The “Grand Finale” of Minecraft’s 1.21 Snapshots

I definitely thought Minecraft was done with snapshots and changes I said that in the last video but here we are in a new snapshot with new things and crazy changes actually uh that are actually kind of absurd so uh let’s let’s get into them there’s a lot of things we

Need to cover a lot of new items uh in fact if we just type ominous you’re going to see quite a few of them here so you know we have the regular ominous Banner the ominous Banner is a very known raid Farm thing you know it’s a

Raid thing it’s a raid thing but what we haven’t seen yet is the ominous bottle and the ominous trial key and both of these are going to come in very handy here shortly starting with the ominous bottle we’re just going to just going to

Drink it as you can see bat Omen 5 uh which is kind of cool it also had a new little sound effect I don’t know if you heard that but it was kind of cool and it’s got that cool little thing there so that’s kind of cool you get bat Omen

From a bottle now which is kind of sick so there’s two ways to get these you can either get them from trial spawners or you can get them from raid bosses not raid bosses The Raid captains I’m going to go find one okay all right Pillager

Outpost uh do we got any Pillager we do got pillagers oh there’s one right there okay wait wait wait here we go ready ready hey wa that was cool that’s new particles we’ll talk on about that later but look it yay we got one sick amazing

So uh the ominous bottle new thing kind of cool but what does it do it gives you the particle effect we talked about that but where what how does that work well very similarly to how it worked in the past so we got to find a village here we

Are in a pl’s Village and if I can just come down here oh oh we got oh oh new effect oo look at the little particles wa there’s little skulls that’s so cool so we got raid Omen 5 wherever I uh activated this that is essentially going

To be where the raid is going to originate so uh you’ll see here in a moment there it is raid up above that’s how we trigger a new raid so that’s kind of cool all right I’m going to defeat this raid with nothing but this uh with this mace

That way we can get even better look at the particles boom this is just a raid this is a regular old raid pretty cool pretty cool stuff don’t worry about theous Trial key we’ll deal with that later where are they there they are charge Bonk who the particles are crazy

The particles are so cool okay I like that change a lot that’s a new thing in the snapshot the particles oh he oh ye B oh jeez the AR Go’s gone oh yo dude the mace is amazing for taking out raids this is actually sick I’m coming to save

You oh my gosh that’s so satisfying die wi charge go yeah oh my gosh there’s so many guys there’s so many no no wait hold on we can talk about this man I promise I’m good at this I can play game I’m playing game game being blade gosh

There’s so many guys in this wave I think they killed all the villagers already all of the villagers are dead oh no oh that’s so bad oh that’s so bad oh that’s so bad don’t shoot me don’t shoot me don’t shoot me the vexes are going to

Be the downfall wait was that where’s the raid where’s the raid thing did I lose I guess I lost I have an arrow in my eye that’s whatever that’s great uh you saw the point uh ominous bottle very cool bat Omen has been expanded to give access to optional experience in trial

Chambers these optional experiences are access through bad Omen are now known as ominous events okay so we can use this bad Omen bottle effect oh hello guess he’s the new villager now all right uh we can use this bad Omen effect to uh also trigger something in the trial

Chambers I just threw a wind charge all right let’s go to a trial chamber here we are the trial chamber Tada I have the effect right I have the effect in the top right how do we trigger the actual whoa this is a new room what’s going on over here there’s

Like different colored glass this is a spider that’s a spider face wa that’s cool I didn’t know that was a thing okay wao oh oh that’s cool wao so it triggers it oh look at that okay okay hold on hold on I need to recoup here

For a second okay wait okay so what happens is when you have the bad Omen effect and you walk near a trial chamber it does that cool blue glowy effect right and it can spawn mobs that have trial chamber armor on that’s so cool so

Now I can just Bonk got him yoink Bonk wao what the heck what was that wao things are spawning above me you see that look look things will spawn above you wo that’s so cool this is uh considered an ominous event in the trial chamber I forget exactly what this is

Called oh oh wo baby zombie with the helmet okay I like that I’m just taking out this whole thing with a mace I think that’s a really fun use of this all right okay okay little guy with shade mail and trims all right dripped out little baby zombies I see how it is

