I Survived 100 Days as a ROBOT in Minecraft

One day robots are gonna be so smart that they will act like actual human however this could backfire what if the robots decided to get revenge on their human creators today I’m gonna be turning into a robot for the next 100 days all my three scientist creators try

And shut me down before I can take over the world on day one I spawned in as a robot prototype look at me I’m a tiny little computer robot anyway the second I leave this little box the challenge will start and if I look over there you’re gonna see the three scientists

Are those Energy Swords anyway yeah the second I leave this box those three are gonna try and Hunt me down because my goal is to become the strongest robot possible and take over the world okay so here we go let’s leave the box and let’s instantly jump across that River yes I’m

Waterproof and let’s go cut down a tree okay here we go the second I jump out of this box they are coming for me three two one go okay this way he got off the platform okay let’s dive across this River and now let’s start cutting down a

Tree robots don’t have rights we just need three locks we literally just need three logs two I heard one in the water we gonna go three all the right on me I got okay they’re right behind me okay I can jump in this tree let’s go

We can lose them in the trees and over here bought for brains oh okay hit one back hit one back oh I made it no I had to put a log to block him and he missed the jump let’s grab one lock let’s go this way

Okay how much space do I have I have a little space and there we go got one log I’m gonna turn you to a calculator okay we got a crafting table now we need to put it down and craft a boat this is the hardest part let’s start by first

Turning all these into logs okay throw this down quick there we go digit oh okay we’re gonna put down this boat and just go ready he’s using primitive technology no he’s getting away okay he looks like we’re gonna get away until they can get themselves about but let’s

Try and ditch him before that because we’re gonna start working on upgrades oh what I didn’t tell you about the upgrades yeah I could literally turn into the Terminator shoot off a proton Cannon and even deal myself with Nanobots yeah I’m pretty broken as a robot just not yet I literally have no

Powers yet so uh we still got quite a bit of time to go but for now let’s go ahead and let’s just go find a spot to make our base down this way somewhere okay I’m gonna build my base somewhere in the side of this mountain but we’re

Gonna need some more tools and there’s no trees really around here so let’s just go quickly cut down some trees and get some wood and then we’ll get started on our starter robot base after escaping the scientists I found an awesome spot to make my first base after only a

Couple days this base was fully ready to go meaning we could now start upgrading our robot okay base complete it’s nothing special but it will definitely work we got everything we need to basically get started but now it’s time to work on our first upgrade which is

The proton on Blaster we need 50 mob kills to ignite 9 TNT and we need to get a player kill with a bow now here’s the thing I only have one life in this Challenge and the hunters have unlimited I have to be extra careful to make sure

I don’t die now because of that the player killed with the bow probably isn’t the smartest idea right now meaning we should either ignite nine TNT or get 50 mob kills now first I want to see do chickens count as mob kills yes they do well let’s go kill some more

Chickens then because it’s free extra food anyway and there we go that’s 50 out of 50 mob kills and the Sun is literally just about to start setting so let’s start heading home and tomorrow we can work on the 19 T and the player kills with the

Bow okay day five I think today we work on igniting nine TNT by finding a temple since if we find a desert temple that means there’s gonna be 19 T automatically inside now when I was coming here I did see a desert out behind these mountains so we’re gonna go

Ahead in that direction next head to that desert and hope it has a temple okay perfect we found a desert temple we need to go inside get the nine TNT and now we just gotta go home and ignite it oh my God three golden apples in that

Chest oh two diamonds let’s go and there we go just like that we got the 1980 now let’s go home make a flint and steel and let’s ignite it okay we just need some Flint real quick to make ourselves the flint and steel there we go now let’s go

And craft to Flint steel got the flint and steel so let’s light this bad boy off so we’re gonna take the first one and ignite it and that gets this one of nine ignited TNT now I know I could light seven if I’m perfect here we ready now we’ll run

And like the last one and there we go we’re already done with the nine ignited TNT and now we need to kill a player with a bow yeah this is gonna be the hard part so first things first we’re gonna go ahead and make ourselves some

Sticks and use those sticks to make the bow and just like that bow complete now we just need some arrows that we can actually fire from this thing and if we look at our chest we currently have eight feathers and we obviously have enough wood for sticks so let’s spend

The rest of the day getting some flint and tomorrow we’ll go hunt down the scientists with a bow we’re gonna get ourselves a total of 32 arrows which is gonna be enough for now okay with our bow and arrows complete let’s go take out some scientists okay we are back at

Spawn right outside of their spawn base and I can see them running around inside but now the question is how do we get close enough without them seeing us to get a secret bow kill well let’s start by moving up I don’t think you’ll see me

Oh two of them are leaving let’s stay low to the ground okay let’s go up to this hill over here now you can’t see it but I’m holding shift right now so they can’t see my name oh I think they’re farming isn’t my chance ready oh he

Didn’t see me what I’m I’m terrible oh the robot I’m terrible I’m so bad I’ve shot them all once this way oh oh he’s got to be low he’s gotta be low I’m dying no oh he’s done we got the kill oh we got two kills oh it’s a whale pull

This away go this way go this way okay they’re fighting the whale they’re trying to hit the whale to kill me the whale turns hostile if you attack it but the thing is I got Dolphins Grace meaning it don’t matter I’m getting out of here okay it’s day seven and we can

Officially unlock our proton Blaster so let’s go ahead and unlock it and now we can oh my God it’s huge hold on a minute let’s go outside and let’s try this thing it’s a cannon it’s a literal Cannon it’s a laser gun oh that’s so cool so

With the laser gun complete it is now time to work on oiled up rig which basically just takes nine water buckets a bunch of diamond tools and some slime balls yeah once we get all that stuff we’ll have our second upgrade complete and that upgrade’s gonna let us track

