I Obtained THE MACE in Minecraft Hardcore

Thank you to Opera GX for sponsoring this video most browsers are pretty plain and boring well this is where GX mods comes in because yes you can mod your browser with Opera GX there’s hundreds of different ones to choose from you can turn your browser into an

Actual aquarium and if for some reason you want your browser to have my voice this an sp737 one listen to this welcome back you can also customize the keyboard sounds just check out this I put a Sonic one on Isn’t that cool plus if you want to listen to music whilst using your

Browser you can do that as well look at that it’s relaxing in Minecraft music and on the mods menu on the left you can customize absolutely everything can you get any better well actually it can you see Opera GX is now built in with generative AI you can literally ask

Your browser anything such as is s sp737 famous no the AI said no no I’m just kidding it actually says s sp737 is indeed famous and that’s why we love Opera GX and if you have the accounts for it you can talk to chat GPT and also

Chat Sonic and if you have any questions you can literally go to this link right here here look at all these questions that they can answer for you and do you ever have a problem with browsers making your computer lag well if you’re not using Opera’s feature called GX control

Then the inside of your computer looks something like this yeah not very good at all so if you just go up to GX control in the top left then you can limit the amount of ram that your browser uses and the amount of CPU too

And if you want to import all of your old stuff from chrome into Opera that’s that’s super fast just press the settings gear import bookmarks and settings and then you can just import everything so yeah oper GX is a very awesome browser so much more interesting

Than all the other ones and you can download it super fast using the link at the top of the description the 1.21 update will add the mace to Minecraft it’s a weapon that lets you deal infinite damage one-shotting every mob and and even a protection for netherite

Player but it doesn’t come out for 3 months and I don’t want to wait that long so I downloaded the latest snapshot and loaded my hardcore World up and got this message yeah that’s a bit scary so instead I downloaded the copy of the world that I uploaded to patreon which

You can download too Link in the description and then I loaded up the snapshot now because this is a copy anything that happens is not Cannon and I will delete the world at the end of this video so we can remove the day counter and it doesn’t matter if I die

So I redownloaded my world from patreon and began my quest to get the mace in my hardcore world and whilst I’m in this update there’s one item that I’m more excited about than any other the autoc crafter because it will allow me to make hundreds of new Farms so to make it we

Just need to grab a few planks it looks like it also uses a dispenser couple of pieces the Redstone and five iron yeah this this thing isn’t cheap but considering how powerful it is I’m not okay I got the wrong thing never mind it’s not a dispenser with its mouth wide

Open it’s a a smiling little dropper right let’s get one of them and the Moment of Truth okay what Why didn’t it work I have no idea it was definitely the correct recipe turns out I hadn’t enabled the snapshot features correctly but now I fixed it so I can get the auto

Crafter and if I grab a few Redstone components and also craft another crafter I can do something very very cool and very exciting you see right here we have the gold farm and and crafting nuggets is an absolute pain as you could guess but if I build something

Like this and have it going into another autoc crafter and I can build something like this where the ingots are constantly getting crafted and uh crafted back into nuggets stop you’re not you’re not meant to do that I just have to make the delay slightly longer

And then no I should probably put a block here there we go and it goes into the chest so yeah now we have a gold block Farm you get the but but this is not why you clicked on this video no we must get back to business and obtain the

Mace which is crafted with a heavy core and a breeze Rod to get both of these I need a trial Chambers and thankfully there is an easy way to find them I just need to enslave a cartographer to give me a map no no I I meant befriend not

Not slave guys stop talking about me it was a joke okay it was just a harmless joke yeah they hate me anyway let’s go and get a cartography table here we go you look like an intelligent man to me and you see all these Emerald okay he’s

Not listening what about you you look intelligent as well oh no I’ve already traded with you okay for some reason his trades are broken let’s see what else I got in my under chest yeah booket of lava this is what happens with broken trades mate yep that’s the consequence

Now for a new budding young go-getter that’s more like it and after a bit more trading we unlock the the Woodland Explorer map useless absolutely useless as I was saying after a bit more trading we get the trial Chambers map this guy obviously wanted to live but you know

What I’m I’m going to laugh him anyway just kidding okay I didn’t I didn’t stop it time but anyway with this map we can find exactly what we’re looking for it’s somewhere Northwest in this direction probably a long long way and whilst I’m flying over there let me tell you that

