Testing Scary Hardcore Myths That Are Actually Real

Back 2010 Mojang released the first version of Minecraft hardcore since then players changed every rule of Hardcore by using totems building Automatic Farms and even exploiting glitches except for one rule that still stands if you die you never respawn but what if some one broke this law this is the myth of Player

13 this is one of the oldest hardcore series ever uploaded to the internet I mean this isn’t even YouTube this is before YouTube and it was all recorded and posted by this player Millard b4k 3rz you see Milan created a hardcore server with his friends to test

Out this new game mode all the way back in 2011 when it was created he just wanted to make a let’s play with his friends have you started recording yes yes I’m just started you see they’re having fun together no worries let’s see what but things didn’t quite go as they

Planned hi guys welcome to my new hardcore series there hello do you see that Player 13 joined the server this is the first ever sighting of the user online don’t know players team as to play together why would he be on even the other players are confused about it

Okay I guess they’re all talking to each other they seem to be friends I thought only we would but they don’t seem to know who this guy how did he get their IP how did he join their server why is he only chatting to them with text when

The rest of them are in a call come us yeah yeah I’ll bigger than you come this way come come come you can tell kind of from the chat messages and what they’re saying they don’t know each other let’s go get some resources and yet for some reason milage

Here seems to trust Player 13 we’ve also got a ton of other videos here we need diamonds traveling to the nether deep cave if we have a look at this one the second video that was posted does this cave not have time see Millard is in the

Caves mining his friends a mining in Player 13 is kind of seeming like a pretty regular player I mean sure he’s a little weird but he’s not hurting anyone maybe he’s just a noob at the game we can get might now I’ve been through all of these videos

Here on bitshoot i’ never even heard of this website before and they all seem basically the same they just Millard his friends Player 13 in a hardcore World until you watch the last video that was uploaded just take a look at this this is where things start to get real

Strange all right seems pretty normal but do you see that let me just pause here for for a second it’s quite hard to tell because of the super low resolution because of how old this video is but do you see Player 13 he’s not just holding

A shield he’s also holding a piece of dirt he is Jewel wielding he is holding two items at once and one of those items is a shield but in version 1.0 you couldn’t hold two items and shields weren’t even added they were added like 10 years later and yet there

He is just holding the items as if it’s like an everyday thing for him let’s good work standing there the other players don’t notice how do they not notice that like I would be like wa what’s that item and yet they don’t they don’t notice they’re too occupied with

This mob farm that they have built which honestly is pretty cool for a hardcore World until suddenly they all dead they lost their hardcore world I mean even Player 13 died did someone sabotage the mob farmer or something how does it explode I mean was it a creeper if you don’t

Think that’s weird enough just check out the description of this video if we scroll down they’ve uploaded they’ve got a world download link here I don’t know if it still works but why it turns out that Millard uploaded his hardcore World online just in case Mojang ever updated

Their game and allowed players to respawn somay our first test is in version 1.9 although I don’t know if this will actually work because hardcore mode was added in 1.0 back in 2011 and yet Player 13 had a shield and was dual wielding which are both from this version 1.9 released in

2016 so I figured this would be the right game to load if we wanted to see if Player 13 is still here still real okay we’re loading in we’re in wait guys I can’t move I’m clicking my mouse I’m click what the great now I’ve got the blue Spinning Wheel of death so

Clearly 1.9 is not the right version which means it had to be 1.0 then how did Player 13 get those things I’m on 1.0 now this should work I think what I just entered into the world and I’m dead you cannot respawn in a hardcore world where is the spectate

World button you used to be able to at least like spectate everything does this version of M inecraft not have spectator mode I can’t find Player 13 like this there has to be another way and the solution is called nvt Explorer this is an application I found on the internet

Which allegedly allows you to modify Minecraft save data so if we open up our hardcore World here from the level. file we can open up the data and there it is Hardcore one now I’m pretty certain that if we change that value to zero that should just set us back to survival mode

That way when we die we can respawn like normal and see if Player 13 is real or clickbait come on come on yes it’s now survival mode please let me respawn there it is the respawn button we can do it oh please don’t crash again did it crash Why can’t I move

No it works we loaded in we are finally in the world and holy these Graphics man it reminds me of the time when I first started making videos on YouTube but we are not here to be nostalgic there is a myth I want to prove you remember Player

13 was dual wielding is that possible we are testing if it works in this world I’ve got two items and yeah the inventory doesn’t even have a slot to dual will where’s the offense slot normally be like right here doesn’t exist just a crafting table and just armor so it’s possible

Then how to Player 13 manag to J will let alone get a shield an item literally designed for the offhand update I don’t know but I do think this is where we might be able to find some answers I recognized this from the video and man

This base is old look at these old structures this reminds me of the stuff I used to build as a kid because there were basically no blocks to choose from this version of Minecraft it was either wood or stone and that’s all you got even their living room room is the same

As their chest room bro wa look at those signs why did they write their signs like that are you seeing that these are like weird symbols maybe it’s just cuz like an old version of the game and when you type letters they came out whack like that’s is that supposed to be ORS

