THE NEW DOG! – Stardew Valley 1.6 Full Playthrough [Ep.2]

Hello everyone welcome back to my new 1.6 playthrough in stardy valley where we join Walter here on the Blue Bell Farm I just want to thank you all for the support on the first episode you all seem very excited for this new playthrough just like me so I will be

Trying to upload these daily daily episodes on the 1.6 playthrough this is going to be an absolute ride a journey that I can’t wait to dive into so today is a big episode because a lot of things are going to be happening and one of

Them is our new little doggo now I did ask in the last episode on the first episode some suggestions of names for Walter’s dog and you guys went crazy there was so many suggestions there was loads that I loved but I have finally chose one I’ve spent a long time doing

This so we’re going to adopt it and the name is Winston thank you all for the suggestions there was so many good ones I could have literally chose about five of my personal favorites it was super hard to come up with this but there is a reason why I’ve chose Winston um and

We’ll dive into that as we play but there we go guys Winston you be a good Pooch now okay oh Walter has finally got a best friend but I quite like making up scenarios to to like how Walter became Walter you know how he got here his

Background his life I don’t know it kind of just it’s quite fun to me to create these kind of stories it gets your imagination going crazy and it’s it’s almost quite immersive when you’re playing I enjoy playing a lot more when there’s like a story behind it you know

It makes things a little bit different so like I said in the first one I created this character here Walter I kind of got the idea of like an oldish man retired from the city life he used to work in the city very busy frantic

Life we’ve got a lot of fish here that I’m going to sell from the last episode going to make some good money but yeah I thought that Walter maybe wanted to escape into the country um and get away from the city and enjoy a retirement that was my old like idea of creating

Walter here also a lot of suggestions for the dog was Jesse and I get that because obviously Walter and Jesse’s from Breaking Bad it’s a awesome reference I didn’t create the character Walter for that reason so I didn’t kind of want to make the dog that you know I

Kind of want Walter to be his own character not referred to as somebody else if that makes any sense but it was a great idea and I see why a lot of you guys thought we should have done it I’m going to keep one of every fish here cuz

You never know what we’re going to need but yeah back to back to the little story time here that that was my idea behind Walter you know rather than creating like a young character took over their grandpa’s farm and you know we’ve done all that before I kind of

Wanted to do something a little different and you guys also suggested that we never marry in this game uh you know Walter is retired he’s quite old and all the people in the game are quite young the ones you have to marry so it wouldn’t really make sense so I do like

The idea that we never marry but we could potentially get kobus as our roommate and we can kind of like incorporate that later on down the line which I’ve never actually done by the way so I think that would make an awesome little play through but then I

Was kind of like diving into the imagination again of um of how Walter got here and the dog so I kind of thought like do you guys know the film uh up Disney up with the old man he kind of lost his wife and he lived on his own

In the house and maybe that’s kind of what happened to Walter maybe he was happily married in the city to somebody called maybe Tula that was happily married for years childhood sweetheart you know uh and sadly she passed away like a year prior to Walter moving here

To the farm she had like a terminal illness you know and he was caring for her and it was always tula’s dream to move out to the countryside and it was Walter’s dream as well and he was working hard in the city to kind of make

That come true make it happen so he used to be a miner back in the day used to working the pits and the mines a very experienced Miner working hard for a lot of money but then sadly you know Tula got ill all of his savings from his work

Kind of went towards treatment um so they could never really move out to the country and make tula’s dream come true kind of thing so you know a year ago let’s just say Walter lost to Lula and he kind of wanted to keep that dream

Alive he’s like I’m going to move out to the country this is what Tula wanted and that’s what he’s done he’s packed up a little bag his suitcase moved out from the city and kind of enjoyed life alone but in the memory of Tuli you know and

That’s kind of like the story of in my mind of maybe what happened to Walter and that’s why he doesn’t want to get married again or remarried because you know you’ll never find love like it Tula was his true love and it just won’t be the same you know the last couple of

Weeks the final weeks of tula’s life before she passed um Walter surprised her with a new puppy to kind of bring some joy into her life you know before before she passed and Tula actually renamed the dog Winston that is why Winston Is With Us Winston and Walter

