I Survived 100 Days as DIAMOND SPIDERMAN in HARDCORE Minecraft

On day one I spawned in as Diamond Spider-Man whoa I’m a superhero with five Hearts suddenly there was an explosion and a weird looking figure on a hoverboard flew towards me throwing bombs Spiderman in his eye the Green Goblet you’ll never be strong enough to defeat me we’ll see about that as

Spider-Man I had cool web shooters I used them and try to hurt him but it looked like they didn’t do too much damage you puny spider those webs won’t work on me Green Goblin came charging at me but I was able to quickly Dodge it whoa I

Had a Spider Sense Green Goblin threw his bombs at me I tried my best to go around and Dodge them but eventually one of them managed to hit me ouch oh no I only had two hearts left you think you’re so so tough with your diamond suit let’s see how you are

Without it suddenly an orb on Goblin’s chest started to glow and he took away my diamond suit what did you do to me just taking what rightfully belongs to me now I shall use this diamond upgrade to destroy the world so long Spider-Man the Green Goblin knocked me off of the

Platform and I helplessly fell to the ground below on day two I crash landed to the ground and was in extreme pain ow that really hurts where the heck am I I looked around and I was surrounded by trees I was so weak and hungry I needed

To figure out how I was gonna survive in this world and find the Green Goblin before he destroys everything I took the trees in front of me and collected most of the wood thanks to my climbing abilities as Spider-Man I was able to climb to the top and get all the

Remaining wood I then went back on the floor and created a crafting table after I made myself a wooden pickaxe and a wooden sword this will be useful I eventually came across some Stone inside of a ravine well I guess I gotta make my way down here I jumped inside to the

Bottom I then used my wooden pickaxe to mine the material and upgraded all my wooden tools to Stone they’re much better how am I gonna get back up though oh wait I use my web shooters a swing through the Ravine man being Spider-Man is fun

Oh I spoke too soon I’m so hungry I saw some chickens nearby and used my new sewn sword to defeat them and take their me I came across a nice opening and decided that this would be the best place to build the base of operations I

Used a leftover wooden stone that I had to make myself a nice home to stay in I then crafted a furnace and cooked the chicken to eat it’s not pizza but it’ll do I decided to go to bed and sleep for the night so that I could wake up

Stronger and better than before on day three I woke up to the sounds of explosions and earthquakes what the heck is going on I web shoot it out of my base and the earthquakes were shaking the entire area up who could be doing this I swung away from my base and found

Where they were coming from I entered what looked like a destroyed Village Iron Golems are smashing through the village fighting Hulk they were smashing the ground near each other and it looked like the Hulk was winning oh gosh I have to do something about this stop I jumped

In between them and started fighting them but he wasn’t reacting at all it’s Spider-Man right wait aren’t you guys fighting the Hulk told me that he wasn’t fighting these Golems at all he was training them to protect the world against the Green Goblin and his forces Goblin came by earlier and destroyed

This Village thanks for ruining our training jerk oh yikes Hulk quickly brought me away from the area and I told them that the Green Goblin took away my diamond suit and I needed to find a way to get stronger so that I can take him

Down the Hulk told me that he was also dealing with this Green Goblin and he might know a solution to my problem we both had it over in the direction of his lab on day four we arrived at Hulk’s lab or what was left of it it was completely

Overrun by a bunch of Minions Hulk told me that these were the Green Goblins minions looks like we’re gonna have to fight them off then I was about to run in but Hulk leaped ahead of me oh smashed he took out a crowd with one smash I

Um yeah I’m right behind you I charged in two and started to fight off one with my stone sword he was tough but I was tougher as we were fighting I looked over and saw the Hulk take out more and more swarms of them show off I was able

To take the final Goblin down with my stone sword yeah that was a 50 50 effort right why are you so weak I told the Hulk that the goblin had taken my diamond suit and that was Far weaker without it I had to get it back to

Defeat him I then asked him if he could make me a new diamond suit oh wow and told me that it wasn’t gonna be that easy without his lab he offered to help me defeat the Goblin and I agreed to take him back to my base and make him a

New lab once we arrived I used some of the Hulk’s resources to build a nice lab for him to work in look at that I hope you like it a little small to my liking but it shall suffice great we went inside of the lab and the Hulk told me

That I would need to work my way up with each material for me to eventually get my diamonds you back so I need to get iron gold and then Diamond you will also need to do one more thing in order to get stronger and what’s that easy get