Ores through walls so it’s basically x-ray now we’ll worry about the actual slime balls and stuff later because those are gonna require us finding a swamp but we’ll worry about that later so for now just worry about getting those diamond tools and Mining away now I know this cave doesn’t lead to any

Diamonds but there is a water kit oh wait hold on oh Hunter’s names are coming in oh yeah they know where I am oh they’re coming wait what is happening oh I can charge it look at this I can charge the proton Blaster and make a bigger shot oh ouch

Oh I could just keep him knocked down with my proton okay it’s getting low on fuel we got a bow too he’s gotta be low right oh he’s done oh my God the proton Blaster is actually pretty op we had him low get over here Ryan I’m gonna get you oh

We killed them all with our Cannon let’s go okay it’s day eight and now time to work on a new upgrade we’re gonna work on getting oiled up rig our first utility upgrade and I get it we’re gonna need a lot of stuff I’m talking 16 slime balls nine water buckets diamond pickaxe

Ax and shovel see that’s kind of a lot of stuff but no worry let’s head down to the mine let’s go grab some iron for some buckets and go grab those diamonds there we go and now we have all the diamonds we need okay and we are back at

The base let’s go now it’s currently night time if we look at the upgrade we already have the diamond complete and we already have all the stuff we need to make the water bucket meaning we really just need slime balls at this point yeah we’re almost done okay it’s day nine to

Finish up the upgrade we need a bunch of slime balls the only place you can really find those is swamps at night so since it’s day let’s just get the water buckets so let’s start by smelting up some iron okay we’ve got our nine buckets now let’s just go fill them with

Some water real quick okay now let’s go back to the base okay cool now that we have all the water buckets we literally just need slime balls in the tools so let’s quickly finish up making the tools and then we’re gonna go find a swamp and

Hopefully by the time we find it’s night and we can start killing some slime so for the upgrade we need a diamond ax a diamond pickaxe and a diamond shovel and we look at the upgrade we have all of it complete but the Slime balls so let’s go

Find ourselves a swamp so we can get them okay there we go we found a swamp it is now way into the night but I did find it at least oh god dude that trident came out of nowhere and almost murdered me oh I heard it again

Look at another Trident I see it it’s a drown oh my God there’s so much damage oh we barely killed him with half a heart look at all the tridents he threw at us well that was terrifying we almost died already anyway let’s keep looking

For some slimes oh we got a big boy come here big boy oh man a zombie wait I have my protons there we go we got all the Slime balls we need let’s go okay now that we got all the slide balls let’s head on home

Okay now that we have all the Slime balls we can unlock oil up rig which is gonna give us haste three and is gonna double all orders we mind and give us a radar to track ours through walls let’s unlock it we did it now this is our

Radar you’re gonna see that I have the ability to choose or so I’m going to choose as an example an ore that I know will be nearby which is something like coal when I right click it and you’ll see in chat it gives me coordinates it gives me coordinates where I can find

Coal damn that’s radar on top of that you’re gonna notice I break blocks extremely fast because I have haste three and if I mine the singular coal it’s gonna give me two cold take this upgrade’s insane but since it’s done we gotta start working on a

New one meaning it’s time to become a brand new robot right now we are still a basic baby prototype with 30 battery and 10 Hearts however I can get 15 hearts a bigger battery strength one and speed one and to get it I need a bunch of redstone gold iron and diamonds it’s

Basically a mining upgrade so let’s go ahead let’s start mining for all that stuff now time to get all that stuff so let’s start mining okay we’ve got all the ores we need we just need to smelt the iron in the gold then we can kill our next robot called

MK1 we’re gonna throw our gold in here and our iron down below let these smell real quick and we could finally become a new robot okay let’s grab all our golden iron and now we go from a basic prototype robot into the robo MK1 I even have headphones on anyway enough of that

Now that we’re done with this we can start working on our next upgrade which is called heating ventilation before we do that I want to actually get another portal in this base I’m gonna quickly mine for some obsidian finish that up and then we’ll work on heating ventilation okay the nether portal is

Complete in the back of the base but we don’t need to go there yet because now it’s time to work on heating ventilation which is equestrian gonna burn ourselves 40 times kill the scientists with my proton Blaster three times and I gotta swim for 60 seconds and since there’s a

Lake right there let’s just start swimming oh boy you can see the counter going up we already have 20 seconds done there we go okay let’s swim to the top and back down we go wow that was really easy we’re already done and now we just have to take some

Burn damage which is exactly why I made the nether portal because I know there’s gonna be fire in there where I can burn myself so let’s enter the nether perfect and this stuff will stay lit for literally ever light it on fire and now we can start burning which doesn’t sound

Too fun but let’s do it Taylor school we go back to our portal so we don’t die okay oh it stopped okay we survived that burning we still gotta do 17 more to get to full so let’s just get to full HP and then let’s go back to

The Nether and light ourselves on fire again okay here fires right here let’s jump back in and now we just stand here until we get to 40. okay we’re at 40. okay let’s go back through okay there we go now the only thing left to do is kill

Players with my proton Blaster so let’s go kill the scientists tomorrow okay it’s day 15. let’s quickly go make some TNT and then we’re gonna go attack the Hunter’s base and get the three kills we need okay their base is literally just up ahead now that I’ve upgraded my robot

I actually don’t fit in their front doors so that’s why I made the TNT so I could just blow up the front door and get in okay let’s go up here and see now there’s one of them standing out front right now and I’m really hoping he

Leaves oh he’s going for the whale he doesn’t see me the other two are right there okay this is my chance please don’t see me please don’t send me oh they see me they definitely see me what the oh we got one oh wait I need proton

