ULTIMATE Master Ranger Loadout! | Terraria 1.4.4 Ranger Playthrough/Guide (Ep.19/FINALE)

Ladies and gentlemen it all comes down to this oh a Blood Moon that’s great timing isn’t it welcome to the final episode of my Terraria Master Ranger playthrough today my friends the goal is very very simple we’re going to make the ultimate master Ranger load out and oh

Man am I excited for this my friends so if you’re excited for the finale episode here and you want to support the channel then I’d really appreciate it now more than ever if you would head down beneath the video and spend a second to drop a

Like if you don’t want to miss out on my future Terraria series the next series being a regular Calamity let’s play then make sure you subscribe to the channel of course with those Bell notifications turned on and you’ll be the first to know when the new serious drops my

Friends if you want to go one further with your support though of course you can head on over to python gb.com PC to check out my range of Apex gaming PCs but if you’re more in the market for some Terraria merch head on over to Terraria shop and use python for a

Whopping 15% off your order some of you folks may be wondering well python where the devil have all of your weapons gone from your hot bar how come you’ve already got the Stardust wings and luminite arrows I’ll come clean my friends I’ve actually recorded this episode already only to realize that my

Voice audio wasn’t actually recording needless to say I was a bit miffed it’s been a long old time since that’s happened my friends and it had to happen on a finale episode but oh well I’ve had a bit of a breather and we’re ready to get this thing rolling again I’ve

Basically sold all of the stuff that I got in that failed recording so we can get it back again so we’re not starting off with like ridiculously op gear already however due to the fact that we already had some resources that we got from the Moon Lord in the last episode I

Decided to keep the starter wings and the luminite arrows because I would have gone ahead and made both of those anyway some of you folks may prefer the hover wings that you can make out of the Moon Lord materials but for me personally I actually prefer the regular wings so the

Solar wings and the Stardust Wings will almost always be what I will opt for so then my friends plenty of stuff to grind in today’s episode we’ve actually got a Celestial sigil already which is absolutely fantastic you may notice I’ve got a little Moon Lord pet following me

Decided to keep that because I mean it’s a pet it’s not exactly going to do a whole bunch of damage for us or anything like that it’s just a pet so yeah vortex armor that is one thing we need to make in today’s episode we also want to try

And get both of the Ranger weapons that we can get from Moon Lord which of course is the celebration Mark 2 and the beauty that is the sdmg if we can get both of those in good time I’m going to be one happy bunny I will confess in the failed recording it

Actually took a fair amount of tries to get both of the Ranger weapons we were looking for who knows this recording may go even better in terms of RNG so let’s see how we do once this Blood Moon does us the honor of buggering off ah you

Know what saw it let’s put on the wings and let’s just get on with this thing shall we we pretty clearly demonstrated the power of the fantasm in the last episode so I think we are going to continue on using it so what we’re going

To do is we’re going to upgrade to using these luminite arrows here and then we’ll see what this weapon is truly capable of so moonl Lord is being summoned we’ve got ourselves some nice Buffs going on as a result we have 112 range damage but if we put on the

Quiver it comes back up to 115 that’s not too bad so ladies and Gentlemen let’s get this thing rolling shall we luminite arrows got to be what maybe top three best ammo types in this entire game and yes I am talking about you know bullets being in that big old

Wide variety of ammo types as well so yeah this is good this my friends is doing the job 2,000 3,000 damage per second I was seeing 3500 there for a second as well that’s not bad let’s see if we can focus on the top eye for just

A little bit here that would be a good way to go I think and above and beyond plenty of damage being done my friends hell yeah man all right that is the second hand done and dusted we just need to get the top eye done and somehow stay

Alive this is going to be a bit of a struggle I think all right there we are now it’s all about now it’s all about the chest come on now uh-oh no oh the laser no oh 3 seconds until it heal oh man this is a little bit on the struggle boss here

Folks there we are we’re back up to just over half Health we really need to do a better job with our aiming though we’re just about keeping away from the lasers and ladies and gentlemen here we are in fact moonl Lord is done and dusted very