What heroes are supposed to do save people first I need to craft an iron suit for myself the Hulk told me that while I’m looking for the materials he would fix my current suit so that I wouldn’t look all tattered on day five I went outside of Hawk’s lab with my new

Suit feeling as fresh as I could thanks man it feels just right no problem now go get me some iron all right sheesh I swung throughout the area and suddenly my Spider Sense went off somebody’s in trouble I made it to a village and it was completely destroyed who could have

Done this you people don’t have any diamonds what a waste I looked over and saw the Green Goblin but he looked different stop right there Green Goblin that’s Diamond Goblin to you Webhead I quickly realized that the goblin was covered in diamonds is that what you did

To my suit I charged at the Goblin and punched him what a weak punch the goblin threw a bomb and it knocked me aside ah I lost half of my heart you’re not even worth my time Spider-Man soon my diamond pumpkin bomb will be complete and I will

Turn New York into a destroyed city of diamonds the goblin flew away and all I could do was helplessly watch him leave I had left the village and continued my search looking for iron I couldn’t believe that that Goblin was so strong and now he goes by Diamond Goblin what a dumb name

I need to put a stop to him and save the world help somebody help looks like it’s time to finally be a hero I swung over to the cry for help and spotted an old lady being mugged by a Pillager somebody help me please give me all your stuff you stupid lady doing

Hey lay off I charged in and once he saw me he went running I used my I’m sure so then shoot him down hopefully that will teach you a lesson oh thank you young man here how would you take this the lady gave me some mutton to eat and even

A few iron ingots thanks you really helped me out now uh stay safe time to go tell the Hulk the great news I think he’ll be proud of me ah what am I out of web fluid I can’t shoot my webs anymore I got up and tried

Shooting my web shooters but no webs came out great I need to find a way to get some new webs this sucks on day seven I ventured across the world on foot and happened to come across a cave maybe if I find and kill spiders I can

Take their webs I went inside of the cave and it was full of stone I used my stone pickaxe to collect as much Stone as I could as I went deeper I spotted some iron on the roof sweet I made my way up and got some iron now the Hulk

Can craft my iron armor suddenly my spider senses went off and I was able to hear spider noises deeper in the cave if I took down those spiders I could have a massive supply of web fluid time to get to work I Venture deeper and spotted a

Group of them perfect I pulled out my stone sword and was ready to attack oh my gosh are you Spider-Man I uh quickly turn around and a baby spider was standing there in front of me uh yeah ah wow I’m your biggest fan I want to be

Just like you when I grow up oh man that’s great um listen Spider-Man has a little bit of a problem I told him about my web shortage and the baby spider gladly offered to help with that me and a group of spiders left the cave and made our

Way back to base the spiders and I made it back to base and I quickly built them a nice little farm for them to stay in now we can give you an unlimited support fluid Spiderman thanks little guy and as promised here you go a hand of the baby

Spider assigned autograph by Yours Truly wow thanks Spider-Man I would cherish these for the waste of my life the other spiders gathered around the baby spider and were excited to see him happy Ah that’s nice I decided to use the stone and wood that I collected to rebuild

More of the base and make it look bigger it was gonna take a little bit of work but I thought it would be worth it after that I went inside of Hulk’s lab and gave him all the iron that I’ve collected well done Spider-Man I think that’s just about everything for me to

Make your iron suit but I’m missing something Polk told me that one of the diamond Goblin minions raided his previous lab and took a certain tool that would be important to making a suit one of my iron golems tracked their location please hurry you got it I

Walked out of Hulk’s lab and swung my way toward the Minions on days nine to ten I managed to track down Diamond goblins minions it looked like I was brought over to a town suddenly there was an explosion and a group of goblin goons were fleeing from the sea in we

Got the goods Diamond Goblin is gonna be pleased with us hey stop right there I think you have something that belongs to Hulk it’s Spiderman a minion game charging at me and I dodged his attack and hit him with my stone sword it barely did any damage to

Him and he just laughed it off what a weakling another Minion came from behind and knocked me down to the ground ah the minions all gang Ed up on me and beat me down that guy stop stop it I was losing Hearts fast back off I shot my web

Shooters at the minions and was finally able to take one of them down the other minions were surprised and using my webs I was able to scare the rest of them off phew that was close the minions dropped the tool that hulka needed but also a strange looking orb on the ground I

Wonder what this is for I picked up the tool in the orb and headed back towards base man ah I really need my suit upgraded fast I made my way back to base and returned Hulk’s tool back to him thank you Spider-Man now I can finally

