Minecraft but I can Buy Custom TNT

Don’t you just hate normal explosions it was all right I guess today we’re gonna be buying and using crazier and crazier TNT and we won’t stop until we get the million block TNT why a million I don’t know number gets clicks okay so from that TNT I got 41 blocks broken in total

And now I can go to my TNT shop here and now we can do a little bit of shopping here right click TNT to purchase so this costs 10 exploded blocks and I can get myself four weed killer TNT I still have some blocks left over from my block counter let’s buy

Some more yes now I’m poor alrighty and now it’s some explodey boy time explodey boy time was my band in high school this TNT is called weed killer so I guess I put it on top of grass here and go oh my goodness yeah it just breaks the top

Layer excuse me cows are you munching this well hold on I gotta cut the grass real quick where was the TNT weed kill or whatever I had to mow the grass growing up why mow the grass when he could just explode it best way to do chores is with explosions I’m sorry

Buddy just like my mom said when I got terrible haircuts it’ll grow back all right let’s head back to the TNT shop now we can purchase ourselves some slow TNT here thank you very much thank you and I still have a little bit of money

Left over let’s go ahead and buy some of these Cube TNT’s as well all right let’s do some explosions let’s see what the slogan explosions are dangerous Lessons Learned try this again place it and run run run run oh my gosh that’s a big boy dude I guess

The explosion just happens over time walk away ooh guys walk away from explosions and it only hurt my butt a lot oh this is a bad idea go go go okay run run whoa dude I like the slow TNT okay now we also have the cube TNT what does this

Guy do are you gonna hurt me and kill me oh so cute after the slow TNT the cube TNT is so quaint I guess it explodes in a little square huh I am breaking a lot of blocks so I should be able to afford the next TNT no problem and excavate oh

Goodness it falls all right it’s got some gravity that’s so cute go little square TNT yes very modern what an Art Exhibit we’re exhibiting a real reflection on life itself Square everything’s Square sorry excuse me I don’t know what happened there square square square square square square

Oh I like it dude that’s a fun way to mine just drop the blocks as well so if I need diamonds later this might be exactly what I use okay well that gave me 3 000 blocks broken so let’s go on a little spending spree here looks like I

Can purchase some of these repeating TNTs and can I afford it yeah I can I can buy a Canon TNT as well goodness they’re starting to get pretty expensive here TNT resistant suit oh my gosh that looks so awesome I want one of those dude

What the world eater TNT oh I want this man half a million blocks I’m coming back trap Chester oh dude what are you doing in here I’ve gotta unlock Chester man all right hundred thousand blocks don’t worry buddy I’ll come back now it’s personal they’ve trapped Chester oh

I get it like a trapped chest trapped Chester alrighty Mountain let’s see what you got dude pardon me sheets excuse me I want to blow up this mountain real quick do you mind thank you buddy this is an exclamation Zone your boy’s about to blow some stuff up can you move dude

Can you move I don’t want to punch you okay there you go thank you watch out for the blast zone pardon me Little Flower there you go I found a new home for you now I shall blow up this mountain to go I don’t know what’s gonna

Happen I don’t know what’s gonna happen oh that’s it oh oh my goodness say I didn’t warn the Sheep so it looks like it just keeps blowing up that sheep you just saw General die why that was so easy to avoid wait a minute okay I have

A little bit of a crazy idea here I was trying to think of a way to cheat the system with this repeating TNT okay so here’s my idea I’m gonna go into the middle of the ocean basically and if the TNT can light underwater and keep exploding I wonder if it breaking the

Water blocks will count as blocks broken did that make any sense I don’t know okay so here goes nothing hey yeah oh that does light that does light does that work yeah yeah it counts the water as blocks exploding I’ve cheated the system dude ow oh gosh oh gosh I deserve this death

Okay let me find a village real quick or something whoa look at the little hole in the mountain it’s a perfect little circle let’s blow it up I’m a little nervous to do this with one heart go okay okay well it exploded oh I see what