Good I mean I didn’t break a sweat at all especially not when we almost died definitely didn’t break a sweat I don’t know what you folks are on about there we are though we did it we did it we did it what are we going to get from the

Treasure bag though 3 2 1 boom we got us oh no way we actually got at first time no way man this was the weapon in the failed recording that took like 10 plus Moon Lords to take down and actually get I am so happy with that all right excellent so that means

We just need to get ourselves the celebration Mark 2 and then we’re pretty much good to go ah dude I am very very hype about that hell yeah man all right so with the sdmg I think what I’d like to do is try a little something something we’ve got plenty of different

Ammo types here and what I want to do is see how they all perform with the sdmg we have chlorified bullets We’ve Got Crystal bullets I quite like to give those a bit of a go and then of course I’d like to give luminite bullets a go

And then yeah we’ll see how they all perform unfortunately we will indeed have to take down all of the pillars again because we need our a whole bunch of Vortex fragments I can’t transmute all of these into the fragments necessary for the vortex armor we need

45 that is the magic number of fragments you need for any of the celestial sets of armor what we can do though my friends is we can continue making ourselves a whole bunch of these beautiful luminite bars I’ve actually already got the suspicious looking tentacle so I feel pretty okay with just

Selling that what I’d like to do is I would like to reforge my stmg if I could get unreal on it then I can only imagine the performance of this gun being truly unreal literally doing as it says on the tin and there we have it that actually

Didn’t take too many tries I’m pretty chuffed about that hell yeah man all right so we’ve got shite headgear on right now what we need to do is switch on over to the bullet helmet which I think I put away in here yeah I think I’d like to opt for chlorified bullets

For now how many chlorified bars do we have oh wow that’s actually kind of crazy let’s go ahead and stock up on our chlorified bullet Supply we’re going to have so many oh it’s amazing 4,000 plus and then the rest of it I think what

We’re going to do is we are going to go for a bunch more Crystal bullets huh unbelievable I don’t have any crystals that is completely weird to me normally I feel like I’ve got loads and loads and loads of crystals but no this time we don’t now while we head down to the

Underground Hall of course I just want to mention that yes there will be a map download and it’s going to be taken from the point of the end of today’s episode as always I will put all of my belongings and inventory content whether that be you know piggy bank or whatever

Else it’s all going to be in a bunch of chests next to World spawn that way you folks can grab the armor and gear for yourself and have a load of fun with it excellent all right lots and lots of Crystal bullets about to be made oh uh

My limited factor is actually musketball so I guess we’re getting some musk balls yeah 3,600 Crystal bullets holy crapo that is a lot of ammo we’ve got going on now the best thing is as well look at this 66% chance to save ammo I mean come on

That’s not bad going is it and look at this as well the shite breastplate 20% chance to save ammo whether that directly Stacks with the SD mg’s chance to save ammo remains to be seen I have absolutely no idea however what I think it’s time for is a whole bunch of pillar

Ponage oh look at that we’ve got a trophy as well that’s kind a boss before we pop into all of the various pillars I just want to check on my buff Supply not actually got that many left uhuh right we’re going to have to be careful of

That because we probably will still need Buffs for Moon Lord up until we get ourselves Vortex armor probably but yeah anyways ladies and Gentlemen let’s get into this thing shall we you know what I don’t think a gunslinger is the way to go against the Solar Dudes when they can

All reflect your bullets right back at you the good news of course is we only need to take down 50 of each of the pillar enemies as opposed to the full 100 so in other words this shouldn’t take too long ah no dissected by a solar flare huh yeah

That’s how you’re playing it setting the atmosphere against me are we oh hell uh now we have wait is that a slime rain event no wonder why there’s slimes here as well what the hell man ah jeez can’t give me a second to think hey terrari you’re just going to shuck event after

Event at me ah we start off with a blood moon now we’ve got the pillars and slime R simultaneously and a freaking lane easy yeah got a lot of the old trusty chlorified bullets he my friends yeah I love them we’re never not hitting something essentially and it feels good