You’ll also see I have trial Omen and I think that’s what’s triggering the spawners to uh become the omen trial spawners or whatever they’re called this guy’s got diamond armor what too bad I have a mace okay we got a golden carrot from this one and let me just get up

Here we got rotten flesh from that one oh but we got another trial spotter another thing you’ll notice is that trial spawners have been changed to only activate with line of sight so if you can’t see a trial chamber anymore it doesn’t trigger the trial spawner to

Spawn the sound design for the cool little things that appear in the air are so cool oh lingering potion what do I have infested I have infested what is infested that’s so cool okay infested oh oh that’s infested it spawns what spawn silverfish okay that’s actually so cool

That’s one of the new effects that we’ll actually touch on later but that’s so cool like I told you guys there’s a oh my gosh I have a pin cushion there’s so many things in this it’s absolutely absurd so this is uh this is two of the

Spawners here did we get any I have this ominous key but we’re not using it yet because the ominous key is used for uh that thing up there and actually since I have one let’s go ahead and go up there and let’s see what’s going on okay so

This is an ominous Vault I think yeah so this is an ominous Vault and it has a different texture and it emits Soul Flames instead of the regular like Vault particles here’s a regular Vault for comparison there you go so you can see this is Orange it’s got just one of

These little faces on it this is more of a blue blue and it’s got all of these faces on it it’s like three same with the key so the key has just the one little skull but this one has the three and you’ll notice that this trial but you’ll notice that now this

Trial key doesn’t oh it doesn’t oh it doesn’t work okay but it still gives me the advancement apparently so that’s that’s weird the ominous Tri key also works on the regular Vault but doesn’t give you anything but if you put this in here let’s see what we get ooh ooh oh my

Gosh okay that that’s wa who five diamonds 12 emeralds enchanted golden apple and an iron block okay that’s wow that’s wa so yeah the loot pool in these spawners or these these vaults is like way better than the regular vaults which is kind of awesome what the heck I got a

Tridon out of this I didn’t know you could get tridon out of vaults that’s cool well and it’s like a full durability Trident okay no complaints wow dang so yeah that’s the uh that’s the new ominous vault which is kind of cool the ominous trial spawners uh basically just transform from the basic

Trial spawners like this this is a regular trial spawner that turned into an ominous trial spawner because of the effect that I have but the vaults only spawn uh individually you can’t like transform an old Vault into a new Vault that would be really overpowered so I

Think that makes sense by the way the new ominous vaults are also the only way to get the heavy core for the mace so that’s a change anyways what else could we find this is so cool so going into the trial chamber now with bad Omen will give you more difficult spawners and

That is so cool also take note again that I was line of sight with these spawners and that’s how they were activated but that one up here didn’t activate until I was looking at it so or until it was in my line of sight which is really cool so if the trial Chambers

Weren’t difficult enough for you this is the way to get even more stuff even higher reward probably also just want to be good at the game because I am not good at the game also side note they do drop their armor right now but that’s a bug and

That’s going to be changed in the future so it’s not supposed to be they don’t they’re not supposed to drop their armor so so you know those like the little arrows and stuff that have been spawning above our heads yeah like that that also drops potions so like right here this is

Feather or like slow falling yeah so like it just drops effects on you too which is actually so cool things just appear in the sky and then like drop on your head which is kind of absurd uh so now I have oh there’s another another ominous uh thing there cool nice okay so

That’s interesting that these already like spawn in these rooms uh even if the uh ominous effect effect isn’t like enabled so it’s kind of cool because it it just means that you’re like what is this I can’t activate this and then you can use uh the bad Omen effect to

Actually unlock those which is so cool all right what does this one give me what are we going to get what are we going to get another enchanted golden apple arrows block of emerald okay all right that see that loot pool feels like considerably more crazy than the old one

That’s awesome that’s crazy that they can spawn with diamond armor like that that’s kind of absurd I kind of love it cuz obviously it’s supposed to be challenging but like that’s crazy that’s like that’s like a lot of protection bro look at look potion potion appearing and