Happened it looks like the Canon TNT oh gosh don’t don’t kill me oh well it’s the holidays and we owe it to the Minecraft Community to give back to one another so for a limited time you can get the crafty and accessorio plushie bundle get two adorable plushies all

While showing some love to ex nistorio’s community and to show love for the crafty Community our community go to crafty dot store today wait a minute wait a minute if I put down the Canon TNT watch it explodes but also it shoots out a bunch of little tiny TNTs that

Explode all the way down go again I want to see it happen explosion whoa look at it go that might just go on forever I’m not sure where those TNT are gonna land but I hope it’s somewhere safe well my bad greetings Village folk how you doing

Buddy good morning why is this house so far away from all the others this guy’s a loner over here I respect it I respect it I’m just here for some food boys you guys got any food I can borrow I will trade you with a basement thank you very

Much and as promised here’s your basement okay well I made the basement a little too big I thought that was gonna work a lot better than it did no I’m sorry I’m sorry I’ll rebuild it and there I’ll rebuilt it’s perfect already back to the shop we go feel kind of bad

About that Village so I have a little bit of an idea of how to make it up to him I’ll grab a couple of these Canon TNTs and cluster TNT’s don’t mind if I do that’s all the money I have for now but I’m coming back for the blast suit

Dude that’s gonna be sick then I can stand inside the explosions every boy’s dream all right here’s the game plan I found myself a Pillager Outpost pretty close by to the Village I figure as an apology for blowing up that dude’s house I’m gonna take out their arch nemesis

With the TNT cannons go attack TNT cannons explode diplomo yeah well that works out pretty well dude I feel like an army General with my cannons attack yeah that’s so sick dude and for the grand finale the cluster TNT go cluster TNT oh my gosh all right well that’ll do

It yeah yeah this is what you get picking on the villagers dude oh that was awesome okay the cluster TNT oh my goodness it seems to send out like five or six more TNTs and I don’t think the pillagers are gonna mine so I’m gonna grab some of this hay bales here

Too I’m looking for some dummy bread all righty dude I’ve got 15 000 blocks to purchase so I’m gonna grab a couple more of these cluster TNTs and I think it’s time to buy the TNT suit oh Heck you look awesome best purchase of my life aren’t I handsome call me handsome although I do think this suit is used it smells a little bit like sweat and acts deodorant but I’m not complaining too bad we also have just enough to purchase our firework TNTs as well

Oh I’m excited I’m honestly nervous but I’m very excited this make it dangerous so I made myself way to a blast zone nothing alive around here to explode all right I want to see this cluster TNT in action I can actually stand real close to it oh my goodness all right I still

Get ball damage I should still be careful here let’s do this again and come Lemo so it launches up whoa that’s so sick dude it gives me a ton of blocks man I’m already at 7 000 blocks whoa this is a cool little area all right

This is my official new Blast Zone and the perfect place to test out my firework TNTs should I do all four of them at once this is such a bad idea I’m gonna do it anyway one two three four I don’t have to run anymore I can whoa whoa

Oh dude that was awesome oh my gosh I almost just died I’m on one heart that gave me 27 000 blocks I almost died but it was worth it I don’t know how I’m eating this bread right now I don’t think this has mouth holes I’m just pushing the bread through my little

Mouth holes I want to do that again I want to do that again that was so cool come here beautiful beautiful firework TNT I’ll take a couple more of those and for 10 000 blocks I can purchase the thermite TNT don’t worry Chester I’ll be back soon Buddy Boy wait a minute

There’s like a fuse on top of Chester Chester are you secretly a TNT dude or did you not get a haircut recently regardless it’s a good look alrighty let’s try this shall we Firework and here comes the fireworks kablam oh that’s awesome man holy cow I like that

One a lot just from one TNT look at the absolutely massive explosion but firework TNT you missed this spot dude don’t worry I’ll use the thermite TNT to take care of this problem oh my oh I did not think that was gonna happen look at the block numbers just go up and