I feel like I’m an absolute Master Gunslinger with it I’m interested to see how all of the different bullets Fair against Moon Lord like I said we’re going to be trying to use the glorified bullets the crystal bullets and the luminite bullets and we’re going to try

And determine which one is best I mean likely luminite let’s be honest but yeah never we know all right there we are ah beautiful stuff that is one of the pillers taken down we got a whopping 54 fragments from it that’s not too bad actually I’d say that’s about middling

Oh yeah homing projectiles it’s what you want Against The Storm divers oh don’t about you folks but I really enjoy it when I get to this point in the game where we can just take down everybody with absolute ease no matter what difficulty we on Master mode this is

Like normal mode to me at this point here we are ah second pillar taken down 45 fragments and a death we’ve got 43 luminite bars I wonder can we make ourselves the full set of Vortex armor oh you know what short answer yes we can we’re absolutely bleeding well can we’re

Going from 59 defense up to 70 yeah that’s pretty cool what do we got going for us 14 defense 16% increase range damage 7% increased crit chance we’ve got 12 % further increased range damage and crit chance so that means a further 12% increase crit chance as well that is

Nuts 25% chance to save ammo and a whopping 28 defense on the leggings we’ve got ourselves 8% increased range damage and 8% increased crit chance that is nuts and a whole bunch of movement speed going on and we have stealth mode available to his oh dude that is

Actually so hype I’m so ready to use stealth mode against folks and you know what we actually have some luminite bar remaining so how’s about we actually make the luminite bullets ready for when we’re going to try them a little bit later in today’s episode so then shite

Armor you have absolutely served me so well throughout the course of sort of mid to late hard mode such a fantastic set of armor really really love the fact that you can get different Buffs with different helmets that’s just so cool to me it really really is but the time has

Come we have the final set of Ranger armor in this entire game oh oh I’m very very happy just one more thing to do before we keep on going with our little grind SES here I would like to get myself some more little Buffs I just realized we don’t have any

Food though huh I haven’t really been keeping on top of my food supply in this series as it turns out oh well doesn’t matter ladies and Gentlemen let’s keep it going let’s get back to the solar pillar and let’s carry on with the ponage my friends we’ve got 74% crit

Chance what about stealth mode 994 what 94% crit chance literally almost every single bullet we hear is a crit that is ridiculous and look at that we’re just flying around at like maximum speed what oh dude that is actually so gnarly what ah damn it we died ah never

Mind it’s all good the only thing I did notice on my failed recording is the fact that dashing deactivates stth mode so when it comes to trying to maximize your damage against say the moon Lord you need to try and do it in such a way where you’re not dashing otherwise

You’re going to lose quite a lot of potential DPS folks like seriously it’s going to be kind of crazy 42 that’s a really bad amount of fragments actually ah jeez all right ladies gentlemen time for the final pillar the nebula let’s go ahead go back into star mode let’s get

This thing rolling this is the dumbest thing I think I’ve ever seen in Terraria sdmg with nearly 100% crit chance I mean I dare say we could probably reforge a couple more of our accessories up to Lucky and then we would indeed have 100% Qui chance part of me kind of wants to

Do that just for the sake of being a completionist I mean why not right oh that is actually so so so dumb we were getting what about 3,000 3,500 damage per second with the fantasm with our shite armor we’re going to see what we can do with the sdmg with unreal 94%

Crit chance uh 7,000 8,000 damage per second I’m seeing what the hell bro I mean like seriously what are we actually about to take down this top highe in only the first opening we have what I I don’t know what else to say my friends I don’t know what else to say

I’m just I’m literally just going to let the game speak for itself look at the freaking health bar man look at the DPS as well 7,000 I’m seeing at some points there this is I mean easy doesn’t cover it that was unbelievably stupidly straightforward and that was only with the chlorified

Bullets we have bullets that could probably do quite a lot more for us my friends and that’s what the chlorified bullets were capable of doing oh man that is so crazy oh look at that we got ourselves another sdmg I think we can make two Celestial sigils so we’ve got

Two more chances here at trying to get the celebration Mark too if we can get that I’m going to be super super happy so my friends this time though we’re going to go for Crystal bullets it means we’re going to have to be a little bit more accurate with our shooting but it

