Terraria, But Damaging Enemies UPGRADE Reworked Magic Weapons…

In this video I try beating Terraria using magic weapons only but here’s the twist most if not all magic weapons have gotten reworked changing their attacks completely not only this but these weapons are able to gain experience to level up when I attack monsters with each level increases the damage Critical

Strike chance attack speed and best of all the number of projectiles how good are these reworked magic weapons and just how strong will they become stay tuned cuz you’re about to find out here we go so the first weapon I’ve decided to get is going to be the

Vilethorn it’s very easy to get and outshines most prehard mode magic weapons all I’m going to need are some Bombs all right I have 24 bombs now that should be enough let’s go back up and try to find the corruption ooh that’s a lot more bombs I’ll take that let’s just

Pray that I only have to break two Shadow orbs and not in the boss okay finally made it down here we go musket and no another one okay well that’s not good that means for sure I’m going to have to summon the boss so if I don’t get it

This time then I’m going to have to teleport home Moment of Truth come on come on come on come on okay get me out okay second attempt there it is all right let’s see the reworked version of this Weapon 3 2 1 wait oh there’s a charge up okay can I

Test it on these guys oh oh not bad I don’t have quite enough Mana though to actually charge it up fully uh let’s see if this will help charge it up oh wait it wasn’t to the max but I did see four V Thorns that just came

Out okay the damage is kind of weak though would it be better if I just attack normally oh no not at all oh my God we’ll see how good this weapon becomes when I start leveling it up but right now it has 10 magic damage and 8%

Critical Strike chance all right is now at level one so it gained two magic damage and 1% Critical Strike chance I think it also lowered the Mana cost by one as well now that I’m back up onto the surface let’s build a little house to store my stuff away there we go all

Cleaned out and because I mined enough topaz from earlier I’m going to craft the topaz hook let’s head into the jungle now to find some more Life Crystals and accessories I’m also going to farm enough materials to craft the full jungle armor couple of Life Crystals down here these two are going

To bring me to 200 Health there we go oh there’s the Nature’s gift ancient Cobalt breastplates does that give Mana oh yeah it does increases maximum Mana by 20 and 6% increased magic damage that’s pretty good band of regeneration oh and that’s perfect the anklet of the wind I do have

The EG lith as well so I can combine these two accessories to make the lightning boots later on God damn that’s a lot of rubies which means I can summon the King Slime a whole bunch of times and that’s going to be a lot of experience and there’s the suspicious looking

Eye oh yes there we go Hermes boots and two more Life Crystals down here which is going to bring me to 300 health so I just need five more until Max health and here’s the last life Crystal for Max Health oh tell me that’s enough diamonds 13 wait wait wait there’s a

Diamond cluster right over there hopefully I can get more than just one okay looks like I can upgrade my topaz hook to the Diamond hook let’s get out of here first things first the diamond hook then the full jungle armor sets oh wait am I missing something oh I needed more jungle

Spores unless this ancient Cobalt breastplate counts towards the jungle armor set let’s see put on the hat and pants wait it does okay that’s good to know so the set bonus reduces our Mana cost by 16% that’s huge let’s also craft the Platinum pickaxe and then a couple of platinum

Crowns let’s go back to the corruption to craft ourselves some slime crowns all right let’s go back home and summon the King Slime here we go okay bad I probably should have made a bigger Arena but it should be all good almost done here one more shot Boom and then let’s clear out the rest okay all done I’ve noticed that the kickback is a lot more stronger now oh my God I can shoot myself up into the air so defeating the King Slime has brought my vorn to level four so now has 19 magic damage and 20 Critical Strike

Chance I also just realized I don’t consume my slime crowns for this mod but just to be more fair I’m going to count it as using one summon so let’s get rid of one so I can do this one more time oh my what was that damage did the boss

Just go from full health to less than 50% oh this thing is getting strong it is at level five now got the slimy saddle let’s build some NPC houses to sell some stuff once the merchant spawns in let’s sell my items and now I pretty much just wait