Then it drops ready boom and now there’s a potion effect here which is speed for some reason that’s kind of cool I definitely thought they were only negative effects but I guess not what we get wow rotten flash my favorite this is sick this is crazy what a crazy addition

To the trial Chambers even like a like ages after they released there’s so many snapshot changes today this is so cool I legitimately thought they were done I thought they were going to start releasing pre-releases and stuff but here we are oh what the heck what did I

Just get oozing what is oozing oozing is a new effect what the heck what does oozing do does this is this spawn like slimes wait hold on look at the effect Icon by the way that’s really cool oh that’s so cool these are like hidden that’s crazy this is so cool dude what

The heck this what a change boom what are we going to get ooh Banner pattern okay Banner pattern and some a arrows flow Banner pattern nice oh look wait the vaults are in different places too so they kind of changed up a lot of this all right hold on so they changed up

Quite a bit of this they also changed the Vault location which is kind of interesting okay that’s cool that’s a neat little uh little change I actually really like how this looks just on like a little pedestal like that that’s pretty cool okay let’s cover the next

Two things which is the new potion effects and the mace enchantments random side note check this out Ah that’s nice that’s cool that’s a nice little sound I like that change that’s a good little that’s cool I like it very nice all right the following effects have been added wind charged affected entities

Will emit a wind burst upon death with an awkward potion and a breeze Rod so you can oh you can Brew these I’m still covered in arrows hello test subject Pig take this oh he’s wind charged look look he’s got the little effect now okay so

Now in theory if I who whoa whoa if we activate this guy from a distance boom that’s cool you wind charged now fill the rest of the space with more pigs now got it yeah oh he escaped okay cool test one complete wind charged very nice very cool I still have

An arrow in my eye next up is weaving nice splash potion of weaving let’s see what this looks like with just one Pig hey there piggy yink boom oh look at that that’s cool so the weaving effect will spread cop web blocks upon death that that is super cool and then

Non-player entities can walk through cobwebs at normal speed if they have this come here walk through the cobwebs for me walk through those yep nope that doesn’t work that probably something that works with trial uh entities so that’s probably fine so what happens if we just do this and then uh use splash

Potions of Haring whoa okay that’s pretty cool that’s a pretty neat effect that’s called weaving that’s really neat you can brew that with an awkward potion and a cobweb block all right next up we have oozing oooing oozing for this one affected entities will spawn two slimes upon

Death so let’s start with just one guy here boom slimes wao that’s cool so now if we just do the same in [Laughter] here yes yes by the way slimes are immune to this so you can’t affect a slime with and then get more slimes out of it because that’s just

Counterintuitive it’s just how they work anyways that’s a lot of experience you can get that one by Brewing an awkward potion with a slime block finally we have infested splash potion of infestation let’s start with one the uh splash potion of infestation means that affected entities have a 5% chance to

Spawn one to two silverfish when hurt so I’m just going to punch him boom boom 5% chance of it spawning silverfish it didn’t work but if I do that with these guys any silverfish yeah silverfish yeah also silverfish are immune to infested so that that makes a

Lot of sense you can also Brew this one with an awkward potion and a stone block these are also effective on the players for the most part so as you can see I now have wind charge super cool effect Icon by the way I love that let’s do

Splash potion of weaving that’s super cool oh my gosh these icons are so sick oozing boom we saw this one earlier very cool Co and infestation nice we get the little silverfish icon that is so cool if I just die oh it did all the things that’s so

Cool all right next up let’s talk about the mace enchantments maces can now take mending they can take Unbreaking three they can take Smite five you put Bane of Arthropods on it you can put fire aspect 2 on it I’m going to put that on this

One and you can put curse of Vanishing on it so these are all the effects that already exist in the game that the mace can use which is cool which means that this is now just crazy powerful oh I hit the ground first oh nice but there’s also three

Effects that are introduced in this snapshot that are unique to the mace those effects are density up to level five it looks like breach was up to breach four and wind burst uh has level three so let’s start with density 5 density is a common enchantment and you

