Surviving EVERY GRADE Of SCHOOL In 24 Hours!

Today I’m challenging all of you to go to Every grade in School ever wait what every grade ever Daddy I do not want to go to school well that’s a part of the challenge you guys need to go to elementary school first what but we’re not babies we’re big boys Marty how

About I make a deal with you uh-oh what’s the deal Daisy if we can complete every grade ever in school then we never have to go to school again Daddy I like that deal yes yes uh yeah sure cuz you know but I don’t think you guys can

Complete the challenge all right daddy game on we’re going to do so good in every grade well it kind of looks like you guys are a little too big to go to elementary school so we might have to change this up a little bit oh yeah well

How you going to do that yeah Daddy well if everybody likes this video right now you get to turn Johnny and his friends into babies wait what no no no no no don’t like the video no no no don’t do it don’t do it like the video in three 2

One wait what oh my go we drunk no guys we’re babies oh no oh no babies video this isn’t good I don’t like this I want to be a grownup again well that’s too bad Daisy guys don’t worry CU this is going to be easy to beat Elementary

School yeah true if we can’t beat elementary school then how are we going to beat High School yeah this is going to be so easy hello is there children’s out here oh Mrs grumes oh no daddy is this our teacher yep Mrs grumes we got three little kids waiting to go to

Elementary school oh that is very good I can’t wait to teach them all of the knowledge wait Mrs grumples oh my goodness Johnny oh God oh God oh no I’m pooping my pants it’s so smelly oh no naughty childrens do you want me to fail you right now what no we

Cannot fail Elementary School this is the easiest one ooh it looks like I might win win you’re not going to win you’re not going to win all right well then follow me if you want to start your first day bye daddy have fun don’t fail we’re not going to fail this is

Going to be easy yeah so easy all right children first we need to come over to the middle because it’s time for art class art class okay let me just put down this easel right here and the canies wo we are going to enjoy all the paintings products today now everyone

Take this palette right here there’s so many pretty colors you’re going to make Master pieces all we have to do is draw then we pass yes but you must incorporate the right shape in each drawing that I tell you the right shape I know all my shapes like uh look at

This right here it’s an oval no no no that is not right what I’m pretty sure that’s an oval teacher well let’s see how you know your shapes on your canvas and if you don’t get it right then you fail I’m not going to get it wrong okay

I’m I’m an expert at drawing you guys ready I’m really good I’m really good too I’m ready okay so your first thing is you have to make a picture that has a square in it Square okay I got it I got it yes I can make a really good square

Picture you have to make a drawing with a square inside of the drawing all right I’m done is this good Mrs Grumple Square uh that looks more like a potato I think what you don’t like it I guess it’s Square enough but you have to make a

Picture in it oh my goodness I need another canvas that’s okay there’s no mistakes in art all right I know the perfect thing that I’m going to do to make a square I’m going to make a bus but the wheels are going to be squares there we go now that’s looking really

Good oh I made a mistake oh Daisy Gooby I’m going to have a better drawing than all of you no you’re not no mine’s going to be really is my drawings about to be nuts oh yeah what are you drawing um I’m drawing a school bus school bus not not

Square yes it is I’m making my Square oh yeah my school bus has fire getting spit out the back of it isn’t that really cool Bo like a rocket booster yep exactly Gooby what are you drawing ooh I’m making a weird sck dad Weck dad what

Oh my goodness you better not win this drawing challenge I need to come in first so I can press the teacher and not fail nope nope I’m going to win cuz my drawing is going to be so good all right all right just going to add a window

There we go I think my school bus is done yes I’m done to I need more time doy need a little bit more time I will give you yeah just a little bit 10 seconds Daisy hurry up I want it to be pretty don’t worry this is just the

First one of many challenges okay I’m done okay let us see your Creations I will start with teacher look at mine look at mine oh Johnny let’s see o Rocket Power School Bus this looks very good but where is the squares oh the windows are square uh the the tires are

Squares there’s a lot of squares you need teacher I think those tires look a little bit more rectangular than squares squares have all are equal no no they’re squares I think you need to clean your dumb glasses hey don’t you get smart with me you want me to hit you no that’s

What I thought don’t worry there will be more rounds this round I give you five out of 10 five oh God I guess I’ll take the five if you don’t get more than 15 points in the whole three rounds then you will fail Elementary School what 15