Until night time to summon the eye of cthulu but meanwhile I’m just going to expand the arena a bit more it is finally night time let’s go ahead and summon the Boss oh my wait that’s a bit too much second phase got to go pick up those Stars oh that was massive damage almost done here one more shot all done oh that is beautiful a warding shield of cthulu and because it is night I’m going to make use of this time to

Find as many fallen stars as possible to increase my Max Mana okay that’s about it for the right side let’s go to the left and that is it for the left side so I’ve gotten wow exactly 50 fallen stars that should be enough for Max Mana oh yeah so I now have

280 Mana let’s go take on the Eater of Worlds now and for this boss fight I really don’t think I’m going to have to build an arena cuz I know for a fact that this weapon is going to shred this boss all right here we go charge it up

Where’s it coming from right here oh yeah okay I’m really not a fan of this Kickback look at it okay get some Mana Stars oh my god oh I need to get out of here almost done already just one more chunk all done there are enough Shadow orbs to

Summon the boss one more time so I might as well do it for as much experience as possible last one here we go and all done defeating the Eater of Worlds twice has brought my valorn to level eight and I’m 100% certain now that the more I

Level up this weapon the stronger the kickback is look at that I am not a fan of that although I will admit that it’s very useful to get to places faster but while fighting bosses that’s a no no with some Shadow skills and Demonite bars I can now craft the nightmare

Pickaxe let’s make my way to the dungeon now and build an arena for Skeletron and to Showcase just how good this weapon is for travel I’m going to charge it up 3 2 1 wait oh okay I forgot I can still take fall damage but yeah it just propels me so far

Forward and I’m already at the dungeon a one leveled platform should be more than enough let’s put down a campfire and wait until night time okay it’s time let’s talk to the old man to summon the Boss 3 2 1 and we’re going to aim the hands first

Boom Oh that almost one oh oh my God wait no no no did that really just happen I propelled myself so far away from the boss that it despawned okay I might have to build some barriers around the arena I had a feeling that was going to happen

Okay that should be high enough wait is that another Sky Island oh it is please I really need the lucky horseshoe yes thank you let’s try this thing again 3 2 1 boom Oh I missed we’re good though we take no more fall Damage there we go one shot the hand oh get away from that second hand is done just ahead now I need those Mana Stars come on all right oh heal up charge it up boom and Skeletron has been defeated now that I have access into the

Dungeon I have a few things that I’m looking for the Cobalt Shield of course the Water Bolt the aquac spor the magic Missile and the shadow key ooh and a meteor has landed that means I will be able to craft the meteor armor sets and the Space Gun okay found the water

Bolts got agile on it now what has changed about this weapon oh okay so it takes a while to charge up after it charges up it shoots and looks to be the same to be honest oh never mind it is completely different so it now ricochets off of

Enemies wait I kind of like this weapon anyways let’s open the first gold chest mamasa not what I’m looking for second one okay there’s the Aquis spor here’s the third one okay the Cobalt shield and the shadow key and the Aquis spor also charges up oh but shoots like multiple streams

At the same time now before it would only shoot one there’s the magic Missile and it has masterful too ooh wait this is nice so it looks like I won’t use any Mana at all as long as I keep the magic Missile that I’m controlling alive I guess that would

Apply to the flame lash as well whenever I get that weapon I think I’ve gotten everything that I wanted in the dungeon let’s teleport back home and the next task is to mine down to Hell finally made it down to hell let’s go mine some hellstone as well as open any Shadow

Chests that I stumble upon here’s one oh flower of fire kind of forgot about this weapon any changes to this one also a charge up yeah I don’t think I’m going to use this weapon I was really never a fan of it okay that should be enough hell Stone

I don’t need too much cuz I’m only going to craft the molten pickaxe let’s try to find the flame lash before I leave though there it is and was I right about the flame lash being the same as the magic Missile I was not wait this is so much

Better cuz for the magic Missile the projectiles circle around me so that means that if I want to do damage I’m going to have to go up really really close to enemies but for this weapon it follows the cursor let’s craft the molten pickaxe and then I’m going to search for