There is a lot of secret features in the new Minecraft update and there’s also a secret YouTube feature that you might not know about you see I want you to look at the button underneath the video right now that begins with s and if I say the magic word which is subscribe

You should get a really cool rainbow effect and then if you go ahead and actually press the Subscribe button you’ll get fireworks isn’t that awesome same thing with the like button as well and according to the map we’re getting closer to the trial Chambers yep it is

Right about here so I’m going to swim downwards and begin digging I’m in I found it oh this is it I’m also going to get out my chest plate and my sword and I would bring my bow but because that stupid villag I forgot it never mind we’ll be all right I have

Been to a trial Chambers in Easy Mode before but never in hardcore so it’s probably a dangerous place and remember the main goal is to find the mace and the breeze rod that’s kind of important as well there’s traps all around there’s spawners Galore so I’m going to grab a

Little bit more food chck away all this junk and then I’m going in let’s do this okay first thing on the menu oh this is a loot one oh this is this is where you can get the maze from okay never mind we’ve been shot poisoned Breeze you name

It oh these are the new bugs they are yeah the bugs are a new mob in the game usually only found in swamps but obviously found it how fast is this guy by the way can I get him there we go did we get a breeze Rod we got six Breeze

Rods oh he looting three yes that’s just great and what you you have to do is you have to take out all of the mobs from a spawner once you do that I believe you get a key also I hate that I can’t get up here why don’t I just break block

That that would be normal wouldn’t it there we go did you just see the key pop out and we got some loot from here as well an end pear nice and and all the arrows oh we can use a key on this let’s do it so lock and key it gives a new

Armor Tri oh no you know what that means they’ve added two new armor trims that means I’ve got to add another 180 armor sets to my armor trim collection why does moang have to do this to me also we need a key to unlock this one we only

Got one from there so I’ll be back there’s also loot hiding in the pots lapis if if we cared about that emeralds might be useful and I’ve got the wind charges look how good I am at Minecraft guys wasn’t that exciting was it but yes

You can use them to boost you oh blocks of emerald nice and I’m now going to try and find some more spawners there we go we’ve got some all righty BG boys bring it on I’m going to be honest I think I am too good at this game too to have to

Worry about it really and you get glowberries how terrible is that thanks Minecraft we don’t care I think they just added glowberries to the game and nobody was interested and now they’re just like let’s make the loot so people have to eat it well Jeb let me tell you

It won’t work I’ll just laugh them there’s also Barrels around by the way hanging signs another feature we just don’t use that often do we so if they make it a loot maybe we’ll actually use okay we’ve got some mobs over here dodged in Arrow didn’t dodge that one

It’s actually crazy cuz these guys do poison you with their arrows which makes them kind of dangerous see this is where it could get a little bit dicey when you’ve got 17,000 mobs around you and they spawn with armor that’s amazing I think this actually spawned and gave me

Some glowberries okay I can’t I can’t avoid them Minecraft you win it’s the the keys that I want though if I can get keys I’ll be very very happy nope I just get glowberries actually I’m kind of low as well down to four Hearts I’m going to

Be honest I think I am too good at this game to to have to worry about it really feel like a vandal just going around smashing everything but it’s got to be done this spawner was a bit better dropped me some emeralds and this one dropped me a potato the smoke effects

Actually look quite good with it don’t they anyway I’m not interested all I care about now is getting keys there we go we got one fantastic and we can use it to unlock this now remember one in 50 of these will drop the heavy core come

On game be kind to me no I got I got a a breeze thing oh we got other stuff as well all right that’s cool maybe it’s more common than one50 cuz you have a 2% chance so the oddside is all of a sudden not looking so bad there’s another key

In here and look how cool this room is it oh you think the floor’s safe think again guys it’s powdered snow however will I escape oh I can just break a block and get out sometimes I do Wonder guys is is Minecraft too easy or is it

Is it just me let’s use a key on this so that I can get even more glowberries we got a banner pattern okay that’s a new and a crossb I mean it’s not terrible but room for improvement kind of like how you describe my YouTube channel all righty another massive room get your

Swords ready the breeze are coming out in full float yeah that’s right Breeze yourself upwards you know what here’s one for you guys defeating that guy was an absolute Breeze okay okay he’s back obviously doesn’t like me making a joke out of his name does he all right let’s

Get rid of you then let’s deal with the bugs you guys don’t belong here you need to clean up your act honestly these jokes just write themselves guys oh golden carrots nice that’s more like it especially wait are you guys all dying oh you’re on the M hey why beat the