Make your iron suit I also told Hulk about the orb that I picked up from one of the minions hmm interesting this may be the same device that Goblin used to take your diamond suit I could use this to help hold your suit together the Hulk

One inside of his lad and got to work making the iron suit meanwhile I went out to the world and found some more chickens I was able to get their meat and notice some cows grazing over the grass I got the cows to come with me and

We returned to the lab I then went out to collect some more wood and return to build another farm for the cows to live in thank goodness you found some food I was starting to think about eating some spiders ew I killed one of the cows and

Cooked its meat to feed myself in the Hulk the Hulk told me that the suit would be ready for the next day so I went inside my house and went to sleep on days 13 to 14 I woke up to the sound of Hulk calling out to me I walked out

Of my house to go see what he wanted ah is it finished it is your iron suit is ready for you he then gave me the suit and I equipped myself with a cool silver looking suit I felt much stronger with this on and even gained five more Hearts

This thing is awesome thanks Hulk not a problem but remember the suit is just a temporary fix you still need to keep upgrading if you want to eventually have your diamond suit back he was right I needed to keep getting stronger if I wanted to take down the diamond Goblin

Suddenly my spider senses went off and I can sense someone was in danger I swung out of my base and headed for the danger I eventually found a village and webbed up to the tower what’s going on here I looked down and saw a villager was being

Attacked by some minions nowhere to run now give us all your valuables oh no they don’t I jumped and landed in front of the Villager and the minions laughed at me it’s just Spider-Man he’s too weak to hurt us I shot the minion with my web shooter in the web of iron immediately

Took him down looks like I got iron webs too I took down the rest of the minions and told the Villager that everything was safe now the Villager told me that the diamond Goblin attacked this town and started taking their stuff I told the Villager to stay there and swung

Over to the town I swung over to a mushroom looking town and found the diamond goblet taking away all of the villagers Resources with his bombs all your resources or die you can’t do this and what are you gonna do about it stop me no that’s my job I landed in

Front of the Muddy Pig and face the diamond Goblin you really think I’m just gonna let you do as you please Goblin I Shot The Diamond Goblin with all my iron webs but he just laughed it off the goblin threw his pumpkin bombs and greatly damaged me ow that really hurts

The pig ran over to me and checked on me are you okay there buddy you’ll never be able to beat me Spiderman now that I got these resources I’m one step closer to completing my Diamond Bar the goblin flew off man I was so embarrassed I still couldn’t even

Fight him don’t be so down he’ll be able to beat him bad effect I’ll come with you and Hell the pig introduced himself as ham and said that he was a pig that loved mud yeah uh I can see that all right ham you can come with me the two

Of us headed back to base on day 17 to 18 ham and I returned to base and I used the leftover wooden Stone to build him a small home I haven’t threw a mud pit right next to it I also used the leftover resources to build up my house

More and made it even bigger trying to trying to eat hand came running towards me and hid behind me from pork what are you doing you brought more food for us right no I will be staying with us for now so that means no eating him Hulk was

A little upset about this but he’ll get over it I told him that the diamond Goblin has been taking precious materials from the world and I still can’t even fight him he must be using those materials to build up that diamond pumpkin bomb of his he needed to be

Stopped and the only way for me to do that was to upgrade myself and get stronger the next suit that you need to upgrade is to go did someone say go the baby spider showed up and told me that there’s a civilization full of golden spiders and the golden Spider Queen may

Be able to help me get my upgrades he told me where to find them and I swung my way over there I made it to the cave entrance of the golden spiders and continued my journey inside while I continued to search for them I managed to find some goldthin the cave using my

Stone pickaxe I collected some iron and made iron tools I then collected the gold ingots the more gold I find the better what do you think you’re doing I couldn’t see anything at first but two spiders appeared in front of me hey wait a minute you’re Spider-Man these guys

Must be fans of mine as well of course they recognize me I know I know let me guess you guys are huge fans right ah suddenly the golden spiders attacked me and started to overpower hey What’s Going On We’re No fans of yours stupid the golden spiders managed to restrain

Me and hold me hostage ow that hurts okay fine I told him that I was sorry for taking their gold I only want to speak to your queen okay the two spiders then looked at each other and agreed to take me to their queen as a prisoner on

Days 21 to 23 we reached the underground Temple of the golden spiders it was full of them wow this place is pretty Advanced for some spiders what is that supposed to mean um nothing we made our way inside of the temple and there was a golden spider

That was way bigger than the rest oh before the queen of spiders the spider pushed me to the ground and the golden Spider Queen approached me you must be the Spider-Man I’ve heard so much about what do you require of me I told the queen that I needed her help with

