ASMR ✨ Lets Play the Stardew Valley 1.6 Update! | ep. 1

Hello hello everybody and welcome welcome welcome welcome welcome welcome to my channel my name is Ali or Kitty Kitt Kitt Kitt and today is not the day but the second day of the 1.6 star 2 Valley update so exciting the last time I really started a farm was the last

Update with you guys um with my make Farm Safe that I’ve been doing for you know years now on this channel but it is time it is time to experience a new Farm a new farm with this update the Meadowlands Farm not the best for growing crops but there’s a jewy

Blue grass that animals love you start with chickens so we’ll be doing this far and uh let’s let’s see let’s put our name kitty kitty kitty kitty kitty and what will we name our farm I was kind of wanting to do something with sleepy ASMR or something um I think Moonlight Meadow is

Kind of cute cuz it’s a met Moonlight metal Farm is super long but just ignore the farm or like sleepy Holo I guess that’s a a movie um or I don’t know I think I like Moonlight Meadow because it sounds super cozy does it fit no it doesn’t

Fit we could just do Moonlight and you know we know we know what that means okay what’s our favorite thing tingles wait tingles wait how do you spell tingles tingles tingles okay so apparently there’s new kitty cats oh my God a little white kitty cat a

Black oh and new dogs oh I don’t honestly I’ve never used the dogs um but I think this one is new and this one this one’s super cute oh I don’t know if I want the white kitty or the black Kitty I’ll kind of think on it cuz I

Feel like you know the white kitty fits with the moon but the black Kitty fits with the night all right let’s see um look at the Skins I’m super failure guys so 24 or four I think four or 24 is like glowing we’ll go with the four the

Hair I kept some mods by the way but I don’t know which one oh I love this hair 30 I don’t know which ones oh and 32 what’s the difference oh 30 is super long super super long 32 is a little shorter uh but yeah I don’t know what

Will be my mods a lot of mods are not updated yet so yeah I don’t have all my mods installed I I get that one sometimes um I made a recent post updating you guys about like why I haven’t posted I’ve been having some technical issues oh that’s super

Cute 18 is cute little big moment um I like 18 and then I like these ones with the bangs 30 32 and yeah one of those I kind of like this one super cute but yeah I’ve been having some technical technical difficulties um unfortunately but you know that’s okay

I’m super excited to be playing some stard uh okay let’s look at the shirt options I think it looks like there’s kind of new clothes but I honestly don’t remember the starting cles plain white shirt the pants are super awkward with some of these pink shirt oh my God what was

That it’s a little mouse sometimes I get the overalls I think that’s cute I think that’s how I started make a farm make make make a farm my last Farm let’s see I usually switch out my clothes for the custom content but I don’t know if it’s available yet what are

These is that meant to be like a little overall dress cuz that’s cute and that one as well obviously you match the pant color short and I think that’s the skirt I like the I like the green overalls and then this one is that I don’t know what that is

The blue is really cute too let’s see let me see what the the let’s match the P color or try to at least to the shirt it looks kind of make it more orangey oh like that or something okay we’re getting there we’re getting there that kind of looks like it

Matches maybe I was trying to match the top part but maybe it would be easier to match the bottom part it still kind of looks green for some reason get that brown color brown color I think that kind of matches I was really trying to go for the

Dan the tner color oh wait maybe see I wish they had dropper okay I feel like that’s pretty close I think that’s cute uh accessories I don’t know if I’m going to wear any accessories the accessories are kind of hard to tell what they are sometimes oh there’s cute little

Blush I think that one’s blush as well okay let’s do like the little blush um okay and we’re going to start with the mirror okay I think we’re ready and maybe make my hair color a little darker okay I think we’re cute already for the meadow Moonlight Meadow and

We’re going to start with the mirror I had a mod that had the mirror I’m not sure if this is the mod or if it’s integrated and we’re going to go ahead and do the intro because it’s been a while it’s been a while okay okay okay here we

Go and I don’t know if there’s differences probably not probably not and for my very special granddaughter is but is still not the best I want you to have the sealed envelope thank you Grandpa no no don’t open it yet have patience now listen closely there will come a day when you

Feel crushed by the burden of Modern Life and your bright spirit will fade before growing emptiness when that happens my dear you’ll be ready for this gift now let Grandpa let rest XX years later working at joa working at Jo it looks so terrible terminated who’s this