Up it goes all the way down to bedrock holy cow well we’ve certainly made some upgrades here we went from fireworks to just destroying everything down to bedrock I cannot believe I actually survived that dude we still have one more of them we can do all right this

Time I’m gonna run a little far oh my goodness oh my goodness oh man that is such an insane TNT dude holy cow now while that’s going I can also toss out a couple of these cluster TNT’s toss out a couple cannons repeating TNTs go go go boys yeah

Boom the repeating TNTs feel so much Lamer after seeing the insanity of that one weed killer TNT go oh that’s right it only breaks grass well we’re almost at 50 000 blocks I’m hoping with a couple more of these we can get all the way up to 50K come down

To explode a million blocks at once this is gonna get bad and I’m excited well then let’s see what else we can buy shall we with 50 000 blocks I’m actually really nervous to find out what a quarter million blocks looks like and 400 000 blocks but uh one explosion at a

Time for now I got myself the rocket TNT next up the laser TNT oh I’m actually a little nervous well it’s a rocket TNT I uh I have an idea ah we’re on the tippy top of the mountain and Now Rocket TNT what’s gonna happen oh goodness there’s a bunch of rockets

That ah fire oh goodness gracious I thought I was gonna go to space in a TNT rocket regardless very cool and very fiery I do really like the look of this one but it doesn’t make a ton of profit I think I actually lost money from that

You’ve let me down NASA okay let’s buy another one of these thermite TNT’s these guys are beasts cause blamo casplamo oh watch out bunny I’m so sorry Ron dude run dude yeah oh no oh no no no no no no no no no no no okay okay we’ve made it out alive bunny

I am so glad oh my goodness that was too close dude I almost died this bunny almost died you gotta be careful little buddy you gotta hop right out of here cutie so now we can afford the laser TNT I’m hoping this guy gives me a bunch of

Exploded blocks cause if so I can afford to unlock Chester ouch my toes it is kind of funny but I’ve taken more damage from Fall damage that I have from literally massive explosions I don’t need your treasure I’ve got my own oh goodness though oh wow oh my God

It shoots out lasers that break blocks forever wow that’s not what I expected from this but we’ll take it and since I’m blast proof I guess I can just do this now this will actually count on my block counter go yeah what I might be

Able to do with my laser TNTs is do some of this underground and this might help a little bit there we go look at this dude now we’re talking oh that’s so much better oh oh my God yeah oh my word look at it it made a massive hallway dude and I have

Enough now I’m at 187 000 blocks okay so I can finally finally unlock my boy Chesterton Chester dude there we go Chester multiplier yes dude not only is our friend Chester with us now we get two x markipliers I mean multipliers now the grass TNT might be worth something

Okay well not really wait wait Chester come here dude wait wait hold on Chester do you have teeth oh I just noticed do you see that why did you swallow he has TNT in his mouth that’s fine right that’s fine I feel like a dog parent

That’s like hey what did you swallow hey spit it out no spit all right we’re at 88 000 I’m gonna try to get us oh my gosh we’re already 160 000. okay Chester seems to be working look at what I did look I made art wow now it’s time for a

Shopping spree the question is what can I buy with a hundred thousand okay we’ve done that done that wait a second am I Finally Rich enough to buy the inner circles TNT’s 75 000 and yeah no problem dude I’ll have a bunch left over Meteo TNT well that works out because I’m

Quite hungry get it cause food pulls several meteors from orbit and sends them to Earth to explode yeah that sounds fine what’s the worst that could happen all right well here seems a safe enough place to uh all right fine cow I won’t blow up your home watch out

Chester this might get crazy there’s the meteor TNT I’m nervous I’m nervous I’m nervous hello that’s it whoa that’s a big crater dude whoa I think The Inferno TNT that goes down to bedrock does more damage but this is cool one two three and now we run who’s