The meteorite that fell oh there it is oh it fell into the corruption hole all right the meteorite is pretty much cleared out I’ve got 383 let’s make the full meteor armor sets each piece gives 9% increased mag damage so in total that’ll be

27% and then the Space Gun oh that is so appealing to the eye way better than the original Space Gun I don’t have anything else to craft with the meteorite bars and because I have 80 I’m just going to keep on Crafting the space gun for a better

Modifier okay there we go murderous I can make two more strong and oh yes masterful I think it’s time to say goodbye to the Valor now I’ve got it to level 10 but now that it’s at such a high level it takes up so much Mana just to charge it

Up so at 100% it takes up 120 Mana I’m not going to use it for fighting but I will keep it just for the mobility all that’s left now is to take on the wall of flashh actually you know what let’s not take on wall of flesh

Just yet my Mobility is pretty bad right now I don’t have any double jump no jump height increase so here’s what I’m going to do I’m going to summon the Goblin Army to find the goblin tinkerer then I’ll be able to purchase the tinkerer workshop and rocket boots and once I

Combine everything together I’ll be able to make the lightning boots I also do plan on finding the last sky island for the shiny red balloon all right that’s enough tattered cloths let’s go back home to craft the Goblin Battle standard there we go and let’s just summon them right

Away let’s also keep track of our space guns level it is is at level one right now with 27 magic damage and 9% Critical Strike chance all right here we go okay Goblin Army has been defeated which brings the space gun to wow level five so it now has 38 magic damage and

133% critical strike chance it’s also able to shoot out I think that’s up to three lasers yeah it’s pretty good let’s go find the goblin ttin CER now ooh cloud in a bottle I’ll take that so once I find the shiny red balloon I can craft the blue horseshoe

Balloon oh there he is okay let’s purchase the rocket boots and the workshop I’m also going to try to reforge the Space Gun to get mythical on it no I just skipped over it oh my god well there goes uh about 30 gold oh my God am I really not going to

Get it again there we go oh my I wasted like 60 Gold it’s okay it’s okay I’ll make that all back later on but at least the space gun shoots a lot faster now let’s try to find find the shiny red balloon before I start combining my accessories okay here’s the last sky

Island and there’s the shiny red balloon first let’s make the lightning boots then the blue horseshoe balloon Obsidian Shield oh wait I got warding on this nice and I might as well just combine the band of regeneration and star power to make the Mana regeneration

Band okay now I’m all set to take on theall of flesh made it to the end of the world let’s drink my potions and then let’s toss in the voodoo doll three 2 1 here we go oh yeah wait this space gun is destroying this boss oh my God that was so

Quick I actually was not expecting that let’s open up our treasure bag and see what I get the only two things I’m looking for are the sorcerer’s emblem and the laser rifle 3 2 1 okay I got the laser rifle not the sorcerer emblem though which is

Unfortunate but if I ever do find the Shimmer pool I can always turn this Ranger emblem into the sorcerer emblem and the laser rifle is pretty much the same thing as the space gun just a lot faster and more damage of course but the weapon does not work with the meteor

Armor set effect so yeah I do end up using Mana for this weapon let’s go back into the corruption now to break some Demon Alters we’ve got Cobalts myth throw and adaman ties got enough Cobalt onto the mithil oh the bound wizard let’s buy the crystal ball and a whole bunch of Mana

Potion that’s enough mythal lastly the Adamantite and that should be enough adaman ties now let’s make the full Adamantite armor set let’s go up to a sky island now to kill some wyverns for their Souls of Flight and then I can make myself a pair of

Wings okay that’s enough oh my God you got shredded we got 43 now and my laser rifle is at level six and that should be enough source of light let’s go craft angel wings all right I’m pretty much all set to take on the me mechanical bosses now

But while I wait for night time to arrive I’m going to go down to the spider’s nest and try to get myself the poison staff oh there it is let’s see what this thing does oh it’s more of a machine gun than a shotgun spread wait and it only uses two

Mana this might be really good when I level it up but I’m not sure if I should even level it up because once I upgrade it to the Venom staff all of the levels will just get reset so I might hold off on it until I’m able to mine some

