Hermitcraft 10 – Washed Up – Ep.11

I’ve had a build idea I’ve had a build idea I’ve had a build idea I’ve had a build idea welcome to episode 11 everyone I’ve been feeling a little bit like maybe I need to get back to my inspiration last episode we built in the shopping district the episode before

That we built a giant skull neither of which are in my original Source material which is the video game dredge and you know that’s okay we’re not copying the game but I’ve had a thought if we look across the river over here my amazing neighbor Gran is working on these lovely

Cranes and that has got my brain thinking because this right here this is a fish market which is in the game dredge that I was inspired by and the other thing that’s in the game that I think would be really important to do here is the fact that you know sometimes

When you’re out at night and you’re fishing and something bumps your boat or you run into a rock cuz you’re a bad driver you need a place to repair your boat and I thought that maybe we could tie some cranes into our base as well

And have a cool like boat repair area so not only did I look at that particular area in the game but I also went ahead and searched up some stuff in real life about how exactly boats are fixed and well I think what we would really need

Is a dry dock I however don’t want to build a dry dock here this is not like a take the boat out of the water and fully redo the boat type of place this is like a thick something small type of place from here I was thinking maybe we could

Build a sort of cradle which is basically just a thing that holds the boat up ight when it’s out of the water but I think I could also put one in the water and it would look cool and then maybe if we have a crane overhead we’re

Kind of implying that the boat could potentially be pulled out of the water I’m referencing realism but uh let’s not get too caught up on all of the realistic details I mean things are a bit a bit goofy around here it’s uh it’s not necessarily perfectly realistic but

It’s still fun to reference some real life things of course we’ve also got this little C R right here and this is an underwater cave and I think there’s potential here okay so instead of covering this up I think I want to work this into the build so maybe I add some

Sand here for the palm tree to sit on and then we surround this in like I guess maybe like a sewer Vibe but I don’t think it’s a sewer I I think it’s just some sort of little Canal I don’t know I’ll figure it out all comes

Together with just a little bit of building we definitely do need sand here though this is something that’s been lacking in this area area kind of sat my palm tree on nothing oop oop hello anyways yeah uh it’s the start of a duck and I’m really starting to get my ideas

Here but I just noticed Joel is also finally online if you can’t remember why that’s relevant I don’t blame you it’s actually it’s been a while since I’ve seen Joel online we’re just in very different time zones but Joel is the reason I have this sheep and he has

Given me an invitation that says what does it say cloth doth uh message me when I’m online next right okay so I messaged him I messaged him and it seems like I may be able to accept this invitation soon and I know it’s for a fight club ooh Jill look at that we’ve

Got M Jem meet me by my nether portal Joel okay there we go hello Jim can you hear me hello Joel welcome thanks that’s the end of it anyway follow me gem I’ve got a little surprise for you you got my sheep gift I see

I did it was so cool it actually gave me a jump scare not going to lie yeah it was a bit I keep doing that with my own armor stand in my house which I placed so I can understand uh welcome to my bar which is just you know I’ll serve you

Some stuff um uhhuh a bar what was that noise oh was my glowberries f um yeah we’ve got my bar here and if you notice there’s some barrels here Jem yeah I noticed see this bottom left Barrel here let’s just Place something in it what is that what did I do

Oh you’re entering through the fridge through the fridge it’s that’s kind of sick welcome to Fight Club gem where we fight and no one can judge us this is awesome so we’ve got a nice little fight Arena here Jem this is where we’re going to fight and I thought

You’re the first member because uh I know you like to hurt people in Minecraft uh I wouldn’t word it like that I know you like to behead people in Minecraft that’s true that’s true yeah so I I’m going to put my name here yeah yeah you can put your name there if

You’re going to get any victories wait oh okay Mr 5G internet I know I’m look it’s not good look at this can you see how long I stay on the floor it’s really not good but it actually looks fine H it’s not too bad anyway uh so we’ve got

Two sides here we’ve got different kits we can choose you know we got yellow armor oh okay you got a bit of armor yeah yeah this is just to work you know store your stuff for when you die interesting and I was thinking right I was thinking so this is the first fight

Club I feel like we could have more fight clubs though je cuz this is just Sword Fight Club if you wanted to build something I know you’re doing like ocean themed Trident Fight Club axe Fight Club whatever you fancy sort of thing that would be so fun yeah I’ll do a trident

Fight Club Trident fight club would be really cool you could do it underwater as well it’s up to you you do what you want it’s up to you yeah but this is fight so we can come here fight we can invite some more people maybe maybe when

I don’t know if you got any ideas of anyone to invite be fun to kill over and over again I can imagine it would be fun to kill Etho but if we really want to train we should invite cub and false yeah that’s true that’s true okay so