Moved out together Tula should be here but sadly she’s not and it was in fact Tula who renamed the dog Winston and Walter actually has never called Winston by his real name Walter actually calls him Chief which is another suggestion that I really really liked by the way I

Can just imagine you know in the morning Walter wakes up and goes yeah you’re all right Chief how are you doing Chief and kind of like calls him that and he does it’s a bit touchy the subject of calling him Winston just because Tula always did

He’s kind of like a manly thing you know he’s the chief of the house comforting Tula before she passed bringing some joy and he is the chief so that that is it a little story time I don’t know I know a lot of you guys kind of like the

Roleplay aspect um maybe some of you don’t but I just kind of like playing games like that and creating stories of my own imagination of it’s nice to have this character here Walter and understand him a little bit more to how his personality is and I think it’s

Going to be really fitting for this playthrough it’s going to really allow us to enjoy the game a little bit more okay Deluxe fishing rod we’ve not even got enough money for that lonus you’re lucky I found you last night yeah we did pass out but it’s fine we didn’t lose

Any money okay so they are they’ve removed the Boulder now Morris so we can actually go into the mines which is awesome so yeah I was kind of in my mind this isn’t Grandpa’s Old Farm you know this is a farm that we’ve kind of purchased it was run down it’s quite

Cheap affordable and it was easy to escape to and to move out here so I’m actually going to purchase a few more seeds today we’ve got to get some money in ready for the strobes so what I’m going to do is I’m going to we only got

152 oh no I thought we had more than that I need to buy some potatoes we can only get free oh I I was meant to sell all of that fish that we had instantly to Willie to give us some money to buy potatoes cuz we need them in the ground

Today we found our first lost book we might not be able to get much money for strobes but you know I was too busy talking to you guys and I kind of lost my trainer thought our energy is quite low as well whatever I can catch I might

Just sell straight to Willie here but I don’t think we’re going to have enough time first catch baby we got two gold to our name this is not good where’s the fish biting come on we still haven’t had the cut scene for the CC yet as well I

Want to see what bundles we’ve got there’s the flounder can we just sell here got 222 now we’ll also going to change our Bara quickly I’m going to oh we’ve only got these so you unlock them I should play interesting I’m going to go with the the um yellow and green go

Something a little bit different we can randomize it but there’s not really enough to do that right 222 that might be able to buy is that four more potatoes it’s better than nothing if I can make it in time and then I guess we just got to put a shift in with fishing

Just to allow us to get more money for the straws because I don’t think the crops are going to do it okay there we go got seven in total but I want to keep doing all the out requests as well we got some good money in the first episode

Harvey wants a large mouth for 300 you see that’s really really good it’s good money the large mouth isn’t going to sell for that I’m sure it’s like 200 and something so you do make more money on it it’s a good way to get friendship up

As well so I might just spend the rest of the evening and night here fishing up here by the lake cuz that’s where the large m bassar as well it is the best place to fish in Spring and look the Boulder’s now gone so we will take a

Trip to the mines maybe tomorrow and we’ll get our first bunch of copper to get our furnace up and running and get that Silo as well our first chest of the day have we got the look come on I believe in Walter Walter’s good at anything there’s the large mouth 20

Bait it’s Friday will Harvey be in the the saloon today we could maybe go and give him the large mouth before we end the day we do not have the stamina for this today and I’ve not got anything to eat we need to maybe buy some food from the saloon but we’ve

Not got the money so maybe crafting field snacks might be quite handy this is probably going to be the last fish sadly because we don’t have enough stamina for this so whatever this is we’ll go back we’ll have an early night and we’ll be more productive tomorrow

Green algae can we eat this to get one more fish I don’t want to end on a green algae come on surely enough to get one more fish might be able to get another one after this I’ve got so much bait that I want to use we need to get that

Fiberglass Rod pretty fast right that’ll do me not the most productive day but it’s going to be a little bit of something I don’t think I’ve got enough stamina for this oh what an idiot I forgot about the potatoes let’s have a look we only got seven oh we just

Got enough let’s go potatoes in the ground and we finally got level one farming I will craft that scarecrow right away we’ve also got level four fishing we can now get the worm bins and the the brand new crafting recipe for the deluxe bait this is the cash that we