Points well at least I already have five that’s pretty good you better make your next one better let’s look at Daisy okay Mrs grumples Daisy oh this is wonderful Daisy show me all of your squares you really like it yes really the hous is a square and the windows are squares wow

You Ed two squares that is very good Daisy I will give you a 10 out of 10 yes I got Point bro I used like 10 squares over here and I got a five yes but you didn’t use them properly and you made a rectangle Wheels okay what about the

Windows Mr teacher yes but that’s just dots okay let me see goobies Gooby oh yes teacher okay at mine it’s weird s dad I love him wao that actually looks insane Gooby gooby this is very scary why did you paint something so scary this might be a problem if you are

Playing video games that not appropriate for little babies oh no it’s okay cuz I’m a big boy okay well let me see I guess your head is a square so I give you a six six that’s it that give me more than that oh well the first one is

A square Challenge and you only use one square no can’t believe a square really good Square that’s what I’m saying Gooby I think this teacher is high hey okay it’s time for the second round all right I need new canvas what do we have to

Draw now okay now I want you to make triangles triangles how do you even make a triangle and remember the more triangles you use the better your score oh my goodness okay I’m going to draw something insane e actually I have a really good idea wait I just had a

Better idea than you hold on no I just had a even better idea than you D no I’m telling you I have the best idea here are you sure yes okay I can’t say what it is though there we go we’re just going to do something like this okay

This is looking really delicious oh yeah guys my painting is going to be so much better than yours I’m going to win no you’re not I’m going to be so much better than you this round good luck I’m going to add so many triangles my painting is filled with triangles yeah

Well mine skin have like 400 triangles ever what 400 yes seems like a lot of triangles yep it is I’m probably going to win okay let me just do something like that oh yeah this is looking super good oh no I messed up I think mine’s looking pretty good you guys want to

Know what I’m making what are you making pizza o o that’s a swine go yep it’s a triangle I’m adding a a a pizza pie it’s coming out really good oh yeah well I’m making a Jacko Lantern a Jacko Lantern what yep he’s got tangle eyes and Tangle

Tee wo that actually sounds insane yep and I’m putting some candy corns to Z triangles to wow all right Gooby you might win this thing not what all right there we go oh just adding the final details I’m done hold on I’m not done everyone needs to have enough time Gooby

Don’t rush it’s not a race yeah Gooby what she said I think I’m almost finished JY you’re missing our son yeah I’m trying to wow I can’t believe we we all use yellow and orange um Johnny aren’t you supposed to make triangles I was trying to draw out the word pizza

But I can’t do it I gu you kind of looks like pizza kind of looks like a squirel though no it’s not it’s pizza if you look at the art you can see all the triangles you see the triangles Gooby 1 2 3 4 waa oh inside the square yes you

Just need to use your brain a little bit okay yes I think it’s good Let me see what you did wa this is actually insane yep I me so many triangles 5 6 seven triangles wow good job Gooby thank you how many triangles do you have 1 2 3 4 5

6 7 8 9 10 wao no Daisy might win our son was such a good idea okay children let me see your Creations hello look at mine for teach no look at mine first no look at mine look at mine no right here teacher right here look at mine okay

Let’s look at Daisy first yes hey let’s see 1 2 3 4 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 that’s amazing 10 triangles Daisy I give you 10 points now I have 20 points really 10 points again wow Daisy looks like you passed oh I’m going to middle school now

Yes you can do the third drawing if you want but you are safe all right Johnny let’s see yours here teacher check it out it’s a it’s a yummy pizza and each slice is a triangle see it oh okay okay I see that so you have 1 2 three four

Triangles I guess I give you four points Four Points that’s even less than last round come on Mrs Grumple give me four time three so it’s like 72 points no no no 72 72 points give it to me oh looks like you have nine points so you’re

Going to need at least six in the last round to pass Elementary School oh gosh okay okay I got this don’t worry let’s see how Gooby did oh yes look at mine oh it looks like a Jacko Lantern let’s see how many triangles 1 2 3 4 5 oh no but

Look I have these candy corns oh okay I guess those count as triangles so then you have seven I give you seven points oh yes thank you you got six points last round and seven this round so you got 13 points yes I only need seven moreby

That’s insane actually you only need two more o even better oh no that means I’m in last place my last drawing needs to be insane okay let’s get rid of these canvases for the final round come on come on teacher what is the idea what do