This is pretty strange to me but you know what let’s have a look what they got Yo diamond sword that’s actually clutch I’m taking that and we’ll take a pickaxe and some of this other wood as well because who knows what would happen I mean if this Player 13 is actually

Still here like the reports and the rumors suggest that I want to be as prepared as possible we get some food we got tools I think we’re ready just in case anything tries to attack me we will be able to defend ourselves what else is here bro I can’t believe the floor is

Grass a bedroom this must be where all of the players sleep I mean it’s a bit odd why would you have beds when you can’t respawn you can’t set your spawn point but I guess they all need to sleep to change the daytime but wait weren’t

There like five of them why are there only four beds play 13’s bedroom uh why is Player 13 separated from the rest of them like there’s plenty of space here just have a look what the what is this dude what are all these item frames wait there’s not even a I just

Realized something this is a bedroom right yeah where’s the bed what are with these all there is is a chest what what kind of bedroom is that wait that ain’t a normal chest that’s a trap chest this is a classic trap I ain’t opening that Player 13 must have laid the Trap and

It’s probably culprit behind sabotaging that mob farm too speaking of which where is that mob farm is it in here no just more chests and trap doors leading to event but trapo crawling wasn’t even added to the game yet that’s strange I recognize that I remember one of the videos I watched

They built this tunnel down to where they were putting the mob farm I think it’s down here wait I can hear the zombies I think the mob farm is behind that door which means player 13’s going to be anywhere he’s going to be behind that door all right here goes nothing guys go

Go go go oh my gosh there’s a zombie out the front yo they’re all still here and all the items are here as well all the items are here oh my gosh oh my gosh they do damage bro I forgot how much damage zombies doing the old version of

The Game Holy okay so if Player 13 was here and he had a shield and he died and the shield should be somewhere in here what no there’s no Shield there’s no Shield but he was definitely holding one I I don’t understand I do not understand

Okay I can’t survive we got to get out of here we got to get out of you go go go go go go wait what there’s no but ow oh that really hurts oh my gosh what why is there no button on the inside how are

People supposed to get out of here I have an idea I have an idea okay we’re going to have to do this really quick we need to get them into the corner don’t hit me don’t hit me me quick craft a button bang oh oh my gosh they hit me

Again we got a button we got a button just got to make sure let’s go round round round bang out that was so blo and stressful why would there be no button on the inside I did someone remove it or something I mean ain’t no way you’re going to build

A mob fine with an iron door and not put buttons no way wait a minute guys I remember their being weird signs before on the chests but not I mean I could still kind of read what they were saying uh did those signs change from before or am I remembering things

Wrong okay I don’t know maybe we should check the other rooms is anything else CH oh my Lord beds are not supposed to glitch like I can stand on them they’re not invisible blocks these are real blocks did you hear that did I just hear Zombies die wait were those the zombies

From the zombies in the mob farmer dying how how are things just happening on their own this make this makes no sense unless someone is messing with me there has to be something wrong with the world files at least that’s what I thought so I loaded them up started looking through

The folders hoping to find a virus or some sort of corrupt file and yet I found nothing the world is perfectly healthy so was the video fake no it can’t be we saw the those things with our own eyes unless wait a minute the player data that might give us a clue

For those of you who don’t know every single Minecraft player has a unique code called a uu ID no two players have the same uu ID mine is this one here 5273 e e4f blah blah blah blah blah blah blah blah. and you can tell it’s me

Because it was modified today in 2024 at 3:36 p.m. which is right now or just a couple of minutes ago right but then these other files these were the other players it’s like Millard and his friends you can see here this was modified 1111 2011 ages ago was the last

Time these files were open you can see this one here another one 1111 1111 wait you seeing that guys this player data was modified today at the same time my player data was modified but no one else was on the server I mean it wasn’t even

A server it was a single player world what am I even saying unless is this the player data for Player 13 and if it was modified today no no no that doesn’t make sense how is player data last modified today when I’m only the only one online no

He’s not on the world we have to be missing something and I reckon it could be those vents I mean why else would they be here hold up I just realized these aren’t this isn’t a crawling vent this is just a two block wide vent you can get through here and there’s another

Room is this a secret room I’m I’m not sure if this is supposed to be secret or not but it looks like some sort of study with a desk and a chair there’s even a chest here a book there’s a book written by Millard himself the one who filmed this

Entire Series this is his world his server okay this could be something completely useless or this could give us all the answers we’re looking for I don’t know but maybe it’s like a diary of some kind what is this this Player 13 guy is so weird like really weird I

Don’t know why the others aren’t seeing this no way no way I thought having another player to play would be fun but he’s just there maybe I’m just overthinking it but I’m probably going to kick him tomorrow also we need to make sure we don’t open the chest in his

Room he gets angry for some reason Millard also thinks that Player 13 is acting weird he wanted to kick him out of the server that’s how bad it was and he mentions that chest inside his bedroom that we saw earlier that can only mean one thing that chest is in a