Needed today I should have sold all of that fish maybe we’ll go we got how many days left until the festival can we get even more potatoes today so let’s prep the soil we got some more clay we do need clay ready for our Silo so I’m not going to be mad finding

That there we go hopefully that’s going to be enough I’m going to get rid of these trees it’s hard to see let’s water maybe all the soil so I can get some more seeds in I just don’t know how much I’m going to buy oh water’s ran out now a lot of you

Guys was telling me the best way to fill up the watering can is going in here by the river near the CPS now I agree that is much faster a lot of people said you can even use the sink in your house but we’ve not got the kitchen yet so we

Can’t do that but I thought that we had to go into this big pond in the middle which is quite far away so yeah it makes sense it’s much closer by the chickens so we’ll keep doing that until we eventually get the well and I’m I’m

Still going to build one of those I’m not just going to use the river all the time because it’s going to get frustrating so I do want to build a well maybe somewhere on the green bit here so then I can just come here maybe there that’s probably a good spot right there

Allows me to do a lot of crops and not have to go all the way to the the chickens but for now every I’ve got to go to the chickens every single day anyway to like get their eggs and pet them so it’s just a good chance to get

The watering can so then we can just fill up there and let the chickens out no problemo the grass is running wild they love it we should maybe buy some more chickens now another thing as well name suggestions for chickens oh look at Winston he looks so good we need to go

And pet him um a lot of suggestions for chickens I loved but the one I’ve seen the most is kind of like just leaving the chickens with their default names because apparently they’ve changed the way the animals are randomized now with the names and they’re a lot better some

Of you guys were saying that you get really nice names now for your chickens and animals we didn’t get the eggs yesterday so I’m kind of just going to leave them as they are you know whatever they are called it’s a lot easier for us as well than having to rename them all

The time so yeah I’m just going to leave them we’ll leave them be right I’ll maybe go and sell these eggs straight to Pierre if he does accept them cuz then we can buy even more seeds if we need to I’m going to build another chest because storage is becoming big problem yeah

This tree is already doing my heading you see I said in the first episode it looks kind of cute and pretty but it’s already getting uh a bit annoying I’m going to use this one for the CC in case we need like one of everything we still

Haven’t got a dangel liion where the hell are they so that’s all going to be for bundles right okay the trees got to go it’s got to go oh I knew this was going to come where’s Winston oh my God our stamina is absolute shot what is going on can we craft any

Of those field snacks just yet no we got no acorns oh no I’m going to eat this leak and this sauce relish and let’s to take a trip out got a little bit of energy to work with I can’t really do a mine run today because it’s just not

Enough I want to trigger this cut scene come on sh oh there’s the dandelions come on three of them couldn’t find one and now I’ve got three and there we go Walter has finally met mayor Lewis and we are going to repair this up we’ve got

To explore it first though and get the letter from The Wizard before we can see the bundles so we’ll get our seeds and then we’ll take a trip straight up there also the large mouth did I sell Demetrius wants a joj cola and Harvey wants a

Large mouth okay we need to do that that’s good money for us guys um and I want to kind of complete them all so so six days for those six that’s the 12th I think that might be all right because isn’t the egg FES on the 13th so

Yeah we’ve just got enough time how many can get 32 that is so much better so much better uh I’m going to quickly go up and get the the large mouth and hopefully I can find joj Cola as well I don’t know if we’ got one on

The farm got to pop up to the CC as well so let’s go ahead and do this Walter come on move those little old legs you’ve got this buddy let’s go and investigate here we go just got to read this Juno plaque we the Juno are something something right I’m I’m

Excited to see what bundles we get apparently a lot of people are saying that the new ones are bugged out I hope we don’t get that that would be quite frustrating we don’t want any bugs in the the CC bundles please I don’t know what they mean by that like

Is it asking for things that you can’t get or I I don’t really know we’ll have to just test it I guess let’s get this large mouth hello lonus good afternoon buddy I’m happy by myself you know yeah me too um kind of you know I wish tululu

Was here but it is what it is we’re living this life and doing all of this for her you know this is what she would have wanted that new Rod cannot come quick enough it’s so slow oh got a chest as well okay come on be something decent