I need to draw the final round is circles circles okay I got this i got this can I just draw for fun yes Daisy you can do whatever you want cuz you already passed yay that’s not fair I think Daisy deserve some timeout no I don’t she gets rewarded for having all

Very good drawings well what about me why do I not get rewarded cuz your drawings are not as good oh my goodness that’s not fair so how am I supposed to dra a circle in this you just have to use your imagination Gooby guys guess

What I’m drawing over here what is it a ball pit wo that’s so cool it’s a good idea right cuz there’s a bunch of balls in a pit yeah that’s an awesome idea that’s going to be like 500 circles exactly I’m going to get the most points

Here all right I just got to keep drawing all these B balls um what color next ooh this color yeah that looks really good I’m going to use every single color on the canvas to draw my balls this is going to be the best ball pit in the whole entire world all right

Just going to add some blue over here ooh that one came out really good o I just made two lollipops lollipops yep that will give me my two points ooh that’s actually a good idea can I steal the lollipop idea and do that no all right fine I’m drawing a ballpit anyways

Joe dude I’m going to make even more more circles now JY what are you drawing I’m just drawing bubbles bubbles that’s boring no it’s not oh my goodness I am making a masterpiece over here I can’t wait for you guys to see it oops I kind

Of messed mine up a little bit oops think it’s still looks good though all right there we go just need a few more colors here I’m almost done and done guys my drawing’s done O mine too you guys need to make sure your drawings are really good so you can pass o don’t

Worry Daisy Daisy don’t worry my ball pit is insane I have to win this yeah me too okay while Daisy’s finishing up let’s look at Johnny’s painting oh oh oh check it out it’s a ball pit and there’s a lot of balls in there which is like infinite amount of circles Johnny this

Is a giant rectangle no it’s not Mrs grumples look inside the rectangle look it’s it’s all the balls they’re circles oh I see I see that is a lot of circles I give you 500 points 500 points yes you passed Johnny hooray let’s go let’s

Go wow Johnny good job you passed do I pass over here okay let’s see what is this okay so you have two lollipops and two bumblebees and three little candies also okay Gooby uh well these candies don’t look very circular and neither do these bumblebees but I guess the

Lollipops are circles so you get two points oh yes so that makes my total like 1500 it makes it 15 but that is the score you needed so you pass oh yes thank you so much C good job Gooby you passed so we all passed yay we all

Passed let’s go o Daisy I like your picture of bubbles thank you I had so much fun drawing it you are all very good students I can’t wait to see the artist you become in the future all right kids it’s time time for nap time

What nap time okay I think uh I think I don’t want to be here anymore guys what do you think me either I’m not sleepy yeah we’ll done with this little baby school yeah we’re done here it’s time to grow up into middle schoolers wa look we just grew wao I’m

Soo we’re getting bigger and bigger uh-oh these childrens are too big for elementary school no nap time for you does that mean we can go to middle school I guess so let’s go oh come on guys everyone follow me we completed Elementary School this was so easy all

We have to do is SW some pixels but guys I think middle school is going to get a little bit more difficult but don’t worry we could do it yes and then if we do middle school and high school then we never have to go to school again let’s

Go wo oh no it looks like you guys completed Elementary School daddy we told you we could do it yeah that was easy I was just coming in to check on you but now it looks like I got to bring you to Middle School let’s go that means

We’re going to be like halfway there daddy yeah but I heard Middle School is a lot more difficult keep it going yeah no guys it’s going to be easy don’t worry we got this all right well if you’re that confident just follow me to the middle school and like that we’re at

The middle school this is going to be a lot more difficult than the elementary school oh gosh daddy this school is huge I’m really scared yeah hopefully you guys don’t get bullied in there wait there’s bullies in there I mean there could be hopefully you guys

Make you know friends with the kids if not they might bully you I don’t want to go oh Daisy’s going to fail she’s going to fail Daisy we need to do this all you need to do is go to middle school for like a couple more hours and then you

Never need to come back again yeah you’re right okay let’s do this yes well guys you have to go to math class and I think his name is Mr grumples and I think he’s he’s really really mean oh God not Mr grumples I heard he’s the meanest teacher in the world but why

Does he have to be our teacher because this is the hardest challenge ever oh no going to be so hard well guys good luck hopefully you guys fail oh no come on guys let’s go inside our Middle School we just got to get it over with hello anyone here guys how we

