Should You Use The Fish Smoker In Stardew Valley 1.6? – Now with MATH!

Hey everybody! Let’s do some math! The fish smoker  is a brand new artisan machine added in Stardew   Valley’s 1.6 patch. Along with the dehydrator,  which I covered in a video linked on screen now,   this gives us some new artisan goods, and  more ways to make money in 1.6. I wasn’t  

Sure if people would want to see data  on the fish smoker, but what the heck,   it’s pretty interesting in my opinion. If you’re  just here for the TL;DR though, fish smokers are   good! The fish smoker is profitable for fish  with values above 101 gold in year 1 if you  

Buy wood and make your own coal, 151 gold in year  1 if you buy coal, and 251 in year 2 and beyond   if you’re buying coal. If you have the artisan  profession, those numbers reduce to roughly 57,   84, and 140 in those same circumstances. If  you’re getting coal from the mines, the quarry,  

The rotting corpses of thousands of dust sprites,  or wherever else, you’ll have to decide how much   that coal is worth to you to determine whether to  smoke any particular fish. My recommendation is to   smoke fish with sell prices of about 200 gold or  more if you have artisan and angler and you’re not  

Hurting for coal. Like a gold largemouth bass, for  example. I’m not going to go into the Bait Machine   too much in this video, but there’s an amazing  wombo combo between the Bait Machine and the   Fish Smoker that we might cover later. If that’s  all you needed, thanks for checking out the video,  

And it would be really cool if you could like  the video on your way out. And if you want to   take a look at my data, there’s a link to  the sheet in the video description.  

As of 1.6, you can purchase the recipe for  the fish smoker from Willy for 10,000 gold   as early as you can scrape the funds together.  With a cost of 10,000 gold, the smoker might not   appeal to people in the absolute early stages of  the game, but honestly, the far worse part in my  

Experience has been trying to get the jellies  needed to craft it. Jellies are also new in 1.6   and there are three varieties that you get from  freshwater, ocean, and cave fishing. You fish them   up as a replacement for a trash item and I’ve had  an absolute heck of a time trying to accumulate  

The ocean and cave ones in particular. Thankfully,  you can farm fish ponds for each jelly as well,   so you might want to consider setting up  fish ponds for Flounder, Midnight Carp,   and Lava Eels if you want to amass a field of fish  smokers. If you want to skip all the headaches,  

You can also get a free fish smoker for starting  on the Riverland farm which I think is really   neat! It’s cool that people are being incentivized  to select a farm layout that seems pretty   unpopular from my experience in the community. Either way, once you’ve gotten your smoker,  

All you need to use it is a fish, a piece of  coal and a dream.And it runs for fifty minutes,   so I guess you need some time too. But that’s fast  enough that you could probably bring one with you  

On a fishing excursion and do a decent job of  keeping up with your catches for the day. And   when it’s done, you get an item worth twice the  value of the fish you used. Unlike the dehydrator,   the fish keeps its value here, and that includes  additional value granted by Fisher and Angler.  

And, since the smoked fish is considered an  artisan good, you also add the extra 40% from   artisan to the value. That leads to some pretty  silly numbers, like a smoked iridium quality   Legend being worth up to 42,000 gold. That’s not  very realistic though, since you’re probably not  

Going to get a perfectly caught Legend and unless  you’re an absolute monster you’re probably not   going to smoke it even if you did. Let’s hop over  to the spreadsheet and take a look at some of   the more likely use cases for the smoker. I expected this video to be simpler than the  

Dehydrator since there are fewer choices to make  here, but since the quality and professions affect   the price, I actually ended up with 6 different  tabs for whether you’ve made any combination of   those choices. If you’re looking at this sheet on  your own, there’s a small key on the top row. Fish  

That are profitable when coal is sourced through  the charcoal kiln are marked in blue and italics.   Fish that are profitable when coal is bought from  Clint in year 1 are bold and in green. And fish  

That are profitable when coal is bought from Clint  in year 2 and beyond are marked in orange and are   both bolded and italicized. The first three tabs  are kind of the boring ones. Basically, as long  

As the smoked fish is worth at least one gold more  than the input plus the cost of the coal, you’re   making extra money, right? Since you’re just  doubling the sell price of the fish. The more you   invest into fishing professions, with things like  fisher or angler, the more likely that a fish will  

Be worth smoking, with just about any iridium fish  being worth it in some circumstances once you’ve   reached level 10 and selected angler. Just about  everything. I mean we have anchovy, carp, herring,   mussel, sunfish, and periwinkle you can’t get in  iridium anyway. So pretty close if you’re sourcing  

Your own coal. The fun starts when you add artisan  to the mix because, as we’ve stated before and you   probably already know, artisan is absolutely  bonkers and probably deserves a nerf.   Artisan normally adds 40% to the value of  any artisan goods, and that’s the same here.  