We need the luck so far I don’t think we’ve had much luck on this playr uh it’s not been the luckiest start four copper there she is we got the large mouth apparently there is joj Cola in here I can’t really find one I’m

Not sure if we got one back at the far in the first episode I think I drank it and we got that little speed boost which apparently was around in the 1.5 update as well I just never really drank them because you know they don’t really give you much so I me

We should kind of find Harvey before he kind of hides in his room um we’ve got the large M it’s the last day to do so is Saturday so it might be in the saloon I don’t know I can’t believe it closed at 300 p.m. that’s so

Bad Evelyn so of course Evelyn and Walter here do go way back in the city uh they do know each other and we used to have a big crush on Evelyn when she was younger and when we was kind of like teenagers but that was kind of before

You know Walter settled down got married and found the love of his life but Evelyn was on his mind quite a lot back in the day and when he found out that Evelyn lived in this Village he was kind of a little excited maybe there was something there that could spark but

Then he found out that she was married as well to George so I don’t think it’s ever going to work out sadly between them two they just have to be civil and Friends Hey kid the name is Pam kind of meeting everyone cuz I don’t know if who

Spoke to these just yet kind of make sure how how far are we away with that Quest actually six more people I’m pretty sure Sebastian’s one of them even Abigail I don’t think we’ve spoke to Clint just yet as well kind of waitting until I see Harvey like does he

Ever leave please I’ve got his largemouth bass for him it’s gold quality as well so he better appreciate that cuz that’s going to sell for a bit of money I’ll check these trash cans we might find a Jo trola let’s have a look oh there is Clint should we speak to him

Just in case he’s one of them uh hi I’m Clint yes I’m the town blacksmith if you ever need to upgrade your tools I’m your guy so yeah we never spoke to him nice this is where we’re probably going to find the Joe draa right by this trash

Can not today though could we purchase one 75 no we could have purchased one guys I mean it’s kind of pointless though because that’s a waste of money because Demetrius is only going to give us 75 gold for one anyway so we kind of want to find one we get free money then

Oh Sebastian’s coming does Harvey never come to the saloon right so there’s Bastion so we’re never going to be able to we’re not going to be able to speak to him today that is so annoying what doctor closes at 300 p.m. and then just stays in there like it’s like one of the

Hardest people you ever speak to I know normally he down here but that’s too late so that Quest is done that would have been 300 gold that we needed as well I was kind of just hoping I I’d wait around and he would turn up but I

Just don’t think he’s going to I think on a Saturday he’s literally been in his room all day long so we’ve failed that Quest that is so we’ll just sell the fish we’ll get about what 250 nway 280 I don’t know so we’ll actually make some

Decent money for it we’ve got a lot of crops to put in the ground and I completely forgot didn’t I yes I did but we watered cuz I’m smart did I buy too many oh you’re are joking I I literally dug the right amount that I’ve bought there’s no way

I’m that lucky there’s got to be something that I’ve missed did I forget to give Winston a love a look at him sleeping he’s so cozy Tulu would have been so happy here in this little cabin I mean there’s no bathroom there’s no bedroom there’s no kitchen it’s all good

Okay the money’s coming in slowly but surely not bad after purchasing all those potatoes ready for the strobes right let’s check on the weather okay it’s raining tomorrow that’s nice on the eth come on today is a terrible bad luck day and we’ve also got the queen of the source the first

Sunday we got to keep learning all of those oh Clint here because I think we’ve now got the furnace uh blueprint right so that’s nice we can now actually craft this we just need 20 copper oil we’ve got a lot of tasks to do craft the furnace Demetrius final day on jojo I

Don’t think we’ve got any of those nope got to try and find one we got some potatoes today nice potatoes right let’s get the kalea as well so I’m kind of going to ship one of everything and of course we may need one of those as well so we got

Five more of these to sell we got a letter today and Winston’s going crazy the wizard yes we can finally go and meet him good morning Chief how you doing our chickens are out we’ll pet them they are loving life we should be able to get two more eggs today

Yes they got two feed in there but they’re just not eating it because they’re having the grass instead but it is raining tomorrow so they will eat that so it’s nice to know that they’ve already been fed for tomorrow as well it’s also nice to have full stamina