Afraid of this it’s a me watch out Chester yes a normal day a normal oh whoa Cloudy With A Chance Of Death dude oh my word and now we’re at 120 000 blocks wait 120 000 I think I lost the money there that was cool and all but

I’m here to make profit my friends can I get another Chester oh heck yeah dude three x multiplier okay well that’ll help I got some nice markipliers now that I got two Chesters let’s try this out I don’t like that you have teeth now have you always had teeth Chester

Regardless I feel a little weird about it but I’ll tell you your breath is Bomb did it because he swallowed TNT all right throw a couple of those around okay that’s fine I guess couple of weed eaters how does that do all right couple thousand blocks increase not bad not bad

Let’s toss down some fireworks one two three four go go go go and run run into the water run into the water yeah that’s what I’m talking about dude I did miss all of the cool footage there but it sounded awesome that’s very ominous oh my word that’s what I’m talking about 165

000. all right hold on I gotta afford some of the big boys I have a really dumb idea oh I love my dumb ideas ready for this one of you and you and it’s shopping spree time I’m gonna buy one of every TNT until I can’t afford anymore

And all right I have everything if my computer doesn’t make it out of here alive you’ve served me well buddy oh no I’m just tossing them all we’re gonna see what happens oh my goodness 200 000 keep going I haven’t died yet I’m gonna die oh no no no no stay alive

Stay alive almost a 400 000 dude I survived on this tiny block dude oh my word I can’t tell if that’s a normal cave or if that’s from my explosions that’s how crazy my explosions are you didn’t need a caves and cliffs update just give crafty some TNT

I think I broke my computer that’s half a million dude let’s go alrighty now we can do some spending we have Supernova TNT here let’s see duplicating TNT I think I should be able to afford both of those oh no wait wait wait I’m gonna be a couple thousand blocks light so I

Should be able to get it just like this and come on one more there we go yeah our weed eater’s doing some work yeah barely oh my goodness Chester you all right there buddy he just flew dude all right that’s 250 000. we’ve got the Supernova TNT and now we’ve got the

Duplicating team EMT it’s all glitchy I’m actually kind of afraid to use this thing oh my gosh look how poor I am let’s get that number up all right duplicating TNT let’s see what you got okay he duplicates does he keep duplicating oh my oh he keeps going oh

My all right not bad 300 000 blocks yes please dude let’s try a supernova TNT shall we oh you just shot up a giant thing into the sky oh my gosh it’s raining Stars what the heck what is this Mario ah yes beautiful stars oh and exploding Stars oh my goodness

What they barely gave me any blocks at all what the heck block counter it messed up on me guys I think my computer’s giving up on me it has stopped rendering particles look even my shop portal no longer has particles yeah please subscribe and buy our merchandise so crafty can afford a

New computer there we go look at it man it’s creepy without all the particles um oh wow oh wow oh wow 800 000 blocks oh now we’re talking dude hey there we go particles are back I’ve missed you beautiful shot particles okay I have 800 000 to spend I can finally purchase the

Glorious World eater there’s only one of them too look we purchased the only world leader I guess that makes sense why you wouldn’t need uh two world leaders because one is gonna do the trick I think this should do it and get us up to a million blocks okay well here

Goes nothing here it goes oh it’s awesome Oh my goodness well we did it that’s a million blocks oh my word look at it go it’s just going forever there’s no biome here anymore new biome in Minecraft it’s called the destruction update 2.5 million blocks exploded I’ll call that a win like And subscribe if you enjoyed this video and

We’ll see you in the next one

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Welcome to Craftee where we take on different challenges and play Minecraft but strange things always happen. Today we’re playing Minecraft but I can Buy TNT! Let us know which part was your favorites and remember to drop your ideas in the comments for future videos that we can make!

Minecraft but I can Buy TNT

#Minecraft #But #tnt


🎶 Music courtesy of Epidemic Sound
All music used with permission from its creator.


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