Chlorites okay night time has finally arrived so the first mechanical boss that I’ll be taking on will be the Destroyer 3 2 one let’s go fly over to the clumps up part oh what what did I just witness how in the world did the Destroyer get blown up

Like that wait what level is my laser rifle now what level 15 oh my God look at this thing this is a monster okay I I might as well just use this laser rifle to take care of the remaining mechanical bosses next up let’s do the

Twins now are you going to get blown up too okay not as fast as the Destroyer but still this is pretty quick okay twins have been defeated last one Skeletron Prime Jesus it covers the entire boss there we go all three mechanical bosses have been defeated let’s make the pickax ax now and I think I’m going to keep the Adam anti armor sets cuz I really enjoy

The 19 reduced Mana cost I’m also going to check out the magical harp cuz I do have enough materials to craft it there we go anything new about this oh no there isn’t okay I won’t be using it then let’s head into the jungle now to mine some chlorites and potentially

To find the planta bulb actually before I do that I’m going to turn the Nature’s gift into the maniflow so let’s put down this bottle and then let’s make the Mana potion to then craft the maniflow okay now I can automatically use Mana potions wait I think I might know now

Why the Destroyer got blown up so fast once a single laser pierces an enemy there’s these little Sparks that come out I’m not sure if you guys can see them cuz it’s way too hard to tell now right there right there see those little tiny Sparks that come out those

Deal damage as well so it’s not only a visual effect and same thing goes with the space gun as well which explains why I destroyed the Wall of Flesh so fast okay hopefully that’s enough chlorite to turn the poison staff into the Venom staff oh yeah it’s

Enough okay let’s see what this bad boy does 3 2 1 H where is this purple snake thing this is so weird but um I’m down to test it out wait that that damage was not normal what it only has 67 magic damage but I dealt 730 crit damage okay let’s try it

On this green slime okay that’s that’s a lot more normal is it that weird purple snake thing that deals majority of the damage Let’s test it out one more time okay so it doesn’t hit through blocks uh oh yeah okay the purple snake looking thing definitely deals the most damage

Let’s try to get mythical on this thing okay this cost quite a bit of gold one more ooh that’s bad okay there goes all of my money but at least I gained 20% increased speed let’s see ooh now that’s fast and I have located the planta bulb

So I’m going to build an arena around here okay the arena is all complete let’s break the bulb to summon the Boss 3 2 1 oh Okay this open’s not bad oh no wait get off me no no no no no no no no oh my God that

Spider oh thank God that spider almost messed me up that was way too close yeah so I think I’m going to make the Venom staff my main weapon now although I still think that the laser rifle is way stronger I kind of don’t want to keep on

Using this thing cuz then it would start to get boring for not only me but for you guys as well but anyways now that planta has been defeated I’m going to go into the dungeon to kill some monsters there for some more weapons oh my God no way that was my first

Kill uh anything new about this weapon I can levitate but damage wise this thing is very weak ooh the black belt if I can get my hands on the Tabby I can craft the master ninja gear oh okay the shadow beam staff no come on and we’re

Back okay got the shadow beam staff looks to be the same oh no it’s not so this weapon now Auto locks onto enemies oh there’s the tappy oh there’s the infernal fork and has masterful on it o wait this is nice so I don’t shoot out a fireball

Anymore instead Forks just come out of the ground this weapon is a bit slow for my liking so I don’t think I’m going to be using it as for the shadow beam staff the speed is all right but damage wise it doesn’t even compare to the

Venom staff so I think I’m just going to settle with the Venom staff and there’s the magnet spare which is the last magic weapon to get in the dungeon oh my God a that is loud Jesus wait even when I sto clicking it’s still active Okay back home so let’s make the

Master ninja gear that’s going to replace our Shield of cthulu and then I’ll be heading into the temple to take on Golem okay made it into the boss room and this is pretty big let’s clear out all of the traps first okay I’m back to full HP let’s start

This thing up 3 2 1 oh yeah wait this weapon’s so good against bot and Golem has been defeated you know what let’s just try out all of the magic weapons that I have and see which one is the best here we go again okay yeah definitely not this one next