Upgrading my suit into a golden form ah I have a proposition for you I will give you our sacred golden silk but in return you will have to do something for me the queen told me that someone has taken all of their electrical power so they’ve been reduced to using torches like

Savages oh brother we might be spiders but we’re not animals we need our power please bring this thief to us and I will gladly give you some of our golden silk uh you’ve got yourself a deal your majesty the queen told me the thief’s whereabouts and I left the temple to go

Capture him hmm the golden Spider Queen said that the thief would be somewhere around here and from the looks of things I am at the right place suddenly my Spider Sense went off and I jumped out of the way dodging a lightning bolt I turned around and saw a guy who had

Electricity Powers is that yes it is I Electro of course the stupid spiders would send you after me Spider-Man Electro told me that he’s been going around stealing power from the world and took all the power out of the golden spider Temple that place is like an

Enemy g buffet ain’t no way I’m giving that back to them we’ll see about that Elektra summoned a storm of lightning around the area and I dodge as many lightning bolts as I could I got hit by one of the lightning bolts I needed to

Stop Electro and fast I use my iron webs to stun and distract him then using my spider strength I knocked Electro into a pool of water shorting him out oh no I’m out of power you’re coming with me spark plug there I’m almost finished soon New York City will be nothing but ashes

[Laughter] on days 27 to 29 I returned to the golden spider temple with Electro as my prisoner here’s your Thief your majesty I push Electro in front of the golden Spider Queen thank you Spider-Man as promised the golden spider silk is all yours the queen then dropped the golden

Silk and I thanked her for help now that I’ve got the silk what do you plan on doing with Electro oh don’t you worry Spider-Man I have my uses for him suddenly a golden spider came up and hit Electro he then took him into another

Room the rooms then all lit up again I guess they’re using him for their main power source now I think the golden spiders for their help and left the temple ah man just another day of being Spider-Man time to go swing back home and you’ve got to be kidding me it looks

Like I’m walking after walking for a long period of time I finally made it back to base uh I need to walk more often geez as I went towards my home I noticed that there was a farm who did this ham walked up to me and told that

He did yeah I planted some wheat so that you could eat something other than me I heard that you little ham Hawk Hulk walked up also and it seems like the two still didn’t get along that well Hulk I have the items needed for you to make

What I need and ham thanks for helping out but both of you need to get a grip the Hulk took the golden silk from me and went back into his lab and got to work on the golden suit the next day the Hulk came out of his lab and gave me the

Golden spider Suites now I’ve got 10 more hearts and feel a lot stronger the Hulk told me that he spotted some of the Goblins minions at a factory working on something you should probably go over there and see what they’re up to he was right maybe if I destroyed that factory

I could slow down the diamond Goblin I swung out of my base and made my way towards the factory on days 33 to 35 I managed to find the factory that the Hulk was talking about as I got closer my Spider Sense started to go off and I

Quickly hid behind some bushes some minions were walking by carrying diamonds phew that was close the minions went inside of the factory and I waited till the coast was clear before I snuck my way inside when I did the factory was completely full of diamonds the goblin

Has been busy he must have ravaged most of the world to get this many diamonds I saw the Minions from earlier and spotted them heading deeper inside I quietly followed after them and they eventually led me to a room with more minions they were dropping diamonds into a diamond-looking pumpkin bomb this must

Be what Diamond Goblin planned on using to destroy New York City this bomb is way too big though it wouldn’t only destroy New York but it was big enough to destroy the entire world I had to put a stop to this hey it’s Spider-Man the minions noticed me and I was completely

Surrounded by them this won’t be an easy fight suddenly a minion snuck up behind me and knocked me on the back of my head oh no I’m gonna pass out ow my head my vision started to come back to me and I really realized that I was still inside

Of the factory I looked over and also saw that I’ve been imprisoned and the diamond Goblin was outside of my cage did you have a nice nap Spider-Man he asked if I liked his Diamond pumpkin bomb you are insane why are you doing this because I know how important New

York is to you once it’s destroyed you will lose all hope the goblin told me that after he destroys New York it’ll be all the more satisfying to kill me you’ll never get away with this oh but I already have now sit there and rot well I finished my bomb

That monster I need to get out of here but how am I supposed to do that there has to be a way out suddenly a rumbling came from behind my cage and ham popped out of a hole ham what are you doing here there’s no time let’s get out of