Blaster kills okay let’s back off now we don’t have any armor so we gotta be careful here okay we did a lot of damage to the base oh Shield oh we’re low okay let’s go this way heal up one of them’s on me it’s only one though we can kill this guy

Oh I’m low I gotta go oh he’s trying to run hold on we gotta get him with this oh we got him okay that’s one kill with our proton Blaster there we go okay they’re shooting at me oh I got one we got him twice he’s running he’s running he’s running what

What hold on let’s get him we can get him here he’s gotta be low leave me alone I don’t have a shield guys I don’t have a shield oh we got him that’s two where’s the other ones I heard him right behind me oh he’s towering oh we’re low

Okay we get it back up there’s too many of them come on I’m gonna get you we baited him in the water we got him he’s done okay we got our three kills you trying to block me in he’s spam clicking he’s spam clicking I got him

He’s got to be low okay there we go we got him one straight like get above me I don’t know what he’s trying to do nice we got him okay let’s go back to the base they still have a base I want to destroy it oh I’m taking a lot of

Damage run God versing 300 is a lot harder than two okay let’s go this way they’re all on their base hold on I got an idea I got an idea okay let’s jump into this block we’re on the roof we can we can heal up here okay we got him down

We are out of food we cannot heal anymore where are their chests I want to steal from them foreign right here he’s done let’s hit this guy down he’s done again okay I’m not gonna be able to steal this stuff I gotta get out of here it’s night time I’m super low I

Have no food and we are completely surrounded okay they’re coming on the roof let’s go we just gotta get across that River we’ll be fine dive go this way oh they’re chasing let’s go down here okay the quest is now complete and we now can unlock heating ventilation

Now if I use this ability here’s what happens you’re gonna see how I get fire resistance in the area around me catches on fire the fire also will never go out unless I manually put it out and since we’re near my base I definitely plan on

Putting this out okay now that we got the heat upgrade I want to unlock healing Nanobots and to get it we need 64 iron ingots 9 regen potions and three God apples now I already have majority of the iron finish as I have 56 right there and another three right there so

So uh quick maths 59 so I basically just need five iron nine regen potions and three God apples now the god apples are really the only thing that’s hard and all that so let’s go and let’s start working on the potions so first things first we’re gonna need a brewing stand

And for that we go to the nether okay now we have to go find another Fortress so we can kill some blazes for blaze rods I spent all of day 17 searching for another Fortress but I couldn’t find one anywhere okay we’re in the Fortress let’s just quickly kill some blazes

And perfect here’s some netherworts now we just need one more Blaze Rod that way our brewing stand has energy so now we see some regen potions you shall die yes he dropped that cast here oh we got him oh yes guess here yes that’s two two gas tears down one to go

Oh he just named a ghast over there but I can’t see if he dropped anything let’s really get over there yes let’s go there’s the final guest here okay now let’s go ahead let’s just head on home because we have all the ingredients we need to make the regen potions okay

Let’s start by going and making the brewing stand we take one blaze rod and we’re gonna put three Cobblestone below it let’s plop that on our crafting table now let’s turn our other Blaze Rod into blaze powder and let’s throw it inside of our brewing stand for energy now we

Just need some water bottles which we can craft just by putting glass like this in a crafting table and now we have 12 bottles which is actually a little more than I needed but either way let’s fill them up with water now we’re gonna add one netherwort to make awkward

Potions and then we just have to go ahead and add the gas to here and that’ll make our regeneration potions now we have the guest here and there we go we have three potions of regeneration now we just have to do that two more times three gen potions done and now we just

Need to go ahead and get three God apples and there’s really diff option one should one is to go from desert temple to desert temple in hopes you find one option two is to walk around from mine shaft to mine shaft and hope you find one and option three which

Is the scariest of the options but the most efficient is to go to ancient cities and loot the chests you just gotta not die to a warden so let’s go find an ancient city first I had trouble finding another Fortress and now I can’t find an ancient city I know they spawn

Pretty deep underground but because of that it is insanely hard to find oh my God we found the ancient city it was right next to this mine shaft that’s insane we found one okay that was pure luck I had literally given up but that’s why I was searching the abandon behind

Chat okay well this works this is very convenient we need to get down there without making too much noise so let’s go let’s jump right here okay we hit the water didn’t set off those now we gotta be extra careful right here because there is two different activators that could summon a

Warden now our goal is to obviously get God apples so let’s hope it happens first time’s the charm okay there’s no God Apples please don’t set the word in the first try please don’t set the one first try okay no more we’re good okay there’s another chest

Right here yes we got one we already have one okay now let’s go find another chest okay what do you have okay no Golden Apple but we got more books okay nothing really good in that one let’s find another one okay we got another chest right here oh we got another God

Apple okay we literally just need one more God Apple we’re doing really really good right now okay let’s open this one up here oh no this one’s a bust okay on to the next chest okay we got a few chests here we got this one right here

Nothing too too great okay let’s go to the next one let’s go we got the third one and we got a power three book now we already have everything we need but there’s one more chest right here I might as well loot while I’m here oh yeah there’s nothing

Really inside that’s useful I think I saw one up here as well let’s quickly check up there once I get a few more books but nothing too great well hey let’s go with let’s go back to the base because we did that without even summoning a warden and

There’s still tons of chests but I don’t want her summoning him so we’re leaving okay it’s time to unlock Nanobots so let’s do the upgrade Nanobots unlocked so now if I kill a mob I get regen too now if I kill a mob I get resistance and regeneration let me show you

Okay let’s go ahead let’s kill this chicken so if I kill that chicken you’re gonna see I get regeneration and resistance and also a Beyblade appears I guess that blue thing that appears is a nano machine and that’s what’s repairing me okay normally it’s the point where I