Cowboy and then there’s me little old me is that me I think so oh we’re sad life’s better with joa yeah right oh there’s the drawer with the letter oh I take it dear Kitty if you’re reading this you must be in dire need of a change the same thing happened to me

Long ago I lost sight of What mattered most in life real connections with other people in nature so I dropped everything and moved to the place I truly belong I’ve been close the deed to that place my brother might enjoy Moonlight Meadow it’s located in stardew Valley on

The southern coast it’s the perfect place to start your new life this was my most precious gift of all and now it’s yours I know you’ll honor the family name my dear good luck love Grandpa BS if Lou is still say hi to the GU will yeah

Let’s go let’s go let’s go on our way to moonlight moonlight Meadow Dr it along Dr it along little birdie little birdie little birdie little birdie I saw a lost bird today we were trying to catch it to call the animal people but we couldn’t Robin hello you must be Kitty

I’m Robin the local Carpenter Mary Louis sent me here to fet you and show you the way to your new home okay the Farm’s right over here let’s go oh it’s so weird without the the three colors our little home this is Moonlight Farm what’s the matter I’m sure it’s a

Bit overgrown but there’s some good soil underneath this mess with a little dedication you’ll have it cleaned up in no time okay bye the way I did go back and actually choose the white cat I’ll say why in a second and here we are your new home Louis ah the new

Farmer welcome I’m Lis mayor of Pelican town you know everyone’s been asking about you it’s not every day that someone new moves in it’s quite a big deal so you’re moving into your grandfather’s old Cottage it’s a good house very Rustic rustic that’s one way to put it crust might be a little more apt though rude don’t listen to her Kitty she’s just trying to make you dissatisfied so that you buy one of her house upgrades anyway you must be tired from your journey you should get some rest

Tomorrow you have to explore the town a bit to introduce yourself and introduce your so the to people would appreciate that oh I almost forgot if you have anything to sell just pleas here in this box and I’ll come by during the night to collect it well good luck okay okay so I

Okay um I got the white cat instead because say wow I really really love black cats I thought the white cat would look really cute with the meadow and everything uh we might still name her Luna or lily or something like that um okay live it off the land chop wood yep yep

Yep um let’s open our gift hey hey you’re C5 a let’s open our Journal okay get started Harvest an egg from your chickens if you want to become a farmer you have to start with the basics being your chickens each day by letting the meat gr okay I already know all that but

That’s super cute okay let’s go outside it’s our farm it’s our farm oh also so I don’t know if this is part of a mod or if this is new in the game let me know we also did get some other updates here uh this looks new right I don’t remember this being

Here um okay that’s just our map and so we have our animals oh my God they’re named already peanut and Hazel little babies uh I do have a mod that changes the way they look um special items in power o and then I think that’s the same okay let’s look at our other

Quest uh introduction so introduce results to everybody I thought oh here’s the miror I heard someone was moving in to the valley and thought to offer a SW my gift I included my old handm with the letter uh this letter which should help you use your fashion scense if you ever

Lose it you can buy another one from Pier shop nice so we have our mirror there we go little hats let’s see if there’s a hat we want uh I don’t know if all my like mods are working so oh my God so cute little oh I kind of want that like a

Little leaf we also have some flower grounds super cute some silly little things okay I do have like horns and stuff but I guess those aren’t working a little frog let let’s do the oh the headband is cute but I kind of want the little that I pass it I guess

Not I kind of want the little leaf uh match it to our shirt a little bit little it doesn’t match but that’s fine and then yeah there’s some okay so these are working but I do like her outfit so I’m going to keep that look at her little leaf

Head okay let’s do a little bit a little bit of cleaning up really quick let me we didn’t get seeds I just noticed probably because of the um the mod oh first let’s not the mod oh my gosh the update I don’t know why I said

Mod let’s go oh there’s a little glitch there let’s go say hi to our little babies would you like some food there’s some food for you enjoy that okay oh look at this we have like a a lake waterfall I feel like this is going to be my new favorite

Map I kind of want to walk around let’s like get some resources while we walk around a little bit I think I’m zoomed out quite a bit oh wow okay that’s so far but I kind of want to see like the map okay we have a lake

