Minecraft but Everything I Touch turns to Desert

Everything around me is drying up but every bit of the world i turn into deserts i’ll uncover ancient structures and find treasures right for the taking i’ve been walking in the desert for miles not really dude i’m in the plane what happened to you chicken you just

Turned into a desert chicken yeah this is pretty cool dude i gotta be more careful with that one can i touch water no dude even water let’s get ourselves some tools i can’t even get wood at all oh my god this time i could actually touch items

But the world is weird a cactus crafting table oh prickly i can make myself some cactus tools well i can make cactus sticks all right well let’s farm some tools shall we okay got my cactus stuff there’s thorns in the pickaxe man ouch ouch ouch okay got all my tools wait a minute

Using the tools hurt me i guess that does make sense 2.5 i unlock something sandstone skin yo guys check this out whenever i stand on sandstone my sandstone meter fills up and then i slowly turn into sandman that’s awesome and it looks like whenever i take damage

And i’ll lose a little bit of the armor but then i stand back on sandstone and it comes right back that is a useful upgrade dude well i probably i should grab some of the sandstone to fill up my armor out later also i could use a new

Pickaxe this one hurts my body i have found myself a village i unlock sandstone tools nice and a structure has generated nearby i’ll keep an eye out for that one we might be able to find some nice old sandy loop whoa dude i just turned the whole house into

A desert that’s kind of neat okay can i grab this without turning it into sand i don’t like sandy bread you turn into a sandy boy too hey it’s a sandy golem we’ll make a sandstone pickaxe no more dying from mining and we’ll go ahead and make a sandstone

Sword as well nice and also apparently there’s a new structure somewhere keep your eyes peeled it’s got to be around here somewhere there’s a weird little land next to the desert when i walk on it nothing happened this might be the structure that i unlocked water finally

I can drink all the water i need oh there’s a chest over here yeah this is definitely what we’re looking for what’s in this drowsing raw no thousand dowsing rod what the heck is a dowsing i don’t know oh it says consense hidden treasure when wielded in both hands okay oh my

Gosh look dude whoa this is awesome we’re on the hunt for treasure i ran as far as my little sandy legs could carry me grabbing some cactus along the way as well until this happened whoa 10 i unlocked a desert heart what am i doing falling in love

Does somebody want to hold my hand how do i craft a sand and cactus well i can do that the treasure can wait uh what do i do now i eat it all right oh i got sandy hearts now that’s cool i have a second layer of armor bars too oh

Does that mean my sandstone armor is even more powerful now that’s what i’m talking about yeah dude all right that’s a worthy upgrade distraction sandy cow sandy cow 15 a structure has generated nearby i like structures we’re making a lot of progress on this hunt for the treasure

Dude okay careful careful oh gosh dude this is hard all right guys i don’t think this is the treasure but i did find the structure that generated check this out it’s a pillager outpost but it’s all sandy hello gentlemen are you riding a llama dude okay hold on hold on

Before i go into the battle i gotta get armored up it’s time to go full sandman mode hello buddy boy ah i don’t want to kill the llama i feel bad take this you big old jerk be free llama oh my goodness there’s a lot of guys oh the

Llama men attack dude what the heck run run run run run i want to get whatever loot is in here dude get inside where’s the door there you are block it off yeah don’t die don’t die we’re doing all right give me some sand to stand on oh

Give me the armor give me the armor okay perfect die dude okay okay hey don’t spit at me dude there’s gotta be treasure up top come on come on no bad guys up here yes oh snap i got a rude sandstorm all right thanks guys very

Rude of you to sit on me but thanks for the loot anyway okay this was worth it but i gotta get out of here before i die dude run run run run drop to summon a rude sandstorm okay i don’t really have much of a choice here yeah i hope my

Sand got in your eyes what dude look at this it’s a sandstorm i guess it hurts mobs and insults them when it comes back you should go to the gym oh my gosh and it flings up dude that guy died i’ll call this a pretty useful item well we

Made it out of the desert and now we’re in some kind of forest here wait a minute can i make more progress just using my sandstorm here dude it does work no one cares oh no i thought you’d be taller yeah 25 reach a structure has generated nearby

It looks like the more sand that we uncover in the world the more crazy structures we find the treasure’s still on this way i have a feeling the treasure is not gonna be an easy one i don’t know there might be scary bosses or something oh i’m feeling good man i’m

Feeling fine and sandy hey look at this this might be an ordinary temple but it also might be a new one that spawned only one way to find out i guess by dying inside it hopefully not any fun secret in here hey 35 unlocked as well i don’t know what an hourglass