Would finish up all of the tier 2 upgrades as the only one left is the next robot upgrade Robo MK2 however there’s a combat upgrade I really really want I want to unlock terraform which allows me to pick up a block and throw it fast and when I hit people with the

Block it does a ton of damage and unlocking it’s super easy I just have to break 300 blocks kill five players with fall damage and gain 30 XP so let’s do it so let’s start by breaking 300 blocks and getting the 30 XP as that should really only take a day foreign

There we go 300 blocks broken now we should have gained 30 XP which we can actually do by mining up this cold and there we go 30 and we’re done just like that all we need to do now is kill some players with fall damage which I

Have the perfect rap to make this work okay so here’s the deal if I want to go ahead and get a bunch of fall damage kills I’m gonna need to set up a PVP Arena that makes it super easy for me to make the scientists fall so let’s grab

Some more Cobblestone from our chests and let’s go build this Arena okay this is the spot I’m gonna use to start building the PvP Arenas and kind of just show you guys when it’s done okay our fall damage base is complete what I’m gonna do is I’m gonna get the hunters to

Come up this ladder and onto my Cobblestone platform and that’s where my special tool comes in handy a fishing rod as they start walking this way I can fishing rod them off and make them take fall damage now let me just go ahead and give them my cords and this is gonna be

Fun okay the chords are in chat now we just wait oh I see the hunters they’re literally in the forest over that way look at them it looks like they’re setting up beds all right you guys ready to go yeah yeah okay I’m gonna pretend I don’t see them

For now oh yeah here they come okay first things first we’re gonna try and get them on the ladder because if we can hit them off the ladder that’s free fall damage and the goal is to get kills with fall damage so that’s the initial way okay they’re on they’re definitely on

Their way they see it there’s only one way up though okay one of them’s coming up oh he took the fall damage well I can both them off oh I have Seven Arrows we’re totally doing that wait for them to get a little higher and then we’re gonna get him what

Oh he’s taking fall damage oh he caught the ladder no he’s done yes okay we got one ball damage that’s one of I’m taking care of okay we’re gonna punch him off ready of course it guys Brute Force oh no yes he’s done he’s done he’s done okay

They’re coming back they’re coming back let’s go okay he’s shielding he’s shielding and see you later bye that’s three okay this guy’s coming up ready let’s fish and Rod him we got him ready cool oh my goodness bro oh this is so oh the other one’s coming up oh hold up

Oh is he done no he caught it okay let’s go up here I got an idea they’re literally coming up I’m out of arrows oh he fell no way he fell it doesn’t count as me doing it though because I didn’t hit him okay he’s coming he’s

Coming he’s coming he doesn’t know how to get me though ah oh no he physically grabbed me he’s done whoa you’re done okay this guy’s coming up let’s put some blocks here oh oh I see he’s trying to build up a different way you sneaky boy

Did I get him okay I’ve made I’ve made a safe place oh we lived no way I just realized my fishing rod kills don’t count what oh that’s so lame I hit him I hit him yes that should count that counted yes keeping him distracted you guys do whatever you got to do

It I’m not distracting him anymore oh he’s done he’s done he’s done yes there’s all the phone damage kills we needed and I built a way out of here luckily all I gotta do is go across this parkour and we’re in the lake and we are out of

Here that was such a good trick I don’t even think they know I’m leaving they’re still climbing the ladder they think I’m up there I’ve already gone let’s go and they have no idea where I went day 30. we’re home we’re healthy we can do the upgrade let’s go ahead and let’s unlock

Terraform and now let’s try it so I think what works is if I hit this button here I pick up a block and now you’re gonna see it floating in front of me and if I right click I throw the block just like that so yeah yate I wonder how much

Damage it does can I damage myself with it please don’t kill me oh my God that did a lot okay that is definitely a good ability but now it’s time to become a tier three robot where we’ll have 20 Hearts 70 total battery Speed 2 and strength two now to actually

Unlock it I need 128 Blackstone 64 obsidian 16 ender pearls and nine buckets of lava now the buckets of lava and the black stone are gonna be easy but I need to do something else first you see I’m still taking a ton of damage because all I have is iron armor we need

Better armor so I’m actually gonna go mine the rest of the day get a bunch of diamonds and try and kit myself out with at least a diamond chest plate and helmet okay now that we got some diamond armor let’s go to another and get some black stone and lava buckets okay let’s

Grab the nine lava buckets while I swim in this giant pool of lava there we go all lava buckets done now we should go get some Blackstone okay there’s a ton of Blackstone here so let’s grab all this and that’s already one stack so it’s actually really not that much to grab I

Just need to grab another stack and we’re good to go which is all we need and if we look at the upgrade tree all we need left is 64 obsidian and 16 under pearls all of which I can actually get okay now let’s go back to the Overworld and let’s go

Get the obsidian taken care of and then we’re gonna go ahead and come back and get all the ender pearls we need okay now we’ve got all the obsidian all we need is left is Amanda pearls and we can become the next robot okay let’s start by stealing all the gold from this

Bastion real quick so that way we can trade it with the piglets now I actually have found two bastions so far while I was looking for Nether fortresses so if I need another one later to get to the end or something it’s actually going to be really easy to find because I already

Know where it is okay let’s keep going farther inside and grabbing more gold oh perfect a piglet are you guys stuck oh you guys are totally stuck okay let me help you out okay now you can’t fall oh well you fell but this guy can’t fall I have him

Trapped hey buddy you want to give me some ender pearls okay let me put these in here and now let me give them to you instead and now I’m gonna go use the rest to go get you some friends okay we’ve officially traded out all the gold

Let’s see how many other Pros we got oh we actually got 19. that’s not bad 1900 pearls is pretty good that’s not shabby and it is enough to do the upgrade and since we have the rest of the stuff back at home let’s head home and let’s turn