Even supposed to know what class we go to maybe that’s the four test uh anyone in here no hey you kids oh God it’s Mr grumples get in this classroom it’s time to do the Middle School exam maass ah right what a bug oh God kill it kill it

Mr gr help us for being attacked I broke the floor okay it’s fine let him going to there that was a close one looks like you passed the first test of math class they’re just bugs you just you could just pick them up and throw them out the

Class right there boom okay why is there bugs in our school that does not seem safe cuz it’s an old school but just like the old school you got to learn old school values that made no sense that’s cuz you’re not smart like me now look at

Your papers you got there papers e guys look at all this paper we’re going to do like a 600 page math test 600 uh see so um I don’t even have pages I have books oh looks like you got the special exam special exam I don’t want to read

Books oh yeah well too bad cuz you got to read all these books before the time runs out what I can’t even read one book and the rest of you guys answer those tests there’s about uh 7 million different types of questions on there so all the math questions if you have any

Questions too bad um I got a question Mr grumples too bad Mr grumples right here I got my hand up nope all right well I’m just going to ask it anyways um what if I don’t complete all these questions uh then you’re going to fail Middle School

No I don’t want to fail there needs to be a better way guys I don’t want to do this what if we just all do it super fast and pretend like we did so that we just passed I think good idea wait Gooby I have a better idea what if I just

Pretend and say that my dog ate my homework teacher all my papers are gone cuz my dog ate it what what do you mean your dog ate it ah here’s another one dog ate it what my cat ate it stop my elephant ate it stop that g AE it oh

That’s it I’m going to fail you in middle school fail no no no you can’t fail me you cannot let my daddy know that I failed all right fine well if you do want to make it a little interesting I have a another test for you ooh

Another test does it have anything to do with answering math questions uh it has to do with answering life questions as in will you live well I’ve been living pretty good cuz like I come I wake up every day and I’m like breathing air yeah well I think you need to get some

Air into those muscles you’re looking like a scrawny little chump hey guys I don’t like this teacher he making fun of me he called you scrawny yeah who would even say that that’s so mean I do a different test too I don’t like my books oh yeah you don’t like

Your books well guess what I got to put you in the other test too with Johnny you want to do the special test too Daisy yeah at my homework yes I did do that yeah yeah yeah all right well follow me to the gymnasium gymnasium well we’re going to

Play dodgeball no we’re not playing any games we’re going to be testing you your metal here we go we’re going to do some physical challenges physical ch challenges everyone come stand on these blocks all right Mr grumples now what now I’m going to give you a bow and

Arrow just like back in the day when we were all Savages fighting for our lives do I shoot you with it h no my bald head is made of steel you can’t defeat me all right well what are we supposed to do with the bow and arrows okay you see

That back wall right there yeah there’s three different color targets I want you each to shoot your own color okay is every Losers that’s not very funny Johnny I think you need to turn around right now look behind you what what what that what is that you see that that’s my special parkour parkour wait you want me to go all the way up here yep you’re going to

Have to climb up that ladder jump across those other ladders and jump onto those floating blocks to hit the Bell but Mr grumples what if I fall down and face PL to the wood well then I guess you’re going to have to fail Middle School no I

Can’t fail guys can you give me a boost like can you like throw me up there yeah I got you all right thank you are you ready one hey hey that’s cheating that’s cheating put him down what he’s got to do it himself come on Mr grumples I see

A little booster push no no no that’s part of the test you want me to fail Daisy too no um yes yes I would actually love that no no please all right that’s what I thought now get to climbing okay okay I’m doing it oh my gosh oh gosh

This is really scary oh oh no I I failed oh that’s a failed attempt hold on hold on let me just do it again you only get five tries oh yeah I’m about to do it right now come on oh I’m ringing it oh I’m also flying

What that’s a cheater that’s a cheater oh I’m flying I’m flying you can’t can’t me no no that doesn’t count that does not count go into survival mode what no no no no don’t put me in survival mode please please Mr mode is for cheaters I didn’t even fly real menu survival mode

Oh my goodness now try it again this time for real oh my goodness I’m actually in survival mode you kidding me no creative floaty business this time I got it check this out there we go look I just got to hey you were trying to sabotage

