Terraria 1.4.5 just added something incredible

Hey everyone my name is James and welcome back to chippy gaming so another month goes by and as per tradition we have a brand new Terraria state of the game so as always let’s jump into it now first off I actually want to talk about

The state of the game from last month if you missed it February state of the game was actually a recap of every spoiler which is why I actually put out a new recap as well if you did miss that I’ll leave a link to it in the description

But specifically after that state of the game there was a the that went around that Terraria 1.4.5 will release in spring or in May and that’s because in the state of the game Loki wrote 2024 May spring in their step spring will have sprung now

Personally and I don’t know this to be a fact I think this is because it was posted on leap day and Loki was trying to be clever with it the thing is though people actually do believe this and I’ve had quite a few comments about it since

This state of the game but the reason I want to bring this up is because I don’t personally believe that it’s coming out in May or in Spring and I want to get that across because if you really do believe that it is coming out so soon

And it doesn’t I don’t want you to be disappointed in the fact that the update isn’t ready yet as we’ll touch on in this month’s state of the game to me it seems like there is a fair bit of time left with this update but I could be

Wrong and once again in this state of the game the word spring has popped up once again so what’s happening here so for this month’s state of the game Rel logic wrote we do hope everyone enjoyed last month’s trip down Terraria 1.4.5 memory Lan don’t worry we have

Some fresh spoilers for you this time that said we remain hard at work each day adding tweaking fixing new stuff and making great progress at this point the team is putting out at least one new build per week we still do not have a final sense of when 1.4.5 will arrive

Nor what all might still be added as always the timing will be when it’s ready now just to expand on that with my own thoughts as we know this update began as a small update but slowly over time the scope of the update has just been increasing and increasing now I

Might be reading into this too much but to me this kind of implies that that scope does not yet have a limit and this is to say it’s not like internally they have a cut off date they’re still deciding hey what new things are we

Adding do we want to add this new thing do we want to add that whereas eventually with an update you do get to the point where you need a cut off you’re like okay we’re going to work on these five things and when they’re done

We’re going to polish it up and it goes out whereas right now it seems like they’re like oh let’s add this thing and let’s add that and then eventually when they run out of things they want to add then they’ll decide to like wrap things up but they haven’t got to that point

Yeah but at least like that’s what I take away if you’ve got your own thoughts let me know down below moving on to spoilers then this is the first one that we’ve got today and I know well I know it’s not like everyone but a select group of the jerrari community is

Going to be very excited about this one I know I am so they’ve added a banner window that lets you decide when you want to collect the banner for an enemy rather than it clogging up your inventory you can grab it when you want

To grabb it this is like one of the most r/ Terraria posts you’ve ever seen trust me when I say people have been wanting this for years so they did write new menu for banners earned banners can now be claimed instead of dropping in the world and filling up inventory while

Exploring now the reason why I’m so excited about this personally is Because unless I’m playing legendary mode I don’t typically use banners all that much I do find them clogging up my inventory that being said though I do kind of wish they’d move this to the

Bcer I think it would just look cooler there but all in all very exciting change before the next spoiler it’s worth mentioning only 50% of people that watch my last date of the game were actually subscribed if you do want to keep up to date with all things Terraria

Subscribing is definitely the best way now this next one I am over the moon about seriously if you’ve played a lot of Terraria this is a game Cher so they wrote new roller skates will allow you to scoot around easily while placing blocks or platforms nothing can match

The pain of building a Boss Arena of building Platforms in a line you’re walking you’re placing and then out of nowhere your characters just a little too quick and you go falling off your own platform well with rollerblades that’s not going to happen how cool is this red actually wrote a tweet about

This he said these came about when we were doing another run and got to making the hellbridge I got sick of playing the tapping game to match block placement speed and wanted something that just let you Coast while placing blocks someone asked if it was going to be an accessory

And re responded that it’s actually a mount now to me this is one of those things where I’ve wanted something like this since version 1.0 and here we are 13 years later we are finally getting it not only that they also work with rails this is so unnecessary but so cool yeah

I absolutely love this it’s one of those things where yeah it’s small but to me genuinely it’s a game changer now we do have one final spoiler here it is now you really could call this state of the game the r/ Terraria state of the game

Because this is one of those things that have been suggested so many times so they wrote kites no longer require players to hold them in hand in order to saw far and wide on the spring Breeze see what I mean spring has popped up once again for real though I think it’s

Because it’s actually spring but yeah just another spoiler that looks incredible and for me personally I feel like I’ll actually use kites now I’ll be real and I don’t know a lot about developing games this seems to me like one of those things where it’s really small and it’s really simple but it

Might have actually been quite hard to program in now I do have one final thing to say now I’m not a master builder so please forgive me if I’ve missed something here how is it that these Cloud blocks are changing color is it something behind them is it a change to

The block I genuinely don’t know if it’s new it’s new yeah all in all I am absolutely thrilled about this month’s state of the game I feel like it’s the best one in ages now as I mentioned at the start I did make a spoiler cap video

Recently so if you missed it I’ll leave a link to it in the description but yeah that does it for this month’s state of the game I’ll see you in the next one peace

In this video we’ll be looking at the latest Terraria update news for update 1.4.5 as Re-Logic present the latest spoilers for March 2024

EVERY Terraria 1.4.5 Spoiler Recap: https://youtu.be/bvwTWLKd7pQ

Terraria State of the Game March 2024: https://forums.terraria.org/index.php?threads/terraria-state-of-the-game-march-2024.134041/

Check out the new Terraria merch and save 15% with code CHIPPY or simply head to http://www.Terraria.shop/chippy (affiliate)




  1. Banners no longer jamming my inventory so have to stop everything to delete them!? FREEDOM! Oh joy of joys, NOW I can focus on resource gathering in peace! 😀

    Or uh… When the update drops, that is.

  2. Let's just take a moment to appreciate how many hours and work he put into this video? It's amazing, and I think they deserve way more than that!✨🧚‍♀

  3. Let's just take a moment to appreciate how many hours and work he put into this video? It's amazing, and I think they deserve way more than that!✨🧚‍♀

  4. I just love it when I get a notification saying « Someone liked your comment! » or « Someone just Subscribed » That really makes My day!✨🧚‍♀

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