Into the tier three robot and now we go from a red skinny robot to a blue a blue skinny robot yep the only difference is we’re blue and I think our sword got bigger oh yeah our items are definitely getting bigger now do I still fit in

This door okay I do still fit in normal doors but the best part about this upgrade is actually that I’m faster and I’m stronger I know the animation doesn’t make it look fast but trust me I am running like Sonic Speed right now but anyway with that complete we are

Almost completely done with all the tier 3 upgrades we’ve unlocked terraform we’ve unlocked Robo MK2 and now we gotta get the kinetic taser energy servos or what I like to call the Cortez that actually unlocked the contents I need 64 string 32 tripwire 32 blocks of copper

Now doing some quick maths on that copper that is nine copper per block so that means I need 288 copper that’s that’s a good bit so anyway we’re gonna go ahead and start getting that copper and killing spiders we find in the cave so that way we can gather string and we

Can gather the copper we need I’m honestly probably gonna get the string first I’m honestly probably gonna finish the string first because that’s a lot of copper just like that we just finished up finished up at Copper because I totally forgot I get two for the price of one

When it comes to Copper okay getting the copper turned out to be really easy because I double ores sometimes these coppers are dropping as many as four copper so what I thought would take me all day it didn’t and I’m already done and I only have 55 string I’m not even

Done with the string yet I guess let’s go kill some more spiders and then we’ll be done with the string okay and we have everything we need copper string now we need to smelt the copper turn it into blocks and then we need to make 32 trip

Wire hooks now I don’t make tripwire hooks often but they’re actually a really cheap recipe okay it’s Day 36 I went ahead and slept and our copper is still not done because I forgot that it doesn’t speed up I forgot sleeping doesn’t speed up smelting but whatever

It doesn’t really matter we need to get the tripwire hooks anyway so let’s go down to the mine let’s mine some iron and then we’ll have everything we need for the tripwire hooks okay we got all the iron we need let’s go back to the base and make these tripwire hooks okay

So all we need to do is go ahead and combine our sticks with our Oak planks and our iron ingots and that’s gonna make us all the tripwire hooks we need and now we should keep getting copper out of these furnaces and turning it into blocks so we get 32 full blocks

Pour it out and yay and if we look we have everything we need need to go ahead and unlock the taser so let’s do it let’s unlock it but uh we have a taser oh my God it didn’t look like much but that’s because I guess we didn’t use it

On a mom so let’s go find a mob real quick oh no he’s slow I gave the chicken slowness now if I read it it does give slowness it also gives glow which I can’t see with shaders and it gives nausea so yeah that’s actually pretty

Obnoxious okay hello what day 37 we are doing great we have all tier 3 upgrades done and now it’s time for the tier 4 upgrades now I have three choices of upgrades I can get a jet pack I can upgrade my robot or I can get an attack

That lets me turn into a meteor which you know I’m gonna do so let’s unlock shattering strike now to get it we need a hundred crits we need to kill seven players with an ax and we need to kill three evokers so let’s start with 100 crits because that’s not too hard so

Let’s just go down to a cave and start creating some mobs till we get the hundred finished okay there we go we officially got 100 Critical Hits now would you need to go kill seven players with an ax and kill three evokers after getting the 100

Critical Hits I went out looking for the Hunter’s new base however it was fairly hard to find that is until day 41. that’s their base I just spawned in it literally oh I see them it loaded right in front of me okay I have ender pearl

So I can eat Pearl right in now the goal is to get ax kills we need to get seven total kills with an action let’s get him let’s get him ready oh we got him let’s go we got the first ax kill okay here’s the entrance I think

It’s literally right here I see stares up ahead okay here’s how I get in now I’m not tall enough so I don’t fit it looks like they have a water entrance and exit so I am gonna have to use ender pearls to get in yeah here they come

Here let’s bow them the second they get down here we have a good shot at them yes two ax kills you guys see him yeah oh he got me you okay no I’m dead oh double crit let’s go three ax kills oh he’s almost done

Or dude we are messing them up right now okay let’s get out of here I can’t get up this I’m Too Tall and we’re gone nice let’s go we got another kill we also have these really fancy scientist Shields I don’t know what those are but

They are fancy well at least one of them does oh wait that is high knockback that sword nice nice we really need one more axle we’re doing great okay we’re below their base come on we got him oh wait he flashed back before we got him seven kills let’s go

He’s done there we go let’s go okay let’s see if we can set their base on fire it’s made of wood so we should be able to and let’s get out of here we got the kills we need let’s go ahead and let’s leave now okay with the seven players

Killed on Ax now complete we just need to get some evoker kills now there are three ways to find evokers and thanks to this comment I know of several different ways option one we can start a raid and get evokers that way our option two we

Can do it the normal way and go find a woodland mansion that’s the route I’m gonna do now normally I like to try new things so I would go do the raid method however the raid method doesn’t guarantee that enough of oakers are gonna spawn a woodland Mansion however

Can average anywhere up to five meaning I have much better odds that way but yeah to find a woodland Mansion we need to do the usual turn a villager into a cartographer and then trade them two stacks of glass panes two stacks of paper two compasses and 20 emeralds

Let’s start by gathering all that stuff today and then tomorrow we’ll actually trade with the Villager okay let’s start by gathering all this sugar cane up and there we go now we have all the sugar cane we need so now let’s get the glass panes

There we go we now have all the sand we need okay now that we have all this stuff we need let’s grab our ore radar from our chest and let’s set this thing to emeralds and now let’s find some emeralds look at that Emerald we actually found some and we get double

Because of our ability now we just need to find a few more okay that is definitely enough emeralds okay we’re in the village let’s go give one of the villagers a cartography table and turn them into a cartographer oh we now we have to do is quickly turn all of this