Me looks like you got a jump in it the Bell oh yeah I just rang it what o I did it I did it now the bell’s away I’m still ringing it how about this one come on really I can’t reach that it’s too far well just see maybe if you

Jump you can hit it wait I got a better idea all right let me just go down here go up here oh I’m doing it I’m doing it have smarted you all right all right I guess you used a little brain power to get over your Brawn power yeah I got a big

Brain well I guess that means you all pass Middle School congrat rul let’s go gosh we passed Middle School does that mean we’re going to high school now yep that means we’re going to high school I think we need to be a little big old though yeah we’re still a little

Small yeah wow now we’re big boys and girls looks like you’re back to normal better find your daddy oh no you guys completed middle school too yeah Daddy we completed middle school and check it out look at my bow and arrow skills you face yeah we all know

Guys stop my head made is steel like Mr grumples hey hey stop shooting those out you know what give them back to me I need them for the next exam anyway fine okay oh ma I just want to keep those me too now get out of my gym hey

You still have arrows uh fine I’ll just give you some of these here Gooby how do you have all these arrows uh I found them on the floor Gooby that’s so many I sa a couple more and done these kids maybe I should have failed you after all

Yes Mr grumes no no don’t fail us don’t fail us we did everything you ask fa fail now NOP we won fail and squale N they’re going to high school their High School’s problem now no dang it I thought you guys would surely surely not go through middle school but it looks

Like Mr Grumble pass you well Daddy if we get past middle school then high school is going to be so easy literally a piece of pie I don’t know about that I heard this High School is worse than this Middle School by a long shot wait

Really daddy yep now you guys didn’t see any bully here but there’s a lot of bullies there oh no oh Daisy’s definitely going to get bullied I’m not going to get bullied you’re going to get bullied Gooby is definitely going to get bullied that’s true yeah probably well

Guys follow me it’s time to finally go to high school the last school all right here we go guys I’m excited all we got to do is beat the high school Challenge and we never have to go to school ever again and then we can play fortnite

Forever yes yeah rot our brains no not be happening you will lose no all right daddy whatever you say guys we made it to the final school high school let’s go we finally made it to the last grade of school this is going to be the most

Difficult school out of all the schools you’ve been to today I’m kind of scared for this one I would be scared too I hope the bully doesn’t get us Gooby you uh you’re definitely a Target he’s definitely going to Target you yes I know I’m almost get bully wait daddy

Who’s that guy over there oh that’s your principal what we have a principal y principal Baldwin what’s taking you so long to get to my school oh my daddy is really slow yeah well uh no it wasn’t it wasn’t me it was actually them they are

Tardy and they’re bad kids it was not us it looks like you kids are the slow ones hey I’m not slow I’m actually really fast check this out yeah Johnny that’s not what he meant fast Johnny stop you look like an idiot oh yes I can on fast too okay you’re definitely getting

Bullied uh R fast yeah we’re one is so fast I’m sorry Mr bman if you want to fail them you can fail them right now and then I can win the challenge no no please out we’ll stop running like idiots yeah well why don’t you run to

Your first class cuz you’re late ooh first class what’s our first class well since you’re coming in the middle of a day like a bunch of poptarts and you’re going to have to do lunch class wait we get do you lunch this is awesome I’m so hungry yeah that’s the easiest class

Ever I always pass has lunch class I’m the best at eating lunch in the whole world ooh I don’t know if this is good for me it’s not going to be that easy kids come follow me all right daddy wish us luck nope I hope you fail in lunch class hi M we’re

Going to be the best winners ever never go to school again all right everybody right this way to the cafeteria ooh look at this cafeteria guys it smells so good in here it looks really cool too that makeing Sloppy Joe’s I love Sloppy Joe’s well your competition is actually

Sitting in the back over there oh Billy Billy who’s Billy hey what’s up you stinkers stinkers did this guy just call us stinkers I don’t stink hey watch it this kid’s the Star Quarterback of our football team oh so he thinks he’s cool or something you’re stupid hat on wait I

Have a hat on I am cool see how my hat’s backwards and your Hat’s forwards oh yeah well my hat’s rainbow and it’s got a spinny thing on it you want to touch it oh yeah I noticed it’s trash hey I don’t like this person guys yeah we have

To beat him in a competition oh yeah well the principal says that if you can’t beat me in an eating contest then you’re going to fail High School what an eating contest that’s so easy I eat all the time oh yeah well you can’t eat more than me cuz I’m the