Maybe maybe each person so maybe you could invite the next person how about that oh I just keep it going yeah yeah and then they you know it’s like a chain until we have the entire server okay I like it I like it should be good so do

You want to fight of course I want to fight okay all right let me put all that stuff in the chest everyone big I don’t think you should be I’ve not done any so long I’ve not done any PV I’m scared I’m scared all right let me just do a

Cinematic shot of us looking really cool and I’ll do some music underneath it but for right now I’ll just go done done and we do so cool oh that was so cool so cool all right oh I’m scared G all right you ready yeah three two one let’s go okay

Go oh oh you’re so hard to hit it’s called do we this is a really long walk well you should have set your spawn it’s your own fault it’s your own time you’re wasting I know I put all your armor stuff back on there should we just do one for now and

Then we just uh and we we we we we we we call it even well called me why do we call it even call be the winner we can’t be the winner call it even when he won but we could I think what we should do so

Humble we we need uh we need more people and then we can we can have some more fights with everybody and we take it in turns rather than just yeah yeah yeah we need like tournaments and stuff yeah yeah and then if you get your Trident

One up and going you have put your head in there by the way that’s what you do for your Victory so if you win oh you collect the collect the heads of the people I see I see so yeah very ni I want to keep fighting now this was so

Fun okay let’s do one more let’s do one more best of three best of three so it could be two more I clicked the bed this time like 500 times just to make sure you ready yeah let’s go 3 2 1 bam we’re back oh she gets the first blow oh I’m

Getting cred out you’re not getting critted no I’m not getting CR you’re critting though oh no oh oh oh half a Hearts half a heart heart that was so close oh my gosh oh my gosh but another vict Tre to add to the Joel Joel’s Barrel oh my gosh that was

Close that was close all right okay let’s call it the best of free one you did it you did it you have no idea how nervous I am I’m actually shaking right now I don’t know why why are you I’m just really competitive I’m really competitive oh

Gosh fix your audio gem oh my goodness H listen we finally we we can hear the game again here it yeah yeah JY J Jem T hi scar hello hi oh my gosh first of off hi hi good to see you cookies yay exciting Good Times wow cookies yeah

Yeah yeah thank you could you follow me real quick yes let me turn you down first what happened oh that’s uh Mr Bill Gates’s fault oh okay ohar look power lines they’re tricky they’re tricky all right scar what do you need okay Jeff super important super important fly up here yeah yeah yeah

Yeah oh there’s cake okay okay almost died again okay this is I have you sit on this chair yeah I can sit on this chair it’s such a nice chair right squishy so if you could just direct your eyes toward your delightful uh delightful stress really caught up with me Lighthouse Lighthouse

Lighthouse I don’t know why that disappeared in my head and then just watch me just watch me okay okay okay yeah he’s doing and he keeps checking he what happens if one time I’m looking this way hold on I’m still watching but he doesn’t know that I’m still watching

Cuz oh he’s doing so good look at him oh look at him he stops he has to stop and make sure that I’m watching him this is fantastic uhuh I wonder how many laps Gren is making him do this this affects my time as well Gran and I need a permit Jim your

Services have been greatly appreciated today I I’m so glad I could be of help tell Gren I need a permit too oh I wouldn’t recommend it well he owes me he made Joel put eyeballs and now he made me watch you I deserve it you know what you

Deserve a fast pass I do deserve a fast pass okay okay I will put in a good word with you at the per office gosh it is a busy day on this server sorry about the audio issues earlier I was only on the server for about a half hour so I barely

Got to test everything and then Pearl came to visit which I had to cut because no audio and then the whole bit with Joel happened and I almost had to cut that but thankfully he gave me audio thank you Joel and then scar came to visit and thankfully in the 5 minutes

Between that I did manage to fix the audio but sadly H we got to do a bit more of a show and tell for this so this right here this is going to be the cradle for our boats I’ve made it seven wide here which is the same width as

That boat we’re scaling it to the boat you could say I don’t want to think about things too realistically but I have done some little uh you know tires here to be bump for the boats as they come up and right above our cradle I’ve marked out a place where a potential

Crane could go the next step however is definitely going to be building the actual structure and I that has got to go it’s really annoying building with a lights are on the main thing is I have to make this look like it could be tall

Enough for maybe not a whole boat to get in I feel like this is not a garage for like that boat to fully go in the building building I feel like it’s more just like really big pieces like if we wanted to take the engine out of this

And put it in somewhere we need a pretty big garage so we’re just going to do like a classic garage door design here which honestly yeah maybe just one taller that could potentially work as our foundation now of course thanks to Joel I have an idea I think right here

Is exactly where our secret door should go so you open this up and just inside the garage maybe you turn a little wrench or or some tool or something and it opens up the floor and you drop down into the Trident PVP Arena after all I

