I Fooled My Friend with WORMS in Minecraft

My friend Luke is secretly scared of worms but won’t admit it so I’m using terrifying bloodthirsty wors to scare Luke until he admits that he’s a crybaby I heard this servant is a fearless leader and look right here there’s one here to protect you did he just say

Fearless leader guys this C artist is just yapping at this point okay I can’t listen to this anymore I know for a fact that this man is afraid of so many things even like the tiny of worms bro it’s good to see we got a big turnout

Here actually I have prepared a bunch of mods on the server that have anything that looks like a worm to fool this man we got some YouTubers you know we got this guy called wack attack over here H what can we do oh wait these dispensers could be perfect Luke’s going to use

Them for his finale I’m betting yeah look at that maybe we could just fill them with worms and literally make Luke scared in front of everyone okay that’s perfect who’s the best lead in town who’s going to protect you when things go wrong it’s going to be me that’s

Exactly right all right let’s just Chuck a tiny worm in every single one of this while Luke is absolutely yapping away it’s good to see that people are going outside cuz it’s a lovely day they’re all full of worms now now when the big finale happens Luke is going to get so

Embarrassed when he gets scared of worms in front of literally all of his fans and that is the reason why you should all vote for me slow speed as your mayor and now for my closing ceremony yes yes he’s doing it he’s doing it have fun

With the worms Luke uh worms I mean I got to take a quick poty break oh he’s oh he’s running he’s running okay guys what the cook was that how did worms end up in my dispenser wait he’s running through the other campaigners what why

Do he got a sort out I was going to pay you guys one Diamond but I think you sabotaged me and you’re trying to make me look bad in front of everyone so guess what you guys are going to send to the shadow realm Luke no you can’t just kill other people

I love tles more like I love graveyards cuz that’s where you are right now he’s literally corrupt he just killed the other people running for M you can’t make yourself M by killing other people bro it’s not like I don’t like worms no no worms are cool guys n this man needs

To get stop bro I’m pulling out all the stops we got to bring out our big ginormous worm holy mother of worms what is that ex stay away from me he’s running away from a literal build bro no get away get away get away get away get

Away this is just a build it’s made out of mushroom blocks for it it ain’t that scary this thing isn’t even me okay guys don’t worry uh I’m not ready I just did I’ll be back in one second just going to check something out real quick I thought

Luke was terrified of one this makes no sense so this thing isn’t even following me is this just a build oh no did he notice it’s a build already you guys think you can really trick me really funny I’m some kind of fool okay nor I

Am a steady cat you guys need to try harder look these are just blocks okay clearly this not moving thing is not going to work we need something that can actually hurt this man thanks for the free Iron I mean I’ll take it I could I

Could use iron I’ve got an idea I literally saw a Tik Tok hack recently on something like this all right if we grab these oak logs and then we grab some uh some jungle stairs right now what we can build is something that sort of resembles a worm coming out of the

Ground except we can make this thing actually hurt him as well looking good and now what we can do to literally save time because Luke could turn around at any moment and see us all right we just need to be quick is do this there we go

So now it looks like this worm is like coming in and out of the sand and now we just do over here its head coming out of the ground thanks for the free resources this is actually a w you know what I’m saying all right wait what if we just do

The mouth like that there we go so there’s like the worm head coming out and now what we do to make this thing attack him I should have a mod for this let’s just try uh give that s and then we should be able to do a bear trap

There we go perfect now if Luke comes near this thing it will literally attack you know what I think I’m sick and tired of mining this I think doctor slow speed or Dent to slow speed even has done his job taking away the teeth stand here or

Uh scaredy catch all right there we go nice nice nice okay perfect let’s just put a sign there all right we got to disappear we got to disappear bro are you serious is this another worm build guys if you want to scare me at least try something unique you’re a scaredy

Cat come on Luke you’re a scaredy cat you wouldn’t jump on its mouth worms don’t even have mouths wait guys comment down below do worms even have mouths stand here or steady cat what do you mean of course I’m brave right he’s going to do it his ego’s actually going