Biggest bully in town well it seems like you all know the rules so that’s my cue to get back to work by Mr principal so who wants to challenge me f oh oh I think uh I’ll challenge you all right the challenge is whoever could eat the

Most of this mushed up pieces of bread wins done hey Johny won let’s go I’m the winner I didn’t St that was cheating easy here the next thing you could eat is my butt take that stupid bully that’s cheating we got to start over and uh I

Think I’m going to challenge Gooby gooby what feel you’re supposed to fight Johnny nah I think I want to fight you little goob hey don’t call me goob I’m my name scy Gooby it’s okay you have like a stomach of Steel yeah I’m going to eat

This guys WS all right Gooby you sit over here yeah I’m going to eat this one so fast all right let’s see who can eat all these potatoes fastest are you guys ready I’ll count you down okay I’m ready I’m going to beat you all right start in

Three two one go go go go oh that was a close one I think I wins I think I wins Daisy who do you think won I don’t really know I think Gooby won yeah I think Gooby won too sorry Mr bully oh you guys are just

Saying that all right fine if you won one round and you won the other round then I got to fight Daisy for the tiebreaker fight me oh Daisy you’re up oh no can we like cake or something little lady how do you like a little bit of oh I love cake chocolate

Cake that’s my favorite this will be easy all right are you guys ready to go I’m ready yeah start eating in three 2 1 eat eat eat eat eat eat oh the bully won no I win looks like you losers are going to fail High School no we’re going to B high school

Because of you Daisy this all your fault wait this doesn’t make sense wait what do you mean you won around Gooby won around so that’s two wins for our team and one win for him we have to graduate now no no Johnny didn’t count cuz he

Cheated I didn’t cheat I won fair and square yeah you can’t Fairless you’re just a big bully I could tell him whatever I want because I’m the Star Quarterback the principal always listens to me in fact I’m going to go tell him right now that you guys fail

No no no you’re not going anywhere come on guys grab these fish grab some fish come here Mr bully I’m smacking with these fish hey don’t hit me we’re going to pass get them get them come on Gooby get in here you’re not killing anybody anything oh

You like that oh take these fish ow stop it eat that fish eat these fish yeah guys we did it we defeated the school bully yes you won’t be telling anybody that we fail failed yeah we didn’t fail anything we’re winners so does this mean we never have to go to

School again I think so Daisy we did it we beat every grade in School yes now we just got to tell your daddy and no more school for us what is going on in this cafeteria what daddy you just missed it we just uh we just graduated high school

Yeah what do you mean you just graduated high school were you guys having a a food fight in here uh no no definitely not nope no food fight at all why do you have fish daddy cuz I like fish no you were using that to slap people okay

Daddy we did have food and we were fighting so is that considered a food fight uh yeah uh wait what happened to that bully uh oh uh Daisy hit him on the face with a fish what you guys were actually bullying the bully yes that was

Our last High School challenge we had to beat the bully dang it I actually hired him to bully you guys so you guys wouldn’t graduate wait what you hired him to bully us yeah I hired Billy to bully you so you wanted us to foul uh

Yeah cuz I didn’t think you guys would actually you know achieve getting through middle school and then you were in high school it was so fast and I I got scared yep well a Deal’s a deal so it looks like we never have to go to

School again you know what Marty I think it’s your turn to go back to school what do you mean it’s my turn to go back to school Oh Daddy I think there’s some bullies in this cafeteria where are the bullies where are they right here come

Here Daddy take some fish no stop it stop it give your money no I don’t have any money on me I’m get out of here get him well if you guys enjoyed watching this video then make sure to leave a like and hit subscribe or I’m going to bully you bye

Today, Johnny, Daisy and Gooby have SURVIVE EVERY GRADE of school in Minecraft! But if they can;t pass a class they FAIL THE CHALLENGE! Will Johnny and his friends be able to make it? Watch to find out!

#johnny #minecraft #minecraftmod


  1. 😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😢😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅😅

  2. Those people in the schools were so weird and rude and that’s messed up hiring a bully to make fun of you guys to make you guys fail that’s not nice I think Marty should be taught a lesson for trying to get them bullied!

  3. Those people in the schools were so weird and rude and that’s messed up hiring a bully to make fun of you guys to make you guys fail that’s not nice I think Marty should be taught a lesson for trying to get them bullied!

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