We’ve been struggling with this quite a lot so let’s water these crops also we need the Scarecrow right so we’ll do that that’s our first one ever done is this going to be okay here I hope it covers that area as well we’ll see it could have really ideally been

Here but there’s a crop so I’ll move it when that’s grown I should really be checking the travel lady as well I think we missed her on Friday look at Winston going crazy but she’s here today right I’m we’re going down to the wizard anyway so

Here is the travel lady let’s see what you’ve got I mean we’ve got 834 gold apparently you can’t no longer find ancient seeds in here as well pomegranate I’m look Bullhead shrimp cocktail fruit salad and that’s it not a very good one but let’s go and

Do this cut scene get this over and done with I can’t wait to see the bundles see what we’ve got there we go 100 gold got a visit guner as well can we go to this the CC now and actually see the bundles or do we still

Have to oh no we can see them should we go find out what we’ve got oh I’m excited guys I’m going to take some things up with me just in case we can already donate it so it’s just spring foraging for now so we can’t do the

Crops so I’m just going to take I think I’ve got all of the spring forage already so we can literally go ahead and do that we might need the spring onion though if we’ve got that kind of bundle yeah look at that with did need the

Spring onion so I’m going to go down and see if I can try and get it and then we can complete that bundle straight away so already that’s being remixed we don’t need is it the leak is it just swap for the leak yeah so you’ll either get a

Leak or a spring onion do Forin whilst we’re down here as well oh there’s plenty of spring onions let’s go I was hoping there’s going to be at least one and we’ve got quite a few so that bundle is going to be complete so funnily enough we’ve not spoke to uh

Georgia interesting maybe we should go and say hi let’s break the ice there’s beautiful Evelyn it’s nice to be close to the ocean the sound of the sea makes going to sleep a lot easier as kids we hunted for seashells after the tide went out those were the days yeah Evelyn you

Know we we were childhood friends me and you go way back that’s what we used to do went to the same school right here is grumpy George act natural hi George aren’t you cold they don’t make sweaters like they used to and no right actually

Ah okay have a good day must be nice having a wife and living that kind of life you know sadly Walter doesn’t have that life let’s get all of this good chance to get mixed seeds and fiber and let’s go and do our first bundle already so spring foraging we will do right

Away bundle complete we should get the spring seeds right 30 of them let’s go right so we’ve also we’ve got the construction the classic exotic foraging classic fall foraging summer and winter so this is literally exactly the same so nothing changed there hopefully we’ve got some

New ones in the pantry I wanted some of the new remix ones spicing up a little bit we can also check the fish as well right come on let’s have a look at the crops I think we still need the cauliflower spring crops oh we need a new carrot interesting and the

Cauliflower and the green bean so we’ve only got the pass it we need loads of new crops here so carrot that makes sense you know we should have had carrots from day one uh we can only get these from digging up the worms though right what else do we have we’ve got the

Garden bundle the different flowers interesting I don’t think I’ve ever had that one we’ve got the classic Artisan we’ve got fall crops which is now broccoli okay summer crops which is the summer squash so we’ve literally got all the new crops in the game poot pepper blueberry and summer squash and the rare

Crops we’ve got this bundle as well okay that’s easy enough let’s check the fish what do we have so the river fish yep the same we do already have the Sunfish and the Shad we got the Crab Pot nice ocean okay specialty all right the night fishing and the lake so nothing

Changed there as well okay so far pretty pretty similar other than a few new crops that yeah we can only get from um from the new content we got to dig up those worms and things like that but it’s nice to know that all of these forage and crops that

We’ve got now we can sell or eat we don’t need them for the bundles so Walter used to be a very very experienced um Miner is very good at this I need to go and grab that chest this is what he did as a profession leading up to uh to Lula’s

Death he was a minor and then when she passed for a year before he moved here he actually worked in a factory trying to earn a little bit of money before he went into full retirement and then moved out to the countryside he just had to

Get a little bit of money behind him because he had nothing left when Tula passed because of the treatment costs and yeah you know the cost of living right let’s try and make our way down we got a sword we got a pickaxe let’s get

Some materials Oh What a fine look at is is a a great Miner guys already got down the ladder but I want these ones for the XP and the chance to get coal and you do get more pieces of stone so I will try