Trial Chambers when they’ll beat themselves and this time we got an ender pearl I also want to make sure I grab these carrots you just never know when you might run out of food if I get a key that could be activated oh a little bedroom here four beds for four friends

Shame I I have no friends and I’m I’m all on my own but I’m not on my own am I cuz I’ve still got you guys oh no they’re all dead as well anyway we seem to have completely cleared out that trial Chambers so I’m going to go out

And find another one well guys I know I’m lonely but at least I’m not as lonely as that grass block that guy definitely has no friends and yes insulting blocks in a block game is is what my life has become now could it be guys that I have found a friend find no

Okay he’s all right you need to keep your strength up young man careful but yeah I’ve decided that defeating the trial Chambers is is just too easy so now the goal is to keep little Pho here alive in the TR Chambers as well wait is

He going to do this he’s going to die before he’s even finished at this rate yeah that’s right we’re calling him Pho if I can keep him alive in the tril chambers then I’ve had a successful Mission and I’ve discovered a village a village that’s just just just full of

Babies excuse me can you take me to your leader nope you’re just going to bounce on the bed I can see a cartography table I have no idea how he gets to his front door do we have to like fly across this Chasm oh never mind you just walk across

The tree yeah that that seems intuitive and finally a good upstanding citizen wearing a hat you sir are going to become a cartographer there we go now you can see me let’s trade with him and then we can get another trial Chambers map all right see you later good sir I’m

Also going to steal your livelihood cuz you kind of need that job site block but I reckon I’ll need it even more we’re very very close in fact we’re right above it and Foo is is refusing to come down excuse me you know you’re part of this adventure as well don’t look like

You don’t know what you’re doing he needs to get himself down here I’m not doing this all by myself okay I’m in fantastic I’m dogas but I’m in and here he is all right Foo do you love me yes or no okay I’m taking

That as a yes in that case we’re a dream team that can’t lose oh my good I should have given him some armor oh where is he what are you doing in there get out of there oh this is he’s he’s going to die I’m telling you now I’ve got to use a

I’m going to end up hitting him by mistake right Pho that’s it wait this is actually working guys I’m dying but it’s working I’m not joking you dogs are actually op in this update like I don’t have to do anything he’s just doing the work for me that’s right Foo get him

Don’t take any prisoners ah he’s even got me a key fantastic maybe dogs were made face wait are you telling me something boy what is it what’s in here it’s going to be glowberries oh nice wait is this will this work on you nope apparently it didn’t I’m telling you now

Bring a dog to the trail Chambers you’ll have so much more fun also am I going to be able to get this guy or come myg get him where are you Foo go on finish him he’s running away and he’s being defeated but there’s another one well thankfully they’re they’re very easy and

We got potato we don’t care about potatoes do we and glowberries you know what the potatoes all of a sudden don’t seem so bad feel like magma is going to be the thing that kills him just just stay away from there buddy and instead let’s tackle this big room starting with

The Strays a little bit dangerous and my dog is apparently not here with me he better not be dead what are you doing over there do you need a bridge here you go come across and help me oh no I already did it by myself and from this

This we are going to get arrows arrows a book a mending book though you know what that’s actually quite good and now to get rid wait my dog took damage I heard that okay we yeah we got rid of the stupid Breeze you be careful I knew I

Was good at Minecraft but if I can get my dog out of here alive it’ll be my greatest achievement okay we got another key no no dog oh I knew this was going to happen you be careful I mean few things scare me but if you if you die I

Will never forgive myself cuz I brought you here also pretty sure these new world in this why have I got the generic one why why didn’t I get a cool new wolf anyway let’s see what this gets me please be a heavy core no just just a

Honey bow and and some arrows also I’m going to get rid of any magma cuz I am not having that happen again I would say out of all the rooms this is probably the most dangerous although there does seem to be some secret one up here so

Let’s let’s deal with this one first all the mobs spawn above you you have to like work your way up oh and they’ve mob trapped me oh rolls revers really no you’re wrong okay cuz I’m I’ve got a brain unlike you guys okay the other one

Should yeah that’s it you deal with him oh and then they go even higher above oh this is amazing it’s like a a tear thing can I crouch through yeah you can all right fantastic oh and then they go even higher oh this is the coolest room I’ve

Ever seen I take everything back there’s a lot of creativity at Minecraft I know they’re all shooting each other which is painless but in my opinion this room is awesome that’s it boy you you get them they shot him stop it keep him alive imagine if they actually make this place