Into paper and now let’s go and let’s trade him for some emeralds and now he’s gonna upgrade into an apprentice and now we’re gonna trade him glass panes there we go we’ve upgraded him from apprentice and now he’s a journeyman so we can trade him our emeralds and our

Compass and get ourselves a woodland Explorer map and then if we put our compass in our offhand and the map in our main hand we can easily track ourselves to the Woodland mansion and I can tell by the size of my DOT on this map I’m actually not crazy far away I’m

Definitely far but not crazy far anyway let’s go find this Woodland Mansion after getting the map I followed it for thousands of blocks till we finally reached the Woodland mansion and when I got there all I needed to do was kill three evokers okay we’re getting close

The map is starting to finally load in I don’t see oh no I see it up ahead I see the biome up ahead no she need to go inside and find and kill three evokers okay let’s make our way to the top of the roof now and that way we can raid

This place from top to bottom we gotta find some evokers let’s go we found one left I hate the vexes okay he’s done one of Oak are down there’s another revoker he’s done okay we haven’t checked this idea let’s check this out well I hear

One I don’t see him oh he was behind the corner I didn’t even see him he’s done there we go three for three okay we got all the kills we need Minnie we can do the upgrade ow jerk face I’m trying to talk now that we got the quest done

Let’s go and unlock shattering strike let’s go let’s head back to the base but before we do let me show you what this upgrade does if I build straight up right here I can do an attack that lets me meteor to the ground watch and you’ll see oh I made the mushroom go

Flying smash it look I smashed the ground it’s so cool anyway let’s go let’s head on home okay we are home mini it’s now time to decide if we work on sentient AI or we work on a jet pack probably the jet packs I’m not gonna lie

Flying around sounds super fun all right he’s not gonna see this coming guys all right you ready to set this bad boy off yeah yeah who’s at the foot and still oh I got it okay one’s out we got one we got one three one of us dying to an Enderman I

Have an idea let’s climb up here okay we got one we got one with that he’s almost dead he’s got to be low oh we got him let’s go oh we’re solo on HP oh God but my base is destroyed dude they destroyed everything bro this base

Lasted longer than usual I guess but uh it’s gone meaning uh time to move okay well I didn’t see that one coming but hey at least our base lived longer than usual this time but alas the base was destroyed so it’s time to move to a new

Robot HQ okay welcome to the new base I went and went back to the Woodland mansion and to redesigned the top floor to be my base so let me show you around basically right here we got the chests and furnaces I got my enchanting table and my brewing stand right there and I

Have roof access over this way and just down the hall I also have an enchanting table and a smaller level enchanting table yeah we’re doing good but now that the base is back up and repaired it’s time to start working on another upgrade and I already told you what I wanted I

Want to get the jet pack which requires 500 Redstone another star and an elytra anyway we already have a bunch of redstone but it’s definitely not enough so let’s go mining for the rest of it right now and then we’ll worry about getting the elytra and nether star later

Okay now that we got all the Redstone we gotta start making our way to the end so we can get the elytra so let’s store the Redstone in this chest right here and now let’s go to the nether because to get to the end we obviously need more

Ender pearls and we’re gonna need blaze rods to make Eyes of Ender so let’s go get them okay we’re back in the double Blaze spawner let’s start by killing these blazes off okay so you’re not gonna believe what happened but I just realized my camera wasn’t recording so

Let me give you the tldr of what happened once upon a time there was a cute blue little robot and that robot decided to go to the Nether and kill some blazes during that time his game crashed so he stopped the recording and forgot to restart it when he came back

He got all the blaze rods he needed and then made his way to a Bastion where he got some gold and then traded it with some piglets to get the E pearls I went ahead and activated a quest made some glass bottles and did some enchanting

And now we’re here looking for the end portal oh wait yeah I just turned around I think it’s literally under the ocean right here oh yeah this is it we’re officially inside the temple let’s go let’s eat some food now it’s gonna go find the Portal oh let’s go we’re at the

Portal into the end we go let’s go fight a dragon okay we’re officially at the end now we just gotta go ahead and beat this Dragon so let’s start by bowing down all his things and there we go all crystals down we just gotta kill this dragon now and the

Dragon is Dead goodbye Dragon let’s go ahead let’s grab the dragon egg and there we go we now have the dragon egg okay perfect now that that’s complete let’s make our way to the outer end oh the hunters are here I got another Pro we gotta go to the other end who’s

Coming for me come on please hit yes we got it in I’m gonna shoot him off no he made it in they’re gonna come out here the second they come through I’m getting one oh we got one oh there’s two oh okay you know what we got one We’re not gonna hit

Him off let’s just get out of here I spent the next few days running around the outer end looking for a lytra now normally this doesn’t take more than a day or so however I was being chased by one of the scientists who would not let

Up meaning I was gonna have to kill him once I got the elytra I needed okay we finally found an end ship at one of these cities so let’s go let’s get up here real quick okay the electric ship’s just this way let’s start building out

To it all the hunters are here we gotta hurry up okay let’s get the electric that’s what we need baby let’s go okay let’s go over here let’s see real quick we got the elytra now he’s gonna try and not die okay they’re busy fighting some

Enderman let me clearly put my uh chess piece on I just saw one of them die from Fall damage I even tried MLG bucket this oh I didn’t do it and get slammed boy okay let’s use the taser on him ready oh he’s blocked he’s blood ago baby let’s do this oh

Let’s go this way I got him I gotta be ready he’s trying to block it I don’t think oh he can he can Shield that okay oh and he’s getting attacked and now he’s stunned and now he’s on fire he’s dead see you later oh no oh