And get those ones for the XP as well oh our first rock crab okay old Walter Is Not Afraid Nothing Stops him we got a way down as well anything else here now we’ll kind of leave that let’s get down so far so good our first

Copper node let’s go so you’ve got some new ideas to sleep on I found out what that means and basically it’s when you’ve got a level up when a skill as uh you’ve got like a level up in skill kind of makes it a little bit more more

Immersive as well you know the fact that we’re out here we’re learning new things so as we get better at fishing mining foraging Etc we kind of learn new things so when we go to sleep at night we’ll be like we’re kind of good at mining we did

Some good stuff today and then you’ll get the level up so I think our mining has just gone up that’s basically what it is right yes plenty of copper let’s go come on Walter you’ve got this oh our first amethyst come on I do love the mines in Stall Valley

So fun oh well way down as well I kind of want to slay all the bugs I kind of want to do that in this playr I want Walter here to be a very good Miner slash you know Monster Slayer I think it’d be a good achievement to work towards so already

We got to level five and I think we’ve only got 12 pieces of copper I thought we had more than that let’s go and get these crates got a geode a first one it’s all kicking off it’s 10:40 p.m. though so we got to kind of go I want

These crates and I’m going to get out of here cuz we’ve got no stamina right let’s take these oh a lot of enemies though we got a [Applause] crab right okay let’s go sadly only 15 pieces of copper that’s not going to be enough for what we need

I will keep the bug meat here cuz eventually I’ll be able to craft bug steak so let me take a lot of resources back oh I didn’t even realize guys we found the wooden Club when did did that drop oh my God okay that’s actually a

Really good weapon 9 to 16 already we are going to have a good time in the mines that is so much better than the rusty sword let’s go I didn’t even see that drop maybe it was from the crates actually that’s normally where you get them I’m going to close this door

Animals do get a friendship boost every time you do that at night time which is quite nice I’m going to keep hold of that crab cuz we will need that so we don’t need the small mouth we do need the shad and the Sunfish we need the large mouth we need the crab

We need the clam we don’t need a chub yet but we might need it for another bundle uh we need the carp we need the ballhead and we need the bream good night Chief sleep well there’s the skill level that we learned through the day level one Mining and some good money as

Well it’s always nice to at least get a th a day and this is the rain yes good morning Chief oh he’s so cute I love him so oh we got a double rain it’s raining tomorrow as well oh I love that that’s so good that’s going to help with

Watering massively for the next 2 days oh a shame we could couldn’t upgrade the watering can uh Marlon we need to slay 10 slimes we’ll probably go up there today in fact no I’m going to do fishing guys we need the catfish this is the

Well yeah we do need that as well get it as well wories but they’re not the wormies we want we need the new ones that uh look like they’ve got Moss on them cuz they’re the ones that will drop the carrots just haven’t seen any yet though

Are we going to get carrot seeds this this spring I hope so hi sh chain so let’s try and get this catfish today we managed to get it in the last episode somehow oh no so hopefully we can get one today we are level higher in fishing

So we should be able to do it you know what guys we have enough money I’m getting the new rod with some bait I’m doing it this is one thing I want to we got the backpack upgrade the fishing rod is the next thing we we’re going to get

A lot of money from the potatoes for strobes and all the fishing that we can do with this Rod I might be able to get more money for strobes as well yes we got some more clay that’s that’s handy we need it we need it you know what I

Don’t think we’ve got all the fish yet in the ocean like we still need the halib but and the Herring I think I need to get one of every fish so while I’m here waiting for Willie to open I think he already has now yeah that’s I’ll get

Some money from the fish as well aridium quality sardine there’s the halib butt First Catch so we’ve got the Sardine and the anovi like I said still still do need the herring there’s the Herring let’s go so we need one sardine to donate but the rest of

The fish that I’ve just caught we don’t need so we’ll sell them to Willie get a bit of extra cash do we need the oyster we do need the oyster for the crap of course so now I should be able to get the fiberglass Rod I also want a trout suit for the

Catfish and then I’m going to buy oh the deluxe bait is so expensive so I’m just going to buy a standard bait I’m going to buy 50 I’ve already got a ton of bait at home as well so we’re not going to run out of that for a