Here I followed him down the hole and eventually it led into an underground cave as we were making our way out I spotted a few diamonds and used my iron pickaxe to mine them it wasn’t enough to make my diamond suit but it was more than enough to craft a pair of diamond

Tools once we made it out of the cave ham and I quickly went back to base on days 39 to 41 ham and I returned to base and I thanked him for rescuing me no problem it’s what Heroes do right you caught that right pal the Hulk then came

Out of his lab and was glad to see that I was safe I told the Hulk about the bomb that diamond Goblin was making and how critical it was for me to get my diamond suit back I’ve been doing a lot of research and I believe not only do

You need your diamond suit back you also need a better version of your diamond suit the Hulk told me that in order for him to make me a new suit he’s gonna a better lab than the one he has what’s wrong with the lab that I made you it

Doesn’t have all the supplies I need it’s too small you know that I’m the Hulk right whatever Hulk told me that he spotted a location that will have the supplies I need to build his new lab also grab any futuristic gadgets that may be useful to build your suit and be

Careful when you go inside there may be someone there waiting for you I made my way over to the location and spotted the place that the Hulk was talking about he could have told me that I was going to Stark Tower the home of Iron Man I swung

My way up to the tower and entered the inside of the building I looked around the place and it definitely looked futuristic I don’t think Iron Man would mind me taking some of his stuff right I pulled out my diamond pickaxe and started mining down the inside of the

Tower I collected any material that I thought would look cool after collecting the materials I spotted what looked like a few futuristic tools ooh the Hulk’s gonna love these when I grabbed the tools my spiders sense went off and I quickly Dodge a laser blast oh what are

You doing in my tower hey uh Iron Man right listen I am a huge fan I just need to borrow this stuff to help save the world you know superhero things save the world please I know a thief when I see one Iron Man continued blasting his

Lasers at me and I dodged them I don’t want to fight please Iron Man still didn’t buy it so I had no choice but to hit him with my webs he was done temporarily and I quickly swung out of his base I promise I’ll bring your stuff

Back when I’m done on days 45 to 47 I return to my base and the Hulk was standing there waiting for me can you get the supplies you needed out of Stark Tower yeah I did and thanks for the heads up by the way the Hulk brushed off

My comment and I used the resource that I collected to build the Hulk a bigger and better lab it took some time but I was able to get through all of it sweet I think I kind of outdid myself I also had a lot of resources left over so I

Decided to upgrade my house and make that look futuristic too The Hulk and I toured around his new laugh and he told me that it was exactly what he needed to help me make my diamond armor there’s this one thing we desperately need in order for me to make your diamond suit

The diamond spider the Hulk told me that the diamond spider was just like the golden spiders except the downside was that there was only one the diamond spider is such a rare being that it may not even exist it will say it’s a myth well I’ll just have to find that out for

Myself the Hulk told me that I should Journey around and see if anyone knows of its whereabouts I agreed with him and swung out of the base in search of the diamond spider as I swung across the area I noticed that there was a cloud of

Smoke in the air I think I should go investigate Once I arrived at the source I was shocked to see what I’d found I came across a giant crater in the ground and a villager standing around it I asked the Villager what happened here and he told me that the crater used to

Be their Village wait what did a meteor hit it no The Village was attacked by some guy calling himself the diamond Goblin he said that he wanted to test out some bomb and he did this to us Goblin that Maniac he must be getting stronger and closer to his goal suddenly

I heard the sound of Screams and the Villager told me that there were still people inside I had to go help him I powered my way through the fire and saw the villagers surrounded by the Flames uh don’t worry guys everything’s gonna be okay I use my webs to put out the

Fire and let the villagers out of the crater all right come on come on that’s it once they were all out all the villagers surrounded me and started cheering for me thank you for saving us here take this as a show of our gratitude the Villager gave me some

Emeralds and some diamonds thanks to that I was closer to making my diamond spider armor sweet I think the Villager for his help and swung out away from the crater on days 51 of 53 I continued my search for the diamond spider I came across a mountainous biome and heard a

Familiar voice back off you jerks leave me alone it was him and he was being attacked by a group of wolves I need to go save him I swung over to them and blocked them from getting to him alright guys time to go home they didn’t listen

Though so I used my webs on them and scare them away that’s right you better run all right tough guy I asked him what he was doing out here and he told me that he was trying to get stronger yeah but you’ve got to be more careful next

Time you could have gotten yourself hurt I was just trying to be a hero like you I told him that I understood and he and I left the area you know I think I had an idea after all of that Pam and I spotted a cave and decided to go inside