More challenging it would be quite fun cuz at the moment in my opinion it is still a little bit easy but then again not everybody’s got a man’s best friend with them to really even the playing field oh we got another of the armor trims Flo we got Bolt and Flo well that

Was certainly a cool room probably the most impressive one yet and now we’re going to go to the room I like to call the pho kill look at me he’s running away yeah you know what you stay there buddy no we have to involve you in the

Battle don’t we let’s get him take no prisoners Diamonds oh wow okay so you can find diamonds here most going to be a vandal and just break all of your bases yeah that’s going to annoy you but it has to be done whoa will you stop jumping I’m like

A mother my ears are finally tuned to Foo taking damage aren’t they four pearls in one chest wow you know the loot here is pretty crazy you know when there’s that moment where I haven’t seen my dog in a little while and I just start to get a little worried nope he’s

Fine nothing could kill him also you can get diamonds in these VES how cool is that oh it’s another of these rooms okay perfect I think I accidentally made him sit look I’m just getting attacked he’s just watching like oh I don’t care it’s

Be fine come on boy at least help me out you know it’s kind of cool who’s hurting my dog stop it but yeah it’s kind of cool how these guys can like jump up in the air as well and spring around like look at him look at him go it won’t be

Enough to survive but it’s it’s still kind of cool got a golden apple still no heavy call though and there was nothing more to see so let’s get out of here and scam another villager the map leads to this very spot and I think it’ be a good

Idea if I make a nice little platform so that my dog doesn’t drown when he teleports I was worried that he wasn’t going to teleport then this is trial Chambers number three this time containing loads of slimes no way there a spawner that specifically spawns these guys that must be the most annoying

Thing ever like having a family of seven children you just can’t get any peace and then there’s a dog just just constantly saving the day a not Chapel okay that’s awesome and a diamond axe how good was that I have a nether ax so I’m not going to get too excited but

Very very cool nonetheless another not chle oh this is fantastic it’s like back to back seem to have found a bit of a secret tunnel here and it leads to the slimes the heavy core it’s inside there it’s not necessarily inside this one but I saw it in the turning thing well at

Least I know it exists it’s just very very rare and so there was no heavy core in the third trial Chambers it’s happened finally finally I’ve got it at the four trial Chambers I thought this day would never come but yet we’ve got the heavy core and we with the breeze

Rods can craft the mace oh I can’t wait to test this out it’s a shame I don’t think there’s really any mobs left around here now oh I was wrong there is one okay let’s get some High Ground prepare to meet your doom oh yes the

Power if I kind of ender pearl like this oh wow what a move and I’ve got wind charges so I can kind of jump and then slap if there’s anything so that’s also cool but I say we should dig out of here although why dig when you can swim now

Then glow squid how do you Faire against the okay well I missed like a bit of a pokine don’t I but anyway don’t miss the squid it’s literally the easiest mob in the world to Oh and it survive as a one tap obviously I need to be falling to

Make it work I can do something like this though yeah that’s right oh we got a we got an advancement for that nice and his friend literally didn’t care he just stood there and just just let it happen I’m going to try it again so we fly

Upwards then we go and unequip it and we okay you know don’t don’t do this don’t no no no no no no no no get out of here get out of it get him in the water yeah you’ve got to be careful that you don’t miss it otherwise you look like an

Idiot instead it is easier if you do something like that but yeah it kind of works for a two hit I should definitely add my totem back to the other hand is probably a good idea and I want to test this on some more powerful mobs guys on the way back I

Seem to have lost Pho this is a code red I can’t make him survive all the trial Chambers and then just lose him on the way home where’s he gone okay Crist is averted he’s found me but his health is not looking too good come on buddy there

You go here we are home sweet home and I’ve got my dog back with me I’ve name tagged him little Foo now now we really are attached AR we and part way through recording this Minecraft released a brand new snapshot for the mace it includes a lot of new features including

Enchantments for it that do more damage there’s even one where it lets your chain attacks on a player to do even more damage it’s it’s absolutely crazy and I really want to check it out but before that here’s my plan I’m going to use the mace to oneshot the Ender Dragon

The warden and the Wither then I will update the latest snapshot God upgrade the mace and they’ve added ominous spawners which is an even more dangerous trial chamber it’s going to be hardest to beat and considering how easy all the other ones were I’ve got to try it and