Seem to be a little bit washed up with the swords which I think honestly being washed up that just fits with my theme super well I’m joining eth though Trident PVP isn’t something I’ve done a lot of so I’m really excited to explore with that but I don’t really know if I

Should do my arena in the water or on land then you’re like throwing the Trident or maybe both let me know in the comments all right taking a little look at what we’ve got here so far I really like the garage door I think that it makes an interesting difference in the

Village between these two buildings obviously this is a village I do want it to be one cohesive build so a lot of the village structures are going to look similar but having one right here be a bit different and then two more that are maybe more similar to the market and my

Storage room could be cool it could make it look really cohesive but still have a few like focal points and speaking of focal points crane I think we’ll build a crane next before I took this build to survival mode I did practice a few iterations of this build in creative

Mode just because I’m not particularly use to building cranes I looked at a whole bunch of real life cranes and tried to create one that looked realistic enough but also silly and cartoony enough to fit within the style that we’re going for there we have it the crane

And the Cradle building in this style has been so fun cuz I’m definitely experimenting with a different way of doing things that I wouldn’t before normally when I’m building cranes I buil them in a little bit more of a like medieval style but this one could almost

Be a bit more modern and I like it it’s fun it’s something else that’s up on that level with the power lines which I feel like adds a lot of Dimension to the base I should really get rid of these cobblestones this is where the terrain

Used to be uh my bad clean up the next stage of this build is going to be working on the structure on top of this Foundation I don’t want this structure to be quite the same as these ones so instead of this more like a shaped roof

I think I’m going to be going for more of a barn type of style also just to switch it up a bit I’m going to be going with an even number so on this side I’m going to have things be just on the foundation here and on that side I’m

Overhanging it a bit which makes this six across nice even number another benefit of this barn style roof is it is a bit shorter which is nice cuz it doesn’t take away from being in between the cranes and the power L you’ll still be able to have a sight line on

Them all right let’s see how that looks that’s not bad very basic obviously but I want it to be right the main event here is the crane and the warf bit that is is just kind of a garage which normally do look pretty ordinary I have

To say one thing I’m loving from this view is that mine ingredients bases literally look like one base just the simple power lines connecting them together make this look like it just flows right together and I think the crane that I’ve built is really adding to that kind of complimenting his crane

Out there the sight line is going to be gorgeous when we’re done anyways speaking of being done let’s go ahead and fill this in shall we This is looking lovely I think now um real quick want to just get distracted and head over to the shopping district and just make sure that everything is still stocked up I’ve got just a tiny bit of moss couple of pickles 32 Coral I

Got to go see if I need to farm more Coral or not I haven’t been out there in a while but it’s not exactly a hot seller look at how lovely this area with my shop is looking now we’ve got Pearl shop and stress’s amazing shop also

Popping up yeah this looks great and as for sales okay Four Diamonds ooh 18 diamonds nice I’m going to have to run the Moss farm for a bit longer I guess clay yeah I would have been surprised if that was selling don’t think we need to worry about the

Clay and then of course in our old shop oh we do have a little bit of coral sold okay so we really need some magenta we’re pretty good on the yellow could probably use some pink and we’re pretty good on red fun okay and another

Pickle sold I am shocked at how well the pickles are selling anyways another day another 33 diamonds adding just the finishing touches to this base now I think this is looking pretty good maybe a window or something up here is necessary not really sure at definitely

A torch wouldn’t go astray and yeah all in all I am very happy with this basic little garage I love the details on the crane I love the new palm tree we added oh creeper hole I feel like something major that’s missing in this area right

Now is more foliage so adding a second palm tree right here is helping so much I can’t wait to add even more around the skull as well and just connect this area all together with custom trees I’m a little hesitant to do the interior yet

Just because I think we are going to do the PVP arena in there I thought about a couple of other spots just in case like maybe doing a shipwreck somewhere maybe putting it in a skull maybe a whole separate building in the little Hill there but I think if we want the Fight

Club to be a secret disguising it in just an ordinary dock building would probably be cool but I as always let me know your thoughts down below of course there’s like a million cool ideas and places we could put a trident Arena speaking of trident Arenas I have been

Slowly collecting up Trident although it is much more tedious than it appears uh at the moment I’m just spending a lot of time here still I know that Etho offered me to use his Trident Farm but I don’t know if he actually has that running yet

And I don’t really know how to like turn off all those other Farms to get it running so honestly it’s not been that bad here if I spend an hour here I’m guaranteed to get like probably two or three Trident if there’s more people online it’s it’s less but still it’s not

That bad look there’s another guy yep I learned all my dodging and weaving from Willie and decked out oh ouch still not try come on dude honestly this weirdly relaxing come on third one’s the charm surely please dude please yes see it’s not even that bad

This was this was mine um but look completely unenchanted Trident so I killed three and I got one Trident and that is not bad rates honestly have literally been recording for 2 minutes and 11 seconds it’s not bad at all plus you get Nautilus shells which I can put