Is but we’ll find out in a moment so far looks like normal loot mummy’s cursed touch oh gross oh man i’m holding a mummy’s hand ew let’s end this with a bang our mummy’s touch makes enemies fall apart when touch weird okay i want to

Try this what if i get itchy and scratch my face with it hello buddy sandy boy oh there he goes i want to try this again but i feel bad use it on a bunny ooh villager nah i’m just kidding i’m gonna keep our mummies touch handy though if we run

Into any bad guys we can craft something called an hourglass i can craft it using living sand uh i don’t know what living sand is so we might have to come back to that guy later on to our mission to the treasure we go i can feel our handles

Vibrating too we must be getting close we ended up on an icy plains here and i’m turning the ground into sand snow on top of sand uh that’s the first time i’ve ever seen anything like that before hello little polar bears oh what happened there dude oh no he dropped

Something i got an arctic tear i’m so sorry buddy i didn’t mean to hurt your friend why’d he die did he overheat because of the sand or what oh what does an arctic tear do drop on the ground to summon a sand golem hey little saiyan golem so you were

Supposed to be an icy golem but i guess since i’m a sandy boy oh no guys i think i know how to get uh living sand to craft our hourglass buddy i’m sorry don’t look oh that is how i get it all right put him out of his misery fast i

Guess it’s getting chilly i’m gonna get out of the cold area here i did find this village over here pardon me a furnace this will keep me warm there we go put my nice old sand booty right by the fire will i turn into glass if i get

Too close although we do need glass for our hourglass i’m gonna borrow a couple of these walls here that should do it and with this i should be able to craft yep my hourglass it shows nearby mobs and turns the area into desert that seems useful for me i’d use the

Hourglass here but these guys feel cold for some reason this seems like a good of a place as ever uh i don’t know how to use this thing so back up i don’t want to turn you into a desert hey yeah oh snap watch out you guys oh look at

That i can see the mobs nearby nice hey 50 now this is some progress oh my gosh there’s a cow what’s up buddy nice udders dude we’ve got a new structure to find although i kind of want to see this guy in action again yeah 55 you’ve unlocked cursed gold

Tools that sounds kind of cool well let’s look out for that weird structure i could definitely use an upgrade from our sandstone over here all right compass take us where we need to go this way all right i was pretty sure that temple was what we were looking for and

Then i saw this so we got a massive pyramid in this desert that’s gotta be it huh although if there’s one thing i know about pyramids there can be mummies so we’re gonna get our sword and monkey paw ready for action because it could get messy in here

Is there traps inside okay i gotta be careful you guys oh my gosh did i hear enderman dude is it like a cave okay okay i’m gonna grab a couple of these blocks here this might just come in handy for us i can block it off like this

Take that you big dummy i’m a genius ouch and i just place it here ah yeah dude i’m crushing this okay okay okay i can place these down made it through the first level i assume it’s not going to get easier from here find a run through this right

Oh my gosh dude look at this ah the alligators nailed it looks like there’s two paths here we got the left and the right but the left looks right and the right looks wrong all right let’s take the left shall we careful of those oh there’s a barrier it looks like what’s

Up big old freak oh i can’t break it dude all right we gotta find another way around looks like the right was the right way one more jump don’t die don’t die don’t die yes force field power source i like how in the ancient pyramids they had force field technology it feels very

Fitting for the time period yep the force field is gone we’re making our way through lasers am i gonna be able to get past this oh gosh i don’t know man oh wait i have an idea are the lasers gonna go through the blocks no they aren’t ah

Yeah just duck down right through this i’m awesome and turn off the laser oh there’s gold here play with crafty in real life grab yourself one of my new cubels toys this fun origami puzzle transforms into a crafty action figure complete with moving parts and accessories with simple instructions and assembly in minutes

There’s no better way to build and play so grab a crafty cubel’s today i found it oh gosh i found a mummy okay back up dude i’m going to curse you with my mummy touch we’ve got some loot dude i got cursed gold ingots well i guess uh

The mummy wasn’t so happy i stole his gold so he kind of cursed it but that’s all right oh and we should be able to make yeah cursed pickaxe cursed sword what multiplies drops okay okay if i hold of the pickaxe i get wither which is not great but it does multiply my

Drops by four so if i hold this pickaxe and then i mine some of this diamond oh my gosh don’t die don’t die look at that dude i got four blocks of diamond let’s do it one more time grab it yeah we essentially now have infinite diamond

And iron and gold grab one of the gold hey let’s grab a little bit of this iron that’ll get us squared away now we just got to get out of here alive careful careful i’m out in the world and i didn’t die back off yeah that was worth