To drive him to do it guys don’t let your ego get the better of you like let me go let me out let me out let me out this is too good man must be terrified right now I can’t move I can’t move I can’t move I can’t move oh wait I can

Mine it I we’re out of here we’re out of here what are you do that thing oh he’s running oh he’s actually running he does not like it oh is he slowed get me back to my base get me back get me back my b not only is everyone going to think that

He’s scared but also they’re going to think that he’s well an idiot why can’t I move man what is this thing yes guys we’ve managed to scare Luke back to running to his base all right now let’s make sure his base is never going to be

A safe haven let’s just Spam spawn a bunch of random little worms inside of his base you know what screw this there are too many worms around here I’m just going to go into my base where it’s safe from these things man all right let’s

Just spawn a bunch of these in no no no what out what six why the worlds get added to Minecraft Luke must be mortified this man must be absolutely terrified you know what maybe my bedroom’s safe and they haven’t gone in there yet I was going toly

Break they’re on the bed they’re on the bed oh this is too good maybe they’re not in my secret l no one knows about that surely they can’t crawl in there let’s going have to Quick go through here wait where is he going uh wait where is Luke going okay you know what

Things need to die wait what what is he doing wait there’s a corner oh is that a button whatever whatever I don’t care I’m breaking the B activate the but quick drop down wait did Luke just go into a secret base okay I should be safe

In here bro what even is the oh my gosh how far down does this go bro if I want to kill those worms I have to gear up and make sure no wors are alive after this there will be a ban on WS huh holy

What in the bad cave I thought Luke was trash at building n he has to have just taken this from someone else’s cave there a no way bro we’re safe everything’s okay and you know what guess what I have a backup plan I have my secret area right here he has a

Computer system with his face on it wait what is he doing look there’s this beautiful machine right here that will gear me up and make sure I am prepared if I just walk in here what the it’s a fully decked out system that makes him fully armored up and ready to go white

Do you see this over here right here is a platform and in case the worms get down here I’m going to protect myself because there’s ain’t no way they’re going to get past the good old obsidian wait what is he doing he’s building an obsidian structure to hide from my okay

We need to use something absolutely op then hold up is that’s like a swimming pool I could actually use one of my favorite worms right here right now okay this might be perfect Guys these worms they’re useless now we can’t use them but maybe we could use the bobit worm

I’m not going to see any more people but that’s okay while Luke’s looking away let’s just spawn a bunch of these in bang bang bang bang bang bang yes go go go go go go okay now the beauty of these worms guys is they live underwater but

Once they get under the water they literally blend in they dig into the ground I’m not going to question what this thing looks like because it’s just to protect me that’s all it needs to do all right and now let’s grab ourselves some like uh some nice yellow coral I

Guess to make this even less conspicuous because we don’t want this man seeing any of these and now guys we can grab some bone meal because well if you didn’t know you can bone meal underwater and it will make seagrass all over the place that’s going to hide the worms a

Little bit so ly won’t suspect a thing once this Castle is done no weird worms can get to me we need to think we need to think what could we use against this man to get him out of this ginormous flipping base ah what can break obsidian

What do I have wait I have a few more stops I have some massive stuff ready to go this is the Naga head this will literally transform me into a giant flipping green worm here we go put the head on oh transforming oh my God I’m ginormous

What the cook is that no what was that greaten thing how did that get in here oh ly I’m here to take you down all right come on Naga let’s destroy this place break a hole break a hole major breaker major breaker wait I can literally just fly around as a Naga take

Down this man’s Castle what a break blocks take break blocks no no build up build up what you going to do boy I’m the big green blob worm wait it won’t die want die okay okay it was a bad idea it was a bad idea building an obsidian

Box okay now we can scare into the water guys this is perfect oh yeah buddy you’re going to chase me huh I’m just going to jump in the water cuz worms can’t wait what’s going on yes they grabbed him eat him up eat him up how are the wores inside my your netherite