Because this is a copy of my world I don’t mind that the Ender Dragon is going to completely obliterate this end base cuz it’ll spawn in and create loads of obsidian pillars yep it’s it’s ruining everything all the blocks are breaking you know what I’m going to do

Then I’m going to break all the end crystals there we go that is mission accomplished now to wait for the dragon to perge here we go it’s coming down I’ll turn on hit boxes so that I I can’t miss it get the mace ready and then from

Here I need to fly directly upwards take off the elytra and I’m I’m only going to get one shot at this okay here we go here we go did I get it I missed guys I missed I know I looked like I was really bad guys but that that’s hard than it

Looks trust me okay we’re going in for round two and wait it’s frozen okay this time I can’t miss it I don’t actually know what the needed height is for this it’s a good job totems are a thing and because we’re in the end it’s really hard to see

Yes we got it it’s so so satisfying when you pull it off Lally just defeated the dragon with one hit and now for the other two bosses this could go very wrong but I’m going to start off with the Wither which is safely caged up well

This is an awkward time to get mining forti what what’s the big idea good you I stock plenty of milk but you know what this means you’re being put down I’m not even going to bother trying to ma Your Guardian I just can’t have you filing my

Plans also I’m going to die here oh my good sp sp dies in in hardcore as a great man once said not even close this one’s going to be extra hard cuz there’s bedrock in the way but I’ll give it my best shot this should be high enough we

Take off the elytra there’s no way you know what I’m popping a to if I pull this off I don’t even know which way I’m going to be facing no ier him no don’t die I’m so close to death pop a not chle not like

This now for take two we did it oh that was a tough one but we one shot it I couldn’t barely see it so it was very very precise and that leaves just one man left the warden I know he’s not technically a boss but he’s more

Interested than the guardian so I’ve dug him a nice little hole he’s trapped in there yes Mr angry man the water shoot is ready so all I have to do is dig down okay without him attacking me too much hello Mr Warden okay we’re out we survived somehow I’m poping the final

Not Apple let’s do this Warden bring it on what could possibly go wrong yes we got it how satis F in was that this mace really is insane but it can get crazier so let’s go ahead and update my world even further to the next snapshot that

Is successfully now done and as you can see if I go ahead and do this we can oh we can get density wind burst and Unbreaking 3 this is actually very very powerful according to minecraft.net windurst is only findable in ominous vaults and I just got it from the

Enchant table I’m I’m guessing it’s a bug kind of lucky for me cuz I don’t have a mess about and I’m going to be evil and test it out on these guys if I go like okay so if I hit a mob it bounces me up okay I’m sorry I didn’t mean to

Really do that but yeah if I go like this yeah it it knocks me up a little bit and I wonder if you do it from even higher up it knocks you further up let’s Okay well I how did I just hit through the Sheep take two for some reason I I

Took damage and did the damage I don’t know what happened there let me try on the cows instead yeah okay we might do like a double one there sorry about this pig it’s all in the name of science okay that was kind of cool oh it it launched

Him in the air so yeah You’ got to jump hit and then hit aha I’ve got it jump hit and hit jump hit hit okay that is cool that is how you chain them together and this is only with wind Burst 2 if I grab a leaping pot and use it on mobs

Look how crazy it gets you go way higher it’s a very very cool thing to experiment with isn’t it and it’s just so powerful look at that they don’t stand a chance guys I’m sorry look um okay you’ve got a family I won’t I won’t hurt a family don’t you worry that’s it

I’m out of it stop opening the door who do you think you are that’s it you ain’t coming home tonight and you’ll stay oh you want to come outside as well well don’t Jimmy I I don’t know how to tell you this but um they weren’t your real

Parents go go and find some new ones and I have realized something kind of crazy about this update because they just added the ominous vaults in the trail Chambers the way you get battman has changed which means raid Farms are now kind of no longer a thing or they’re

Going to change completely for example I have some raid captains here as you can see now if I take one of them out look what we got now it’s some sort of creepy looking bottle let’s take them all out let’s get let’s get a few of these yeah

I’ve got three of them stacked up so you must drink this to start a raid which means now you probably have to make an ominous bottle farm and then keep drinking them whilst it’s some sort of raid Farm like this but yeah every raid Farm in my world will now be broken in

The new update but check this out over here I have a hero of the Village Farm and this is also a Pillager farm at the bottom now I don’t actually want the Golem here I’m going to have to this could be amazing here we go ladies