Might be a case of great risk great reward because Crystal bullets definitely do a higher amount of DPS than chlori bullets dud so here we are back in stealth mode Let’s see what we can do now uh 8,000 DPS 11,000 DPS what

Yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo yo hang on a minute hang on a minute that eyes is already down all right time for the chest oh my God once again I’m just going to let the game speak for itself this is unbelievable damage truly unbelievable damage

I just I don’t know I’m I can’t react big enough that is so ridiculous what do we get there last prism rainbow crystal staff still no sign sadly of the celebration Mark we got one more chance and then we have to do the pillars again here we go luminite bullets I’m

Expecting great things here folks great things indeed we’re look looking to be around what was it 11,000 DPS here we [ __ ] doie AR to chokey uh 5,000 I mean it’s kind of nice but by no means is it as powerful as the crystal bullets eh can we even

Take down this top eye before it closes oh yeah we did okay very very good we’ve got a chance to speed run this still then ah very good my friends very good just got to wait for this little eye to go and then we could focus

On the chest cavity if I could just have that heart just inside just inside of my view so I can actually see where I’m aiming that would be lovely maybe we can have a bit more damage here as well here we are I noticed I went you know back into normal

Mode whoa whoa oh oh man I’ve got to be so careful there we go we’re done all is well definitely maybe broke a tiny bit of a sweat at the end there but um yeah my friends I mean you saw it here the crystal Bullets by Far and Away the best

To use against Moon Lord I dare say the luminite bullets still have their usages maybe they can Pierce a whole bunch maybe they’re very very good with crowd control but certainly against a singular boss I think I think these bad boys here absolute MVP bullets I don’t know what

Else to tell you my friends just fantastic all right treasure bag and another sdmg what the hell why are we getting so many SD MGS I was trying so hard to get the stmg in my failed recording but now we’re totally fine we’re getting freaking

Millions of them now oh wow to be honest with you my friends I think we’ve already got our ultimate master Ranger load out for a gunslinger anyway for our unreal sdmg we have ourselves of course the vortex armor then in terms of our movement accessories we’ve got Master

Ninja gear Stardust wings and Surin Insignia all reforged with lucky then in terms of generic accessories we’ve got the celestial shell and the worm scarf for Ranger specific damage accessories we’ve got the Recon scope and the ranger emblem we’re not doing too bad are we folks we’re really really not

However I just came up with a slightly different idea and I don’t know if it’s going to pay off what kind of souls are we looking at right now Souls of Sight and Souls of Might yeah okay there they are ah we may be able to do a little bit

Of a thing here if I was to make this into an Avenger emblem would that allow me to get more crit chance no we would need another eye of the Golem then huh H oh I don’t know man do I I really want to grind out the eye of the Golem only

If I manage to get the Destroyer emblem then we will indeed have 100% crit chance with the sdmg in stealth mode and that would just be ridiculous all right time to speed kill a certain Golem guy here we’re just looking for the eye of

The Golem I hope that we can get it in the small batch of Golem power cells that we have going on right here oh dear bye-bye all right number two done still no sign all right let’s go for it again come on now all right there we go he’s done again boom

Yeah we’ve got one spare you know what you know what the saying is leave no golum unturned not really we’re just going to kill this guy just because why not this guy gave me a right headache a few episodes ago when we were trying to obtain ourselves the freaking eye of the

Golem for the first time but here we are freaking well done it there’s the Avenger emblem and there’s the Destroyer emblem if we could just get ourselves a little bit of damage then we should be good to go and actually let’s do this the proper way shall we let’s go at it

With the shimmeron hey that actually didn’t take that many tries so then the almighty question can we get 100 plus% crit damage I say 100 plus because it is actually possible to do that there it is every single shot now is guaranteed to be a crit oh my

God I don’t think I’ve ever done that before in Terraria come on I think that’s got to deserve a like beneath this video huh look at this we’re just seeing those darker orange numbers like 247 now oh this is so stupid this is unbelievable damage I don’t know what