On the beach and you get drowned heads which Cleo might want not only am I going to need Trident for the but I’m also supposed to be selling these so maybe I’ll take a few of these to spawn and just set up a little shop I’ll save these three one

For myself and then two to go in the arena but the rest of these I could probably take the spawn organic Trident One Trident equals 20 diamonds and then we have all of these organic just that they dropped from the Dr Trident I do have a really cool idea for a trident

Shop but I got to get something up and running until I have time to build that and there is so much happening on This Server oh my goodness there’s a lot to build so for now uh that I’ll have to do also haven’t properly investigated the

Source of all this smoke over here wormy snail what have they done to you escar go escar no the this is this is snails in a frying pan oh oh dear this is sick and twisted scar sick and twisted anyways for now I had fun today thank you so much for watching

Everyone I hope that you enjoyed the episode we got a tiny little build done and we hung out with a bunch of people we became washed up and all in all I think it was a glorious day as always leave me all of your thoughts and suggestions down in the comments down

Below and I will see you in the next episode bye everyone

Today GeminiTay is working on a small boat repair area in her hermitcraft survival base, adding a boat cradle and a modern looking crane. Then fighting with Joel, getting ideas for a new PvP arena, and helping scar with his permit.

✨Follow me!
Twitch: https://www.twitch.tv/geminitay
Twitter: https://twitter.com/GeminiTayMC
Insta: https://www.instagram.com/geminitay/

Recorded with Replaymod https://replaymod.com and OBS
Minecraft version 1.20.4


  1. For the actual trident fight club arena, I think a cool idea that would be difficult to do is kind of what Cub did with the museum last season. You could have floating water on the ceiling, then a “ground level” made of “stepping stones”, and lastly have another layer of water underneath. I believe this would be a cool idea because you could use riptide to go from both water levels and still use the ground level for actually regular fighting. If you place “stalactites” in the upper level of water, you could use those for strategic movement around the water.
    I know it would be very difficult to make and probably very large, but I almost imagine it as being “Misty’s” gym arena from Pokémon with and extra water layer on top. That was always my favorite gym battle as a child and think it would be a perfect idea for the awesomeness that is Hermitcraft.

  2. what about like a pool? Not underwater but still swimming and you can submerge if you want to. Could be fun to give fighters both a trident for damage and a riptide trident for more chaos!

  3. I think maybe it could be cool, where similar to Joel, your entrance item for the trident fight club is a note that answers a barrel's question.
    "What story is told by pirates of the sea?"
    "Dead men tell no tales"

  4. For the fight club, it would be cool to see thrown tridents as viable combat option. maybe that makes it a little bigger than Joel’s area-either way, definitely excited to see how you make it your own!

  5. Hey why not leave the logs for the docks that are in water not stripped so it’s like they are water logged? I saw that somewhere idk your all about the different like gradients man

  6. Idea for Club, Put the ship in the water wedge and make it like you have to dive through, Clear out the underwater cave a bit but make it where you can breat underwater, and then that way you can have the trident battles underwater. love the content.

  7. I think if you do rounds in the trident club like a tournament fight, the water level could rise! Or like have a slightly bigger arena with some small terrain that you could flood and have more than 2 fighters maybe!

  8. Make your fight club Pay to Win, default trident free or for 1 match or hire an upgraded trident for x diamonds.
    Also have a champions headpiece that that weeks champion can wear and has to defend once per week.
    Any challengers can bribe the champion for a shot at the title.

  9. For PvP, imagine Final Fantasy X blitzball arena. Make a big ball of water encased by things like trapdoors and fence gates, and surrounded on different sides by Conduits. You do battle underwater with Tridents in a floating ball of water, if you die OR get knocked out of the orb of water, you lose.

  10. You could put small islands in an underground flooded cave so you had the option of both land and water attacks. You could also sell pre-enchanted tridents only at the fight club, and normal ones everywhere else.

  11. Gem, you should make the trident arena start completely on land, but use redstone to slowly raise the water level as the match goes on so eventually the whole arena is underwater and if the competitors don’t kill each other within about a minute, they are left to drown.

  12. If you make the trident arena underwater, you should add in some 2×2 blocks suspended in the water that you can use for cover or use to sneak up on someone! This would make it more of a 3D battlefield and make it more unique than a 2D plane.

  13. Everyone seems to agree with turning your little waterway into the underwater entrance to you fight club, me as well. Just putting this to add make a conduit and have the entire arena be underwater. I think one person finally mentioned it about 30 or so comments down and just want the added idea to maybe see the light of day.
    Neva252 what can I say great minds think alike. =P

  14. I think for the trident arena you could go with something cavernous underneath the barn! A cavern that is flooded with water, but has a small island in the middle, that way people can choose to fight in the water or on land or both!

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