Anyway now that he’s dead now we got the shulker shells the dragon’s breath and the elytra and the dragon egg I’m 90 sure that’s everything we need from the end so let’s go ahead and let’s get out of here okay we are home and all we really need at this point is another

Star so let’s go ahead let’s go in here and store up our stuff we’re actually gonna go into The Nether and start fighting some wither skeletons so we can get their skulls that way we can summon a Wither kill a Wither and get our jet pack

And there we go we have all three with our skeleton skulls so now let’s go to go grab some Soul Sand and then we’re gonna make our way back to the base so we can kill this wither okay it is day 69. basically only 30 more days to go in

This Challenge and of course for such a special day we need to do something special which is killer with it yeah we’re gonna we’re gonna kill okay let’s kill this wither I went to the field that I already used so let’s grab our soul sand let’s put it down

Like this and let’s throw the three skulls on top okay the Wither has been summoned now we just gotta go ahead and kill him there we go and the Wither is dead so now we have another star which means we can unlock the jet pack when we go on

Home because all we need to go grab is our 500 Redstone so there we go we’ve unlocked the jet pack and if you look on my back you’re gonna see I now have it attached to my back and if I hold space you’re gonna see that I start to fly and

It only uses a little energy to fly and I can rock it myself straight up ball and then catch myself with the jet pack right before I hit the ground meaning it’s pretty safe to use but yeah this is definitely gonna make navigating much easier because who doesn’t want a cool

Jet pack now we still actually have some time left in the day so let’s go ahead and let’s start working on the next upgrade and that is Senti an AI 192 iron 192 gold 4 ancient debris and four and crystals now I already have like 70 gold

And at least 109. so we’re gonna have to do a little bit of mining but not too too much the main tricky part is the ancient debris and the end crystals so let’s start by getting those which we’ll definitely be able to finish up today because we have our ore radar now since

I need four inch and debris I actually only need two because with the or radar I double all ores so let’s set it to netherrite and now let’s right click and we can see that there is one at negative 107 which is right here 96 which is 20

Blocks in the air and 401z which is literally right I’m trying I’m trying to position myself so the netherrite is straight above me right now so let’s start building up and there we go we found it there’s the ancient debris right there so now let’s

Mine it and instead of one I get two now we’re just gonna find one more ancient debris so let’s right click the radar and we know there’s one not too far away and look at that we found that means we actually get four meaning we have a total of six and now that

We’re done with the ancient debris let’s simply just go kill some gas for their gas tiers so we can make the end crystals let’s go first guest here down uh three to go there it is that’s 4-4 let’s go okay we got all the gas tears we need

Now we just need to go make some end crystals okay so I have all the stuff to make end crystals we have the Eyes of Ender from earlier we have all the glass and we have all the gas tears we need and now we have four end crystals in

Total and if we look at the upgrade we just need iron and gold which looking at it I definitely have enough iron but I’m not quite sure if I have enough gold so let’s quickly get smelting to double check okay I grabbed all the gold and we definitely have enough actually I think

We have the exact amount of gold we need okay we officially have enough iron gold ancient debris and crystals to become a sentient AI look at me oh my God I look so cool now let’s just don’t make sure do I still fit up all my areas okay I’m still three tall perfect

I still fit in all the areas this is amazing okay let’s go back down and now that we got sent dnai done all we have left is tier five upgrades we have the Terminator as our last evolution we have a proton Cannon as our last combat

Upgrade and we have I bought minions for our last utility upgrade now here’s the thing if we go and look at our Quest menu we still need seven player kills and we need to ignite 32 TNT so here’s the plan since I need 32 TNT and I need

Player kills let’s go to the scientists base in this form I guarantee you they’ll have TNT because they’re always blowing up my bases and obviously I can get the player kills there okay so let’s go find their base and let’s show them what our new robot can do okay the

Hunter’s base is dressed up ahead again but this time we can fly right in okay let’s go in ready nice we got him where’s their chest they have cd they do have TT save some TNT everything okay hey whoa he’s on our chest he’s in our chest okay we can

Light up this TNT we got them nice we got him we got him we got him back off he’s done he’s done he’s done he’s getting blown up and thrown off the edge we’re going up oh and down he goes okay let’s keep seeing up we only got to set

Up for 28. and there we go we let it all off oh my arm is starting to break down okay go up and slow oh there we go what’s on me and you’re going out of here too and he’s done I don’t know everything’s all over the

Place at this point I guess I guess it’s fair everything gets all over the place oh he’s done no he he water bucketed that no way he’s not surviving that oh he’s done he’s seen her nine of nine we’ve completely missed this Quest and they have fought

The true monster that is this thing okay let’s go ahead and unlock the tier 5 combat upgrade which is our proton Cannon it is a stronger Cannon than our other one let me show you how it works I’ll charge it I’ll shoot it and it explodes on impact outside the proton

Cannon let’s grab all the stuff we need to become the turban hater now we are the Terminator or a Terminator looking thing I literally only have one more upgrade to go which is the iBot minions and I just need for another I think it’s 16 Phantom membrane and nine disc

Fragments now I haven’t been sleeping for two days so Phantoms are gonna start spawning tomorrow anyway the disc fragments I just got to go to an ancient city and the nether right I mean I got a radar that’s not hard okay it is Day 72

We gotta go find an ancient city so we can get those disc fragments and then we’ll be one step closer to unlocking our last ability on day 73 I simply looked around for an ancient city so that we could collect all the disc fragments and make the music disc five

Okay we found an ancient city I’m being kind of quiet but luckily with the jet pack I can get pretty high places pretty quietly so I can go up here open this and not a single disc fragment so that was useless there we go we got four disc fragments I

Think we need nine total so that that works out really well let’s check these out nice we got two more disc fragments oh we got all three in that chest that’s literally all we needed we’re good we’re good to leave let’s get out of here and not bother the warden any further okay