Here it’s nice to have the mini map actually and then over here here is the river the river oh yeah here’s the Blue Grass I oh no I’m stuck okay that’s disorienting I kind of wonder what the blue grass does I didn’t really say it said something about the animals liking it um

What’s this there’s let’s get that there we go okay this goes down to Mary’s so there is like some fencing up in here automatically okay and then over here is okay so we have like this little area and then our cave and this area here okay so is this back to our

Farm yeah okay so I don’t know if it is my favorite or not I guess we’ll have to build on it first and kind of see um what what what we think about it if you guys have played the update let me know um what you think

And let me know your new favorite feature I kind of don’t care too much for spoilers uh at least um you know not like the basic stuff added so don’t spoil any events or anything but are you loving like the new events uh again don’t tell me what they

Are but you know events the Cosmetic items added I don’t care if those are spoiled um you know some of the uh quality of life updates maybe I don’t really know everything about it just a couple things we’ll probably Farm in this area initially it looks like there is some farming area down

There okay let’s go to the town actually before it gets too late to say hi to people I did want to oh I do have my mod on to stop Di and thankfully it is working um okay I do want to make let’s throw these away I guess a

Chest wait how many wood 50 just really quick so we have something to fit all this stuff in come on give me 50 50 Longs down another tree jump jump jump jump jump jump jump jump J jum jump jum okay there we go let’s throw that away and make a chest real

Quick and let’s put that chest can I put it up there yes let’s put it there and put our stuff in there for now all right let’s play the time now go to town yeah I don’t know how to turn this off let’s see at least we could see where

People are I think that’s from my mod hello Leah hello it’s nice to meet you nice to meet you as well to be here hey Miss Kitty it’s Miss Kitty that’s funny cuz I call my cat Miss Kitty um the new farmer I the owner of the local General Store

If you’re looking for seeds my shop is the best place to go actually yes let’s get seeds let’s get some cauliflower oh I didn’t mean to only buy cauliflower well one person okay I’m going to have to save up for some por Snips and we’re gonna try to Comm complete the community

Center fairly fast okay let’s see we have George it’s irritating to have to meet all these new people H name’s George by the way now buzz off cool nice to meet you George let’s see um who is oh there are some people Mario Mario Mario oh aren’t you the one who just

Moved in I’m Mario I’ve been looking forward to meeting you nice to meet you hello eelyn why hello and welcome to our little Community dear you can call me Granny if you like I love Evelyn also let me know your favorite uh character oh Emily oh I can read it on

Your face you’re going to love hair and Pelican tone if you’re ever looking to do something in the evening stop by the saloon that’s where I work nice let’s see I don’t know who my favorite is because honestly if you’re new here you know that I haven’t played too much

Um I’ve played a lot of stard Valley but I always restart before I can get D far in the story line uh the new F we’ve all been expecting and who arrival has sparked many a conversation I’m Elliot I live on the be the little cabin by the beach it’s a

Pleasure to meet you hi Elliot but uh yeah I haven’t gotten to Bar into the game um to go I know there’s like different places you can go I’ve only ever been to the desert and not all the other crazy places I wonder uh I wonder if they did

An update where we could actually talk to what’s his face that would be cool no why is he why is he so mysterious and we can’t talk to him maybe there a reason but I don’t know let’s see oh there is what’s his face didn’t we say hi to Benny oh hello I’m

PNY I have romanced um Sebastian if you didn’t know come here Sam come here come here come here hey I’m Sam good to meet you we said hi to Leah right you picked a good time to move here so spring is lovely I don’t remember and let’s see can we go back

Here okay see how to Caroline hello you must be Kitty the new fber I’m k line nice to meet you okay um okay he said hi tomorrow let’s look at the map actually okay so let’s see if we could say hi to our friends up here I’m so used to my

Mod it looks so different I will update this game with my my moms and stuff I think I said that but uh I know that this could be a little bright looking oh we met um Robin already I forgot to read what she said but you

Know uh a leak oh wa Sebastian’s out here Sebastian I have married Sebastian my only uh marriage candidate oh you just moved in right cool I love him lus lus oh we can’t get up that way in this base game well I do play the base game Oh’s in it’s okay let’s go