And gentlemen I’m going to run jump go on smack me in the air dare you that’s right okay this is not working out as well as I thought it would I’m just going to fly up a little bit then come down and take down I did still take

Damage though but I did all the damage so maybe it’s not all negated like before which would be interesting if you still now take fall damage when using it you just don’t take as much as you normally would but anyway as I said this really is an ominous bottle Farm

Pillagers should be spawning below and heading on up yep and then I can take them out there we go we’ve got one let’s get him and it’s dropped it so yeah this this does work as a farm fantastic and there are some really fast Pillager Outpost Farms

Out there so I can’t wait to see how that all goes also you might have noticed that loads of mobs are spawning around my world why isn’t my mob switch working well they’ve also updated it so that the size of the spawn chunks are smaller and what that means is that my

Shulker mob switch is now outside of the spawn chunks so they’re not counting towards the mob cap and they’re not stopping all the other mobs from spawning and to finish I want to go and take on an ominous Vault because that is a way to get really really good loot

Much more easily it’s just that the battle itself is a bit more dangerous so little Foo you stay home where it’s safe okay you’re not coming and now to buy a brand new map and head on into another trial Chambers I found it I’m in I’m going to put the chest plate on

Apparently I forgot the Sher box again with the bow and arrow in it don’t know why but this is meant to be a bit harder I’m going to drink this flung around this is what I’m talking about this is what the mace was designed for to be able to battle mobs and the

Fact that you can use it to boost yourself helps so much as well small the double hit is amazing cuz that’s that way you can kind of jump up hit it once and then hit his friend or hit him twice very very powerful indeed although I’ll

Be honest so far I haven’t found it any more challenging hopefully that changes I’d love to be proven wrong what if I drink another of these will this will this like increase the effect or something oh it just increases the length of the entire effect okay also

The mace is so fun to B Mobs with it really is like look at that I just used that to boost myself upwards we got another normal key where’s the where’s the the ominous keys and apparently the ominous volts are really rare to find you know guys either I’m too good at

Minecraft or I’m doing something wrong because this is not much more of a challenge in my opinion although it seems to be working as intended to G to the wiki the only difference is that the mobs in these spawners will be wearing armor also I think they’ve made this

Room a bit more secret and that makes me think that maybe it’s one of the better trial oh it is I think or is it nope it it’s not it’s just a normal trial key I mean these guys don’t even wear armor I mean in my opinion this is still far too

Easy like if you could have a way to make the trial Chambers harder at least make it hard you know do something like make it spawn wardens and evokers and vexes and and ravages and all the powerful mobs piglin brutes that that work in the Overworld like if you drink

One of these bottles you’re doing it because you want a challenge so Minecraft should make it a proper challenge the reason the warden was so cool was because it was so deadly and dangerous to everyone and I think they should recreate that if somebody takes on an ominous trial oh just found some

Diamonds nice and even more and some over there I can see about seven one vein over here another above me more across here what’s going on although I don’t know why I’m collecting them cuz as I said this this video is not Cannon and I’m going to be deleting this

Version of the world after the video anyway although that does mean one very sad thing because poor Foo is going to be lost forever he is not Cannon to the series I’m sorry boy here’s one last pork chob and it is goodbye Forever Goodbye old friend I’ll never forget you you know what wait it doesn’t have to be like this I will upload the world from this video to my patreon so at least Lil Foo will live on forever and you guys can go see him if you want thank you so much

For watching let me know what you think of the new update and click this video here if you’d like to see me collect Minecraft’s rarest ever blocks

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In this Minecraft video I play the latest Minecraft 1.21 Snapshot and obtain the Mace. I also visit the trial chambers, and test out the new Auto Crafter. Here are all the things I accomplished, and all the adventures that I had.

More 100 Days Episodes: https://youtube.com/playlist?list=PLWJikipm2MTbf7lS_Ncd7W-Y88KOSKAof

0:00 Opera GX Sponsorship
1:35 Updating my World
5:10 Trial Chambers
15:20 Getting the Mace


  1. 1 hour ticket here! Sb the Goat also sb ban the mace for forf so you cant one shot or use the mace on someone for fun! Anyways like this so sn can see it i swear i dont like like beggers so dont think im doing that and also like this sb so i now you saw this

  2. bro u can just use elytra to hit anyone like not droping from above u can also use elytra to attack from the side to give same damage as if u were falling from above its easy efficient and thats it plz do it plzzzzzzzzzzz

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