Else to say like seriously I don’t I honestly don’t think I’ve ever achieved 100% crit chance before I’ve been playing this game for well over a decade and it’s just never been something I’ve tried to go for but here we are we’ve freaking well done

It I think there is no doubt in my mind my friends over the many many years I have tried to make like ultimate Ranger loadouts this might just be the best one I’ve ever done Bar None I mean come on 100% plus crit chance like what the final goal for today’s episode is

Getting the celebration marked to I don’t actually care too much for using it per se I just want to get it for the sake of you know being a completionist I guess oh wait yeah we’re going to be doing so much damage against all of these freaking storm divers now I

Literally can’t even see them when they spawn in my bullets have already killed them all oh I love this game so much excellent 68 fragments hey guys do you remember the Zerg potion from the Calamity mod SL The Alchemist MPC mod I wonder how this load out would Fair against the incredibly

Increased spawn rates that you get with the Zerg potion effect I still feel like it would do incredibly well you know I mean come on every single bullet being a crit what could be better than that 57 fragments okay that’s kind of decent again these guys are barely even getting

On screen here and they’re dead I’m about to die here aren’t I no stop killing me you son of a gun no no yeah honestly I’m way too hyped to be getting annoyed at this game like truly I’m just so happy at how ridiculous this load out is like really

I am right let’s go ourselves a little bit of Health let’s get ourselves a little bit of ammo conservation let’s switch our ammo round and let’s demonstrate the pure power of the sdmg again yep oh my word just oh my word another one oh God all right let’s go grab those

Solar fragments then we’ll see how many of those beautiful Celestial sigils we can make eh what the heck are you still doing alive get out of here you son of a gun right what do we got going on 63 that’s decent 1 2 3 4 five uh yeah okay

Five very good we got five further chances to try and get ourselves the celebration Mark to Celebration Mark 2 no celebration Mark 2 oh yeah I just remembered we have this thing called a Recon scope we can zoom out why did I not think of doing that

Before oh God I’m so stupid well you know what they say my friends better late than never and all that eh oh oh good grief there’s me saying all that time that we should try and keep Moon Lord on screen at all times when actually we could have just zoomed out

With this thing oh dear oh dear oh there it is never mind the oh dear oh dear we bloody did it wow that’s that’s it that there’s nothing else to grind we are officially done we have completed the series we’ve actually done it my friends ah hyped hyped does not cover how happy

I am right now like seriously oh I’m so happy I really um we’ve got everything we wanted to get done done maybe the only other thing we’ll do is we will give the celebration Mark to a bit of a go okay just for the sake of you know experimenting why not

Will the magic quiver give us any kind of Buffs with the celebration Mark too let’s go and give it a bit of a go 84 nah uh we should stick with the celestial shell all right in stealth mode we have 87% crit chance wait does the sdmg have a higher amount of crit

Chance by default I can only assume so right because we can only ever get a maximum of a 5% increase to our crit in which case this would only wind up being 92% crit chance in stealth mode ah interesting to know I guess all right unfortunately we can’t do the whole

Uncraft and recraft thing so we’re doing this the old fashioned way we need to see if we can get unreal on on this bad boy and for goodness sake we have 50 5 50 Platinum coins there’s no way we can’t get unreal there it is Beau beautiful and there it is 92% crit

Chance so that’s what we’re able to do let’s see what this thing is capable of in my failed recording I confess I wasn’t overly hyped about the celebration I noticed that it doesn’t actually have a great deal of range going for it range in the the projectiles they seem to flop very very

Drastically after a very short amount of time but oh well we’ll give it another go here just for the sake of well why not so yeah yeah all right very very good already taking down the left eye if we could try and focus down this eye here that would be

Lovely yeah I mean look at it nowhere near the DPS of that of the uh stmg I’m sorry I’m trying to commentate over simultaneously trying to take down Moon Lord my commentary skills go down the pan although some of you guys could argue was down the pan anyway so ah well

All right come on all about the top eye there we go and now it’s all about this thing yeah I mean it’s still able to take down Moon lord I can’t complain can I it’s still able to take down Moon Lord pretty darn well so