Home I think we met mostly everybody oh maybe not it felt like we did run run run run oh we have to break our way home okay let’s do some planting really quick um oh my it’s so dark okay give me a minute give me a minute let me let’s make wait let’s

Sell this stuff all of it sure and let’s can we make a torch which is one coal oh no it’s sap oh my God I threw away the sap that’s fine we can live in the darkness uh or work in the darkness rather I can’t see can’t

See kind of want the farm to go and should we do this corner then we have a lot more to clear we could do it here for for the first month and then obviously move it wherever else we might want it Cho chop chop chop okay and then we’re going to

Do the little little farm with our cauliflower that we bought so much of one two three three four five six and then the one parsnip parsnip parip parsnip water water water all right I probably didn’t really need a pause of time but I got anxious let’s go to sleep sleep

Sleep we got some money so we could buy some more crops exactly what I wanted exactly exactly exactly what I wanted hello everybody it’s a new day it’s a new day some more mail hello there hello there just got back from a fishing trip you should come down to the

Beach sometime I’ve got something for you Willie see I forgot how I do my Willie voice I used to do a like R I’m wiie like a pirate voice but I forgot how it goes okay oh let’s go feed our chickens um can we put the a in the The Little Barrel

Um no okay hello chickies oh my God what is that so cute okay oh let’s let them loose be free you guys I think my game just broke he ate that and oh no okay I’m back in the game um I don’t know what happened I’ll probably leave

That in cuz that was kind of funny but the chicken ate the grass and all the it’s gone all my grass is gone no oh no wait no it’s not okay no it’s not no it’s not but we need to make sure the chickens stay inside I did check my mod

And so the chicken ate the grass and you saw all the grass disappeared uh the chicken was really hungry um my grass mods cuz I do have two grass mods um and they should be working I just updated them today they had a new update just posted today so

I don’t know if it was the game or maybe the mods did glitch out um but yeah I guess we’ll see but I’m not going to let the chickens out for the time being I guess you guys have to stay cooped up in here I’m so sorry I love you guys

Okay get the hand there let’s uh water water and let’s clear off a little bit a little bit more of the farm for the morning for the morning I actually love that we get chickens in the beginning because you guys know that I mean I don’t hate farming but I do

Hate um having to water a bunch of individual crops in the beginning of this game uh it’s very tedious like once you got to get a little past you know just having a few crops uh it’s a lot I usually focus on uh getting the sprinklers right away all

Right let’s go find some more villagers to say hi to to say hi to okay let’s actually start off going up here it looks like lus my be outside oh by the way if you didn’t see my my newest post as well I should have said this earlier but we were having

Fun I did record a long tears of the Kingdom video but hold on a stranger hello hello don’t mind me I just live out here alone uh but yeah I’ve recorded a long tears of the Kingdom video that was so good you guys I was so happy with it it

Was me exploring the depths for the first time so was my reaction but unfortunately it did not save and I’m still having lots of issues with um my audio so let me check check out my my uh the community post on that for details but yeah okay let’s say do we have to

Meet him I can’t even say hi to him hello all right very unhelpful Shane’s hard at work okay we can’t talk to Shane I don’t think we have to meet Morris no Morris isn’t a part of the community oh a book we you found a l book the library

Collection has expanded oh yeah I was making it a point to read the library books uh so I’m going to continue doing that bam bam I was just going to meet you and she’s walking away okay here’s Alex hey you’re the new girl huh I think we’re going to get along great I’m

Alex all right bam bam is what is she doing grocery shopping or does she work here there she is hey K the name’s bam all right cool so oh glint let’s go see had glint glint glint glint Oh I thought that was a trash can it’s over here trash Digger okay I I’m

Glint bye Clint I’m kind of a glint dator just a little bit I don’t like how he he just needs to let Emily go all right who else do we have to meet Willie we do have to meet Willie and okay let’s go meet Willie get our fishing

Bowl way there miss heard there was a newcomer in town good to finally meet you give him a southern exit uh I’m still trying to unwind from month out on the salt disease it was a big hole I lost a lot of good fish finally saved enough to buy me a new

Rod yeah I want you to have my old fishing rod it’s important to me that the art fishing stays live in me hey maybe you’ll buy something from the chop every once in a while that’s my one of my Southern Accents bamboo B there’s good water here in the valley all kinds of