Can put that on things with the uh the enchantment table there you go you can see density one cool uh Maes enchanted with density do more damage per Fen block per density level 1 2 3 4 5 11 12 16 17 19 20 so in theory I don’t know if

This is enough to kill an iron golem no so without density you can’t kill an Iron Golem but with density boom you can look at that that’s pretty cool boom I missed don’t worry about it boom the particles are crazy okay cool nice so density is basically sharpness for maces

It just deals more damage next up we have breach which reduces the effectiveness of armor on targets very cool very cool uh I guess how do we show this okay I’ve got two skeletons one with full diamond armor and one that doesn’t have full diamond he’s got a

Bucket don’t worry about it standard mace diamond armor doesn’t die but with breach four he does die nice because as you can see over here with the regular base boom dies immediately with just that amount of that’s not a lot of Health probably could have used a mob that had a little

A little bit more Health that’s fine but yeah breach does that breach breach breaches the armor I mean you can probably also do the same thing with density yeah so it still it still dies with density but you can see it breaches through armor and finally we have the

Wind burst effect this one’s going to be fun this one’s a unique enchantment that can only be found in ominous vaults has three levels and uh ma is Enchanted With the Wind burst emit a wind burst upon hitting an enemy launching the attacker upwards and enabling the linking of

Smash attacks one after the other this sounds so cool I have not tried this yet I read this but this is the first time I’m actually going to try this okay wind burst three Bonk I missed wow I missed all of them literally all of them boom

Wa boom boom Oh My Gosh okay uh this is this is freaking sick dude what okay that’s so cool wo wa dude that’s so cool dude dude dude dude I don’t know if it’s like a great balanced thing but that’s really cool okay all right I love that that’s such a

Cool enchantment who knows if it’s actually balanced or not but I actually love it that’s so cool that gives me so many ideas for like mini gamess and stuff like people could do so many cool things with that okay wow um this is a crazy snapshot we’re about to break this

A little bit here we go really there we go [Laughter] boom yeah so I’ve already done that in a few snapshots of like you know piling up the wind charges and launching yourself up but now this is like kind of a feasible way to do that in survival

Which is kind of hilarious oh yeah like 3,000 blocks yeah no worries just no big deal or anything just 3,000 blocks in the air right now the other one I wanted to try was like the same thing but with the slimes Splash them with oozing here

We go here we go oozing effect explosion boom and slimes oh well I guess that makes sense uh just going to press this button a few times spawn in a few chickens you know no big deal cool lots of chickens I like the oozing one cuz I want to see what it

Does with the oozing now we have TNT all those chickens have oozing they’re going to explode and boom oh jeez well that worked nice oh my gosh uh that’s that’s a lot of slimes look at me reverting back to my breaking minecraft ways even in a snapshot all oozing boom and

Boom that’s insane that’s so many slime all right here we go oozing wind charged in theory this should launch them as well as spawn a bunch of slimes here we go boom and oh it’s really trying to figure out what they’re doing uhoh what is about to

Happen oh oh oh no oh no well the slimes are all gone uh so that went well all right so this is our new wind charge launcher we’re going to find out if this actually works I don’t know if this is actually going to work for science if you’re not

Already subscribed you should subscribe by the way because this is this is just this is what I do on a regular basis here we go will it launch me it’s just figuring itself out here we go here we go watch it just not launch me at All

Snapshot 24w13a is here! Lots of massive additions to trial chambers, and a complete overhaul of the Bad Omen effect. New Potion Effects, and New Mace Enchantments! This might be one of my favorite snapshots of all time.
Check out the snapshot here:

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Edited by Knarfy & Eddie
Finalized by Knarfy

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  1. I just realized the Weaving Potion is going to likely become the most efficient way of farming cobwebs in worlds in which exploring mineshafts isn't the easiest option for farming those, such as large multiplayer servers and so on. I mean, with just one potion of weaving you are turning a single cobweb into multiple ones, that's actually quite cool!

  2. The slime one is so unbailable over powered, all you have to do is brew ONE POTION bread a bunch of whatever splash them then bam infinite slime. Slime farms are about to go crazy

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