Trap that’s a secret base he didn’t want anyone in there that there can only be one thing that trap chest is not a trap okay just in case I’m wrong we’re going to stand on top of it but I’m certain this is a secret base why else would he

Get angry 3 2 1 we opened it that didn’t do anything what oh I heard Pistons that ain’t a trap I knew it I knew it I knew it I knew it all right here we go this has to be Player 13 secret base I don’t know what to expect

I should we get our sort out okay here we go what in the world dude what is the huh wait guys the these items these were not in 1.0 spectral arrows dragon’s breath The Shield Forest fruit these are all items from the version 1.9 how are they all

Here this is 1.0 it it’s literally right here wait what gu guys look when I hold the it you see that they just disappear from my inventory where did they go what well I mean I guess it makes sense that they’re disappearing because they’re not supposed to even exist in

This version but then how did Player 13 get them and what is wait a minute is that supposed to be Player 13 did he build a shrine for himself I mean it’s clearly not him because otherwise it would have a name tag right right like a statue or something

Okay well that seems perfectly normal it’s just a statue it’s not moving or anything oh Player 13 that’s him he’s there he’s there no no no no no ow ow ow that hurts that hurts get away get away from me get away we weren’t supposed to kill him we

Were supposed to I don’t know trap him and question him about the hardcore guys didn’t he just die didn’t he just die how is he chatting in the chat is Player 13 trying to talk to me wait guys my hearts they’re in hardcore mode how did I switch to hardcore mode

No no no no no they were just normal survival Hearts like 4 seconds ago it’s my job no no how is the dead talking to me this is a guy from 2013 2011 sorry who I killed is talking to me and it’s hardcore how did he respawn everyone

Will be hardcore Player 13 has to be a he has to be a player right I mean wait we can find where he lives what if we trick him into giving us his IP address that way we know where in the world he is wait let me hide a link using a URL

Short so he doesn’t know and we’ll just send that through okay oh wait we say you got if we say you got exposed maybe that will get him yes that got him that got him come on come on if he thinks he just got exposed he’ll want

To find out why and click that link right it says play 13 links that’s pretty believable right we got it we got it his IP just came through my other screen IP tracker we need to know if this is actually a real person do I need to call the police

Do they exist in the world or is this something else I need to know all right come on come on come on come on let’s copy the IP address that we got from that fake link I can’t believe he fell for the leaks guys all right editor blur

That out so we don’t actually dox this person if it is a real person Trace IP wait what why is it in the middle of the scene how is that even possible there’s no internet in the middle the SE there’s no even land there unless the dude’s on

A boat but how does he have internet you know what we try that again try that again go back let’s p in the IP did I copy it correctly yeah I did try again huh what’s going on why is the website doing that why is it it’s just

Going all over the place no no no no no we’ve got an exit man player 13’s IP is definitely fake he knew by giving us that specific IP address he messed with the website he’s screwing with us we got to go back to Minecraft and stop this

Wait why am I stuck I can only move my head I can’t move look I’m clicking I can’t move thank you thank you for what there he is I can’t move go he just killed me huh wait what the world just I died and then unknown error World closed

N I am done I am not risking my PC for the stupid myth we get a Player 13 you are real I’m just going to end the recording now wait a minute guys here is the world we were just on that we changed survival mode but here

Are my world for when I played on version 1.0 back in 2011 when I was a kid and they’re hardcore I did not make hardcore worlds as a kid at least pretty sure I did it I do not remember these worlds being hardcore actually go back

To the start of the video check for me when we were in this menu with these worlds hardcore we’re not going to touch those why don’t we just check one of our other worlds this is survival mode just going to check everything will be fine no way my hearts hearts they’re hardcore

Hearts didn’t I pick a survival world why do I have hardcore Hearts pleas I’m dead respawn respawn respawn where where is he where what huh it closed again and all my worlds my worlds they’re all hardcore now Player 13 still exists on my PC all my worlds will turn into

Hardcore forever we need to stop him wait I know how we can trick him we can create a new world in creative mode and catch him there all right change the game wait what why is it not changing guys I’m trying to click hardcore it’s not changing can’t be

Creative no no no that’s okay it’s fine we can still catch play 13 and put a stop to his plans we’re in okay we made it in and I’m alive everything is normal okay good we might not be able to create creative mode but we are in a hardcore

World I can start gearing up getting what we need and we can take down Player 13 he’s I’m certain he will be in this world any moment so we need to start getting materials we just need to kill him though killing him didn’t do much last time but it could

Work thank you to all of these guys for making today’s video possible you’re my new favorite ey Mega fans if you want a shout out just click the join button below this video scroll down and click ey megaan

I Tried Most Terrifying and Cursed Minecraft Hardcore Stories and Seeds That are 100% True including PLAYER 13! 🤯 The results will shock you.

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💙 Huge thanks and credit to these awesome creators for inspiring today’s video: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1_UilMRDHRNSZ3VyzxhW0fQ6_T5GfizFUlMGCI20vPGI/edit?usp=sharing
🎵 Music from: http://share.epidemicsound.com/wn87w

#Eystreem #Minecraft


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