It dude we almost died but look at how excited i am let’s turn more the world into desert and let’s find ourselves that treasure hopefully some food along the way i’m not doing great right now hello buddies any food around here oh shoot i just dried up their whole well

That’s on me guys i’m sorry thanks for the bread guys uh i found something a little weird there’s a bunch of glass whenever i stand on it nothing happens there’s another one oh this guy’s got iron bars underneath this is weird dude i don’t know what this is and it’s got

Like obsidian here this looks like the door and it’s definitely closed i can’t even break the block whoa what the heck what is that this does not look like ancient pyramids this looks like it’s an alien ship or something dude i literally can’t break the blocks i can break the

Sand what is this some kind of ancient alien glass okay i’m gonna have to come back later to this one this one is a mystery we are literally unearthing ancient secrets just by turning the world into a desert i gotta make a little more progress this seems like a

Good job our hourglass yeah oh the trees look cool 70 i’ve unlocked vulture wings dude okay that sounds pretty neat if you ask me didn’t i get vulture wings earlier yeah vulture feather to craft that we’ll need seven vulture feathers and a magic carpet block the feathers weren’t hard

To get found a couple of chickens turned them into vultures and smackaroo and found out magic carpets come from sheep apparently so we got a couple of those too well that should do it now we can make ourselves evilture wings that’s how it’s uh pronounced in french vulture wings acquired

Very nice they’re a little itchy to be honest dude this is cool man i’ve always wanted to be a bird oh check it out as i fly i can make progress as we go to it a new structure has generated nearby well i will take a look with my eyeballs

Anybody ever noticed that my eyeballs are c’s or crafty you know what let’s go check back on that alien structure thing there it is it doesn’t look any more unearthed than usual oh my goodness wow hey look at that it’s a witch it’s an alien witch ah take that monster wow

That was easy ah shoot i just killed an alien not again and he dropped himself a ufo card i knew it was alien or something dude can i use this to get inside i can unlock the door now oops that’s not how you use it and got

It all right the password is actually one two three four aliens are not great with cyber security uh this place is kind of funky now the alien’s gone i can just move in this could be my home okay i gotta watch out there might be aliens

Anywhere what the heck is in this hello i don’t know what this is but it’s under glass so it must be important video games i’ve played one of those before a uav remote uh is that my uav do i get a drone strike hold on dude if i

Right click it shoots a laser ah now this is cool dude this might be better than any treasure i could find pew pew pew and this isn’t even the actual treasure either we still have more to find take this evil cactus i’ve got my own alien laser i’m sorry to do this buddy

One hit him dude i found a creeper that’s awesome i’m on the hunt for more things to shoot with lasers might as well man we got to make some progress anyways hey 85 unlocked desert sun or is it a dessert sun maybe it’s sweet and delicious how do we craft the desert

Sun huh i need a bunch of gold blocks and i need something called a diamond len well i can make that already with all my diamonds before i do that though i have a plan as long as i don’t die here i can use my cursed pickaxe to

Duplicate all of my oars yeah dude i’m in pain and i’m cursed but i am rich now i can make a diamond lens no problem and i should be able to make our sun now got him it looks kind of like an orange don’t eat it now what our sun is used for

To ignite the sun into the air and then turn a huge area into desert prepare for lag oh my word that was awesome it’s still going the sun is turning the earth into desert my computer is as hot as the sun is right now dude we reached 100 on our progress

Ball what was once a jungle is now my desert playhouse now that the world is turned into desert i figured it’d be time to find out what our actual treasure is and if you look at that i see something that doesn’t look normal check this out dude it’s a tomb of some kind

Nailed it look at this okay i gotta be careful though i see the treasure uh i see some diamonds some emerald oh i’ve been cursed by the pharaoh ow hey hey ow oh no no don’t you we’re fine i’ve been cursed before it’s not so bad and now

We’ve got unlimited diamonds and emerald uh-oh oh shoot i can’t break blocks anymore is that what the curse is it’s cool i’ll just chill here for a couple of thousand years somebody’s bound to find me eventually right subscribe

Playing Minecraft while Everything I Touch turns to Desert brings a whole new challenge to the game!
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Welcome to Craftee where we take on different challenges and play Minecraft but strange things always happen. Today we’re playing Minecraft but Everything I Touch turns to Desert! Let us know which part was your favorites and remember to drop your ideas in the comments for future videos that we can make!

Minecraft but Everything I Touch turns to Desert

#Minecraft #But #Desert


🎶 Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound
All music used with permission from its creator.


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