While and wait a second we’ve been driving for so long that the sun came up look the sun oh I miss seeing the sun wait a second look around us there’s no zombies and your excavator’s gone we drove so far away oh your excavator is

So op thank you very much p but let’s make sure that JJ and Mikey’s families are okay if they are then we successfully survived the Zombie Army and oh my gosh they’re just fine no way Lou we survived the zombie invasion but if you guys enjoyed this

Video then make sure to like subscribe and click the next video on your screen pip put your butt away let’s go let’s go

Mikey vs JJ DIRT vs RAINBOW DIGGERS in Minecraft – NOOB vs PRO
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