While so let’s try and get the catfish now we’ve got 250 gold to our name it’s not a lot but you know what I’m happy we’ve got the better Rod we’ got a better backpack day eight of spring I think we’re doing quite well I forgot to

Take the trout soup so if this is the catfish I am screwed yeah let’s have faith let’s catch it without the TR soup we’ve done it before never mind maybe this is one of Walter’s weakest skills maybe he’s not the best fisherman you know he used to

Work in the mines he’s he’s no Willie is he put him in the mines in the caves against Monsters yeah he’s he’s the man guys I’m really struggling to get this catfish and this is not like me I don’t know if they’ve changed fishing or not I’ve seen

A lot of people saying this that fishing feels harder and you know what I must agree so far it does feel slightly more difficult I don’t know I would say maybe I’m Rusty but I’m not because I’ve been playing sty Valley quite a lot and you

Know fishing is is up there with what I do I just feel like the fish are a little bit more aggressive and also the green but is a bit more sensitive it is definitely more tough I I must admit I don’t if that’s a Mei thing or

The actual game this does not want to be caught wow and there we go we got it but that was one of the most difficult catfish I’ve ever caught in in my life whilst it’s still raining and we’ve got the trout super I’m going to try and get

More to sell oh God this is difficult guys wow I’ve never had a bad time like this and you know another thing we are not finding any treasure chests whatsoever like the look is just not it on this on this one so far okay second Catfish come on I feel like they’ve

Changed the pattern a little bit like they’re a bit more spontaneous now I used to kind of understand the catfish and now I feel like I can’t and look of course it’s going to give me my first chest when I’m into a catfish I’ve not seen one in Forever can we do this

Challenge accepted come on let’s go catfish and a treasure chest I think we’re getting it I think we’re getting it after all that why do I always get rice shoes I even take copper at this point like or coal rice shoes no one wants rice shoes come

On I’ll take another cat fish Walter’s getting the knack for it he’s getting used to fishing he’s getting the hang of it maybe it’s a new hobby that he’s going to pick up he’s out here in the countryside he’s all alone he’s got a lot of time on his hands he’s kind of

Just working for himself earning a little living selling his fruit and vegetables he’s kind of like not working a heavy job like he used to do so he’s got a bit of time to to learn new skills and I think fishing’s one of them it’s the same with foraging something like

That he’s never really done that before he’s he’s good at mining but the rest it’s it’s all new to him it’s going to be interesting when we start cooking as well he’s not the best chef uh you know Tula his wife used to do all the cooking

He used to come back after a busy day of work and there’d be a hot meal on the table ready for him so when it comes to cooking his own food you know he’s already struggling he’s he’s got nothing to eat other than what what he finds out

Whilst he’s foraging and stuff like that so I think cooking’s going to be quite tough for him to get get the hang of even socializing you know is quite tough for him is he’s not used to talking to people and being around a lot of people kind of kept himself to himself just

Worked Le a living and went back home you know so he’s out here learning he’s he’s doing it all it’s all new to him kind of fending for himself now and that just goes to show how important a wife is right to any man you know a woman

Really puts a man in line and they’re much more important than people think they do a lot and it’s crazy how much Men actually rely on women and they might not admit it and I’ll be one of them you don’t like to admit it you know

We are a man we can do our own thing we don’t need women but secretly we do guys and you know what I think it’s the same for women as as well they secretly need men let’s let you let’s be honest we we need each other got an achievement there

Though mother catch we’re getting there we’re doing quite good with the catfish today I’m getting the hang of it now I think Walter is learning he’s learning fishing he’s getting better he’s understanding these catfish you know he’s he’s learning the fight in the battle and I think he’s

Enjoying himself here he’s going to make some money as well we’re going to sell all these fresh fish that we caught to the the local community you know oh it’s the first catfish I’ve lost in a while oh is this a catfish with a chest or are we

Okay no don’t know if it’s a catfish or not it seems maybe yeah it definitely is it started off a little calm they do trickier these things but there we go another catfish what we’ve got today oh yes there we go guys it’s about time we’ve got a new artifact that’s our