Of it for materials it had everything I needed so I used my pickaxe to collect the stone and iron that was inside I even found a few diamonds and mined them as well so that I could be better prepared for my diamond spider suit ham

And I left the cave and I spotted some red flowers and collected them to use its red dye Spiderman what are you doing with all this stuff I decided that you deserved a gift so close your eyes ham did what I asked and I gave him a spider

Mask and a pair of web shooters now you can go follow your dreams buddy but after training of course why why don’t we test out your web shooter ham and I came across some trees let’s get started it took days and days of trial and error

But after a while he was able to swing around at will he then did a sixth superhero Landing the baby spider came running in and told us that the base is under attack by the diamond Goblin oh no the three of us quickly headed back on days 57-59 we

Made it back to base to find it completely in Ruins oh man that was too late Hulk where’s Hulk I quickly ran over to Hulk’s destroyed lab and couldn’t find him anywhere without Hulk I won’t be able to make my diamond suit I needed to go make sure he was safe but

First I should probably rebuild the base to keep our defenses High I went out and got as much resources that I could find I then used them to rebuild my house Hulk’s lab and everyone’s home thanks to my web swinging and climbing abilities it didn’t take too long now that I’ve

Taken care of that it was time for me to find him the baby spider then came up to me and told me that the other spiders saw him getting taken away by the Goblins minions great I had to go save him but I knew that I couldn’t do it

Alone maybe you don’t have to all right hand but first you’ll need a full suit I used some of the string that I collected from the spiders earlier and made ham a new suit from this day forward you are no longer hand you are Spider Pig Spider

Pig was happy about his new suit and the two of us swung over to find Hulk we made our way into a forest and spotted a baby goblin walking towards somewhere ah man with a stupid Diamond Goblin guy wants all these stupid diamonds spider pig and I quickly surprised the Golem

And he started to freak out and run I decided that this guy needed some interrogation Don’t hurt me man listen here we know you work for the diamond Goblin tell us where the Hulk is we could tell that the baby goblin was very scared it’s not like I want to work for him I’m being forced to do so spider pig yelled at him

All right all right listen the baby goblin introduced himself as Gabby and he told us that he knew where the Hulk was he’s being held in the desert not far from here I can help out if you let me go great I took Gabby down from the

Web I decided to let him come along he quickly hopped on spider pig so that he could keep up with us oh man this is so much better than walking don’t push it on day 63 to 65 the three of us ventured through and finally spotted the Hulk we

Stopped a good distance away because he was surrounded by a swarm of goblin minions I told Gabby to find somewhere to hide while spider pig and I went to go and rescue the Hulk he was trapped in a cage and Spider Pig and I quickly charged in to fight the Goblins the

Goblins kept trying to attack me but I was quickly able to dodge them and use my webs to take them down another one then charging and slicing with the diamond sword taking away five of my hearts I shot him with my web and easily took him down more of them started to

Show up though and I was starting to get overwhelmed spider pig snuck away from the violence alright remember your training he shot his web and did exactly what he did a day ago making it to the Hulk’s cage he then freed the Hulk thank

You pig you are a hero now it’s time to smash the Hulk came charging and started smashing down the goblin minions the minions grew scared and quickly were defeated thanks for the assistance Hulk and good job back there spider pig you’ve got the makings to be a real hero

Spider pig was excited to hear that and we all made our way back to base we returned to base thank you for saving back there Spider-Man those goblins were lucky that cage held me back from smashing them I told the Hulk that I couldn’t find any trace of the diamond

Spider maybe he was actually a myth actually the diamond spider is real goblin hoax man wait I stopped the Hulk from hurting Gabby and told him that Gabby was a friend the whole calmed down and apologized for his Outburst Gabby told us that the diamond Goblin had him

Track The Spider and he finally found its location I was on my way to go tell him before I met you guys great job Gabby as a reward for helping us you get to play in my mud pile mud pile score I can tell that the two were starting to

Become really good friends they ran over to the mud pile to go and play while I swung over to the diamond spider’s location on days 69-71 I made it to the location where Gabby told me it was a dark cave most people wouldn’t spot I went inside and it was completely

Covered in diamonds there was more than enough for me to make hundreds of diamond suits oh there Spider-Man I quickly turned around and the diamond spider was right behind me I was surprised that my Spider Sense didn’t go off the diamond spider expected me to

Come here and I told him that I needed his help with making my diamond suit uh of course you want me to help you then you must prove yourself worthy of my age suddenly the spider casted an illusion and there was another Spider-Man right in front of me he looked just like me