Fish oh yeah my Shop’s back open now so come by if you need supplies I’ll also buy anything you can catch if it smells itself that’s what my pey is say way thanks Willie oh yeah I got little earrings instead of the blush I don’t even know it was if that

Was blush to be honest oh it looks like my oh this one another lost book book book book it looks like my uh mod for more well maybe not actually I had a mod for uh extra fishing loot all right okay who do we have to meet still G we have not met

Gus Gus where you at Gus work in the bar come in come in oh we have some glitching in the floor well hello there I’m G Jake owner of star drop Saloon please relax and enjoy yourself it’s another southern accent a little bit a little bit a

Little bit a little bit a little bit all right let’s see we’ve met 20 people who do we have to meet oh do oh my God Maru in her nurse outfit stop stop it right now I that must be new I where is she oh let’s see if there’s wait oh

No I was going to buy some pareps I forgot they don’t take too long to grow a leak for a pizza okay that’s cool actually have the leak at my house already oh no I sold it I’m a liar okay let’s see um oh we have to meet the kids and I

Thought I met her okay um Demetrius forgetting his name Marney okay the wizard let’s see where’s everyone at um how come everybody oh No Just RV and Mario at the clinic Leah we have to meet Leah right no we have to meet who was it we met

Leah um Jody Jody I thought I said hi to Jody all right where’s Jody General Store wait but it’s closed wait it’s not closed I thought it closed already okay cool four 9 10 and let’s just get the rest nice oh the girlies are in their gossiping hello hello everybody oh Marty’s here

Too H May Louis told me you just wed I’m Mary I’m going to sleep well tonight I’m giving everyone Southern Accents oh aren’t you exactly how I imagined but that’s okay I’m Jody that’s kind of rude oh my arms feel like gelatin all right 22 people I said that with the southern accent

Again why is your door open thought I could just walk in there okay okay okay um I don’t think I could say hi to anybody else the wizard um that’s an event isn’t it so we have to wait to meet him let’s get to bman all right and how much is left

Eight and four more what’s wrong with me no one two three four okay nice um let’s start kind of taking down oh let’s sell some stuff first real quick keep no wait I might need that actually let’s keep a clam I think I need that stuff okay let’s start uh clearing out this

Way break breaking breaking breaking breaking all the stuff breaking all Breaking allu jum in the wood it’s getting dark count it’s getting dark count it’s getting dark count oh our energy is going down all right let’s not pass out there go inside well you guys I think that is

Going to be it for today um let me know if you restarted a farm and what your farm name is uh but yeah thank you guys so so so much for watching I hope you’re enjoying this update and I hope you got some tingles tingles tingles and that you’re relaxed relaxed relaxed

I will see you in the next episode Goodbye Oh wait before goodbye oh level4 okay I thought I was an upgrade for a second but now goodbye

Welcome to Moonlight Meadow Farm! 🌙🪻
The Stardew 1.6 update dropped and it’s the perfect opportunity to begin a new farm. I hope you are excited to discover all the new features with me 💜

Thank you for watching my Video! I upload every Tuesday and Thursday 💜

Moonlight Meadow Farm Playlist:

Mako Farm Playlist :
My mod list (not fully updated):

heyshadylady’s cottagecore mod list:
Want to play too? Stardew is available on Steam and consoles!

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  1. Yes already started my new farm yesterday so much to do and find I already have found stuff enjoy I am looking forward to console too have fun 😊😊😊

  2. Yay! So happy to see you post! I just started my new 1.6 save on the meadow farm and I’m having so much fun. I’m excited to see your playthrough!

  3. Can’t wait to see you play the new update! I’ve been playing it non stop I’m normally a switch player but had to get it on PC. The 1.6 update is HUGE we were fed hahah

  4. This is such a lovely showcase of the update. I started a vanilla playthrough so it's nice to get a glimpse at some modding. I love a lot of the new features and things to discover! Now I get to enjoy a really relaxing version of it ❤

  5. i have the same mod for the cat replacement but i don’t know how to change it to a black cat. i downloaded it and it automatically changed one of the cats to a calico cat and that’s it 🙁

  6. please play house flipper if you haven’t already !!! your whispering plus the game’s chill vibes would be perfect :’)

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