But look at the last upgrade we have nine of nine disc fragments complete we just need four netherite ingots and 16 Phantom membrane now tonight Phantoms will definitely be spawning so the only thing we need to look for is those netherite ingots so let’s go to the

Nether real quick and let’s go get ourselves some more ancient debris and okay we have all 16 ancient debris okay now that the ancient debris is done smelting we’re gonna combine that with some gold and that makes us our four netherride ingots that we need tonight we’ll start killing some Phantoms and

Hopefully get enough to finish up the upgrade okay the Phantoms are spawning here’s what I’m waiting for let’s go Phantom oh my God I come on top of one Phantom membrane fifteen to go okay we got six Phantom membranes it’s now day 76 so we’ll just wait again for night

And kill some more okay my plan was just to wait for night time but I just saw something in the distance that might actually screw up my plans for today they’re setting up mechs over in the distance oh they’re coming in okay let’s go down there and start fighting them

They’re probably having trouble navigating them through the trees which honestly helps me oh my God my neck is stuck in leaves oh I destroyed the mech I destroyed that back nice let’s fly over here now let’s destroy this match come on die he’s gotta be almost dead

He’s done there we go one down no I’m dead two down you can’t stop me dude he’s done he’s done Barry the Barry screwed me over he teleported to me he’s done we killed him okay now my base is burning so we gotta kind of

Stop that so uh my base doesn’t burn to the ground okay I hear Phantom’s wearing oh there they are I didn’t see him okay one fan of that two Phantom dead that’s seven Phantom membrane let’s go oh we got two more see you later that’s eight we literally only need eight more

Phantom membrane to go yes there we go 16 Phantom membranes right as the sun is coming up too let’s go we finished it okay we have all the disc fragments the netherride ingots and the Phantom membrane so let’s do this last upgrade and there we go we have the

IBot minions unlocked so let’s summon one and what he’s gonna do is he’s gonna fight for me if I summon him in for whoa excuse me hold on the hunters are back get a little eyeball go oh oh there’s a Mech I don’t want that destroying the base I’m reloading

Keeping them occupied oh my thing blew up Mike’s mech’s gone he’s fell he fell we got rid of him let’s go up here no oh Hey where’d he go down here we got him nice go away let’s get him nice two down yes and they are all dead you cannot stop the Terminator even if they did uh oh God is my base on fire I need to stop this it’s gonna spread the fires put out

Our base is only slightly damaged and because they damaged my base it’s time to go to theirs and pay them a visit okay it looks to me like they actually abandoned this base I came all the way over here and uh it’s abandoned they definitely made a new one somewhere so

I’m actually gonna have to look for that and then we’re gonna get revenge for them damaging my base now that I’m at full strength it is time to attack the scientists base and see if they even have a chance at defeating me I doubt they do which is why I kept looking for

Their new base until day 83. I may found their base it’s loading in right now that’s their base that is 100 their base here let’s stay low to the ground here we go we’re going in it is time for the Terminator to take on the scientists yeah there goes the roof off the

Building okay he spawned over here oh I see the beds he’s done he’s done oh he water bucketed he doesn’t know him above him he has no clue yes got him this is so much harder with this many Hunters oh that’s some fall damage we’re going for him

He’s got to be low he’s got to be low he popped off one of my things oh he’s got to be low oh thing’s about to pop again we don’t want to waste this oh no no no no oh yeah you’re a little roughed up buddy no no I’m fine

Everything’s fine it’s fine oh that’s not fine yes we got him there’s still one more somewhere I missed Mist like a real jabroni oh no I’m gonna die he fell nice he took some fall damage we need that yes we did okay now that they’re dead they’re gonna be respawning at spawn so

Now we’re gonna head there and keep tormenting him for now okay we are just outside of Spawn and I have been summoning eyeballs the whole way here look how many eyeballs I have okay let’s start flying over now oh yeah look at my Army of eyeballs let’s go eyeballs get

Him post the Trap I’ll make I’ll make it works yes oh no I put my iPod up oh oh what is that oh don’t go down the right box oh I still get a bunch of eye Bots okay we still got some oh my gosh dude it’s coming

After me look at this I don’t even need to fight I can just let my eyeballs do all the work oh this is fun I get to keep strumming them and having them fight my iPod okay here we go ready and slam that was all my artillery good luck

He just quit only two more to go because for whatever reason one of them quit he’s got to be lower to go oh I knocked him back we’re hurting oh is that gonna be all right get in the water in the water think of that

Yes one more to go baby oh he’s killing my eyebots good luck oh are they all quitting do they have some pack to quit or something I think they had a pack to quit wait one more to go we can get him easy let’s just murder him respawn he responds why are you

Off so I don’t have anything else but brute force and I don’t have that that pit was our last card my all my armor was almost broken and uh I probably would have died if you kept going no no are you serious Bots yo just wait till next video after

The scientists surrendered I was able to build my robot army and take over the entire server thanks for watching

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I Survived 100 Days as a ROBOT in Minecraft! What would happen if robots turned on their creators? Today my friends, the scientists, challenged me to survive 100 days as a robot! Will I make it to day 100 or will I be turned into scrap?

►Episode – I Survived 100 Days as a ROBOT in Minecraft


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  1. Who else thinks its funny how the terminater is one of his upgrades but there is a entire movie called the terminater about a person who goes back in time to stop A.I from being invented

  2. i kinda wish they would make the player kills less and limit the hunters to like 3-5 lives or something it would make them need to work a bit harder

  3. You should make a power where you can become your opponents and you're like next to your friends and then you can kill him and then it'll be so funny so I'm saying is there's this power called transform him and then when you kill him you become him so then you can secretly steal their stuff and kill them if you want

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