But he was wearing the diamond armor I wanted the diamond spider wanted me to defeat my double in order to pass his test the double jumped at me and we began our fight the double shot spider webs at me and I ran across the wall to

Dodge I tried to catch him from behind but the double dodged and punched me across the cave ah you are strong enough without this diamond suit Spider-Man you just have to believe it he was right the double try to attack me again but I used

My webs to stun him I then charge him to finish him off but the moment I got to the double he van finished the diamond spider congratulated me and told me that I passed his test but just know you are strong enough without it he agreed to

Help me and we both headed back to base when we arrived the mud pile that was there before was surprisingly bigger spider pig Gabby what’s going on me and Gabby wanted to make the mud pile bigger so that we can play even more yeah and

I’m gonna go get some more mud too oh I’ll help the two of them ran off laughing and in search of more mud those two are really getting close now I went over to the spider farm and collected a huge amount of spider webs from the

Spiders I then used them to build a giant spider web on the side of the base using my web swinging and web shooters this would soon become the diamond spider’s new home and just like that everything looked to be done the diamond spider thanked me for building his home

And gave me some spider webs as a reward I thanked him and quickly made my way over to the lab I ran inside and approached Hulk he told me that this was the last thing he needed to craft the diamond suit he quick went to work and I

Left his lab to give him some time the next day I quickly met back up with him at his lab and he finally finished the suit I equipped it and I immediately felt a lot stronger than before I even gained 10 more Hearts Diamond Spider-Man is back in action but I noticed that

Gabby and Spider Pig haven’t come back to base huh strange I decided to go out and look for them on days 75 to 77 I was swinging throughout the world looking for Spider Pig and gobby where could those two be suddenly I heard a scream and swung over to see Diamond Goblin was

Attacking the two of them so this is what you’ve been up to Gabby playing in the mud with this feels you will be punished for this leave my friend alone he went in and started a fight oh no I need to help now I jumped in the fight

As well helping spider pig Diamond Goblin noticed me and hit me with one of his Diamond explosives I was so weak time to finally get rid of you he shot another one at me spider pig jumped in the way though and took the hit killing him no

Punched Goblin away you are gonna pay for this I shot my new diamond webs at Diamond Goblin and he quickly dodged them Diamond Goblin charged in and threw his pumpkin bombs at me I dodged the bomb but wasn’t able to dodge the blast and I was in a lot of pain

Even with your diamond suit back you’re still no match for me while the goblin was distracted cobby shot an arrow at Goblin’s glider damaging it what have you done you fool you will pay for what you’ve done to my friend Gabby shot another arrow in a malfunctioned Goblin’s glider the diamond Goblin threw

A pumpkin at gobby instantly hitting him to the floor Dobby’s Arrow caused the diamond Goblin to uncontrollably Fly Away gobby Gabby get up please I can’t lose you too please Spider-Man stop the diamond Goblin Avengers I know you will make both of us proud wait wait no I

Can’t believe this this I slowly walked back towards base I was so sad and frustrated gobby and Spider Pig were gone and I wasn’t even strong enough to save him I just couldn’t understand it I had my diamond suit back but I still couldn’t beat Diamond Goblin why what was I missing ah

The Hulk suddenly came running in Spiderman I came to look for you spider pig and gobby where are they I told the Hulk that spider pig and Gabby were gone it was very sad about this they’re Skippy I’m sorry to hear that this kid shall be missed greatly I have some

Other news to share with you the hawk told me that the last thing I needed in order to complete my diamond suit was a new diamond sense he told me that the diamond spider would know more about it and the two of us made our way back to

Base this was the first step to avenge my friends on days 81 to 85 we returned to base and I told everyone about gobby and spider pigs passing everyone was saddened to hear this I decided to build Graves over the mud pile for them we all gathered around and mourned for the loss

Of our friends even though I didn’t like you at first you still showed me what a true hero was meant to be spider pig you will be missed gobby and Spider Pig were some of the bravest people that I’ve ever met and I’ll never forget them I

Vowed at their graves that I would become stronger and take down the diamond Goblin and honor their memory no matter what it took after the funeral I went over to the diamond spider’s place and asked him about unlocking a new Spider Sense the diamond Spider Sense will enhance your own spider abilities

Tenfold if you acquire this you’ll be unstoppable I told the diamond spider that I was ready to acquire the ability and he told me that he needed to bite me first I allowed him to do it and once the diamond spider bit me I immediately fell to the ground and passed out