Up is the shadow beam staff H this one’s all right next up the magnet sphere okay definitely not this one Spector staff is next maybe if I leveled this thing up it would be good cuz then I’d be able to shoot multiple of these projectiles and finally the laser rifle oh my

God it even covers Golem entirely let’s open up our treasure bag and see if we can get any other magic weapons Golem fist nope uh I have the Golem last one another eye of the Golem okay I have one more left and hopefully I can get my

Hands on either the heat ray or the staff of the Earth all right all done what level is my Venom staff at 13 wow and this purple worm thing officially reaches the ends of my screen here we go last treasure bag no okay I’m not going to leave here

Until I get either one of those magic weapons all right I’ve got two more that’s one and that’s two come on give me the heat ray beautiful and how about the staff of the earth okay never mind at least I got one of them anything new with this weapon

Oh the visuals are definitely different but functionality wise it kind of looks the same let’s take on Golem one more time with the heat ray okay all done so just from one Golem brought my heat rate to level five oh my God and there’s the staff of Earth ooh unfortunately there’s no change

Though now I’m not going to go straight to take on the lunatic ctist instead I’m going to go to the ocean and summon Duke fishron so let’s go get ourselves a couple of truffle worms to summon the boss okay I got three truffle worms let’s head to the ocean

Now and I will be using the heat rate for this fight yeah this is pretty good second phase third phase and Duke fish run has been defeated so there’s really only one weapon that I’m looking for which many of you guys can guess it’s the razor

Blade typhoon let’s see if I can get it not this time but we’ll try again okay second time’s the charm oh I will take that fishron Wings there’s also the bubble gun that I got but I don’t think this has got reworked yeah know last try before I have to collect more truffle

Worms damn this heat race shoots like a machine gun now third phase already all done Moment of Truth there we go so it’s a charge up oh it shoots multiple instead of one for the first shot only though and then the rest just basic attacks okay and now let’s go take on the

Lunatic C here we go I’m also going to try to attack the Clones on purpose so that I can summon out that Dragon for more experience less than 50% Health now and all done and now my Raaz blade typhoon is at level 10 with 151 magic damage and 46% critical strike

Chance here’s what the initial shot looks like oh yeah and the corresponding shots it looks like one but there’s actually multiple inside oh I also just noticed it summons these uh homing Bubbles as well the original version of this weapon only summons out the razor blades solar pillar has been destroyed

Vortex pillar is done there goes the stardus pillar one more left and there goes the last pillar time for Moon Lord and from those four Celestial pillars it has brought my razor blade typhoon all the way to level 22 so it has 210 magic damage with 50 8% Critical

Strike chance this thing is a Beast Jesus here we go oh yeah wait what both hands are dead already wait I’m kind of low oh oh W wo okay I’m getting a bit too cocky here Okay okay that’s not going to happen again round two and now okay that hands down that one’s dead as well got to get ready for that laser fly up Dash over we’re good just the core now boom and moord has been defeated all right that’s going to be it

Guys thank you all for watching if you want to try this mod out for yourself and test out the weapons I haven’t done I’ll list all the mods I’ve used in the description below but anyways if you’ve enjoyed the video don’t forget to leave a like comment below if you have any

Other mod or video ideas you want me to try and of course subscribe to the channel I’ll see you all next time Peace

In this video I try beating Terraria using magic weapons only but here’s the twist… Most if not all magic weapons have gotten reworked changing their attacks completely. Not only this but these weapons are able to gain experience to level up when I attack monsters. With each level increase the damage, critical strike chance, attack speed, size, and best of all, the number of projectiles. How good are these reworked magic weapons and just how strong will they become? Stay tuned to cause you’re about to find out!

If you enjoy watching the video then don’t forget to leave a like, comment and also subscribe to the channel!

Mods Used:
SignatureEquipment by Kenflesh
Lan’s House Builder
Recipe Browser
Time Acceleration
Shorter Respawn Time
Boss Checklist
Ore Excavator
Alchemist Lite

#terraria #necr0 #terrariachallenge


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