Armor ain’t going to keep you safe now ly please get me out of here bro they literally killed him how did these words even get here and how did they even kill me with my op gear this makes no sense wait dude this is such good footage

Right now to upload this thing onto the internet and expose this man for literally being scared of worms ain’t nobody going to vote for this fool bro I’m back at my base no worms no I don’t want them they could be camouflage in the chest they could be my b i could be

Any way all right guys the video got just done uploading to YouTube now all I have to do is teleport back to Luke there we go he’s inside his base and he must be freaking out I don’t want to be in this house anymore you know what it’s

Up for auction now I have prepared a command that literally looks like a server message coming through and it has the link to the video that I just uploaded let’s send it to the entire server and embarrass Luke in front of everyone W bam the ey server says that

Here is the video that ly is in and they can literally click the link to watch it bro he’s going to be so embarrassed what who uploaded this how did I even get a exposed wait fake impostor do not believe the lies impostor don’t believe these lies but I’m M to show everyone

That this man is truly scared of worms and luckily just in case this doesn’t work wait what are people saying the video is fake no way slow spe scared of worms Oh my God they still don’t believe it okay they they’re backing me up it’s good no okay luckily I saved the best

For last I have literally the blood thing sandw I got rid of all the other words cuz they are nothing compared to this guy okay all we got to do is turn into this thing and get ready for the scares I am ginormous the Naga has

Nothing on me I’m the biggest worm ever and I have the super cool ability to jump scare Luke by literally going under the sand what what is that there’s no way okay I I can’t to F that thing always running always running I can literally catch up to him watch this

Let’s just go over here and now watch this guys we’re about to do a crazy job scaring I’m just going to run run back to the crowd of people and then they’ll see that I’m not crazy cuz there a crazy I am here and ready to eat ly oh

Ly you better run buddy I don’t even know what that thing is it’s it’s it’s chasing after me come here ly oh wait he’s running towards the smv bro he’s so scared he’s literally getting help from everyone else help help help there a giant sand one behind me wait we could

Actually use this we could literally make the server think that Luke is insane and unfit to be M wait wait wait if we quickly demor and then hide ourselves quickly what we can do guys is literally make them think that Luke is running from nothing there a s worm

Outside chasing after me and you guys are walking around like it’s a Tuesday afternoon you’re in the park having F friends what do you mean bro what I could literally use the tiny worms and make the entire server think that Luke is scared of these tiny little worms bro

What do you mean sandworm guys literally there’s a sandworm and now let’s just fly on over there all right here we go guys let’s throw this right behind L and bang it was right behind me you have to believe guys guys guys it was right

Behind wait no no no no no no no no I swear it was a massive worm that little thing yep Luke scared of that tiny little wor I’m not scared of that guys oh they’re going to think that it’s insane yeah I’m out of here I’m out of

Here I I don’t want to deal with this man will never be in the man and now the Walk of Shame L I don’t want to deal with these wors bed I the best thing I’ve ever done screw this this is why I hate wors

Pranking My Friend with SCARY Disgusting PARASITES, Bugs and Insect Troll in Minecraft! Can You Believe he Got SICK?!

✅ Main Channel: https://www.youtube.com/c/eystreem?sub_confirmation=1
❤️ Tik Tok: https://www.tiktok.com/@firelight846mc?_t=8ZCYwB1CFKT&_r=1
📷 Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/itsfirelight846/
🎮 My Minecraft Server Address: play.eyserver.com
You can join this server on Bedrock Edition (Phones, Consoles and Tablets) and Java Edition (PC and Mac)

💙 Huge thanks and credit to these awesome creators for inspiring today’s video: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_UilMRDHRNSZ3VyzxhW0fQ6_T5GfizFUlMGCI20vPGI/edit?usp=sharing
🎵 Music from: http://share.epidemicsound.com/wn87w

#Firelight #Minecraft


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