I opened my eyes and found myself in a different world it seems like I’m dreaming I walked inside of this dream realm and suddenly three different Spider-Man appeared in front of me it was the regular iron and golden versions are you guys gonna fight me too what no

Way dude we’re just here to remind you of your journey and who you are you’ve come a long way from where you started and now you’re here we’ve seen that you’re filled with rage you’ve been through a lot but we all know that you’ll make it through no matter what I

Told him that I was filled with rage how couldn’t I be Goblin killed both of my friends if anyone can understand what you’re going through it’s us just please don’t let this rage make you do something you’ll regret they all disappeared suddenly there was a large

Flash of light and I woke up back inside of my base Hulk and the diamond spider were there waiting for me have you acquired the diamond spider sense I saw the diamond spider try to attack me and I quickly Dodge before he even started he has you fully completed your diamond

Spider suit the diamond spider was right I felt stronger than I ever had before my Spider Sense was on a whole different level now that I require this ability I was ready to find the diamond Goblin and stop his evil plan on days 91 and 94 I concentrated on using my diamond sense

And suddenly an image popped in my head it was an abandoned warehouse and the diamond Goblin was there with a now completed Diamond pumpkin bomb the image disappeared and with this information I swung out of my base and headed for the warehouse I finally made it there and

Before I entered the building my diamond Spider Sense went off again a group of goblin minions came out of the entrance and I had no choice but to fight my way inside the Goblins tried hitting me but I was too fast for them and dodged them

Easily this new sense was no joke the other goblins tried to attack me but I use my diamond webs to easily take them all down I made my way inside of the warehouse that the diamond Goblin was nowhere in sight where could he be a loud explosion went off causing the

Entire Warehouse to shake I sensed something new I quickly ran over to the explosion and saw the diamond Goblin in the distance I shot my diamond web and swung after the diamond Goblin I finally made it to the place the goblin has been threatening all along New York City the

Home of Spider-Man but it was in complete turmoil most of the City was destroyed and it was completely overrun with goblins minions I spotted Diamond Goblin flying towards the center of the town and my diamond Spider Sense went off and I was suddenly surrounded by an army of goblin minions the minions

Charged at me and I swung over them and landed behind them before they could even react I shot my webs at them and mowed them down one by one they tried to get to me but I ran across the wall to dodge them I then used my strength and

Took the rest of them down I could hear the sounds of laughter as a diamond Goblin made it to the Center of New York City I use my webs to swing my way over there and end this madness one once and for all on day 100 I landed in front of

The middle of the city and the diamond Goblin was there standing in front of his Diamond pumpkin bomb you came just in time to watch me blow New York City up Sky High you think that I’m just gonna let you do that this ends now Goblin Diamond Goblin threw one of

His pumpkin bombs but thanks to my spider sense I quickly dodged it I shot him with my web causing a good amount of damage to him it looks like you’ve gotten stronger yeah you got that right the diamond Goblin charged at me but I jumped out of his way he charged at me

Again and tried to send me flying but it did little damage he was shocked to see this I used my spider strength to send him flying where he landed next to the bomb I could tell that the goblin was scared of me and he quickly ran over and

Activated it say goodbye to New York City Spiderman no I quickly ran my way over and fought the goblin again I am a lot stronger than I used to be I was about to defeat the Goblin because of all my built up rage when suddenly just

Please don’t let this rage make you do something you’ll regret this is for agabi and Spider Pig I made my way over to the bomb and turned it off I’m better than that the city of New York was once again saved and Diamond Goblin was stopped for good

Today I had to survive 100 days in Minecraft as Diamond Spiderman! I had to save Minecraft from the Green Goblin! Will I be strong enough to defeat him? Make sure you watch until the end to see what happens!


  1. 🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑😏😏😏😏👨‍👨‍👦👨‍👨‍👦‍👦👨‍👨‍👧👨‍👨‍👧‍👦👨‍👨‍👧‍👧👨‍👩‍👦‍👦👨‍👩‍👧👨‍👩‍👧‍👦👨‍👩‍👧‍👧👩‍👩‍👦👩‍👩‍👦‍👦👩‍👩‍👧👩‍👩‍👧‍👦👩‍👩‍👧‍👧👪👫👬

  2. ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤😍😍😍😍😍😍😍😍❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤😍😍😊😊😊😍😍😊😍😊😊😍😊😍😊😍😊😍😊😍😊😍😊😍😊😍😊😍😍😍😊😍😊😍😍😍😊😍😊😍😍😊😍😊😍😍😍😍😍😊😍😍😭😭😊😍😍

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