But since the fish smoker has some really  easy math, 2 times the value of the fish,   right? It becomes really easy to see that choosing  artisan changes the math from 2 times to 2.8 times   the value of the fish. I was talking about  the legend earlier, but let’s just look at  

Something people already fish for with relative  consistency, like catfish! Let’s say for our   example here that you have reached fishing and  farming level 10, and you’ve picked up artisan,   fisher, and angler. We’ll look at line 18. We’ll  say also that you have a bait machine kicking out  

Catfish bait so you’re able to catch 40 gold  quality catfish in one day. And if you are   not playing 1.6 or you haven’t messed with the  bait machine, that might sound like a lot. But   it’s pretty doable. Today you end up catching 40  gold catfish and you’ve got enough coal on hand  

To smoke them all. That’s going to give us  50,000 and even if you’re buying coal from   Clint. That’s just going to be 10,000. So you’re  still making more than 40,000 gold in one day of   catfish fishing. That seems pretty okay to me! Now, I’m not saying to quit your Meadowland farm  

And start over on a Riverland farm by any means.  But I did. Literally, I stopped my Meadowland farm   on Spring 25th. I even already had a living hat!  And I started over on a Riverland farm straight up  

Because of the fish smoker and bait machine. And  with Fisher and Angler, but without Artisan yet,   I had a nearly 36,000 gold day on the 16th of  Spring Year 1. Don’t sleep on the Fish Smoker.   It’s definitely worth it to craft one if you’re  planning on doing any serious amount of fishing,  

And it excels if you’re willing to also craft  targeted bait. If you want to hear more about the   bait machine, drop me a comment and let me know.  It’s kind of a simple concept though, so I don’t  

Know that it deserves a whole video. By the way,  even if you’re using crab pots to level fishing   because you don’t like the mini-game (which hey,  more power to you) there are still crab pot fish   that can benefit from being smoked as well,  depending on your profession choices and what  

Year you’re in, like the lobster for example. We had a TL;DR at the beginning of the video,   and here’s the more medium length version of that  statement. The fish smoker doubles the value of   your fish, and retains any additional modifiers  like Fisher or Angler professions. Smoked fish  

Also benefit from the artisan perk for a final  value of 2.8 times the sell price of the fish   you smoked. Only you can determine how much  coal is worth when you’re digging it out of   the ground or extracting it from the corpses of  dust sprites in some macabre reflection of how  

Joja used to treat you as nothing more than a  value generator, but coal is worth either 100,   150, or 250 gold depending on how you source it.  If your fish is worth more than 251 gold without   artisan, or worth more than 140 gold with artisan,  it’s always profitable to smoke it. You’ll just  

Have to decide where the breakpoint is for you in  terms of how much extra cash you need to make it   worth the time and effort to acquire the coal  and smoke the fish. My recommendation is about  

200 gold with artisan and angler. That comes out  to 580 gold and gives you enough to buy 2 more   pieces of coal for more smoking no matter the  year, plus it includes about half the fish in  

The game at gold quality or higher. And if you are  using a fish smoker, get yourself a bait machine.   Trust me. Let me know your thoughts though,  and let me know what we should look at next.

The Fish Smoker is a new Artisan Machine in Stardew Valley 1.6 and it’s absolutely bonkers in the right situation. Let’s take a look!

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  1. TL;DW – Fish are profitable to smoke at:
    101g if you make Coal with the Kiln in Year 1
    151g if you buy Coal from Clint in Year 1
    251g if you buy Coal from Clint in Year 2+

    Once you have Artisan, those numbers reduce to:
    57, 84, and 140 for the same circumstances.

    My recommendation? Smoke fish worth 200g or more if you have Artisan and Angler.
    I highly recommend crafting a bait machine and going for high value fish like catfish and lava eels if you want to experience the majesty of the fish smoker.

  2. Yay!!! Math!! (Not sarcasm)
    I'll definitely have to get a smoker soon. I'm just sort letting the valuable fish pile up in a chest until I get the 10k together.

  3. Honestly it just makes me wonder: how big is the fishing bar with a Master enchantment Advanced Iridium Rod using gold star Seafoam Pudding, two cork bobbers, and the challenge bait.

    Nothing but triple iridium lava eels right there in the mines with your smokers on site.

  4. Bait machine deserves some math here. We want to find out which fish are "self-sustaining" in terms of bait (catch said fish, throw in bait machine, catch more, throw more in bait machine, so forth). Given that a fish gives 5-10 bait (7.5 average) so to speak, the targeted fish should preferably have a bite rate of at least 1 in 6 or 17% or so catch rate with targeted bait to be "sustainable".
    Catfish with bait, in my exp is a 80-90% bite rate in Spring–which is why they are so good with the bait maker. On the other hand lava eel, at lvl 100 mines, is not sustainable, despite the very high value of the fish, regrettably. I find that sturgeon (summer) and super cucumber (summer night) also work fine, but nowhere near as good as catfish. You spend more fish on bait to catch the same number of target fish because you often catch something else as "bycatch".

    But I'm mainly curious to see whether stonefish or ice pip are worth trying for. I have a feeling stonefish with targeted bait could beat largemouth bass in terms of spring 1 money. Imagine selling something like 20-30+ smoked iridium stonefish in a non-rain day's work Spring 1.

  5. tip: you can eat the cave jelly for luck, which i think will increase that chance to get it.
    regardless fishing in the lava on floor 100 of the mines gives you a good amount of them.

  6. Fish Smoker is SO GOOD in Riverland's Farm. I can now make even more money Spring Year 1 because of this item. All I need to do is fish for Catfish & Eel (at least Silver Quality) whenever it rains. Made about 3000g with just 6 or 7 catfishes. An alternative fish to smoke would be the Bullhead or Largemouth Bass (Gold Quality).

    I really, REALLY love this new smoker. Then again, I just love any QoL updates that buffs fishing xD

  7. About someone not smoking the legend, i saw someone who chose Riverlands and worked to catch it in Spring Year 1 so they could smoke it for a large amount of early money on reddit

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