Third one from fishing that’s the only thing we’re doing quite good within the chest is we do have three artifacts now I will take that I mean I I wish it was the ancient seed or the dinosaur egg that’s the things I’m really wanting oh oh my god let’s go back to

Back guys with another one the ancient doll if you remember in the first episode we got the strange doll we’ve now got the ancient one we finding the prehistoric tool just before oh wow the artifacts are coming in thick and fast I’ve caught a ton of catfish we’ve

Leveled up we’ve got two artifacts I’d say it’s been a very successful day oh another chest to end it on I always like to do that imagine another artifact oh my God I called it I literally called it what is going on guys free artifacts tonight all the ones

That we need oh wow what a day what a day fishing but as you can see we’re doing pretty well we in the first episode we got the strange doll and the skeletal tail in this episode we’ve got the rear disc the ancient doll and the prehistoric tool in two episodes guys

Eight days of stardy Valley we found five artifacts I was complaining earlier saying we’ve not got much luck maybe I take that back and there we go guys level five fishing I probably should have held on to all those fish to sell for 25% more which is a bit frustrating

Completely forget to do that every single time but we made 2,600 it’s 2.7k it’s going to set us up nicely for the next episode because that is where I’m going to end this one that’s been another 4 days I’m not sure if you want them to be longer but we are doing daily

Uploads so I don’t want them to be super super long but thank you all for watching please smash the like button if you want to continue to see Walter and his new farming Journey the 1.6 playthrough will be around for a long time as long as you guys want to see it

There’s a lot for us to do I want to discover everything all the new content from 1.6 and hopefully eventually get Perfection this is kind of a farm i’ would love to fully complete if I’m being honest and kind of be like a new farm that I’m going to work on for a

Long time over the years subscribe if you do want to see more of that though but until then I’ll see you on the next one guys stay safe stay cozy

🐔 Welcome to new beginnings. A brand new Stardew Valley playthrough for the new 1.6 update. Join me on this new adventure as we go back in time to re-live the cozy farmers life, all while exploring the new content!

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  1. I love the name Winston and the backstory! And I'm glad that you also could picture him calling him Chief as a pet name 🙂 this playthrough will be so much fun!

  2. I need a parallel universe where Walter stoles Marney from the mayor. She deserves better.
    And the rest of the bachelor/ettes are too young for Walter 😂

  3. Sharky and Waligug starting new Stardew playthroughs. I’m loving this. Sitting back, relaxing and watching Stardew Valley 1.6 while patiently waiting for console version to update

  4. I love the story!! I do this also. I have several that I play with different themes/stories. I'm weird though, I love rice shoots, especially first year. Plant near water and forget them until harvest! Easy farming experience.

  5. I always struggled so much with fishing; my partner or friend would fish for me and that's how I levelled up. I'm sooo dreading the1.6 console update if fishing really is even harder!!! Fishing is truly the game breaker for me :((((((

  6. Oh my gosh! The back story. Made me tear up. BUT! What if grandpa (who wills you the farm) isn't your grandpa but Walter's brother!? So "grandpa" willed the farm to his brother Walter because he knew it was always the dream of Walter & his wife to live in the country but "grandpa" passed before it could be gifted on a special occasion. "Grandpa" was Walter's brother's nickname because that's how he acted all the time. Like a little old grandpa. Lol

  7. Loving this play through! I’m looking forward to daily uploads 😃 I love everything about Walter’s story! I’m thinking that George never really likes Walter, he “knows” or thinks he knows about Walter and Evelyn but even though you have no ill will towards him, you “accidentally” give him gifts he doesn’t like and you and him never really become friends, until later when George realizes he has nothing to worry about. 😁 George and Evelyn are my favorite characters so I have no ill will towards George 😂 I’m just thinking of Walter and his story. Great play through Sharky! I’m really enjoying this series and looking forward to it playing out 😊

  8. I do wish we got more days per episode, but if we’re getting daily uploads then I won’t be greedy. I love the story you’re giving Walter and Winston, it’s so wholesome 💜

  9. The quest for Demetrius (the Joja Cola) would still have been worth completing even if you'd have to buy the Joja Cola. Sure, you wouldn't have gained any gold, but you would have made progress towards a new prize ticket, and you would have an increase in relationship.

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