Yeah I can’t really dog on it too much but it certainly doesn’t have the DPS of the sdmg with the crystal bullets so ladies and gentlemen there we are that is the series officially completed there’s nothing else I really want to try I think we’ve done it the

Ultimate master Ranger load out I didn’t even put on my worm scar for that fight whoops oh what a big old doofus burn I am so here we are the official final ultimate master Ranger load out Vortex armor needless to say it is the best Ranger armor in the game three movement

Accessories the master ninja gear the Stardust wings and the saurin Insignia of course you can change out the Stardust wings for any wings of your choosing I just like the Stardust Wings because I like how they look in terms of generic accessories we have ourselves the worm to take less damage we have

Ourselves the celestial shell for generic stat Buffs what we also have is the greedy Ring Of course so we could get cheaper Shop prices and with the celestial shell we will interchange it with the magic quiver should we wind up wanting to use a bow weapon but if we’re

Using bullets or explosive weapons I think the celestial shell is the better way to go and then in terms of the actual Ranger related damage related accessories the Recon scope and the Destroyer emblem that is my ultimate master Ranger load out in Terraria 1.4.4 my friends we’re going to go ahead

And we’re going to put all of our stuff away inside of a couple of chests at World spawn and then we’ll bid this serious farewell so here we go all of my gear is in this chest and all of my inventory stuffs and Equipment are in

The right hand side chest here this is World spawn so whenever you guys download this world you should spawn right there next to the chests ladies and gentlemen all that’s left to be said is a massive massive thank you thank you so much for watching this video and

Indeed this series if you have enjoyed this finale episode and you’re excited for future series to come then do be sure to head down beneath the video and if you haven’t already I’d really appreciate it if you drop a like hit the Subscribe button of course if you don’t

Want to miss out on my future content but for now my friends thank you so much for watching I really do hope you have a fantastic rest of your day that is it for the Terraria 1.4.4 class playthroughs we may revisit them if 1.4.5 adds enough stuff or there’s a 1.5

Update to come I don’t know if 1.5 is ever going to be a thing but if it is that might be the point in which we revisit our class playthroughs although I don’t know maybe in 1.4.5 there could be some Legendary Class playthroughs we’ll have the ability to mix seeds at

The end of the to day in 1.4.5 so who knows the world really is our oyster but we got to wait for that point to come I need that 1.4.5 update oh I’m very very hyped for it if you can’t tell already I’m sure you guys

Are hyped for it as well but yeah we just got to keep on waiting to fill up the time in the meantime the next series is indeed going to be a sort of box standard normal let’s play of the Calamity mod we’re going for master revengeance nothing more different diff

Than that and we’re going to try our best to experiment with some of the other bits and Bobs in the Calamity mod be it the building side we didn’t really do a great deal of building nor did we check out a whole bunch of the building styles and blocks and sets available in

The Calamity mod so yeah lots of stuff to come I really do hope you guys are excited for the brand new series it’s only a few days away so like I say make sure you’re subscribed but for now we’re going to bid this series farewell thank

You so much for watching this has been 19 episodes long and yeah I’m chuffed I really am chuffed what a load out we made he what a load out thank you so much for watching have a great rest of your day and I shall see you guys in the new terrari series in

Just a few days bye-bye

Terraria Master Ranger Playthrough/Guide – This is it! Today, we complete our Terraria playthrough by creating the ULTIMATE Terraria Master Ranger loadout! Enjoy!
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Head over to http://pythongb.com/ and under “Python’s Downloads”, click on the “Terraria Map Downloads” tab and it should be listed as “Master Ranger Playthrough World 1.4.4 (Mar 28th 2024)” under “Terraria Class Playthroughs 1.4”

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This is Episode 19 (FINALE!) of my Terraria Master Ranger Playthrough/Guide on Terraria 1.4.4!
#terraria #terrarialetsplay #terrariaplaythrough


  1. I do have a question?? do Hoiks still work?? and if so would you use them in some way to cheese a boss or farm something???
    Have a great Easter Python and family

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